Evo Design - Structural Design: Calculation Sheet
Evo Design - Structural Design: Calculation Sheet
Evo Design - Structural Design: Calculation Sheet
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6/22/2021 Base Plate Design Metric Units
Calculation No.
Evo Design - structural design
onlinestructuraldesign.com SAMPLE CALCULATION
Project Title: Base plate calculation interactive online spreadsheet Calc. By Date Rev.
MN 16.04.2014 0
Subject Column Base Plate Design - Online Calculation Report Ckd. By Date
CN 16.04.2014
Steel modulus of elasticity per EN 1993-1-1
= 210000 N/mm2 Section 3.2.6 (1)
Concrete characteristics
Concrete class C12/15 per EN 1992-1-1:2004
= 12 MPa concrete characteristic cylinder strength Section 3 Table 3.1
Partial factor for concrete for ultimate limit states per EN 1992-1-1:2004
Section 2 Table 2.1N
gc = 1.5 values for Persistent & Transient design situations
recommended by the Eurocode; values to be used
may be found in the Eurocode National Annexes
Design compressive concrete strength per EN 1992-1-1:2004
Section 3.1.6 & Formula 3.15
acc = 1 Coefficient taking account of long term effects
= acc * fck / gc = 8.00 MPa on the compressive strength and of unfavourable
effects resulting from the way the load is applied
value may be found in the EC National Annex
Concrete modulus of elasticity
= 27 GPa for concrete class C12/15 per EN 1992-1-1:2004
Section 3.1.3 Table 3.1
Aggregates = sandstone Section 3.1.3 (2)
Values in Table 3.1 are given for quartzite aggregates
= 18.9 GPa for concrete with sandstone aggregates Values for limestone and sandstone are reduced
= 18900 N/mm2 by 10% and 30% respectively. For basalt aggregates
the value should be increased by 20%
Column base forces
N= 900 kN axial force pair of column base forces. Mx and My are not
M= 200 kN*m bending moment considered simultaneous.
e= M/F = 222.2 mm
H/6 = 100.00 mm eccentricity
e > H/6 => Baseplate with large eccentricity
Design of Welded Structures - O. W. Blodgett (James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation)
EN 1992-1-1:2004 - Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings
EN 1993-1-1:2005 - Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings
EN 1993-1-8:2005 - Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-8: Design of joints
Evo Design - structural design Calculation No.
onlinestructuraldesign.com SAMPLE CALCULATION
Project Title: Base plate calculation interactive online spreadsheet Calc. By Date Rev.
MN 16.04.2014 0
Subject Column Base Plate Design - Online Calculation Report Ckd. By Date
CN 16.04.2014
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6/22/2021 Base Plate Design Metric Units
Three equations, three unknowns: Fb,
Y, sc
(Axial force in steel hold down bolts, active area
under base plate, aximum pressure under base plate)
1. Forces equilibrium
Y*sc/2 - Fb -N = 0
Fb + N = Y*sc*B/2 (1)
2. Bending moment equilibrium
Fb * f + (Fb + N) * (H/2 - Y/3) - N * e = 0
Fb = -N * (H/2 - Y/3 -e)/(H/2 - Y/3 + f) (2a)
N = -Fb * (H/2 - Y/3 -e)/(H/2 - Y/3 + f) (2)
3. Representing the elastic behaviour of the concrete
support and the steel hold-down bolt:
a/b = eb/ec = (sb / Es) / (sc / Ec)
since Es = sb / es modulus of elasticity of steel bolt
Ec = sc / ec modulus of elasticity of concrete
nb = 2 number of steel hold down bolts
Ab = 2* p*f2/4 = 628.3 mm2 area of steel hold down bolts
sb = Fb /
n= Es /
Ec = 11.11 modular ratio of elasticity, steel to concrete
a/b = (N/Ab)/(sc*n) = N/(Ab*sc*n)
From similar triangles =>
a/b = (H/2-Y+f)/Y
=> N/(Ab*sc*n) = (H/2-Y+f)/Y =>
=> sc = Fb * Y / (Ab * n *(H/2 - Y + f)) (3)
From (1), (2) and (3)
-Fb * (H/2 - Y/3 -e)/(H/2 - Y/3 + b) + Fb = (Fb * Y2 * B) / [2 * Ab * n *(H/2 - Y + f)]
Solve for Y:
Y3 + 3 * (e - H/2) * Y2 + [(6 * n * Ab)/B] * (f + e) * Y
-Â [(6 * n * Ab)/B] * (H/2 + f) * (f + e) = 0
Y3 + K1 * Y2 + K2 * Y + K3 = 0
K1 = 3 * (e - H/2) = -233
K2 = [(6 * n * Ab)/B] * (f + e) = 32360
K3 = - K2 * (H/2 + f) = -17516444
Y= 310.5 mm
Design of Welded Structures - O. W. Blodgett (James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation)
EN 1992-1-1:2004 - Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings
EN 1993-1-1:2005 - Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings
EN 1993-1-8:2005 - Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-8: Design of joints
Evo Design - structural design Calculation No.
onlinestructuraldesign.com SAMPLE CALCULATION
Project Title: Base plate calculation interactive online spreadsheet Calc. By Date Rev.
MN 16.04.2014 0
Subject Column Base Plate Design - Online Calculation Report Ckd. By Date
CN 16.04.2014
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6/22/2021 Base Plate Design Metric Units
= 52.88 kN (in 2 bolts ) per (2a) hold down bolts max. tension (in all bolts)
F1.bolt = Fb / 2 = 26.44 kN hold down bolt max. tension - in 1 bolt
F1.bolt /(p*f2/4) = 84.16 N/mm2 < fyd-b OK, bolt effective stress is smaller than bolt design stress
192.0 N/mm2
sc = 10.19 MPa per (3)
sc > fcd fcd
= 8.00 MPa effective max. pressure under baseplate is comparedÂ
redesign base plate length and/or width with the concrete design compressive strength
stress under base plate is larger than the concrete compressive capacity if the max. pressure is higher than the concrete
Design of the Base Plate Thickness
Critical section location
s= 190 mm
Stress at the critical section location
ssc = sc*(Y - s) / Y = 3.95 MPa
Design critical moment - at critical section
MEd.plate = [(ssc*s/2)*(s/3)+(sc*s/2)*(s*2/3)]*B = 87.85 kN*m
MEd.plate = (sc*Y/2)*(s-Y/3)*B = 82.10 kN*m
MC,Rd = Mpl,rd = (Wpl * fy)/ gM0 Bending plastic design resistance (4)
per EN 1993-1-1
Section 6.2.5 (2) Formula 6.13
Design resistance for bending about one
principal axis for class 1 or 2 cross sections
Plastic section modulus of rectangular sections
= B*tpl2/4 (5)
(tpl = base plate thickness)
from (4) and (5) => [fy * (B*tpl )/4]/ gM0 > MEd.plate
MEd.plate = 87.85 kN*m
=> tpl > sqrt[4 * MEd.plate * gM0 / (B * fy)]
=> tpl > 52.19 mm (with fy = 215 N/mm2)
Design of Welded Structures - O. W. Blodgett (James F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation)
EN 1992-1-1:2004 - Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings
EN 1993-1-1:2005 - Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings
EN 1993-1-8:2005 - Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-8: Design of joints
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