Compulsary Curriculum Grade 11-12 New

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dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&&

-sIff !! / !@_

-clgjfo{ ljifo_

g]kfn ;/sf/
lzIff, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw dGqfno
kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|
;fgf]l7dL eStk'/
k|sfzs M g]kfn ;/sf/
lzIff, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw dGqfno
kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|
;fgf]l7dL, eStk'/

© ;jf{lwsf/ M kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|

lj=;+= @)&&

d'b|0f M
kf7\oj|md l;sfO lzIf0fsf] d"n cfwf/ xf] . kf7\oj|mddf ;dfj]z x'g] ljifoj:t' / ltgsf] cEof;sf]] :t/n]
lzIffsf] ;du| u'0f:t/nfO{ k|efj kfb{5 . kf7\oj|mdn] k|To]s JolStdf cGtlg{lxt k|ltef k|:km'6g u/fO{ JolStTj
ljsf; ug{ ;Sg'k5{ . o;} u/L /fi6« / /fli6«otfk|lt lgi7fjfg\, :jfledfgL, g}ltsjfg\, lhDd]jf/, >dnfO{ ;Ddfg
ug]{, pBdzLn / l;ko'St gful/s ljsf;df kf7\oj|mdn] ;xof]u ug'{ kb{5 . kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjogkl5 pTkflbt
hgzlStn] ;fdflhsLs/0fdf ;xof]u ug'{sf ;fy} /fli6«o Pstf ;'b[9 ub}{ /fli6«o ;Dkbf / kof{{j/0fsf] ;+/If0f ug{
;Sg'k5{ . o; kf7\oj|mdaf6 ljBfyL{df zflGt, ;dfgtf tyf ;fdflhs Gofok|lt k|lta4 eO{ ;lxi0f'tf tyf
;bfrf/ h:tf cfr/0f ljsf;df ;xof]u k'Ug] ck]Iff ul/Psf] 5 . o;af6 ;"rgf k|ljlwsf] k|of]u, j}1flgs
cjwf/0ffsf] cfTd;ft\, vf]h tyf cg';Gwfg Ifdtfsf] ljsf; / hLjgf]kof]uL l;k k|flKtsf dfWodn] k|lt:kwf{Tds
Ifdtfo'St hgzlSt tof/ ug'{sf ;fy} cfkm\gf] efiff, ;+:s[lt, snfk|ltsf] cg'/fu;lxtsf] klxrfgdf uf}/jsf]
cg'e"lt ug{] gful/s ljsf;df of]ubfg x'g] ck]Iff ul/Psf] 5 . oL kIfx¿nfO{ b[li6ut ub}{ /fli6«o kf7\oj|md
k|f¿k, @)&^ sf] dfu{lgb]{zcg';f/ sIff !! / !@ sf nflu of] kf7\oj|md ljsf; ul/Psf] xf] .
kf7\oj|md ljsf; k|lj|mofdf ;Da4 ljleGg ;/f]sf/jfnfx¿sf] ;xeflutf h'6fOPsf] lyof] . dfWolds tx -sIff
!!–!@_ sf ljleGg ljifosf kf7\oj|md ljsf; k|lj|mofdf ;xefuL lzIffljb\, k|fWofks, lzIfs, ljBfyL{, cleefjs
tyf lzIff;Da4 ;ª\3;+:yf / ;/f]sf/fjfnfx¿, kf7\oj|md d:of}bf sfo{bn tyf ;DalGwt ljifo ;ldltsf
;b:ox¿nufotsf ;'emfjnfO{ ;d]6L of] kf7\oj|md tof/ ul/Psf] 5 . kf7\oj|mddf ljBfyL{sf ;Ifdtf, ck]lIft
l;sfO pknlAw, ljifoj:t'sf] If]q tyf j|md, l;sfO ;xhLs/0f k|lj|mof / l;sfO pknlAw cfsng k|lj|mof ;dfj]z
ul/Psf] 5 . o; sfo{df kf7\oj|md d:of}bf sfo{bn tyf ;DalGwt ljifo ;ldltsf ;b:ox¿nufot plNnlvt
;/f]sf/jfnfx¿ tyf kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|sf ;DalGwt sd{rf/L of]ubfg /x]sf] 5 . kf7\oj|md ljsf;df
cfjZos gLltut dfu{bz{g k|bfg ug'{sf ;fy} kf7\oj|mdnfO{ clGtd ¿k lbg] sfo{df /fli6«o kf7\oj|md ljsf; tyf
d"Nofª\sgaf6 ul7t ljleGg k|fljlws ;ldltx¿sf] e"ldsf dxŒjk"0f{ /x]sf] 5 . kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb| kf7\oj|md
ljsf;df of]ubfg ug{] ;a}k|lt s[t1tf k|s6 ub{5 .
of] kf7\oj|mdsf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjogsf nflu ;Da4 ;a} kIfsf] of]ubfg ck]lIft 5 . kf7\oj|md ;'wf/sf] sfo{
lg/Gt/ rNg] k|lj|mof ePsfn] eljiodf o;nfO{ cem k|efjsf/L agfpg lzIfs, cleefjs tyf ;d:t
a'l4hLjLx¿nufot ;Da4 ;a}af6 kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb| /rgfTds ;'emfjsf] ck]Iff ub{5 .

lj=;+= @)&& kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|

;fgf]l7dL, eStk'/
ljifo ;"rL
j|m=;= ljifoj:t' k[i7

!= dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md @)&^ M

kl/ro tyf ;+/rgf !
@= g]kfnL !(
# English #^
$= ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff ^)
%= Maths &*
v08 s
dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md @)&^ M kl/ro tyf ;+/rgf
!= kl/ro
kf7\oj|mdsf] ljsf;, kl/dfh{g tyf cBfjlws ug]{ sfo{ lg/Gt/ rln/xg] k|lj|mof xf] . kl/jlt{t ;Gbe{, cWoog
cg';Gwfgsf k|ltj]bg, lzIfs, k|fWofks, ljBfyL{, a'l4hLjLnufot ljleGg ;/f]sf/jfnfaf6 k|fKt ;'emfj tyf
k|ltlj|mof, ljleGg ;ª\3;+:yf / k];f;Fu cfa¢ ;ª\3 ;ª\u7gsf ;'emfj, ;"rgf tyf ;~rf/sf dfWod / gful/s
;dfhaf6 kf7\oj|mdnfO{ ;fGble{s tyf ;dfj]zL agfpg k|fKt ;sf/fTds ;Nnfxsf cfwf/df ljBfno lzIffsf
nflu /fli6«o kf7\oj|md k|f¿k, @)&^ g]kfn ;/sf/af6 :jLs[t eO{ sfof{Gjog ePsf] 5 . o; k|f¿kn] lgb]{z
u/]sf] ljBfno txsf] kf7\oj|md ;+/rgf Pjd\ kf7\oj|md ljsf;sf dfu{bz{s l;¢fGt, 1fgsf] lj:tf/ tyf l;h{gf,
;]jf If]qdf a9]sf] k|lt:kwf{ tyf /fhgLlts, ;fdflhs / cfly{s If]qdf cfPsf] kl/jt{gn] kf7\oj|md kl/dfh{gsf]
cfjZostf cf}FNofPsf 5g\ . o;n] g]kfndf ljBfno lzIffnfO{ ;fdflhs Gofodf cfwfl/t ;d[¢ /fi6« lgdf{0fsf
nflu ;Ifd / k|lt:kwL{ gful/s tof/ ug{ ;xof]u ug{{] dfWodsf ¿kdf ljsf; ug'{kg{] b[li6sf]0f to u/]sf] 5 .
ljBfno lzIffsf] plNnlvt ;Gbe{ tyf b[li6sf]0fdf cfwfl/t eO{ sIff !! / !@ sf nflu kf7\oj|md ;+/rgf tyf
;f] ;+/rgfcg';f/sf ljifout kf7\oj|mdx¿ ljsf; ul/Psf] 5 .
ljBfno lzIffnfO{ cfwf/e"t / dfWolds u/L b'O{ txdf afFl8Psf] 5 . dfWolds lzIffn] ljBfyL{x¿df 1fgsf]
vf]hL u/L l;sfO / jf:tljs hLjglar ;DaGw :yflkt ug{], l;4fGt / Jojxf/sf] ;dGjo ug{] tyf :jk/fjlt{t
x'Fb} 1fg, l;k / IfdtfnfO{ cBfjlws ug]{ ;Ifdtf ljsf; u/fpg'k5{ . o; txsf] lzIffn] clwsf/, :jtGqtf /
;dfgtfsf] k|jw{g ug]{, cfkm\gf] st{Jok|lt ;r]t x'g], :j:y hLjg z}nLsf] cEof; ug]{, tfls{s ljZn]if0f u/L lg0f{o
ug]{, j}1flgs ljZn]if0fsf cfwf/df JolSt, ;dfh / /fi6«sf] lbuf] ljsf;df ;l/s x'g] gful/s tof/ ug{ ;xof]u
ug'{k5{ . ljBfyL{x¿df g}lts cfr/0f k|bz{g ug]{, ;fdflhs ;b\efjk|lt ;+j]bgzLn x'g], kof{j/0fLo ;Gt'ngk|lt
;+j]bgzLn x'g], åGå Joj:yfkg ub}{ lbuf] zflGtsf nflu k|lta4 /xg], cfw'lgs 1fg, l;k, ;"rgf tyf ;~rf/
k|ljlwsf] k|of]u ug]{, :jfjnDaL / Joj;fod'vL l;ksf] cEof; ug]{ ;Ifdtfsf] ljsf; o; txsf] lzIffsf ck]Iff
x'g\ . To;} u/L /fi6«, /fli6«otf / /fli6«o cfbz{sf] ;Ddfg ug]{, ;dfh :jLsfo{ cfr/0f / sfo{ ;+:s[ltsf]
cjnDag ug]{, ;lxi0f'efj /fVg], l;h{gzLn, sNkgfzLn, pBdzLn Pjd\ pRr ;f]r / cfbz{df cfwfl/t Jojxf/
ug]{, ;d;fdlos r'gf}tLx¿sf] ;kmn Joj:yfkg ug{]nufotsf ljz]iftfn] o'St :jfjnDaL, b]zeSt, kl/jt{gd'vL,
lrGtgzLn Pjd\ ;dfj]zL ;dfh lgdf{0fdf of]ubfg ug{ ;Sg] ;Ifd gful/s tof/ ug'{ o; txsf] lzIffsf]
sfo{lbzf xf] . o;sf nflu sIff !! / !@ sf] kf7\oj|md ;+/rgfnfO{ k'gM ;+/lrt ug{ /fli6«o kf7\oj|md ljsf;
tyf d"Nofª\sg kl/ifb\af6 clGtd ¿k lbO{ / g]kfn ;/sf/af6 :jLs[t ePsf] ljBfno lzIffsf nflu /fli6«o
kf7\oj|md k|f¿k, @)&^ nfO{ cfwf/ dfgL dfWolds tx -sIff !! / !@_ sf ljleGg ljifosf kf7\oj|md ljsf;
ul/Psf] xf] .
o; kf7\oj|mdsf] klxnf] v08df dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md @)&^ sf] kl/ro tyf ;+/rgf
;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 . o;df lzIffsf /fli6«o p2]Zo, txut ;Ifdtf tyf kf7\oj|mdsf] ;du| ;+/rgf ;dfj]z
ul/Psf] 5 . o;n] ljifout l;sfO pknlAw, ljifoj:t', lzIf0f l;sfOsf nflUf cfjZos ljlw÷k|ljlw tyf
d"Nofª\sgsf kIfnfO{ klg dfu{lgb]{z u/]sf] 5 . kf7\oj|mdsf] j|mdfut :t/Ls/0f ug]{ Pjd\ cl3Nnf / kl5Nnf
txsf kf7\oj|mdlarsf] txut ;ª\ult sfod ug{] u/L of] kf7\oj|md ljsf; ul/Psf] 5 .
@= lzIffsf /fli6«o p2]Zo
ljBfno lzIffsf /fli6«o p2]Zox¿ lgDgfg';f/ x'g] 5g\ M
!= k|To]s JolStdf cGtlg{lxt k|ltef k|:km'6g u/L JolStTj ljsf; ug]{
@= /fi6« / /fli6«otfk|lt lgi7fjfg\, ;ª\3Lo nf]stflGqs u0ftGqsf d"No dfGotfk|lt k|lta4, :jfledfgL,
;fdflhs tyf ;f+:s[lts ljljwtfnfO{ ;Ddfg ug]{, rl/qjfg\, g}ltsjfg\ Pjd\ lhDd]jf/ gful/s tof/

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 1

v08 s
dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md @)&^ M kl/ro tyf ;+/rgf
!= kl/ro
kf7\oj|mdsf] ljsf;, kl/dfh{g tyf cBfjlws ug]{ sfo{ lg/Gt/ rln/xg] k|lj|mof xf] . kl/jlt{t ;Gbe{, cWoog
cg';Gwfgsf k|ltj]bg, lzIfs, k|fWofks, ljBfyL{, a'l4hLjLnufot ljleGg ;/f]sf/jfnfaf6 k|fKt ;'emfj tyf
k|ltlj|mof, ljleGg ;ª\3;+:yf / k];f;Fu cfa¢ ;ª\3 ;ª\u7gsf ;'emfj, ;"rgf tyf ;~rf/sf dfWod / gful/s
;dfhaf6 kf7\oj|mdnfO{ ;fGble{s tyf ;dfj]zL agfpg k|fKt ;sf/fTds ;Nnfxsf cfwf/df ljBfno lzIffsf
nflu /fli6«o kf7\oj|md k|f¿k, @)&^ g]kfn ;/sf/af6 :jLs[t eO{ sfof{Gjog ePsf] 5 . o; k|f¿kn] lgb]{z
u/]sf] ljBfno txsf] kf7\oj|md ;+/rgf Pjd\ kf7\oj|md ljsf;sf dfu{bz{s l;¢fGt, 1fgsf] lj:tf/ tyf l;h{gf,
;]jf If]qdf a9]sf] k|lt:kwf{ tyf /fhgLlts, ;fdflhs / cfly{s If]qdf cfPsf] kl/jt{gn] kf7\oj|md kl/dfh{gsf]
cfjZostf cf}FNofPsf 5g\ . o;n] g]kfndf ljBfno lzIffnfO{ ;fdflhs Gofodf cfwfl/t ;d[¢ /fi6« lgdf{0fsf
nflu ;Ifd / k|lt:kwL{ gful/s tof/ ug{ ;xof]u ug{{] dfWodsf ¿kdf ljsf; ug'{kg{] b[li6sf]0f to u/]sf] 5 .
ljBfno lzIffsf] plNnlvt ;Gbe{ tyf b[li6sf]0fdf cfwfl/t eO{ sIff !! / !@ sf nflu kf7\oj|md ;+/rgf tyf
;f] ;+/rgfcg';f/sf ljifout kf7\oj|mdx¿ ljsf; ul/Psf] 5 .
ljBfno lzIffnfO{ cfwf/e"t / dfWolds u/L b'O{ txdf afFl8Psf] 5 . dfWolds lzIffn] ljBfyL{x¿df 1fgsf]
vf]hL u/L l;sfO / jf:tljs hLjglar ;DaGw :yflkt ug{], l;4fGt / Jojxf/sf] ;dGjo ug{] tyf :jk/fjlt{t
x'Fb} 1fg, l;k / IfdtfnfO{ cBfjlws ug]{ ;Ifdtf ljsf; u/fpg'k5{ . o; txsf] lzIffn] clwsf/, :jtGqtf /
;dfgtfsf] k|jw{g ug]{, cfkm\gf] st{Jok|lt ;r]t x'g], :j:y hLjg z}nLsf] cEof; ug]{, tfls{s ljZn]if0f u/L lg0f{o
ug]{, j}1flgs ljZn]if0fsf cfwf/df JolSt, ;dfh / /fi6«sf] lbuf] ljsf;df ;l/s x'g] gful/s tof/ ug{ ;xof]u
ug'{k5{ . ljBfyL{x¿df g}lts cfr/0f k|bz{g ug]{, ;fdflhs ;b\efjk|lt ;+j]bgzLn x'g], kof{j/0fLo ;Gt'ngk|lt
;+j]bgzLn x'g], åGå Joj:yfkg ub}{ lbuf] zflGtsf nflu k|lta4 /xg], cfw'lgs 1fg, l;k, ;"rgf tyf ;~rf/
k|ljlwsf] k|of]u ug]{, :jfjnDaL / Joj;fod'vL l;ksf] cEof; ug]{ ;Ifdtfsf] ljsf; o; txsf] lzIffsf ck]Iff
x'g\ . To;} u/L /fi6«, /fli6«otf / /fli6«o cfbz{sf] ;Ddfg ug]{, ;dfh :jLsfo{ cfr/0f / sfo{ ;+:s[ltsf]
cjnDag ug]{, ;lxi0f'efj /fVg], l;h{gzLn, sNkgfzLn, pBdzLn Pjd\ pRr ;f]r / cfbz{df cfwfl/t Jojxf/
ug]{, ;d;fdlos r'gf}tLx¿sf] ;kmn Joj:yfkg ug{]nufotsf ljz]iftfn] o'St :jfjnDaL, b]zeSt, kl/jt{gd'vL,
lrGtgzLn Pjd\ ;dfj]zL ;dfh lgdf{0fdf of]ubfg ug{ ;Sg] ;Ifd gful/s tof/ ug'{ o; txsf] lzIffsf]
sfo{lbzf xf] . o;sf nflu sIff !! / !@ sf] kf7\oj|md ;+/rgfnfO{ k'gM ;+/lrt ug{ /fli6«o kf7\oj|md ljsf;
tyf d"Nofª\sg kl/ifb\af6 clGtd ¿k lbO{ / g]kfn ;/sf/af6 :jLs[t ePsf] ljBfno lzIffsf nflu /fli6«o
kf7\oj|md k|f¿k, @)&^ nfO{ cfwf/ dfgL dfWolds tx -sIff !! / !@_ sf ljleGg ljifosf kf7\oj|md ljsf;
ul/Psf] xf] .
o; kf7\oj|mdsf] klxnf] v08df dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md @)&^ sf] kl/ro tyf ;+/rgf
;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 . o;df lzIffsf /fli6«o p2]Zo, txut ;Ifdtf tyf kf7\oj|mdsf] ;du| ;+/rgf ;dfj]z
ul/Psf] 5 . o;n] ljifout l;sfO pknlAw, ljifoj:t', lzIf0f l;sfOsf nflUf cfjZos ljlw÷k|ljlw tyf
d"Nofª\sgsf kIfnfO{ klg dfu{lgb]{z u/]sf] 5 . kf7\oj|mdsf] j|mdfut :t/Ls/0f ug]{ Pjd\ cl3Nnf / kl5Nnf
txsf kf7\oj|mdlarsf] txut ;ª\ult sfod ug{] u/L of] kf7\oj|md ljsf; ul/Psf] 5 .
@= lzIffsf /fli6«o p2]Zo
ljBfno lzIffsf /fli6«o p2]Zox¿ lgDgfg';f/ x'g] 5g\ M
!= k|To]s JolStdf cGtlg{lxt k|ltef k|:km'6g u/L JolStTj ljsf; ug]{
@= /fi6« / /fli6«otfk|lt lgi7fjfg\, ;ª\3Lo nf]stflGqs u0ftGqsf d"No dfGotfk|lt k|lta4, :jfledfgL,
;fdflhs tyf ;f+:s[lts ljljwtfnfO{ ;Ddfg ug]{, rl/qjfg\, g}ltsjfg\ Pjd\ lhDd]jf/ gful/s tof/

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 1

#= >dk|lt ;Ddfg Pjd\ ;sf/fTds ;f]r ePsf, /f]huf/ tyf :j/f]huf/pGd'v, pTkfbgd'vL, pBdzLn
/ l;ko'St gful/s tof/ ug]{
$= JolStsf] ;fdflhsLs/0fdf ;xof]u ub}{ ;fdflhs ;b\efj tyf ;lxi0f'tf / /fli6«o Pstf ;'b[9 ug{
;xof]u k'¥ofpg]
%= k|fs[lts tyf /fli6«o ;Dkbf / kof{j/0fsf] ;+/If0f, ;+jw{g / ;b'kof]u ub}{ lbuf] ljsf;df of]ubfg ug]{
;r]t gful/s tof/ ug]{
^= k|To]s JolStdf zflGt, dfgj clwsf/, ;dfgtf, ;dfj]lztf / ;fdflhs Gofosf dfGotfcg'¿ksf]
cfr/0f ljsf; u/L ;dtfd"ns, ;dfj]zL, Gofok"0f{ / ;dfhjfbpGd'v /fi6« lgdf{0fdf dbt ug]{
&= /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o :t/df k|lt:kwL{, cfw'lgs ;"rgf tyf ;~rf/ k|ljlw k|of]u ug{ ;Sg]
ljZjkl/j]z ;'xfpFbf] bIf hgzlSt tof/ ug]{
*= j}1flgs cjwf/0ff, tYo, l;k, l;4fGt tyf k|ljlwsf] k|of]u ug{ ;Sg] j}1flgs ;'ema'em ePsf tyf
cg';Gwfgd'vL hgzlSt tof/ ug]{
(= /rgfTds tyf ;dfnf]rgfTds lrGtg ug]{, hLjgf]kof]uL l;k ePsf ;lxi0f' / eflifs ;Ifdtfdf lgk'0f
gful/s tof/ ug]{
!)= g]kfnL df}lns snf, ;+:s[lt, ;f}Gbo{, cfbz{ tyf j}lzi6\ox¿sf] ;+/If0f, ;+jw{g / lj:tf/tkm{
clek|]l/t ePsf g]kfnsf] Oltxf;, e"uf]nsf] 1fg ePsf,] g]kfnL klxrfg / hLjgz}nLk|lt uf}/j ug]{
gful/s tof/ ug{]
!!= hnjfo' kl/jt{g tyf k|fs[lts Pjd\ dfgj l;lh{t k|sf]kk|lt ;r]t /xL ;Defljt hf]lvd Go"gLs/0f
tyf ljkt\ Joj:yfkg ug{ ;Ifd gful/s tof/ ug]{
!@= ;fdflhs Gofodf cfwfl/t ;d[4 /fi6« lgdf{0fsf lglDt cfjZos dfgj ;+;fwgsf] ljsf; ug]{
#= ljBfno lzIffsf] txut ;+/rgf / pd]/
g]kfnsf] ljBfno lzIff cfwf/e"t / dfWolds u/L b'O{ txsf] /x]sf] 5 . Ps jif{ cjlwsf] k|f/lDes afnljsf;
tyf lzIffkl5 sIff ! b]lv sIff * ;Dd u/L hDdf cf7 jif{sf] cfwf/e"t lzIff sfod ul/Psf] 5 eg] sIff (
b]lv !@ ;Ddsf] rf/ jif{ cjlwsf] dfWolds lzIff sfod ul/Psf] 5 . dfWolds lzIff ;fwf/0f, k/Dk/fut /
k|fljlws tyf Jofj;flos u/L tLg k|sf/sf] x'g] 5 . dfWolds lzIffsf] k|fljlws tyf Jofj;flos wf/tkm{ yk
Ps jif{ cjlwsf] Jofjxfl/s cEof; ;d]l6g] 5 . afndgf]lj1fg, l;sf?sf] pd]/ tyf l;sfO Ifdtf:t/sf
cfwf/df ljBfno lzIffsf] txut / sIffut vfsf b]xfoadf]lhd x'g] 5 M
ljBfnosf] tx sIff pd]/ ;d"x l;sfO Ifdtf:t/
k|f/lDes afnljsf; k|f/lDes afnljsf; tyf lzIff $ jif{
tyf lzIff
cfwf/e"t sIff !– # % b]lv & jif{;Dd tx !
sIff $ – % * b]lv ( jif{;Dd tx @
sIff ^ – * !) b]lv !@ jif{;Dd tx #
dfWolds sIff ( – !) !# b]lv !$ jif{;Dd tx $
sIff !! – !@ !% b]lv !^ jif{;Dd tx %
b|i6Jo M
!= dfWolds txsf] k|fljlws tyf Jofj;flos wf/tkm{ Jofjxfl/s cEof;;lxt Ps jif{sf] cjlw yk x'g] 5 .
@= plNnlvt tflnsfdf lglb{i6 pd]/ ;d"xn] ;DalGwt jif{sf] pd]/ k"/f ePsf] hgfpg] 5 .

2 kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|

$= dfWolds lzIff -sIff (–!@_ sf ;Ifdtf
dfWolds lzIffn] ljBfyL{df 1fgsf] vf]hL u/L l;sfO / jf:tljs hLjglar ;DaGw :yflkt ug]{, l;4fGt /
Jojxf/sf] ;dGjo ug]{, :jk/fjlt{t x'Fb} 1fg, l;k / IfdtfnfO{ cBfjlws ug]{ ;Ifdtfsf] ljsf; ug{] 5 . To;}
u/L ljBfyL{df clwsf/, :jtGqtf / ;dfgtfsf] k|jw{g ug]{, :j:y hLjgsf] cEof; ug]{, tfls{s ljZn]if0f u/L
lg0f{o ug]{, j}1flgs ljZn]if0fsf cfwf/df JolSt, ;dfh / /fi6«sf] lbuf] ljsf;df ;l/s x'g] ;Ifdtfsf] ljsf;
o; txsf] lzIffn] ug{] 5 . ljBfyL{df g}lts cfr/0f k|bz{g ug]{, ;fdflhs ;b\efjk|lt ;+j]bgzLn x'g],
kof{j/0fLo ;Gt'ngk|lt ;+j]bgzLn x'g], åGå Joj:yfkg ub}{ lbuf] zflGtsf nflu k|lta4 /xg] ;Ifdtfsf] ljsf;
klg o; txsf] lzIffaf6 ck]lIft 5g\ . o; txsf] lzIffaf6 cfw'lgs 1fg, l;k, ;"rgf tyf ;~rf/ k|ljlwsf]
k|of]u ug]{, :jfjnDaL / Joj;fod'vL l;ksf] cEof; ug]{, /fi6«, /fli6«otf / /fli6«o cfbz{sf] ;Ddfg ug]{, ;dfh
:jLsfo{ cfr/0f / sfo{ ;+:s[ltsf] cjnDag ug]{, ;lxi0f'efj /fVg] ;Ifdtf ePsf] gful/s tof/ ug{] ck]Iff /x]sf]
5 . To:t}, l;h{gzLn, sNkgfzLn, pBdzLn Pjd\ pRr ;f]r / cfbz{df cfwfl/t Jojxf/ ug]{, ;d;fdlos
r'gf}tLx¿sf] ;kmn Joj:yfkg ug{]nufotsf ljz]iftfn] o'St :jfjnDaL, b]zeSt, kl/jt{gd'vL, lrGtgzLn Pjd\
;dfj]zL ;dfh lgdf{0fdf of]ubfg ug{ ;Sg] ;Ifdtf;lxtsf] gful/s tof/ ug'{ dfWolds lzIffsf] nIo /x]sf]
5 . o;y{ dfWolds txsf ljBfyL{df ljsf; ug{] ck]Iff ul/Psf ;Ifdtf lgDgfg';f/ /x]sf 5g\ M
!= dfgjLo d"No, dfGotf / nf]stflGqs ;+:sf/ cjnDag ub}{ /fi6« / /fli6«otfsf] k|jw{gsf nflu ;r]t
gful/ssf] lhDd]jf/L jxg
@= /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o kl/j]z;Fu kl/lrt eO{ ljljwtf, ;b\efj / ;xcl:tTjnfO{ cfTd;ft\ ub}{ ;Eo,
;';+:s[t / ;dtfd"ns ;dfh lgdf{0fsf nflu e"ldsf lgjf{x
#= b}lgs lj|mofsnfksf ;fy} k|fl1s If]qdf cfTdljZjf;sf ;fy pko'St, l;h{gfTds / ;fGble{s ¿kdf
eflifs l;ksf] k|of]u
$= k|efjsf/L l;sfO, /rgfTds / ljZn]if0ffTds ;f]r tyf ;fdflhs ;Dks{ / ;~rf/af6 ljrf/x¿sf]
cfbfg k|bfg
%= JolStut ljsf; / cfjZostfsf] kl/k"lt{sf nflu l;sfOk|lt ;sf/fTds ;f]rsf] ljsf; tyf
:jcWoog Pjd\ 1fg / l;ksf] vf]hL ug]{ afgLsf] ljsf;
^= Jofjxfl/s ul0ftLo 1fg tyf l;ksf] af]w tyf k|of]u / ;d:of ;dfwfgdf ul0ftLo cjwf/0ff, l;4fGt
tyf tfls{s l;ksf] k|of]u
&= Jofjxfl/s j}1flgs 1fg, tYo, l;åfGt / k|ljlwsf] ;d'lrt k|of]u
*= j}1flgs vf]h tyf cg';Gwfg ug{ cfjZos k|lj|mofut l;kx¿ xfl;n u/L cfw'lgs k|ljlwx¿sf] b}lgs
hLjgdf k|of]u
(= hLjghut\ / Jojxf/;Fusf] tfbfTDo af]w u/L hLjgf]kof]uL l;k (Life skills) sf] k|of]u ub}{
;dfh;fk]If Jojxf/ k|bz{g
!)= :jf:Yok|ltsf] ;r]ttf;lxt jftfj/0f ;+/If0f / ;+jw{g tyf hg;ª\Vof Joj:yfkgdf ;lj|mo ;xeflutf
!!= k|fs[lts tyf ;fdflhs 36gfsf] ljZn]if0f, ltgsf] sf/0f / c;/ af]w tyf ;sf/fTds Jojxf/ k|bz{g
!@= >dk|lt ;Ddfg ub}{ sfdsf] ;+;f/df cfTdljZjf;;fy tof/L
!#= k|fljlws 1fg, l;k, k|j[lQ tyf k];fut / Joj:yfksLo Ifdtfsf] ljsf; / k|of]u
!$= pRr txdf cWoogsf] cfwf/ ljsf;
%= dfWolds lzIff -sIff !!–!@_ sf ;Ifdtf
dfWolds lzIff -sIff !!–!@_ sf ;Ifdtfx¿ lgDgfg';f/ x'g] 5g\ M
!= dfgjLo d"No, dfGotf / nf]stflGqs ;+:sf/ cjnDag ub}{ /fi6« / /fli6«otfsf] k|jw{gsf nflu ;r]t
gful/ssf] lhDd]jf/L jxg
@= /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o kl/j]z;Fu kl/lrt eO{ ljljwtf, ;b\efj / ;xcl:tTjnfO{ cfTd;ft\ ub}{ ;Eo
;';+:s[t / ;dtfd"ns ;dfh lgdf{0fsf nflu e"ldsf lgjf{x

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 3

#= b}lgs lj|mofsnfksf ;fy} k|fl1s If]qdf cfTdljZjf;sf ;fy pko'St, l;h{gfTds / ;fGble{s ¿kdf
eflifs Pjd\ ;~rf/ l;ksf] k|of]u
$= JolStut ljsf; / cfjZostfsf] kl/k"lt{sf nflu l;sfOk|lt ;sf/fTds ;f]rsf] ljsf; tyf
:jcWoog Pjd\ 1fg / l;ksf] vf]hL ug]{ afgLsf] ljsf;
%= hLjg, hLljsf / j[lQ Pjd\ ;fdflhs ;f+:s[lts Jojxf/;Fu tfbfTDo af]w u/L hLjgf]kof]uL l;k (Life
skills) sf] ljsf;
^= :j:Yo hLjgz}nLsf] cjnDag Pjd\ jftfj/0f ;+/If0f / lbuf] ljsf;sf nflu e"ldsf lgjf{x
&= k|fs[lts tyf ;fdflhs 36gfsf] ljZn]if0f, ltgsf] sf/0f / c;/ af]w tyf ;sf/fTds Jojxf/ k|bz{g
*= >dk|lt ;Ddfg ub}{ sfdsf] ;+;f/df cfTdljZjf;sf] ;fy k|j]z
(= k|fljlws 1fg, l;k, k|j[lQ tyf k];fut / Joj:yfksLo Ifdtfsf] ljsf; / k|of]u
!)= pRr txdf cWoogsf nflu ljifout÷ljwfut cfwf/ ljsf;
^= ljBfno lzIffsf] kf7\oj|md ;+/rgf
ljBfno lzIffsf] kf7\oj|md ;+/rgf lgDgfg';f/ k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 M
-s_ k|f/lDes afnljsf; tyf lzIff
k|f/lDes afnljsf; tyf lzIff kf7\oj|mdsf] d'Vo nIo afnaflnsfsf] ;jf{ª\uL0f ljsf; ug'{ / pgLx¿nfO{
l;sfOk|lt k|]l/t u/L l;sfOsf nflu cfwf/lznf v8f ug'{ x'g] 5 . k|f/lDes afnljsf; / lzIffsf] kf7\oj|md $
jif{sf afnaflnsfsf] pd]/ut ljsf;fTds kIfnfO{ Wofg lbO{ PsLs[t l;4fGtcg';f/ ljsf; ul/g] 5 . o;df
pd]/cg';f/sf zf/Ll/s, ;+j]ufTds, ;fdflhs, ;f+:s[lts, g}lts, af}l4s tyf dfgl;s, :jf:Yo, kf]if0f, ;'/Iff
tyf jftfj/0f / l;h{gfTds l;kx¿ ljsf; u/fpgfsf ;fy} df}lvs eflifs l;k, k"j{;ª\Vof jf k"j{ul0ftLo
l;knufotsf l;k ljsf; u/fOG5 . o; txdf cf}krfl/s¿kdf k9fO / n]vfOsf l;k tyf lj|mofsnfk eg]
pd]/df b[li6n] ;dfj]z ul/g' x'Gg .
-v_ cfwf/e"t lzIff
-c_ cfwf/e"t lzIff -sIff !–#_
cfwf/e"t lzIff -sIff !–#_ df PsLs[t :j¿ksf] kf7\oj|md x'g] 5 . l;sfOsf If]qx¿ (Themes) klxrfg u/L
ljifo / l;sfOsf If]qsf cfwf/df ax'ljifofTds (Multidisciplinary) tyf cGt/ljifout (Interdisciplinary)
9fFrfdf kf7\oj|md cfwfl/t ul/g] 5 . o;cg';f/ PsLs[t ljifoIf]qx¿n] ;d]6\g g;s]sf l;sfO pknlAwx¿nfO{
;d]6\g] u/L ljifout l;sfO If]qx¿;d]t /xg ;Sg] 5g\ . efiffut ljifo;Fu ;DalGwt ljifoIf]qx¿ k7gkf7g
;DalGwt efiffdf g} ug'{kg]{ 5 . o; txdf afnaflnsfx¿n] cfkm\gf] dft[efiffdf l;Sg] cj;/ k|fKt ug]{ 5g\ .
o:tf] kf7\oj|md lj|mofsnfkd'vL x'g] 5 . o;n] ljBfyL{x¿df ljifoj:t'sf] 1fgsf ;fYf} ljleGg lsl;dsf
Jojxf/s'zn l;k ljsf;df hf]8 lbg] 5 . cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !–#_ df efiff, ul0ft, lj1fg, :jf:Yo / zf/Ll/s
lzIff, ;fdflhs cWoog, l;h{gfTds snf, dft[efiff tyf :yfgLo ljifosf l;sfO If]qx¿ /x] klg PsLs[t
l;åfGtcg';f/ g]kfnL, ul0ft, cª\u|]hL, xfd|f] ;]/f]km]/f] / dft[efiff jf :yfgLo ljifoIf]q df plNnlvt ;a} ljifonfO{
;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 . cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !–#_ sf] kf7\oj|mddf :yfgLo ljifocGtu{t ;+:s[t efiffsf] k7gkf7g
x'g ;Sg] 5 .
-cf_ cfwf/e"t lzIff -sIff $–%_
cfwf/e"t lZfIff -sIff $–%_ df ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ efiff, ul0ft, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw, ;fdflhs cWoog tyf
dfgjd"No lzIff, :jf:Yo, zf/Ll/s tyf l;h{gfTds snf, dft[efiff tyf :yfgLo ljifosf l;sfO If]qx¿ k|bfg
ul/g] 5 . b}lgs hLjgsf nflu cfjZos cGt/j}olSts l;kx¿, :j;r]tgf l;kx¿, ;dfnf]rgfTds tyf
l;h{gfTds ;f]rfOsf l;kx¿, lg0f{o ug]{ l;kx¿, ;"rgf k|ljlw;DaGwL l;kx¿ / gful/s r]tgf;DaGwL l;kx¿
PsLs[t u/L kf7\oj|md ljsf; ul/g] 5 .

