Hwre 2021 PDF
Hwre 2021 PDF
Hwre 2021 PDF
* 2/2
Amount of precipitation
Frequency of precipitation
Type of precipitation
Interval of precipitation
Frequency of precipitation
Intensity of precipitation
Amount of precipitation
Duration of precipitation
The most suitable chemical which can be applied to the water surface for 2/2
reducing evaporation is________. *
Cetyl alcohol
Methyl alcohol
Ethyl alcohol
Butyl alcohol
The diameter of stilling well in evaporation pan is: * 2/2
125 mm
210 mm
102 mm
190 mm
Symon’s rain-gauge
460 mm square
1205 mm square
900 mm square
920 mm square
A rainfall with intensity less than 5 mm/hr is classified as _______. * 2/2
Heavy Rainfall
Moderate Rainfall
Light Rainfall
Mass curve
Flow curve
Field capacity
Current meter is used to measure ________. * 2/2
Wind velocity
Stream flow
1220 mm
1320 mm
1225 mm
1210 mm
The theory of infiltration capacity was given by ________. * 0/2
Merrill Bernard
Le-Roy K. Shermen
W.W. Horner
Robert E. Horten.
Correct answer
Robert E. Horten.
Cv=(100 ×σ)/P ̅
Cv=(100 ×σ)/p
Cv=(100 ×σ)/(P^2 ) ̅
Hyetograph Technique
In which of the following method rain gauges stations only inside the 2/2
catchment are considered: *
Arithmetical-mean method
Thiessen-polygon method
Isohyetal method
Raingauge density
𝑬𝑳 = C(𝒆w −𝒆a)
𝑬𝑳 = C(𝒆𝒂 −𝒆𝒘)
𝑬𝑳 = C(𝒆w + 𝒆a)
𝑬𝑳 = C(𝒆𝒂 +𝒆𝒘)
Correct answer
𝑬𝑳 = C(𝒆w −𝒆a)
1220 mm
1200 mm
1320 mm
1210 mm
The ISI evaporation pan is made up of copper sheet of : * 2/2
6 mm thick
3 mm thick
9 mm thick
0.9mm thick
The maximum rate at which a given soil can absorb water under given set 2/2
of conditions is_________. *
Infiltration rate
Infiltration capacity
Infiltration index
Correct answer
Phi-Index = (P-R)/t_e
Phi-Index = (P+R)/t_e
Phi-Index = (P+R-Ia)/t_e
Phi-Index = (P-R+Ia)/t_e
Staff height
Water height
Water elevation
Gauge height
Correct answer
Velocity using current meter is given by the formula: * 2/2
V = a + b -N
V = a - bN
V = a + bN
Tracer concentration
Correct answer
Flood marks
Mannings formula
None of above
Discharge formula
Correct answer
Flood marks
Correct answer
Mean velocity of flow at a particular section, may be observed at depth 0/2
of __________ from water surface. *
Correct answer
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Matoshri College of Engineering and Research Center, Nashik
Department of Civil Engineering
HWRE- Unit-1 Objective Questions
1. The most suitable chemical which can be applied to the water surface for reducing
evaporation is
(A) Pressure
(B) Height
(C) Humidity
(D) Rainfall
(A) Collect the rain whose volume is measured by means of graduated cylinders
(B) Collect the rain which is directly measured by means of graduated cylinders in
centimetres of water depth
(C) Are generally used in hilly terrain
(D) Are cylindrical in shape
(A) Interception
(B) Evaporation
(C) Transpiration
(D) None of these
14. Indian Meteorological department uses the standard gauges whose collectors have
apertures of
16. Precipitation caused due to striking of air masses with a topographical feature, is
17. Precipitation caused by lifting of an air mass due to the pressure difference, is called
(A) Liquid
(B) Solid
(C) Vapours
(D) All the above
(A) Central portion of a cyclone acts as a chimney through which air gets lifted
(B) Cyclonic precipitation caused by a warm front is generally continuous
(C) Greatest amount of orographic precipitation falls in the windward side of the barrier
(D) All the above
20. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:
(A) At two meteorologically homogeneous stations, the average annual precipitation is same
(B) If the average annual precipitation at two places is same these are meteorologically
homogeneous stations
(C) Neither (a) nor (b)
(D) Both (a) and (b)
(A) Run off and surface run off are the same
(B) Run off includes the water flowing over the surface
(C) Run off is sometimes called discharge of the river
(D) Surface run off is sometimes called stream flow
27. The polythene bottles are used for collecting rain water and. their capacities is
(A) 2 litres
(B) 4 litres
(C) 10 litres
(D) All the above
28. The best instrument for measuring the velocity of a stream flow is
(A) 8 A.M.
(B) 12 Noon
(C) 4 P.M.
(D) 8 P.M.
(A) 10 cm
(B) 20 cm
(C) 30 cm
(D) 50 cm
38. The infiltration capacity during rain storm, is considerably reduced due to
39. While calculating the average depth of annual precipitation in a catchment basin,
importance to individual rain-gauge station is given in
(A) Arithmetical method
(B) Thiessen's mean method
(C) Isohyetal method
(D) Both (b) and (c)
40. Out of total number of rain gauges in catchment area_____% rain gauges should
be recording type
(A) 5
(B) 15
(C) 10
(D) 20
Unit -2 (MCQ)
5. Which type of irrigation method can be used for both flat lands and relatively steep
a) Free Flooding
b) Basin Flooding
c) Furrow Method
d) Drip Irrigation Method
Answer: a
a) Border Flooding
b) Basin Flooding
c) Drip Irrigation Method
d) Check Flooding
Answer: b
8. What kind of irrigation method uses artificial rain to irrigate the land?
a) Sprinkler Irrigation Method
b) Drip Irrigation Method
c) Furrow Method
d) Border Irrigation Method
Answer: a
10. With what type of mounting does a sprinkler irrigation network give the best
a) Revolving Sprinkler Heads
b) Nozzles
c) Open Pipes
d) Pipes with holes near the crop
Answer: a
11. What type of irrigation method does this diagram represent?
a) Contour Farming
b) Furrow Method
c) Border Flooding
d) Free Flooding
Answer: a
12. In which type of irrigation method, the entire land is not wetted?
a) Furrow Method
b) Free Flooding
c) Contour Farming
d) Basin Flooding
Answer: a
13. In which irrigation method levees are provided along the contours?
a) Check Flooding
b) Free Flooding
c) Contour Farming
d) Basin Flooding
Answer: a
14. In which method of flooding, does the water take circuitous route to irrigate the
a) Check Flooding
b) Zigzag Flooding
c) Free Flooding
d) Basin Flooding
Answer: b
15. What is the time interval between the sowing and harvesting of crops?
a) Base period
b) Kor period
c) Crop period
d) Season period
Answer: c
16. What is the first step in soil preparation before sowing of seeds?
a) Levelling
b) Ploughing
c) Manuring
d) Pre-watering
Answer: b
18. What is called as the percentage of C.C.A irrigated at a time in one crop season?
a) Gross Command Area
b) Culturable cultivated area
c) Culturable uncultivated area
d) Intensity of irrigation
Answer: d
20. What is the time interval between two consecutive watering called?
a) Crop Period
b) Period
c) Base Period
d) Rotation Period
Answer: d
21. What is total depth of water, for complete growth of crop called?
a) Triangle
b) Delta
c) Duty of Water
d) Rotation Period
Answer: b
26. At which point in the entire canal system the duty of water will be more?
a) Head of the Water-course
b) Head of the Minor
c) Head of the Distributary
d) Head of the Branch
Answer: a
30. In crop-rotation, a cash crop may be followed by a fodder crop, which is then
followed by soil renovating crop like ________
a) Rice
b) Maize
c) Oats
d) Grams and pulses
Answer: d
34. Which of the following statement is wrong about consumptive use efficiency?
a) It is the ratio of normal consumptive use of water to the net amount of water depleted
from the root zone
b) It accounts for the loss of water by deep percolation
c) Evaporation losses are considered
d) The losses due to percolation and evaporation are not considered
Answer: d
35. The quantity of water that is pumped into a farm distribution system is 2 cumec. 1.6
cumec is delivered to a turn-out, 1km from the well. Compute the conveyance
a) 80%
b) 20%
c) 50%
d) 60%
Answer: a
36. Determine the distribution efficiency, if the depths of water in the field are 1.1 cm
and 1.8 cm.
