Compulsary Curriculum Grade 11-12 New
Compulsary Curriculum Grade 11-12 New
Compulsary Curriculum Grade 11-12 New
-sIff !! / !@_
-clgjfo{ ljifo_
g]kfn ;/sf/
lzIff, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw dGqfno
kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|
;fgf]l7dL eStk'/
k|sfzs M g]kfn ;/sf/
lzIff, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw dGqfno
kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|
;fgf]l7dL, eStk'/
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lzIffsf] ;du| u'0f:t/nfO{ k|efj kfb{5 . kf7\oj|mdn] k|To]s JolStdf cGtlg{lxt k|ltef k|:km'6g u/fO{ JolStTj
ljsf; ug{ ;Sg'k5{ . o;} u/L /fi6« / /fli6«otfk|lt lgi7fjfg\, :jfledfgL, g}ltsjfg\, lhDd]jf/, >dnfO{ ;Ddfg
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hgzlStn] ;fdflhsLs/0fdf ;xof]u ug'{sf ;fy} /fli6«o Pstf ;'b[9 ub}{ /fli6«o ;Dkbf / kof{{j/0fsf] ;+/If0f ug{
;Sg'k5{ . o; kf7\oj|mdaf6 ljBfyL{df zflGt, ;dfgtf tyf ;fdflhs Gofok|lt k|lta4 eO{ ;lxi0f'tf tyf
;bfrf/ h:tf cfr/0f ljsf;df ;xof]u k'Ug] ck]Iff ul/Psf] 5 . o;af6 ;"rgf k|ljlwsf] k|of]u, j}1flgs
cjwf/0ffsf] cfTd;ft\, vf]h tyf cg';Gwfg Ifdtfsf] ljsf; / hLjgf]kof]uL l;k k|flKtsf dfWodn] k|lt:kwf{Tds
Ifdtfo'St hgzlSt tof/ ug'{sf ;fy} cfkm\gf] efiff, ;+:s[lt, snfk|ltsf] cg'/fu;lxtsf] klxrfgdf uf}/jsf]
cg'e"lt ug{] gful/s ljsf;df of]ubfg x'g] ck]Iff ul/Psf] 5 . oL kIfx¿nfO{ b[li6ut ub}{ /fli6«o kf7\oj|md
k|f¿k, @)&^ sf] dfu{lgb]{zcg';f/ sIff !! / !@ sf nflu of] kf7\oj|md ljsf; ul/Psf] xf] .
kf7\oj|md ljsf; k|lj|mofdf ;Da4 ljleGg ;/f]sf/jfnfx¿sf] ;xeflutf h'6fOPsf] lyof] . dfWolds tx -sIff
!!–!@_ sf ljleGg ljifosf kf7\oj|md ljsf; k|lj|mofdf ;xefuL lzIffljb\, k|fWofks, lzIfs, ljBfyL{, cleefjs
tyf lzIff;Da4 ;ª\3;+:yf / ;/f]sf/fjfnfx¿, kf7\oj|md d:of}bf sfo{bn tyf ;DalGwt ljifo ;ldltsf
;b:ox¿nufotsf ;'emfjnfO{ ;d]6L of] kf7\oj|md tof/ ul/Psf] 5 . kf7\oj|mddf ljBfyL{sf ;Ifdtf, ck]lIft
l;sfO pknlAw, ljifoj:t'sf] If]q tyf j|md, l;sfO ;xhLs/0f k|lj|mof / l;sfO pknlAw cfsng k|lj|mof ;dfj]z
ul/Psf] 5 . o; sfo{df kf7\oj|md d:of}bf sfo{bn tyf ;DalGwt ljifo ;ldltsf ;b:ox¿nufot plNnlvt
;/f]sf/jfnfx¿ tyf kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb|sf ;DalGwt sd{rf/L of]ubfg /x]sf] 5 . kf7\oj|md ljsf;df
cfjZos gLltut dfu{bz{g k|bfg ug'{sf ;fy} kf7\oj|mdnfO{ clGtd ¿k lbg] sfo{df /fli6«o kf7\oj|md ljsf; tyf
d"Nofª\sgaf6 ul7t ljleGg k|fljlws ;ldltx¿sf] e"ldsf dxŒjk"0f{ /x]sf] 5 . kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb| kf7\oj|md
ljsf;df of]ubfg ug{] ;a}k|lt s[t1tf k|s6 ub{5 .
of] kf7\oj|mdsf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjogsf nflu ;Da4 ;a} kIfsf] of]ubfg ck]lIft 5 . kf7\oj|md ;'wf/sf] sfo{
lg/Gt/ rNg] k|lj|mof ePsfn] eljiodf o;nfO{ cem k|efjsf/L agfpg lzIfs, cleefjs tyf ;d:t
a'l4hLjLx¿nufot ;Da4 ;a}af6 kf7\oj|md ljsf; s]Gb| /rgfTds ;'emfjsf] ck]Iff ub{5 .
gf]6 M sIff !! / !@ sf] k|fljlws wf/ tyf k/Dk/fut ljBfnox?df kf7\oj|md kl/dfh{gsf] sfo{ ;DkGg
geP;Dd k'/fg} kf7\oqmd nfu' x'g] 5 .
o; v08df P]lR5s klxnf] ;d"xcGtu{tsf ljifosf ljifout kf7\oj|md ;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 . k|To]s ljifout
kf7\oj|mddf kl/ro, txut ;Ifdtf, sIffut l;sfO pknlAw, ljifoj:t'sf] If]q / j|md, k|of]ufTds tyf
kl/of]hgf sfo{cGtu{tsf ;DefJo lj|mofsnfksf pbfx/0f, If]q jf PsfOut sfo{306f, ljBfyL{ d"Nofª\sg ljlw
tyf k|lj|mof pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 .
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g]kfn ax'hftLo, ax';f+:s[lts Pjd\ ax'eflifs d'n's xf] . ax'hftLo / ax';f+:s[lts ljZf]iftf ePsf] /fi6«df
/fli6«o Pstf k|jw{g ug{ tyf ;fdflhs, ;f+:s[lts ;DaGw / ;dGjo sfod ug{ ;Dks{ efiffsf] cfjZostf
kb{5 . o;sf nflu ljBfyL{df eflifs ;Ifdtfsf] ljsf; x'g'kb{5 . ljBfyL{df eflifs ;~rf/ Pjd\ af]w /
cleJolStut l;ksf] ljsf; x'g' g} eflifs ;Ifdtf xf] . g]kfnL efiff ljBfno txsf] lzIf0fsf] k|d'v dfWod,
;/sf/L sfdsfh / g]kfnL ;dfhsf] ;femf ;Dks{sf] efiff xf] . klxnf], bf];|f] Pjd\ ljb]zL efiffsf ¿kdf g]kfnL
efiffsf] k|of]u x'Fb} cfPsf] 5 . o; b[li6n] g]kfnL efiffsf] k|of]udf Jofkstf /x]sf] 5 . g]kfndf g]kfnL efiff
;fdflhsLs/0f, cGt/eflifs Jojxf/, ;~rf/, k|zf;g, k|ljlw / df}lvs tyf lnlvt Jojxf/sf] k|d'v dfWodsf
¿kdf /lxcfPsf] 5 . g]kfnL ;dfhsf] ax'ntfnfO{ b[li6ut ub}{ ;a} k|sf/sf 1fg / l;k k|fKt ug{ tyf ljleGg
dfWodaf6 cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf 1fg;d]t g]kfnL efiffdf l;Sg ;Sg] agfpg ljBfno txdf g]kfnL efiffsf] lzIf0f
ckl/xfo{ 5 . To;}n] ljBfno txdf g]kfnL efiffnfO{ clgjfo{ ljifosf ¿kdf lzIf0f ug{'k/]sf] xf] . g]kfnL efiff
lzIf0fsf] d'Vo p2]Zo ljBfyL{df g]kfnL efiff;Da4 eflifs l;k Pjd\ Jofjxfl/s / l;h{gfTds Ifdtfsf] ljsf;
u/fpg' xf] .