4 kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|

-O_ cfwf/e"t lzIff -sIff ^–*_
cfwf/e"t lzIff -sIff ^–*_ df ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ efiff, ul0ft, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw, ;fdflhs, jftfj/0f, hg;ª\Vof,
dfgjd"No, :jf:Yo, zf/Ll/s tyf l;h{gfTds snf / :yfgLo ljifosf l;sfO If]qx¿ g} k|bfg ul/g] 5 .
:yfgLo cfjZostfdf cfwfl/t cWoogcGtu{t ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ dft[efiff jf :yfgLo snf, ;+:s[lt, l;k, ;+:s[t
efiff h:tf ljifoj:t' ;dfj]z ug{ ;lsg] 5 . b}lgs hLjgsf nflu cfjZos cGt/j}olSts l;kx¿, :j;r]tgf
l;kx¿, ;dfnf]rgfTds tyf l;h{gfTds ;f]rfOsf l;kx¿, lg0f{o ug]{ l;kx¿, ;"rgf k|ljlw;DaGwL l;kx¿ /
gful/s r]tgf;DaGwL l;kx¿ PsLs[t u/L kf7\oj|md ljsf; ul/g] 5 .
cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !–*_ df ;+:s[t, u'?s'n, j]b ljBf>d, db;f{, uf]Gkf / cfwf/e"t tx -sIff !–#_ df d'Gw'd
lzIffsf nflu eg] ljifo ;+/rgfdf s]xL leGgtf x'g] 5 .
-v_ dfWolds lZfIff
ljBfno lzIffdf sIff ( b]lv !@ ;DdNffO{ dfWolds lzIff sfod ul/Psf] 5 . dfWolds lzIffnfO{ ;fwf/0f,
k|fljlws tyf Jofj;flos / k/Dk/fut u/L tLg k|sf/df juL{s/0f ul/Psf] 5 . u'?s'n, uf]Gkf ljxf/, db;f{,
d'Gw'dnufotsf k/Dk/fut lzIff k4ltnfO{ klg dfWolds lzIffdf ;d]l6Psf] 5 . dfWolds lzIffsf] kf7\oj|md
;+/rgf Psnkysf] x'g] 5 . sIff ( / !) sf] ;fwf/0f wf/tkm{ k|To]s sIffdf g]kfnL, cª\u|]hL, ul0ft, lj1fg
tyf k|ljlw / ;fdflhs cWoog u/L kfFrcf]6f clgjfo{ ljifox¿ / b'O{cf]6f P]lR5s ljifox¿ /xg] 5g\ . o;} u/L
sIff !! / !@ df clgjfo{ ljifosf ¿kdf g]kfnL, cª\u|]hL, ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff jf ul0ft
ljifo ;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 . P]lR5s ljifosf ¿kdf rf/ ;d"x dWo]af6 s'g] ltg ;d"xaf6 Ps Pscf]6f ljifo
u/L hDdf ltg ljifo 5gf]6 ug'[{ kg]{5 . dfWolds lzIff -sIff (—!) tyf sIff !!–!@_ sf] kf7\oj|md ;+/rgf
lgDgfg';f/ x'g] 5 M
-c_ ;fwf/0f lzIff
dfWolds lzIff -sIff (– !)_
j|m= ;= ljifo kf7\o 306f (Credit hour) jflif{s sfo{306f (Working hour)
!= g]kfnL % !^)
@= cª\u|]hL % !^)
#= ul0ft % !^)
$= lj1fg tyf k|ljlw % !^)
%= ;fdflhs cWoog $ !@*
^= P]lR5s k|yd $ !@*
&= P]lR5s låtLo $ !@*
hDdf #@ !)@$

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! – !@_

j|m=;+= ljifo sIff !! sIff !@
kf7\o306f jflif{s sfo{306f kf7\o306f jflif{s
(Credit hour) (Working hour) (Credit sfo{306f
hour) (Working
!= g]kfnL # (^ # (^
@= cª\u|]hL $ !@* $ !@*
#= ;fdflhs cWoog tyf % !^) % !^)

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 5

hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff jf
$ P]lR5s klxnf] % !^) % !^)
% P]lR5s bf];|f] % !^) % !^)
^ P]lR5s t];|f] % !^) % !^)
hDdf @& *^$ @& *^$
b|i6Jo M
!= P]lR5s tLg ljifox¿sf] 5gf]6 ljBfyL{sf] ?lr, cfjZostf, pknAw lzIfs tyf ;|f]t;fwgsf cfwf/df
:yfgLo ;/sf/sf] ;dGjo / ;xhLs/0fdf ljBfnon] ug]{ 5 . o;/L ljifo 5gf]6 ubf{ P]lR5s klxnf],
bf];|f], t];|f] / rf}yf] ;d"xdWo] s'g} tLg ;d"xaf6 Ps Ps ljifo u/L hDdf tLg ljifo 5gf]6 ug'{kg]{ 5 .
;fdfGotof P]lR5s ljifo 5gf]6 ubf{ sIff !! df cWoog u/]sf] ljifo jf ;f] ljifo;FUf ;DalGwt ljifo
sIff !@ df lng'kg{] 5 . sIff !! df cWoog u/]sf] ljifo jf ;f] ljifo;FUf ;DalGwt ljifo sIff !@
df gePdf ;f]xL ;d"xaf6 ;6\6fdf tf]lsPsf] ldNbf] ljifo lng'kg]{ 5 .
@= s'g} ljBfyL{n] cfkm\gf] l;sfOsf] cj;/ j[l4 ug]{ p2]Zon] yk cWoog ug{ rfx]df P]lR5s ljifo 5gf]6
gu/]sf] ;d"xaf6 yk P]lR5s ljifo cWoog ug{ ;Sg] 5 t/ To:tf] ljifo cltl/St j|m]l86 (Non
Credit) ljifosf ¿kdf /xg] 5 .
#= ljifout k|of]ufTds kf7\o306f ;DalGwt kf7\oj|mdn] lgwf{/0f u/]adf]lhd yk x'g ;Sg] 5 .
$= k|To]s clgjfo{ tyf P]lR5s ljifodf ljBfnon] k|of]ufTds÷Jofjxfl/s cEof; u/fpg'kg]{ 5 . o:tf]
cEof;df ljifosf] k|s[ltcg';f/ k|of]ufTds sfo{, kl/of]hgf sfo{, ;fd'bflos sfo{, k|:t'tLs/0f, vf]h,
OG6g{l;k, cltl/St sfo{snfk, v]ns'b, ufog cflb sfo{ u/fpg ;lsg] 5 . t/ ;DalGwt ljifosf]
kf7\oj|mdn] tf]s]cg';f/sf] k|of]ufTds cEof; u/fpg'kg]{ 5 .
%= ljb]zL ljBfyL{x¿sf nflu clgjfo{ g]kfnL ljifosf] ;6\6f cGo s'g} efiff ljifo cWoog ug{ kfpg]
Joj:yf ug{ ;lsg] 5 .

-cf_ k/Dk/fut lzIff M ;+:s[t÷j]b ljBf>d÷u'?s'n lzIff

dfWolds lzIff -sIff (– !)_
j|m=;= ljifo kf7\o306f (Credit jflif{s sfo{306f
hour) (Working hour)
!= g]kfnL % !^)
@= cª\u|]hL÷;+:s[t /rgf % !^)
#= ul0ft % !^)
$= j]b jf gLltzf:q jf lj1fg tyf k|ljlw % !^)
%= ;+:s[t efiff tyf Jofs/0f $ !@*
^= P]lR5s k|yd $ !@*
&= P]lR5s låtLo $ !@*
hDdf #@ !)@$
b|i6Jo M
!= j]b eGgfn] z'Snoh'j]{b jf ;fdj]b jf CUj]b jf cyj{j]bdWo] s'g} Ps ljifo 5gf]6 ug'{kg]{ 5 .
@= P]lR5s k|yd ljifodf sd{sf08, kmlnt Hof]ltif, of]u lzIff, jf:t'zf:q, cfo'j]{b, k|fs[lts lrlsT;f /
P]lR5s ul0ft ljifodWo] Ps ljifo 5gf]6 ug'{kg]{ 5 .
#= P]lR5s låtLo kqdf ;+:s[tsf zf:qLo ljifodWo] s'g} Ps ljifo 5gf]6 ug'{kg]{ 5 . t/ lj1fg tyf
k|ljlw ljifosf] ;6\6fdf j]b ljifosf] 5gf]6 u/]df P]lR5s låtLodf j]b ljifo 5gf]6 ug{ kfOg] 5}g .

6 kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|

dfWolds lzIff sIff !!–!@
j|m= ;+= sIff !! sIff !@
ljifo kf7\o306f jflif{s kf7\o306f jflif{s
(Credit hour) sfo{306f (Credit hour) sfo{306f
(Working (Working
hour) hour)
! g]kfnL # (^ # (^
@ cª\u|]hL jf ;+:s[t /rgf $ !@* $ !@*
# ;fdflhs cWoog tyf % !^) % !^)
hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff jf ul0ft
$ ;+:s[t efiff tyf Jofs/0f % !^) % !^)
% P]lR5s k|yd % !^) % !^)
^ P]lR5s låtLo % !^) % !^)
hDdf @& *^$ @& *^$

-O_ k/Dk/fut lzIffM uf]Gkf÷db;f{

dfWolds lzIff -sIff (– !)_
j|m=;= ljifo kf7\o306f (Credit hour) jflif{s sfo{306f (Working hour)
!= g]kfnL % !^)
@= cª\u|]hL % !^)
#= ul0ft % !^)
$= lj1fg tyf k|ljlw % !^)
%= ;fdflhs cWoog $ !@*
^= P]lR5s k|yd $ !@*
&= P]lR5s låtLo $ !@*
hDdf #@ !)@$
b|i6Jo M
!= ;fdflhs cWoog ljifonfO{ ;DalGwt k/Dk/fut lzIff ljifosf] ljifoj:t'nfO{ ;d]t cg's"ng u/L
;DalGwt efiffdf g} k7gkf7g ug{ ;lsg] 5 .
@= uf]Gkf lzIffsf] P]lR5s ljifosf] ¿kdf ;fwf/0f lzIffsf P]lR5s ljifosf cltl/St ef]6 efiff / af}¢
lzIff k7gkf7g ug{ ;lsg] 5 .
#= db;f{ lzIffsf] P]lR5s ljifosf ¿kdf ;fwf/0f lzIffsf] P]lR5s ljifosf cltl/St c/]las efiff ;flxTo
/ Jofs/0f, pb"{ efiff ;flxTo / Jofs/0f Pjd\ lblgoft ljifo k7gkf7g ug{ ;lsg] 5 .
$= db;f{tkm{ cª\u|]hL ljifosf ;6\6fdf c/aL ;flxTo / lj1fg tyf k|ljlw ljifosf ;6\6fdf l;/t /
O:nfdL ljifo k7gkf7g u/fpg ;lsg] 5 .

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 7

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !!– !@_
j|m=;= ljifo sIff !! sIff !@
kf7\o306f jflif{s kf7\o306f jflif{s
(Credit hour) sfo{306f (Credit hour) sfo{306f
! g]kfnL # (^ # (^
@ cª\u|]hL jf af}4 lzIff jf pb"{ $ !@* $ !@*
Jofs/0f / ;flxTo
# ;fdflhs cWoog tyf % !^) % !^)
hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff jf ul0ft
% P]lR5s k|yd -af}4 bz{g jf % !^) % !^)
^ P]lR5s låtLo -Hof]ltif, e}ifHo, % !^) % !^)
lzNk ljBf, af}4 sd{sf08,
sDKo'6/_jf -xlb; / c;'n]
& P]lR5s t[tLo -cª\u]hL, % !^) % !^)
hfkflgh, rfOlgh, kfnL efiff,
ef]6 efiff, ;+:s[t /rgf_÷
-ld/f; lj1fg_
hDdf @& *^$ @& *^$
b|i6Jo M
1= k|fljlws tyf Jofj;flos wf/tkm{sf] kf7\oj|md ;+/rgf tyf ljifox¿sf] ljj/0f kf7\oj|mdsf] o;
v08df ;dfj]z gu/L dfWolds lzIff -k|fljlws tyf Jofj;flos_ kf7\oj|mddf ;dfj]z ul/g] 5 .
^= sIff !! / !@ df k7gkf7g x'g] clgjfo{ ljifo, P]lR5s ljifosf] 5gf]6sf nlu ljifout ;d"x tyf ljifosf]
-s_ clgjfo{ ljifo
l;= g+= sIff !! sf ljifo / sf]8 sIff !@ sf ljifo / sf]8
! g]kfnL Nep. 001 g]kfnLNep. 002
@ EnglishEng. 003 EnglishEng. 004
# ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff Sol. ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff
005 jf ul0ft (Mathematics)  Mth. 007 Sol.006 jf ul0ft (Mathematics)
Mth. 008

8 kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|

-v_ P]lR5s ljifo
-c_ P]lR5s klxnf] ;d"x
j|m=;= sIff !! sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8 sIff !@ sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8
!= Eff}lts lj1fg (Physics) Phy. 101 Eff}lts lj1fg (Physics) Phy. 102
@= n]vfljlw (Accounting) Acc. 103 n]vfljlw (Accounting) Acc. 104
#= u|fdL0f ljsf; (Rural Development) Rud. 105 u|fdL0f ljsf; (Rural Development)
Rud. 106
$ ljlwzf:q / sfg'gL l;¢fGt (Jurispudence and g]kfnsf] Gofo / sfg'g k|0ffnL
Legal Theories Jlt. 107 (Nepalese Legal system) Nls. 110
%= lrqsnf (Painting) Pai. 111 lrqsnf (Painting) Pai.112
^ afnljsf; / l;sfO (Child Development and z}Ifl0fs k4lt / d"Nofª\sg
Learning) Cdl. 115 (Instructional Pedagogy and
Evaluation) Ipe. 118
& dgf]lj1fg (Psychology) Psy. 119 dgf]lj1fg (Psychology) Nls. 120
* Oltxf; (History) His. 121 Oltxf; (History) His. 122
( n}ª\lus cWoog (Gender Studies) Ges. 123 n}ª\lus cWoog (Gender Studies)
Ges. 124
!) cltly ;Tsf/ Joj:yfkg (Hospitality cltly ;Tsf/ Joj:yfkg (Hospitality
Management) Hom. 125 Management) Hom. 126
!! afnL lj1fg (Agronomy) Agr. 127 afnL lj1fg (Agronomy) Agr. 128
!@ k|fs[lts lrlsT;f (Naturopathy) Nat. 129 k|fs[lts lrlsT;f (Naturopathy) Nat.
!# dfgjd"No lzIff (Human Value Education) Hve. dfgjd"No lzIff (Human Value
131 Education) Hve. 132

-cf_ P]lR5s bf];|f] ;d"x

j|m=;= sIff !! sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8 sIff !@ sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8

!= hLj lj1fg (Biology) bio. 201 hLj lj1fg (Biology) bio. 202
@= lzIff / ljsf; (Education and Development) lzIff / ljsf; (Education and
Edd. 203 Development) Edd. 204
# e"uf]n (Geography) Geo. 205 e"uf]n (Geography) Geo. 206
$= sfo{ljlw sfg'g (Procedural Law ) Prl. 207 sfg'gsf] d:of}bf k|lj|mof (Legal Drafting)
Led. 210
% ;dfhzf:q (Sociology ) Soc. 211 ;dfhzf:q (Sociology ) Soc. 212
^ cfo'j]{b (Ayurbed) Ayu. 213 cfo'j]{b (Ayurbed) Au. 214
& Joj;fo cWoog (Business Studies) Bus. Joj;fo cWoog (Business Studies)
215 Bus. 216
* efiff lj1fg (Linguistics) Lin. 217 efiff lj1fg (Linguistics) Lin. 218
( /fhgLlt zf:q (Political Science) Pol. 219 /fhgLlt zf:q (Political Science) Pol.
!) bz{gzf:q (Philosophy) Phi. 221 bz{gzf:q (Philosophy) Phi. 222

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 9

!! hg;ª\Vof cWoog (Population Studies) Pos. hg;ª\Vof cWoog (Population Studies)
223 Pos. 224
!@ afujfgL (Horticulture) afujfgL (Horticulture)
-kmnkm"n, t/sf/L, k'ik / Rofp v]tL_ Hor. 225 -kmnkm"n, t/sf/L, k'ik / Rofp v]tL_ Hor.
!# vfB / kf]if0f (Food and Nutrition) Fon. 227 vfB / kf]if0f (Food and Nutrition) Fon.
!$ g[To (Dance) Dan. 229 g[To (Dance) Dan. 230
!% snf Oltxf; (History of Arts) Hia. 231 snf Oltxf; (History of Arts) Hia. 232

-O_ P]lR5s t];|f] ;d"x

j|m=;= sIff !! sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8 sIff !@ sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8

!= /;fog lj1fg (Chemistry) Che. 301 /;fog lj1fg (Chemistry) Che. 302
@ cy{zf:q (Economics) Eco. 303 cy{zf:q (Economics) Eco. 304
# ko{6g / kj{tf/f]x0f cWoog (Tourism and ko{6g / kj{tf/f]x0f cWoog (Tourism and
Mountaineering Studies) Tms. 305 Mountaineering Studies) Tms. 306
$ ahf/zf:q (Marketing) Mar. 307 ahf/zf:q (Marketing) Mar.308
% a'9\of}nL tyf :ofxf/ lzIff (Gerontology and a'9\of}nL tyf :ofxf/ lzIff
Care Taking Education) Gct. 309 (Gerentology and Care Taking
Education) Gct. 310
^ of]u (Yog) yog. 311 of]u (Yog) Yog. 312
& jfBjfbg (Vocal/Instrumetal) Voc. 313 jfBjfbg (Vocal/Instrumetal) voc. 314
* l;nfO tyf a'gfO (Sewing and Knitting) Sek. l;nfO tyf a'gfO (Sewing and Knitting)
315 Sek. 316
( ;+j}wflgs sfg'g (Constitutional Law) Col. b]jfgL tyf kmf}hbf/L sfg'g / Gofo (Civil
317 and Criminal law and justice) Ccl.
!) kfssnf (Culinary Arts) Cua. 321 kfssnf (Culinary Arts) Cua. 322
!! ;+:s[lt (Culture) Cul. 323 ;+:s[lt (Culture) Cul. 324
!@ km];g l8hfOlgª (Fashion Designing ) Fad. km];g l8hfOlgª (Fashion Designing )
325 Fad. 326
!# l;g]df tyf 8s'd]G6«L (Film and Dacumentry) l;g]df tyf 8s'd]G6«L (Film and
Fid. 327 Dacumentry) Fid. 328
!$ kz'kfng, kG5Lkfng / df5fkfng (Livestock, kz'kfng, k+IfLkfng / df5fkfng
Poultry and Fish Farming) Lpf. 329 (Livestock, Poultry and Fish Farming)
Lpf. 330
!% g]kfnL (Nepali) Nep. 331 g]kfnL (Nepali) Nep. 332
!^ cª\u|]hL (English) Eng. 333 cª\u|]hL (English) Eng. 334
!& d}lynL Mai. 335 d}lynL Mai. 336
!* g]jf/L New 337 g]jf/L New. 338
!( lxGbL Hin. 339 lxGbL Hin. 340
@) lrlgofF Chi. 341 lrlgofF Chi. 342

10 kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|

@! hd{g Jer. 343 hd{g Jer. 344
@@ hfkflgh Jap. 345 hfkflgh Jap 346
@# sf]l/og Kor. 347 sf]l/og Kor.348
@$ pb"{ Urd. 349 pb"{ Urd. 350
@% ef]hk'/L Bhj. 351  ef]hk'/L Bhj. 352 
@^ k|m]Gr Fre. 353 k|m]Gr  Fre. 354
@& lxa|" Heb. 355 lxa|" Heb. 356
@* c/]las Are. 357 c/]las Are. 358
@( ;+:s[t San. 359 ;+:s[t San. 360
#) k|fof]lus snf (Applied Arts) Apa. 361 k|fof]lus snf (Applied Arts) Apa. 362

-O{_ P]lR5s rf}yf] ;d"x

j|m= ;= sIff !! sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8 sIff !@ sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8

!= ul0ft (Mathematics) Mth. 401 ul0ft (Mathematics) Mth. 402
@= k|fof]lus ul0ft (Applied mathematics) k|fof]lus ul0ft (Applied Mathematics)
Ama. 403 Ama. 404
#= jfl0fHo ul0ft (Business Mathematics) Bmt. jfl0fHo ul0ft (Business Mathematics)
405 Bmt. 406
$ Dffgj clwsf/ (Human rights) Hur. 407 Dffgj clwsf/ (Human rights) Hur. 408
% k':tsfno tyf ;"rgf lj1fg (Library and k':tsfno tyf ;"rgf lj1fg (Library and
Information Science) Lis. 409 Information science) Lis. 410
^ Uf[x lj1fg (Home Science) Hos. 411 Uf[x lj1fg (Home Science) Hos. 412
& Jfftfj/0f lj1fg (Environment Science) Jfftfj/0f lj1fg (Environment Science)
Ens. 413 Ens.414
* ;fwf/0f sfg'g (General Law) Gel. 415 ;fwf/0f sfg'g (General Law) Gel.416
( ljQzf:q (Finance) Fin. 417 ljQzf:q (Finance) Fin. 418
!) ;xsf/L Joj:yfkg (Co-operative ;xsf/L Joj:yfkg (Co-operative
management) Com. 419 Management) Urd. 420
!! Aff}4 cWoog (Buddhist Studies) Bud. 421 Aff}4 cWoog (Buddhist Studies)
!@ d"lt{snf (Sculpture) Scu. 423 d"lt{snf(Sculpture) Scu. 424
!# ufog (Signing) Sig. 425 ufog (Signing) Sig. 426
!$ sDKo'6/ lj1fg (Computer Science) Com. sDKo'6/ lj1fg (Computer Science)
427 Com. 428
!% /];d v]tL / df}/Lkfng (Sericulture and Bee /];d v]tL / df}/Lkfng (Sericulture and
Keeping) Sbk. 429 Bee Keeping) Sbk. 430
!^ ;f}Gbo{snf / s]zsnf (Beautician and Hair ;f}Gbo{snf / s]zsnf (Beautician and
Dressing) Beh. 431 Hair Dressing) Beh.432
!& cf}iflwhGo h8La'6L (Medicinal Herbals) cf}iflwhGo h8La'6L (Medicinal Herbals )
Meh. 433 Meh.434
!* KnlDaª / jfOl/ª (Plumbing and Wiring) KnlDaª / jfOl/ª (Plumbing and Wiring)
Plw. 435 Plw. 436

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 11

!( cfGtl/s ;hfa6 (Internal Decoration) Ind. cfGtl/s ;hfa6 (Internal Decoration)
437 Ind. 438
@) xf]6]n Joj:yfkg (Hotel Management) Hom. xf]6]n Joj:yfkg (Hotel Management)
439 Hom. 440
@!= cfd;~rf/ (Mass Communication) Mac. cfd;~rf/ (Mass Communication)
441 Mac.442
@@= :jf:Yo tyf zf/Ll/s lzIff (Health and :jf:Yo tyf zf/Ll/s lzIff (Health and
Physical Education) Hpe. 443 Physical Education) Hpe. 444
@#= v]ns'b lj1fg (Sports Science) Sps. 445 v]ns'b lj1fg (Sports Science) Sps.446
@$= ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff Sol. ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff
447 Sol. 448
!= sIff !! sf] clgjfo{ ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff Sol. 005 / ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff
-P]lR5s_ Sol. 447, sIff !@ sf] clgjfo{ ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff Sol. 006 / ;fdflhs cWoog tyf
hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff -P]lR5s_ Sol. 448 tyf sIff !! sf] clgjfo{ ul0ft (Mathematics) Mth. 007 / ul0ft
-P]lR5s_ (Mathematics) Mth. 401, sIff !@ sf] clgjfo{ ul0ft (Mathematics) Mth. 008 / ul0ft -P]lR5s_
(Mathematics) Mth. 402 sf sf]8 km/s eP klg kf7\oj|md Pp6} x'g] 5g\ .
@= k|To]s ljifodf lbOPsf] sf]8 ;}4flGts dNofª\sgsf nflu x'g] 5 . cfGtl/s d"Nofª\sgsf nflu ljifosf]8sf] Joj:yf /fli6«o
k/LIff jf]8{n] cfjZos Joj:yf ug{ ;Sg] 5 .
dfWolds lzIff -sIff !!–!@_ ;+:s[ttkm{sf ljifo
-s_ clgjfo{ ljifo

l;= g+= sIff !! sf ljifo / sf]8 sIff !@ sf ljifo / sf]8

! ;+:s[t /rgf Saw. 011 ;+:s[t /rgf Saw. 012
@ ;+:s[t efiff tyf Jofs/0f Slg. 017 ;+:s[t efiff tyf Jofs/0f Slg. 018
b|i6Jo M clgjfo{ ljifox¿ g]kfnL Nep. 001 / Nep. 002, cª\u|]hL Eng. 003 / Eng. 004, ;fdflhs
cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffSol. 005 jf ul0ft (Mathematics) Mth. 007, ;fdflhs cWoog tyf
hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffSol.006 jf ul0ft (Mathematics) Mth. 008, ;fwf/0f wf/d} pNn]v ePcg';f/ x'g]
5g\ . ljBfyL{n] cª\u|]hL Eng. 003 / Eng. 004 sf] ;6\6f ;+:s[t /rgf Saw. 011 / Saw. 012 ljifo
cWoog ug{ ;Sg] 5g\ .
-v_ P]lR5s ljifo
lgDglnlvt tLg ;d"xdWo] s'g} b'O{ ;d"xaf6 Ps Ps ljifo u/L b'O{ ljifo cWoog ug'{kg]{ 5 . ljBfyL{n] yk
ljifo cWoog ug{ rfx]df P]lR5s ljifo 5gf]6 gePsf] ;d"xaf6 Ps ljifo cWoog ug{ ;Sg] 5g\ .
-c_ P]lR5s klxnf] ;d"x

j|m= ;= sIff !! sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8 sIff !@ sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8

! z'Snoh'j]{b Yab 501 z'Snoh'j]{b Yab. 502
@ ;fdj]b Sab. 503 ;fdj]b Sab. 504
# CUj]b Rib. 505 CUj]b Rib. 506
$ cyj{j]b Aab. 507 cyj{j]b Aab. 508
% Jofs/0f Gra. 509 Jofs/0f Gra. 510
^ l;4fGt Hof]ltif Sij. 511 l;4fGt Hof]ltif Sij. 512
& GofoNay. 513 Gofo Nay. 514

12 kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|

* bz{gzf:q Dar. 515 bz{gzf:q Dar. 516
( ;+:s[t ;flxTo Sas. 517 ;+:s[t ;flxTo Sas. 518
!) Oltxf; k'/f0f Itp. 519 Oltxf; k'/f0f Itp. 520
!! gLltzf:q Nis. 521 gLltzf:q Nis. 522

-cf_ P]lR5s bf];|f] ;d"x

j|m= ;= sIff !! sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8 sIff !@ sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8

! k|fs[lts lrlsT;f (Naturopathy) Nat. k|fs[lts lrlsT;f (Naturopathy) Nat. 130
@ cfo'j]{b (Ayurbed) Ayu. 213 cfo'j]{b (Ayurbed) Au. 214
# of]u (Yog) yog. 311 of]u (Yog) Yog. 312
$ sd{sf08  Kar. 531 sd{sf08 Kar. 532
% kmlnt Hof]ltif Faj.533 kmlnt Hof]ltif Faj.534
^ jf:t'zf:q Ba 537 jf:t'zf:q Bas. 538
&= ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff Sol.
Sol. 447 448

-O_ P]lR5s t];|f] ;d"x

j|m= ;= sIff !! sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8 sIff !@ sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8

! dfgjd"No lzIff (Human Value dfgjd"No lzIff (Human Value Education)
Education) Hve. 131 Hve. 132
@ sDKo'6/ lj1fg (Computer Science) sDKo'6/ lj1fg (Computer Science) Com.
Com. 427 428
# cy{zf:q (Economics) Eco. 303 cy{zf:q (Economics) Eco. 304
$ g]kfnL (Nepali) Nep. 331 g]kfnL (Nepali) Nep. 332
% cª\u|]hL (English) Eng. 333 cª\u|]hL (English) Eng. 334
^ ul0ft (Mathematics) Mth. 401 ul0ft (Mathematics) Mth. 402

k/Dk/fut lzIffM uf]Gkf÷db;f{

-s_ clgjfo{ ljifo
l;= g+= sIff !! sf ljifo / sf]8 sIff !@ sf ljifo / sf]8
! af}4 lzIff Bue. 021 af}4 lzIff Bue. 022
@ pb"{ Jofs/0f / ;flxTo Ugl. 031 pb"{ Jofs/0f / ;flxTo Ugl. 032
b|i6Jo M clgjfo{ ljifox¿ g]kfnL Nep. 001 / Nep. 002, cª\u|]hL Eng. 003 / Eng. 004, ;fdflhs
cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffSol. 005 jf ul0ft (Mathematics) Mth. 007, ;fdflhs cWoog tyf
hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffSol. 008 jf ul0ft (Mathematics) Mth.008, ;fwf/0f wf/d} pNn]v ePcg';f/ x'g]
5g\ . ljBfyL{n] cª\u|]hL Eng. 003 / Eng. 004 sf] ;6\6f uf]Gkfdf af}4 lzIff Bue. 021 / Bue 022/
db;f{df pb"{ Jofs/0f / ;flxTo Ugl. 031, Ugl. 032 ljifo cWoog ug{ ;Sg] 5g\ .

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 13

-v_ P]lR5s ljifo
lgDglnlvt tLg ;d"xdWo] s'g} b'O{ ;d"xaf6 Ps Ps ljifo u/L b'O{ ljifo cWoog ug'{kg]{ 5 . ljBfyL{n] yk
ljifo cWoog ug{ rfx]df P]lR5s ljifo 5gf]6 gePsf] ;d"xaf6 Ps ljifo cWoog ug{ ;Sg] 5g\ .

-c_ P]lR5s klxnf] ;d"x

j|m= ;= sIff !! sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8 sIff !@ sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8
! af}4 bz{g Bup.601 af}4 bz{g  Bup. 602
@ s'/fg Kur. 611 s'/fg  Kur. 612]

-cf_ P]lR5s bf];|f] ;d"x

j|m= ;= sIff !! sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8 sIff !@ sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8

! sDKo'6/ lj1fg Com.427 sDKo'6/ lj1fg Com. 428
@ af}4 sd{sf08 Bkk. 527 af}4 sd{sf08 Bkk. 528
# Hof]ltif Jyo.621 Hof]ltif Jyo.622
$ e}ifHo Bha. 623 e}ifHo  Kur. 624]
% lzNk ljBf Sil. 625 lzNk ljBf Sil. 626
^ xlb; / c;'n] xlb; Hah. 651 xlb; / c;'n] xlb; Hah. 652

-O_ P]lR5s t];|f] ;d"x

j|m= ;= sIff !! sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8 sIff !@ sf P]lR5s ljifo / sf]8
! ;+:s[t /rgf Saw. 011 ;+:s[t /rgf Saw. 012
@ cª\u|]hL Eng. 333 cª\u]|hLEng. 334
# lrlgofF efiffChi. 341 lrlgofF efiff Chi. 342
$ hfkflgh efiff Jap. 345 hfkflgh efiff Jap 346]
% kfnL efiff Pal. 631 kfnL efiffPal. 632
^ ef]6 efiff Bht. 633 ef]6 efiff Bht. 634
& ld/f; lj1fg Mir. 661 ld/f; lj1fg Mir.662

&= k7gkf7gsf] ;dofjlw

!= k|f/lDes afnljsf; tyf lzIffsf nflu Ps z}lIfs ;qdf jflif{s hDdf %&^ 306f b}lgs l;k
l;sfO lj|mofsnfk / ljifout l;k l;sfO lj|mofsnfk ;~rfng x'g] 5 . o;} u/L jflif{s @%^
306f;Dd dgf]/~hg, afx\o v]n / cf/fd ug]{ tyf vfhf vfg] ;do x'g] 5 . pSt ;don]
afnaflnsfn] k|f/lDes afnljsf; s]Gb|df latfpg] k"/f cjlwnfO{ a'emfpF5 .
@= ljBfno lzIffsf] ;a} sIffsf nflu Ps z}lIfs jif{df sDtLdf @)% lbg k7gkf7g ;~rfng x'g]
#= sIff ! b]lv # ;Dd hDdf @^ kf7\o306f cyf{t\ jflif{s *#@ sfo{306fsf] k7gkf7g ug'{kg]{ 5 .
$= sIff $ b]lv !) ;Dd hDdf #@ kf7\o306f cyf{t\ jflif{s !)@$ sfo{306f / sIff !! / !@ df
sDtLdf @& kf7\o306f cyf{t\ *^$ sfo{306f k7gkf7g ug'{kg]{ 5 .
%= k7gkf7g ;~rfngsf nflu vr{ ePsf] #@ 306fsf] ;dofjlwnfO{ ! kf7\o306f dflgg] 5 .