a) 80%
b) 90%
c) 85%
d) 75%
Answer: d
37. What is the process of a plant called, through which it leaves water?
a) Photosynthesis
b) Transpiration
c) Evapotranspiration
d) Chlorosis
Answer: b
38. Transpiration process is an integral part of the main process called photosynthesis.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
39. On which factor does the transpiration loss also depends on?
a) Available Moisture
b) Type of Soil
c) Type of Irrigation
d) Method of Irrigation
Answer: a
40. Which type of soil has less ratio of AET/PET than the other?
a) Clayey Soil
b) Sandy Soil
c) Alluvial Soil
d) Black Soil
Answer: b
41. Which of the following statement is not correct about Effective rainfall?
a) It doesn’t take into consideration precipitation lost through deep percolation
b) It satisfies evapotranspiration needs of the crop
c) It includes surface runoff loss
d) It doesn’t include surface runoff water loss
Answer: c
48. Which type of system can be easily used in tube well irrigation?
a) Direct Revenue Collection
b) Crop Rate Revenue System
c) Volumetric Method of Pricing
d) Crop Rate System
Answer: c
49. What does the crop rate system may lead to?
a) Overutilization Water
b) Careful use of Water
c) Sufficient use of Water
d) Insufficient use of Water
Answer: a
50. Crop rate system of pricing does not help the cultivators for economizing the use of
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Sanjivani College of Engineering,
Total points 29/30
Email address *
Your Name *
Roll No *
the soil
the crops
only (a)
both a and b
Basin flooding method is suitable for ________ * 1/1
Furrow method
Flooding method
All above
In which method water is allowed to soak into the soil * 1/1
Furrow method
Subsurface method
Trickle method
___________ is the time interval between the sowing and harvesting of 1/1
crops. *
Base period
Kor period
Crop period
Season period
What is the first step in soil preparation before sowing of seeds? * 1/1
Kor period is less for humid climates and more for dry climates. * 1/1
In the relationship of duty-delta, the term ‘B’ is in terms of _____ * 1/1
What is called as the percentage of C.C.A irrigated at a time in one crop 1/1
season? *
Intensity of irrigation
_______________ is not capable of movement by the action of gravity or 1/1
capillary forces. *
Hygroscopic water
Capillary water
Gravity water
Zero water
For satisfactory growth the moisture content should be between field 1/1
capacity and _______ *
wilting point
available water
gravity water
capillary water
gravitational water
hydroscopic water
saturation capacity
Among the following, which crop has the highest value of delta? * 1/1
What is the time interval between two consecutive watering called? * 1/1
Crop Period
Base Period
Rotation Period
What is total depth of water, for complete growth of crop called? * 1/1
Kor depth
Duty of Water
Rotation Period
This method of irrigation is not used for ripening crops. * 1/1
Duty of water helps in the work out of discharge required for designing 1/1
the channel. *
Δ = 8.64 B / D cm
Δ = 864 B / D meter
Δ = 8.64 B / D meter
Δ = 8.64 D / B meterOption 4
Which type of period is slightly more than its counterpart period? * 1/1
Crop Period
Harvesting Period
Base Period
Rotation Period
Which type of units is used to define high and low duty? * 1/1
864 hectare-meters
8.64 hectare-meters
6.84 hectare-meters
None of above
Which type of area is large in quantity compared to others? * 1/1
In what type of area crop is not sown for a particular season? * 1/1
150 cm
180 cm
200 cm
195 cm
How can we improve the duty of water? * 0/1
Lining of Canals
Construction of Weir
Construction of Dam
Check Dams
Correct answer
Lining of Canals
The ratio between the area of a crop irrigated and the quantity of water 1/1
required during its entire period of the growth, is known as: *
Irrigation efficiency
crop efficiency
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Matoshri College of Engineering and Research Center, Nasik
Unit -3 (MCQ)
5. The rock mass which is capable of yielding the contained water economically
a) Aquifer
b) Aquiclude
c) Aquifuge
d) Aquitard
Answer: a
6. The formation which may be porous enough to hold enough quantity of water is
a) Aquifer
b) Aquiclude
c) Aquifuge
d) Aquitard
Answer: b
8. Which is the rock mass where partial perviousness is caused because of profuse jointing
or cracks?
a) Aquifer
b) Aquiclude
c) Aquifuge
d) Aquitard
Answer: d
9. Aquifers are distinguished into how many types on the basis of physical conditions under
which water can exist in them?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: b
13. What is the quantity of water that a unit volume of aquifer drains by gravity called?
a) Porous volume
b) Water yield
c) Specific yield
d) Unit yield
Answer: c
14. The term which is collectively responsible, along with specific yield, for total porosity of
an aquifer is __________
a) Unit yield
b) Specific retention
c) Unit retention
d) Specific allowance
Answer: b
15. The geological formation which yields only insignificant quantity of groundwater is
a) aquifer
b) aquifuse
c) aquiclude
d) aquitard
Answer: d
16. The geological formation which may contain water but does not contain any yield is
a) aquifer
b) aquifuse
c) aquiclude
d) aquitard
Answer: c
17. Which of the following geological formation contains and readily yields water to our tube
a) Aquifer
b) Aquifuse
c) Aquiclude
d) Aquitard
Answer: a
18. Which of the following geological formation does not contain any amount of
a) Aquitard
b) Aquifer
c) Aquiclude
d) Aquifuge
Answer: d
19. The quantum of water contained in the soil pores which cannot be extracted by gravity
drainage is called _____________
a) pellicular water
b) capillary water
c) hygroscopic water
d) available water
Answer: a
20. What is the volume of groundwater which can be extracted by gravity drainage from a
soil stratum when expressed as percentage fraction of the volume of the soil stratum?
a) Pellicular water
b) Available water
c) Specific yield
d) Field capacity
Answer: c
23. The line joining the static water levels in several wells excavated through a confined
aquifer is known as the _____________
a) cone of depression
b) piezometric surface
c) perched water-table
d) hypsometric curve
Answer: b
26. An aquifer which is confined at its bottom but not at the top is called ___________
a) semi-confined aquifer
b) confined aquifer
c) unconfined aquifer
d) artesian aquifer
Answer: c
29. Depending upon the type of sub-soil formation, the construction of well is done in two
ways i.e. Dug wells and Sunk wells. Dug wells are constructed in soft formations.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
30. An open well is called shallow well when ____________
a) the depth of well is small
b) the water table is high
c) it does not encounter mota formation
d) it finds the foundation in the mota formation
Answer: c
31. Open well has big diameter than tube well because ____________
i. Open well has to irrigate more area.
ii. Water contribution to the well is natural and therefore, the percolation area has to be
iii. Storage of water has to be made before irrigation is done.