k|:t't kf7\oj|mdsf] p2]Zo ljBfyL{df eflifs ;Ifdtf clej[l4 u/fpg' xf] . -sIff (–!)_ k"/f u/]sf ljBfyL{sf]
:t/nfO{ Wofg lbO{ ljBfno txsf] ;dflKtkl5 cGo If]qdf nfUg] tyf pRr lzIffdf k|j]z ug]{x¿sf] cfwf/e"ldsf
¿kdf g]kfnL efiffdf ;Ifd agfpg] clek|fon] of] kf7\oj|md tof/ kfl/Psf] xf] . dfWolds tx -sIff !!–!@_ k"/f
ubf{ ljBfyL{x¿n] g]kfnL ljifodf k|fKt ug]{ txut ;Ifdtf / sIffut l;sfO pknlAwnfO{ o; kf7\oj|mddf
;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 . kf7\oj|mddf ljBfyL{df af]w Pjd\ cleJolStut Ifdtfsf] ljsf;sf nflu pko'St ljwf /
If]q lgb]{z ul/Psf] 5 . o;df k|of]hgk/s eflifs l;k ljsf; / sfo{d"ns Jofs/0fdf ljz]if Wofg lbOPsf] 5 .
tbg'¿ksf l;sfO ;xhLs/0f k|lj|mof / d"Nofª\sg ljlw klg ;d]l6Psf 5g\ . o; kf7\oj|mddf lgDglnlvt
kIfx¿nfO{ k|fyldstfdf /flvPsf] 5 M
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kf7ut ljljwtfsf] k|:t'lt / sfo{d"ns Jofs/0f
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ljBfyL{s]lGb|t l;sfOdf cfwfl/t ;xhLs/0f k|lj|mof
k|of]hgk/s eflifs l;k / l;sfOdf hf]8
vf]hk/s, kl/of]hgfd"ns tyf l;h{gfTds eflifs cEof;df hf]8
eflifs ;fdYo{ / ;Dkfbgsf ¿kdf eflifs l;ksf] ljsf;df hf]8
Jofs/0fnfO{ efiff k|of]usf] cfwf/sf ¿kdf ;}4flGtseGbf /rgfTds agfpg] k|oTg
:jtGq k7g / /rgf sf}znsf] ljsf;df hf]8
l;kut ;Ifdtf k/LIf0fdf cfwfl/t eflifs d"Nofª\sg
@= k9fO l;k != lnlvt ;fdu|LnfO{ ult, olt, no ldnfO{ z'4;Fu != lnlvt ;fdu|LnfO{ ult, olt, no ldnfO{
k9\g z'4;Fu k9\g
hDdf (^
Grade: 11 and 12 Subject code: Eng. 003 (Grade 11), Eng. 004 (Grade 12)
Credit hour: 4 Annual working hour: 128
1. Introduction
English is a lingua franca and is an appropriate international language for Nepal to be connected
with global community. It is not only the language of international communication but also a
language of higher education, mass media, information and communication technology (ICT),
business, tourism, science and medicine. In the context of Nepal, English is necessary for various
purposes. To be specific, our learners need English to participate in classroom interactions; to
study course materials; to read things for pleasure and general information; to gain access to the
world body of knowledge; to read and enjoy a wide range of literary texts, to participate in
international meetings, seminars and conferences; to communicate with foreigners in general; to
enhance their career development, and many more. English is taught as a compulsory subject
from grade one to the bachelors level.
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) has approved the National Curriculum
Framework (NCF), 2076 addressing the changed socio-political condition of the country and the
current needs of the learners. This grade 11and 12 E nglish curriculum has been developed in line
with the spirit of the new NCF. The present curriculum addresses all four language skills with
prime focus on reading and writing skills. It focuses on the types of reading and writing skills that
are necessary for the students in their real life. It also includes the language functions which the
students need for their further studies and the world of work. A strong grammatical foundation is
also given due consideration in this curriculum. This curriculum is based on the principle that
learners learn language when they get sufficient opportunity to use it in appropriate contexts.
Content should not be detached from the use of language. Content and language should be
integrated while teaching. Therefore, the curriculum has focused not only on language and
language functions, but also on a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts which provide a
meaningful context for language learning. For some students, secondary education serves as a
basis for preparation for the university education, whereas for some other students, it may be a
preparation for entry into the world of work. This curriculum tries to address the linguistic
requirements of both types of students.
This curriculum focuses on both the intensive reading of texts which is intended for language
development in the learners and the extensive reading of texts which is intended for processing
content and developing higher order reading and writing skills. Soft skills including critical
thinking and creativity of the students have also been given due importance. For this purpose, a
wide variety of texts have been included under various themes and topics. This curriculum
includes level-wise competencies of students, grade-wise learning outcomes, scope and sequence
of contents, learning facilitation process and evaluation process.
2. Competencies
This curriculum of Grade 11 and 12 in English language aims at developing the following
competencies in the learners:
1. Use both spoken and written English for general and academic purposes in a variety of
personal, social and academic contexts.
Learning outcomes
1. Identify and Identify the speaker's attitudes Identify the speaker's attitudes
discriminate and feelings through their use of and feelings through their use of
stress and stress and intonation. stress and intonation.
intonation Show an understanding of Identify the speaker's purpose
patterns. differentiating tones (warnings, by distinguishing tone and
advice, suggestion, etc. ). intonation patterns.
Identify the effects of supra- Identify the effects of supra-
segmental features in a segmental features and
connected speech. phonological processes in a
connected speech.
Identify the key words and
phrases in the given text.
1.5 Identify the differences
between formal and informal
2. Listen to the Identify the gist of a listening Identify the gist, main idea and
spoken text and text. supporting details of a listening
understand its Retrieve specific information text.
gist and retrieve from spoken English. Retrieve specific information
specific Compare and contrast from spoken English, and take
information from information. notes.
it. Show an understanding of the Compare and contrast
functions of common discourse information.
markers. Distinguish between cause and
3. Make inference Make predictions about the Make predictions about the
while listening subsequent content using prior subsequent content, actions and
knowledge, phonological clues events using prior knowledge,
and contextual clues. phonological clues and
Make inference about themes and contextual clues.
message of the spoken text from Make inference about purpose,
prior knowledge and contextual intentions, themes and message
clues. of the spoken text from prior
knowledge and contextual clues.
4. Listen to the Distinguish between facts and Separate facts from opinions in a
spoken text and opinions in a spoken text. spoken text.
critically analyse Draw conclusions from main Draw conclusions from main
and evaluate the ideas, specific details, prior ideas, specific details, prior
information in it. knowledge and contextual clues. knowledge and contextual clues.
Identify the content and Identify different points of view
organisation of presentations. and make judgment.
Form opinions about ideas Make judgment on the relevance
presented in listening texts. of spoken message.
Understand the meaning of Evaluate the content and
common idiomatic expressions. organisation of presentations.
Form and interpret opinions
about ideas presented in texts.
Understand and interpret the
meaning of common and grade
appropriate idiomatic
10. Seek and Use a range of question Use a range of expressions for
provide a wide forms for seeking and seeking, confirming, checking
variety of confirming required and elaborating required
information. information. information.
Give detailed information on Give detailed information on
different topics. different topics.
12. Understand and Express one’s own cultural Express one’s own cultural
demonstrate values and practices values and practices and
inter-cultural effectively and clearly. compare it with that of others.
understanding. Express tolerance and Express tolerance and respect
respect for the cultural for the cultural practices of
practices of other people. other people.
Note: The prescribed language functions should be included while selecting topics and
tasks for speaking.
3.3 Reading
1. Read the texts Scan the text and retrieve Scan the text and retrieve
intensively for specific information from specific information from it.
information and it. Skim the text and get its main
understanding. Skim the text and get its idea/theme.
main idea/theme. Distinguish between cause and
Identify the topic sentence effect and fact and opinions.
of a paragraph. Compare and contrast ideas.
Distinguish between cause Identify different points of
and effect. view.
Separate facts from Find out main ideas and
opinions. supporting details.
Compare and contrast Deduce the meanings of
ideas. unfamiliar words and phrases
Find out main ideas and in a given context.
supporting details. Read the text and identify the
Deduce the meanings of order of events.
unfamiliar words and Identify explicit as well as
phrases in a given context. implicit information.
Read the texts and identify Read and interpret the graphic
the order of events. organizers (e.g. Venn diagram,
Identify explicit as well as time line, semantic webs, etc.)
implicit information. given in the text to facilitate
Read and interpret the understanding of grade
graphic organizers (e.g. appropriate reading texts.