14 kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|

^= ;fdfGotof k|ltlbg k|ltljifo Ps 306fsf] Ps lkl/o8 x'g] 5 . t/ tf]lsPsf] kf7\o306f (Credit
hour) g36\g] u/L ljBfnon] ljifosf] cfjZostfcg';f/ ;fKtflxs sfo{tflnsfsf] ;dofjlw
lgwf{/0f u/L sIff ;~rfng ug{'kg]{ 5 .
*= l;sfO ;xhLs/0f k|lj|mof
!= dfWolds lzIffdf lzIf0f l;sfO lj|mofsnfk ;~rfng ubf{ ljBfyL{ s]lGb|t / afnd}qL lzIf0f ljlw
ckgfpg'kg]{ 5 . ;fwf/0f, k/Dk/fut / k|fljlws tyf Jofj;flos lzIffsf k7g kf7gdf
cfjZostfcg';f/ sDKo'6/ k|ljlwsf] klg pkof]u ug{ ;lsg] 5 .
@= ljBfyL{sf] l;sfOnfO{ s]Gb|laGb' dfgL l;sfO ;xhLs/0f lj|mofsnfk ;~rfng ug'{kg]{ 5 .
#= l;sfO k|lj|mof ;}4flGts kIfdf eGbf a9L u/]/ l;Sg] cj;/ k|bfg ug]{ lj|mofsnfkdf cfwfl/t x'g'kg]{
$= k7gkf7gdf ;"rgf tyf ;~rf/ k|ljlwnfO{ pknAw ;fwg, ;|f]t / cfjZostfcg';f/ pkof]u ug{'kg]{
(= ljifo 5gf]6 k|lj|mof
!= ;fwf/0ftkm{ sIff !! / !@ df P]lR5s ljifo 5gf]6 ubf{ lgwf{l/t rf/ ;d"xdWo] s'g} tLg ;d"xaf6
Ps Pscf]6f kg]{ u/L P]lR5s ljifo 5gf]6 ug'{kg]{ 5 . ljBfyL{n] cWoog ug{ rfx]df P]lR5s ljifo
5gf]6 gu/]sf] ;d"xaf6 Ps yk P]lR5s ljifo cWoog ug{ ;Sg] 5g\ . ljBfyL{sf] ?lr tyf efjL
cWoognfO{ ;d]t cfwf/ dfgL ljBfnon] yk P]lR5s ljifosf] k7gkf7gsf] Joj:yf ug{ ;Sg] 5g\ .
@= k|fljlws tyf Jofj;flos wf/ tyf k/Dk/fut wf/tkm{ ljifosf] 5gf]6sf cfwf/ ;DalGwt kf7\oj|md
;+/rgf tyf P]lR5s ljifosf ;"rLdf ;dfj]z ul/Pcg';f/ x'g] 5 .
#= sIff !! / !@ df P]lR5s ljifo 5gf]6 ubf{ sIff !! / !@ df Ps} ljifo 5gf]6 ug'kg]{ 5 . sIff
!! df k9]sf] ljifo sIff !@ df g/x]sf] ePdf ;f]xL ;d"xaf6 ldNg] ljifo 5gf]6 ug{ ;lsg] 5 .
!)= ljBfyL{ d"Nofª\sg k|lj|mof
ljBfno txdf ljBfyL{ pknlAw d"Nofª\sgsf nflu lgdf{0ffTds d"Nofª\sg k|lj|mof cjnDag u/L l;sfO ;'wf/sf
nflu lg/Gt/ k[i7kf]if0f k|bfg ul/g'sf ;fy} lg0f{ofTds d"Nofª\sg k|lj|mofnfO{ cjnDag u/L ljBfyL{sf]
l;sfO:t/ lgwf{/0f ug'{k5{ .
-s_ cfGtl/s d"Nofª\sg
-c_ cfGtl/s d"Nofª\sg lgdf{0ffTds d"Nofª\sgsf ¿kdf ;DkGg ug'{kg]{ 5 . lgdf{0ffTds d"Nofª\sgsf]
d'Vo p2]Zo ljBfyL{x¿sf] l;sfO :t/df ;'wf/ ug'{ xf] . o;sf nflu lzIfsn] ljBfyL{sf] JolStut
l;sfO pknlAwsf cfwf/df k6s k6s l;sfO cj;/ k|bfg ug{'kg]{ 5 . ljBfno txsf] lgdf{0ffTds
d"Nofª\sgdf sIffut l;sfO ;xhLs/0fsf] cleGg cª\usf ¿kdf u[xsfo{, sIffsfo{, k|of]ufTds
tyf kl/of]hgf sfo{, ;fd'bflos sfo{, cltl/St lj|mofsnfk, PsfO k/LIff, dfl;s tyf q}dfl;s
k/LIff h:tf d"Nofª\sgsf ;fwgx¿sf] k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] 5 . o:tf] d"Nofª\sgdf ljBfyL{sf] clen]v
/fvL l;sfO cj:yf olsg u/L ;'wf/fTds tyf pkrf/fTds l;sfOaf6 ;'wf/ ug]{ kIfdf hf]8 lbOg]
5 . ljz]if l;sfO cfjZostf ePsf ljBfyL{sf nflu ljifo lzIfsn] g} pko'St k|lj|mof ckgfO{
d"Nofª\sg ug'{kg]{ 5 .
lgdf{0ffTds d"Nofª\sgsf] glthfnfO{ clen]vLs/0f u/L ljifout kf7\oj|mddf tf]lsPcg';f/ lglZrt
ef/ cfGtl/s d"Nofª\sgsf ¿kdf lg0f{ofTds d"Nofª\sgdf ;dfj]z ul/g] 5 .
-cf_ k|To]s clgjfo{ tyf P]lR5s ljifodf ljBfnon] k|of]ufTds÷Jofjxfl/s cEof; u/fpg'kg]{ 5 . o:tf]
cEof;df ljifosf] k|s[ltcg';f/ k|of]ufTds sfo{, kl/of]hgf sfo{, ;fd'bflos sfo{, k|:t'tLs/0f, vf]h,

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 15

OG6g{l;k, cltl/St sfo{snfk, v]ns'b, ufog cflb sfo{ u/fpg ;lsg] 5 . t/ ;DalGwt ljifosf]
kf7\oqmdn] tf]s]cg';f/sf] k|of]ufTds cEof; u/fpg'kg]{ 5 .
-v_ lg0f{ofTds d"Nofª\sg M dfWolds tx -sIff !! / !@_ df lgDgfg';f/ lg0f{ofTds d"Nofª\sg ug'{kg]{ 5 M
-c_ lgdf{0ffTds d"Nofª\sgaf6 k|fKt glthfsf cfwf/df cfGtl/s d"Nofª\sgsf] / clGtd÷afx\o
k/LIffsf] glthfsf cfwf/df tf]lsPsf] ef/ ;dfj]z u/L ljBfyL{sf] lg0f{ofTds d"Nofª\sg ul/g] 5 .
-cf_ cfGtl/s d"Nofª\sgsf ¿kdf lgdf{0ffTds d"Nofª\sgaf6 k|fKt ljifout kf7\oj|mddf tf]lsPcg';f/sf]]
ef/sf] d"Nofª\sg lg0f{ofTds d"Nofª\sgdf ;dfj]z ul/g] 5 . cfGtl/s d"Nofª\sgsf tl/sfdf
ljifout ljljwtf x'g ;Sg] eP klg lgDglnlvt kIfsf] d"Nofª\sg ;a} ljifodf ;dfj]z x'g] 5 M
 sIff ;xeflutfsf] d"Nofª\sg M ljBfyL{sf] lgoldttf -pkl:ylt_ / sIff lj|mofsnfkdf
;xeflutfsf] clen]vsf cfwf/df ul/Psf] d"Nofª\sg .
 q}dfl;s k/LIffx¿sf cª\ssf cfwf/df k|fKt cª\s M klxnf] q}dfl;s cjlwe/df k7gkf7g
ePsf ljifoj:t'af6 klxnf] q}dfl;s k/LIff ;~rfng ul/g] 5 eg] klxnf] / bf];|f] q}dfl;s
cjlwe/df k7gkf7g ePsf ljifoj:t'af6 bf];|f] q}dfl;s k/LIff ;~rfng ul/g] 5 .
 k|of]ufTds tyf kl/of]hgf sfo{sf] d"Nofª\sg
 ljifout kf7\oj|mddf tf]lsPcg';f/sf cGo cfwf/x¿
-O_ sIff !! / !@ df ljifout kf7\oj|mddf tf]lsPcg';f/sf] ef/sf] afx\o k/LIff x'g] 5 . afx\o k/LIff
;}¢flGts jf ;}¢flGts / k|of]ufTds b'j} x'g ;Sg] 5 . ;}¢flGts / k|of]ufTds b'j} d"Nofª\sgsf]
5'6\6f5'6\6} >]0fLs/0f ul/g] 5 .
-\O{_ k|of]ufTds, ;}4flGts tyf cGo kIfsf] d"Nofª\sgsf] ef/, ljlw tyf ;fwg ;DalGwt ljifosf]
kf7\oj|mddf pNn]v ePcg';f/ x'g'kg{] 5 . ;}4flGts kIfsf] d"Nofª\sgsf nflu ljlzi6Ls/0f tflnsf
lgdf{0f ul/g] 5 . ;}4flGts d"Nofª\sgsf nflu &% k|ltzt ef/ x'g] ljifodf # 306f / %)
k|ltzt ef/ x'g] ljifodf @ 306f ;do lgwf{/0f ul/g] 5 .
-p_ k/LIffdf ljz]if l;sfO cfjZostf ePsf ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ s]xL vf; vf; ljifox¿df c¿ ;fwf/0f
ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ lbOg] k|ZgeGbf cnu k|Zg agfO{ d"Nofª\sg ug'{kg]{ 5 . ljz]if cfjZostf ePsf
ljBfyL{sf nflu k/LIffsf] ;do yk ug{ ;lsg] 5 . ljBfyL{ d"Nofª\sg ubf{ lzIfsn] ckfª\utf ePsf
/ ljz]if l;sfO cfjZostf ePsf ljBfyL{x¿sf nflu pko'St x'g] d"Nofª\sg k|lj|mof ckgfpg'kg]{
b|i6Jo M ljBfyL{sf] :t/ lgwf{/0f -Grading_ sf] ljlw tyf k|lj|mofsf nflu kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|n] 5'6\6}
lgb{]lzsf tof/ ug]{ 5 .
!!= lzIffsf] dfWod
dfWolds lzIff sIff !! / !@ df lzIf0fsf] dfWod efiff ;fdfGotof g]kfnL efiff x'g] 5 . t/ b]xfosf]
cj:yfdf ljBfnodf lzIffsf] dfWod b]xfoadf]lhd x'g] 5 M
-s_ efiff ljifo cWoog u/fpFbf lzIffsf] dfWod ;f]xL efiff x'g] 5 .
-v_ ;fdflhs cWoog / dfgjd"No lzIff jf rfl/lqs lzIffnufot g]kfnL snf, ;+:s[lt / df}lns klxrfgd"ns
ljifoj:t'x¿afx]s cGo ljifox¿df k7gkf7gsf nflu dfWod efiff cª\u|]hL klg k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] 5 .
-u_ ;+:s[t tyf k/Dk/fut wf/tkm{sf zf:qLo ljifox¿sf] kf7\o;fdu|L / k7gkf7gsf] dfWod ;DalGwt efiff
x'g] 5 . wfld{s k|s[ltsf ljifox¿sf] k7gkf7g ;DalGwt wfld{s u|Gy n]lvPsf] efiffdf g} ug{ ;lsg] 5 .

16 kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|

-3_ u}/g]kfnL gful/sn] g]kfnsf ljBfnodf cWoog ubf{ g]kfnL ljifosf] ;6\6f cGo s'g} efiffsf] ljifo
cWoog ug{ ;Sg] Joj:yf ldnfpg ;lsg] 5 .
!@= kf7\oj|md d"Nofª\sg
kf7\oj|mdsf] d"Nofª\sgsf cfwf/ lgDgfg';f/ x'g] 5g\ M
-s_ ljBfyL{sf] pknlAw :t/
-v_ lzIfssf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg :t/
-u_ k7g kf7gdf pkof]u ul/Psf] ;do
-3_ ljBfyL{sf] j}olSts tyf ;fdflhs Jojxf/ / k|efj
-ª_ cleefjs tyf ;dfhsf] l;sfOk|ltsf] ck]Iff / k|ltlj|mof
-r_ ;/f]sf/jfnfsf] ljBfnok|ltsf] wf/0ff
pko'{St kIfdf ;d]tsf cfwf/df k|To]s kfFr jif{df kf7\oj|mdsf] d"Nofª\sg ul/g] 5 . o;f] ubf{
JolSt, kl/jf/ / ;dfhdf k/]sf] k|efj ;d]tnfO{ x]l/g] 5 .
!#= kf7\\oj|md sfof{Gjog of]hgf
/fli6«o kf7\oj|md k|f¿k, @)&^ sf l;4fGt tyf dfu{bz{gdf cfwfl/t eO{ ljsf; ul/Psf ljBfno txsf
kf7\oj|mdx¿ lgDgcg';f/ k/LIf0f tyf sfof{Gjog x'g]5g\ M
kf7\oj|md k/LIf0f tyf sfof{Gjog of]hgf
sIff z}lIfs jif{ z}lIfs jif{ z}lIfs jif{ z}lIfs jif{ z}lIfs jif{
@)&^ @)&& @)&* @)&( @)*)
! k/LIf0f sfof{Gjog
@ k/LIf0f sfof{Gjog
# k/LIf0f sfof{Gjog
$ k/LIf0f sfof{Gjog
% k/LIf0f sfof{Gjog
^ k/LIf0f sfof{Gjog
& k/LIf0f sfof{Gjog
* sfof{Gjog
( k/LIf0f sfof{Gjog
!) sfof{Gjog
!! sfof{Gjog
!@ sfof{Gjog

gf]6 M sIff !! / !@ sf] k|fljlws wf/ tyf k/Dk/fut ljBfnox?df kf7\oj|md kl/dfh{gsf] sfo{ ;DkGg
geP;Dd k'/fg} kf7\oqmd nfu' x'g] 5 .

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 17

v08 v
dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md -sIff !! / !@_, @)&^ M P]lR5s ljifo -klxnf] ;d"x_sf kf7\oj|md

o; v08df P]lR5s klxnf] ;d"xcGtu{tsf ljifosf ljifout kf7\oj|md ;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 . k|To]s ljifout
kf7\oj|mddf kl/ro, txut ;Ifdtf, sIffut l;sfO pknlAw, ljifoj:t'sf] If]q / j|md, k|of]ufTds tyf
kl/of]hgf sfo{cGtu{tsf ;DefJo lj|mofsnfksf pbfx/0f, If]q jf PsfOut sfo{306f, ljBfyL{ d"Nofª\sg ljlw
tyf k|lj|mof pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 .

18 kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|


sIff M !! / !@ ljifo ;ª\s]t M Nep. 001 -sIff !!_, Nep. 002 -sIff !@_
kf7\o306f : # jflif{s sfo{306f : (^

!= kl/ro
g]kfn ax'hftLo, ax';f+:s[lts Pjd\ ax'eflifs d'n's xf] . ax'hftLo / ax';f+:s[lts ljZf]iftf ePsf] /fi6«df
/fli6«o Pstf k|jw{g ug{ tyf ;fdflhs, ;f+:s[lts ;DaGw / ;dGjo sfod ug{ ;Dks{ efiffsf] cfjZostf
kb{5 . o;sf nflu ljBfyL{df eflifs ;Ifdtfsf] ljsf; x'g'kb{5 . ljBfyL{df eflifs ;~rf/ Pjd\ af]w /
cleJolStut l;ksf] ljsf; x'g' g} eflifs ;Ifdtf xf] . g]kfnL efiff ljBfno txsf] lzIf0fsf] k|d'v dfWod,
;/sf/L sfdsfh / g]kfnL ;dfhsf] ;femf ;Dks{sf] efiff xf] . klxnf], bf];|f] Pjd\ ljb]zL efiffsf ¿kdf g]kfnL
efiffsf] k|of]u x'Fb} cfPsf] 5 . o; b[li6n] g]kfnL efiffsf] k|of]udf Jofkstf /x]sf] 5 . g]kfndf g]kfnL efiff
;fdflhsLs/0f, cGt/eflifs Jojxf/, ;~rf/, k|zf;g, k|ljlw / df}lvs tyf lnlvt Jojxf/sf] k|d'v dfWodsf
¿kdf /lxcfPsf] 5 . g]kfnL ;dfhsf] ax'ntfnfO{ b[li6ut ub}{ ;a} k|sf/sf 1fg / l;k k|fKt ug{ tyf ljleGg
dfWodaf6 cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf 1fg;d]t g]kfnL efiffdf l;Sg ;Sg] agfpg ljBfno txdf g]kfnL efiffsf] lzIf0f
ckl/xfo{ 5 . To;}n] ljBfno txdf g]kfnL efiffnfO{ clgjfo{ ljifosf ¿kdf lzIf0f ug{'k/]sf] xf] . g]kfnL efiff
lzIf0fsf] d'Vo p2]Zo ljBfyL{df g]kfnL efiff;Da4 eflifs l;k Pjd\ Jofjxfl/s / l;h{gfTds Ifdtfsf] ljsf;
u/fpg' xf] .
k|:t't kf7\oj|mdsf] p2]Zo ljBfyL{df eflifs ;Ifdtf clej[l4 u/fpg' xf] . -sIff (–!)_ k"/f u/]sf ljBfyL{sf]
:t/nfO{ Wofg lbO{ ljBfno txsf] ;dflKtkl5 cGo If]qdf nfUg] tyf pRr lzIffdf k|j]z ug]{x¿sf] cfwf/e"ldsf
¿kdf g]kfnL efiffdf ;Ifd agfpg] clek|fon] of] kf7\oj|md tof/ kfl/Psf] xf] . dfWolds tx -sIff !!–!@_ k"/f
ubf{ ljBfyL{x¿n] g]kfnL ljifodf k|fKt ug]{ txut ;Ifdtf / sIffut l;sfO pknlAwnfO{ o; kf7\oj|mddf
;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 . kf7\oj|mddf ljBfyL{df af]w Pjd\ cleJolStut Ifdtfsf] ljsf;sf nflu pko'St ljwf /
If]q lgb]{z ul/Psf] 5 . o;df k|of]hgk/s eflifs l;k ljsf; / sfo{d"ns Jofs/0fdf ljz]if Wofg lbOPsf] 5 .
tbg'¿ksf l;sfO ;xhLs/0f k|lj|mof / d"Nofª\sg ljlw klg ;d]l6Psf 5g\ . o; kf7\oj|mddf lgDglnlvt
kIfx¿nfO{ k|fyldstfdf /flvPsf] 5 M
 ;do;fk]If hLjgf]kof]uL Pjd\ ;Ifdtfdf cfwfl/t eflifs l;k
 kf7ut ljljwtfsf] k|:t'lt / sfo{d"ns Jofs/0f
 :t/cg'¿ksf kf7\oj:t'sf] 5gf]6 Pjd\ :t/0f
 ljBfyL{s]lGb|t l;sfOdf cfwfl/t ;xhLs/0f k|lj|mof
 k|of]hgk/s eflifs l;k / l;sfOdf hf]8
 vf]hk/s, kl/of]hgfd"ns tyf l;h{gfTds eflifs cEof;df hf]8
 eflifs ;fdYo{ / ;Dkfbgsf ¿kdf eflifs l;ksf] ljsf;df hf]8
 Jofs/0fnfO{ efiff k|of]usf] cfwf/sf ¿kdf ;}4flGtseGbf /rgfTds agfpg] k|oTg
 :jtGq k7g / /rgf sf}znsf] ljsf;df hf]8
 l;kut ;Ifdtf k/LIf0fdf cfwfl/t eflifs d"Nofª\sg

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 19

@= txut ;Ifdtf
o; txsf cGTodf ljBfyL{x¿ lgDglnlvt ;Ifdtf k|fKt ug{ ;dy{ x'g] 5g\ M
!= ljljw ljifoIf]qsf df}lvs ;fdu|Lsf]] af]w / cleJolSt
@= ljljw ljifoIf]qsf lnlvt ;fdu|Lsf] ;'?lrk"0f{ k7g / af]w
#= kf7ut ;Gbe{sf] cg'dfg, 36gf, rl/q / kl/j]zsf] klxrfg, af]w / k|:t'lt
$= b]v];'g]sf, k9]sf / cg'ej u/]sf ljifoj:t'sf] df}lvs / lnlvt cleJolSt
%= ;fdflhs, ;f+:s[lts, /fli6«o Pjd\ dfgjLo d"Nocg's"nsf] n]Vo cleJolSt
^= b}lgs Jofjxfl/s n]vgdf bIftf k|bz{g
&= l;h{gfTds / k|ltlj|mofk/s cleJolSt sf}zn
*= cGt/;f+:s[lts Pjd\ eflifs d"Nok|ltsf] ;r]ttf / ;Ddfghgs eflifs Jojxf/
(= tfls{{s, cGt/lj|mofTds Pjd\ ;d:of ;dfwfgd"ns cleJolSt sf}zn
!)= vf]h tyf kl/of]hgfdf cfwfl/t n]v / /rgfsf] l;h{gf
!!= ;dfnf]rgfTds lrGtg;lxtsf] df}lvs / lnlvt cleJolSt
#=sIffut l;sfO pknlAw
sIff M P3f/ sIff M afx|
!= ;'gfO / != pRrl/t x'g] j0f{x¿sf] klxrfg u/L z'4 pRrf/0f != zAb ;'gL cIf/Ls/0f;lxt z'4 pRrf/0f
af]nfO l;k ug{ ug{
@= ljljw kf7, ;~rf/ dfWod / cGo ;fdu|L ;'g]/ @= ljljw kf7, ;~rf/ dfWod / cGo
tfls{s k|ltlj|mof JoSt ug{ If]qsf cleJolSt ;'g]/ ljZn]if0ffTds
#= lbOPsf ljifo jf zLif{sdf ;d"xut 5nkmn Pjd\ k|ltlj|mof JoSt ug{
k|:t'tLs/0f ug{ #= lbOPsf ljifo jf zLif{sdf ;d"xut
$= ;Gbe{cg';f/ ult, olt / no ldnfO{ df}lvs 5nkmn Pjd\ k|:t'tLs/0f ug{
cleJolSt ug{ $= ;Gbe{cg';f/ ult, olt / no ldnfO{
%= b]v];'g]sf, k9]sf tyf cg'ej u/]sf ljifonfO{ df}lvs k|ltlj|mof JoSt ug{
l;nl;nf ldnfO{ k|:t't ug{ %= b]v];'g]sf tyf cg'ej u/]sf ljifonfO{
^= ;fdflhs, ;f+:s[lts ;Gbe{, jStfsf] cj:yf tyf l;nl;nf ldnfO{ k|:t't ug{
;+j]usf cfwf/df k|ltlj|mof lbg ^= ;fdflhs ;Gbe{, k|;ª\u, jStfsf] cj:yf,
clej[l4 / ;+j]u tyf efiffsf]
k|of]hgk/s e]bsf cfwf/df
lzi6tfk"j{s k|ltlj|mof JoSt ug{
&= cf}krfl/s sfo{j|mddf ;xefuL eO{
cfkm\gf ljrf/ k|efjsf/L ¿kdf JoSt

@= k9fO l;k != lnlvt ;fdu|LnfO{ ult, olt, no ldnfO{ z'4;Fu != lnlvt ;fdu|LnfO{ ult, olt, no ldnfO{
k9\g z'4;Fu k9\g

20 dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^

@= ;flxlTos tyf k|of]hgk/s kf7x¿ k9L @= ;flxlTos tyf k|of]hgk/s kf7x¿ k9L
kfl/eflifs÷k|fljlws zAbnfO{ jfSodf k|of]u ug{ kfl/eflifs÷k|fljlws zAbsf]
#= kf7df k|of]u ePsf zAbsf] lxHh] / cy{af]wsf ;Gbe{cg';f/ jfSodf k|of]u ug{
nflu zAbsf]zsf] k|of]u ug{ #= kf7df k|of]u ePsf zAbsf] lxHh],
$= lnlvt ;fdu|Lsf] ;:j/ tyf df}g k7gåf/f k9fOsf] pRrf/0f, ;|f]t, zAbju{, agf]6 / cy{
ult ljsf; ug{ klxrfgsf nflu zAbsf]zsf] k|of]u ug{
%= lnlvt ;fdu|Lsf cfwf/df ;Gbe{sf] cg'dfg, 36gf, $= lnlvt ;fdu|Lsf] b|'tk7g ug{
rl/q / kl/j]zsf] af]w u/L k9\g %= lnlvt ;fdu|L efj ljZn]if0f ug{ ;Sg]
^= ljleGg kf7 tyf ltgsf ljlzi6 c+zsf] JofVof u/L k9\g
Pjd\ ;dLIff ug{ ;Sg] u/L k9\g ^= ljleGg kf7 tyf ltgsf ljlzi6 c+zsf]
&= ljljw If]q;Fu ;DalGwt kf7x¿ k9L af]w ug{ JofVof Pjd\ ;dLIff ug{ ;Sg] u/L k9\g
*= k"jf{g'dfg, lgisif{, ;f/f+z, ;+Zn]if0f, k|ltlj|mof JoSt &= ljljw If]q;Fu ;DalGwt kf7x¿ k9L
ug{ ;Sg] u/L kf7x¿ k9\g af]w ug{
*= k"jf{g'dfg, lgisif{, ;f/f+z, ;+Zn]if0f,
ljZn]if0f, u/L k|ltlj|mof JoSt ug{ ;Sg]
u/L kf7x¿ k9\g
#= n]vfO l;k != g]kfnL j0f{sf] klxrfg / juL{s/0f u/L n]Vg != zAbdf /x]sf cIf/ ;+/rgf 5'6\ofO{ n]Vg
@= j0f{ljGof; / n]Vo lrx\gx¿sf] z'4 k|of]u ug{ @= j0f{ljGof; / n]Vo lrx\gx¿sf] z'4
#= df}lvs Pjd\ lnlvt cleJolStsf] a'Fbfl6kf]6 ug{ / k|of]u ug{
;f/f+z n]Vg #= lj1fg, k|ljlw, ;fdflhs zf:q, jfl0fHo
$= Jofjxfl/s n]vg -3/fo;L kq, lgdGq0ff, awfO{, sfg'g cflb If]q;Fu ;DalGwt
z'esfdgf, ;Ddfgkq, ;"rgf, lj1fkg, >4f~hnL, k|of]hgk/s n]vg ug{
;dj]bgf_ ug{ $= Jofjxfl/s n]vg ug{ -Jofj;flos kq,
%= b]v];'g]sf, k9]sf / cg'ej u/]sf ljifoj:t'sf e/kfO{, td;'s, s/f/gfdf, dGh'/Lgfdf,
af/]df l;nl;nf ldnfP/ lnlvt j0f{g ug{ d'r'Nsf, k|zf;lgs l6Kk0fL tyf a}7s
lg0f{o, lj1lKt, af]nkq / ;DkfbsnfO{
^= s'g} klg ljifo zLif{sdf cy{k"0f{, j|mda4 tyf lr7L n]vg_
k|efjsf/L ¿kdf cg'R5]b /rgf ug{
%= ;fdflhs, ;f+:s[lts, /fli6«o Pjd\
&= kf7sf] k|s[ltcg';f/ ljifoIf]q, ;+/rgf -cflb, dWo / dfgjLo d"Nodf cfwfl/t eO{ lnlvt
cGTosf] z[ª\vnf_, 36gf, rl/q, kl/j]z, efj, cleJolSt lbg
noaf]w u/L n]Vg
^= b]v];'g]sf, k9]sf / cg'ej u/]sf
*= ;flxlTos ljwf / kf7x¿sf] ljZn]if0f ug{ / ljlzi6 ljifoj:t'sf af/]df l;nl;nf ldnfP/
c+zsf] JofVof ug{ lnlvt j0f{g ug{
(= lnlvt cleJolStsf j|mddf Jofs/0fsf cfwf/e"t &= kf7sf] k|s[ltcg';f/ ;Gbe{sf] cg'dfg,
lgod kfngf u/L n]Vg ;+/rgf klxrfg, 36gf j0f{g, efjaf]w,
!)= ljleGg ljwfdf cfwfl/t eO{ lgb]{lzt / :jtGq tfls{s ljZn]if0f u/L n]Vg
l;h{gf ug{ *= ;flxlTos ljwf / kf7x¿sf] ljZn]if0f
ug{ / ljlzi6 c+zsf] JofVof ug{
!!= sf]zLo k|ljli6cg';f/ zAbj|md ldnfO{ n]Vg (= lnlvt cleJolStsf j|mddf Jofs/0fsf
cfwf/e"t lgod kfngf u/L n]Vg
!)= ljleGg ljwfdf cfwfl/t eO{ lgb]{lzt /

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 21

:jtGq l;h{gf ug{
!!= ljB'tLo ;~rf/ dfWoddf k|sflzt
;fdu|L tyf k':ts / n]v /rgf k9L
k|ltlaDafTds n]vg ug{
!@= sf]zLo k|ljli6cg';f/ zAbj|md ldnfO{

$= ljifoj:t'sf] If]q / j|md

-s_ sIff M !!
j|m ;+ ljwf÷ kf7 If]q Aff]w cleJolSt efifftŒj kf7\o306f
!= sljtf b]zelSt sljtfsf]  sljtfsf] noa4 -c_ g]kfnL sYo / &
-kB_ ;+/rgf jfrg n]Vo j0f{ -:j/
ljifosf] j|md,  sljtfnfO{ uBdf / Jo~hg_ sf]
efiff, no ¿kfGt/0f klxrfg
cflbsf] af]w -cf_ pRrfo{ Jo~hg
 sljtf l;h{gf
j0f{sf] klxrfg
b]zelSt, ;+:s[lt -cg's/0ffTds
/ k|of]u -:yfg,
/ efiff;DaGwL n]vg_ k|oTg, 3f]ifTj /
kBf+zsf] af]w

@= syf ;fdflhs syfsf] ;+/rgf  syfsf -c_ d"n / Jo'TkGg *

-ljifo, cg'R5]b 36gfx¿sf] zAbsf] klxrfg
of]hgf, l6kf]6 -cf_ zAb ;|f]t M
36gfj|md,  syfsf kfqx¿sf] tT;d, tb\ej
;+jfb, efiff rl/q j0f{g / cfuGt's
cflb_ sf] af]w zAb
 n3'syf n]vg
-O_ zAbsf]zLo
#= lgaGw ;f+:s[lts - lgaGwsf]  lgaGwdf jl0f{t kbju{ -gfd, &
cfTdk/s_ ;+/rgf d'Vo ljifosf] ;j{gfd,
-cg'R5]b a'Fbfl6kf]6 / ;f/ ljz]if0f /
of]hgf, ljifo n]vg lj|mofkb_ sf]
k|:t'ltsf] j|md,  :yfgLo ;dfhdf k|of]ufTds
efiffz}nL cflb_ k|rlnt rf8kj{sf] klxrfg
sf] af]w j0f{g u/L lgaGw
lgaGwdf k|o'St n]vg
sl7g zAbsf]  tfls{s,
cy{af]w cGt/lj|mofTds
Pjd\ ;d:of

22 dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^


$= hLjgL -/fli6«o_ – hLjgLsf] ;+/rgf  hLjgLdf k|:t't -c_ kbju{ &

-hLjg ljifos 36gfj|mdsf] j0f{g -gfdof]uL,
36gf z[ª\vnf,  cfˆgf] ;dfhdf lj|mofof]uL,
cg'R5]b of]hgf, k|ltli7t s'g} ;+of]hs,
efiff cflb_ sf] JolStsf] hLjgL lj:doflbaf]ws
af]w n]vg / lgkft_ sf]
 hLjgLaf6 k|fKt klxrfg
-cf_ zAb ¿kfog
%= kq n]vg 3/fo;L kq n]vgsf]  kq n]vgdf k|:t't n]Vo lrx\g / *
;+/rgf ljifoj:t' / ltgsf] k|of]u
-ljifo, 9fFrfsf] l6kf]6 -k"0f{lj/fd,
k|:t'ltj|md,  ljifosf] k|:t'lt
9fFrf, efiffz}nL cNklj/fd,
 lglb{i6 ljifodf kq sf]i7s,
cflb_ sf] af]w n]vg ljsNkaf]ws÷l
–  lgdGq0ff, awfO{, to{s\,
z'esfdgf, k|Zgjfrs,
clegGbgkq, p4/0f,
;Ddfgkq, ;"rgf, lj:do;"rs÷p
lj1fkg, b\uf/, lgb]{zs,
>4f~hnL, of]hs, 5'6
;dj]bgfsf] 9fFrf lrx\g÷sfukfb]
/ z}nLsf] cWoog lrx\g,
tyf n]vg cEof;

^= syf dgf]j}1flg syfsf] ;+/rgf  syfsf -c_ j0f{ljGof;sf] *

s -ljifo, cg'R5]b 36gfx¿sf] klxrfg /
of]hgf, l6kf]6 k|of]u
36gfj|md,  syfsf kfqx¿sf] -cf_ eflifs k|of]udf
;+jfb, efiff rl/q j0f{g kbof]u /
cflb_ sf] af]w kbljof]usf]
 k9]sf gofF syfsf
klxrfg /
af/]df k|:t'lt
 n3'syf n]vg
&= lgaGw k|fs[lts lgaGwsf]  lgaGwdf jl0f{t pk;u{åf/f &
-j:t'k/s_ ;+/rgf d'Vo ljifosf] zAblgdf{0f
-ljifo a'Fbfl6kf]6, ;f/f+z -c_ c, cg, s', la,
k|:t'ltsf] j|md,  k|s[lt tyf a], ab, u}/, gf
cg'R5]b of]hgf, jftfj/0fsf] j0f{g
efiffz}nL cflb_ -cf_ clt, clw, cg',

