Railway Design: Chapter 3: Plan and Profile of Railway

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Lecturer: Tran Anh Dung
Railway Division
Faculty of Civil Engineering


Railway permanent way is a three dimensional space strip
civil engineering works.
Include: plan, profile and cross section
1. Plan: Plan of railway is the projection of alignment on the level

Figure 4.1 Plan

2. Profile: Profile is the projection of longitudinal section of alignment on

vertical plane.

Figure 4.2 Profile


3. Cross section: Cross section of railway is the projection of alignment

on perpendicular plane

Figure 4.3 Cross section

3.1. Elements of alignment plan at track

-The straight line
-The curve
-The intermediate straight line
-The deflection angles

Figure 4.4 Elements of alignment plan

Figure 4.5 Simple drawing of alignment plan


Figure 4.6 Alignment Plan

3.1.1 The straight line

Straight line is defined by length and direction
Direction:- First tangent section is defined by the azimuth
- Next tangent section is defined by the deflection angles

Figure 4.7 The straight line

3.1.2 The curve

 The circular curves
* Elements of Curve

-Deflection angle: α (0)

-Radius: R (m)
-Tangent distance:

-External distance: Figure 4.8 The circular curve

-Curve length:


 The transition curves:

* Elements of Curve

-Deflection angle - α (m)

-Radius - R (m)
-Transition distance – L0 (m)

-Tangent distance – Figure 4.9 The transition curve

-External distance –

-Curve length -

3.1.3 The intermediate straight line

 The opposite direction two curves

Figure 4.10 The intermediate straight line

between opposite direction two curves

 The same direction two curves

Figure 4.11 The intermediate straight

line between same direction two curves

In order to provide favorable conditions for train running and
maintenance, the intermediate straight line shall be designed as long as
possible. The minimum length shall meet the following requirements
 d2>d1
1000mm gauge:
d1 ≥ 45m for opposite direction two curves
d2 ≥ 60m for same direction two curves
1435mm gauge:
d1 ≥ 75m for opposite direction two curves
d2 ≥ 100m for same direction two curves
 When d1, d2 short,
- for opposite direction two curves: we can connect directly to each
other and implement on two rails
- for same direction two curves:
When R1=R2: Convert one curve with radius R=R1=R2

When R1≠R2 and connect directly to each other

When R1≠R2 and using transition curve to connect two curves


Exercise 1: Calculating curve parameter and checking line between two curves
(For 1000mm gauge). When Radius R1=400m, R2=500m, deflection angle α1=18020’,
α2=22045’, transition length L01=100m, L02=90m

3.1.4 The smallest deflection angle αmin

Figure 4.12 Smallest deflection angle

When deflection angles is too small, length of transition curve is not
enough to implement.
Condition to put transition curve:

 If deflection angle is small, we can solve by two methods following:

1) Increse radius:

2) Reduce transition distance:

Where: L0 transition distance

KTmin: length of smallest circular curve after implement
transition distance. KTmin = 14 (m)

Exercise 2: Checking deflection angle? When α=7012’, Radius R=300m,

transition length L0=50m. If deflection angle is small, how we can solve?


3.2. Profile elements at track section

Figure 4.13 Simple drawing of profile

Profile elements
-The grade
-The length of profile
-Methods to connect two profile elements

Figure 4.14 Profile elements

Design grade (itt, itb, ir, ik, ich, ivh)

3.2.1 Grade classification

Limit grade (ip, igc, icb, ij)


3.2.2 Design grade

a. Real grade
- Real grade is design grade of a profile element

b. Average grade
- The average grade is the grade of a segment between the two given
points without regard to the intermediate points

c. Grade equal curve resistance force

- It’s value equal value of curve resistance force

d. Derivation grade
- Algebra total of real grade and grade equal curve resistance force

e. Harm and harmless grade

-Harm and harmless grade is grade which train must brake on it

∆H > 10m

i>4 (0/00)
i>4 (0/00)
∆H > 10m

Exercise 3: Calculating curve resistance force and derivation

grade. When length of the train Lt = 350m. (For 1435mm gauge)


3.2.3 Limit grade

a. Ruling grade ip
-Definition: The ruling grade is defined here as the maximum
gradient, over which a tonnage train can be hauled at a given speed by
a given locomotive consist or horsepower. The tonnage capability
varies from each class of locomotive, but in every case the maximum
tonnage that can be pulled over the engine district by each locomotive
at a given speed is set by the ruling grade.

