Worked Solutions To Problems: 1. Water
Worked Solutions To Problems: 1. Water
Worked Solutions To Problems: 1. Water
1. Water
A. Phase diagram
c. Beyond this point, there is no distinction between liquid and vapour phases of
water. Put alternatively, it is possible to have liquid to vapour transition by a
continuous path going around the critical point. (In contrast, solid-liquid
transition is discontinuous.)
e. Below P = 6.11 x 10−3 bar, ice heated isobarically will sublimate to vapour.
f. If xl and xv are the mole fractions of water in liquid and vapour phases,
V = xl Vl + x v V v = x l Vl + (1 − xl ) V v
Vv − V
∴ xl = = 4.6 x 10−1
V v − Vl
Vl xl Vl
= = 0.140
= 1 − 0.14 = 0.860
a. dP ∆H
dT T ∆V
∆H = molar enthalpy change in phase transition
∴ < 0
Since ∆V is not large, the P-T curve for this transition is steep, with a
negative slope. Thus decrease of pressure increases the melting point
ûH > 0 ûV< 0
∴ > 0
dP P ∆Hvap
dT RT 2
This equation follows from the Clapeyron equation under the assumptions:
3. If further ∆Hvap is assumed to be constant (no variation with T), the eq.
is integrated to give
P2 ∆Hvap 1 1
ln = −
P1 R T1 T2
1. Assume that for a small change in T, is constant.
Integrating the Clapeyron equation above
∆H T
P2 − P1 = ln 2
∆V T1
T2 = 272.95 K, ûH(fusion) = 6008 Jmol −1
1 1 −6 −1
∆V = − x 18.015 = − 1.63 x 10 m mol
1.00 0.917
P2 − P1 = 27.0 bar
P2 = 28.0 bar
C. Irreversible condensation
a. On the P-T plane, this equilibrium state is a solid phase (ice). Water in liquid
phase at this temperature and pressure is not an equilibrium state - it is a
supercooled state that does not lie on the given P-T plane.
x 76.1 J K −1 mol −1 x 12.0 K = 1445 J
18.015 g mol
= −1
x 37.15 J K −1 mol −1 x (− 12.0 K )
18.015 g mol
= − 705.3 J
∴ q = q1 + q2 + q3 = − 8765 J
Since all the steps are at the constant pressure of 1.00 bar,
q = ∆H
But ∆H is independent of the path, i.e., it depends only on the end points.
Thus for the irreversible condensation of supercooled liquid to ice
q = ∆H = −8765 J
c. The actual irreversible path between the two end states of the system is
replaced by the sequence of three reversible steps, as above. For each
reversible step, ∆S can be calculated.
Cp T2
∆S1 = n ∫T
dT = n Cp ln
28.5 g 273.15
∆S1 = −1
76.1 J K −1 mol −1 x ln
18.015 g mol 261.15
= 5.41 J K−1
∆H2 − 9505
∆S 2 = = = − 34.79 J K −1
T 273.15
28.5 g 261.15
∆S3 = −1
37.15 J K −1 mol −1 ln
18.015 g mol 273.15
= − 2.64 J K−1
qsur 8765
∆S sur = = = 33.56 J K −1
Tsur 261.15
PV bP na n2 a b
ý = = 1+ − + 2
The ratio of the magnitudes of the second and third terms on the right side is :
b b
PV ≈ RT, taking PV = nRT up to zeroth order.
na a
The ratio of the magnitudes of the fourth and third terms on the right side is :
nb bP
i. From the ratios above, it follows that at sufficiently high temperature for
any given pressure, the second term dominates the third and fourth
terms. Therefore,
ý ≅ 1+ > 1
ii. At lower temperatures, the third term can be greater (in magnitude)
than the second term. It may be greater (in magnitude) than the fourth
term also, provided P is not too large. Since the third term has a
negative sign, this implies that Z can be less than unity.
iii. For a = 0
ý = 1+
which shows that Z increases linearly with P.
c. Above T > Tc, only one phase (the gaseous phase) exists, that is the cubic
equation in V has only one real root. Thus isotherm (2) corresponds to T < Tc .
dP d2P
= = 0
dV V dV 2 V
c c
Since, Tc (N2) is greater than Tc (He), N2 is liquefied more readily than He.