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 23

sf] af]w u/L lgaGw n]vg ck, cle, cj,
lgaGwsf] z}nL /  vf]h tyf cf, pt\, pk,
9fFrfsf] cWoog kl/of]hgfdf b'/\, b';\, lg,
cfwfl/t eO{ lg/\, lg;\, k/f,
;dfnf]rgfTds kl/, k|, k|lt,
lrGtg;lxtsf] lj, ;d\, ;'
*= n3'gf6s ;fdflh÷ gf6ssf] ;+/rgf  gf6ssf k|d'v k|Tooåf/f zAb !!
dgf]j}1flg -ljifo, k|:t'ltj|md, kfqsf] rl/q lgdf{0fM
s xfpefp, j0f{g -s_ cSs8, ct,
d~rLotf,  gf6ssf 36gf cGt, cfO,
rl/q, ;+jfb, tyf kl/j]zsf] cfOF÷ofOF, cfp,
efiffz}nL cflb_ j0f{g cfnL,
sf] af]w  gf6ssf] cfn', cfj6,
;+jfbfTds cfxf÷ofxf,
clego -ljifosf] Oof,
k|:t'lt, xfpefp_ -v_ Oof/, Onf], O{,
 ;+jfb n]vg pjf, P, PnL,
cf], cf]6,
 k|ltj]bg n]vg
-sfo{j|md, e|d0f, kg÷kgf, nL, n]

( l/kf]tf{hd"ns :jf:Yo, l/kf]tf{hsf]  l/kf]tf{hdf jl0f{t k|Tooåf/f zAb *

/rgf of]u tyf ;+/rgf d'Vo ljifosf] lgdf{0fM
lrlsT;f -ljifo a'Fbfl6kf]6, l6Kk0fL cs, cg, cgLo,
k|:t'ltsf] j|md, n]vg Os, Ot, O{,
cg'R5]b of]hgf,  :jf:Yo, of]u / O{g÷O{0f, O{o, s,
efiffz}nL cflb_ lrlsT;fsf] j0f{g t/, td, tJo, tf,
sf] af]w u/L l/kf]tf{h lt, Tj, do, dfg\,
l/kf]tf{hdf n]vg jfg\, o
k|o'St sl7g  l/kf]tf{hdf k|o'St
zAbsf] cy{af]w sl7g zAbaf6
l/kf]tf{hsf] 9fFrf jfSo /rgf
/ z}nLsf]  k|ltj]bgn]vg
cWoog 9fFrf / z}nLsf]
cWoog / n]vg

!)= ;+jfbfTds s[lif, jg ;+jfbsf] ;+/rgf  ;+jfbdf k|:t't ;df; k|lj|mofåf/f *

/rgf tyf -ljifo, ljifoj:t'sf] zAb lgdf{0f
jftfj/0f k|:t'ltj|md, l6kf]6 -cJooLefj,
xfpefp, ts{,  ljifosf] k|:t'lt,
;+jfb, efiffz}nL xfpefp tTk'?if, åGå,

24 dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^

cflb_ sf] af]w  lglb{i6
ljifodf låu', ax'a|Llx
;+jfb n]vg tyf -;df; /
df}lvs cleJolSt lju|x;d]t_
/ clego
 pb\3f]if0f,
jfrg, k|jrg
cflbsf] cEof;
!!= b}lgsL /rgf ko{6g lglb{i6 kf7sf]  lglb{i6 kf7;Fu -c_ låTj k|lj|mofåf/f *
af]w ;DalGwt /rgf zAb lgdf{0f
-cg'dfg, ;+/rgf  a'Fbfl6kf]6 / -k"0f{, cf+lzs /
klxrfg cflb_ ;f/f+z n]vg cfkl/jlt{t
lglb{i6 kf7df
 b}lgsL n]vg
k|o'St k|fljlws  cg's/0ffTds -cf_ ;lGw / ;lGw
tyf ePsf zAbsf]
kfl/eflifs klxrfg
zAbsf] cy{af]w
!@= jSt[tfTds hn;|f]t / jSt[tfsf]  jSt[tfdf k|:t't -c_ p2]Zo / p2]Zo (
/rgf pmhf{ ;+/rgf -ljifo, ljifoj:t'sf] lj:tf/ tyf
k|:t'ltj|md, l6kf]6 ljw]o / ljw]o
xfpefp, ts{,  xfpefp;lxt
;+jfb, efiffz}nL ljifosf] k|:t'lt klxrfg /
cflb_ sf] af]w  lglb{i6 ljifodf k|of]u
-cf_ Jofs/0ffTds
jSt[tf n]vg tyf
df}lvs cleJolSt
cfwf/df jfSo
/ clego
 pb\3f]if0f, ;dfrf/
-lnª\u, jrg,
jfrg, k|jrg
k'?if, cfb/_
cflbsf] cEof;
-O_ syg -k|ToIf,
 jSt[tf÷jfbljjfb
-O{_ w'|jLotf
 ljleGg 9fFrfdf
-s/0f, cs/0f_
k|ltj]bg n]vg

hDdf (^

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 25

-v_ sIff M !@
j|md Kff7 If]q Aff]w cleJolSt efifftŒj kf7\0306f
!= sljtf ;fdflhs  sljtfsf]  sljtfnfO{ g]kfnL cIf/sf] &
-uB sljtf_ ;+/rgf cg'R5]bdf klxrfg /
-ljifosf] j|md, ¿kfGt/ pRrf/0f cEof;
efiff, z}nLsf]  sljtfsf] noa4
af]w cflb_ fiff jfrg
 uBsljtfsf]  sljtf l;h{gfsf]
noaf]w cEof;
syf P]ltxfl;s÷  syfsf] ;+/rgf  syfdf k|o'St kbju{ &
@= kf}/fl0fs÷ -ljifo, cg'R5]b 36gfx¿sf] -gfd, ;j{gfd,
;f+:s[lts of]hgf, l;nl;nfa4 ljz]if0f / cJoo_
36gfj|md, l6kf]6 sf] klxrfg /
;+jfb, efiff  lgb]{lzt jf :jtGq k|of]u
cflb_ syf n]vg
sf] af]w cEof;
 ljB'tLo tyf
;~rf/ dfWoddf
cWoog /
k|efjsf] k|:t'lt
#= lgaGw lgofqf  lgaGwsf]  cfkm"n] u/]sf] s'g} -c_ kb;ª\ult &
;+/rgf ofqfsf] j0f{g -s_ lnª\u
-ljifo  lgaGw n]vg
k|:t'ltsf] j|md, -v_ jrg
cg'R5]b of]hgf,  ljB'tLo ;~rf/ -u_ k'?if
efiffz}nL cflb_ dfWod /
sf] af]w k|sflzt pkof]uL -3_ cfb/
n]v /rgfx¿sf] -;fdfGo, dWod,
 lgaGwdf k|o'St pRr_
cWoog /
sl7g zAbsf] To;af6 k|fKt
cy{af]w -cf_ zAb ¿kfog
ljifoj:t', ;Gb]z
cflbsf] k|:t'lt
 tfls{s,
Pjd\ ;d:of
$= kq n]vg  kq n]vgsf]  kq n]vgdf k|:t't jfSosf] klxrfg / *
-Jofj;los_ ;+/rgf -ljifo, ljifoj:t'sf] k|of]u

26 dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^

k|:t'ltj|md, l6kf]6 -s_ ;/n, ;+o'St
9fFrf, efiffz}nL  ljifosf] k|:t'lt / ld> jfSosf]
cflb_ sf] af]w  lglb{i6 ljifodf kq klxrfg / k|of]u
– n]vg -v_ lgwf{l/t
syfaf6 ;/n,
 e/kfO{, td;'s, ld> / ;+o'St
s/f/gfdf, jfSosf]
klxrfg /
l6Kk0fL, a}7s
lg0f{o, lj1fkg,
;"rgf, lj1lKt,
lr7Lsf] 9fFrf /
z}nLsf] cWoog /
n]vg cEof;
 ljB'tLo ;~rf/
dfWoddf pknAw
;fdu|Lsf] cWoog
/ n]vg cEof;
%= pkGofsf] c+z ;fdflhs  pkGof; c+zsf]  pkGof; c+zsf] lj|mofsf sfn -e"t, !$
;+/rgf ljifoj:t' j0f{g ce"t_
-ljifo, kl/R5]b  pkGof;sf] c+zsf kIf M ck"0f{, k"0f{,
of]hgf, 36gf k|d'v kfqsf] c1ft, cEo:t
z[ª\vnf, kfq, rl/q j0f{g -cf_ g]kfnL
;+jfb,  pkGof;sf] c+zsf] j0f{ljGof;sf]
efiffz}nL cflb_ 36gf tyf k|of]ufTds cEof;
sf] af]w kl/j]zsf] j0f{g
 zAbe08f/sf]
 cfkm"n] cWoog
af]w u/]sf] s'g} Ps
= pkGof;sf]
ljifoj:t', kfq,
kl/j]z, ;Gb]z
cflb af/]df
df}lvs tyf
lnlvt cleJolSt
^= hLjgL cGt/f{li6«o  hLjgLsf]  hLjgLdf k|:t't lj|mofsf efj M &
;+/rgf 36gfj|mdsf] j0f{g ;fdfGo, cf1f,
-hLjg ljifos  cfˆgf] ;dfhdf OR5f, ;Defjgf,
36gf z[ª\vnf, k|ltli7t s'g} ;ª\s]t
cg'R5]b of]hgf, JolStsf] hLjgL
efiff cflb_ sf]

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 27

af]w n]vg
 vf]htyf
cfwfl/t eO{
&= uLlt sljtf ;fdflhs  sljtfsf]  sljtfsf] noa4 pk;u{ / &
÷;f+:s[lts ;+/rgf jfrg k|Tooåf/f zAb
-ljifosf] j|md,  uLlt sljtf lgdf{0f;DaGwL
efiff, no cflb_ l;h{gf cEof;
sf] af]w
 ljB'tLo ;~rf/df
 kB / uB
pknAw d'Sts
sljtfsf] tyf sljtfTds
noaf]w ;fdu|Lsf] cWoog
 uhnsf] ;+/rgf / sIffdf k|:t'lt
af]w  uhnsf] /rgf

*= syf ;dfh  syfsf] ;+/rgf  syfdf jl0f{t låTj / ;df; &

dgf]j}1flgs -ljifo, cg'R5]b 36gfsf] k|lj|mofåf/f zAb
of]hgf, l;nl;nfa4 lgdf{0f;DaGwL
36gfj|md, l6kf]6 cEof;
;+jfb, efiff  syfsf kfqx¿sf]
cflb_ sf] af]w rl/q j0f{g
 syf l;h{gfsf]
 cfkm"n]cWoog
u/]sf] sDtLdf
s'g} Ps
ljifoj:t', kfq,
kl/j]z, ;Gb]z
cflb af/]df
df}lvs tyf
lnlvt cleJolSt
(= cfVofgfTds ;~rf/,  cfVofgsf]  cfVofgdfjl0f{t sf/s / *
/rgf lj1fg tyf ;+/rgf 36gfsf] ljelStsf] klxrfg
k|ljlw -ljifo, cg'R5]b l;nl;nfa4 / k|of]u
of]hgf, l6kf]6 -c_ sf/ssf
36gfj|md,  cfVofgsf ;/n / lto{s\ ¿k
;+jfb, efiff kfqx¿sf] rl/q -cf_ sf/ssf
cflb_ sf] af]w j0f{g k|sf/ M stf{, sd{,
 syf l;h{gfsf] s/0f, ;Dk|bfg,

28 dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^

cEof; ckfbfg, clws/0f
 cfkm"n]cWoog -O_ ljelStsf]
u/]sf] s'g} Ps k|of]u
ljifoj:t', kfq,
kl/j]z, ;Gb]z
cflb af/]df
df}lvs tyf
lnlvt cleJolSt
!)= ;+jfbfTds ;dfh,  ;+jfbsf] ;+/rgf  ;+jfbdf k|:t't -s_ jfSo *
/rgf ;+:s[lt / -ljifo, ljifoj:t'sf] ;+Zn]if0f /
lzIff k|:t'ltj|md, l6kf]6 ljZn]if0f
xfpefp, ts{,  xfpefp;lxt -v_ jfRo -st[{,
;+jfb, efiffz}nL ljifosf] k|:t'lt sd{, efj_ sf]
cflb_ sf] af]w  lglb{i6 ljifodf klxrfg / k|of]u
;+jfb n]vg tyf
df}lvs cleJolSt
/ clego
 lzIff / ;f+:s[lts
zLif{sdf jStJo,
;dfrf/ jfrg,
k|jrg cflbsf]
!!= k|aGwfTds sfg'g,  k|aGwsf] ;+/rgf  k|aGwdf jl0f{t -c_ kbj|md *
/rgf k|zf;g / -ljifo d'Vo ljifosf] -s_ ;fdfGo
Joj:yfkg k|:t'ltsf] j|md, a'Fbfl6kf]6, ;f/f+z kbj|md
cg'R5]b of]hgf,  k|s[lt tyf
efiffz}nL cflb_ jftfj/0fsf] j0f{g -v_ ljlzi6
sf] af]w kbj|md
u/L k|aGw n]vg
 k|aGwdf k|o'St -cf_ n]Vo lrx\g /
 k|aGwdf k|o'St ltgsf] k|of]u
sl7g zAbsf] sl7g zAbaf6
cy{af]w jfSo /rgf
 a}7s -dfOGo'6_
sf] pkl:ylt tyf
lg0f{o Pjd\
e/kfO{, d'r'Nsf /
l6Kk0fLsf] gd'gf
 JolStut ljj/0f
-afof]8f6f_ n]vg
!@= l/kf]tf{hd"ns cy{, pBf]u  l/kf]tf{h kf7sf]  lglb{i6 kf7;Fu -c_ plSt kl/jt{g *

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 29

/rgf / jfl0fHo af]w ;DalGwt /rgf -cf_ p2]Zo /
-cg'dfg, ;+/rgf  a'Fbfl6kf]6 / ljw]o lj:tf/
klxrfg cflb_ ;f/f+z n]vg -O_ zAbsf]zLo
 l/kf]tf{h kf7df  lglb{i6
k|o'St k|fljlws cg'R5]bsf] pTt/
tyf kfl/eflifs n]vg
zAbsf] cy{af]w
 cg's/0ffTds
 ljleGg klqsfdf
l/kf]tf{hsf]  ljB'tLo ;~rf/
cWoog / dfWoddf cfwfl/t
k|:t'lt ljljw n]vg
hDdf (^
b|i6Jo M
-s_ ljwfsf] dfWodaf6 ljBfyL{n] Aff]w, cleJolSt / efifftŒjcGtu{tsf ljifoj:t'sf] l;sfO u/L eflifs l;kx¿ / eflifs
sfo{x¿df cfjZos ;Ifdtfsf] ljsf; ug{]5g\ .
-v_ l/kf]tf{hd"ns /rgf eg]sf] s'g} klg ljifodf ul/Psf] vf]hd"ns / cfVofgfTds ;+/rgf ePsf] tYodf cfwfl/t ;d;fdlos
k|rlnt n]vg xf] .
-u_ kf7\ok':ts ljsf; ubf{ k|of]hgk/s /rgfx¿nfO{ ;flxlTos ljwf;Fu ;DalGwt kf7x¿sf] lardf cfjZostfg';f/ j|md
ldnfP/ /fVg'kg]{ 5 .
-3_ ljwfsf] If]q tyf j|md / lj:t[tLs/0fdf pNn]v ePsf kf7x¿df k|of]u ePsf cfwf/df pko'Sttfcg';f/ zAbe08f/sf]
cEof; u/fpg'kg]{ x'G5 . o;sf nflu kof{ojfrL zAb, ljk/LtfyL{ zAb, cg's/0ffTds zAb, cg]sfyL{ zAb,
>'lt;dleGgfy{s zAb, ;ª\lIfKt zAb, pvfg 6'Ssf, n3'tfjfrL zAb, l;ª\uf] zAb, ;d"xjfrs zAb, kfl/eflifs÷ k|fljlws
h:tf zAbx¿sf] cy{ / ;Gbe{k"0f{ k|of]usf] cEof; u/fpg' ck]lIft 5 . kf7df k|o'St ePsf zAbx¿nfO{ s]Gb|laGb' dfgL
ljleGg sf zAbe08f/sf] ljsf; u/fpg] b[li6sf]0f o;df /flvPsf] 5 . zAbsf ljleGg cy{ ;DaGwx¿ / ut ljljwtfnfO{
Vofn /fvL zAbx¿sf] cy{ / ;Gbe{k"0f{ k|of]udf hf]8 lbOg] 5 . o; j|mddf k|o'St / tT;DaGwL pvfg 6'Ssfx¿sf]
k|of]unfO{ klg ;dfj]z ul/g] 5 .
-ª_ o; kf7\oj|md sfof{Gjog / lzIf0f l;sfOsf j|mddf l;h{gfTds ;f]rfO÷lrGtg, ;d:of ;dfwfg, ljB'tLo ;~rf/ l;k,
;xsfo{ / :jJo:yfkg, vf]h, cGj]if0f, tfls{stf h:tf efiff;Da4 hLjgf]kof]uL l;kx¿nfO{ oyf;Dej PsLs[t ul/g] 5 .
%= l;sfO ;xhLs/0f k|lj|mof
l;sfO ;xhLs/0f kf7\oj|mdnfO{ sIffsf]7fdf k|efjsf/L ¿kdf x:tfGt/0f ug]{ ljlw xf] . efiff lzIf0fdf eflifs
l;ksf] ljsf;sf nflu l;sfO ;xhLs/0f k|lj|mof ckl/xfo{ x'G5 . efiff lzIf0fsf j|mddf ljBfyL{nfO{ ;lj|mo
u/fP/ l;sfOnfO{ ljBfyL{s]lGb|t agfpg'k5{ . o;sf nflu sIffsf]7fdf ax'eflifs, l:ylt ePdf klxnf] efiff /
bf];|f] efiffsf ¿kdf g]kfnL lzIf0fsf ljlwdf Wofg k'¥ofpg'k5{ . l;sfO ;xhLs/0f k|lj|mof kf7\oj|mdsf] p2]Zo,
ljifoj:t', ljBfyL{sf] k[i7e"ld, :yfgLo ;|f]t ;fwgsf] pknAwtf cflbdf lge{/ x'G5 . of] JolStut / ;fd"lxs
cEof;df klg cfwfl/t x'G5 . o; kf7\oj|mddf l;sfO ;xhLs/0fsf l;kdf cfwfl/t ljwfut lzIf0fdf hf]8
lbOg] 5 . efiff lzIf0f efiffsf l;kx¿sf] lzIf0f xf] . efiffsf ;'gfO, af]nfO, k9fO / n]vfO l;ksf] PsLs[t
lzIf0f u/]/ g} efiffsf] lzIf0f ul/G5 . ;flxlTos ljwf tyf k|of]hgk/s kf7sf dfWodaf6 eflifs l;ksf]
lzIf0f ug{' efiff l;sfOsf] d"n kIf xf] . efiff lzIf0fdf ;flxlTos ljwf / k|of]hgk/s e]bx¿sf] lgDgcg';f/
pkof]u ul/G5 M

30 dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^

-s_ sljtf
sljtf efiffsf] noo'St e]b xf] . sljtfsf] lzIf0f ubf{ noaf]w, zAbfy{ / jfSodf k|of]u, ;+/rgf -cflb, dWo /
cGTo_ af]w, efjaf]w, JofVof h:tf lj|mofsnfk u/fpg'kb{5 . sljtf lzIf0f ubf{ k"j{ tof/L, k7g jf >j0f /
k7gkZrft\sf r/0fdf afF8L k7g k[i7e"ld, p2]Zo lgwf{/0f, k|Zgsf] ;"rL, k|Zgf]Q/, efjaf]w h:tf lj|mofsnfk
u/fpg'kb{5 . o;sf nflu gd'gf sljtf lbO{ cg's/0ffTds n]vg u/fpg] / l;h{gfTds cEof; klg
u/fpg'kb{5 .
-v_ sYff
syf cfVofgfTds ljwf xf] . cfVofgfTds :j¿ksf sf/0f syf ?lrk"0f{ x'G5 . syf lzIf0f ubf{ pRrf/0f, ult,
olt;lxt xfpefpk"0f{ k7g u/fOG5 . syfaf6 syfsyg, 36gf j0f{g, 36gf l6kf]6, af]w, k|Zgf]Q/, efj j0f{g /
cg's/0ffTds tyf :jtGq l;h{gfTds cEof; u/fpg'k5{ . k7g lj|mofsnfknfO{ of]hgfa4 ¿kdf k|:t't u/fpg
syf ljwf pkof]uL x'G5 . syf lzIf0f ubf{ k"j{k7g, k7g / k7gkZrft\sf r/0fdf afF8L k"jf{g'dfg ug]{,
;xsfof{Tds k7g, 5nkmn / k|:t'tLs/0f ug]{ tyf k|Zg lgdf{0f u/fpg] lj|mofsnfk klg u/fpg'k5{ .
-u_ lgaGw
lgaGw uB ljwf xf] . lghfTds / j:t'k/s cg'e"ltsf nflu lgaGw pko'St ljwf xf] . lgaGw lzIf0f ubf{
zAbfy{ / jfSodf k|of]u, k7gaf]w, ljifoaf]w, a'Fbfl6kf]6, JofVof, ;f/f+z, k|Zgf]Q/, cg'R5]b n]vg / :jtGq n]vg
h:tf lj|mofsnfk u/fpg'k5{ . of] n]vfO l;k ljsf;sf nflu pko'St ljwf xf] . kl/of]hgf sfo{, 36gf cWoog,
sIff 5nkmn / k|:t'tLs/0f h:tf lj|mofsnfk u/fP/ lgaGw n]vg lj|mofsnfk u/fpg'k5{ .
-3_ hLjgL
hLjgL efiffsf] uB e]b xf] . hLjgLaf6 ljBfyL{nfO{ 36gf j0f{g, 36gf n]vg, a'Fbfl6kf]6, k|Zgf]Tt/, ;f/f+z n]vg
/ hLjgL n]vg h:tf cEof; u/fpg'k5{ . hLjgL n]vg;Fu;Da4 u/fP/ cGtjf{tf, kl/of]hgf sfo{, 36gf cWoog
h:tf lj|mofsnfk u/fpg'k5{ . hLjgL lzIf0faf6 d"ntM efiffsf k9fO / n]vfO l;ksf] ljsf; x'g] eP klg n]vg
cEof;;DaGwL lj|mofsnfk a9L k|efjsf/L x'G5 . o;sf nflu gd'gf hLjgL k|:t't ub}{ cg's/0ffTds hLjgLdf
cEof; u/fO{ :jtGq cEof; u/fpg'k5{ .
-ª_ ¿ks
¿ks eg]sf] clegofTds ljwf xf] . o;df kfqn] kl/l:ylt, cj:yf, ljifoj:t' / JolSt ljz]ifsf] rfl/lqs
e"ldsfnfO{ Wofgdf /fv]/ xfpefp;lxt e"ldsf lgjf{x u5{ . of] sYo efiff;Fu ;DalGwt ePsfn] df}lvs
cleJolStsf dfWodn] JolStsf efjgf, rfl/q cflbsf] k|bz{g ul/G5 . gf6s, Psfª\sL, ;+jfb, jfbljjfb,
dgf]jfb, jSt[tf cflbsf dfWodaf6 ¿ksLo k|:t'lt ul/G5 . t;y{ ¿kssf] k|sf/cg';f/ xfpefp k|bz{g u/L
ljrf/sf] k|:t'tLs/0f / Jojxf/ ug]{, clegofTds 9ª\uaf6 c¿n] u/]sf Jojxf/sf] cg's/0f ug]{, hLjGt ¿kdf
df}lvs efiffsf] k|of]u ug]{, tfls{s Ifdtfsf] ljsf; ug]{ h:tf lj|mofsnfkaf6 ¿ks lzIf0f ug'{k5{ . ;fy}
clegofTds snfsf cltl/St ¿ks ljwfaf6 cGo eflifs l;ksf] klg cEof; u/fpg ;lsG5 .
-r_ k|of]hgk/s kf7x¿
b}lgs hLjgdf k|of]udf cfpg] ljleGg ;d;fdlos sf 1fg, l;k Pjd\ ljljw k|fljlws / kfl/eflifs zAbsf
dfWodaf6 efiff l;sfOdf ;xhtf k|bfg ug{sf nflu o; txdf k|of]hgk/s /rgfx¿ ;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 .
o;df l;sf?sf b}lgs hLjgofkg / Jofj;flos If]qdf cfjZos kg]{ 1fg, l;k, clej[l4, d"No / sfd ug]{
tTk/tfnfO{ Jofjxfl/s ¿kn] pkof]u ug{ ;Sg] u/L :jf:Yo, of]u tyf lrlsT;f, s[lif, jg tyf jftfj/0f, ko{6g,
hn;|f]t / pmhf{, ;~rf/, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw, ;dfh, ;+:s[lt / lzIff, sfg'g, k|zf;g / Joj:yfkg, cy{, pBf]u /
jfl0fHo h:tf ljifodf cfwfl/t /rgfnfO{ ;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 . o:tf /rgfsf dfWodaf6 ljBfyL{n] jfl0fHo, cy{,
lj1fg, :jf:Yo, sfg'g, lzIff, of]u h:tf ljifosf] /rgfTds, k|of]hgk/s eflifs k|of]u / ;+/rgfsf] cEof;
u/fOg] 5 . k|of]hgk/s kf7x¿nfO{ /f]rs agfpgsf nflu ;flxlTos ljwfsf ¿kdf k|:t't ul/g] 5 . l;sfO
;xhLs/0fsf j|mddf ljleGg k|of]hgk/s zLif{s lbO{ ltgdf cg's/0ffTds, lgb]{zgfTds / :jtGq n]vgsf]

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 31

cEof; u/fOG5 . pbfx/0fdf cfwfl/t kf7 jf /rgfsf] cEof;, kf7sf] df}lvs / lnlvt cleJolSt, ;d"x
5nkmn / k|:t'tLs/0f, kl/of]hgf / vf]hd"ns sfo{ u/fpg] cEof; u/fpg'kb{5 . To:t} cfjZostfg';f/ k|rlnt
/ ;fGble{s ljB'tLo ;~rf/ dfWoddf pknAw pkof]uL ;fdu|Lsf] cWoog u/L sIffdf k|:t't ug{ nufpg'k5{ .
&= ljBfyL{ d"Nofª\sg k|lj|mof
d"Nofª\sg ubf{ lgdf{0ffTds / lg0f{ofTds b'O{ lsl;dsf k|lj|mof ckgfOg] 5 . lg0f{ofTds d"Nofª\sg ubf{
cfGtl/s / afx\o u/L b'O{ tl/sf cjnDag ul/g] 5 . lg0f{ofTds d"Nofª\sgsf nflu lgdf{0ffTds d"Nofª\sgdf
pkof]u ul/Psf ljleGg k|lj|mof, ;fwgx¿ tyf ltgsf] clen]vLs/0fnfO{ ;d]t cfwf/ agfpg ;lsg] 5 .
lgdf{0ffTds d"Nofª\sg lzIf0f l;sfO ;xhLs/0f k|lj|mofs} lg/Gt/tf dflgg] ePsfn] o;nfO{ lg/Gt/
d"Nofª\sgsf ¿kdf k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 . :t/f]Gglt tyf sIff]Ggltsf nflu z}lIfs ;qsf] cGtdf lg0f{ofTds
d"Nofª\sg clGtd k/LIffsf dfWodaf6 ul/g] 5 . lgdf{0ffTds jf lg/Gt/ d"Nofª\sgdf If]qLo cWoog,
kl/of]hgf sfo{, cWoog e|d0f, 36gf cjnf]sg tyf cWoog, l;h{gfTds tyf /rgfTds sfo{, ljB'tLo ;~rf/
dfWoddf k|fKt ;fGble{s ;fdu|Lsf] cWoog / k|:t'lt, l;sf?sf sfo{snfksf] lg/LIf0f, JolStut / ;fd"lxs
5nkmn, lnlvt k/LIff, xflh/Lhjfkm, k|Zgf]Q/, sIffsfo{sf] k/LIf0f, eflifs Jojxf/sf] lg/Gt/ cjnf]sg /
ltgsf] clen]vLs/0f h:tf ;fwgx¿sf] pkof]u ul/g] 5 .
g]kfnL efiffsf] d"Nofª\sgdf ;Ifdtf / l;sfO pknlAwdf n]lvPsf eflifs l;ksf] dfkg ul/g] 5 . ljBfyL{sf]
eflifs l;kut ;Ifdtfsf] dfkgug]{ k|Zgx¿sf] lgdf{0f ubf{ Jofs/0f / zAbe08f/;DaGwL k|Zgx¿;d]t eflifs
PsfO / /rgfdf s]lGb|t ul/g] 5 . Jofs/0fsf] d"Nofª\sg sfo{d"ns k|s[ltsf] x'g] 5 . k|Zgx¿ ljBfyL{sf]
eflifs bIftfsf cltl/St /rgfTds / ;dfnf]rgfTds IfdtfnfO{ klg ;Daf]wg ug]{ vfnsf x'g] 5g\ .
-s_ cfGtl/s d"Nofª\sg
cfGtl/s tyf k|of]ufTds d"Nofª\sgsf nflu k|To]s ljBfyL{x¿sf] sfo{;~rlosf kmfOn agfO{ ;f]sf] cfwf/df
pgLx¿sf] sfo{ / pgLx¿n] u/]sf sfo{ / pgLx¿df cfPsf] Jojxf/ kl/jt{gsf clen]v /fvL ;f]sf cfwf/df
cª\s k|bfg ug'{kb{5 . l;sfOsf j|mddf sIffsf]7fdf sIffut lzIf0f l;sfOsf] cleGg cª\usf ¿kdf u[xsfo{,
sIffsfo{, kl/of]hgf sfo{, ;fd'bflos sfo{, ;x÷cltl/St lj|mofsnfk, PsfO k/LIff, dfl;s k/LIff h:tf
d"Nofª\sg ;fwgx¿sf] k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] 5 . o:tf] d"Nofª\sgsf nflu ljBfyL{sf] clen]v /fvL ToxL clen]vsf
cfwf/df l;sfO:t/ lgwf{/0f ug{ ;lsG5 . cfjZostfg';f/ ;'wf/fTds tyf pkrf/fTds lzIf0f l;sfO
lj|mofsnfk ;~rfng ug'{k5{ . ljz]if l;sfO cfjZostf ePsf ljBfyL{sf nflu ljifo lzIfsn] g} pko'St k|lj|mof
ckgfO{ d"Nofª\sg ug'{kg]{ 5 . o; ljifodf lgdf{0ffTds d"Nofª\sg k|lj|mofsf] dxŒjk"0f{ e"ldsf /x]sf] x'G5 .
ljBfyL{x¿n] s] slt l;s] eGg] s'/f kQf nufO{ gl;s]sf] eP sf/0f klxrfg u/L k'gM l;sfOg'k5{ . cfGtl/s
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sfo{÷kl/of]hgf sfo{, ljifoj:t'sf] d"Nofª\sg tyff cfGtl/s k/LIffaf6 k|fKt ljBfyL{sf] l;sfO pknlAwnfO{
;d]l6g' kb{5 .
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d"Nofª\sgsf cfwf/x¿ / cª\s ljefhg lgDgfg';f/ x'g] 5 M
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;xeflutf eflifs l;k ljsf;sf nflu JolStut, o'un / ;d"xut
cflb sIffut l;sfO ;xeflutfnfO{ cfwf/ dfGg]

32 dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^

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sfo{÷kl/of]h sfo{÷kl/of]h df}lvs k|:t'lt, u[xsfo{, sIff sfo{ jf eflifs l;k
gf sfo{ gf sfo{ ljsf;;DaGwL kl/of]hgf sfo{sf] k|ltj]bg / cGtjf{tf{
-efOaf_ nfO{ cfwf/ lng]
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d"Nofª\sg ;dfrf/, ;+jfb, ;flxlTos cleJolSt, jf cGo
;Gb]zd"ns uBf+z ;'gfP/ cg'dfg, k"jf{g'dfg, k|Zgf]Q/,
zAbaf]w, cy{af]w, ;Gbe{af]w, efjaf]w, syfsyg, 36gf
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cb[i6f+z_ ;'gfP/ cg'dfg, k"jf{g'dfg, k|Zgf]Q/, zAbaf]w,
cy{af]w, ;Gbe{af]w, efjaf]w, syfsyg, 36gf j0f{g,
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-v_ af]nfO
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j0f{g÷ nufpg]
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eflifs :t/, z'4f]Rrf/0f, ult, olt, no / xfpefp h:tf
kIfdf Wofg lbg]_
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;:j/jfrg zAb;Ddsf] uBf+z jf kBf+z lbP/ ult, olt, no
ldnfP/ efjfg's"n ;:j/jfrg ug{ nufpg] .
-o;/L jfrg ubf{ :ki6tf, eflifs z'4tf, ult, olt, no
/ xfpefp h:tf kIfdf ljz]if Vofn ug]{_
$ q}dfl;s q}dfl;s ^ klxnf] q}dfl;s k/LIffaf6 # cª\s / bf];|f] q}dfl;s
k/LIff k/LIffsf] k/LIffaf6 # cª\s
hDdf @%
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dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 33

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-cf_ eflifs l;k -k9fO / n]vfO_ sIff !!
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!= Jf0f{ klxrfg #
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*= jfSofGt/0f Jofs/0f #
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!)= a'“bfl6kf]6 / ;f/f+z uB /rgf @±#Ö%
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5f]6f] pQ/fTds_ k|of]hgk/s /rgf
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!#= :jtGq /rgf lgaGw *
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!%= Jofjxfl/s n]vg Jofjxfl/s n]vg, kq/rgf $
!^= k|ltj]bg tyf l6Kk0fL n]vg k|ltj]bg / l6Kk0fL %
hDdf &%

34 dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^

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!= cIf/ ;+/rgf #
@= j0f{ljGof; Jofs/0f #
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$= zAblgdf{0f Jofs/0f #
%= sf/s / ljelSt tyf kb;ª\ult Jofs/0f $
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!)= kf7ut af]w -;Gbe{df cfwfl/t pkGof;, syf, sljtf, lgaGw, hLjgL / *
pQ/fTds_ k|of]hgk/s /rgf
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k|of]hgk/s /rgf
!@= :jtGq /rgf lgaGw *
!#= k|ltlj|mof n]vg k|ltlj|mof $
!$= Jofjxfl/s n]vg Jofjxfl/s n]vg, kq/rgf $
!%= k|ltj]bg tyf l6Kk0fL n]vg k|ltj]bg %
hDdf &%

dfWolds lzIff -sIff !! / !@_ kf7\oj|md, @)&^ 35


Grade: 11 and 12 Subject code: Eng. 003 (Grade 11), Eng. 004 (Grade 12)
Credit hour: 4 Annual working hour: 128

1. Introduction
English is a lingua franca and is an appropriate international language for Nepal to be connected
with global community. It is not only the language of international communication but also a
language of higher education, mass media, information and communication technology (ICT),
business, tourism, science and medicine. In the context of Nepal, English is necessary for various
purposes. To be specific, our learners need English to participate in classroom interactions; to
study course materials; to read things for pleasure and general information; to gain access to the
world body of knowledge; to read and enjoy a wide range of literary texts, to participate in
international meetings, seminars and conferences; to communicate with foreigners in general; to
enhance their career development, and many more. English is taught as a compulsory subject
from grade one to the bachelors level.
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) has approved the National Curriculum
Framework (NCF), 2076 addressing the changed socio-political condition of the country and the
current needs of the learners. This grade 11and 12 E nglish curriculum has been developed in line
with the spirit of the new NCF. The present curriculum addresses all four language skills with
prime focus on reading and writing skills. It focuses on the types of reading and writing skills that
are necessary for the students in their real life. It also includes the language functions which the
students need for their further studies and the world of work. A strong grammatical foundation is
also given due consideration in this curriculum. This curriculum is based on the principle that
learners learn language when they get sufficient opportunity to use it in appropriate contexts.
Content should not be detached from the use of language. Content and language should be
integrated while teaching. Therefore, the curriculum has focused not only on language and
language functions, but also on a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts which provide a
meaningful context for language learning. For some students, secondary education serves as a
basis for preparation for the university education, whereas for some other students, it may be a
preparation for entry into the world of work. This curriculum tries to address the linguistic
requirements of both types of students.
This curriculum focuses on both the intensive reading of texts which is intended for language
development in the learners and the extensive reading of texts which is intended for processing
content and developing higher order reading and writing skills. Soft skills including critical
thinking and creativity of the students have also been given due importance. For this purpose, a
wide variety of texts have been included under various themes and topics. This curriculum
includes level-wise competencies of students, grade-wise learning outcomes, scope and sequence
of contents, learning facilitation process and evaluation process.
2. Competencies
This curriculum of Grade 11 and 12 in English language aims at developing the following
competencies in the learners:
1. Use both spoken and written English for general and academic purposes in a variety of
personal, social and academic contexts.

