Unit 5 QB

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Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Course Materials (Question Bank)




1. What are the Principles of report preparation?(OR)
Why report on estimate is required? (Nov. /Dec. 2010, 2011)
Estimate is usually accompanied with a report which gives all information in brief, of the whole work or
project. Report should be such as to give a clear picture or idea of the whole project or work.
i. Brief history, with reference to the proposal.
ii. Object necessity, utility and feasibility of the project with reasons.
iii. Selection of site or selection of alignment.
iv. Surveying.

2. Define the term sinking fund. (Nov. /Dec. 2010)

The fund which is gradually accumulated by way of periodic on annual deposit for the replacement of
the building or structure at the end of its useful life is termed as sinking fund.
The object of creating sinking fund is to accumulate sufficient money to meet the cost of construction or
replacement of the building or structure after its utility period.

3. What is M-Book (Measurement Book)? (Nov. /Dec. 2008)

The measurements of all works and supplies are recorded in the Measurement Book Form No. 23 and
payment of all works and supplies are made on the basis of measurement recorded. The measurement books
are very important account records.
Form 23-Measurement Book
Particulars Detail of actual Measurement Contents of area
No. L B D

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Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Course Materials (Question Bank)

4. What is Standard rent? (Nov. /Dec. 2011)

For every Government residential building the rent, the occupant has to pay, is normally calculated on a
statement known as the Rent Statement. The rent statement is prepared under the following conditions.

5. What is known as arbitration? (Nov. /Dec. 2011)

Arbitration means the settlement of a dispute by the decision of a third person chosen and acceptable as
a judge. The decision of the arbitration is binding on both the parties. In public works department the
superintending engineer functions as the arbitrator parties. In public works department the superintending
engineer functions as the arbitrator.

6. Write a note on town planning Act. (Nov. /Dec. 2011)

An Act to provide for planning the development and use of rural and urban land in the State of Tamil
Nadu and for purposes connected therewith.
(Tamil Nadu Act 35 of 1972).

7. State the four ways of classification of cost control (May/June 2007)

The process or activity on controlling costs associated with an activity, process, or company. Cost
control typically includes (1) investigative procedures to detect variance of actual costs from budgeted costs,
(2) diagnostic procedures to ascertain the cause(s) of variance, and (3) corrective procedures to effect
realignment between actual and budgeted costs.

8. State the two cost control coding system adopted at work site. (May/June 2007)
Cost control coding system at site
201 Clearing and Preparing Site
202 Substructure
202.1 Excavation and Shoring
202.2 Piling
202.3 Concrete Masonry
202.31 Mixing and Placing
202.32 Formwork
202.33 Reinforcing

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Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Course Materials (Question Bank)


1. Write report to accompany an estimate for residential building for a executive engineer.
(Nov./Dec. 2016)
Report On Estimates for the Construction of Residential Building
The detailed estimate for construction of a residential building for the Executive Engineer at has
been prepared in compliance of S.E. letter no . dated .
There is no building for the residence of the Executive Engineer at Udaynagar and he has to live in a
rented building with meager accommodation at a very high rent. It has, therefore, been proposed to construct a
residential building for the Executive Engineer. The head of the accounts will be 50 civil original works,
The estimate provides for the following accommodation:-
One drawing room, one dining room, three bed rooms, one guest room, and the necessary store kitchen,
baths, front and back verandahs and motor garage per plan enclosed. A site has already been selected having a
land of 60 m 30 m for the construction of the building having good soil and proper drainage and this much of
land has to be acquired. The building shall be oriented to face north direction
The building shall have lime concrete foundation and first class brick masonry with lime mortar up to
plinth level and the superstructure shall be of first class brick work in cement mortar, 1:6 Lintels shall be of
R.B. work and roof shall be R.C.C with lime concrete terrace finishing. The drawing and dining rooms shall
have mosaic floor and other rooms 2.5 cm c.c. floor over 7.5 cm lime concrete. Inside and outside walls shall be
12 mm cement line plastered 1:1:6, and ceiling shall be 6 mm cement plastered 1:3. Inside of drawing and
dining rooms shall be colour washed and inside of remaining rooms shall be white washed and outside wall be
colour washed. Doors and windows shall be 4.5cm 13 4 " thick teak wood with chaukhatosal wood and enamel
painted. All work shall be strictly as per detailed P.W.D. Specification.
The estimate has been prepared at P.W.D Schedule of rates, and for non-schedule items on analysis of
rates. The foundation has been designed for a safe load of 9 tonne per sq m (8 ton per sq ft) and the R.C.C roof
has been designed for a safe load of 150 kg per sq m (30 1bs per sq ft) with 1400 kg per sqcm (20000 1bs per sq
in) as sage tensile stress of steel and 50 kg sq cm (750 1bs per sq in) as safe compressive stress of concrete. All
designs and calculations have been included in the estimate. Plans and drawings and site plans are also enclosed
with the estimate.
Provision has been made for electrification and sanitary and water supply works and 20% of the
estimated cost of the building works ahs been included for these works. As there is no sewer line in the area a
septic tank shall have to be constructed for which lump sum provision of Rs.700,00 has been made in the

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Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology Course Materials (Question Bank)
Provision for compound with a gate in the front and barbed wire fencing on the sides and back, and
approach road have also been made in the estimate. A statement of important materials as cement, steel, coal,
etc., which shall have to be arranged by the department is also enclosed with the estimate.
A rent statement is also enclosed. The work shall be carried on contract by inviting tenders. The work
shall be completed within six months from the date of start. The estimate work out as Rs. 5,000,00 and is
submitted for sanction and allotment of fund.

2. Prepare report on the estimate for construction of culverts. (May/June 2013)

Report on Estimate for Construction of a Culvert
The estimate has been prepared for the construction of an arch culvert of 3m span in 15 km-300m
on road. The road at this point is flooded almost every year during the rainy reason, causing
flood and damages in the area. During the last inspection the Executive Engineer has asked to prepare an
estimate and this estimate has been prepared in compliance of E.E letter no dated .
The cost of construction will be met from 50 civil work special repairs.
The culvert has been designed for I.R.C Class a loading. The catchment area has been determined from
the 2.5 cm map of the area, which comes to 1200 acres. Catchment area in acres, and c= constant and has been
taken as 0.2. All calculation and design have been enclosed with the estimate. The soil has been tested and has
been found to be good, and ordinary spread foundation will be sufficient. The foundation shall be of cement
concrete 1:4:8 and abutments, wing walls and parapets shall be of brick masonry in 1:5 cement mortar, the
arch work shall be of brick masonry in 1:3 cement mortars. Exposed surfaces shall be cement pointed 1:2. All
works shall be as per detailed P.W.D Specifications. The estimate has been prepared at P.W.D Schedule of
A statement of materials, cement, bricks, coal, etc., required for the construction, has been enclosed with
the estimate. The work shall be executed on contract by inviting tenders and the work shall be started after the
rainy season and shall be completed within four months time. The estimate amounting to Rs.15,000.00 is
submitted for sanction and allotment of fund.

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