Art Appreciation Post Modern Art (Reinamie Dayrit)

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Instructions: Compare and contrast the following art styles.

Installation and Conceptual Art

Environmental Art or Earthwork

Performance Art

Computer or Digital Art

Installation and conceptual art, environmental art or earthwork, performance art,

and computer or digital art are all art styles of postmodern art. That means it was developed
in the mid-to-late 20th century across arts and architecture marking a departure from
modernism. Its main characteristics include anti-authoritarianism, or refusal to recognize
the authority of any single style or definition of what art should be and the collapsing of
the distinction between high culture and mass or popular culture, and between art and
everyday life. It sought to contradict some aspects of modernism or some aspects that
emerged or developed in its aftermath.

The installation art differs from other art style in a sense that this started during
1960’s, it exhibited space transformed into work of art. Use of limitless range of materials
arranged in place. Conceptual art in the same year, are art that is more the idea conveyed
by the work rather than the physical product. It has a scandalizing effect on people. While
environmental art in the beginning of 1970’s also called earthwork are natural things in the
environment used as the media of art. Unlike performance art that is a time-based art form
that combines acting, poetry, music, dance, and painting in a live presentation to an audience
or passersby. On the other hand, computer and digital art are called the new media art, it
started in 1990’s, a general term which includes digital art, multi-media art, computer art,
cyber art, and net art. Digital art is work made with digital technology or presented
on digital technology.

All this art styles differ from each other in a way, that one art has a unique content
to another art style. The technique, approach, form, practice, method, kind, and type are
different to each other, yet they are all styles of postmodern art.

Rubric for grading:


Content Provided pieces of evidence, supporting details, and 6
factual scenarios

Grammar Used correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and 2


Organization of Expressed the points in clear and logical arrangement of 2

ideas ideas in the paragraph


Reinamie G. Dayrit, BSIT 201

Art Appreciation

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