36 Curriculum Development Center

2. Read a wide variety of texts for information and understanding.
3. Read a variety of literary texts for pleasure and appreciation.
4. Read, reflect and interpret a wide range of texts.
5. Critically analyze and evaluate ideas in a wide range of level apprapriate taxts.
6. Search, select and manage information from various textual and online sources.
7. Create a variety of writing for different purposes and audiences with appropriate content,
style and accuracy.
8. Produce a variety of creative and critical writings.
9. Appreciate diverse cultures.
10. Listen and respond in English with accuracy and fluency
11. Communicate clearly and effectively in a range of situations using verbal and non-verbal
communication strategies.
3. Grade-wise Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes in this curriculum are distributed between grade eleven and twelve based
on their levels of difficulty. However, the same learning outcomes may be introduced in grade
eleven and consolidated in grade twelve. Therefore, these may go in a sequence and will be
addressed in the resource materials and pedagogy.
3.1 Listening

Learning outcomes

Listening Grade 11 Grade 12


1. Identify and  Identify the speaker's attitudes  Identify the speaker's attitudes
discriminate and feelings through their use of and feelings through their use of
stress and stress and intonation. stress and intonation.
intonation  Show an understanding of  Identify the speaker's purpose
patterns. differentiating tones (warnings, by distinguishing tone and
advice, suggestion, etc. ). intonation patterns.
 Identify the effects of supra-  Identify the effects of supra-
segmental features in a segmental features and
connected speech. phonological processes in a
connected speech.
 Identify the key words and
phrases in the given text.
 1.5 Identify the differences
between formal and informal

2. Listen to the  Identify the gist of a listening  Identify the gist, main idea and
spoken text and text. supporting details of a listening
understand its  Retrieve specific information text.
gist and retrieve from spoken English.  Retrieve specific information
specific  Compare and contrast from spoken English, and take
information from information. notes.
it.  Show an understanding of the  Compare and contrast
functions of common discourse information.
markers.  Distinguish between cause and

Secondary Education (Grade 11 & 12) Curriculum, 2077 37

 Interpret information and
auditory cues.
 Show an understanding of the
functions of a wide range of
discourse markers.

3. Make inference  Make predictions about the  Make predictions about the
while listening subsequent content using prior subsequent content, actions and
knowledge, phonological clues events using prior knowledge,
and contextual clues. phonological clues and
 Make inference about themes and contextual clues.
message of the spoken text from  Make inference about purpose,
prior knowledge and contextual intentions, themes and message
clues. of the spoken text from prior
knowledge and contextual clues.

4. Listen to the  Distinguish between facts and  Separate facts from opinions in a
spoken text and opinions in a spoken text. spoken text.
critically analyse  Draw conclusions from main  Draw conclusions from main
and evaluate the ideas, specific details, prior ideas, specific details, prior
information in it. knowledge and contextual clues. knowledge and contextual clues.
 Identify the content and  Identify different points of view
organisation of presentations. and make judgment.
 Form opinions about ideas  Make judgment on the relevance
presented in listening texts. of spoken message.
 Understand the meaning of  Evaluate the content and
common idiomatic expressions. organisation of presentations.
 Form and interpret opinions
about ideas presented in texts.
 Understand and interpret the
meaning of common and grade
appropriate idiomatic

5. Listen to the  Listen to a variety of audio  Listen to a variety of audio

spoken text and materials (e.g. lectures, materials (e.g. lectures,
take note of conversations, personal accounts, conversations, personal
important narratives and explanations) and accounts, narratives and
information. take notes of them. explanations) and take notes of
 Restate what has been heard. them.
 Restate what has been heard.

38 Curriculum Development Center

6. Participate  Participate as an active listener in  Participate as an active listener in
actively and an interaction and discussion. an interaction and discussion.
effectively in an  Ask for clarification and  Ask for clarification and
interaction. elaboration. elaboration.
 Respond to the speaker with  Respond to the speaker with
appropriate facial expressions and appropriate facial expressions
gestures. and gestures.
 Respect the age, gender, social  Respect the age, gender, social
position and cultural traditions of position and cultural traditions of
the speaker. the speaker.
 Collaborate with others in order
to explore and discuss
understanding of spoken texts.

7. Listen to  Show an understanding of  Show an understanding of

instructions, complex directions and complex directions and
directions and instructions. instructions.
announcements  Show an understanding of  Show an understanding of
and follow them. common public announcements common public announcements
e.g. at an airport, at a stadium, e.g. at an airport, at a stadium,
etc. etc..

8. Gain  Identify nationality/ background  Demonstrate an understanding of

knowledge and of speaker (s) of listening texts the patterns of interactions from
understanding of  Demonstrate an understanding of various English speaking
target culture (s) the patterns of interactions from cultures.
through listening. various English speaking  Analyse the verbal and non- verbal
cultures. social conventions that characterize
 Show an understanding of verbal the English speaking cultures.
and non- verbal social conventions  Show an understanding of verbal
that characterize the English and non- verbal social conventions
speaking culture. that characterize the English
 Compare and contrast the speaking culture.
practices of both national and  Evaluate the practices and values
international cultures. of both national and international

Secondary Education (Grade 11 & 12) Curriculum, 2077 39

3.2 Speaking

S.N. Speaking Learning outcomes

Grade 11 Grade 12

1. 1. Participate  Initiate, maintain and  Initiate, maintain and conclude

effectively in conclude an interaction an interaction using both
interactions and using appropriate verbal and non-verbal
conversations. expressions. expressions and with
 Take part in conversations confidence.
on subjects of common  Take part in relatively long
interest. conversation with multiple
 Speak fluently, accurately speakers on subjects of
and effectively in different common interest.
situations on a wide range of  Speak fluently, accurately and
general or leisure topics. effectively according to social
 Understand and respond to norms and cultural values in
what has been said by the different situations on a wide
other interlocutors in range of general, academic,
conversation. vocational or leisure topics.
 Ask questions for  Understand and respond to
clarification and what has been said by the
understanding. other interlocutors in
 Respond to questions. conversation.
 Present ideas, opinions,  Ask questions for clarification
experiences and arguments and understanding.
with confidence.  Respond to questions in a
 Respect age, gender, social convincing way.
position of the listener.  Respect age, gender, social
 Indicate understanding and position and cultural traditions
express certainty or of the listener.
uncertainty.  Present ideas, opinions,
 Make proper use of extra experiences and arguments
linguistic features such as with confidence.
facial expressions and  Use discourse markers to
gestures. enable others to follow what is
 Use common discourse being said.
markers.  Respond with suggestions,
feedback and different
 Change the topic of an
interaction as required.
 Indicate understanding and
express certainty or
 Negotiate meaning in
 Make proper use of extra
linguistic features such as
facial expressions and

40 Curriculum Development Center

 Use a wide range of discourse

2. Participate  Convey message effectively  Convey message effectively

effectively in an using appropriate language using appropriate language
informal functions. functions and idiomatic
discussion.  Comment and put forward expressions.
point of a view clearly.  Comment and put forward a
 Give opinions on the topic of point of view clearly and
discussion. evaluate alternative proposals.
 Comment on another  Give opinions by providing
person's opinions or relevant explanations,
viewpoints. arguments and comments.
 Express thoughts and ideas  Comment on and judge
using verbal and non-verbal another person's views and
communication strategies. opinions with argument.
 Respect others' views and  Be aware of social etiquette
ideas. and apply in conversation.
 Respect others' views and

3. Participate  Have a discussion on matters  Have a discussion on matters

effectively in a related to his/her field. related to his/her field.
formal  Ask and reformulate  Ask, reformulate and
discussion. questions as required. paraphrase questions as
 Present a point of view required.
clearly.  Present a point of view clearly
 Present and respond to and in a convincing way.
arguments.  Present and respond to
 Take part in informal arguments convincingly.
debates on the issues of  Take part in both formal and
current topics and concerns. informal debates on the issues
of current topics and concerns.
 Make critical remarks or
express disagreement.

4. Give and take an  Actively participate in an  Actively participate in an

interview. interview both as a interview, including group
interviewer and as an interview both as a interviewer
interviewee. and as an interviewee.
 Expand the points being  Expand the points being
discussed. discussed in a persuasive way.
 Check and confirm  Check and confirm
information. information.
 Ask questions and respond  Ask questions and respond to
to them properly. them properly.

5. Use  Use telecommunications  Use telecommunications such

telecommunicati such as telephone, Skype as telephone, Skype and Viber
ons effectively. and Viber effectively for effectively for personal and

Secondary Education (Grade 11 & 12) Curriculum, 2077 41

personal purposes. professional purposes.
 Maintain appropriate etiquette
and ethics of

6. Narrate a  Narrate a sequence of events  Narrate a sequence of events

sequence of or processes using or processes using appropriate
events or appropriate structures and structures and vocabulary.
process vocabulary.
7. Use supra-  Speak fluently and  Speak fluently and accurately
segmental accurately with acceptable with acceptable pronunciation,
features like pronunciation, stress and stress and intonation patterns.
stress, tone and intonation patterns.  Produce utterances with
intonation for  Produce utterances with appropriate features of
expressing a appropriate features of connected speech such as
range of connected speech such as assimilation and elision.
meanings and assimilation and elision.
8. Make effective  Generate ideas and make  Generate ideas and make
presentations. presentations appropriate to presentations appropriate to
the purpose and audience. the purpose, audience, time
 Choose appropriate and style.
expressions and registers  Choose appropriate
according to the expressions and registers
context/field. according to the context/field.
 Maintain appropriate posture  Use appropriate discourse
and eye contact. markers.
 Maintain appropriate posture
and eye contact.
 Use effective presentation

9. Describe,  Describe people, objects,  Describe people, objects,

people, objects, events, etc. using appropriate events, etc. using appropriate
events, etc. structures and vocabulary. structures and vocabulary.

10. Seek and  Use a range of question  Use a range of expressions for
provide a wide forms for seeking and seeking, confirming, checking
variety of confirming required and elaborating required
information. information. information.
 Give detailed information on  Give detailed information on
different topics. different topics.

11. Speak with  Express personal opinions to  Express personal opinions to

critical analysis clarify the points expressed. clarify the points expressed
and evaluation.  Present reasons and and persuade the interlocutors.
examples from different  Present reasons, examples and
sources such as reviews of the details from different
books, plays and interviews sources such as reviews of
to defend opinions and books, plays and interviews to
judgments. defend opinions and

42 Curriculum Development Center


12. Understand and  Express one’s own cultural  Express one’s own cultural
demonstrate values and practices values and practices and
inter-cultural effectively and clearly. compare it with that of others.
understanding.  Express tolerance and  Express tolerance and respect
respect for the cultural for the cultural practices of
practices of other people. other people.

Note: The prescribed language functions should be included while selecting topics and
tasks for speaking.
3.3 Reading

S. N. Reading Learning outcomes

Grade 11 Grade 12

1. Read the texts  Scan the text and retrieve  Scan the text and retrieve
intensively for specific information from specific information from it.
information and it.  Skim the text and get its main
understanding.  Skim the text and get its idea/theme.
main idea/theme.  Distinguish between cause and
 Identify the topic sentence effect and fact and opinions.
of a paragraph.  Compare and contrast ideas.
 Distinguish between cause  Identify different points of
and effect. view.
 Separate facts from  Find out main ideas and
opinions. supporting details.
 Compare and contrast  Deduce the meanings of
ideas. unfamiliar words and phrases
 Find out main ideas and in a given context.
supporting details.  Read the text and identify the
 Deduce the meanings of order of events.
unfamiliar words and  Identify explicit as well as
phrases in a given context. implicit information.
 Read the texts and identify  Read and interpret the graphic
the order of events. organizers (e.g. Venn diagram,
 Identify explicit as well as time line, semantic webs, etc.)
implicit information. given in the text to facilitate
 Read and interpret the understanding of grade
graphic organizers (e.g. appropriate reading texts.
Venn diagram, time line,  Follow the pattern of
semantic webs, etc.) given arguments with the help of the
in the text to facilitate clues available in the text.
understanding of grade
appropriate reading texts.
2. Read a variety  Read and interpret literary  Read and interpret literary texts
of literary texts texts (e.g. short stories, (e.g. short stories, essays,
for pleasure, essays, poems and dramas) poems and dramas) from a
wide variety of authors,

Secondary Education (Grade 11 & 12) Curriculum, 2077 43

appreciation and from a wide variety of subjects and genres.
interpretation. authors, subjects and  Read and respond to literary
genres. works that represent a range of
 Read and respond to social, historical and cultural
literary works that represent perspectives.
a range of social, historical  Interpret multiple levels of
and cultural perspectives. meaning such as literal
 Interpret multiple levels of meaning, contextual meaning,
meaning such as literal figurative meaning and
meaning, contextual intended meaning in literary
meaning, figurative texts.
meaning and intended  Analyse and evaluate fiction
meaning in literary texts. and non-fiction including the
 Analyse and evaluate effect of diction and figurative
fiction and non-fiction language.
including the effect of  Analyse special features of
diction and figurative languages that distinguish
language. literary texts from non-literary
 Analyse special features of ones.
languages that distinguish  Appreciate literary texts of
literary texts from non- appropriate level.
literary ones.  Determine the themes of
 Appreciate literary texts of literary texts.
appropriate level.  Describe the characters of the
 Determine the themes of literary texts.
literary texts.
 Describe the characters of
the literary texts.
3. Read the texts  Determine the writer's  Determine the writer's attitude,
and critically attitude, perspectives, perspectives, purposes and
analyse, purposes and intended intended meaning.
interpret and meaning.  Identify the particular kind of
evaluate the  Identify the particular kind language used in a particular
information. of language used in a text.
particular text.  Analyse and synthesize
 Analyse and synthesize information from different
information from different sources by making connections
sources by making and showing relationships with
connections and showing other texts, ideas and subjects.
relationships with other  Form a variety of questions at
texts, ideas and subjects. different levels about the text.
 Form a variety of questions  Read, review and present a
at different levels about the critical response to a text.
text.  Express opinions and make
 Read, review and present a judgments about ideas,
critical response to a text. information, experiences and
 Express opinions and make issues presented in literary and
judgments about ideas, factual texts.
information, experiences  Arrive at conclusion and

44 Curriculum Development Center

and issues presented in comment on a given text.
literary and factual texts.  Summarise the texts.
 Arrive at conclusion and
comment on a given text.
 Summarise the texts.
4. Read the texts  Identify the structure and  Identify the structure and
closely and organization of paragraphs organization of paragraphs and
understand the and longer texts by longer texts by developing an
structure and developing an awareness of awareness of cohesive devices.
organization of cohesive devices.  Analyse the organisational
the text.  Analyse the organisational patterns of a text (such as
patterns of a text (such as chronological, cause-effect,
chronological, cause-effect, problem-solution and reason-
problem-solution and conclusion).
reason-conclusion).  Identify cohesive devices and
 Identify cohesive devices their referents.
and their referents.  Identify the discourse markers
 Identify the discourse and their functions in the texts.
markers and their functions  Compare the structure of
in the texts. different types of text

5. Read the texts  Read the title and predict  Read the title and predict the
and predict the the content of the text. content of the text.
content and  Make predictions about the  Make predictions about the
make inference. content of a text while content of a text while reading
reading based on contextual based on contextual clues, text
clues, text features, features, background
background knowledge, knowledge, patterns of
patterns of relationship of relationship of ideas, etc.
ideas, etc.  Make predictions about
 Make predictions about upcoming events in the
upcoming events in the narrative texts.
narrative texts.  Make inferences from
 Make inferences from contextual information, writer's
contextual information, viewpoints, implied
writer's viewpoints, implied information, etc.
information, etc.  Use knowledge of the world or
 Use knowledge of the background knowledge while
world or background reading.
knowledge while reading.
6. Read the texts  Make notes by reading  Make notes by reading various
and take notes. various resources. resources.
 Read a text and make notes  Read a text and make notes
covering the key points. covering the key points.
 Organise the notes and write on
what has been read.

7. Read and  Interpret and integrate  Interpret and integrate

Secondary Education (Grade 11 & 12) Curriculum, 2077 45

interpret the information presented in information presented in
para- diagrammatic forms diagrammatic forms (charts,
orthographic (charts, graphs, tables, graphs, tables, maps etc.)
texts. maps etc.)  Paraphrase information or
 Paraphrase information or ideas of the texts.
ideas of the texts.
8. Read texts and  Deduce the meaning of  Deduce the meaning of
deduce the unfamiliar lexical items on unfamiliar lexical items on the
meaning of the basis of contextual, basis of contextual, syntactic
unfamiliar syntactic and semantic and semantic clues.
lexical items clues.
from the

9. Use an authentic  Use an authentic English  Use an authentic English

English dictionary, thesaurus, dictionary, thesaurus,
dictionary, encyclopedia, and academic encyclopedia, and academic
thesaurus, reference materials. reference materials.
and academic
10. Read and  Read and identify the  Read and identify the practices
identify the practices and values of and values of national and
practices and national and target cultures. target cultures.
values of  Read a variety of texts  Read a variety of texts from
national and from both national and both national and international
target cultures. international cultures for cultures for information and
information and understanding.
understanding.  Read a n d c o m p a r e social,
 Read a n d c o m p a r e democratic, political and
social, democratic, political economic issues in both national
and economic issues in both and international cultures.
national and international  Read expository texts on
cultures. issues affecting social,
 Read expository texts on political, economic and cultural
issues affecting social, aspects in a given society.
political, economic and
cultural aspects in a given

3.4 Writing

S. N. Writing Learning outcomes

Grade 11 Grade 12

1. Compose well-  Compose well-formed  Compose well-formed

paragraphs including the

46 Curriculum Development Center

formed paragraphs including the appropriate topic sentence,
paragraphs. appropriate topic sentence, supporting details and a
supporting details and a concluding sentence.
concluding sentence.
2. Write different  Write different types of  Write different types of formal
kinds of letters personal letters such as letters such as letters to the
and emails with letters to friends, and editors, complain letters, job
appropriate relatives. application letter, and business
format and  Write emails. letters.
layout.  Create blogs for expression.  Write emails.
 Prepare curriculum vitae (CV)
with appropriate format and
 Create blogs for expression.

3. Write well  Write well organised  Write well organised

organised essays descriptive, narrative, descriptive, narrative,
on the given argumentative and argumentative and expository
topics and the expository essays on the essays on the given topics and
topics of own given topics and the topics the topics of interest.
interest. of interest.  Edit the written products.
 Edit the written products.
4. Write news  Write articles on current  Write articles on current issues
articles on issues using appropriate using appropriate forms and
current issues. forms and styles. styles.

5. Write formal  Write study reports based  Write study reports based on
reports in an on project works or mini- project works or mini-
appropriate style researches in an appropriate researches in an appropriate
and format. form and format. form and format.

6. Narrate a  Narrate an event in a  Narrate an event in a

sequence of chronological order. chronological order.
events and  Narrate a personal  Narrate a personal experience
personal experience appropriately. appropriately.
experiences.  Write stories.  Write biographies of famous
national and international
 Write a travelogue/memoire.

7. Describe a  Describe a person or event  Describe a person or event

person or event using appropriate structures using appropriate structures
appropriately. and vocabularies. and vocabularies.

8. Summarise a  Summarise a text into a  Summarise a text into a short

text. short form condensing the form condensing the
information. information.

9. Write a  Write a character sketch of  Write a character sketch of the

character sketch. the characters in a text. characters in a text with

Secondary Education (Grade 11 & 12) Curriculum, 2077 47

sufficient arguments.

10. Write a  Write a critical review of a  Write a critical review of a

book/film book/film. book/film.

11. Transfer  Transfer information from  Transfer information from

information tables, graphs and charts to tables, graphs and charts to
from tables, prose and vice versa. prose and vice versa.
graphs and  Describe and interpret  Describe and interpret tables,
charts to prose tables, charts and graphs charts and graphs clearly.
and vice versa. clearly.

12. Prepare  Prepare communiqué in a  Prepare a press release of an

communiqué simple and clear form. organisation.
and press

13. Use the  Write a variety of text types  Write a variety of text types
mechanics of using spelling, punctuation, using spelling, punctuation,
writing capitalisation, contractions, capitalisation, contractions,
properly. abbreviations, acronyms, abbreviations, acronyms,
numbers and numerals numbers and numerals
properly. properly.

14. Use various  Use writing strategies such  Use writing strategies such as
strategies for as brainstorming, making brainstorming, making mind
generating and mind maps and spider maps and spider grams for
organising ideas grams for generating ideas. generating ideas.
for writing.  Gather required information  Gather required information for
for writing from various writing from various printed
printed and online sources. and online sources.
 Draft interview questions to  Draft interview questions to
collect information. collect information.
 Take notes while reading or  Take notes while reading or
interviewing and use the interviewing and use the notes
notes for writing. for writing.
 Use a range of  Use a range of organisational
organisational strategies strategies such as clustering,
such as clustering, webbing, and mapping to
webbing, and mapping to present information.
present information.  Critically analyse the sample
 Critically analyse the writings to find out their
sample writings to find out structure and styles.
their structure and styles.
15. Apply process  Apply the stages of process  Apply the stages of process
approach to approach (i.e. planning, approach (i.e. planning,
writing for making an outline, making an outline, preparing
producing a preparing the first draft and the first draft and revising,
variety of revising, editing and editing and producing the final

48 Curriculum Development Center

creative producing the final draft) draft) to create a variety of
writings. for creating a variety of creative writings such as
creative writings such as essays, personal experiences
essays, personal and articles.
experiences and articles.
16. Use an authentic  Use an authentic English  Use an authentic English
English dictionary, thesaurus, dictionary, thesaurus,
dictionary, encyclopedia, and academic encyclopedia, and academic
thesaurus, reference materials for reference materials for
encyclopedia, drafting, revising and drafting, revising and editing
and academic editing their writing. their writing.
reference  Develop personal  Develop personal dictionary.
material. dictionary.
Self-exploration and self-expression/creative writing should be dealt with as an inherent part
while interacting with texts.
4. Scope and Sequence
4.1 Reading
The content of reading section is divided into two parts: Part I and Part II. Part I includes a wide
variety of contemporary issue-based thematic texts intended for the practice of (a) intensive
reading (b) grammar (c) vocabulary (d) listening and speaking (e) writing. Part II is built on the
successful exposition of Part I. Part II includes literary genre-based selected texts of different types
for reading for pleasure, for both intensive and extensive purposes so as to enable the learners to
discern different aspects of literary texts and practise creative writings, which involves expression
of imagination.
Part I (Outlines for the selection of texts)
There will be a wide variety of texts on different issues- both local and global of mainly
contemporary concerns, which include gender issues, diaspora, science and technology, depletion
of natural resources, etc. There will be maximum 21 reading texts of moderate length not
exceeding 2000 words and technical terms at each grade. The texts should be taken from various
thematic areas that have been proposed below. Around each selected text, specially tailored
exercises will be developed for supporting the learners' engagement with the texts.

S. No. Thematic areas Possible topics

1. Education and humanity ethics, human values, moral values, education,

spirituality, animal rights, patriotism, responsibility of

2. Health, sports and yoga, travelogue, illness, disease, diet, nutrition,

adventure epidemics, hygiene, mental health, physical exercise,
traditional and alternative medicine, meditation

3. Media and society change in communication and pace of life, advertising,

bias in media, the Internet, radio and television,
telephone, press

Secondary Education (Grade 11 & 12) Curriculum, 2077 49

4. History and culture identity, language, ethnicity, ethnic groups in Nepal, folk
literature, folk songs, folk culture/children's literature
diaspora, ethics, cultural diversity, beliefs, values and
norms, etiquette, historical events, national customs

5. Ecology and global warming, deforestation, diversity, sustainable

development development, population, agronomy, forestry, wildlife,
weather, ecosystem, food and water, the effect of man on
nature, the environment, natural disaster

6. Science and technology ethics and science, impact of ICT on society,

entertainment, renewable energy

7. Globalisation and international economy, migration, poverty and famine,

economy global citizenship

8. Humour and satire humour, satire

9. Democracy and human democracy, human rights, gender, law and justice, legal
rights awareness, children's rights, women's rights, rights of
senior citizens, non-violence, charity

10. Home life, family and celebrations and social events, friendship, work, family,
social relationships social acceptance, sex education

11. Arts, music and creation painting, arts, music, creation

12. Fantasy fantasy, imagination

13. Career and jobs, career, entrepreneurship, problems of

entrepreneurship unemployment

14. Power and politics power, politics, struggle, conflict

15. War and peace war, peace

16. Critical thinking critical thinking, divergent thinking, logical thinking

Possible text types for part I

A wide variety of texts will be covered for reading purposes. Reading texts for part I will cover the
following types:
 interviews
 book/film reviews
 news reports and articles
 literary writings
 reports
 academic publications
 letters
 essays
 news articles

50 Curriculum Development Center

 biographies/auto-biographies
 product guides
 poems
 blogs
 brochures
 emails
 travelogues/memoire
Part II (Outline for the selection of reading texts)
As mentioned before, this part will consist of different types of creative works that involve the
expression of imagination and art so that the students can perceive how language functions
differently. These are higher functions. This section will expose the students to a different world of
imagination and art. This will encourage them to read more, think more and express with
individual artistry. There lies infinite possibility of growing independently. In this part, there will
be maximum 20 reading texts of moderate length at each grade.
The genres that will be included in this part along with the number of texts of each genre is given

S. N. Genres Number of texts to be


1. Short stories 7

2. Poems 5

3. Essays 5

4. One act plays 3

Total 20

Based on the above genres, different types of reading and writing tasks should be developed so
that the students can think more independently, work creatively and develop a good foundation for
the university level education.
The tasks incorporated in this part will focus on:
 glossary
 literary devices used in the texts
 comprehension questions (short and long: literature-based reading, reading between the
lines, appreciation of texts, interpretation of texts)
 writing a summary
 describing the character
 comparing and contrasting
 critical and creative writing
4.2 Writing

Grade 11 Grade 12

1. Paragraphs 1. Paragraphs
2. Personal letters (letters to friends and 2. Formal letters (letters to the editors, job

Secondary Education (Grade 11 & 12) Curriculum, 2077 51

relatives) emails, blogs application, business letters)
3. Essays (descriptive, narrative, 3. Curriculum vitae
argumentative and expository) 4. Essays (descriptive, narrative,
4. News articles argumentative and expository)
5. Formal reports based on project works or 5. News articles
mini-research 6. Formal reports based on project works or
6. Narratives (personal experiences, stories, mini-research
events, travelogues, memoire) 7. Narratives (personal experiences, stories,
7. Descriptions (persons, events) events, travelogues, memoire)
8. Summaries 8. Descriptions (persons, events)
9. Character sketch 9. Summaries
10. Book/film review 10. Character sketch
11. Transferring information from para- 11. Book/film review
orthographic texts 12. Transferring information from para-
12. Communique orthographic texts
13. Mechanics of writing 13. Press release
14. Writing strategies 14. Mechanics of writing
15. Process approach to writing 15. Writing strategies
16. Process approach to writing

4.3 Listening and speaking

As far as possible listening and speaking skills will be practised not in isolation but in the context
of reading texts in an integrated way. Listening texts will cover the following types in both grades:
 Lectures
 Talks
 Presentations
 Conversations
 Personal accounts (e.g. oral anecdotes, past experiences, etc.)
 Interviews
 Short discussions
 Narratives (e.g. radio dramas)
 Procedures (e.g. instructions and directions)
 Factual accounts (news reports, eye witness accounts)
 Explanations (e.g. how an engine works)
 Expositions (debates, speech, advertisements)
 Public announcements
 Weather forecast
Speaking skill will be linked with the prescribed language functions. The prescribed language
functions will be included in the tasks and topics for speaking. Speaking tasks and topics should be
linked directly to the reading texts. Speaking tasks will cover the following main areas in both
 conversations/interactions
 formal and informal discussions
 interviews
 telecommunications
 narrating
 making presentations
 describing

52 Curriculum Development Center

4.4. Language functions
The language functions prescribed in this curriculum should be the basis developing tasks for
listening and speaking, and the grammar should be linked to the language functions.

Grade 11 Grade 12

1. Expressing good wishes 1. Expressing feelings, emotions and attitudes

1. Giving directions and instructions 2. Expressing certainty
2. Expressing agreement/disagreement 3. Expressing indifference
3. Expressing decisions, intentions and 4. Making comparisons and contrasts
plans 5. Arguing/defending a point
4. Expressing obligation 6. Responding to counter arguments
5. Requesting and offering 7. Expressing disappointment
6. Suggesting and advising 8. Clarifying
7. Describing objects, people and places 9. Describing processes
8. Asking about opinions/giving 10. Predicting
opinions 11. Expressing degrees of certainty
9. Describing experiences 12. Expressing necessity
10. Describing hopes, wants and wishes 13. Speculating
11. Expressing certainty, probability, 14. Giving reasons
doubt 15. Denying
12. Interrupting 16. Complaining/criticizing
13. Generalizing and qualifying 17. Reminding
14. Expressing reactions, e.g. indifference 18. Summarizing
15. Talking about regular actions and 19. Narrating past events, actions and
activities experiences
16. Encouraging/discouraging 20. Reporting
17. Persuading 21. Announcing
18. Comparing past and present
19. Narrating past events, actions and
20. Expressing complements
21. Reporting

4. 5. Grammar
The grammar part of the curriculum will include the following topics:
a. Adjectives and adverbs
b. Concord/subject verb agreement
c. Prepositions
d. Modal auxiliaries
e. Tense and aspects
f. Infinitives and gerunds
g. Conjunctions,
h. Relative clause
i. Voice
j. Reported speech

Secondary Education (Grade 11 & 12) Curriculum, 2077 53

The grammar should not be taught separately. It should be dealt with in the texts as far as possible.
4.6. Sounds, vocabulary and dictionary use
a. Sound system of English
- Consonants
- Vowels
b. Vocabulary study-word formation
- Stem/root - Suffixes
- Prefixes - Derivation
- Inflexion - Synonyms/antonyms
- Parts of speech - Idioms and phrases
- Nouns-number - Verb conjugation
- Spelling - Punctuation
c. Dictionary use (focus on the use of electronic dictionary)
d. Idioms and phrasal verbs
The Curriculum has two broad sections : Language Development and literature. The allocation of
working hours for language development and literature will be 73 and 55 respectively.
Note: Activities focusing on the specific features of vocabulary e.g. prefixes, suffixes, changing
word class, synonyms, antonyms, giving single words, concussing words, etc. should be designed
based on the reading texts.
5 Learning Facilitation Process
5.1 Principles of Language Pedagogy
The current grade XI and XII curriculum is based on the following pedagogic principles :
 Content and language integrated learning: Language learning becomes effective when the
learners develop an awareness of some specific content knowledge. Meaningful content
relating to the real world helps learners comprehend not only the content itself but also the
accompanying language. Integrating content and language is a clear departure from the mere
communication towards a meaningful cognition through the language being learnt.
 Real world link: The principle of real world link is about exposing learners to the realities of
the world through meaningful information and knowledge. Simulated and real tasks allow
learners to envisage how the English language will be used in their real life.
 Diversity as a resource: In diverse classrooms, with learners from multilingual and multi-
cultural backgrounds, exploiting diversity as a resource helps not only in the teaching
learning process but also in creating social cohesion. The content from diverse contexts
establishes the pluralistic concept first in the classrooms and later in the real world.
 Learning through Information and Communication Technology (ICT): With the advent of
the ICT, language learning has been more accessible to the learners. The mobile and media
technologies allow learners to access learning materials from anywhere and anytime. The use
of ICT tools in the classroom pedagogy gives learners more autonomy in different ways.
 Learner engagement: Language learning becomes enriching as well as fulfilling when
learners are fully engaged. Their engagement in the pedagogical process should be ensured
with their involvement in the meaningful tasks, projects and out of class activities. Engaged
learners are not only successful in developing their language but also become a resource for
the class.

54 Curriculum Development Center

5.2 Learning Activities
Based on the above-mentioned pedagogical principles, the following activities have been
suggested in order to achieve the competencies of this curriculum:
 Reading and presentation
 Writing projects
 Dramatization, role-play and simulation
 Inquiry-based writing
 Reading for comprehension
 Reading for critical assessment/analysis
 Discussion sessions
 Think - Pair- Share
 RDWS (Read, Discuss, Write and Say/Share)
 Teacher-guided self-study
 Journal writing
 Library visits
 Listening to lyrical poems and songs
 Reciting lyrical poems and songs
 Watching movies (animated/unanimated, comic) and dramas
 Brainstorming and mind mapping
 Quick write/flash writing
 Book/film reviews
 Paraphrasing
5.3 Instructional Materials for Learning Facilitation
Each student must have a textbook. Each teacher should have a teacher’s guide and a set of teacher
support materials for the appropriate grade, including digital and electronic materials as far as
practicable. Teachers should make an extensive and proper use of the board. To make learning
easy, effective and interesting, a variety of materials should be used including the following:
 Charts
 Comparison tables
 Role cards
 Newspapers
 Bulletins, brochures
 Pictures/drawings
 Audio-visual materials
 Writing samples (e.g. essay, book/film review, mind mapping, brainstorming, etc.)
 Worksheets
 Flash cards
 Formats (of book review/film review/project work, etc.)
 Dictionaries, computers, audio players and mobile phones
 Multi-media
 Online resources
 Readers
 Additional references
 Sample interpretation/sample summaries/character sketches/poems, etc.

