Education Plays A Very Important Role in The Development and Progress of A

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Education plays a very important role in the development and progress of a

certain nation. With the advancement of science and technology, it is indeed that

globalization and internalization of education are considered as challenges that every

country must uphold, especially the philippines. And one of the emphasis of today's

challenges in education is the promotion of 21st-century skills among students. With

this, schools both in public and private must focus not just on imparting the basics but

equally so on ensuring that students gain a suite of newly important thinking and

reasoning skills (Silva, 2009).The 21st-century skills are needed to be able to solve

problems that are complex, collaborate and communicate well with others, acquire

new skills and information independently, and adapt to rapidly changing conditions to

compete in today's rich and global economy (Gewertz, 2008).

It is then a reality that educational institutions around the world should be able

to promote 21st-century skills to its students through formal education. However, it is

also a reality that a huge number of the world population are dropouts, out-of-school

youth, and even individuals who do not go to formal schooling. And as a result, these

individuals who do not go to formal schooling have difficulties in understanding and

learning 21st-century skills which enable them to cope with and to compete in the

globalized world. And to cope with these challenges given by the changing world and

knowledge economy, alternatives were presented and implemented by the countries

around the world to help individuals attain education through non formal and informal

education (Colardyn & Bjornavold, 2004), especially in developing countries (Nath,

Sylvia, & Grimes, 1999) such as the Philippines.

The Philippines is active in accepting the global challenge of providing

Educational Services to the Filipinos. In fact, in the year 1990, the international

development community birthed a massive global education initiative called

Education for All (EFA) 2015 (Gonzales, 1999). The Philippine government has

adopted this commitment of EFA goals in EFA assembly in Jomtien, Thailand, in

1990 and Dakar, Bangladesh, in 2000. The country also adopted Millennium

Development Goals (MDG) in 2001 and the Decade for Literacy in 2003. But despite

this educational goal, the country still continuously suffers a very high dropout,

statistically 62% of the Filipino Student Population or 11,000,000 in total (United

Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, 2010). The Government efforts to

combat school attrition through strengthening student programs and developing a

system that will promote continuing education, thus, promulgated Republic Act 9155

in 2001 or the Governance Act of Basic Education which provides provisions for

Alternative Learning System (ALS) that will address illiteracy and promote

continuing education.
1.2 Background of the study

The K-12 program aims to develop students skills and talents, to make them more

globally competitive. Senior high school covers the last stage of the k-12 program

which comprises Grade 11 and Grade 12. The TVL track does not only guarantee

skills but also ensures employment backed by TESDA certificates of competency

COC and national certifications NC so for students who want to get hired right away

in the field of cookery, beauty nail care, bread and pastry and Information and

communication technology ICT.

TVL strand has more learner compare to HUMSS, then we researchers study the

preferences in choosing the strand they choose. TVL is a track which offers the

students sufficient skills. For those students who wanted to work already after

graduation they might choose TVL in their SHS career. TVL immediately prepares

the students for their future job. Track If you are really not sure if you will be able to

pursue any degree after Senior High or if you want to earn money immediately after

graduation, then this track is for you. Even without college, the Technical-Vocational-

Livelihood track will equip you with job-ready skills in the future.

1.3 Theoretical Framework

This research was based on the study of Moyer, 2016; Rotherham &

Willingham, 2009. The 21st-century skills is defined as a broad set of knowledge,

skills, work habits, and character traits that are believed to be critically important to

success in today's world, particularly in collegiate programs and contemporary careers

and workplaces, and can be applied in all academic subject areas and in all

educational, career, and civic  throughout students. The researchers believe that there

were certain factors which had affected the student level of awareness such as age,

education, occupation about ALS.K-12  it was also elaborated that this is a way of

changing the lives of students reaching the impossible through this new system of


On the other hand According to Division 16 (Division of School Psychology),

of the American Psychological Association (APA) , school psychologists operate

according to a scientific framework. They work to promote effectiveness and

efficiency in the field. School psychologists conduct psychological assessments,

provide brief interventions, and develop or help develop prevention programs.

Additionally, they evaluate services with special focus on developmental processes of

children within the school system, and other systems, such as families. School

psychologists consult with teachers, parents, and school personnel about learning and

behavioral problems. They may teach lessons on parenting skills (like school

counselors), learning strategies, and other skills related to school health. In addition,

they often have to explain test results to parents and students. They also may do some


1.4 Conceptual Framework

The paradigm is the tool used to explain concept and flow of the study. Factors

affecting the performance of TVL student in alternative learning system

Demographic-family background, family status, family income and Academic

performance of the student  is the input of the study so that the researcher could know

the reason why some student have this kind of problem . Observation, Interview The

researcher is going to ask the teacher for the performance of their student. In this way

the researcher can get enough information that serves as a process to achieve the

objective of the study. Through input and processes because output is a dependent

variable the researcher would be able to solve the problem among the students of TVL

in achieving their goal with the help of our government and school  and the researcher

would believe in the saying “Forget what people think”.

Case study: learners preference in choosing TVL specialization

1.5 Statement of the Problem

Case study: learner’s preference in choosing TVL specialization This study sought to
answer the following questions:

1 What is the practice of the respondents in terms of:

I. Gender

II. Grade level

III. School

2 What are the factors that influence the learners to take up the strand they

1.6 Significance of the study

To the Learners: to help you decide what strand you choose based on the data

To the Parents: realized that the learners should be responsible to choose what strand
they prefer.

To the administrators: acknowledging different strand.

1.7 Scope and delimitation

The scope of the study Factors affecting the performance of TVL student

in alternative learning system This study is limited to senior high school grade 11

and grade 12 TVL-student  that are randomly  picked.