-The term ruling grade is usually used as a synonym for "steepest

climb" between two points on a railroad. The line could be run with a
locomotive. A freight train with Q mass runs on that grade with Vp

-Affect of ip to some index of track:

-Some elements affect to choose ip

+ Type of track
+ Freight volume and develop level of freight
+ Topographic
+ Railway network
+ Rolling stock
- Value of ip

Gauge Track level ip

I, II 12
III 20
Mainly 12
Secondary 20


b. Helper grade igc

-Definition: The term helper grade is usually used as a synonym for
"steepest climb" between two points on a railroad. The line could be
run with many locomotives. A freight train with Q mass runs on that
grade with Vp speed.
igc > ip
Many locomotives



c. Balanced grade icb

-Definition: The term balanced grade is usually used as a synonym for
"steepest climb" between two points on a railroad. The line could be
run with a locomotive. A freight train with Qih mass runs on that
grade with Vp speed.

icb > ip
Qih < Q



d. Inertia grade ij
-Definition: The term inertia grade is usually used as a synonym for
"steepest climb" between two points on a railroad. The line could be
run with a locomotive. A freight train with Q mass runs on that grade
by using kinetic energy of before grade and pull force of a locomotive.
iJ > ip


ip ip


Exercise 4: Calculating inertia grade. When The length of inertia grade

S=2000m, Railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic, use D19E
diesel locomotive P=250 tons, tractive tonnage Q= 3500 tons, train operating
speed on ruling grade VP = 24 km/h, tractive effort on ruling grade
FKP=550kN, ruling gradient ip=8 (0/00), tractive effort at bottom of grade
FKD=150kN, train operating speed at bottom of grade VD=70 km/h, gravity
acceleration g = 9,81 m/s2, freight car of Russia (4 axles), mass of a car q= 40

Normal conditions ld > lt

3.2.4 The length of grade section Difficult conditions ld > lt/2

Difficult special conditions ld > 200m

3.2.5 Connection of grade section

 The train run smooth when transit from one profile to the other profile
Vertical curves:
 ∆i>4 (0/00) for 1000mm gauge  Design vertical curve with Rđ=5000m
∆i>3 (0/00) for 1435mm gauge  Design vertical curve with Rđ=10000m


Tđ=2,5.∆i for 1000mm gauge

Tđ=5.∆i for 1435mm gauge
∆i : Algebraic Difference Between Adjacent Gradients


Calculate distance soil cut or soil fill at different sections

∆i h


Exercise 5: Calculating distance soil cut at point of vertical

intersection. When ground elevation: 375,5m, designed elevation:
370,5m. i1=4(0/00), i2=-6(0/00). (For 1000mm gauge).

3.3. Profile and alignment design at track

3.3.1 Profile design to ensure safety conditions:


∆i≤ip at point of vertical intersection.

Except for the following 3 cases:


 Large down grade

i>4 (0/00) ∆i≤ip/2

∆H > 10m

 Hump grade at foot of large down grade

i>4 (0/00)
∆H > 10m


 Ladder grade
i>4 (0/00)
∆H1 > 10m

≥2.lt i>4 (0/00) ∆H2 > 10m

i>4 (0/00) ∆i≤ip/2

∆H > 10m
≤2.lt i>4 (0/00)

3.3.2 Profile design to ensure continuous conditions:

 At horizontal curve
itk≤igh-ir (0/00)


α, R


Exercise 6: Calculating curve resistance force and design grade at

following profile. When ruling gradient ip=10 (0/00), length of train
Lt=200m, (For 1435mm gauge)

 In the tunnel
itk≤β.igh (0/00)

Exercise 7: Checking continuous conditions at following profile:

When ip=10(0/00), Ltunnel=500m, Ltrain=300m, reduction factor of grade

in tunnel
ᵝ=0,9, (For 1000mm gauge)


 Grade before station

itk≤igh-4 ( / ) 0

Exercise 8: Checking safety and continuous conditions at

following profile: When ip=11(0/00), Ltrain=600m, (For 1435mm

Exercise 9: Checking safety and continuous conditions at

following profile: When ip=12(0/00), Ltrain=300m, (For 1000mm


3.3.3 Arrange point of vertical intersection

 Point of vertical intersection is suitable with alignment

 Point of vertical intersection is suitable with bridge

Exercise 10: Checking point of vertical intersection at following

profile. (For 1435mm gauge)


3.3.4 Profile design to ensure track is not flooding

 Htrack shouder  HP + H s + Hd + 0,5 m

Hp: water level with p% frequency

Hs: height of wave
Hd: height of backwater
0,5m: height of capillary water

3.3.5 Profile design at crossing location

-Railway crossing:
Intersection at grade
Construction restriction
Grade seperation
Ensuring clearance for under track

-Road crossing:
Intersection at grade
+Ensuring sight distance
+Intersection angle should 900
+Crossing location should at embankment not at cutting
+ If there are many crossing locations, we should consider re-
alignment of road
Grade seperation
Ensuring clearance for under track


-River crossing:
+ Definition calculation water level
+ If river is too large, we should consider to construct tunnel
under river

3.4. Profile and alignment design at station

3.4.1 Profile:

- Grade in station: i=0 ( / ) 0


- If i≠0, then ensuring following conditions:

+ Ensuring actuation conditon:
istation≤igh-4 ( / ) 0

+ Ensuring conditon to stocks are not run when

we cut binding:
istation≤2,5 ( / ) (For 1000mm gauge)

istation≤1,5 ( / ) (For 1435mm gauge)


+ Ensuring conditon to train stop safety on

arrival siding:
istation≤6 ( / )

3.4.2 Alignment plan:

+ We should put station on straight line
+ If putting station on curve, then R>1000m


Exercise 11: Checking grade at following stations. When ip= 8

(0/00), iA=3(0/00), iB=6(0/00), iC=3(0/00), iD=5(0/00) (For 1435mm gauge)
A,C: main station
B, D: counter station


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