Secondary Education (Grade 11 & 12) Curriculum, 2077 55

6. Student Assessment
The letter grading system will be used for assessing the students' performance. In order to assess
the student's learning achievement as expected by this curriculum, formative as well as summative
and internal as well as external assessment will be done.
In order to ensure the learning of the students, informal assessment will be conducted regularly
and timely feedback will be provided to the students for improvement. The goal of formative
assessment is to help the learners to learn more rather than to check what they have learnt and
what they have not. Formative assessment should focus on those areas which pose problems in
learning. This can also take the form of remedial teaching. Formative assessment should focus on
the development of all the language skills and aspects in the learners. Various classroom activities
and techniques should be used to help the learners to learn more. The following
techniques/activities can be used as tools for formative assessment:

 Observation of students'  Portfolio  Games

linguistic behaviour  Tests (class, weekly,  Debates
 Anecdotal record monthly, trimister)  Story telling/retelling
 Rating scale  Project works  Poetry recitation
 Check lists  Creative works  Dramatization/simulation
 Work sample/written  Self-initiation in  Role play
samples learning  Group discussion
 Interviews  Class work  Journal writing
 Home assignments
As a part of summative assessment, tests for assessing four skills of language, viz. listening,
speaking, reading and writing will be conducted terminally. Listening and speaking tests will be
conducted on practical basis. There will be both internal as well as external evaluation as part of
summative or final assessment.
6.1 Internal Evaluation: The international evaluation convers 25 marks. The allocation of marks
is as follows:

S. N. Areas Marks

1. Participation 3

2 Listening test 6

3 Speaking test 10

4 Score from terminal exams 6

Total marks 25

56 Curriculum Development Center

6.2 External evaluation: The external evaluation carries 75 marks. The allocation of marks for
each language skill and aspect is given below:

S. N. Language skills and aspects Marks

1. Reading 35

2. Writing 25

3. Grammar 10

4. Vocabulary 5

Total marks 75

6.3 Alternative Evaluation

For the students with disabilities, alternative assessment tools will be used. They are suggested in
the test specification grid.
6.4 Elaboration of Internal Assessment

S. N. Areas Marks Guidelines for evaluation

1. Participation 3
This covers students’ attendance, participation in
classroom activities and their performance on classwork,
homework and project works assigned to them. The
teacher needs to maintain the record of students. The
same record is to be consulted to award the marks for this

2 Listening test 6 1. Listening comprehension

Types of sound files:
(The sound files may contain: lectures, talks,
presentations, poetry, interviews, conversations, short
discussions, advertisements, personal accounts (oral
anecdotes, past experiences) narratives (e.g. radio
dramas), instructions and directions, factual accounts
(e.g. eye news reports, eye witness accounts)
explanations, public announcements operating
instructions, weather forecast)
There will be two listening tasks on two different
sound files. Each task should consist of three questions.
Note: The sound files should be authentic and clearly
articulated with normal speed of delivery. Each sound
file should be of 3 minute maximum in length.

Secondary Education (Grade 11 & 12) Curriculum, 2077 57

Listening constructs to be focused:
a. Specific information
b. Gist
c. Main information and supporting details
d. Specific information and important details
Number of sound files: Two sound files each carrying 3
marks will be used.
Length of the sound file: Maximum three minutes
Types of test items

1. Multiple choice 4. Short answer questions

2. Fill in the blanks
3. Matching

Alternative test methods for students with speech and

hearing difficulties
For the students with speech and hearing difficulties,
any one of the following types of questions can be
1. Paragraph writing on a given topic
2. Writing a letter
3. Writing a description of the given picture
Time: 20 minutes.

3 Speaking 10 The speaking test will be administered practically.

The test starts with greeting and introducing to make
the students feel comfortable. This will not carry any
marks. The speaking test consists of the following
1. Introduction and interview (3 marks)
The students will be asked at least any three questions on
their personal affairs and immediate situation. (How are
you preparing for the exam? What will you study after
grade 12? What’s your aim in life? Do you like English?
Why?/Why not?
2. Describing pictures (4 marks)
The students are given a picture or a set of pictures. They
are expected to describe the picture in at least 8
3. Speaking on a given topic (3marks)
The students will be given a topic like; my school, my
hobby, my family. They will get one-minute time to

58 Curriculum Development Center

think over the topic and then they will speak on the
topic. This will also be done individually.
Time: 10 to 15 minutes for per student
Alternative test methods for students with visual
For the students with visual difficulties, ask them to
narrate a sequence of events instead of the task 2
‘describing pictures’ above.

4 Score from 6 3 marks from each terminal exams

terminal exams

Secondary Education (Grade 11 & 12) Curriculum, 2077 59

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;Eotftkm{ cl3 a9fpg] Pp6f k|efjsf/L dfWodsf ¿kdf lzIffnfO{ lnOG5 . ljZjdf 1fg, lj1fg / k|ljlwnufot
/fhgLlt, cy{tGq, ;+:s[lt / ;fdflhs ;DaGwx¿df ;d]t kl/jt{gx¿ cfO/x]sf x'G5g\ . o:tf kl/jt{gnfO{ ;Daf]wg
ug{ ;d'bfonfO{ lzIffsf] kf7\oj|mdsf ¿kdf lnO{ l;sfOsf sfo{x¿ ;~rfng ug'{kb{5 . ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ ljBfno
txb]lv g} ;dfh / jftfj/0f;Fu cGt/lj|mof ug]{ cj;/ k|bfg ug{' klg cfjZos 5 . o:t} lszf]/lszf]/Ldf pTkGg
x'g] låljwfx¿ Joj:yfkg u/L sfo{d"ns hLjgdf k|j]z ubf{ cfjZos kg]{ hLjgf]kof]uL l;kx¿ ljBfno txd}
xfl;n u/fpg' cf}lrTok"0f{ x'G5 . ljBfno lzIffsf] /fli6«o kf7\oj|md k|f¿k, @)&^ cg';f/ sIff !! / sIff !@ sf
ljBfyL{x¿df ;dfhsf] cWoog;lxt hLjgf]kof]uL l;k ljsf; u/fO{ dfgjLo d"No / dfGotf;lxt nf]stflGqs
;dfhdf cg's"ng x'g ;Sg] ;Ifd gful/s tof/ kfg]{ p2]Zon] ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffsf] of]
kf7\oj|md tof/ ul/Psf] 5 .
o; kf7\oj|mddf ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffsf] cjwf/0ff, ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffsf]
cGt/;DaGw / ljlw, hLjgf]kof]uL l;k, dfgj ;dfhsf] pb\ej / ljsf;, ;dfhsf] ljsf; / bz{g, e"uf]n /
;fdflhs hLjg, ljZj / g]kfnsf] Oltxf;, ;fdflhs klxrfg / ljljwtf, ;+ljwfg / gful/s ;r]tgf, a:tL,
hGf;ª\Vof / ljsf;, ;x/Ls/0f / a;fOF;/fO, lzIff / ljsf;, :jf:Yo ;]jf / ;fdflhs ljsf;, cy{tGq / ljsf;
/ ;d;fdlos 36gfh:tf ljifo ;d]l6Psf] 5 . o; kf7\oj|mdn] 1fg, l;k, clej[lQ / d"Nosf] ljsf;df hf]8
lbPsfn] cWoog cWofkgdf ;}4flGtseGbf Jofjxfl/s / k|of]ufTds kIfdf a9L hf]8 lbg'kg]{ x'G5 . o; ljifosf
nflu ;fKtflxs % kf7\o306f / jflif{s s'n !^) sfo{306f 5'6\ofOPsf] 5 . ljifoj:t'df !@) sfo{306fsf] ;}4flGts
tyf $) sfo{306fsf] Jofjxfl/s cEof; ;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 . d"Nofª\sgnfO{ lzIf0fl;sfO k|lj|mofsf] cleGg
cª\usf ¿kdf k|of]u ug'{kg]{ kIfnfO{ hf]8 lbOPsf] 5 . o;sf nflu ljBfyL{df cfjZos ;fdflhs tyf
hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffsf 1fg, l;k, clej[lQ / d"Nox¿ xfl;n ePgePsf] k/LIf0f x'g] u/L d"Nofª\sgsf ljleGg ljlw
tyf ;fwgx¿ lgdf{0f tyf k|of]u ug{'kb{5 . d"Nofª\sg k|lj|mofnfO{ ;xhLs/0f ug{sf nflu d"Nofª\sgsf cfwf/;d]t
o; kf7\oj|mddf ;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 .
o; kf7\oj|mddf kl/ro, ljifout ¿kdf ck]lIft 1fg, l;k, clej[lQ, d"No / sfo{ tTk/tfnfO{ ;d]6L To;sf]
lj|mofTds :j¿kdf ;Ifdtf lgwf{/0f ul/Psf] 5 . l;sfOsf] :t/ / ;Ifdtfsf] ljlzi6Ls[t lj:t[tLs/0f tyf cl3Nnf
sIff;Fu nDaLo ;Gt'ng / cGo ljifo;Fusf] lIflthLo ;Gt'ngsf cfwf/df ljifoj:t'sf] If]q / j|md lgwf{/0f ul/Psf]
5 . ljifout ljlzi6kg / df}lnstfnfO{ ;d]6L l;sfO ;xhLs/0fsf ljlw tyf k|lj|mof k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 . o;df
cfGtl/s / / afx\o d"Nofª\sgsf ljlw tyf k|lj|mof;d]t pNn]v u/L ljBfyL{ d"Nofª\sgnfO{ Jojl:yt ul/Psf] 5 .

60 dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_

@= txut ;Ifdtf
1. ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff / ;fdflhs lj1fglarsf] cGt/;DaGw af]w / k|:t'lt
2. hLjgf]kof]uL l;kx¿sf cltl/St AolStut / ;fdflhs hLjgdf cg';Gwfg / ;"rgf tyf ;~rf/
k|ljlwsf ;fwgx¿sf] k|of]unfO{ hLjgf]kof]uL l;ksf ¿kdf pkof]u
3. ;fdflhs hLjgdf hLjgf]kof]uL l;k ljsf;, k|of]u Pjd\ :j:Yo hLjgz}nLsf] Jofjxfl/s cEof;
4. dfgj hflt tyf ;dfhsf] ljsf;j|mdsf] ljZn]if0f Pjd\ ;dfh, ljZjb[li6sf]0f / hLjg bz{gsf]
cGt/;DaGw af]w / pkof]u
5. e"uf]n / dfgjhLjglarsf] cGt/;DaGw af]w / cg's"ng
6. g]kfn tyf ljZjsf] P]ltxfl;s tYox¿sf] vf]hL Pjd\ To;sf sf/0f / k|efjsf] ljj]rgf
7. ax'hftLotf / ax';f+:s[ltstfsf ljljw cfofdx¿sf] klxrfg tyf ;dftfd"ns ;dfh lgdf{{0fdf
8. g]kfnsf] ljut / jt{dfg ;+ljwfgsf] t'ngf / gful/s clwsf/k|ltsf] ;r]ttf / st{Josf] kfngf
9. hg;fª\lVosL, a;fOF;/fO, a:tL ljsf; / ;x/Ls/0fsf] cGt/;DaGwsf] vf]h / k|:t'lt
10. g]kfnsf] cy{tGq / ljsf;sf cfofdx¿;Fusf] cGt/;DaGwsf] af]w / k|:tl't
11. ;d;fdlos 36gf ljZn]if0f / ;sf/fTds k|efjsf] pkof]u
12. ;fdflhs cWoog / hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffdf ;"rgf k|ljlwsf] k|of]u tyf k|:t'lt
13. ljsf; / ;fdflhs kl/jt{gdf lzIff / :jf:Yon] kfg]{ k|efjsf] ljZn]if0f
#= sIffut l;sfO pknlAw
sIff !! sIff !@

1. ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL 1. ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffsf] cGt/;DaGw
lzIffsf] cy{, :j¿k / dxŒj atfpg pNn]v ug{
2. ;fdflhs cWoog, ;fdflhs lzIff / 2. hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff, hLjgf]kof]uL l;k / :j:y
;fdflhs lj1fgsf] cGt/;DaGw vf]hL hLjgz}nLlarsf] cGt/;DaGw klxrfg ug{
ug{ 3. ;fdflhs cWoog / hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffdfdf k|of]u x'g] ljlw,
3. ;fdflhs cWoogsf l;k / hLjgf]kof]uL tYofª\s, ;"rgfsf] kl/ro / cGt/;DaGw atfpg
l;ksf] cjwf/0ff pNn]v ug{ 4. ;fdflhs cWoogdf ;x;DaGw tyf sfo{sf/0f ;DaGwsf]
4. l8lh6n ;fIf/tfsf cfwf/e"t l;kx¿ cjwf/0ff atfpg / k|of]u ug{
b}lgs tyf JOfj;flos hLjgdf k|of]u 5. cWoog k|:tfjgf tof/ ubf{ Wofglbg'kg]{ kIfx¿ jtfpg /
ug{ cWoog k|:tfjgfsf] ;fdfGo vfsf sf]g{
5. ;~rf/ Pjd\ l8lh6n PlKns];gx¿sf] 6. ;fdflhs cWoogsf nflu ;d:ofsf] klxrfg / cWoog
Jofjxfl/s k|of]u ug{ ljlwsf] rog ug{
6. OG6/g]6sf] k|of]uaf6 ;"rgf, tYofª\s, 7. ;fdflhs cWoog / hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffdf tYof+s ;+sng
cWoog ;fdu|Lsf] vf]hL / pt/bfoL Pjd\ ljZn]if0fsf ;fwgsf] k|of]u / k|:t't ug{
8. hLjgf]kof]uL l;ksf] P]ltxfl;s k[i7e"ld atfpg / juL{s/0f

dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_ 61

7. hLjgf]kof]uL l;ksf] JofVof ug{ / ug{
;fdflhs tyf k];fut hLjgdf ltgsf] 9. ;dfnf]rgfTds lrGtg, l;h{gfTds lrGtg, ;dfg'e"lt, ;+j]u
k|of]u ug{ Joj:yfkg h:tf hLjgpkof]uL l;ksf]] cy{ / dxTj atfpg
8. Dffgjhfltsf] pb\ej / dfgj ;dfhsf] / Jofjxfl/s cEof; ug{
ljsf;j|mdsf] JofVof ug{ 10. jt{dfg ljZjsf] ;fdflhs ljljwtfsf] ljz]iftf atfpg /
9. jt{dfg ljZj kl/j]z;Fu kl/lrt x'g / ;Ddfg ug{
;f]cg'¿ksf] ;fdflhs Jojxf/ cjnDag 11. ;fdflhs ;DaGw ljsf;sf cfwf/ klxrfg u/L ;fdflhs
ug{ cGt/lge{/tfsf] dxTj jtfpg
10. ljZjsf] ef}uf]lns kl/ro lbg / ljZj 12. bz{g, ljZjb[li6sf]0f / hLjgdf bz{gsf] cfwf/df j:t' /
dfglrqdf g]kfnsf] cjl:ylt pNn]v ug{ 36gfsf] af]w / ljZn]if0f ug{
11. dfgj / jftfj/0flarsf] ;DaGw 13. hLjgbz{g / dfgjLo d"NodfGotfx¿sf] af]w u/L ;fdflhs
klxrfg ug{ Jojxf/df k|bz{g ug{
12. ef}uf]lns ljljwtfn] ;dfhdf kfg]{ 14. ;d'bfodf cfPsf kl/jt{gsf sf/0fx¿ vf]hL ug{ /
c;/x¿sf] ljZn]if0f ug{ ;dflhs ¿kfGt/0fsf] JofVof ug{
13. g]kfnsf kof{j/0fLo If]qsf ljljw cfofd 15. g]kfnsf k|zf;lgs k|b]zsf] kl/ro lbg / ltgsf
/ ltgsf ljz]iftfx¿ vf]hL ug{ ljz]iftfx¿ atfpg
14. ljZj Oltxf; n]vgsf] ;'?jftL cj:yfsf] 16. ljleGg cfofdx¿sf] cfwf/df cGt/k|fb]lzs ;DaGw vf]hL
j0f{g ug{ ug{
15. dWosfnLg Pl;ofsf] cfly{s pbo / 17. g]kfndf ljkb\sf k|sf/, sf/0f, k|efj tyf ;+oGq klxrfg
To;kl5sf] cfly{s ;ª\s'rgsf] JofVof ug{ / ljkb\ Joj:yfkgsf pkfox¿ cjnDag ug{
18. ;"rgf k|ljlwsf] k|of]u u/L ;fdflhs tYo tyf ;'rgfsf]
16. cf}Bf]lus j|mflGtsf] kl/ro lbO{ o;sf k|:t'tLs/0f ug{ .
sf/0f / k|efjsf] ljZn]if0f ug{
19. ;fdflhs / e";"rgfsf] ;+sng / ljZn]if0fdf lhcfOP;,
17. ljZjdf nf]stGqsf] pbo / To;n]
cf/=P;=, lhlkP; k|ljlwsf] dxŒj atfpg / ;fdGotM
ljsf;df kf/]sf] k|efjsf] JofVof ug{
k|of]u ug{
18. g]kfnsf hflt, hghflt / blntsf
20. g]kfnsf] k|flrg Oltxf;sf] kl/ro lbg / To; ;dosf]
ljljw kIfx¿sf] klxrfg / ;jfnx¿sf]
cfly{s ;fdflhs, /fhlglts cj:yf ljZn]if0f ug{
ljZn]if0f ug{
21. dWosfnLg Oltxf;df ;;fgf /fHox¿sf] pbo / cj;fgsf]
19. ax';f+:s[ltstf / ;fdflhs Pstflarsf]
cj:yf pNn]v u/L ;f] ;dosf] cy{tGq, sfg'g, ;+:s[lt /
cGt/;DaGwsf] ;dLIff ug{
snf sf}znsf] cj:yf ljj]rgf ug{
20. g]kfnsf] clw/fHosf] ;+ljwfg @)$& /
22. cfw'lgs g]kfnsf] P]ltxfl;s ljsf;j|md, /fHo;Qf, cy{tGq,
g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfgsf] k|:tfjgfsf] t'ngf
sfg'g, ;+:s[lt tyf snf sf}znsf] j0f{g ug{
23. cfkm\gf] ;d'bfodf 36]sf dxTjk"0f{ 36gfnfO{ ;do
21. Gf]kfnsf] ;+ljwfgsf] /fhgLlts, sfg'gL,
tflnsfdf b]vfpg
cfly{s / ;f+:s[lts ljz]iftfx¿ pNn]v
ug{ 24. ;dfhdf ju{sf] cjwf/0ff / ju{ ljefhgsf cfwf/x¿
atfpg Pjd\ ju{ / ;dflhs ¿kfGt/0f larsf] ;DaGw
62 dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_
22. g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfgn] Joj:yf u/]sf klxrfg ug{
lgjf{rg k|0ffnLsf] ljZn]if0f ug{ 25. n}ª\lus / ckfª\utfsf ljljw kIfx¿sf] klxrfg ug{
23. /fi6«, /fli6«otf / /fli6«o ;'/Iffsf] 26. wfld{s tyf If]qLo klxrfgsf] kl/ro / cjwf/0ff pNn]v
cjwf/0ff k|:t't ug{ ug{
24. a:tLsf] kl/ro, juL{s/0f / ljz]iftf 27. ;dfj]zLs/0fsf dfWodaf6 ;dtfd"ns ;dfh lgdf{0fsf
atfpg pkfox¿ vf]hL ug{
25. a:tLx¿sf] k|s[lt / ;fdflhs 28. ;ª\3Lo, k|fb]lzs / :yfgLo ;/sf/x¿sf] u7g k|lj|mof /
;]jflarsf] tfnd]n pNn]v ug{ sfd, st{Jo, clwsf/ atfpg
26. a:tL ljsf; / kof{j/0fLo If]qlarsf] 29. ;ª\3Lo, k|fb]lzs / :yfgLo ;/sf/x¿larsf]
;DaGw pNn]v ug{ cGt/;DaGwsf] vf]hL ug{
27. g]kfnsf] Hfg;ª\lVos cj:yf klxrfg 30. gful/s clwsf/k|lt ;r]t /xL st{Jo / pQ/bfloTjsf] af]w
ug{ / hg;ª\Vof Joj:yfkgsf pkfox¿ Pjd\ kfng ug{
vf]hL ug{
31. lszf]/lszf]/Lsf clwsf/ ;DaGwdf ;r]t /xL st{Jo
28. g]kfnsf] cy{tGqsf cfwf/ klxrfg u/L kfngfdf lhDd]jf/ aGg
ljz]iftfx¿ vf]hL ug{
32. d'n'sL ;+lxtfsf] Jofjxfl/s kIfx¿sf] af]w / kl/kfng ug{
29. ;dfhsf cf}krfl/s / cgf}krfl/s
cfly{s sf/f]af/ k4ltx¿ vf]hL ug{ 33. ;"rgfsf] xs;Fu kl/lrt x'g / o;sf] pkof]u ug{
30. g]kfnsf] cfly{s tyf ;fdflhs ljsf;df 34. ;bfrf/ / ;fdflhs hjfkmb]xLsf] cg';/0f ug{
;fj{hlgs, lghL, ;xsf/L If]qsf] dxŒj 35. ;x/Ls/0fsf] cjwf/0ff / ljZjJofKfL k|j[lQ;Fu kl/lrt x'g
pNn]v ug{
36. g]kfndf ;x/Ls/0fsf] dfkb08, lj:tf/ / k|j[lQsf] rrf{ u/L
31. s[lif, pBf]u, lgdf{0f / ;fdflhs If]qn] cj;/ / r'gf}tLsf] ljZn]if0f ug{
g]kfnL cy{tGqdf kf/]sf]] k|efj ljZn]if0f
ug{ 37. a;fOF;/fOsf] cjwf/0ff, ljz]iftf / k|efj atfpg / ;'/lIft
a;fOF;/fOsf pkfox¿ vf]hL ug{
32. >d zlSt / /f]huf/larsf]
cGt/;DaGw atfpg / pBdzLntfsf 38. g]kfnsf] cy{tGq / j}b]lzs ;DaGwsf cfofdx¿ pNn]v
nflu clek|]l/t x'g u/L l5d]sL b]zx¿;Fusf] ;DaGwsf ljljw kIfx¿ ljj]rgf
33. g]kfnsf] cy{tGqdf ljk|]if0fsf] of]ubfg /
o;sf] ;fdflhs cfly{s k|efj pNn]v 39. g]kfnsf] j}b]lzs Jofkf/ ;Gt'ng / 3f6fsf] cj:yf ;dLIff
ug{ ug{
34. ;/sf/L ljQsf] ;|f]t / ljt/0f 40. If]qLo tyf j}lZjs ;ª\u7gsf] kl/ro lbg lbO{ ltgsf]
cj:yf;Fu kl/lrt x'g / o;n] ;fdflhs e"ldsf JofVof ug{
ljsf;df v]n]sf] e"ldsf ;dLIff ug{
41. g]kfnsf] j}b]lzs >d;DaGwL gLltsf] ;fdfGo hfgsf/L lng
35. g]kfndf u'0f:t/Lo :jf:Yo ;]jfsf] kx'Fr / ltgsf] sfof{Gjogsf r'gf}tL / ;d:of klxrfg ug{
/ ;fd'bflos ;xeflutfsf] cj:yf
42. cfly{s j[l4, dfgj ljsf; tyf lbuf] ljsf; cjwf/0ff
ljZn]if0f ug{
atfpg / g]kfnsf] cfly{s ljsf;df logsf] e"ldsf rrf{
36. ;d'bfodf cEof;df cfPsf cfw'lgs / ug{
k/Dk/fut :jf:Yo ;]jf k4ltsf] vf]hL /

dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_ 63

ljZn]if0f ug{ 43. ul/aL rj|msf] cjwf/0ff atfpg / g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df o;sf]
37. :j:y hLjgz}nLsf] dxTj af]w / sf/0f, k|efj Pjd\ ;Daf]wgsf pkfox¿ vf]hL ug{
cjnDag ug{ 44. /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o :t/df ePsf ;d;fdlos
36gfx¿sf] vf]hL ,;ª\sng / k|efjsf] ljZn]if0f ug{
45. lzIff, dfgj ;+;fwg / /f]huf/Lsf] cGt/;DaGw j0f{g ug{
46. lzIffdf kx'Fr, ;dfj]lztf / ;fd'bflos ;xeflutfsf] cj:yf
ljZn]if0f ug{
47. lzIffn] ;fdflhs tyf ;f+:s[lts ljsf;df Nofpg] kl/jt{g
/ k|efjx¿ vf]hL ug{
$= ljifoj:t'sf] If]q / j|md
sIff !! sIff !@

ljifoIf]q ljifoj:t' kf7\o ljifo If]q ljifoj:t' -sIff !@_ kf7\o

306f 306f

!= ;fdflhs !=! ;fdflhs cWoog tyf % != ;fdflhs tyf !=! ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL $
tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffsf] cy{, hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffsf] cGt/;DaGw
hLjgf]kof]uL :j¿k - nature_ / dxŒj lzIffsf] cjwf/0ff !=@ hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff, hLjgf]kof]uL
lzIffsf] l;k / :j:y hLjgz}nLlarsf]
cjwf/0ff !=@ ;fdflhs cWoog, ;fdflhs
lzIff / ;fdflhs lj1fgsf] cGt/;DaGw
leGgtf / cGt/;DaGw !=@=! k"lj{o lrGtg k/Dk/f / e}/x]sf
!=# ;fdflhs cWoogsf l;k / cEof;
hLjgf]kof]uL l;ksf] cjwf/0ff !+=@=@ kfZrfTo lrGtg k/Dk/f /
jt{dfg cEof;

@=hLjgf]kof] @=! b}lgs tyf Jofj;flos hLjgdf !@ @=hLjgf]kof]uL @=! cg';Gwfg kl/ro !^
uL l;ksf] cfjZos l8lh6n ;fIf/tfsf l;ksf] ¿kdf ;fdflhs cWoogdf k|of]u x'g]
¿kdf cfwf/e"t l;kx¿ l8lh6n l;kx¿ ljlw, tYofª\s, ;"rgfsf] kl/ro,
l8lh6n @=!=! sDKo'6/ tyf lk|G6/sf] k|of]u tyf ;fdfGo logLx¿lar km/s / cGt/;DaGw
l;kx¿ tyf cg';Gwfg l;k
;fdfGo @=!=@ ;~rf/ PlKns];gx¿sf] k|of]u @=@ ;fdflhs cWoogdf ;x;DaGw
cg';Gwfg -a|fph/sf] k|of]u, OG6/g]6;Fu tyf sfo{sf/0f ;DaGwsf]
l;k ;Dks{ :yfkgf, JolStut vftf cjwf/0ff
tof/ ug]{, ;'/lIft kf;j8{sf] @=# cWoog k|:tfjgfsf] ;+/rgf
k|of]u, Od]n k7fpg] / lng], @=$ n]vgsfo{df c?sf] n]v/rgfsf]
Od]ndf ;fdu|L ;+nUg ug]{, cGo k|of]u ubf{ Wofg lbg'kg]{ g}lts
;fdflhs ;~hfnsf ;fwgsf] kIfx¿
;'/lIft k|of]u_
@=% ;fdflhs cWoogsf nflu ;d:of
@=!=# cgnfOg k]d]G6 PsfpG6 tof/L lgdf{0f / cWoog ljlw rog -;e]{,
/ k|of]u cGtjftf{, If]q cjnf]sg_
@=!=$ l8lh6n PlKns];gsf] k|of]u @=^ ;fdflhs tYofª\s / ;"rgf
u/L 3/, sfof{no, c:ktfn, ;ª\sngsf ljlw / ;fwgx¿ -
oftfoft ;]jf lng ;Sg] l;kx¿ l8lh6n ;fwgsf] ;d]t k|of]u h:t}
@=@ OG6/g]6sf] k|of]uaf6 ;"rgf, u'un ;e]{ kmd{, ;fdflhs ;~hfn,
64 dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_
tYofª\s, cWoog ;fdu|Lsf] sdl;{on ;km\6j]o/ k|of]u kl/ro_
vf]hL / k|of]u @=& tYofª\s tyf ;"rgfsf] ljZn]if0f
@=# OG6/g]6 / ;fdflhs ;~hfnsf] / k|:t'tLs/0f
pQ/bfoL k|of]u-;fOa/ sfg'g, -PS;]n jf o:t} cGo ;fwgdf
ck/fwsf] hfgsf/L;lxt_ 8f6f OG6«L ug]{, tflnsf, u|fkm,
rf6{df 8f6fsf] k|:t'lt ug]{_
@=* PS;]n jf o:t} cGo ;fwgsf]
k|of]uaf6 ljleGg :k|]8l;6x¿
tof/ ug]{ tyf cf};t, dWos,
ax'nfª\s, tYofª\ssf] km}nfj6
cflbsf] u0fgfaf6 tYofª\ssf]
ljZn]if0f ug]{
@=( zflAbs hfgsf/LnfO{ k|:t't ug]{

#= #=! hLjgkof]uL l;ksf] kl/ro / @! #=hLjgf]kof]uL l;k #=! hLjgf]kof]uL l;ksf] P]ltxfl;s @!
hLjgf]kof]uL o;sf] juL{s/0f k[i7e"ld, juL{s/0f / cEof;
l;k #=!=! ;dfnf]rgfTds lrGtg
#=!=! lg0f{o k|lj|mof(Descision
making) (Critical thinking)
-s_ lg0f{osf]] kl/ro / k|sf/ -s_ cy{ / dxŒj
-v_ lg0f{o k|lj|mofsf r/0f, k|of]u / -v_ ;dfnf]rgfTds lrGtgdf k|of]u x'g]
cEof; l;kx¿
-u_ lg0f{odf clg0fL{t x'g] cj:yfsf] -u_ cfTdfnf]rgf / :j¿kfGt/0f
klxrfg -3_ sfo{ tyf 36gfsf] ;dfnf]rgfTds
#=!=@ ;d:of ;dfwfg (Problem lrGtg ljsf; / cEof;
solving) #=!=@ l;h{gfTds lrGtg (Creative
-s_ ;d:ofsf] kl/ro / klxrfg thinking)
-v_ ;d:of ;dfwfgsf r/0f -s_ cy{ / ljz]iftf
-u_ ;d:of ;dfwfgsf] Jofjxfl/s -v_ r/0f
cEof; -u_ l;h{gfTds lrGtgsf] cEof;
#=!=# ;~rf/ -Communication_ #=!=# ;dfg'e"lt -Empathy_
-s_ ;~rf/ l;ksf] klxrfg / k|sf/ -s_ cy{, d"n tŒj / lsl;d
-v_ ;~rf/sf cj/f]wx¿ -v_ l;k ljsf; / cEof;
-u_ k|efjsf/L ;~rf/ / k|efjsf/L #=!=$ cfTdaf]w -Self-awarness)
-s_ cfTdaf]wsf] cy{, dxŒj / tl/sf /
-3_ k|efjsf/L ;~rf/sf dfWod / cEof;
-v_ cfTdd"Nofª\sgsf] cy{, tl/sf,
-ª_ ;fdflhs ;~hfnsf] ;b'kof]u dxŒj / k|of]u
#=!=$ tgfj Joj:yfkg (Stress #=!=% ;+j]u Joj:yfkg (Emotion
management) management)
-s_ tgfjsf] cy{, l;lh{t cj:Yff / -s_ ;+j]u / ;+j]u Joj:yfkgsf]
c;/ cjwf/0ff, l;k / pkfox¿
-v_ tgfj Joj:yfkgsf pkfox¿ M -v_ lszf]/fj:yfsf ;+j]u / o;sf]

dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_ 65

;dk{0f, k|lt/f]w / ;Demf}tf tyf Joj:yfkg
ltgsf Jofxfl/s cEof; -u_ lszf]/fj:yfdf ;+j]u lgoGq0fsf
-u_ tgfj Joj:yfkgsf /0fgLlt nflu of]u tyf Wofg
-3_ åGå, tgfj, åGå ¿kfGt/0f /
Joj:yfkgsf] k|lj|mof / cEof;
-ª_ tgfj Joj:yfkgdf dgf];fdflhs
k/fdz{, of]u / Wofgsf] k|of]u
#=!=% cGt/j}olSts l;k / ;DaGw
-Interpersonal skills and
-s_ cGt/j}olSts l;ksf] cy{ /
-v_ cGt/j}olSts ;DaGw ;'wf/sf
-u_ cGt/j}olSts ;DaGw /
;fdflhs ;~hfn
-3_ c;n g]t[Tjsf nflu
cGt/j}olSts ;DaGw
-ª_ 6f]nLsfo{ / g]t[Tj ljsf;

$=dfgj $=! Dffgjhfltsf] pb\ej / dfgj !@ $= ;dfhsf] ljsf; =$=! jt{dfg ljZjsf ;fdflhs !@
;dfhsf] ;dfhsf] ljsf;qmd / bz{g ljljwtf / ljz]iftf -wd{, ;+:s[lt,
pb\ej / $=!=! 9'ª\u] o'usf] hLjg k4lt snf / efiff_
ljsf; $=@ ;fdflhs ;DaGwx¿sf] ljsf; /
$=!=@ s[lif o''usf] ;'?cft / ljsf;
;fdflhs cGt/lge{/tf
$=!=# k'FhLjfbL o'u, cf}Bf]lus o'u -
ljZj_ / To;sf] k|efj $=# hLjg bz{g, ;fdflhs
d"NodfGotfx¿ / ;fdflhs
$=@ jt{dfg ljZj kl/j]z / Jojxf/
;fdflhs Jojxf/
$=#=! bz{gsf] cy{, ljleGg
ljZjb[li6sf]0fsf] af]w / hLjg
bz{g kl/ro
$=#=@ ljleGg ljZjb[li6sf]0faf6 a'lemg]
hLjg / hut\ -;dfh, ljljwtf /
;fdflhs ;DaGw_
$=#=# ;dtfd"ns ljZjb[li6sf]0f
$=$ b}lgs hLjgdf bz{gsf] pkof]lutf
$=% ;d'bfodf cfPsf kl/jt{g /
;fdflhs ¿kfGt/0f