    A key limitation of this study comes from the fact that the researcher gathered on

40 respondents through online.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL): one of the track offered in senior high school.
It focuses on technical skill development in any area.

Factors: A circumstance, fact or influence that contributes to the result or outcome.

Specialization: The process of concentrating on and becoming expert in a particular




There are many influences that affect the preferences of grade 10 students in choosing
a track to proceed to senior high school. Likewise, this study aims to identify
influence of preference of a Senior High School track that is commonly encountered
by the Grade 10 students in terms of Gender, Socio Economic Status, Average
academic grades, nature of parent’s occupation; and, strand and the level of influence
of the respondent to be associated with preferences in choosing a track in senior high
school in terms of family influence-decision; peer influence; financial condition; and .
The research tool was a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire is composed of
respondent’s profile and 10 statements to be rated. The factors fairly influence
preferences of the senior high school. In terms of gender, male students consider their
socioeconomic status and their parent’s occupation as factors in choosing their track
in Senior High School while female students consider their peers as a factor in
choosing a track in Senior High School. (Jerald Cano-og Moneva
2019)Young students have their own dreams and interest in life. In choosing a
career a student’s interest to their preferred track is given importance. Students must
know on what degree to pursue in college so that, they will know the track that will fit
to their capabilities after being a completer from Junior High school. It will be easy
for them to choose the right career path. (Alyssa Navarro 20219) During the fantasy
period play gradually becomes work-oriented and reflects initial preferences for
certain kind of activities. This stage is the preparation for a child’s highly organized
social life they will be required to adjust when they enter the first grade. Career
preferences are free opportunity to select a desired career. It is also a decision-making
in a confusing situation which occurs during the senior year of high school level.
When one is confused in choosing a career, he relies on his friends and relatives .
(Ginzberg 2021) Making a correct career choice is one of the major decisions of
Grade 11 students in their academic and personal life. Usually, they are at a tender
age of 16-17 in which undecidability is a common problem in terms of choosing a
career. For most students influenced by parents, guardians, teachers, friends, peers
and many others, it is difficult because there are many factors to consider especially
for the first batch of Grades 11 and 12, in which the K-12 program is fully
implemented .One of the main challenges of K-12 in improving Philippine education
is to provide quality basic education opportunities for all students, increasing the
quality of educational process and the transition from senior high school to college
levels, as well as improving the integration of the whole educational system. Senior
high school education in the Philippines has a very important impact in the country’s
national development. The government invested in education in the hope that students
will become globally competitive. To become globally competitive, the student must
be eager to see themselves what career path will they pursue in the near future. A
planned and organized life and career goals can contribute to their personal and
professional growth. However, adolescents in the Philippines compared to Western
civilization (where K-12 system is patterned) cannot make their own decisions at all
times, especially when choosing career. They are fond of soliciting advice from
parents, teachers, friends, peers or idolized figure. (DR. JOSEPHINE P. MANAPSAL


3.1 list of figures

Figure 3.1 What is your specialization?

35.5% HE


The figure 3.1 shows the TVL specialization categorized into two, namely home
economic (HE) and the information of technology or (ICT), the figure depicts that
64.5% choose the specialization (HE) since learners realize that after they graduate
they will soon have NC2.
The graph above shows the reason why TVL students are motivated because of there
are family 62% of respondents, 205 of respondents are because of their goal and 7.5%
respondents says because of their friends.

This section is the statistic made learners preferences in choosing the strand to take
up.Moreover to define the factors influencing the learners in finalizing their decision
in choosing the strand.

It was through the use of structured questionnairs that were distributed virtually via
facebook messengers.

III.2 Respondents of the study

There are two categories of respondents in the said study the first set of respondents
composed of 10% from grade 11 and the second set consist of 90% for grade 12 in
total of 100%
3.3 Random sampling procedure

The Respondent of the study were categorized in two sets . the first are the 1 grade
11 TVL student, second are the 39 grade 12 tvl student.

3.4 Data gathering procedures

The data gathered through google form/ survey questionnaires by sending the link
randomly the those grade 12 tvl student school year 2020-2021.



Table 4.1
Question Yes No Maybe Total

3. Are you motivated now? 90% 10% 100%

5.Do you enjoy your TVL Track? 95% 5% 100%

6. Does the availability of tools and 100% 100%

equipment helps you perform

7. Do you think having the skills 100% 100%

that the TVL track taught you
will be useful sooner or later?

8. Does environment affect your 53.8% 41% 0.28% 100%

preference in choosing TVL

9.In this time of pandemic do you 100% 100%

have regrets of being a TVL

10. Would you like to recommend

TVL track to your friends or
relatives or to those upcoming 100% 100%
senior high school student?because
it’s affect you to become a better



5.1 Summary
This majority of the respodents decide to enrolled to Technical Vocational
Livelihood also know as TVL. As in preview chapter confirmed by the perceptions of
the respondents the actual reason why they choose to enrolled tvl track, majority of
the respondents enjoyed their senior high year in learning practical techniques and
practical earning while studying or by just staying at home.

The effect of having people who will encourage you like family and
friends in your choosen track has a big impact and also the availability of tools and
equipmentsin each laboratory has a big impact.based on the findings; the researchers
realize that learners majority chose TVL track for the NC2.

5.2 Conclusion

Therefore, the learners find TVL more practical to take up as practical

avenue to be skillful individual to the challenging world.

5.3 Recommendation

It is recommended to those upcoming grade 11 students to learned

practically on something and practice it in laboratory and at home. The technical
vocational livelihood useful in our daily basis as individual learning is a must and
learning practically for free in your senior high and earned financially while studying
is previllage.


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