Venn diagram, time line, Follow the pattern of
semantic webs, etc.) given arguments with the help of the
in the text to facilitate clues available in the text.
understanding of grade
appropriate reading texts.
2. Read a variety Read and interpret literary Read and interpret literary texts
of literary texts texts (e.g. short stories, (e.g. short stories, essays,
for pleasure, essays, poems and dramas) poems and dramas) from a
wide variety of authors,
5. Read the texts Read the title and predict Read the title and predict the
and predict the the content of the text. content of the text.
content and Make predictions about the Make predictions about the
make inference. content of a text while content of a text while reading
reading based on contextual based on contextual clues, text
clues, text features, features, background
background knowledge, knowledge, patterns of
patterns of relationship of relationship of ideas, etc.
ideas, etc. Make predictions about
Make predictions about upcoming events in the
upcoming events in the narrative texts.
narrative texts. Make inferences from
Make inferences from contextual information, writer's
contextual information, viewpoints, implied
writer's viewpoints, implied information, etc.
information, etc. Use knowledge of the world or
Use knowledge of the background knowledge while
world or background reading.
knowledge while reading.
6. Read the texts Make notes by reading Make notes by reading various
and take notes. various resources. resources.
Read a text and make notes Read a text and make notes
covering the key points. covering the key points.
Organise the notes and write on
what has been read.
3.4 Writing
5. Write formal Write study reports based Write study reports based on
reports in an on project works or mini- project works or mini-
appropriate style researches in an appropriate researches in an appropriate
and format. form and format. form and format.
13. Use the Write a variety of text types Write a variety of text types
mechanics of using spelling, punctuation, using spelling, punctuation,
writing capitalisation, contractions, capitalisation, contractions,
properly. abbreviations, acronyms, abbreviations, acronyms,
numbers and numerals numbers and numerals
properly. properly.
14. Use various Use writing strategies such Use writing strategies such as
strategies for as brainstorming, making brainstorming, making mind
generating and mind maps and spider maps and spider grams for
organising ideas grams for generating ideas. generating ideas.
for writing. Gather required information Gather required information for
for writing from various writing from various printed
printed and online sources. and online sources.
Draft interview questions to Draft interview questions to
collect information. collect information.
Take notes while reading or Take notes while reading or
interviewing and use the interviewing and use the notes
notes for writing. for writing.
Use a range of Use a range of organisational
organisational strategies strategies such as clustering,
such as clustering, webbing, and mapping to
webbing, and mapping to present information.
present information. Critically analyse the sample
Critically analyse the writings to find out their
sample writings to find out structure and styles.
their structure and styles.
15. Apply process Apply the stages of process Apply the stages of process
approach to approach (i.e. planning, approach (i.e. planning,
writing for making an outline, making an outline, preparing
producing a preparing the first draft and the first draft and revising,
variety of revising, editing and editing and producing the final
9. Democracy and human democracy, human rights, gender, law and justice, legal
rights awareness, children's rights, women's rights, rights of
senior citizens, non-violence, charity
10. Home life, family and celebrations and social events, friendship, work, family,
social relationships social acceptance, sex education
1. Short stories 7
2. Poems 5
3. Essays 5
Total 20
Based on the above genres, different types of reading and writing tasks should be developed so
that the students can think more independently, work creatively and develop a good foundation for
the university level education.
The tasks incorporated in this part will focus on:
literary devices used in the texts
comprehension questions (short and long: literature-based reading, reading between the
lines, appreciation of texts, interpretation of texts)
writing a summary
describing the character
comparing and contrasting
critical and creative writing
4.2 Writing
Grade 11 Grade 12
1. Paragraphs 1. Paragraphs
2. Personal letters (letters to friends and 2. Formal letters (letters to the editors, job
Grade 11 Grade 12
4. 5. Grammar
The grammar part of the curriculum will include the following topics:
a. Adjectives and adverbs
b. Concord/subject verb agreement
c. Prepositions
d. Modal auxiliaries
e. Tense and aspects
f. Infinitives and gerunds
g. Conjunctions,
h. Relative clause
i. Voice
j. Reported speech
S. N. Areas Marks
1. Participation 3
2 Listening test 6
3 Speaking test 10
Total marks 25
1. Reading 35
2. Writing 25
3. Grammar 10
4. Vocabulary 5
Total marks 75
1. Participation 3
This covers students’ attendance, participation in
classroom activities and their performance on classwork,
homework and project works assigned to them. The
teacher needs to maintain the record of students. The
same record is to be consulted to award the marks for this
!= kl/ro
lzIffnfO{ 1fg, l;k, clej[lQ, g]t[Tjsnf cfh{g ug]{, ;dfnf]rgfTds ljZj b[li6sf]0fsf] cfwf/df ;dfhsf 36gf
kl/36gfsf] JofVof ug]{ / ;dfh ¿kfGt/0fdf dxŒjk"0f{ of]ubfg ug]{ ;fwgsf] ¿kdf lnOG5 . lzIffnfO{ ;do;fk]If
agfpg o;nfO{ ;d'bfo;Fu hf]8\g'kb{5 . JolStn] cfkm", kl/jf/, ;dfh, /fi6« / ljZj kl/j]z;Fu ;fd~h:o sfod ub{}
;dofg's"n, :jR5, :j:y / dof{lbt hLjg lgjf{xsf nflu lj|mofzLn /xg zf/Ll/s, dfgl;s tyf ;+j]utTds
Joj:yfkg ug{' cfjZos x'G5 . dfgj hLjgnfO{ ;xh, pGgt Pjd\ ;';+:s[t agfpg / ;fdflhs ;DaGwx¿nfO{
Gofok"0f{, ;f}xfb{|k"0f{ Pjd\ ;xof]ufTds agfpFb} n}hfg lzIffsf] dxŒjk"0f{ e"ldsf x'G5 . ;dfhnfO{ ;d'Gglt /
;Eotftkm{ cl3 a9fpg] Pp6f k|efjsf/L dfWodsf ¿kdf lzIffnfO{ lnOG5 . ljZjdf 1fg, lj1fg / k|ljlwnufot
/fhgLlt, cy{tGq, ;+:s[lt / ;fdflhs ;DaGwx¿df ;d]t kl/jt{gx¿ cfO/x]sf x'G5g\ . o:tf kl/jt{gnfO{ ;Daf]wg
ug{ ;d'bfonfO{ lzIffsf] kf7\oj|mdsf ¿kdf lnO{ l;sfOsf sfo{x¿ ;~rfng ug'{kb{5 . ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ ljBfno
txb]lv g} ;dfh / jftfj/0f;Fu cGt/lj|mof ug]{ cj;/ k|bfg ug{' klg cfjZos 5 . o:t} lszf]/lszf]/Ldf pTkGg
x'g] låljwfx¿ Joj:yfkg u/L sfo{d"ns hLjgdf k|j]z ubf{ cfjZos kg]{ hLjgf]kof]uL l;kx¿ ljBfno txd}
xfl;n u/fpg' cf}lrTok"0f{ x'G5 . ljBfno lzIffsf] /fli6«o kf7\oj|md k|f¿k, @)&^ cg';f/ sIff !! / sIff !@ sf
ljBfyL{x¿df ;dfhsf] cWoog;lxt hLjgf]kof]uL l;k ljsf; u/fO{ dfgjLo d"No / dfGotf;lxt nf]stflGqs
;dfhdf cg's"ng x'g ;Sg] ;Ifd gful/s tof/ kfg]{ p2]Zon] ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffsf] of]
kf7\oj|md tof/ ul/Psf] 5 .