%= e"uf]n / %=! ljZjsf] ef}uf]lns lrgf/L / !^ %= e"uf]n / %=! g]kfnsf k|zf;lgs k|b]zsf] kl/ro !*
;fdflhs ljZj dfglrqdf g]kfn ;fdflhs hLjg / ltgsf ljz]iftfx¿
hLjg %=@ dfgj / jftfj/0flarsf] ;DaGw %=!=! ef}uf]lns
M kl/ro, klxrfg / k|:t'lt %=!=@ hg;fª\lVos
%=# ef}uf]lns ljljwtfn] ;dfhdf %=!=# cfly{s

66 dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_

kfg]{ c;/x¿ %=!=$ ;fdflhs tyf ;f+:s[lts
%=#=!cy{tGq %=@ cGt/k|fb]lzs ;DaGwsf ljljw
%=#=@ hLljsf]kfh{g cfofdx¿

%=#=# If]qLo / k|fb]lzs cGt/;DaGw %=@=! cfly{s / ;fdflhs tyf

;f+:s[lts ;DaGw
%=#=$ kx'Fr / ;xhtf
%=# g]kfndf ljkt\ M k|sf/, sf/0f,
%=#=% ko{6g k|efj,;+oGq, of]hgf lgdf{0f /
%=$ g]kfnsf kof{j/0fLo If]qsf Joj:yfkg
ljljw cfofd / ltgsf %=$ e"uf]n / ;fdflhs hLjgdf ;"rgf
ljz]iftfx¿ k|ljlw
%=$=! Eff}uf]lns %=$=! ;fdflhs tYo tyf tYofª\s
%=$=@ Hfg;fª\lVos k|flKtdf ;"rgf k|ljlw k|of]u u/L
u|fkm, rf6{ / /]vflrqsf]
%=$=# cfly{s dfWodaf6 k|:t'lt
%=$=$ ;fdflhs tyf ;f+:s[lts %=$=@ ;fdflhs / e";'rgfsf] ;+sng
/ ljZn]if0fdf lhcfOP;, cf/=P;=,
lhlkP; k|ljlwsf] dxŒj / k|of]u

^= ljZjsf] ^=! ljZjsf] Oltxf; !% ^=g]kfnsf] Oltxf; ^=! g]kfnsf] Oltxf; !%

Oltxf; ^=!=! ljZj Oltxf;sf] n]vgsf] ^=!=! Kf|frLg sfn M kl/ro / cfly{s,
;'?cft / Oltxf; n]vgsf d"n ;fdflhs Pjd\ /fhgLlts cj:yf
k|j[lQ ^=!=@ dWo sfn M
^=!=@ dWosfnLg Pl;of M cfly{s -s_ ;;fgf /fHox¿sf] pbo / cj;fg
-v_ cy{tGq, sfg'g, ;+:s[lt / snf
^=!=# Pl;ofdf cfly{s ;ª\s'rg sf}zn
^=!=$ cf}Bf]lus j|mflGt Msf/0f / ^=!=# cfw'lgs sfnM /fHo;Qf,
k|efj- o'/f]k]nL cy{tGq, sfg'g, ;+:s[lt / snf
cf}klgj]lzstfsf] ;'?cft _ sf}zn
^=@ nf]stGqsf] pbo / ljsf; -s_ k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxb]lv /f0ffsfnsf]
-v_ ;ª\j|md0fsfnLg cjlw -lj=;+=
@))& b]lv @)!& ;Dd_
-u_ k~rfot sfn -lj=;+=@)!& b]lv
@)$& ;Dd_
-3_ ax'bnLo nf]stGq -lj=;+=@)$&
b]lv @)^# ;Dd_
-ª_ bf];|f] ;ª\j|md0fsfnLg cjlw -
lj=;+=@)^# b]lv @)&@ ;Dd_
-r_ ;ª\3Lo nf]stflGqs u0ftGqfTds
sfn -lj=;+= @)&@ b]lv xfn;Dd_

dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_ 67

&= ;fdlhs &=! ax'hftLotf / ax';f+:s[ltstf !* &= ;fdlhs klxrfg &=! ;fdflhs ju{, ju{ ljefhgsf !%
klxrfg / &=!=! hftk|yf / ljljwtf cfwf/ / ;fdflhs ¿kfGt/0f
ljljwtf &=@ n}ª\lus ;jfn
-s_ hftk|yfsf] k|f/lDes Oltxf;sf
tLg cjwf/0ffx¿ M b}jL, &=@=! n}ª\lustfsf] lgdf{0f M h}ljs /
zf:qLo / Jojxf/hGo ;fdflhs
-v_ hft, pkhft / cfly{s lj:tf/ &=@=@ n}ª\lus tyf of}lgs cNk;ª\Vos
&=!=@ hflt, hghflt M klxrfg / &=@=# n}ª\lus ;dfj]lztf
;jfn M hg;ª\Vof, dfgj &=# ckfª\utfsf] ;jfn
clwsf/ / ;dfj]zLs/0f
&=#=! klxrfg / ;dfj]zLs/0f
&=!=# blnt ;jfn M hg;ª\Vof,
dfgj clwsf/ / ;dfj]zLs/0f &=$ wfld{s tyf If]qLo klxrfg /
&=@ ax';f+:s[ltstf / ;fdflhs Pstf
&=% ;dtfd"ns ;dfh lgdf{0fsf

*=;+ljwfg / *=! g]kfnsf] clw/fHosf] ;+ljwfg !@ *=;+ljwfg / *=! ;ª\3Lo, k|fb]lzs / :yfgLo !@
gful/s @)$& / g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfgsf] Gfful/s ;r]tgf ;/sf/x¿sf] u7g k|lj|mof, sfd,
;r]tgf k|:tfjgfsf] t'ngf st{Jo, clwsf/ / cGt/;DaGw
*=@ Gf]kfnsf] ;+ljwfgsf] /fhgLlts, *=@ gful/s clwsf/, st{Jo /
sfg'gL, cfly{s / ;f+:s[lts pQ/bfloTj
ljz]iftfx¿ *=# lszf]/lszf]/Lsf st{Jo /
*=# g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg / lgjf{rg clwsf/
k|0ffnL *=$ d'n'sL ;+lxtfsf] Jofjxfl/s kIf
*=$ /fi6«, /fli6«otf / /fli6«o *=% ;"rgfsf] xs / o;sf] sfof{Gjog
;'/Iffsf] cjwf/0ff
*=^ ;bfrf/ / ;fdflhs hjfkmb]xL

(= a:tL, (=! a:tL ljsf; !* (=;x/Ls/0f / *=! ;x/Ls/0f !*

hGf;fª\Vof (=!=! a:tLsf] kl/ro / juL{s/0f a;fOF;/fO *=!=!;x/Ls/0fsf] cjwf/0ff /
/ ljsf; ljZjJofkL k|j[lQ
(=!=@ u|fdL0f / ;x/L a:tLsf
ljz]iftfx¿ (=!=@ g]kfndf ;x/Ls/0fsf] dfkb08,
(=!=# a:tLx¿sf] k|s[lt / lj:tf/ / k|j[lQ
;fdflhs ;]jflarsf] tfnd]n (=!=# ufpF ;x/ ;DaGw /
(=!+=$ a:tL ljsf; / kof{j/0fLo If]q hLljsf]kfh{g z}nL

(=@ Hfg;ª\Vof / ljsf; (=!=$ ;x/Ls/0fsf cj;/ / r'gf}tL

(=@=! hg;ª\Vof ljt/0f, kl/jt{g (=@ a;fOF;/fO

/ k|fb]lzs ljsf; (=@=! a;fOF;/fOsf] cjwf/0ff /
(=@=@ pd]/ ;+/rgfsf] ;ª\j|md0f / ljz]iftf
hg;fª\lVos nfef+zsf] pkof]u (=@=@ a;fOF;/fOsf] juL{s/0f, k|j[lQ /
(=@=# hg;ª\Vof Joj:yfkg k|efj
(=@=# ;'/lIft Pjd\ dof{lbt cfk|jf;g
(=@=$ a;fOF;/fO / o;sf] k|efj
-s_ cfly{s -ljk|]if0f;lxt_
-v_ ;fdflhs

68 dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_

-u_ ;f+:s[lts

!)= cy{tGq !)=! g]kfnsf] cy{tGqsf cfwf/ / !^ !) cy{tGq / !)=! g]kfnsf] cGt/f{li6«o ;DaGw, !*
/ ljsf; ljz]iftfx¿M s[lif, ko{6g, pBf]u ljsf; cy{tGq / ljsf;
/ Jofkf/ !)=!=! g]kfnsf] ljb]z gLltsf cwf/ /
!)=@ g]kfnsf] cy{tGqdf ;fj{hlgs, cGt/f{li6o ;DaGw -ef/t, lrg /
lghL, ;xsf/L If]qsf] tLg vDa] cGo ljZj;DaGw_
gLltsf]] dxŒj !)=!=@ cy{tGq / g]kfnsf] j}b]lzs
!)=# ljk|]if0f / g]kfnL cy{tGq ;DaGw
!)=$ g]kfnL ;dfhdf ljBdfg cfly{s !)=!=# g]kfnsf] ef/t / lrg;Fusf]
lj|mofsnfk tyf cf}krfl/s / ;fdflhs ;f+:s[lts / cfly{s
cgf}krfl/s cfly{s sf/f]af/ ;DaGw
k4ltx¿ !)=@ j}bl] zs Jofkf/ ;Gt'ng / 3f6f
!)=% s[lif, pBf]u, lgdf{0f / ;fdflhs !)=# g]kfnsf] j}b]lzs >d;DaGwL
If]qsf] g]kfnL cy{tGqdf k|efj gLlt
!)=^ >d zlSt, /f]huf/ /
!)=$ If]qLo, j}lZjs ;ª\u7gsf]
!)=& ;/sf/L ljQM ;|f]t, ljt/0f / ;fdflhs cfly{s e"ldsf
;fdflhs ljsf;
!)=$=! :ffs{ (SAARC)
!)=$=@ laD:6]s (BIMSTEC)
!)=$=# ljZj Jofkf/ ;ª\u7g
!)=$=$ ;fkm\6f
!)=%= cfly{s j[l4, dfgj ljsf; tyf
lbuf] ljsf; cjwf/0ffdf g]kfnsf]
cfly{s ljsf;
!)=^= g]kfndf ul/aL rj|m /
;Daf]wgsf pkfox¿
!)=& lgDglnlvt If]q;Fu ;DalGwt
/fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf
;d;fdlos 36gfx¿
-s_ lzIff
-v_ lj1fg tyf k|ljlw
-u_ /fhgLlt
-3_ cy{tGq
-ª_ ;dfh

!!= :jf:Yo !!=! :jf:Yo !% !! lzIff / !!=! lzIff !!

;]jf / !!=!=! g]kfndf u'0f:tl/o :jf:Yo ;fdflhs ljsf; !!=!=! lzIff / dfgj ;+;fwg ljsf;
;fdflhs ;]jfM kx'Fr / ;fd'bflos
ljsf; !!=!=@ lzIffdf kx'Fr / ;dfj]lztf
!!=!=# lzIffn] ;fdflhs tyf
!!=!=@ g]kfnsf] ;d'bfodf cEof;df ;f+:s[lts ljsf;df Nofpg]
cfPsf cfw'lgs / k/Dk/fut kl/jt{g / k|efj
:jf:Yo ;]jf k4lt
!!=!=$ g]kfnsf] lzIffdf ;d'bfosf]
!!=@ :j:y hLjgz}nL / ;fdflhs

dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_ 69

hLjg ;xeflutf
!!=@=! kf]if0fo'St tyf ;Gt'lnt vfgf !!=!=% lzIff / /f]huf/
!!=@=@ zf/Ll/s, dfgl;s / cflTds
!!=@=# ljleGg b'Jo{;g, s'nt tyf
nfu' kbfy{k|ltsf] ;hutf
!!=@=$ lszf]/fj:yf / :j:y
!!=@=% of]u tyf Wofgsf] dxŒj /
!!=@=^ km';{bsf] pkof]u, v]n,
dgf]/~hg, cf/fd tyf lgGb|f
!!=@=& ;fd'bflos ;xeflutf M
;fd'bflos sfo{ / :sfp6
!!=@=* ldtJooL hLjgz}nL / cfly{s

%= ljifoIf]q / kf7\o306f
sIff !! sIff !@

j|m=;= ljifo If]q kf7306f ljifo If]q kf7306f

hDdf ;}4flGts k|of]ufTds hDdf ;}4flGts k|of]ufTds

1. ;fdflhs tyf % $ ! != ;fdflhs tyf $ # !

hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffsf] hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffsf]
cjwf/0ff cjwf/0ff

2. hLjgf]kof]uL l;ksf] !@ ( # hLjgf]kof]uL l;ksf] !^ !# #

¿kdf l8lh6n l;kx¿ ¿kdf l8lh6n l;kx¿
tyf ;fdfGo cg';Gwfg tyf ;fdfGo cg';Gwfg
l;k l;k

3. hLjgf]kof]uL l;kf @! !! !) hLjgf]kof]uL l;k @! !! !)

4. dfgj ;dfhsf] pb\ej !@ !) @ dfgj ;dfhsf] pb\ej !@ !) @

/ ljsf; / ljsf;

5. e"uf]n / ;fdflhs HfLjg !^ !@ $ e"uf]n / ;fdflhs HfLjg !* !$ $

6. ljZjsf] Oltxf; !% !@ # g]kfnsf] Oltxf; !% !@ #

7. ;fdflhs klxrfg / !* !$ $ ;fdflhs klxrfg / !% !@ #

ljljwtf ljljwtf

8. ;+ljwfg / gfful/s !@ !) @ ;+ljwfg / gfful/s !@ !) @

;r]tgf ;r]tgf

70 dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_

9. a:tL / hGf;fª\lVosL !* !$ $ ;x/Ls/0f / a;fOF;/fO !* !# %

10. cy{tGq / ljsf; !^ !@ $ cy{tGq / ljsf; !* !# %

11. :jf:Yo / ;fdflhs !% !@ # lzIff / ;fdflhs ljsf; !! ( @


hDdf !^) !@) $) !^) !@) $)

k|of]ufTds sfo{ tyf cGo lj|mofsnfk

cfGtl/s d"Nofª\sg v08df tf]lsPsf] kl/of]hgf tyf k|of]ufTds sfo{, k|ltj]bg n]vg tyf k|ltj]bgsf]
k|:t'ltcGtu{tsf] !^ cª\ssf nflu tn lbOPsf lj|mofsnfkx¿ u/fpg'kg]{ 5 . lbOPsf lj|mofsnfkx¿ gd'gf dfq x'g\
. :yfgLo kl/j]z / ljifosf] k|s[ltcg';f/ lzIfsn] o:t} k|s[ltsf cGo lj|mofsnfkx¿ u/fpg ;Sg] 5g\ .
lj|mofsnfksf] d"Nofª\sg ubf{ of]hgf lgdf{0f, k|ltj]bg n]vg, k|ltj]bg k|:t'lt, Jojxf/ kl/jt{gsf] cj:yf, l;ksf]
k|ltljDag, cjnf]sg, k|ToIf cGtjf{tf{ cflbsf cfwf/df clen]vLs/0f ug'{kg]{ 5 .
sIff !!
PsfO lj|mofsnfk
!= ;fdflhs  ;fdflhs cWoogsf] dxŒj emNsg] rf6{ tof/ kf/L sIffdf k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
cWoog tyf
lzIffsf] cjwf/0ff
@=hLjgf]kof]uL  lzIfssf] ;xof]udf cfkm"n] cWoog ug{ rfx]sf] Ps ;d:of jf ljifo jf d'2f 5fGg'xf];\ .
l;ksf] ¿kdf o;;Fu ;DalGwt eP/ cWoogsf] ;d:of, cWoog ug]{ tl/sf, ;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu
l8lh6n l;kx¿ tYofª\s / hfgsf/Lx¿ ;ª\sng ug]{ tl/sf, ljlw / ;fwg tyf k|:t'tLs/0f ug]{ s'/fx¿
tyf ;fdfGo ;dfj]z u/L cWoog k|:tfjgf tof/ ug'{xf];\ .
cg';Gwfg l;k
#=hLjgf]kof]uL l;k  tkfO{Fsf] Ps ldNg] ;fyLn] w"dkfg ug{ nfu]sf] 5 . p;n] tkfO{FnfO{ ;d]t w"dkfg ug{
s/ ul//x]sf] 5 t/ tkfO{FnfO{ p;sf] of] afgL dg kb}{g . cfkm"eGbf alnof] / leGg
;fdflhs kl/j]zaf6 cfPsfn] tkfO{F p;nfO{ s]xL elgxfNg klg ;Sg'x'Gg . ca tkfO{F
o:tf] s'ntaf6 6f9f a:g s] lg0f{o ug'{x'G5 clg Tof] lg0f{o s;/L sfof{Gjog ug'{x'G5 <
k|ltj]bg tof/ kf/L k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
 tnsf] 36gf cWoog ug'{xf];\ / lbOPsf k|Zgsf cfwf/df 36gf ljZn]if0f u/L k|ltj]bg
tof/ ug'{xf];\ M
tkfO{Fsf] Ps ;fyL ;fyLx¿sf] ;ª\utdf k/]/ nfu' kbfy{sf] b'Jo{;gdf km;]sf] 5 . pm
kl/jf/nfO{ of] s'/f eGg ;ls/x]sf] 5}g t/ 3/df ;fdfgx¿ x/fpg], k};f x/fpg]
;d:ofn] cleefjsx¿ x}/fg 5g\ . p;sf] ;d"xsf ;fyLx¿af6 klg pm vt/fdf 5 eg]
k'ln; k|zf;gaf6 klg kj|mfp kg]{ ;Defjgf 5 . cleefjsx¿df 5f]/fdf cfPsf]
kl/jt{gdf yf]/} cfzª\sf /x] klg s] ug]{ gug]{ s]xL ug{ ;ls/x]sf 5}gg\ . ca ;f]Rg'xf];\

dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_ 71

-s_ dflysf 36gfsf] d'Vo ;d:of s];Fu ;DalGwt 5 <
-v_ ;d:ofsf sf/0fx¿ s] s] x'g ;S5g\ <
-u_ ;d:of ;dfwfgsf pkfox¿ s] s] x'g ;S5g\ <
 tkfO{Fsf] ;d'bfodf /x]sf] s'g} Ps ;d:of klxrfg ug'{xf];\ . of] ;d:of s;/L ;dfwfg
ug{ ;lsG5 < ;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu of]hgf tof/ kfg{], ;dfwfgsf] k|of; ug{] /
;dfwfgsf nflu cfkm"n] u/]sf] k|of; / To;sf] k|ult;DaGwL ;Dk"0f{ of]hgf tof/ kf/L
k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
 tkfO{Fsf] sIffsf] Ps ;fyLsf] Pp6f ;sf/fTds / Pp6f ;'wf/fk]IfL Jojxf/ ;ª\s]t
u/L ;ª\s]t ul/Psf] Jojxf/ ;'wf/sf nflu ;fyLn] ug'{kg]{ sfo{snfksf] ;"rL agfO{
;sf/fTds sfo{nfO{ oyfjt\ /fVg / ;'wf/fk]IfL Jojxf/nfO{ ;'wf/ ug{ ;'emfj lbg'xf];\ /
;fyLn] p;sf] ;"rLcg';f/sf] Jojxf/ kfng u/]gu/]sf] cjnf]sg u/L l6kf]6 tof/
ug'{xf];\ clg ;fyLsf] Jojxf/af6 cfkm"n] ;d]t ;'wf/ ug'{kg]{ kIf ;d]t l6kf]6 ug'{xf];\ .
 kl5Nnf] !% lbgdf cfkm"n] ;fdgf ug''{k/]sf] tgfj pNn]v u/L pSt tgfjsf sf/0f /
To;nfO{ ;dfwfg ug{ cfkm"n] u/]sf k|of; pNn]v u/L k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
$=dfgj ;dfhsf]  tkfOF{sf] ;dfhdf kl5Nnf] !% jif{ otf s] s] kl/jt{g eP / To;sf ;fdflhs, cfly{s,
pb\ej / ljsf; ef}uf]lns / jftfj/l0fo sf/0fx¿sf] ljj/0f ;+sng u/L ;dfh / ;+:s[ltsf] ljsf;df
o:tf kl/jt{gsf] e"ldsf ;DaGwfdf sIffdf k|:t'tLs/0f ug'{xf];\ .
%=e"uf]n /  tkfO{F a;]sf] ef}uf]lns If]qdf pTkfbg x'g] cGg, kmnkm"n / t/sf/L Pjd\ tkfO{Fsf] eGbf
;fdflhs hLjg leGg ef}uf]lns If]qdf a:g] ;fyLsf] ;d'bfodf pTkfbg x'g] cGg, kmnkm"n / t/sf/Lsf]
;"rL tof/ kf/L ltgsf] pTkfbgdf xfjfkfgL, df6f] / e":j¿ksf] sf/0f k/]sf] k|efjsf]
;dfgtf jf leGgtf ;f]wvf]h u/L sIffdf k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
^=ljZjsf] Oltxf;  nf]stGq / To;n] ;dfhdf NofPsf] kl/jt{g ;DaGwdf ;d'bfosf ljleGg % JolStnfO{
e]6L pxfFx¿sf] cg'ej ;d]6L Pp6f k|ltj]bg tof/ kfg'{xf];\ / sIffdf k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
&=;fdflhs  hftLo e]befj / 5'jf5'tsf] lj?4df cfkmgf] ?lrcg';f/ r]tgfd"ns uLt, sljtf, lrq jf
klxrfg / gf6sdWo] s'g} Ps tof/ kfg'{xf];\ / sIffdf k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
 ;dfhdf 5'jf5't / hftLo e]befjsf] Go"gLs/0fsf nflu ePsf k|of;x¿sf] vf]hL u/L
Ps ;dfrf/ jf ;DkfbsLosf] gd'gf tof/ kfg'{xf];\ . pSt ;dfrf/ jf ;DkfbsLo
;fdflhs ;~hfndf kf]:6 ug'{xf];\ / dflg;sx¿n] s] s] k|ltlj|mof hgfP, n]v]/ sIffdf
;'gfpg'xf];\ .
*=;+ljwfg /  /fli6«otf jf /fli6«o ;'/Iff ;DaGwdf kqklqsf jf ljleGg ;~rf/ dfWodaf6 k|sfzg
Gfful/s ;r]tgf jf k|;f/0f ePsf ;dfrf/x¿ ;+sng u/L sIffdf k|:t't ug{'xf];\ .
 ;d'bfodf uP/ r'gfjdf dtbfg u/]sf dtbftfnfO{ e]6L dtbfg ug'{sf] sf/0f, ck]Iff /
lgjf{lrt hgk|ltlglwaf6 ;f] ck]Iff k"/f ePgePsf] ;DaGwdf ;"rgf ;ª\sng ug'x{ f];\ /
;f]sf] cfwf/df k|ltj]bg tof/ u/L k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .

72 dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_

(=a:tL,  tkfOF{sf] glhssf] s'g} Pp6f u|fdL0f a:tL jf ;x/L a:tLsf] cjnf]sg u/L lgDglnlvt
hGf;fª\Vof / cfwf/df cWoog u/L lgrf]8 k|:t't ug'{xf];\ M
ljsf; -cjl:ylt, k|s[lt, ljz]iftf hg;ª\Vof, ;]jf tyf ;'ljwf, k"j{wf/x¿sf] ljsf; _
 l5d]ssf !) 3/sf] :ynut e|d0f u/L lgDgfg';f/ tYofª\s ;ª\sng, ljZn]if0f /
k|:t'tLs/0f ug{ kfFr jif{sf] cGt/fnsf] pd]/ ;d"x /fvL hg;ª\VofnfO{ :k|]8l;6df
tflnsfdf k|:t't ug{'xf];\ / tYofª\snfO{ af/ u|fkmdf k|:t't ug'{xf];\ M
pd]/ ;d"x tYfª\s
lzIff k];f ========= =====

!)=cy{tGq /  tkfOF{sf] ;d'bfodf jf l5d]sLsf] s[lif / pBf]u, Jofkf/ Joj;fosf] cj:yf klxrfg u/L
ljsf; To;n] tkfO{F / l5d]sLsf] kfl/jfl/s hLjg:t/ / /fli6«o cy{tGqdf k'¥ofPsf] of]ubfg
;d]6L sfo{kq k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
 tkfO{Fsf] ;d'bfodf ;kmn pBdLnfO{ e]6L lghn] pBdzLntfsf] k|jw{gsf nflu u/]sf
pbfx/0Lfo sfo{x¿sf] ljj/0f / pxfFsf] cg'ej ;d]t ;d]6L k|ltj]bg tof/ kfg'{xf];\ /
sIffdf k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
!!=:jf:Yo / :j:y hLjg ofkg ug{sf nflu tkfO{Fn] cjnDag u/]sf pkfox¿ s] s] x'g\ < To;af6
;fdflhs ljsf; tkfO{Fdf s] s:tf ;sf/fTds kl/jt{g cfP < cfkm\gf] cg'ej ;d]6L n]v tof/ kf/L
sIffdf k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
sIff !@
ljifoIf]q lj|mofsnfkx¿
!=;fdflhs cWoog  lbOPsf] ;"rgf kmf/fddf cfkm\gf] sIffsf !) hgf ;fyLx¿sf] b]xfosf] ljj/0f tof/
tyf hLjgf]kof]uL kf/L tflnsfdf b]vfpg'xf];\ / k];f / hGd:yfgsf] cfwf/df u|fkm jf rf6{ agfO{
lzIffsf] cWoog ljZn]if0f ug'{xf];\
;fyLsf] hGd:yfg kl/jf/sf ;b:o cleefjsf] k];f
dlxnf k'?if hDdf

@=  tkfO{Fn] cWoog ug]{ s'g} Ps ljifo;Fu ;DalGwt /xL cWoog zLif{s, p2]Zo, k|of]hg,
hLjgf]kof]uLl;ksf] ljlw / ;fwg k|:tfjgfsf] 9fFrf tof/ kfg'{xf];\ .
¿kdf l8lh6n
l;kx¿ tyf ;fdfGo  tkfOFn { ] cWoog u/]sf] s'g} Ps ;fd'bflos ;d:ofsf] cWoogsf] l;nl;nfdf PS;]n jf
cg';Gwfg l;k o:t} cGo ;fwgdf 8f6f OG6«L ug'{xf];\ / tflnsf, u|fkm, rf6{ ;d]t agfO{ kfj/
kf]OG6dfkm{t sIffdf k|:t'tLs/0f ug'{xf];\ .
#= hLjgf]kof]uL l;k  ;dfhdf cfj|mf]z jf cfj]usf sf/0f 36]sf] s'g} Ps 36gfnfO{ cfwf/ agfO{ 36gfsf]

dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_ 73

sf/0f, k|lt/f]w jf ;Demf}tf / kl/0ffd ;d]6L dgf];fdflhs k/fdz{sf nflu tgfjk"j{sf]
;r]tgf, tgfj Joj:yfkg / tgfjkZrft\sf] :jfg'e"ltsf a'Fbfx¿ ;d]6L k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
 cfkm\gf] hLjgsf] nIo lgwf{/0f ug]{ tflnsf agfO{ sIffdf k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .

klRr; jif{leq s] s] k}Flt; jif{leq s] s] krf; jif{leq s] s] =======

ug'{x'G5 < ug'{x'G5 < ug'x{ 'G5 <

$=dfgj ;dfhsf]  tkfO{Fsf] cleefjsnfO{ ;f]wL tkfO{Fsf] kfFr k':tf;Ddsf] kfl/jfl/s j+zfjnL tflnsf jf
pb\ej / ljsf; rf6{ tof/ kfg'{xf];\ / kl/jf/ g} dfgj ;dfh pTklQsf] / ljsf;sf] d"Nf cfwf/ xf]
eGg] ljZn]if0f;lxt Ps jSt[tf sIffdf k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
%=e"uf]n / ;fdflhs  tkfO{F a;f]af; ug]{ k|b]z / glhs}sf] k|b]z;Fusf] ef}uf]lns, ;fdflhs ;f+:s[lts /
hLjg cfly{s ;dfgtf / leGgtf vf]h u/L k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
 tkfOF{ /x]sf] :yfgLo txdf x'g ;Sg] ;DefJo ljkt\sf] cj:yf klxrfg ug'{xf];\ . ;f]
ljkt\sf ;DefJo sf/0fx¿ ;d]t vf]hL ug'{xf];\ / ;f] ljkt\sf] /f]syfdsf] nflu s;sf]
s] e"ldsf /xG5 < ;'emfj ;d]t ;d]6L Ps k|ltj]bg tof/ kfg'{xf];\ .
^=g]kfnsf] Oltxf;  lj=;+ @))& b]lv xfn;DDfsf s'g} bz d'Vo d'Vo P]ltxfl;s 36gfnfO{ ;do/]vfdf
b]vfpg'xf];\ / k|bz{g kf6Ldf k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
&=;fdlfhs  tkfOF{ a;f]af; ug]{ ;dfhdf s'g s'g hft hfltsf] a;f]jf; 5 < ltgsf] ljj/0f tof/
klxrfg / ljljwtf kfg'{xf]; / ltgLx¿sf lardf s] s:tf ;fdflhs cfly{s ;dfgtf jf c;dfgtf 5g\<
;f]wvf]h ug'{xf];\ / ;dfgtf sfod ug{ s] s] k|of; ePsf 5g\ / ca s] s] ug'{kb{5 <
;"rL tof/ u/L k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
 g]kfndf dlxnf clwsf/ / n}ª\lus ;dfj]zLs/0fsf nflu ePsf k|of;x¿nfO{ ;do
/]vfdf b]vfpg'xf];\
 ckfª\tf ePsf JolStx¿nfO{ cfjZos kg]{ ;xof]u / pTyfgsf nflu ug'{kg]{ sfo{
;d]6]/ ;+jfb jf gf6s tof/ u/L clego ug'{xf];\ .
*=;+ljwfg /  ædtbfg ug'{ gful/ssf] st{Jo xf] eg] dtflwsf/sf] k|of]u u/L of]Uo pDd]bjf/nfO{
Gfful/s ;r]tgf lgjf{lrt ug'{ c;n gful/ssf] st{Jo xf]]Æ eGg] ljifodf jSt[tf tof/ u/L sIffdf
k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
 sIffdf /x]sf ljBfyL{x¿n] ;d"x agfO{ clwsf/ / st{Jolarsf] ;DaGwsf] 5nkmn
ug'{xf];\ / rf6{ agfO{ sIffdf k|:t't ug{'xf];\ .

74 dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_

(=a;fOF;/fO /  g]kfndf ;x/Ls/0fsf] k|j[lQ -;g\ !(%@÷%$–@)!* ;Dd_ sf] tYofª\snfO{ :tDe lrq
(Bar Chart) df b]vfpg'xf];\ . tLj| ultn] ;x/Ls/0f x'g] dVo sf/0fx¿,
To;af6 pTkGg r'gf}tLx¿sf] Go"gLs/0fsf nflu s] ug{'knf{ < cfkm\gf larf/ k|:t't
ug'{xf];\ .
 tkfO{F a;f]af; ug]{ :yfgaf6 j}b]lzs /f]huf/Ldf uO{ ljk|]if0f k7fpg] kl/jf/sf
;b:ox¿sf] cfly{s, ;fdflhs hLjgdf s] s] k|efj k/]sf 5g\ < vf]hL u/L 5f]6f]
ljj/0f tof/ kf/L k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .

