Reading Response Rubric: Accurately Demonstrates

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Reading Response Rubric

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The student response The student response The student response The student response does not
accurately demonstrates accurately demonstrates: partially demonstrates: demonstrates:
with higher level:

 Understanding of  Understanding of  Understanding of  Understanding of text

Comprehension text text text  Relevant Details
Key Ideas/Details
 Relevant Details  Relevant Details  Relevant Details  Specific text-based
Text - Based
 Specific text-based  Specific text-based  Specific text-based examples or citations
examples and examples or citations examples or citations  Support of reader’s
citations  Support of reader’s  Support of reader’s examples/position
(What the  Support of reader’s examples/position examples/position
response states) examples/position

 Awareness of task,  Awareness of task,  Awareness of task,  Awareness of task,

Development of purpose, audience purpose, audience purpose, audience purpose, audience
Ideas  Effectively applies  Application of key  Application of key  Application of key
key vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary
(How the
 Clear reasoning  Clear reasoning  Clear reasoning  Clear reasoning
response is
 Logical organization  Logical organization  Logical organization  Logical organization

Conventions  Clear presentation  Clear presentation  Clear presentation  Clear presentation

of Writing  Command of  Command of  Command of  Command of grammar,
grammar, mechanics, grammar, mechanics, grammar, mechanics, mechanics, usage errors
(How the usage usage usage errors  Response protocol
response looks)
 Response protocol  Response protocol  Response protocol

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