a) i and ii
b) i and iii
c) ii and iii
d) i, ii and iii
Answer: c
32. The most widely used type of a deep state tube well in India is __________
a) cavity well
b) strainer tube well
c) slotted pipe gravel packed tube well
d) both cavity and strainer tube well
Answer: b
33. Which of the following tubewell is suitable when a deep bearing stratum lies below an
impervious layer and water contribution can take place through bottom only?
a) Strainer type tubewell
b) Abyssinian tubewell
c) Cavity type tubewell
d) Slotted type tubewell
Answer: c
34. In cavity tubewell, there is a possibility of water tapping through sides and the flow is
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
36. Which of the following drilling method is unsuitable in loose formations such as
unconsolidated sand and gravel or quicksand?
a) Percussion drilling
b) Wash boring method
c) Rotary boring method
d) Reverse rotary method
Answer: a
37. Which drilling method is best suited for underground formations made of gravel, sand
and clayey deposits?
a) Percussion drilling
b) Wash boring method
c) Rotary boring method
d) Reverse rotary method
Answer: b
38. Which is the fastest method of drilling and especially useful in unconsolidated
a) Cable tool method
b) Water-jet boring method
c) Hydraulic Rotary method
d) Reverse Rotary method
Answer: c
39. Which of the following is an effective method for the development of well?
a) Surging
b) Pumping
c) Well development by compressed air
d) Jetting
Answer: d
42. Which of the following pumps is also used for testing or development of wells?
a) Vertical turbine pump
b) Submersible motor pump
c) Jet pump
d) Airlift pump
Answer: d
43. The law of flow of water through the soil was first studied by ___________
a) Taylor
b) Darcy
c) Lambe
d) Khosla
Answer: b
47. The study of seepage of water through soil is important for, which of the following
a) Drainage of soils
b) Stability of slopes
c) Ground water flow towards well
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
50. If the coefficient of percolation is 18*10-7cm/s and void ratio is 0.5, then the coefficient
of permeability k is _________
a) 26*10-7cm/s
b) 6*10-7 cm/s
c) 3*10-7cm/s
d) 13*10-7cm/s
Answer: b
Unit 1. Introduction to Hydrology
2.The standard Symon’s type rain gauge has a collecting area of diameter _______
(a) 12.7 cm (b) 10 cm (c) 5.08 cm (d) 25.4 cm
9. In the one point method of finding mean velocity with a current meter, the velocity is
recorded at a depth…
(a) 0.2 (b) 0.4 (c) 0.6 (d) 0.8
10. The science and practice of water flow measurement is known as________
(a) hypsometry (b) hydro-meteorology (c) fluvimetry (d) hydrometry
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
13. The constant cyclic movement of water between the earth and atmosphere is called_____
(a) Hydrological cycle (b) precipitation (c) humidity (d) sleet
14. The normal annual rainfall of stations A, B, C and D in a catchment is 80 mm, 91 mm, 85
mm and 87 mm respectively. In the year 2007, the station D was inoperative when stations A,
B and C recorded annual rainfall of 91.11, 72.23 and 79.89 mm. Estimate the missing rainfall
at station D in the year 2007.
(a)89.45mm (b) 81.08 mm (c) 86.56mm (d) 82.21mm
15. The average normal rainfall of 5 rain gauge in the base stations are 89, 54, 45, 41 and 55
cm. If the error in the estimation of rainfall should not exceed 10%, how many additional
gauges may be required?
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 8
16. A precipitation in the form of water droplets of size less than 0.5 mm and intensity less
than 1 mm/ hr is known as______
(a) rain (b) sleet (c) hail (d) drizzle
17. An accurate estimate of average rainfall in a particular catchment area can be obtained by
(a) Arithmetic mean method (b) Isohyetal method (c) Normal ratio method (d) Theissen
polygon method
18. The most suitable chemical which can be applied to the water surface for reducing
evaporation is
(a) cetyl alcohol (b) butyl alcohol (c) methyl alcohol (d) ethyl alcohol
19. A 6 hour rainfall with hourly intensities of 7, 18, 25, 17, 11 and 3 mm/ hr produced a
runoff of 39 mm. then the Φ index is …
(a) 3 mm/ hr (b) 7 mm/ hr (c) 8 mm/ hr (d) 10 mm/hr
20. The average pan coefficient for the standard ISI pan is …
(a) 0.90 (b) 0.80 (c) 0.70 (d) 0.50
22. Isohyets are the imaginary lines joining the points of equal______
(A) Pressure (B) Height (C) Humidity (D) Rainfall
23. Which of the following methods is used to estimate flood discharge based on high water
marksleft over in the past?
(A) Slope-area method (B) Area-velocity method (C) Moving boat method (D) Ultrasonic
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
25. Non-recording rain gauges
(A) Collect the rain whose volume is measured by means of graduated cylinders
(B) Collect the rain which is directly measured by means of graduated cylinders in
centimetresof water depth
(C) Are generally used in hilly terrain
(D) Are cylindrical in shape
26. From the pattern of the rainfall shown in the below figure, the total precipitation is_____
31. From the data of the rain storm shown in the below figure, the value of W-index is____
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
(A) 1.5 cm/hour (B) 2 cm/hour (C) 2.5 cm/hour (D) 3 cm/hour
33. In India the recording type rain gauge generally used, is________
(A) Weighing type (B) Tipping type (C) Float recording type (D) None of these
34. Indian Meteorological department uses the standard gauges whose collectors have
apertures of__________
(A) 50 or 100 sq. cm area (B) 100 or 150 sq. cm area (C) 100 or 200 sq. cm area (D) 250 or
500 sq. cm area
36. Precipitation caused due to striking of air masses with a topographical feature, is called
(A) Orographic precipitation (B) Convective precipitation (C) Cyclonic precipitation (D)
None of these
37. Precipitation caused by lifting of an air mass due to the pressure difference, is called
(A) Cyclonic precipitation (B) Convective precipitation (C) Orographic precipitation (D)
None of these
38. A 6 hours storm had 4 cm of rainfall and the resulting runoff was 2 cm. If Φ index
remains at the same value, the runoff due to 10 cm rainfall in 12 hours in the catchment is
(A) 4.5 cm (B) 6.0 cm (C) 7.5 cm (D) 9.0 cm
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
(B) If the average annual precipitation at two places is same these are
meteorologicallyhomogeneous stations
(C) Neither (a) nor (b)
(D) Both (a) and (b)
42. Precipitation caused due to upward movement of warmer air as compared to surrounding
air, is called_________
(A) Cyclonic precipitation (B) Convective precipitation (C) Orographic precipitation (D)
None of these
45. The best instrument for measuring the velocity of a stream flow is______
(A) Pitot tube (B) Price's current meter (C) Surface float (D) Sub-surface float
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
50. Rain simulators are used for the determination of_________
(A) Evaporation (B) Precipitation (C) Run off (D) Infiltration capacity
51. The respective storm totals at three surrounding stations A, B and C are 110, 90 and 70
mm. If the normal annual precipitation amounts at stations X, A, B and C are respectively
1000, 1100, 1200 and 1250 mm, the estimated storm precipitation at X is
(A) 75 mm (B) 77 mm (C) 79 mm (D) 81 mm
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
60. The infiltration capacity during rain storm, is considerably reduced due to ________
(A) Surface detention (B) Soil moisture (C) Compaction due to rain (D) All the above
63. While calculating the average depth of annual precipitation in a catchment basin,
importance to individual rain-gauge station is given in __________
(A) Arithmetical method
(B) Thiessen's mean method
(C) Isohyetal method
(D) Both (b) and (c)
65. If the velocities of flow of a stream of 10 m depth recorded by a current meter at depths
of 2 m and 8 m are 0.7 m and 0.3 m respectively, the discharge per unit width of the stream in
cubic metres, is
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
68. For determination of average annual precipitation in a catchment basin, the best method is
(A) Arithmetical method (B) Thiessen's mean method (C) Isohyetal method (D) None of
69. If the potential infiltration of a water shed having a soil with fair pasture cover, is 10 cm
andrainfall is 12 cm, the direct run off is:
(A) 2 cm (B) 3 cm (C) 5 cm (D) 7 cm
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
71. The rainfall cycle period in India is taken as
(A) 15 years (B) 20 years (C) 25 years (D) 35 years
76. The monthly rainfall at a place is generally indicated as above or below normal, the term
normal means________
(a) the rainfall in the same month of the previous year (b) the rainfall expected based on
previous month’s data (c) the average rainfall of the previous twelve months (d) the average
monthly rainfall for the same month computed from 30 years of past record.
