Simulated Consultancy Project: Doon Business School, Dehradun
Simulated Consultancy Project: Doon Business School, Dehradun
Simulated Consultancy Project: Doon Business School, Dehradun
Simulated Consultancy
Business Plan-
Start-up Overview will enable students to buy, sell, and trade
used textbooks directly to other students, by-passing the
university bookstores. By selling textbooks to other students,
the seller can receive more money than the bookstore will pay
and the buyer can pay less than the bookstore charges. In
addition to textbooks, students will be able to sell class notes,
old tests, computers, tutoring services or anything
students wish to sell via an online student-to-student
marketplace. In addition, will offer other
services such as classifieds, teacher evaluations, weblogs
(bloggers), specialized content and retail.
Objectives will strive to achieve the following objectives:
Mission mission is to provide college students a
valuable and unique source for products, services and
information. In order to achieve our mission,
commits to the following philosophies:
Services Offered will offer college students a unique blend
of products, services, and content that is not offered by any
single company on the Internet.
will aggregate participants, products, services and content to
create a student-to-student marketplace and retail website
targeting college students. The following describe revenue models:
Simulated Consultancy Project | 4
1. Textbook Exchange
• Accounting
• Business
• Computer Science
• Engineering
• Marketing
• History
• Law
• Physics
• Political Science
2. Auctions
• Textbooks
3. Classifieds
• Textbooks
• Class Notes
• Tutors
• For Rent
• For Sale
• Tickets
• Rides
• Help Wanted
• For Hire
4. Retail
• Textbooks
5. Teacher Evaluations
6. Bloggers
Future Prospects
Overall, we conclude that our current products, services and
banner ad strategy will ensure a strong market presence and
continued revenue growth. However, as part of our growth
model, we will regularly examine new services, products,
categories and content to support demand.
2. Employment Opportunities
3. Apartment Finder
5. Targeted Content
• News
• Weather
• What’s Happening
• Best Of
Competitive Analysis
Competitors of includes traditional university
bookstores, online textbook retailers, textbook exchange sites,
textbook price comparison sites, online auction sites and online
content specific sites targeting the college student market.
Marketing Strategy customers will be the college students in
India. This segment is a niche market that has no single
business entity accounting for any significant percentage of
total aggregated college student purchases.
1. Strategic Alliances
2. Promotion Strategy
Financial Plan
Exit Strategy
The financial projections indicate that will
have generated enough cash in the next five years to permit the
exit of the outside investors if so desired. It is the founders’
choice to continue with the company’s profitable operations
until is presented with a viable offer for
acquisition or the opportunity of an IPO is contemplated.