Dynamic Analysis of The Hydraulic Scissors Lift Mechanism: Bekir Cirak
Dynamic Analysis of The Hydraulic Scissors Lift Mechanism: Bekir Cirak
Dynamic Analysis of The Hydraulic Scissors Lift Mechanism: Bekir Cirak
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
Abstract: In this study, model of lifting platform consisting of scissors and hydraulic cylinder is formed. Static state equations have
been used for the mathematical model of the mechanism. The weights and mass inertia moments of the platform members and the upper
table have been neglected. Vehicle load as a point force, the top of the table is closed at the moment when the mechanism is effective.
The sliding in the joints have been neglected.The mechanism is modeled and simulated in order to evaluate several application-specific
requirements such as dynamics, position accuracy etc. The system has a 5 degree of freedom. The simulation gives different link lengths
of the mechanism over a linear displacement.
Figure 2 shown single scissors and single hydraulic and angles of the hydraulic piston change in the cylinder.
cylinders are designed. Scissors are 4 rotational, 2 sliding Here is the actuator hydraulic cylinder.
link as are 5 DOF ( Degree of Freedom). The height, 𝜃 and β
3. Mathematical Model
The dynamic analysis of the system was carried out with
load and reaction forces on the platform (Figure3). There
action forces were re-applied to the system despite the force
equations (Figure4). In order to obtain the joint forces, free
body diagrams of the systems were taken in to consideration.
The weights of the system components are neglected. The
angle between the link and the base plate was obtained
according to the angle β and the total F between the
hydraulic plate and the base plate. (1-5) equations are given
as analytical solution of thesystem. The forces are shown as
Fijxy. The combination of the i and j links with each other, x
and y show the direction of the forces. Fijxy and Fjixy are the Figure 4: Link 2 Free Body Diagram
same numerical values. Signs vary from positive to negative.
Also, the angles α and β can be calculated for all positions of At the junction points,
the platform [6].
Coefficients Matrix:
4. Conclusion
The study was carried out successfully according to the
study plan. The out-come of the hydraulic scissors lift design
meets the objective of the study. As a result, the study
designed the electro-hydraulic parallelogram lift. The
general section described the classification, purpose and
technical characteristics of the lift and the mechanism and
operation principle of the designed lift. In the design section,
the lift calculation is done, where the forces acting in the
cylinder and emerging stresses in the system were
calculated. A 3D model was created. After completed this
study, I have gained some skills and knowledge in this field.
I have learnt many things in terms of utilizing engineering
mechanisms in a proper manner. Finally, the experience I
have obtained through out this Project will certainly help me
to be a creative engineer in the future.
5. Acknowledgement
This study was supported by ADA PLATFORM Co.
Research Center in Karaman / Turkey. The authors would
like to thank Head Office of ADA PLATFORM Co. for his
Volume 8 Issue 12, December 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20203311 DOI: 10.21275/ART20203311 644