77. The average annual rainfall over the whole of India is estimated as _____
(a) 86 cm (b) 119 cm (c) 203 cm (d) 160 cm
78. The following recording rain gauge produces the mass curve of precipitation as its record.
(a) Symon’s gauge (b) tipping bucket type gauge (c) storage gauge (d) natural syphon
79. In installing a rain gauge network, the relevant Indian standard recommend that____
(a) the density of gauges should be more in plains than in hills
(b) in regions having an average elevations of 1000m, at least one station in 130 sq. Km is
(c) at least 50% of rain gauge stations should be of recording type
(d) at least 10% of station should be of recording type.
80. The monthly rainfall at a place ‘A’ during August 1987 was noted as 65 mm below
normal. Here the term normal means________
(a) rainfall in the same month August in the previous year
(b) the average monthly rainfall of August computed from a specific 30 years of past
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
(c) the average monthly rainfall computed from the previous 12 months of record
(d) the rainfall that is normally expected based on data from the beginning of that water year
81. The normal annual rainfall at stations A, B and C are 170.6, 180.3 and 165.3 cm
respectively. In 1987, station B was inoperative and stations A and C recorded annual
precipitations of 153.0 and 145.1 cm, respectively. The annual rainfall at B in that year could
be estimated as_____
(a) 160 cm (b) 180 cm (c) 106.7 cm (d) 149.1 cm
86. If ‘p’ is the precipitation, ‘a’ is the area represented by a rain gauge, and ‘n’ is the number
if rain gauge stations in a catchment area, then the weighted mean rainfall is_____
∑ 𝑎𝑝2 ∑ 𝑎𝑝 ∑ 𝒂𝒑 ∑ 𝑎𝑝5
(a) ∑ 𝑎2
(b) (c) ∑ 𝒂 (d) ∑ 𝑎3
87. For which one of the following purpose is the double mass curve used?
(a) Checking on the consistency of precipitation records
(b) Prediction of annual precipitation
(c) Defining which periods of storm should be analyzed to obtain the maximum useful
information from storm rainfall records
(d) for estimating the capacity of a reservoir
88. The area between the two isohytes 45 cm and 55 cm is 100 km2, and that between 55 cm
and 65 cm is 150 km2. What is the average depth of annual precipitation over the basin of 250
km2 ?
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
(a) 50 cm (b) 52 cm (c) 56 cm (d) 60 cm
90. The coefficient of variation of the rainfall for six rain gauge stations in catchment was
found to be 29.54%. The optimum number of stations in the catchments for an admissible
10% error in the estimation of the mean rainfall will be ______
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 12
91. A stilling well is required when the stage measurement is made by employing:
(a) Bubble gauge (b) Float gauge recorder (c) Vertical staff gauge (d) Inclined staff gauge
93. In a particular season a catchment was found to have a ϕ index of 0.5 cm/hr. If a rainfall
of 2 cm occur in the season at a uniform rate in a 6 hr storm, the resulting direct runoff is
(a) -1.0 cm (b) 0 (c) 5.0 cm (d) 1.0 cm
94. The rainfall in three successive 8 hr periods is 1.6, 5.4 and 4.1 cm. If the initial loss is 0.6
cm and, the surface runoff resulting from this storm is 4.7 cm, the ϕ index for this storm is
(a) 0.30 cm/hr (b) 0.267 cm/hr (c) 0.20 cm/hr (d) 0.15 cm/hr
95. A 3 hr storm on a small drainage basin produced rainfall intensities of 3.5 cm/hr, 4.2
cm/hr and 2.9 cm/hr in successive hours. If the surface runoff due to to storm is 3 cm, the
value of ϕ-index will be ____
(a) 2.212 cm/hr (b) 2.331 cm/hr (c) 2.412 cm/hr (d) 2.533 cm/hr
97. The rainfall on five successive days on a catchment was 3, 6, 9, 5 and 1 cm respectively.
If the ϕ index for the storm can be assumed to be 3 cm/day, the total direct runoff from the
catchment due to this storm is ______
(a) 11 cm (b) 24 cm (c) 9 cm (d) 20 cm
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
98. The rainfall during three successive 2 hr periods are 0.5, 2.8 and 1.6 cm. The surface
runoff resulting from this storm is 3.2 cm. The ϕ index value of this storm is _______
(a) 0.20 cm/hr (b) 0.28 cm/hr (c) 0.30 cm/hr (d) 0.80 cm/hr
100. In the single point method of finding the mean velocity in a vertical of depth D in a
stream, the velocity measured by a current meter at a depth of ‘h’ below the water surface, is
taken as the mean velocity. Here h = __________
(a) 0.6 D (b) 0.5 D (c) 0.2 D (d) 0.8 D
101. If ‘VS’ is surface velocity of a stream at a vertical, the average velocity ‘V’ in the
vertical will be about__________
(a) VS/ 0.9 (b) 0.6 VS (c) 0.9 VS (d) VS
102. How is the average velocity along the vertical in a wide stream obtained?
(a) By averaging the velocities at 0.2 and 0.8 depth from surface
(b) By measuring velocity at 0.6 depth below the surface
(c) by measuring velocity at half the depth
(d) by measuring velocity at 0.1 times the depth below the surface
104. The average pan coefficient for the standard US Weather Bureau class A pan is ____
(a) 0.85 (b) 0.70 (c) 0.90 (d) 0.20
108. The main factor which affects the infiltration capacity is _______
(a) soil moisture (b) depth of surface detention (c) thickness of saturated layer (d) all the
110. Water evaporated is carried with the air in form of vapour known as ______
(a) cloud (b) Drizzle (c) Fog (d) smoke
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
111. When does vapour turn into form of water or snow?
(a) cooled below Dew point (b) at frost point (c) when cooled freezing point (d) when there
is rise in humidity
112. Water on the ground surface entering the soil is called _______
(a) infiltration (b) transpiration (c) filtration (d) precipitation
113. Amount of rainfall which run off the earth’s land surface to form stream is used for ____
(a) flow generation (b) back water storage (c) pit irrigation (d) left through canals
115. According to Robert E. Horton, the equation of infiltration capacity curve is _____
(a) f = fc (f0 –fc)ekt (b) f = ft- (f0 –fc)e-kt (c) f = ft+(f0 –fc)e-kt (d) f = f + (fo –fc)ekt
119. If the intensity of rainfall is more than the infiltration capacity of soil, then the
infiltration rate will be _______
(a) equal to rate of rainfall (b) equal to infiltration capacity (c) more than rate of rainfall (d)
more than infiltration capacity
121. Which of the following types of rain gauges is used for measuring rain in remote hilly
inaccessible areas?