RT a
= ∫ − 2 dV
V −b V
V −b 1 1
= RT ln 2 + a −
V1 − b V2 V1
= 56.7 L bar mol − 1
a. Mechanism 1 :
1 d [H I]
= k1 [I] 2 [H2 ]
2 dt
Since the first step is fast, there is a pre - equilibriu m :
[I] 2
K =
[I2 ]
∴ = 2 k1 K [I2 ] [H2 ] = k [H2 ] [I2 ]
Mechanism 2 :
1 d [HI]
= k 2 [I2 ]d [H2 ]
2 dt
[I ]
K' = 2 d
[I2 ]
d [HI]
∴ = 2 k2 K' [I2 ] [H2 ] = k [H2 ] [I2 ]
1 1 k
E a − = R ln 2
T1 T2 k1
With the given numerical values,
E a = 170 kJ mol − 1
ii. The activation energy is greater than the bond dissociation energy of
I2. Hence the second step is rate determining in both the mechanisms.
E'a = Ea − û8
d. i.
d [I2 ]
= k 3 [IAr] [I]
K' ' =
d [I2 ]
∴ = K ' ' k 3 [I]2 [Ar]
= k [I]2 [Ar]
ii. A possible reason why this is negative is that Ea 3 is positive and less in
magnitude than ∆H°, while ∆Ho is negative.
k = k 3K ' '
− û*
E a3
= A 3e RT
e RT
we know û G ° = û þ° − T û S°
û6 ° (Ea3 + û þ° )
∴ k = A3 e R
e RT
4. Enzyme catalysis
d [ES]
= k1 [E] [S] - k1' [ES] − k 2 [ES] (1)
= k 2 [ES] (2)
where [E]0 is the total enzyme concentration. Eqs. (4) and (5) gives
[E]0 [S]
[ES] = (6)
K m + [S]
k 1' +k 2
where K = is the Michaelis-Menten constant.
m k1
Since the backward rate is ignored, our analysis applies to the initial rate of
formation of P and not close to equilibrium. Further, since the enzyme
concentration is generally much smaller than the substrate concentration, [S]
is nearly equal to [S]0 in the initial stage of the reaction.
Initial rate = [E]o [S] (8)
i.e., initial rate varies linearly with [S].
Thus the indicated features of the graph are consistent with Michaelis-Menten
iii. From eq. (7), for [S] = Km, the initial rate is half the asymptotic value.
From the graph, therefore,
Km = 5.0 x 10−5 M
= 2.0 x 10 −6 M s−1
k1| +k 2
iv. We have Km = = 5.0 x 10−5 M
The enzyme equilibrates with the substrate quickly, that is the first step
of equilibration between E, S and [ES] is very fast. This means that k1
is much greater than k2. Therefore, neglecting k2 above,
= 5.0 x 10 − 5 M
The equilibrium constant K for the formation of ES from E and S is,
K k
= 1| = 2.0 x 10− 5
1M k1
b. From the graph at the new temperature, k2 [E]0 = 6.0 x 10−6 M s−1
6.0 x 10−6 M s −1
i.e., k2 = = 4.0 x 103 s−1
1.5 x 10− 9 M
Ea 1 1
− −
k(T1 ) R T1 T2
= e
k(T2 )
k(T2 )
k(T1 )
i.e. Ea = R (11)
1 1
T1 T2
k 2 (310)
Now = 2.0 , R = 8.31 J K−1 mol−1
∴ Ea = 20.4 kJ mol−1
c. i. The fraction of the enzyme that binds with the substrate is, from eq.
[ES] [S] (12)
[E]0 K m + [S]
where [S] is nearly equal to [S]0 in the initial stage of the reaction.
3.0 x 10 −6 mol
Now [S]0 = = 3.0 x 10 − 3 M
1 x 10− 3 L
and Km = 5.0 x 10−5 M
T k 2 [E]0 = K m ln 2 + [S]0 (14)
2.0 x 10 −12 mol
Here [E]0 = = 2.0 x 10 −9 M
1.0 x 10− 3 L
k2 = 2.0 x 103 s−1, Km = 5.0 x 10−5 M,
T = 384 s
[ES] = k1 [E] [S] − k|1 [ES] − k 2 [ES ] (15)
[EI] = k 3 [E] [I] − k |3 [EI] (16)
[P] = k 2 [ES] (17)
where k3 and k 3 are the forward and backward rate constants for the
enzyme-inhibitor reaction.
k 3 [E] [I]
and [EI] = (19)
Now [E]0 = [E] + [ES] + [EI] (20)
k |3
Here, K I (1M) = is the equilibrium constant for the dissociation of EI
to E and I.