o; kf7\oj|mddf ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffsf] cjwf/0ff, ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffsf]
cGt/;DaGw / ljlw, hLjgf]kof]uL l;k, dfgj ;dfhsf] pb\ej / ljsf;, ;dfhsf] ljsf; / bz{g, e"uf]n /
;fdflhs hLjg, ljZj / g]kfnsf] Oltxf;, ;fdflhs klxrfg / ljljwtf, ;+ljwfg / gful/s ;r]tgf, a:tL,
hGf;ª\Vof / ljsf;, ;x/Ls/0f / a;fOF;/fO, lzIff / ljsf;, :jf:Yo ;]jf / ;fdflhs ljsf;, cy{tGq / ljsf;
/ ;d;fdlos 36gfh:tf ljifo ;d]l6Psf] 5 . o; kf7\oj|mdn] 1fg, l;k, clej[lQ / d"Nosf] ljsf;df hf]8
lbPsfn] cWoog cWofkgdf ;}4flGtseGbf Jofjxfl/s / k|of]ufTds kIfdf a9L hf]8 lbg'kg]{ x'G5 . o; ljifosf
nflu ;fKtflxs % kf7\o306f / jflif{s s'n !^) sfo{306f 5'6\ofOPsf] 5 . ljifoj:t'df !@) sfo{306fsf] ;}4flGts
tyf $) sfo{306fsf] Jofjxfl/s cEof; ;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 . d"Nofª\sgnfO{ lzIf0fl;sfO k|lj|mofsf] cleGg
cª\usf ¿kdf k|of]u ug'{kg]{ kIfnfO{ hf]8 lbOPsf] 5 . o;sf nflu ljBfyL{df cfjZos ;fdflhs tyf
hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffsf 1fg, l;k, clej[lQ / d"Nox¿ xfl;n ePgePsf] k/LIf0f x'g] u/L d"Nofª\sgsf ljleGg ljlw
tyf ;fwgx¿ lgdf{0f tyf k|of]u ug{'kb{5 . d"Nofª\sg k|lj|mofnfO{ ;xhLs/0f ug{sf nflu d"Nofª\sgsf cfwf/;d]t
o; kf7\oj|mddf ;dfj]z ul/Psf] 5 .
o; kf7\oj|mddf kl/ro, ljifout ¿kdf ck]lIft 1fg, l;k, clej[lQ, d"No / sfo{ tTk/tfnfO{ ;d]6L To;sf]
lj|mofTds :j¿kdf ;Ifdtf lgwf{/0f ul/Psf] 5 . l;sfOsf] :t/ / ;Ifdtfsf] ljlzi6Ls[t lj:t[tLs/0f tyf cl3Nnf
sIff;Fu nDaLo ;Gt'ng / cGo ljifo;Fusf] lIflthLo ;Gt'ngsf cfwf/df ljifoj:t'sf] If]q / j|md lgwf{/0f ul/Psf]
5 . ljifout ljlzi6kg / df}lnstfnfO{ ;d]6L l;sfO ;xhLs/0fsf ljlw tyf k|lj|mof k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 . o;df
cfGtl/s / / afx\o d"Nofª\sgsf ljlw tyf k|lj|mof;d]t pNn]v u/L ljBfyL{ d"Nofª\sgnfO{ Jojl:yt ul/Psf] 5 .
1. ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL 1. ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffsf] cGt/;DaGw
lzIffsf] cy{, :j¿k / dxŒj atfpg pNn]v ug{
2. ;fdflhs cWoog, ;fdflhs lzIff / 2. hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff, hLjgf]kof]uL l;k / :j:y
;fdflhs lj1fgsf] cGt/;DaGw vf]hL hLjgz}nLlarsf] cGt/;DaGw klxrfg ug{
ug{ 3. ;fdflhs cWoog / hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffdfdf k|of]u x'g] ljlw,
3. ;fdflhs cWoogsf l;k / hLjgf]kof]uL tYofª\s, ;"rgfsf] kl/ro / cGt/;DaGw atfpg
l;ksf] cjwf/0ff pNn]v ug{ 4. ;fdflhs cWoogdf ;x;DaGw tyf sfo{sf/0f ;DaGwsf]
4. l8lh6n ;fIf/tfsf cfwf/e"t l;kx¿ cjwf/0ff atfpg / k|of]u ug{
b}lgs tyf JOfj;flos hLjgdf k|of]u 5. cWoog k|:tfjgf tof/ ubf{ Wofglbg'kg]{ kIfx¿ jtfpg /
ug{ cWoog k|:tfjgfsf] ;fdfGo vfsf sf]g{
5. ;~rf/ Pjd\ l8lh6n PlKns];gx¿sf] 6. ;fdflhs cWoogsf nflu ;d:ofsf] klxrfg / cWoog
Jofjxfl/s k|of]u ug{ ljlwsf] rog ug{
6. OG6/g]6sf] k|of]uaf6 ;"rgf, tYofª\s, 7. ;fdflhs cWoog / hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffdf tYof+s ;+sng
cWoog ;fdu|Lsf] vf]hL / pt/bfoL Pjd\ ljZn]if0fsf ;fwgsf] k|of]u / k|:t't ug{
8. hLjgf]kof]uL l;ksf] P]ltxfl;s k[i7e"ld atfpg / juL{s/0f
!= ;fdflhs !=! ;fdflhs cWoog tyf % != ;fdflhs tyf !=! ;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL $
tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffsf] cy{, hLjgf]kof]uL lzIffsf] cGt/;DaGw
hLjgf]kof]uL :j¿k - nature_ / dxŒj lzIffsf] cjwf/0ff !=@ hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff, hLjgf]kof]uL
lzIffsf] l;k / :j:y hLjgz}nLlarsf]
cjwf/0ff !=@ ;fdflhs cWoog, ;fdflhs
lzIff / ;fdflhs lj1fgsf] cGt/;DaGw
leGgtf / cGt/;DaGw !=@=! k"lj{o lrGtg k/Dk/f / e}/x]sf
!=# ;fdflhs cWoogsf l;k / cEof;
hLjgf]kof]uL l;ksf] cjwf/0ff !+=@=@ kfZrfTo lrGtg k/Dk/f /
jt{dfg cEof;
@=hLjgf]kof] @=! b}lgs tyf Jofj;flos hLjgdf !@ @=hLjgf]kof]uL @=! cg';Gwfg kl/ro !^
uL l;ksf] cfjZos l8lh6n ;fIf/tfsf l;ksf] ¿kdf ;fdflhs cWoogdf k|of]u x'g]
¿kdf cfwf/e"t l;kx¿ l8lh6n l;kx¿ ljlw, tYofª\s, ;"rgfsf] kl/ro,
l8lh6n @=!=! sDKo'6/ tyf lk|G6/sf] k|of]u tyf ;fdfGo logLx¿lar km/s / cGt/;DaGw
l;kx¿ tyf cg';Gwfg l;k
;fdfGo @=!=@ ;~rf/ PlKns];gx¿sf] k|of]u @=@ ;fdflhs cWoogdf ;x;DaGw
cg';Gwfg -a|fph/sf] k|of]u, OG6/g]6;Fu tyf sfo{sf/0f ;DaGwsf]
l;k ;Dks{ :yfkgf, JolStut vftf cjwf/0ff
tof/ ug]{, ;'/lIft kf;j8{sf] @=# cWoog k|:tfjgfsf] ;+/rgf
k|of]u, Od]n k7fpg] / lng], @=$ n]vgsfo{df c?sf] n]v/rgfsf]
Od]ndf ;fdu|L ;+nUg ug]{, cGo k|of]u ubf{ Wofg lbg'kg]{ g}lts
;fdflhs ;~hfnsf ;fwgsf] kIfx¿
;'/lIft k|of]u_
@=% ;fdflhs cWoogsf nflu ;d:of
@=!=# cgnfOg k]d]G6 PsfpG6 tof/L lgdf{0f / cWoog ljlw rog -;e]{,
/ k|of]u cGtjftf{, If]q cjnf]sg_
@=!=$ l8lh6n PlKns];gsf] k|of]u @=^ ;fdflhs tYofª\s / ;"rgf
u/L 3/, sfof{no, c:ktfn, ;ª\sngsf ljlw / ;fwgx¿ -
oftfoft ;]jf lng ;Sg] l;kx¿ l8lh6n ;fwgsf] ;d]t k|of]u h:t}
@=@ OG6/g]6sf] k|of]uaf6 ;"rgf, u'un ;e]{ kmd{, ;fdflhs ;~hfn,
64 dfWolds lzIff kf7\oj|md, @)&& -;fdflhs cWoog tyf hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff_
tYofª\s, cWoog ;fdu|Lsf] sdl;{on ;km\6j]o/ k|of]u kl/ro_
vf]hL / k|of]u @=& tYofª\s tyf ;"rgfsf] ljZn]if0f
@=# OG6/g]6 / ;fdflhs ;~hfnsf] / k|:t'tLs/0f
pQ/bfoL k|of]u-;fOa/ sfg'g, -PS;]n jf o:t} cGo ;fwgdf
ck/fwsf] hfgsf/L;lxt_ 8f6f OG6«L ug]{, tflnsf, u|fkm,
rf6{df 8f6fsf] k|:t'lt ug]{_
@=* PS;]n jf o:t} cGo ;fwgsf]
k|of]uaf6 ljleGg :k|]8l;6x¿
tof/ ug]{ tyf cf};t, dWos,
ax'nfª\s, tYofª\ssf] km}nfj6
cflbsf] u0fgfaf6 tYofª\ssf]
ljZn]if0f ug]{
@=( zflAbs hfgsf/LnfO{ k|:t't ug]{
#= #=! hLjgkof]uL l;ksf] kl/ro / @! #=hLjgf]kof]uL l;k #=! hLjgf]kof]uL l;ksf] P]ltxfl;s @!