(a) tipping bucket type (b) weighing type (c) floating type (d) simon’s type
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
The correct answer is _______
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iii) (c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (i), (ii) and (iii)
123. Thiesson method is better result than arithmetic mean method because________
(a) It is shorter time consuming (b) gives better detail about records (c) it is highly accurate
(d) small procedure
124. In which of the following rain gauging method is contour joining the points of equal
rainfall is done?
(a) Arithmetic mean method (b) Thiesson method (c) Isohyetal method (d) recording type
125. In which precipitation moving air masses have chances to strike barriers like mountains.
Once they strike, they rise up which causes condensation and precipiation.
(a) convective (b) orographic (c) cyclonic (d) none of these
130. To officially be considered rain, how big does a droplet need to be?
(a) less than 0.5 mm (b) greater than 10 mm (c) greater than 0.5 mm (d) greater than 1 mm
134. Which of the following factors do not affect the rate of evaporation?
(a) temperature of liquid (b) humidity of surrounding air (c) depth of liquid (d) surface of
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
135. The precipitation caused by natural rising of warmer lighter air in colder and denser
surroundings, is called ______
(a) convective precipitation (b) orographic precipitation (c) cyclonic precipitation (d) none
of these
136. Rain gauge ‘X” did not function for a part of a month during which a storm occurred.
The storm produced rainfall of 84, 70 and 96 mm at three surrounding stations A, B and C
respectively. The normal annual rainfalls at stations X, A, B and C are respectively 770, 882,
736 and 944 mm. The missing storm rainfall at station X is ________
(a) 76 mm (b) 75 mm (c) 78 mm (d) 80 mm
137. The slope of the rainfall mass curve is zero, when it is horizontal. This happens when the
intensity for that period is ______
(a) constant (b) increasing (c) decreasing (d) zero
139. Orographic rain occurs when the air is cooled sufficiently as a result of
(a) lifting due to flow over a mountain barrier.
(b) relative movement of two large air masses.
(c) violent up throw of air arising from localized heating.
(d) cyclonic conditions.
141. If allowable percentage error in the estimate of basic rainfall is E and coefficient of
variation of rainfall is Cv, then the optimum number of rain gauges is given by _____
𝐶𝑣 𝐶𝑣 𝑪𝒗 𝟐 𝐶𝑣 2
(a) (b) √ 𝐸 (c) ( 𝑬 ) (d) ( 𝐸 )
142. Water enters the soil at capacity rate when intensity of rainfall is ________
(a) more than the infiltration capacity of the soil (b) less than the infiltration capacity of
the soil (c) equal to the infiltration capacity of the soil (d) slightly less than the infiltration
capacity of the soil
144. In the moving boat method of stream flow measurements, the following measurements
are required:
(i) velocity and direction of current meter
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
(ii) speed of the boat
(iii) depths and time interval between depth readings.
The correct answer is _____
(a) i and iii (b) ii and iii (c) only ii (d) i, ii and iii
147. Which one of the following dimensions of a standard non-recording rain gauge of Indian
Meteorological Department is incorrect?
(a) The area of cross-section of a receiving cylinder is 200 cm2 or 100 cm2
(b) The overall depth of gauge from the top of the collector to the bottom is 85 cm
(c) The square base masonry or concrete foundation is 60 cm x 60 cm
(d) None of these
149. A natural siphon recording rain gauge widely used in India consists of ______
(a) a float chamber and a syphon chamber
(b) a pen mounted on the stem of the float
(c) a chart wrapped round a clockwise rotating drum which completes one revolution in 24
(d) all of these
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
(b) is generally used for designing large hydraulic structures
(c) can be suitably estimated by maximising the different parameter such as wind, velocity,
humidity, etc
(d) all of these are correct
156. Which of the following hydraulic structures is used to measurement of flow in small
streams or open channels?
(a) Notches (b) weirs (c) flumes (d) all of these
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
(a) evapo-transpiration and infiltration losses (b) evapo-transpiration plus application losses
(c) evapo-transpiration plus the amount of water used up in plant metabolism (d) evapo-
transpiration plus the amount of water used up in plant metabolism plus percolation losses
159. Other conditions remaining the same, runoff is maximum from precipitation occuring
over ___
(a) sandy strata (b) Rocky area (c) alluvial tracts after a dry spell (d) boulders
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
Unit 2. Introduction to Irrigation, water requirements of crops and assessment of canal
1. If duty (D) is 1425 hectares/ cumec and base period (B) is 120 days for an irrigated crop,
then delta (Δ) in meters is given by_________
(a)102.8 (b) 0.73 (c) 1.38 (d) 0.01
3. The ratio of quantity of water stored in the root zone of the crops to the quantity of water
actually delivered in the field is known as:
(a) water conveyance efficiency (b) water application efficiency (c) water use efficiency (d)
6. In which of the following types of irrigation water is supplied to the crops throughout their
crop period?
(a) Perennial Irrigation (b) Flood Irrigation (c) Direct Irrigation (d) Storage Irrigation
7. With the increase in the quantity of water supplied, the yield of most crops is …
(a) increases continuously (b) decreases continuously (c) increases upto a certain limit and
then become constant (d) increases upto a certain limit and then decreases
8. What is the time interval between the sowing and harvesting of crops?
(a) Base period (b) Kor period (c) Crop period (d) Season period
10. Crop that requires highest amount of water for its growth is__________
(a) cotton (b) rice (c) sugarcane (d) pulses
11. The total depth of water required by a crop during the entire period the crop is in the field,
is known as….
(a) Delta (b) duty (c) base period (d) crop period.
12. The whole period of cultivation from the time when irrigation water is first supplied for
preparation of the ground to its last watering before harvesting, is called………
(a) base period (b) crop period (c) kor period (d) none of these
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
(a) in rabi season to kharif season (b) in kharif season to rabi season (c) under perennial
crop to total crop (d) under perennial crop to non-perennial crop
14. The relation between duty (D) in hectares / cumec, delta (Δ) in meters and base period (B)
in days is
(a) delta = 8.64B/D (b) delta = 8.64 B/D (c) delta = 864B/ D (d) delta = 8640 B/D
15. The area in which crop is grown at a particular time or crop season, is called…..
(a) Gross commanded area (b) culturable commanded area (c) culturable uncultivated area
(d) none of these
16. The duty of a crop is 432 hectares per cumec when the base period of the crop is 100
days. The delta for the crop will be …..
(a) 100 (b) 200 (c) 432 (d) 864
19. The crop sequence, which cannot serve any useful purpose in ‘crop rotation’ is…..
(a) wheat-Jowar-Gram (b) Rice-Gram-Rice (c) Cotton-Wheat-Gram (d) Rice-Wheat-Cotton
20. In India, the cultivated area under Rabi season is generally x times the area under kharif
season: where x is….
