Can You Sell Shares Which You Do Not Own? Insider
Can You Sell Shares Which You Do Not Own? Insider
Can You Sell Shares Which You Do Not Own? Insider
Can you sell shares which you do not This is a form of stock manipulation (Illegal
own? Wash Sale).
If there would be a deadlock in the board - Mortgagor should be thw owner of the
of a close corporation. Remedy? thing mortgaged/pledged.
- Pledgor/Mortgagor must have capacity
Appointment of Provisional director– one to pledge or mortgage
appointed by the SEC to sit in the board of - Once principal obligation has been
close corp. in which corp. there is a extinguished. These accessory
deadlock. Must have absolutely no interest contracts shall also be extinguished.
in the corp. (not stockholder, not creditor)
his services is required so long as there is
deadlock; he need not own a share. Purpose of PPSA:
aircrafts (covered ng civil aviation Kung uncertificated, ano
authority) NOT included pinanghahwakan mo? Simply electronic
barko (covered by ship mortgage record of your ownership. Pwede ba
decree) NOT included also. tong gamiting collateral? Yes. Under the
Note: Yacht – pwede gawin collateral. PPSA.
- Sa chattel mortgage law, may form,
yung Affidavit of good faith. Pero
repealed na to.
- Yung LRA, sila na ang gumawa ng form
katumbas ng chattel mortgage
agreement ngayon.
- *Download form of document that will
serve as chattel mortgage agreement.