hLjgf]kof]uL o;sf] juL{s/0f k[i7e"ld, juL{s/0f / cEof;
l;k #=!=! ;dfnf]rgfTds lrGtg
#=!=! lg0f{o k|lj|mof(Descision
making) (Critical thinking)
-s_ lg0f{osf]] kl/ro / k|sf/ -s_ cy{ / dxŒj
-v_ lg0f{o k|lj|mofsf r/0f, k|of]u / -v_ ;dfnf]rgfTds lrGtgdf k|of]u x'g]
cEof; l;kx¿
-u_ lg0f{odf clg0fL{t x'g] cj:yfsf] -u_ cfTdfnf]rgf / :j¿kfGt/0f
klxrfg -3_ sfo{ tyf 36gfsf] ;dfnf]rgfTds
#=!=@ ;d:of ;dfwfg (Problem lrGtg ljsf; / cEof;
solving) #=!=@ l;h{gfTds lrGtg (Creative
-s_ ;d:ofsf] kl/ro / klxrfg thinking)
-v_ ;d:of ;dfwfgsf r/0f -s_ cy{ / ljz]iftf
-u_ ;d:of ;dfwfgsf] Jofjxfl/s -v_ r/0f
cEof; -u_ l;h{gfTds lrGtgsf] cEof;
#=!=# ;~rf/ -Communication_ #=!=# ;dfg'e"lt -Empathy_
-s_ ;~rf/ l;ksf] klxrfg / k|sf/ -s_ cy{, d"n tŒj / lsl;d
-v_ ;~rf/sf cj/f]wx¿ -v_ l;k ljsf; / cEof;
-u_ k|efjsf/L ;~rf/ / k|efjsf/L #=!=$ cfTdaf]w -Self-awarness)
-s_ cfTdaf]wsf] cy{, dxŒj / tl/sf /
-3_ k|efjsf/L ;~rf/sf dfWod / cEof;
-v_ cfTdd"Nofª\sgsf] cy{, tl/sf,
-ª_ ;fdflhs ;~hfnsf] ;b'kof]u dxŒj / k|of]u
#=!=$ tgfj Joj:yfkg (Stress #=!=% ;+j]u Joj:yfkg (Emotion
management) management)
-s_ tgfjsf] cy{, l;lh{t cj:Yff / -s_ ;+j]u / ;+j]u Joj:yfkgsf]
c;/ cjwf/0ff, l;k / pkfox¿
-v_ tgfj Joj:yfkgsf pkfox¿ M -v_ lszf]/fj:yfsf ;+j]u / o;sf]
$=dfgj $=! Dffgjhfltsf] pb\ej / dfgj !@ $= ;dfhsf] ljsf; =$=! jt{dfg ljZjsf ;fdflhs !@
;dfhsf] ;dfhsf] ljsf;qmd / bz{g ljljwtf / ljz]iftf -wd{, ;+:s[lt,
pb\ej / $=!=! 9'ª\u] o'usf] hLjg k4lt snf / efiff_
ljsf; $=@ ;fdflhs ;DaGwx¿sf] ljsf; /
$=!=@ s[lif o''usf] ;'?cft / ljsf;
;fdflhs cGt/lge{/tf
$=!=# k'FhLjfbL o'u, cf}Bf]lus o'u -
ljZj_ / To;sf] k|efj $=# hLjg bz{g, ;fdflhs
d"NodfGotfx¿ / ;fdflhs
$=@ jt{dfg ljZj kl/j]z / Jojxf/
;fdflhs Jojxf/
$=#=! bz{gsf] cy{, ljleGg
ljZjb[li6sf]0fsf] af]w / hLjg
bz{g kl/ro
$=#=@ ljleGg ljZjb[li6sf]0faf6 a'lemg]
hLjg / hut\ -;dfh, ljljwtf /
;fdflhs ;DaGw_
$=#=# ;dtfd"ns ljZjb[li6sf]0f
$=$ b}lgs hLjgdf bz{gsf] pkof]lutf
$=% ;d'bfodf cfPsf kl/jt{g /
;fdflhs ¿kfGt/0f
%= e"uf]n / %=! ljZjsf] ef}uf]lns lrgf/L / !^ %= e"uf]n / %=! g]kfnsf k|zf;lgs k|b]zsf] kl/ro !*
;fdflhs ljZj dfglrqdf g]kfn ;fdflhs hLjg / ltgsf ljz]iftfx¿
hLjg %=@ dfgj / jftfj/0flarsf] ;DaGw %=!=! ef}uf]lns
M kl/ro, klxrfg / k|:t'lt %=!=@ hg;fª\lVos
%=# ef}uf]lns ljljwtfn] ;dfhdf %=!=# cfly{s
*=;+ljwfg / *=! g]kfnsf] clw/fHosf] ;+ljwfg !@ *=;+ljwfg / *=! ;ª\3Lo, k|fb]lzs / :yfgLo !@
gful/s @)$& / g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfgsf] Gfful/s ;r]tgf ;/sf/x¿sf] u7g k|lj|mof, sfd,
;r]tgf k|:tfjgfsf] t'ngf st{Jo, clwsf/ / cGt/;DaGw
*=@ Gf]kfnsf] ;+ljwfgsf] /fhgLlts, *=@ gful/s clwsf/, st{Jo /
sfg'gL, cfly{s / ;f+:s[lts pQ/bfloTj
ljz]iftfx¿ *=# lszf]/lszf]/Lsf st{Jo /
*=# g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg / lgjf{rg clwsf/
k|0ffnL *=$ d'n'sL ;+lxtfsf] Jofjxfl/s kIf
*=$ /fi6«, /fli6«otf / /fli6«o *=% ;"rgfsf] xs / o;sf] sfof{Gjog
;'/Iffsf] cjwf/0ff
*=^ ;bfrf/ / ;fdflhs hjfkmb]xL
!)= cy{tGq !)=! g]kfnsf] cy{tGqsf cfwf/ / !^ !) cy{tGq / !)=! g]kfnsf] cGt/f{li6«o ;DaGw, !*
/ ljsf; ljz]iftfx¿M s[lif, ko{6g, pBf]u ljsf; cy{tGq / ljsf;
/ Jofkf/ !)=!=! g]kfnsf] ljb]z gLltsf cwf/ /
!)=@ g]kfnsf] cy{tGqdf ;fj{hlgs, cGt/f{li6o ;DaGw -ef/t, lrg /
lghL, ;xsf/L If]qsf] tLg vDa] cGo ljZj;DaGw_
gLltsf]] dxŒj !)=!=@ cy{tGq / g]kfnsf] j}b]lzs
!)=# ljk|]if0f / g]kfnL cy{tGq ;DaGw
!)=$ g]kfnL ;dfhdf ljBdfg cfly{s !)=!=# g]kfnsf] ef/t / lrg;Fusf]
lj|mofsnfk tyf cf}krfl/s / ;fdflhs ;f+:s[lts / cfly{s
cgf}krfl/s cfly{s sf/f]af/ ;DaGw
k4ltx¿ !)=@ j}bl] zs Jofkf/ ;Gt'ng / 3f6f
!)=% s[lif, pBf]u, lgdf{0f / ;fdflhs !)=# g]kfnsf] j}b]lzs >d;DaGwL
If]qsf] g]kfnL cy{tGqdf k|efj gLlt
!)=^ >d zlSt, /f]huf/ /
!)=$ If]qLo, j}lZjs ;ª\u7gsf]
!)=& ;/sf/L ljQM ;|f]t, ljt/0f / ;fdflhs cfly{s e"ldsf
;fdflhs ljsf;
!)=$=! :ffs{ (SAARC)
!)=$=@ laD:6]s (BIMSTEC)
!)=$=# ljZj Jofkf/ ;ª\u7g
!)=$=$ ;fkm\6f
!)=%= cfly{s j[l4, dfgj ljsf; tyf
lbuf] ljsf; cjwf/0ffdf g]kfnsf]
cfly{s ljsf;
!)=^= g]kfndf ul/aL rj|m /
;Daf]wgsf pkfox¿
!)=& lgDglnlvt If]q;Fu ;DalGwt
/fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o :t/sf