!)=cy{tGq / ljsf;  g]kfnsf] j}b]lzs Jofkf/ ;Gt'ng / 3f6f ;DaGwfdf Ps n]v tof/ kf/L sIffdf k|:t't
ug'{xf];\ .
 /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o :t/df 36]sf s'g} b'O{ ;d;fdlos 36gfsf] ;ª\sng u/L
To;sf] sf/0f, k|efj vf]hL u/L Ps n]v tof/ kfg'{xf];\ .
!!=lzIff / ;fdflhs  tkfO{Fsf] ;d'bfodf vf]lnPsf ljBfno jf SofDk;n] ;f] ;d'bfosf] ljsf; /
ljsf; kl/jt{gdf s:tf] e"ldsf lgjf{x u/]sf 5g\ < ;d'bfosf s'g} kfFr hfgsf/ JolStnfO{
;f]wL pgLx¿sf larf/ / cg'ejnfO{ ;d]6L k|ltj\bg tof/ kf/L k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
^= l;sfO ;xhLs/0f k|lj|mof
;fdflhs cWoog / hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff ljifon] ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ /fi6« / /fli6«otfk|lt ;dlk{t, gful/s d"No dfGotfk|lt
;r]t / ;d;fdlos kl/j]zsf] ljZn]if0f / ;dfnf]rgfTds b[li6sf]0fsf ;fy} hLjgf]kof]uL l;k;lxtsf] gful/s tof/
ug]{ p2]Zo /fv]sf] 5 . of] kf7\oj|md ;fdflhs hLjg;Fu ;DalGwt ljleGg If]qx¿nfO{ ;d]6]/ PsLs[t ¿kdf tof/
ul/Psf] 5 . o;df pNn]v ul/Psf ljifoj:t'x¿sf] cWoog cWofkg u/fpFbf ;a} If]qnfO{ plQs} dxŒj lbg'kg]{
x'G5 . ;DalGwt ljifoj:t'sf] PsLs[t ¿kdf ;xhLs/0f u/fO{ ljifoj:t'sf] 1fg, l;k / wf/0ffsf] ljsf; u/fpg'k5{
. ljBfyL{x¿df ;}4flGts / Jofjxfl/s b'j} kIfsf] ljsf; u/fO{ ;sf/fTds Jojxf/sf] hu]gf{ ug'{ o; ljifosf] d'Vo
Wo]o xf] .
ljBfyL{x¿df ;dfnf]rgfTds tyf ;sf/fTds ;f]rsf] ljsf;, k|ltef k|:km'6g, l;h{gfTds l;ksf] ljsf; / ljljw
k|sf/sf ;fdflhs / hLjgf]kof]uL l;ksf] ljsf; u/L Jojxf/df ;'wf/ ub}{ ;dfhsf] g]tŒ[ j ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] ljsf;
u/fpg] h:tf d"ne"t p2]Zox¿ o; ljifon] /fv]sf] 5 . ;fdflhs tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffsf ljifoj:t'sf] Jofjxfl/s
1fg lbgsf nflu sIffleq jf aflx/ cfcfk\mgf] sIffsf]7f, ljBfno, kl/jf/, 6f]n, ljleGg ;d"x, ;d'bfonufot
:yfgLo ;/sf/;Fu ;DalGwt lj|mofsnfkx¿ u/fpg'kg]{ 5 . ljifoj:t'nfO{ h:tfsf] t:t} s07 u/fpg] lzIf0f
k4ltnfO{ lg?T;fxg u/L ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ cfcfk\mgf ;d'bfodf vf]h u/L l;h{gfTds k|ltefsf] ljsf; ug{ k|f]T;fxg
ug'{kg]{ 5 . o; ljifon] ljBfyL{x¿df syf, sljtf, gf6s, ;dfrf/, lr7L, ;DkfbsLo, uLt, k|ltj]bg, /]vflrq, j[Q
lrq, :tDe lrq, tflnsf, tl:a/, gS;f, kl/of]hgf sfo{, If]qe|d0f, e"ldsf lgjf{x / g]t[Tj ljsf;h:tf l;h{gzLn
lj|mofsnfkdfkm{t cfjZos 1fg, l;k / clej[lQ ljsf; u/fpFb} l;h{gzLntfsf] ljsf; u/fpg] nIo /fv]sf] 5 .
l;ksf] ljsf; u/fpg ljBfyL{nfO{ ax'af}l4stfsf] l;4fGtcg'¿k ?lr / Ifdtfcg';f/sf 1fg / l;k Pjd\ d"Nox¿sf]
ljsf;;Fu ;DalGwt lj|mofsnfkdf ljljwtf Nofpg'k5{ . o;sf lglDt of]hgfa4 l;sfO ;xhLs/0fsf]] 7'nf] e"ldsf
/xG5 . ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ u/ / l;s clg l;s / u/ eGg] wf/0ffsf] clej[l4 u/fpg' ;fdflhs cWoog tyf
hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff ljifosf] d"n nIo xf] . lszf]/lszf]/L cfkm}Fn] u/]/ l;s]sf s'/fdf ljZjf; u5{g\ . dgdf ljZjf;
hfu]kl5 pSt l;sfOn] Jojxf/df ;'wf/ NofpF5 . To;}n] ;fdflhs tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff ljifodf l;sfO
;xhLs/0f ubf{ k|Zgf]Q/, k|bz{g, ;d:of ;dfwfg, 5nkmn ljlw, cjnf]sg, vf]h, clego, kl/of]hgf, k|of]u,
:ynut e|d0f, 36gf cWoog, ;dfnf]rgfTds lrGtg h:tf ljBfyL{s]lGb|t lzIf0f ljlwx¿ k|of]u ug{'k5{ .

dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_ 75

oL ljlwx¿ gd'gf dfq x'g\ . :yfgLo kl/j]z, ljifoj:t'sf] k|s[lt / :j¿ksf cfwf/df l;sfO ;xhLs/0fdf ljljwtf
Nofpg ;lsg] 5 . lzIfsn] l;sfO ;xhLs/0f ubf{ ljBfyL{sf] pd]/, tx, ?lr, ax'af}l4stf, dgf]lj1fg, ;fdflhs
k[i7e"ld, ljBfyL{ ;ª\Vof, z}lIfs ;fdu|Lsf] pknAwtf cflb ;d]tnfO{ Wofg lbg'kg]{ x'G5 . ;xhLs/0f ubf{
ljBfyL{x¿sf] ;xeflutf Pjd\ ;fd"lxs tyf ;xof]ufTds l;sfOnfO{ k|f]T;fxg ug'{k5{ . ljBfyL{nfO{ ;d:of ;dfwfg
ug{ ufx|f] jf cK7\of/f] k/]sf] cj:yfdf pgLx¿sf sdLsdhf]/LnfO{ /fd|/L s]nfO{ lzIfsåf/f ;d:of ;dfwfgdf ;xof]u
ug'{k5{ . plNnlvt ljlwsf cltl/St syfsyg, dGyg, sfo{zfnf, k|jrg, ;j]{ h:tf ljlwx¿ klg cfjZostfcg';f/
k|of]u ug'{k5{ . ;fdflhs cWoog / hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff ljifo lzIf0f ubf{ ;"rgf k|ljlwsf] ;d]t ;xof]u lnP/ l;Sg
;Sg] jftfj/0f tof/ ug'{k5{ . o; ljifodf ul/g] k|of]ufTds sfo{, kl/of]hgf sfo{ / cGo sfo{snfk l;sfO
;xhLs/0fsf cª\usf] ¿kdf /xg] 5g\ .
^= ljBfyL{ d"Nofª\sg
ljBfyL{sf] l;sfO pknlAw ;'lglZrt ug{ lgdf{0ffTds / lg0f{ofTds b'j} k|sf/sf] d"Nofª\sg ug'{kg]{ 5 . ljBfyL{sf]
l;sfO pknlAw ;'wf/sf nflu sIff lzIf0fs} j|mddf sIffsfo{, kl/of]hgf sfo{, If]qe|d0f, , ;e]{, k|:t'tLs/0f, pknlAw
k/LIff h:tf lj|mofsnfk u/fO{ ;}4flGts tyf k|of]ufTds 1fg tyf l;k xfl;n u/fpg cfjZos 5 . o;sf]
k|efjsf/L ¿kdf sfof{Gjog tyf ljBfyL{sf] l;sfO:t/ ;'wf/ ug{ l;sfO ;xhLs/0f lj|mofsnfksf] cleGg cª\usf
¿kdf lgdf{0ffTds d"Nofª\sgnfO{ pkof]u ug'{k5{ . lgdf{0ffTds d"Nofª\sgsf] l;sfO pknlAwsf] lglZrt ef/nfO{
lg0f{ofTds d"Nofª\sgdf ;d]t hf]l8g] 5 .
kf7\oj|mdn] lgwf{/0f u/]sf p2]Zocg'¿k ljBfyL{x¿n] 1fg, l;k tyf clej[lQ k|fKt ug{ ;s] ;s]gg\ eGg] s'/f kQf
nufpg] dxŒjk"0f{ ;+oGq d"Nofª\sg xf] . ljBfyL{x¿sf] d"Nofª\sg ubf{ l;sfO pknlAwx¿nfO{ Wofg lbO{ ;Ifdtf /
l;sfO pknlAwcg'¿k l;sfOsf] ;a} :t/nfO{ ;d]6]/ ug'{kb{5 . cfGtl/s / afx\o d"Nofª\sgdfkm{t o; ljifosf]
d"Nofª\sg x'g] 5 . kf7\oj|mdn] lglb{i6 u/]sf p2]Zox¿ s] slt k|fKt eP, ljBfyL{x¿n] slt 1fg, l;k / Ifdtf
xfl;n u/] egL d"Nofª\sg ul/G5 . cfGtl/s / afx\o k|0ffnLåf/f ljBfyL{sf] l;sfO pknlAw d"Nofª\sg ul/g] 5 .
sIff !! / !@ b'j}df s'n !^) sfo{306fdWo] &% k|ltzt cyf{t\ !@) sfo{306f ;}4flGts / @% k|ltzt cyf{t\ $)
sfo{306f k|of]ufTds tyf cGo lj|mofsnfknfO{ 5'6\ofOPsf] 5 . o;s} cfwf/df &% k|ltzt cª\ssf nflu
ljlzi6Ls/0f tflnsfsf cfwf/df k|Zgx¿ lgdf{0f u/L afx\o k/LIff lnlvt ¿kdf ;~rfng x'g] 5 . @% k|ltzt
cª\ssf nflu k|of]ufTds / cGo lj|mofsnfksf cfwf/df cfGtl/s d"Nofª\sg ug'{kg]{ 5 .
-s_ cfGtl/s d"Nofª\sg
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hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff ljifonfO{ sIffleq dfq ;Lldt gu/L sIff aflx/ klg cWoog ug{ ;lsg] cg';Gwfgd"ns
lj|mofsnfk oxfF ;d]l6Psf] 5 . sIff lzIf0fdf lzIfsn] lg/Gt/ d"Nofª\sgaf6 k|fKt glthfnfO{ cfwf/ dfgL l;sfO
;'3f/sf nflu lg/Gt/ k[i7kf]if0f k|bfg ug'{kb{5 .

76 dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_

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-v_ afx\o d"Nofª\sg
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;DalGwt k|Zgx¿ ;f]lwg] 5g\ . kf7\oj|mdn] lgwf{/0f u/]sf p2]Zocg'¿k ljBfyL{x¿n] 1fg, l;k, clej[lQ k|fKt u/]
gu/]sf] d"Nofª\sg ul/G5 . afx\o k/LIffdf cIf/fª\sg k4ltsf] k|of]u ul/g] 5 .

dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_ 77


Grades: 11 and 12 Subject code: Mat. 007 (Grade 11), Mat. 008 (Grade 12)
Credit hrs: 5 Working hrs: 160

1. Introduction
Mathematics is an indispensable in many fields. It is essential in the field of engineering,
medicine, natural sciences, finance and other social sciences. The branch of mathematics
concerned with application of mathematical knowledge to other fields and inspires new
mathematical discoveries. The new discoveries in mathematics led to the development of entirely
new mathematical disciplines. School mathematics is necessary as the backbone for higher study
in different disciplines. Mathematics curriculum at secondary level is the extension of mathematics
curriculum offered in lower grades (1 to 10).
This course of Mathematics is designed for grade 11 and 12 students as an optional subject as per
the curriculum structure prescribed by the National Curriculum Framework, 2076. This course will
be delivered using both the conceptual and theoretical inputs through demonstration and
presentation, discussion, and group works as well as practical and project works in the real world
context. Calculation strategies and problem solving skills will be an integral part of the delivery.
This course includes different contents like; Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry, Vectors,
Statistics and Probability, Calculus, Computational Methods and Mechanics or Mathematics for
Economics and Finance.
Student’s content knowledge in different sectors of mathematics with higher understanding is
possible only with appropriate pedagogical skills of their teachers. So, classroom teaching must be
based on student-centered approaches like project work, problem solving etc.
2. Level-wise Competencies
On completion of this course, students will have the following competencies:
1. use basic properties of elementary functions and their inverse including linear, quadratic,
reciprocal, polynomial, rational, absolute value, exponential, logarithm, sine, cosine and
tangent functions.
2. use principles of elementary logic to find the validity of statement and also acquire
knowledge of matrix, sequence and series, and combinatory.
3. identify and derive equations or graphs for lines, circles, parabolas, ellipses, and
hyperbolas, and identify the plane and its properties in space.
4. make connections and present the relationships between abstract algebraic structures with
familiar number systems such as the integers, real numbers and complex numbers.
5. articulate personal values of statistics and probability in everyday life.
6. use vectors and mechanics in day to day life.
7. apply derivatives to determine the nature of the function and determine the maxima and
minima of a function in daily life context.

8. explain anti-derivatives as an inverse process of derivative and use them in various
9. apply numerical methods to solve algebraic equation and calculate definite integrals and
use simplex method to solve linear programming problems (LPP).
10. use relative motion, Newton’s laws of motion in solving related problems.
11. develop proficiency in application of mathematics in economics and finance.
3. Grade-wise Learning Outcomes
On completion of the course, the students will be able to:

S. Content Learning Outcomes

N. Domain/area
Grade 11 Grade 12

1. Algebra 1.1 acquaint with logical 1.1 solve the problems related to
connectives and use them. permutation and combinations.
1.2 construct truth tables. 1.2 state and prove binomial
1.3 prove set identities. theorems for positive integral
1.4 state field axioms, order axioms
of real numbers. 1.3 state binomial theorem for any
index (without proof).
1.5 define interval and absolute
value of real numbers. 1.4 find the general term and
binomial coefficient.
1.6 interpret real numbers
geometrically. 1.5 use binomial theorem in
application to approximation.
1.7 define domain and range of a
function, inverse function 1.6 define Euler's number.
composite function. 1.7 Expand ex, ax and log(1+x)
1.8 find domain and range of a using binomial theorem.
function. 1.8 define binary operation and
1.9 find inverse function of given apply binary operation on sets
invertible function. of integers.

1.10 calculate composite function of 1.9 state properties of binary

given functions. operations.

1.11 define odd and even functions, 1.10 define group, finite
periodicity of a function, group, infinite group and
monotonicity of a function. abelian group.

1.12 sketch graphs of polynomial 1.11 prove the uniqueness of

functions identity, uniqueness of inverse,
a 𝑥 2 −𝑎2 , a cancelation law.
(𝑒𝑔: , ,𝑎𝑥 2 + bx +
𝑥 𝑥−𝑎 𝑥+𝑎 1.12 state and prove De
c, a𝑥 3 ), trigonometric, Moivre's theorem.
exponential, logarithmic
functions. 1.13 find the roots of a
complex number by De
1.13 define sequence and series. Moivre's theorem.
1.14 classify sequences and series 1.14 solve the problems using
(arithmetic, geometric, properties of cube roots of
harmonic). unity.
1.15 solve the problems related to 1.15 apply Euler's formula.
arithmetic, geometric and 1.16 define polynomial
harmonic sequences and series. function and polynomial
1.16 establish relation among A.M, equation.
G. M and H.M. 1.17 state and apply
1.17 find the sum of infinite fundamental theorem of
geometric series. algebra (without proof).
1.18 obtain transpose of matrix and 1.18 find roots of a quadratic
verify its properties. equation.
1.19 calculate minors, cofactors, 1.19 establish the relation
adjoint, determinant and inverse between roots and coefficient
of a square matrix. of quadratic equation.
1.20 solve the problems using 1.20 form a quadratic equation
properties of determinants. with given roots.
1.21 define a complex number. 1.21 find the sum of finite
1.22 solve the problems related to natural numbers, sum of
algebra of complex numbers. squares of first n-natural
numbers, sum of cubes of first
1.23 represent complex number n-natural numbers by using
geometrically. principle of mathematical
1.24 find conjugate and absolute induction.
value (modulus) of a complex 1.22 solve system of linear
numbers and verify their equations by Cramer's rule and
properties. matrix method (row-
1.25 find square root of a complex equivalent and inverse) up to
number. three variables.
1.26 express complex number in
polar form.

2. Trigonometr 2.1 solve the problems using 2.1 define inverse circular
y properties of a triangle (sine law, functions.
cosine law, tangent law, establish the relations on
projection laws, half angle laws). inverse circular functions.
2.2 solve the triangle(simple cases) 2.2 find the general solution of
trigonometric equations

3. Analytic 3.1 find the length of perpendicular 3.1 obtain standard equation of
geometry from a given point to a given ellipse and hyperbola.
line. 3.2 find direction ratios and
3.2 find the equation of bisectors of direction cosines of a line.
the angles between two straight 3.3 find the general equation of a
lines. plane.
3.3 write the condition of general 3.4 find equation of a plane in
equation of second degree in x intercept and normal form.
and y to represent a pair of
straight lines. 3.5 find the equation of plane
through three given points.
3.4 find angle between pair of lines
and bisectors of the angles 3.6 find the equation of geometric
between pair of lines given by plane through the intersection
homogenous second degree of two given planes.
equation in x and y. 3.7 find angle between two
3.5 solve the problems related to geometric planes.
condition of tangency of a line at 3.8 write the conditions of parallel
a point to the circle. and perpendicular planes.
3.6 find the equations of tangent and 3.9 find the distance of a point
normal to a circle at given point. from a plane.
3.7 find the standard equation of
3.8 find the equations of tangent and
normal to a parabola at given

4. Vectors 4.1 identify collinear and non- 4.1 define vector product of two
collinear vectors; coplanar and vectors, interpretation vector
non-coplanar vectors. product geometrically.
4.2 write linear combination of 4.2 solve the problems using
vectors. properties of vector product.
4.3 find scalar product of two 4.3 apply vector product in
vectors. geometry and trigonometry.
4.4 find angle between two vectors.
4.5 interpret scalar product of vectors
4.6 apply properties of scalar product
of vectors in trigonometry and

5. Statistics and 5.1 calculate the measures of 5.1 calculate correlation coefficient
Probability dispersion (standard deviation). by Karl Pearson's method.
5.2 calculate variance, coefficient of 5.2 calculate rank correlation
variation and coefficient of coefficient by Spearman
skewness. method.
5.3 define random experiment, 5.3 interpret correlation

sample space, event, equally coefficient.
likely cases, mutually exclusive 5.4 obtain regression line of y on x
events, exhaustive cases, and x on y.
favorable cases, independent
and dependent events. 5.5 solve the simple problems of
probability using
5.4 find the probability using two combinations.
basic laws of probability.
5.6 solve the problems related to
conditional probability.
5.7 use binomial distribution and
calculate mean and standard
deviation of binomial

6. Calculus 6.1 define limits of a function. 6.1 find the derivatives of inverse
6.2 identify indeterminate forms. trigonometric, exponential and
logarithmic functions by
6.3 apply algebraic properties of definition.
6.2 establish the relationship
6.4 evaluate limits by using theorems between continuity and
on limits of algebraic, differentiability.
trigonometric, exponential and
logarithmic functions. 6.3 differentiate the hyperbolic
function and inverse
6.5 define and test continuity of a hyperbolic function
6.4 evaluate the limits by
6.6 define and classify L'hospital's rule (for 0/0, ∞/∞).
6.5 find the tangent and normal by
6.7 interpret derivatives using derivatives.
6.6 interpret geometrically and
6.8 find the derivatives, derivative verify Rolle's theorem and
of a function by first principle Mean Value theorem.
(algebraic, trigonometric
exponential and logarithmic 6.7 find the anti-derivatives of
functions). standard integrals, integrals
reducible to standard forms
6.9 find the derivatives by using and rational function (using
rules of differentiation (sum, partial fractions also).
difference, constant multiple,
chain rule, product rule, 6.8 solve the differential equation
quotient rule, power and of first order and first degree
general power rules). by separable variables,
homogenous, linear and exact
6.10 find the derivatives of differential equation.
parametric and implicit
6.11 calculate higher order

6.12 check the monotonicity of a
function using derivative.
6.13 find extreme values of a
6.14 find the concavity of function
by using derivative.
6.15 define integration as reverse of
6.16 evaluate the integral using
basic integrals.
6.17 integrate by substitution and by
integration by parts method.
6.18 evaluate the definite integral.
6.19 find area between two curves.

7. Computation 7.1 describe the basic characteristics 7.1 solve the linear
al methods of numerical computing programming problems
(accuracy, rate of convergence, (LPP) by simplex method
numerical stability and 7.2 solve the system of linear
efficiency), solve algebraic equations by Gauss
equation and transcendental Elimination method (up to 3
equation by bisection method and variables)
by Newton-Raphson method and
find approximate error by these
7.2 integrate numerically by
trapezoidal rule and Simpson's

8. Mechanics 8.1 find resultant forces by 8.1 find the resultant of like and
parallelogram of forces. unlike parallel forces/vectors.
8.2 solve the problems related to 8.2 solve the problems related to
composition and resolution of Newton's laws of motion and
forces. projectile.
8.3 obtain resultant of coplanar
forces/vectors acting on a point.
8.4 solve the forces/vectors related
problems using triangle laws of
forces and Lami’s theorem.
8.5 solve the problems of motion of
particle in a straight line, motion
with uniform acceleration,
motion under the gravity, motion
in a smooth inclined plane. Or

Or 8.1 interpret results in the context of 8.1 use quadratic functions in

original real- world problems. economics,
8.2 test how well it describes the 8.2 understand input- output
Mathematics original real- world problem and analysis and dynamics of
for how well it describes past and/or market price.
Economics with what accuracy it predicts 8.3 find difference equations.
and Finance future behavior.
8.4 work with Cobweb model and
8.3 Model using demand and supply lagged Keynesian
function. macroeconomic model.
8.4 Find cost, revenue, and profit 8.5 explain mathematically
functions. equilibrium and break-even.
8.5 Compute elasticity of demands. 8.6 construct mathematical models
8.6 Construct mathematical models involving consumer and
involving supply and income, producer surplus.
budget and cost constraint. 8.7 use quadratic functions in
8.7 Test the equilibrium and break economics.
even condition. 8.8 do input- output analysis.
8.9 analyze dynamics of market.
8.10 construct difference equations,
8.11 understand cobweb model,
lagged Keynesian
macroeconomics model.

4. Scope and Sequence of Contents

S.N. Content Grade 11 Grade 12

Contents Working Working
hrs hrs

1 Alge 1.1 Logic and Set: 1.1 Permutation and

bra introduction of Logic, combination: Basic
statements, logical principle of counting,
connectives, truth Permutation of (a) set of
tables, basic laws of 31 objects all different (b) set of 31
logic, theorems based objects not all different (c)
on set operations. circular arrangement (d)
1.2 Real numbers: field repeated use of the same
axioms, order objects, Combination of

axioms, interval, things all different,
absolute value, Properties of combination
1.2 Binomial Theorem:
representation of real Binomial theorem for a
numbers. positive integral index,
1.3 Function: Review, general term, Binomial
domain & range of a coefficient, Binomial
function, Inverse theorem for any index
function, composite (without proof), application
function, functions of to approximation, Euler's
special type, number, Expansion of
algebraic (linear, 𝑒 𝑥 , 𝑎 𝑥 and log(1+x) (without
quadratic & cubic), proof)
1.3 Elementary Group Theory:
Binary operation, Binary
operation on sets of integers
1.4 Curve sketching: and their properties,
odd and even Definition of a group, finite
functions, periodicity and infinite groups.
of a function, Uniqueness of identity,
symmetry (about Uniqueness of inverse,
origin, x-and y-axis), Cancelation law, Abelian
monotonicity of a group.
function, sketching
1.4 Complex numbers: De
graphs of Moivre's theorem and its
polynomials and
application in finding the
some rational
roots of a complex number,
properties of cube roots of
𝑎 𝑥 2 −𝑎2 , 𝑎 unity. Euler's formula.
( , ,a𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 +
𝑥 𝑥−𝑎 𝑥+𝑎
𝑐, 𝑎𝑥 ), Trigonometric, 1.5 Quadratic equation: Nature
exponential, logarithmic and roots of a quadratic
function (simple cases equation, Relation between
only) roots and coefficient.
Formation of a quadratic
1.5 Sequence and series: equation, Symmetric roots,
arithmetic, geometric, one or both roots common.
harmonic sequences
and series and their 1.6 Sequence and series:
properties A.M, G.M, Sum of finite natural
H.M and their numbers, sum of squares of
relations, sum of first n-natural numbers, Sum
infinite geometric of cubes of first n- natural
series. numbers, principle of
1.6 Matrices and mathematical induction.
determinants: 1.7 Matrix based system of
Transpose of a matrix linear equation: Solution of
and its properties, a system of linear equations
Minors and cofactors, by Cramer's rule and matrix
Adjoint, Inverse method (row- equivalent and
matrix, Determinant, inverse) up to three
Properties of variables.
determinants (without
1.7 Complex number:
definition imaginary
unit, algebra of
complex numbers,
absolute value
(Modulus) and
conjugate of a
complex numbers and
their properties,
square root of a
complex number,
polar form of
complex numbers.

2 Trigono 2.1 Properties of a triangle 2.1 Inverse circular functions.

metry (Sine law, Cosine law, 2.2 Trigonometric equations and
tangent law, Projection general values
laws, Half angle laws). 8 8
2.2 Solution of
triangle(simple cases)

3 Analytic 3.1 Straight Line: length 3.1 Conic section: Standard

Geometr of perpendicular from equations of Ellipse and
y a given point to a hyperbola.
given line, Bisectors 3.2 Coordinates in space:
of the angles between direction cosines and ratios
two straight lines. of a line, general equation of
Pair of straight lines: a plane, equation of a plane
General equation of in intercept and normal form,
second degree in x plane through 3 given points, 13
and y, condition for plane through the
representing a pair of intersection of two given
lines, Homogenous planes, parallel and
second-degree perpendicular planes, angle
equation in x and y, between two planes, distance
angle between pair of of a point from a plane.
lines, Bisectors of the
angles between pair of

3.2 Circle: Condition of
tangency of a line at a
point to the circle,
Tangent and normal to
a circle.
3.3 Conic section:
Standard equation of
parabola, equations of
tangent and normal to
a parabola at a given

4 Vectors 4.1 Vectors: collinear and 4.1 Product of Vectors: vector

non collinear vectors, product of two vectors,
coplanar and non- geometrical interpretation of
coplanar vectors, vector product, properties of
linear combination of vector product, application of
vectors, vector product in geometry
and trigonometry.
4.2 Product of vectors:
scalar product of two
vectors, angle
between two vectors, 7 7
interpretation of scalar
product, properties of
scalar product,
condition of
application of dot
product in
trigonometry and

5 Statistics 5.1 Measure of 5.1 Correlation and

& Dispersion: Regression: correlation,
Probabili introduction, standard nature of correlation,
ty deviation, variance, correlation coefficient by
coefficient of Karl Pearson's method,
variation, Skewness interpretation of correlation
(Karl Pearson and coefficient, properties of
9 9
Bowley) correlation coefficient
(without proof), rank
5.2 Probability:
independent cases, correlation by Spearman,
mathematical and regression equation,
empirical definition of regression line of y on x and
probability, two basic x on y.
laws of 5.2 Probability: Dependent

probability(without cases, conditional probability
proof). (without proof), binomial
distribution, mean and
standard deviation of
binomial distribution
(without proof).

6 Calculus 6.1 Limits and 6.1 Derivatives: derivative of

continuity: limits of a inverse trigonometric,
function, exponential and logarithmic
indeterminate forms. function by definition,
algebraic properties of relationship between
limits (without proof), continuity and
Basic theorems on differentiability, rules for
limits of algebraic, differentiating hyperbolic
trigonometric, function and inverse
exponential and hyperbolic function,
logarithmic functions, L’Hospital's rule (0/0, ∞/∞),
continuity of a differentials, tangent and
function, types of normal, geometrical
discontinuity, graphs interpretation and application
of discontinuous of Rolle’s theorem and mean
function. value theorem.
6.2 Derivatives: 6.2 Anti-derivatives: anti-
derivative of a derivatives of standard
function, derivatives integrals, integrals reducible
of algebraic, to standard forms, integrals
trigonometric, 31 of rational function. 31
exponential and 6.3 Differential equations:
logarithmic functions differential equation and its
by definition (simple order, degree, differential
forms), rules of equations of first order and
differentiation. first degree, differential
derivatives of equations with separable
parametric and variables, homogenous,
implicit functions, linear and exact differential
higher order equations.
derivatives, geometric
interpretation of
monotonicity of a
function, interval of
monotonicity, extreme
values of a function,
concavity, points of
inflection, derivative
as rate of measure.
6.3 Anti-derivatives:
integration using basic
integrals, integration
by substitution and by
parts methods, the
definite integral, the
definite integral as an
area under the given
curve, area between
two curves.

7 Computa 7.1 Numerical 7.1 Linear programming

tional computation: problems (LPP): simplex
Methods  Characteristics of method (maximization
problems only)
(accuracy, rate of 7.2 System of linear
convergence, equations: Gauss
efficiency) Elimination method
 Roots of algebraic
10 10
(bisection method
and Newton-
Raphson method)
7.2 Numerical
Trapezoidal rule
and Simpson's 1/3
8 Mechani 8.1 Statics: Forces and 8.1 Statics: Resultant of like and
cs resultant forces, unlike parallel forces.
parallelogram law of 8.2 Dynamics: Newton's laws of
forces, composition motion and projectile.
and resolution of
forces, Resultant of 8.3 Mathematics for economics
coplanar forces acting and finance: Consumer and
on a point, Triangle 11 Producer Surplus, Quadratic 11
law of forces and functions in Economics,
Lami's theorem. Input-Output analysis,
Dynamics of market price,
8.2 Dynamics: Motion of Difference equations, The
particle in a straight Cobweb model, Lagged
line, Motion with Keynesian macroeconomic
uniform acceleration, model.
motion under the

gravity, motion down
a smooth inclined
atics for
Economi 8.3 Mathematics for
cs and economics and
Finance finance:
Mathematical Models
and Functions,
Demand and supply,
Cost, Revenue, and
profit functions,
Elasticity of demand,
supply and income ,
Budget and Cost
Equilibrium and break

Total 120

5. Practical and project activities

The students are required to do different practical activities in different content areas and the
teachers should plan in the same way. Total of 40 working hours is allocated for practical and
project activities in each of the grades 11 and 12. The following table shows estimated working
hours for practical activities in different content areas of grade 11 and 12

Working hrs in each of the

S. No. Content area/domain
grades 11 and 12

1. Algebra 11

2. Trigonometry 2

3. Analytic geometry 5

4. Vectors 3

5. Statistics & Probability 3

6. Calculus 11

7. Computational methods 2

Mechanics or Mathematics for

8. 3
Economics and Finance

Total 40

Here are some sample (examples) of practical and project activities.

Sample project works/mathematical activities for grade 11

1. Take a square of arbitrary measure assuming its area is one square unit. Divide it in to
four equal parts and shade one of them. Again take one not shaded part of that square and
shade one fourth of it. Repeat the same process continuously and find the area of the
shaded region.
2. Write two simple statements related to mathematics and write four compound statements
by using them.
3. Prepare a model to illustrate the values of sine function and cosine function for different
angles which are multiples of and π.
4. Verify the sine law by taking particular triangle in four quadrants.
5. Prepare a concrete material to show parabola by using thread and nail in wooden panel.
6. Verify that the equation of a line passing through the point of intersection of two lines a 1 x
+ b 1 y + c 1 = 0 and a 2 x + b 2 y + c 2 = 0 is of the form (a 1 x + b 1 y + c 1 ) + K(a 2 x + b 2 y + c 2 )
= 0.
7. Prepare a model and verify that angle in a semi-circle is a right angle by using vector
8. Geometrically interpret the scalar product of two vectors.
9. Collect the scores of grade 10 students in mathematics and English from your school.
a. Make separate frequency distribution with class size 10.
b. Which subject has more uniform/consistent result?
c. Make the group report and present.
10. Roll two dices simultaneously 20 times and list all outcomes. Write the events that the
sum of numbers on the top of both dice is a) even b) odd in all above list. Examine
either they are mutually exclusive or not. Also find the probabilities of both events.
11. Find the area of circular region around your school using integration.
12. Take a metallic bar available at your surrounding and make a rectangular frame. Find the
dimension of the rectangular metallic frame with maximum area.
13. Find the roots of any polynomial equation by using any ICT tools and present it in the
14. Investigate a daily life problem on projectile motion. Solve that problem and present in
the classroom.
15. Construct mathematical models involving supply and income, budget and cost constraint
of a production company.
Sample project works/mathematical activities for grade 12

1. Represent the binomial theorem of power 1, 2, and 3 separately by using concrete
materials and generalize it with n dimension relating with Pascal's triangle.
2. Take four sets R, Q, Z, N and the binary operations +, ‒, ×. Test which binary operation
forms group or not with R, Q, Z, N.
3. Prepare a model to explore the principal value of the function sin–1x using a unit circle
and present in the classroom.
4. Draw the graph of sin‒1x, using the graph of sin x and demonstrate the concept of mirror
reflection (about the line y = x).
5. Fix a point on the middle of the ceiling of your classroom. Find the distance between that
point and four corners of the floor.
6. Construct an ellipse using a rectangle.
7. Express the area of triangle and parallelogram in terms of vector.
8. Verify geometrically that: 𝑐⃗ × (𝑎⃗ + 𝑏�⃗) = 𝑐⃗ × 𝑎⃗ + 𝑐⃗ × 𝑏�⃗
9. Collect the grades obtained by 10 students of grade 11 in their final examination of
English and Mathematics. Find the correlation coefficient between the grades of two
subjects and analyze the result.
10. Find two regression equations by taking two set of data from your textbook. Find the
point where the two regression equations intersect. Analyze the result and prepare a
11. Find, how many peoples will be there after 5 years in your districts by using the concept
of differentiation.
12. Verify that the integration is the reverse process of differentiation with examples and
13. Correlate the trapezoidal rule and Simpson rule of numerical integration with suitable
14. Identify different applications of Newton's law of motion and related cases in our daily
15. Construct and present Cobweb model and lagged Keynesian macroeconomic model .
6. Learning Facilitation Method and Process
Teacher has to emphasis on the active learning process and on the creative solution of the exercise
included in the textbook rather than teacher centered method while teaching mathematics. Students
need to be encouraged to use the skills and knowledge related to maths in their house,
neighborhood, school and daily activities. Teacher has to analyze and diagnose the weakness of
the students and create appropriate learning environment to solve mathematical problems in the
process of teaching learning.
The emphasis should be given to use diverse methods and techniques for learning facilitation.
However, the focus should be given to those method and techniques that promote students' active
participation in the learning process. The following are some of the teaching methods that can be
used to develop mathematical competencies of the students:

• Inductive and deductive method
• Problem solving method
• Case study
• Project work method
• Question answer and discussion method
• Discovery method/ use of ICT
• Co-operative learning
7. Student Assessment
Evaluation is an integral part of learning process. Both formative and summative evaluation
system will be used to evaluate the learning of the students. Students should be evaluated to assess
the learning achievements of the students. There are two basic purposes of evaluating students in
Mathematics: first, to provide regular feedback to the students and bringing improvement in
student learning-the formative purpose; and second, to identify student's learning levels for
decision making.
a. Internal Examination/Assessment
i. Project Work: Each Student should do one project work from each of eight content areas
and has to give a 15 minute presentation for each project work in classroom. These eight
project works will be documented in a file and will be submitted at the time of final
examination. Out of eight projects, any one should be presented at the time of final
examination by each student.
ii. Mathematical activity: Mathematical activities mean various activities in which
students willingly and purposefully work on Mathematics. Mathematical activities can
include various activities like (i) Hands-on activities (ii) Experimental activities (iii)
physical activities. Each student should do one activity from each of eight content area
(altogether eight activities). These activities will be documented in a file and will be
submitted at the time of final examination. Out of eight activities, any one should be
presented at the time of final examination by each student.
iii. Demonstration of Competency in classroom activity: During teaching learning process
in classroom, students demonstrate 11 competencies through activities. The evaluation of
students' performance should be recorded by subject teacher on the following basis.
• Through mathematical activities and presentation of project works.
• Identifying basic and fundamental knowledge and skills.
• Fostering students' ability to think and express with good perspectives and logically
on matters of everyday life.
• Finding pleasure in mathematical activities and appreciate the value of mathematical
• Fostering and attitude to willingly make use of mathematics in their lives as well as
in their learning.

iv. Marks from trimester examinations: Marks from each trimester examination will be
converted into full marks 3 and calculated total marks of two trimester in each grade.
The weightage for internal assessment are as follows:

Classroom Project work/Mathematical Demonstration of Marks from Total

participation activity competency in terminal
classroom activity exams

3 10 6 6 25

b. External Examination/Evaluation
External evaluation of the students will be based on the written examination at the end of each
grade. It carries 75 percent of the total weightage. The types and number questions will be as per
the test specification chart developed by the Curriculum Development Centre.


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