(a) 1 (b) ½ (c) 2 (d) none of them
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
(D) All the above
25. The field capacity of a soil is 25%, its permanent wilting point is 15% and specific dry
unity weight is 1.5. If the depth of root zone of a crop, is 80 cm, the storage capacity of the
soil, is
(A) 8 cm (B) 10 cm (C) 12 cm(D) 14 cm
27. If the optimum depth of kor watering for a crop is 15.12 cm, the outlet factor for the crop
for four week period in hectares per cumec, is_______
(A) 1000 (B) 1200 (C) 1400 (D) 1600
28. For a standing crop, the consumptive use of water is equal to the depth of water
(A) Transpired by the crop
(B) Evaporated by the crop
(C) Transpired and evaporated by the crop
(D) Used by the crop in transpiration, evaporation and also the quantity of water
evaporatedfrom adjacent soil
31. The state of the soil when plants fail to extract sufficient water for their requirements, is
(A) Maximum saturated point
(B) Permanent wilting point
(C) Ultimate utilisation point
(D) None of these
34. In north Indian Plains, optimum depth of kor watering for wheat, is
(A) 23.0 cm (B) 19.0 cm (C) 17.5 cm (D) 13.5 cm
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
35. The optimum depth of kor watering for a rice crop, is______
(A) 23.0 cm (B) 19.0 cm (C) 17.5 cm (D) 13.5 cm
36. For cereal crops the most commonly adopted method of irrigation, is____
(A) Free flowing method (B) Check method (C) Furrow method (D) Sprinkler method
38. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following. Culturable commanded area is the
gross area of an irrigation canal system less
(A) Populated area (B) Alkaline area (C) Forest area (D) Fallow land
39. For standing crops in undulating sandy fields, the best method of irrigation, is_____
(A) Sprinkler irrigation (B) Free flooding (C) Check method (D) Furrow method
40. In which of the following methods of applying water to land, ditches are excavated in the
(a) Free flooding (b) Border flooding (c) Check flooding (d) Furrow irrigation method
41. The best technique of water distribution in the field that can be used for all types of soils
and for widely different topographies and slopes is_____
(a) free flooding (b) border flooding (c) sprinkler irrigation method (d) furrow irrigation
42.Which one of the following is the wrong statement about sprinkler irrigation?
The conditions favouring the adoption of sprinkler irrigation method are
(a) land topography is irregular
(b) land soil is excessively permeable
(c) when water table is low
(d) when water is available with difficulty
44. Which of the following is the wrong statement about sprinkler irrigation system?
The advantages of sprinkler irrigation are:
(a) there is no seepage loss.
(b) land levelling is not required.
(c) it leaches down salt and prevents waterlogging.
(d) it is ideally suited for paddy field.
45. The best irrigation method that suits area where scarcity of irrigation water is
(a) sprinkler irrigation (b) drip irrigation (c) furrow irrigation (d) check flooding
46. In drip irrigation, laterals are usually ______ dia. and ______ long.
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
(a) 25 to 30 mm and 50 m
(b) 25 to 30 mm and 100 m
(c) 10 to 12.5 mm and 20 m
(d) 10 to 12.5 and 50 m
47. More than ______ critical salt concentration is injurious to all crops.
(a) 500 ppm (b) 1000 ppm (c) 1500 ppm (d) 2000 ppm
50. Even for the most tolerant crop, the boron concentration should not exceed______
(a) 4 ppm (b) 8 ppm(c) 12 ppm(d) 16 ppm
51. If wheat requires about 75 mm of water after every 28 days, and the base period for wheat
is 140 days, the value of delta for wheat is_____
(a) 2100 mm (b) 375 mm(c) 52.3 mm (d) none of the above
52. Among the following, which crop has the highest value to delta?
(a) wheat (b) vegetables (c) rice(d) cotton
56. In a field under furrow irrigation, ‘furrows’ are referred to represent ____
(a) ridges on which crops are grown
(b) narrow ditches carrying water
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) neither (a) nor (b)
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
(c) the border strips are on the approximate contour and have uniform longitudinal
(d) the border strips are normal to the contour and level across the strip
58. In an irrigation system, land was divided into a large number of smaller size unit areas,
having fairly level surface, by bunds and cross ridges. The basins thus created were filled
with water to the desired depth and the water was retained for some time. This method of
irrigation is known as _______
(a) border method (b) check basin method (c) sub-irrigation (d) contour irrigation
60. Which of the following statements pertaining to sprinkler irrigation is not correct?
(a) No extra cost of land preparation is involved in sprinkler irrigation
(b) Excessive soil erosion is initiated by sprinkler irrigation
(c) Sprinklers can be used for the application of liquid fertilizers also
(d) Sprinkler irrigation is particularly advantageous in hilly terrain
62. The water which can be utilised by the crops from the soil is called _________
(a) field capacity water (b) capillary water (c) hygroscopic water (d) none of the above
63. Permanent wilting point moisture content for a crop represents the _____
(a) hygroscopic water (b) capillary water(c) field capacity water(d) none of the above
65. The optimum moisture content (m.c.) which is retained in the root zone of a soil, before
applying irrigation water is______
(a) equal to: (the field capacity m.c. – wilting point m.c.)
(b) less than: (the field capacity m.c. – wilting point m.c.)
(c) more than: (the field capacity m.c. – wilting point m.c.)
(d) may be more or less than:(the field capacity m.c. – wilting point m.c.)
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
66. Frequency of irrigation is dependent upon the type of ______
(a) soil and crop (b) soil and climate (c) soil, crop and climate(d) soil, crop, climate and
68. Given that the base period is 100 days and the duty of the canal is 1000 hectares per
cumecs, the depth of water will be _______
(a) 0.864 cm (b) 8.64 cm (c) 86.4 cm (d) 864 cm
69. If the depth is 8.64 cm on a field over a base period of 10 days, then the duty is_____
(a) 10 hectares per cum/sec
(b) 100 hectares per cum/sec
(c) 864 hectares per cum/sec
(d) 1000 hectares per cum/sec
70. For a culturable command area of 1000 hectare with intensity of irrigation of 50%, the
duty on field for a certain crop is 2000 hectare/ cumec. What is the discharge required at head
of water course with 25% losses of water?
(a) 3/16 cumec (b) ¼ cumec (c) 1/3 cumec (d) ½ cumec
71. What is the moisture depth available for evapotranspiration in root zone of 1 m depth soil,
if dry weught of soil is 1.5 gm/cc, field capacity is 30% and permanent wilting point is 10%?
(a) 450 mm (b) 300 mm (c) 200 mm (d) 150 mm
72. The crop among the following, which is expected to have the maximum duty is ___
(a) Wheat (b) Rice(c) Sugarcane(d) Cotton
74. The duty of irrigation water for a given crop is maximum _____
(a) on the field (b) at the head of the main canal (c) at the head of the water-course (d) none
of them
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
77. The canal, which may frequently encounter cross drainage works, will be a ______
(a) watershed canal (b) contour canal (c) side slope canal (d) none of the above
81. In flood irrigation, the preferred method of applying irrigation water to the comparatively
steeper rolling land, is _________
(a) check flooding (b) boarder flooding (c) wild flooding (d) basin flooding
82. The method of growing crops on ridges, running on the sides of water ditches, is known
(a) flood irrigation (b) furrow irrigation (c) check irrigation (d) none of them
83. The best method of applying water to sandy undulating area is _____
(a) free flooding (b) furrow method (c) sub-irrigation (d) sprinkler irrigation
84. In a mildly water scarce area, the drip irrigation could be preferred for growing:
(a) wheat (b) fodder (c) rice (d) fruits and vegetables
85. With the increase in supplied irrigation water, the yield of crops:
(a) increases continuously (b) decreases continuously (c) increases up to a certain limit, and
then becomes constant (d) increases up to a certain limit, and then decreases.