;d;fdlos 36gfx¿
-s_ lzIff
-v_ lj1fg tyf k|ljlw
-u_ /fhgLlt
-3_ cy{tGq
-ª_ ;dfh
%= ljifoIf]q / kf7\o306f
sIff !! sIff !@
!)=cy{tGq / tkfOF{sf] ;d'bfodf jf l5d]sLsf] s[lif / pBf]u, Jofkf/ Joj;fosf] cj:yf klxrfg u/L
ljsf; To;n] tkfO{F / l5d]sLsf] kfl/jfl/s hLjg:t/ / /fli6«o cy{tGqdf k'¥ofPsf] of]ubfg
;d]6L sfo{kq k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
tkfO{Fsf] ;d'bfodf ;kmn pBdLnfO{ e]6L lghn] pBdzLntfsf] k|jw{gsf nflu u/]sf
pbfx/0Lfo sfo{x¿sf] ljj/0f / pxfFsf] cg'ej ;d]t ;d]6L k|ltj]bg tof/ kfg'{xf];\ /
sIffdf k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
!!=:jf:Yo / :j:y hLjg ofkg ug{sf nflu tkfO{Fn] cjnDag u/]sf pkfox¿ s] s] x'g\ < To;af6
;fdflhs ljsf; tkfO{Fdf s] s:tf ;sf/fTds kl/jt{g cfP < cfkm\gf] cg'ej ;d]6L n]v tof/ kf/L
sIffdf k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
sIff !@
ljifoIf]q lj|mofsnfkx¿
!=;fdflhs cWoog lbOPsf] ;"rgf kmf/fddf cfkm\gf] sIffsf !) hgf ;fyLx¿sf] b]xfosf] ljj/0f tof/
tyf hLjgf]kof]uL kf/L tflnsfdf b]vfpg'xf];\ / k];f / hGd:yfgsf] cfwf/df u|fkm jf rf6{ agfO{
lzIffsf] cWoog ljZn]if0f ug'{xf];\
;fyLsf] hGd:yfg kl/jf/sf ;b:o cleefjsf] k];f
dlxnf k'?if hDdf
@= tkfO{Fn] cWoog ug]{ s'g} Ps ljifo;Fu ;DalGwt /xL cWoog zLif{s, p2]Zo, k|of]hg,
hLjgf]kof]uLl;ksf] ljlw / ;fwg k|:tfjgfsf] 9fFrf tof/ kfg'{xf];\ .
¿kdf l8lh6n
l;kx¿ tyf ;fdfGo tkfOFn { ] cWoog u/]sf] s'g} Ps ;fd'bflos ;d:ofsf] cWoogsf] l;nl;nfdf PS;]n jf
cg';Gwfg l;k o:t} cGo ;fwgdf 8f6f OG6«L ug'{xf];\ / tflnsf, u|fkm, rf6{ ;d]t agfO{ kfj/
kf]OG6dfkm{t sIffdf k|:t'tLs/0f ug'{xf];\ .
#= hLjgf]kof]uL l;k ;dfhdf cfj|mf]z jf cfj]usf sf/0f 36]sf] s'g} Ps 36gfnfO{ cfwf/ agfO{ 36gfsf]
$=dfgj ;dfhsf] tkfO{Fsf] cleefjsnfO{ ;f]wL tkfO{Fsf] kfFr k':tf;Ddsf] kfl/jfl/s j+zfjnL tflnsf jf
pb\ej / ljsf; rf6{ tof/ kfg'{xf];\ / kl/jf/ g} dfgj ;dfh pTklQsf] / ljsf;sf] d"Nf cfwf/ xf]
eGg] ljZn]if0f;lxt Ps jSt[tf sIffdf k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
%=e"uf]n / ;fdflhs tkfO{F a;f]af; ug]{ k|b]z / glhs}sf] k|b]z;Fusf] ef}uf]lns, ;fdflhs ;f+:s[lts /
hLjg cfly{s ;dfgtf / leGgtf vf]h u/L k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
tkfOF{ /x]sf] :yfgLo txdf x'g ;Sg] ;DefJo ljkt\sf] cj:yf klxrfg ug'{xf];\ . ;f]
ljkt\sf ;DefJo sf/0fx¿ ;d]t vf]hL ug'{xf];\ / ;f] ljkt\sf] /f]syfdsf] nflu s;sf]
s] e"ldsf /xG5 < ;'emfj ;d]t ;d]6L Ps k|ltj]bg tof/ kfg'{xf];\ .
^=g]kfnsf] Oltxf; lj=;+ @))& b]lv xfn;DDfsf s'g} bz d'Vo d'Vo P]ltxfl;s 36gfnfO{ ;do/]vfdf
b]vfpg'xf];\ / k|bz{g kf6Ldf k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
&=;fdlfhs tkfOF{ a;f]af; ug]{ ;dfhdf s'g s'g hft hfltsf] a;f]jf; 5 < ltgsf] ljj/0f tof/
klxrfg / ljljwtf kfg'{xf]; / ltgLx¿sf lardf s] s:tf ;fdflhs cfly{s ;dfgtf jf c;dfgtf 5g\<
;f]wvf]h ug'{xf];\ / ;dfgtf sfod ug{ s] s] k|of; ePsf 5g\ / ca s] s] ug'{kb{5 <
;"rL tof/ u/L k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
g]kfndf dlxnf clwsf/ / n}ª\lus ;dfj]zLs/0fsf nflu ePsf k|of;x¿nfO{ ;do
/]vfdf b]vfpg'xf];\
ckfª\tf ePsf JolStx¿nfO{ cfjZos kg]{ ;xof]u / pTyfgsf nflu ug'{kg]{ sfo{
;d]6]/ ;+jfb jf gf6s tof/ u/L clego ug'{xf];\ .
*=;+ljwfg / ædtbfg ug'{ gful/ssf] st{Jo xf] eg] dtflwsf/sf] k|of]u u/L of]Uo pDd]bjf/nfO{
Gfful/s ;r]tgf lgjf{lrt ug'{ c;n gful/ssf] st{Jo xf]]Æ eGg] ljifodf jSt[tf tof/ u/L sIffdf
k|:t't ug'{xf];\ .
sIffdf /x]sf ljBfyL{x¿n] ;d"x agfO{ clwsf/ / st{Jolarsf] ;DaGwsf] 5nkmn
ug'{xf];\ / rf6{ agfO{ sIffdf k|:t't ug{'xf];\ .
!)=cy{tGq / ljsf; g]kfnsf] j}b]lzs Jofkf/ ;Gt'ng / 3f6f ;DaGwfdf Ps n]v tof/ kf/L sIffdf k|:t't
ug'{xf];\ .
/fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o :t/df 36]sf s'g} b'O{ ;d;fdlos 36gfsf] ;ª\sng u/L
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/xG5 . ljBfyL{x¿nfO{ u/ / l;s clg l;s / u/ eGg] wf/0ffsf] clej[l4 u/fpg' ;fdflhs cWoog tyf
hLjgf]kof]uL lzIff ljifosf] d"n nIo xf] . lszf]/lszf]/L cfkm}Fn] u/]/ l;s]sf s'/fdf ljZjf; u5{g\ . dgdf ljZjf;
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:ynut e|d0f, 36gf cWoog, ;dfnf]rgfTds lrGtg h:tf ljBfyL{s]lGb|t lzIf0f ljlwx¿ k|of]u ug{'k5{ .