The degree of inhibition is i = 1−
Km [I]
KI (1M)
Using eq. (22), i = (23)
[S] + K m 1 +
K I (1M)
and for large [S], i → 0, i.e., the inhibitor ceases to play any role.
ii. For small [S] i =
KI (1M) + [I]
1 3
If r = r0, i =
4 4
5. Schrödinger equation
i. One-dimensional Schrödinger equation for a free particle of mass m:
!2 d2%
= E%
− !=
2m dx 2 2
where E stands for the energy of the particle and ψ its wave function.
ψ (0) = ψ(L) = 0
n x
Only %n (x) = sin satisfies the required boundary conditions.
! 2 d2 nx ! 2 2 2 n x
− sin = n sin
2m dx 2 L 2mL2 L
! 2 2 2 h2n2
∴ En = n =
2mL2 8mL2
%2 (x) = sin 2 x
0 L
L ψ 3(x) x
Second excited state (n = 3) 0 L
L/3 2L/3
%3 (x) = sin
Number of nodes in %n = n −1, apart from the nodes at the end
% 1N (x) = N sin
∞ 2
1 = 1
(x) dx
[ N2
= N2 ∫ sin ∫ 1 − cos
dx = dx
L 2 L
0 0
= N2
∴ N = ( N is chosen to be real )
% 1N (x) =
b. In the example
E1 = = 1.22 × 10 −19 J
E2 = 4 E1 = 4.88 × 10 −19 J
E3 = 9 E1 = 10.98 × 10 −19 J
In the ground state, the four electrons will occupy the levels E1 and E2, each
with two electrons.
E3 E3
E2 E2
E1 E1
E3 – E2 = 6.10 × 10 –19 J
% (φ) = % (φ + 2π)
eiλφ = eiλ(φ+2π)
ei 2πλ =1
This shows that angular momentum projection (Lz) cannot be an arbitrary real
number but can have only discrete values: m!, where m is a positive or
negative integer (including zero).
A. Atomic orbitals
a. r
% N
1s = Ne ao
∫ % 1s dv = 4 a 3o N 2
1 = N
a 3o
= 4 N2 x = a 3o N 2 (N chosen to be real)
[D ]
3 −2
∴ N = o
[ ]
1 −
% N
1s =
a 3o 2 e ao
[D ]
3 −1
= 4 r
2 a0
x 0 e dr
d r 2 e a0 = 0
r =rmax
6666 Mumbai, India, July 2001
33rd International Chemistry Olympiad ∗ Preparatory Problems
This gives
rmax = a0
b. % 2s =0 at r = 2a0
Nodal surfaces are cones with these values of half-angle, one above the xy
plane and the other below it.
(Note: all three wave functions vanish as r → ∞. At r = 0, ψls does not vanish,
but the other two wave functions vanish.)
B. Molecular orbitals
Bonding orbital
No nodal surface between the nuclei. Electronic energy has a minimum at a
certain internuclear distance. Qualitative reason: electron has considerable
probability of being between the nuclei and thus has attractive potential
energy due to both the nuclei.
Antibonding orbital
Nodal surface between the nuclei. Electronic energy decreases monotonically
with internuclear distance. Hence bound state is not possible.
b. Re = 1.32 × 10−10 m
D = −1.36 – (−15.36) = 1.76 eV
d. The two electrons occupy the same molecular orbital with the lowest energy.
By Pauli’s principle, their spins must be antiparallel. Hence the total electronic
spin is zero.
e. In the first excited state of H2, one electron is in ψ1 (bonding orbital) and the
other in ψ1 (antibonding orbital). It will dissociate into two hydrogen atoms.
f. Using the aufbau principle, in the ground state two electrons of He2 are in ψ1
(bonding orbital) and two in ψ1 (antibonding orbital). The bond order is
½ (2 −2) = 0
Therefore, bound He2 is unstable and difficult to detect. However, if one or
more electrons are elevated from the antibonding orbital to (higher energy)
bonding orbitals, the bond order becomes greater than zero. This is why it is
possible to observe He2 in excited states.
7. Fission
92 U + n → 94
38 Sr + 140
54 Xe + 2n
92 U + n → 141
56 Ba + 92
36 Kr + 3n