89. For a crop, the consumptive use of water is qual to the depth of water:
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
(a) transpired (b) evaporated (c) transpired and evaporated (d) used in transpiration,
evaporation and evaporated from adjacent soil
90. The duty at the end point of a canal minor, where the government control usually ceases
is called _____
(a) duty on field (b) outlet duty (c) flow duty (d) storage duty
94. The crop out of the following which is not a cash crop is ______
(a) Jute (b) Tea (c) Rice (d) sugarcane
95. When there is no percolation loss for leaching and other such soil needs, then the Net
irrigation requirement (NIR) of a cropped area, will be equal to ______
(a) the consumptive use (Cu)
(b) Cu –Re , where Re is effective rainfall during cropping
(c) (Cu –Re)/ 𝜂𝑎 , where 𝜂𝑎 is water application efficiency
(d) none of the above
97. The amount of irrigation water required to fulfil the evapotranspiration and minor
metabolic plant needs unit of cropped area is called:
(a) consumptive use (b) consumptive irrigation requirement (c) net irrigation requirement
(d) none of the above
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
100. If the intensity of rainfall is more than the infiltration capacity of soil, then the
infiltration rate will be ________
(a) equal to rate of rainfall (b) equal to infiltration capacity (c) more than rate of rainfall (d)
more than infiltration capacity
101. The moisture held by a well drained soil against gravity drainage, by the force of surface
tension between the soil grains and water drops is called:
(a) field capacity water (b) hygroscopic water (c) capillary water (d) water of adhesion
103. Which of the following methods of supplying water may be used on rolling land?
(a) border flooding (b) check flooding (c) furrow flooding (d) free flooding
104. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the parts of a canal system?
(a) head works, distributary, branch canals and minor
(b) head works, main canal, branch canals, distributary and minor
(c) head works, main canal, branch canals, minor and distributary
(d) none of the above
105. Irrigation water is usually applied to the fields, when the available moisture in the root
zone of the crop gets depleted by:
(a) 0-10% (b) 10-25% (c) 50-80% (d) 100%
106. The ratio of the water stored in the root zone during irrigation to the water needed in the
root zone prior to irrigation is called:
(a) efficiency of water use (b) efficiency of water storage (c) efficiency of water application
(d) efficiency of water conveyance
107. If the irrigation water applied to a field penetrates uniformly throughout then the water
distribution efficiency is:
(a) 1 (b) 0 (c) 0.5 (d) none of them as more data is required to ascertain it
110. Which of the following methods of applying water may be used on land with irregular
(a) Free flooding (b) Border flooding (c) Check flooding (d) Furrow irrigation method
111. In plain areas, the irrigation canals are usually aligned along:
(a) ridge lines (b) contour lines (c) valley lines (d) across the contours
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
(a) watershed canal (b) contour canal (c) side slope canal (d) none of the above
113. The canal, which may frequently encounter cross-drainage works, will be a:
(a) watershed canal (b) contour canal (c) side slope canal (d) none of the above
119. The moisture content of the root soil is more or less constant with time in _____
(a) sprinkler irrigation (b) free flooding (c) drip irrigation (d) furrow method
123. What does the crop rate system may lead to?
(a) over utilization water (b) careful use of water (c) sufficient use of water (d) insufficient
use of water
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
127. Irrigation is basically required in ___
(a) humid region (b) arid regions (c) semi arid regions (d) all of the above
128. Inundation canals draw their supplies from rives whenever there is a ______stage in the
(a) low (b) high (c) medium (d) bottom
129. A part of water which exists in the porous space of the soil by molecular attraction is
known as ________
(a) capillary water (b) gravitational water (c) hygroscopic water (d) all of these
131. The moisture content of the soil, after free drainage has removed most of the gravity
water is known as ______
(a) field capacity (b) saturation capacity (c) wilting coefficient (d) available mositure
132. The water content at which plants can no longer extract sufficient water from the soil for
growth is called _______
(a) field capacity (b) saturation capacity (c) premanent wilting coefficient (d) available
135. A canal aligned at right angles to the contour of a country is known as ___
(a) slide slope canal (b) contour canal (c) water shed canal (d) branch canal
138. The maximum depth in soil strata in which the crop spreads its root system and derives
water from the soil is called ________
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
(a) kor depth (b) root zone depth (c) delta (d) overlap allowance
139. Where steep land is available, the method of irrigation adopted is _______
(a) free flooding (b) border flooding (c) check flooding (d) basin flooding
140. For closed growing crops (such as wheat), the method of irrigation used is _______
(a) free flooding (b) border flooding (c) check flooding (d) basin flooding
144. A canal aligned nearly parallel to the contours of a country is known as ______
(a) side slope canal (b) contour canal (c) water shed canal (d) ridge canal
145. A canal aligned approximately parallel to the natural drainage of a country is called
(a) side slope canal (b) contour canal (c) water shed canal (d) ridge canal
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
Unit 3. Groundwater hydrology
1. Permeability is __________.
(a) the ability of a solid to allow fluids to pass through
(b) the process by which plants release water vapour to the atmosphere
(c) the amount of water vapour in the air relative to the maximum amount of water vapour the
air can hold
(d) the percentage of pore space in the rock
4.The boundary between the saturated zone and the unsaturated zone is called the _____
(a) water table (b) aquifer (c)aquiclude (d) porosity
6. The geological formation which may contain water but does not contain any yield is
(a) aquifer (b) aquifuse (c) aquiclude (d) aquitard
7. Which of the following geological formation contains and readily yields water to our tube
(a) Aquifer (b) Aquifuse (c) Aquiclude (d) Aquitard
8. Which of the following geological formation does not contain any amount of groundwater?
(a) Aquitard (b) Aquifer (c) Aquiclude (d) Aquifuge
11. The line joining the static water levels in several wells excavated through a confined
aquifer is known as the _____________
(a) cone of depression (b) piezometric surface (c) perched water-table (d) hypsometric curve
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
13. The discharge per unit drawdown at a well is known as ___________
(a) specific yield (b) specific retention (c) specific capacity (d) specific storage
17. An aquifer which is confined at its bottom but not at the top is called ___________
(a) semi-confined aquifer (b) confined aquifer (c) unconfined aquifer (d) artesian aquifer
20. Which of the following tube well is suitable when a deep bearing stratum lies below an
impervious layer and water contribution can take place through bottom only?
(a) Strainer type tube well (b) Abyssinian tube well (c) Cavity type tube well (d) Slotted
type tube well
21. Which of the following drilling method is unsuitable in loose formations such as
unconsolidated sand and gravel or quicksand?
(a) Percussion drilling (b) Wash boring method (c) Rotary boring method (d) Reverse rotary
22. Which drilling method is best suited for underground formations made of gravel, sand
and clayey deposits?