Grades: 11 and 12 Subject code: Mat. 007 (Grade 11), Mat. 008 (Grade 12)
Credit hrs: 5 Working hrs: 160
1. Introduction
Mathematics is an indispensable in many fields. It is essential in the field of engineering,
medicine, natural sciences, finance and other social sciences. The branch of mathematics
concerned with application of mathematical knowledge to other fields and inspires new
mathematical discoveries. The new discoveries in mathematics led to the development of entirely
new mathematical disciplines. School mathematics is necessary as the backbone for higher study
in different disciplines. Mathematics curriculum at secondary level is the extension of mathematics
curriculum offered in lower grades (1 to 10).
This course of Mathematics is designed for grade 11 and 12 students as an optional subject as per
the curriculum structure prescribed by the National Curriculum Framework, 2076. This course will
be delivered using both the conceptual and theoretical inputs through demonstration and
presentation, discussion, and group works as well as practical and project works in the real world
context. Calculation strategies and problem solving skills will be an integral part of the delivery.
This course includes different contents like; Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry, Vectors,
Statistics and Probability, Calculus, Computational Methods and Mechanics or Mathematics for
Economics and Finance.
Student’s content knowledge in different sectors of mathematics with higher understanding is
possible only with appropriate pedagogical skills of their teachers. So, classroom teaching must be
based on student-centered approaches like project work, problem solving etc.
2. Level-wise Competencies
On completion of this course, students will have the following competencies:
1. use basic properties of elementary functions and their inverse including linear, quadratic,
reciprocal, polynomial, rational, absolute value, exponential, logarithm, sine, cosine and
tangent functions.
2. use principles of elementary logic to find the validity of statement and also acquire
knowledge of matrix, sequence and series, and combinatory.
3. identify and derive equations or graphs for lines, circles, parabolas, ellipses, and
hyperbolas, and identify the plane and its properties in space.
4. make connections and present the relationships between abstract algebraic structures with
familiar number systems such as the integers, real numbers and complex numbers.
5. articulate personal values of statistics and probability in everyday life.
6. use vectors and mechanics in day to day life.
7. apply derivatives to determine the nature of the function and determine the maxima and
minima of a function in daily life context.
8. explain anti-derivatives as an inverse process of derivative and use them in various
9. apply numerical methods to solve algebraic equation and calculate definite integrals and
use simplex method to solve linear programming problems (LPP).
10. use relative motion, Newton’s laws of motion in solving related problems.
11. develop proficiency in application of mathematics in economics and finance.
3. Grade-wise Learning Outcomes
On completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Algebra 1.1 acquaint with logical 1.1 solve the problems related to
connectives and use them. permutation and combinations.
1.2 construct truth tables. 1.2 state and prove binomial
1.3 prove set identities. theorems for positive integral
1.4 state field axioms, order axioms
of real numbers. 1.3 state binomial theorem for any
index (without proof).
1.5 define interval and absolute
value of real numbers. 1.4 find the general term and
binomial coefficient.
1.6 interpret real numbers
geometrically. 1.5 use binomial theorem in
application to approximation.
1.7 define domain and range of a
function, inverse function 1.6 define Euler's number.
composite function. 1.7 Expand ex, ax and log(1+x)
1.8 find domain and range of a using binomial theorem.
function. 1.8 define binary operation and
1.9 find inverse function of given apply binary operation on sets
invertible function. of integers.
1.11 define odd and even functions, 1.10 define group, finite
periodicity of a function, group, infinite group and
monotonicity of a function. abelian group.
2. Trigonometr 2.1 solve the problems using 2.1 define inverse circular
y properties of a triangle (sine law, functions.
cosine law, tangent law, establish the relations on
projection laws, half angle laws). inverse circular functions.
2.2 solve the triangle(simple cases) 2.2 find the general solution of
trigonometric equations
3. Analytic 3.1 find the length of perpendicular 3.1 obtain standard equation of
geometry from a given point to a given ellipse and hyperbola.
line. 3.2 find direction ratios and
3.2 find the equation of bisectors of direction cosines of a line.
the angles between two straight 3.3 find the general equation of a
lines. plane.
3.3 write the condition of general 3.4 find equation of a plane in
equation of second degree in x intercept and normal form.
and y to represent a pair of
straight lines. 3.5 find the equation of plane
through three given points.
3.4 find angle between pair of lines
and bisectors of the angles 3.6 find the equation of geometric
between pair of lines given by plane through the intersection
homogenous second degree of two given planes.
equation in x and y. 3.7 find angle between two
3.5 solve the problems related to geometric planes.
condition of tangency of a line at 3.8 write the conditions of parallel
a point to the circle. and perpendicular planes.
3.6 find the equations of tangent and 3.9 find the distance of a point
normal to a circle at given point. from a plane.
3.7 find the standard equation of
3.8 find the equations of tangent and
normal to a parabola at given
4. Vectors 4.1 identify collinear and non- 4.1 define vector product of two
collinear vectors; coplanar and vectors, interpretation vector
non-coplanar vectors. product geometrically.
4.2 write linear combination of 4.2 solve the problems using
vectors. properties of vector product.
4.3 find scalar product of two 4.3 apply vector product in
vectors. geometry and trigonometry.
4.4 find angle between two vectors.
4.5 interpret scalar product of vectors
4.6 apply properties of scalar product
of vectors in trigonometry and
5. Statistics and 5.1 calculate the measures of 5.1 calculate correlation coefficient
Probability dispersion (standard deviation). by Karl Pearson's method.
5.2 calculate variance, coefficient of 5.2 calculate rank correlation
variation and coefficient of coefficient by Spearman
skewness. method.
5.3 define random experiment, 5.3 interpret correlation
sample space, event, equally coefficient.
likely cases, mutually exclusive 5.4 obtain regression line of y on x
events, exhaustive cases, and x on y.
favorable cases, independent
and dependent events. 5.5 solve the simple problems of
probability using
5.4 find the probability using two combinations.
basic laws of probability.
5.6 solve the problems related to
conditional probability.
5.7 use binomial distribution and
calculate mean and standard
deviation of binomial
6. Calculus 6.1 define limits of a function. 6.1 find the derivatives of inverse
6.2 identify indeterminate forms. trigonometric, exponential and
logarithmic functions by
6.3 apply algebraic properties of definition.
6.2 establish the relationship
6.4 evaluate limits by using theorems between continuity and
on limits of algebraic, differentiability.
trigonometric, exponential and
logarithmic functions. 6.3 differentiate the hyperbolic
function and inverse
6.5 define and test continuity of a hyperbolic function
6.4 evaluate the limits by
6.6 define and classify L'hospital's rule (for 0/0, ∞/∞).
6.5 find the tangent and normal by
6.7 interpret derivatives using derivatives.
6.6 interpret geometrically and
6.8 find the derivatives, derivative verify Rolle's theorem and
of a function by first principle Mean Value theorem.
(algebraic, trigonometric
exponential and logarithmic 6.7 find the anti-derivatives of
functions). standard integrals, integrals
reducible to standard forms
6.9 find the derivatives by using and rational function (using
rules of differentiation (sum, partial fractions also).
difference, constant multiple,
chain rule, product rule, 6.8 solve the differential equation
quotient rule, power and of first order and first degree
general power rules). by separable variables,
homogenous, linear and exact
6.10 find the derivatives of differential equation.
parametric and implicit
6.11 calculate higher order
6.12 check the monotonicity of a
function using derivative.
6.13 find extreme values of a
6.14 find the concavity of function
by using derivative.
6.15 define integration as reverse of
6.16 evaluate the integral using
basic integrals.
6.17 integrate by substitution and by
integration by parts method.
6.18 evaluate the definite integral.
6.19 find area between two curves.
7. Computation 7.1 describe the basic characteristics 7.1 solve the linear
al methods of numerical computing programming problems
(accuracy, rate of convergence, (LPP) by simplex method
numerical stability and 7.2 solve the system of linear
efficiency), solve algebraic equations by Gauss
equation and transcendental Elimination method (up to 3
equation by bisection method and variables)
by Newton-Raphson method and
find approximate error by these
7.2 integrate numerically by
trapezoidal rule and Simpson's
8. Mechanics 8.1 find resultant forces by 8.1 find the resultant of like and
parallelogram of forces. unlike parallel forces/vectors.
8.2 solve the problems related to 8.2 solve the problems related to
composition and resolution of Newton's laws of motion and
forces. projectile.
8.3 obtain resultant of coplanar
forces/vectors acting on a point.
8.4 solve the forces/vectors related
problems using triangle laws of
forces and Lami’s theorem.
8.5 solve the problems of motion of
particle in a straight line, motion
with uniform acceleration,
motion under the gravity, motion
in a smooth inclined plane. Or
axioms, interval, things all different,
absolute value, Properties of combination
1.2 Binomial Theorem:
representation of real Binomial theorem for a
numbers. positive integral index,
1.3 Function: Review, general term, Binomial
domain & range of a coefficient, Binomial
function, Inverse theorem for any index
function, composite (without proof), application
function, functions of to approximation, Euler's
special type, number, Expansion of
algebraic (linear, 𝑒 𝑥 , 𝑎 𝑥 and log(1+x) (without
quadratic & cubic), proof)
1.3 Elementary Group Theory:
Binary operation, Binary
operation on sets of integers
1.4 Curve sketching: and their properties,
odd and even Definition of a group, finite
functions, periodicity and infinite groups.
of a function, Uniqueness of identity,
symmetry (about Uniqueness of inverse,
origin, x-and y-axis), Cancelation law, Abelian
monotonicity of a group.
function, sketching
1.4 Complex numbers: De
graphs of Moivre's theorem and its
polynomials and
application in finding the
some rational
roots of a complex number,
properties of cube roots of
𝑎 𝑥 2 −𝑎2 , 𝑎 unity. Euler's formula.
( , ,a𝑥 2 + 𝑏𝑥 +
𝑥 𝑥−𝑎 𝑥+𝑎
𝑐, 𝑎𝑥 ), Trigonometric, 1.5 Quadratic equation: Nature
exponential, logarithmic and roots of a quadratic
function (simple cases equation, Relation between
only) roots and coefficient.
Formation of a quadratic
1.5 Sequence and series: equation, Symmetric roots,
arithmetic, geometric, one or both roots common.
harmonic sequences
and series and their 1.6 Sequence and series:
properties A.M, G.M, Sum of finite natural
H.M and their numbers, sum of squares of
relations, sum of first n-natural numbers, Sum
infinite geometric of cubes of first n- natural
series. numbers, principle of
1.6 Matrices and mathematical induction.
determinants: 1.7 Matrix based system of
Transpose of a matrix linear equation: Solution of
and its properties, a system of linear equations
Minors and cofactors, by Cramer's rule and matrix
Adjoint, Inverse method (row- equivalent and
matrix, Determinant, inverse) up to three
Properties of variables.
determinants (without
1.7 Complex number:
definition imaginary
unit, algebra of
complex numbers,
absolute value
(Modulus) and
conjugate of a
complex numbers and
their properties,
square root of a
complex number,
polar form of
complex numbers.
3.2 Circle: Condition of
tangency of a line at a
point to the circle,
Tangent and normal to
a circle.
3.3 Conic section:
Standard equation of
parabola, equations of
tangent and normal to
a parabola at a given
probability(without cases, conditional probability
proof). (without proof), binomial
distribution, mean and
standard deviation of
binomial distribution
(without proof).
gravity, motion down
a smooth inclined
atics for
Economi 8.3 Mathematics for
cs and economics and
Finance finance:
Mathematical Models
and Functions,
Demand and supply,
Cost, Revenue, and
profit functions,
Elasticity of demand,
supply and income ,
Budget and Cost
Equilibrium and break
Total 120
1. Algebra 11
2. Trigonometry 2
3. Analytic geometry 5
4. Vectors 3
6. Calculus 11
7. Computational methods 2
Total 40
1. Represent the binomial theorem of power 1, 2, and 3 separately by using concrete
materials and generalize it with n dimension relating with Pascal's triangle.
2. Take four sets R, Q, Z, N and the binary operations +, ‒, ×. Test which binary operation
forms group or not with R, Q, Z, N.
3. Prepare a model to explore the principal value of the function sin–1x using a unit circle
and present in the classroom.
4. Draw the graph of sin‒1x, using the graph of sin x and demonstrate the concept of mirror
reflection (about the line y = x).
5. Fix a point on the middle of the ceiling of your classroom. Find the distance between that
point and four corners of the floor.
6. Construct an ellipse using a rectangle.
7. Express the area of triangle and parallelogram in terms of vector.
8. Verify geometrically that: 𝑐⃗ × (𝑎⃗ + 𝑏�⃗) = 𝑐⃗ × 𝑎⃗ + 𝑐⃗ × 𝑏�⃗
9. Collect the grades obtained by 10 students of grade 11 in their final examination of
English and Mathematics. Find the correlation coefficient between the grades of two
subjects and analyze the result.
10. Find two regression equations by taking two set of data from your textbook. Find the
point where the two regression equations intersect. Analyze the result and prepare a
11. Find, how many peoples will be there after 5 years in your districts by using the concept
of differentiation.
12. Verify that the integration is the reverse process of differentiation with examples and
13. Correlate the trapezoidal rule and Simpson rule of numerical integration with suitable
14. Identify different applications of Newton's law of motion and related cases in our daily
15. Construct and present Cobweb model and lagged Keynesian macroeconomic model .
6. Learning Facilitation Method and Process
Teacher has to emphasis on the active learning process and on the creative solution of the exercise
included in the textbook rather than teacher centered method while teaching mathematics. Students
need to be encouraged to use the skills and knowledge related to maths in their house,
neighborhood, school and daily activities. Teacher has to analyze and diagnose the weakness of
the students and create appropriate learning environment to solve mathematical problems in the
process of teaching learning.
The emphasis should be given to use diverse methods and techniques for learning facilitation.
However, the focus should be given to those method and techniques that promote students' active
participation in the learning process. The following are some of the teaching methods that can be
used to develop mathematical competencies of the students:
• Inductive and deductive method
• Problem solving method
• Case study
• Project work method
• Question answer and discussion method
• Discovery method/ use of ICT
• Co-operative learning
7. Student Assessment
Evaluation is an integral part of learning process. Both formative and summative evaluation
system will be used to evaluate the learning of the students. Students should be evaluated to assess
the learning achievements of the students. There are two basic purposes of evaluating students in
Mathematics: first, to provide regular feedback to the students and bringing improvement in
student learning-the formative purpose; and second, to identify student's learning levels for
decision making.
a. Internal Examination/Assessment
i. Project Work: Each Student should do one project work from each of eight content areas
and has to give a 15 minute presentation for each project work in classroom. These eight
project works will be documented in a file and will be submitted at the time of final
examination. Out of eight projects, any one should be presented at the time of final
examination by each student.
ii. Mathematical activity: Mathematical activities mean various activities in which
students willingly and purposefully work on Mathematics. Mathematical activities can
include various activities like (i) Hands-on activities (ii) Experimental activities (iii)
physical activities. Each student should do one activity from each of eight content area
(altogether eight activities). These activities will be documented in a file and will be
submitted at the time of final examination. Out of eight activities, any one should be
presented at the time of final examination by each student.
iii. Demonstration of Competency in classroom activity: During teaching learning process
in classroom, students demonstrate 11 competencies through activities. The evaluation of
students' performance should be recorded by subject teacher on the following basis.
• Through mathematical activities and presentation of project works.
• Identifying basic and fundamental knowledge and skills.
• Fostering students' ability to think and express with good perspectives and logically
on matters of everyday life.
• Finding pleasure in mathematical activities and appreciate the value of mathematical
• Fostering and attitude to willingly make use of mathematics in their lives as well as
in their learning.
iv. Marks from trimester examinations: Marks from each trimester examination will be
converted into full marks 3 and calculated total marks of two trimester in each grade.
The weightage for internal assessment are as follows:
3 10 6 6 25
b. External Examination/Evaluation
External evaluation of the students will be based on the written examination at the end of each
grade. It carries 75 percent of the total weightage. The types and number questions will be as per
the test specification chart developed by the Curriculum Development Centre.