(a) Percussion drilling (b) Wash boring method (c) Rotary boring method (d) Reverse rotary
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
(C) The water which exists in the zone of saturation, is called ground water
(D) All the above
27. Shallow tube wells up to 70 m depth in alluvial soils are usually drilled by _____
(a) light rigs (b) water jet methods (c) cable tool drills (d) hand boring devices
30. When a constant discharge 2.91 litres/sec. was obtained in a pumping test, the draw
downs in the test wells at 3 m and 6.184 m were 2.6 m and 0.3 m respectively. If over-all
depth of the pumping well was 16 m, the permeability of the soil, is
(A) 0.0005 cm/sec (B) 0.001 cm/sec (C) 0.002 cm/sec (D) 0.01 cm/sec
31. The quantity of water retained by the sub-soil against gravity, is known
(A) Yield (B) Porosity (C) Specific yield (D) Specific retention
32. litres/minute, the water level in a test well at a distance of 80 m is lowered by 0.5 m and
in a well 20 m away water is lowered by 1.0 m. The transmissibility of the aquifer, is
(A) 1.185 m2/minute (B) 1.285 m2/minute (C) 1.385 m2/minute (D) 1.485 m2/minute
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
35. The Dupit formula is based on
(A) One observation well (B) Two observation wells (C) Three observation wells (D) No
observation well
36. Equilibrium flow conditions and a homogeneous aquifer and radius of influence to be
same, the ratio of discharges at 20 m and 40 m draw downs, is
(A) 2/3 (B) 5/4 (C) 4/5 (D) 8/7
40. The surface obtained by joining the static water levels in several wells, penetrating a
confined aquifer represents_______
(a) water table (b) capillary fringe (c) piezometric surface of the aquifer (d) cone of
44. If rw is the radius of the well pipe, R is the radius of influence and H is thickness of a
confined aquifer, the ratio of discharge of a well sunk up to the top of the aquifer to the
discharge of the well fully penetrated is ______
𝑟 𝑅 𝒓 𝑹 𝐻 𝑅 𝐻 𝑅
(a) 2.3 𝐻𝑤 log 𝑒 (𝑟 ) (b) 2.3 𝑯𝒘 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟏𝟎 (𝒓 ) (c) 2.3 𝑟 log 𝑒 (𝑟 ) (d) 2.3 𝑟 log10 (𝑟 )
𝑤 𝒘 𝑤 𝑤 𝑤 𝑤
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
45. Bored tube wells in rocky consolidated formations as are encountered in South Indian
States of our country are usually drilled by _____
(a) rotary drilling rigs (b) percussion drilling rigs (c) down the hole hammer (DTH) rigs (d)
none of the above
47. Deep tube wells in soft alluviums can be best drilled by _______
(a) rotary drilling rigs (b) percussion drilling rigs (c) down the hole hammer (DTH) rigs (d)
none of the above
48. Deep tube wells in hard boulder alluviums can be best drilled by _______
(a) rotary drilling rigs (b) percussion drilling rigs (c) down the hole hammer (DTH) rigs (d)
none of the above
52. Ground water is found to occur in the geological formation which is ________
(a) porous (b) permeable (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of the above
53. The property of a geological formation which represents its water storage capacity is ___
(a) permeability (b) porosity (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these
55. The zone of aeration in a ground profile does not include _____
(a) capillary zone (b) soil water zone (c) intermediate zone (d) saturation zone
56. The relation between Transmissibility (T) and Permeability (K) for an aquifer of depth ‘d’
is ______
(a) K = T d (b) T = K d (c) T = K log d (d) T = ln (K d)
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
Of the above statements:
(a) i, ii and iii are correct (b) ii, iii and iv are correct (c) i, ii and iv are correct (d) i, iii and iv
are correct
59. The geological formation which contains and readily yields water to tube wells is an
(a) aquifer (b) aquifuse (c) aquiclude (d) aquitard
62. Water wells excavated through unconfined aquifers are known as_______
(a) gravity wells (b) water table wells (c) non-artesian wells (d) all of them
63. Water wells excavated through confined aquifers are known as ______
(a) artesian wells (b) pressure wells (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these
64. Specific capacity of a confined well under equilibrium conditions and within the working
limits of drawdown:
(a) is constant at all drawdown (b) decreases as the drawdown is increased (c) increases as
the drawdown is increased (d) none of the above
65. The most widely used type of a deep state tube well in India is _________
(a) cavity well (b) strainer tube well (c) slotted pipe gravel packed tube well (d) none of
66. If the piezometric surface along an unconfined aquifer declines to a level below the top of
the aquifer then the aquifer at this point is called ______
(a) a perched aquifer (b) a leaky aquifer (c) a flowing aquifer (d) a unconfined aquifer
67. The volume of water (cum.) that can be extracted from a unit volume of aquifer material
(1 cum.) under the force of gravity is called _________
(a) storage coefficient (b) specific coefficient (c) specific yield (d) specific capacity
68. The quantum of water contained in the soil pores which cannot be extracted by gravity
drainage is called ________
(a) pellicular water (b) capillary water (c) hygroscopic water (d) none of these
69. Storage coefficient (A) divided by aquifer depth (d) is known as ___________
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
(a) specific storage (b) specific capacity per unit depth of aquifer (c) specific yield (d)
specific retention
73. The clogging of well screens and consequent reduction in pump efficiency is indicated by
(a) high value of well loss (b) low value of well loss (c) variable value of well loss (d) none
of the above
74. A well penetrating a confined aquifer was tested with uniform discharge of 1 m3/ min.
The steady state draw down measured in two observation wells, which are located at 1.5 m
and 15 m radial distance from the center of the pumped well were 12.2 m and 3 m
respectively. Calculate the transmissivity of the confined aquifer if its thickness is 12 m
(a) 6.5×104 m3/sec/m (b) 6.6×104 m3/sec/m (c) 6.5×103 m3/sec/m (d) 6.6×103 m3/sec/m
76. _________ wells are horizontally or inclined driven wells in aquifer of small thickness to
increase the yield.
(a) tube wells (b) open wells (c) radial wells (d) cavity wells
79. In this method well hole is drilled by hammering and cutting action of heavy drill bit
suspended by cable raised and lowered alternatively.
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
(a) boring method (b) percussion method (c) hydraulic rotary method (d) Reverse rotary
80. In this method the drill bit is continuously rotated to drill hole and mixture of clay and
water is pumped during drilling to ease drilling.
(a) boring method (b) percussion method (c) hydraulic rotary method (d) Reverse rotary
81. In this method the water is pumped from drill bit for cutting the rock/ soil.
(a) boring method (b) percussion method (c) hydraulic rotary method (d) Reverse rotary
82. The water which can be utilised by the crops from the soil is called _______
(a) field capacity water (b) capillary water (c) hygroscopic water (d) none of the above
85. The region of the soil strata above the water table exists in _______
(a) capillary zone (b) intermediate zone (c) soil zone (d) all of these
88. While determining the yield of a gravity well by pumping, the depth of water table in two
test wells at distances r1 and r2 from the center of the main well were found to be s1 and s2
respectively. Assuming the coefficient of transmissibility of the soil as T, the discharge Q
may be given by ___
𝜋𝑇 (𝑠2 −𝑠1 ) 𝜋𝑇 (𝑠1 −𝑠2 ) 𝟐𝝅𝑻 (𝒔𝟏 −𝒔𝟐 ) 2𝜋𝑡 (𝑠2 +𝑠1 )
(a) Q = 𝑟1 (b) Q = 𝑟1 (c) Q = 𝒓𝟐 (d) Q = 𝑟2
2.3 log10 2.3 log 𝟐.𝟑 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟏𝟎 2.3 log10
𝑟2 𝑟2 𝒓𝟏 𝑟1
89. According to Thiem, the permeability of an aquifer may be obtained from the equation
𝑟 𝑟 𝑟 𝒓
2.3 𝑄 log10 2 2.3 𝑄 log𝑒 2 2.3 𝑄 log10 2 𝟐.𝟑 𝑸 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟏𝟎 𝟐
𝑟1 𝑟1 𝑟1 𝒓𝟏
(a) K = (b) K = (c) K = (d) K =
𝜋(ℎ22 −ℎ12 ) 𝜋(ℎ22 −ℎ12 ) 2𝜋 (𝑠1 −𝑠2 ) 𝟐𝝅 𝑻 (𝒔𝟏 −𝒔𝟐 )
90. An earth formation which although porous and capable of absorbing water does not
provide an appreciable supply of wells is known as _____
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar
(a) aquifer (b) aquiclude (c) aquifuge (d) none of these
Prepared By: Prof. Piyush Bhandari, Dept. of Civil Engg., DVVP COE Ahmednagar