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BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin 2020, 191, 30

© M.-B. Forel and P. Moix, Published by EDP Sciences 2020


Available online at:

Special Issue Paleontology, M.B. Forel (Guest editor) www.bsgf.fr

Late Triassic ostracods from the Lycian Nappes, southwestern

Turkey: implications on taxonomy and palaeobiogeographical
Marie-Béatrice Forel1,* and Patrice Moix2
Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, CR2P UMR7207, MNHN-CNRS-SU, 8, rue Buffon (CP38), 75005 Paris, France
Rue de la Combe 55, 1969 Eison, Switzerland

Received: 15 December 2019 / Accepted: 3 August 2020

Abstract – The first ostracods known from the Lycian Nappes in southwestern Turkey are here reported,
adding to the scientific understanding of marine ostracods during the Cordevolian, early Carnian, Late
Triassic. The Karapınar Formation exposed at the Agılıovası Yayla section yielded five species, including
the typical Late Triassic Mirabairdia longispinosa Kristan-Tollmann, Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann
and Polycope pumicosa schleiferae Kozur. Their taxonomy is discussed and the ontogenetic development of
Nodobairdia mammilata is described for the first time. In spite of the limited significance of this poor fauna
for palaeoenvironment reconstitution, it points to a deposition in the offshore subtidal zone under moderate
water depth, in line with previous interpretations. The palaeobiogeographical distribution of marine
ostracods during the Late Triassic is updated and discussed. It implies that communication ways between the
Palaeotethys and Neotethys oceans were already opened during the Cordevolian, slightly earlier than the
Julian as previously proposed.

Keywords: ostracods / Carnian / Lycian Nappes / Turkey / taxonomy / palaeobiogeography

Résumé – Ostracodes du Trias supérieur des Nappes Lyciennes, Turquie du sud-ouest :

implications taxinomiques et paléobiogéographiques. Les premiers assemblages d’ostracodes
connus des Nappes Lyciennes au sud-ouest de la Turquie sont ici rapportés, apportant à la
compréhension scientifique des ostracodes marins du Cordévolien, Carnien inférieur, Trias supérieur.
La Formation Karapınar affleurant à A gılıovası Yayla a livré cinq espèces, dont Mirabairdia longispinosa
Kristan-Tollmann, Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann et Polycope pumicosa schleiferae Kozur, typiques du
Trias supérieur. Leur taxinomie est discutée et le développement ontogénétique de Nodobairdia mammilata
est décrit pour la première fois. En dépit des limites de cette faune pauvre pour la reconstitution du
paléoenvironnement, elle indique un milieu de dépôt dans la zone subtidale sous une colonne d’eau
modérée, en accord avec les interprétations antérieures. La distribution paléobiogéographique des
ostracodes marins au Trias supérieur est mise à jour et discutée. Elle implique que les voies de
communication entre les océans Paléotéthys and Néotéthys étaient ouvertes dès le Cordévolien, légèrement
plutôt qu’au Julien comme proposé auparavant.

Mots clés : ostracodes / Carnien / Nappes Lyciennes / Turquie / taxinomie / paléobiogéographie

1 Introduction et al., 2013). Most of the new predators later involved in the
Mesozoic marine revolution (Vermeij, 1977), such as
The Triassic period is one of the most significant intervals predatory gastropods, decapods, neopterygian fishes and
of time in the macroevolutionary history of organisms, with the marine reptiles, were already established in the Triassic
rise of the modern fauna and the emergence of modern (e.g. Chen and Benton, 2012 and references therein for a
ecosystems in sea and on land (e.g. Spekoski, 1984; Van Valen, review). Middle and Late Triassic occurrences of drill holes on
1984; Brusatte et al., 2011; Chen and Benton, 2012; Benton mollusks, brachiopods (Klompmaker et al., 2016) and
ostracods (Forel et al., 2018) are rare but witness the
establishment of typically Mesozoic drilling activity as early as
*Corresponding author: [email protected] Anisian, Middle Triassic.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
M.-B. Forel and P. Moix: BSGF 2020, 191, 30

Ostracods are millimetre-size crustaceans that today live 2.1 The Lycian Nappes
in various aquatic environments, from temporary freshwater
ponds to hydrothermal sources or cold methane seep sites The Lycian Nappes represent a vast area in southwestern
(e.g. Horne et al., 2002; Maddocks, 2005; Karanovic, 2012; Turkey between the Menderes Massif to the northwest and the
Yasuhara et al., 2018). The deepest known living species has Beydagları platform to the southeast (Fig. 1). They are
been reported from 9307 m water depth (Brandão et al., subdivided into three main tectonic units (de Graciansky, 1968,
2019). Ostracods have dwelt in marine waters since the Early 1972; Brunn et al., 1971; Bernoulli et al., 1974; Poisson,
Palaeozoic (e.g. Salas et al., 2007; Siveter, 2008). They were 1977), in ascending order:
significantly affected by the end-Permian crisis and their
recovery is considered as complete during the Anisian, – The autochthonous series of the Menderes Massif and the
Middle Triassic (Crasquin-Soleau et al., 2007; Crasquin and Beydagları/Susuz Dag/Göcek domains;
Forel, 2015). The Triassic period is of paramount importance – The intermediate complex, which is composed of
in their macroevolution with the turnover from the Palaeozoic imbricated thrust sheets, viz. Karadag, Teke Dere,
to the Meso-Cenozoic faunas (e.g. McKenzie, 1982; Haticeana Dag and Köycegiz units;
Crasquin-Soleau et al., 2007; Crasquin and Forel, 2015). – The peridotite Marmaris Nappe, of Late Cretaceous age, at
However, this period stays enigmatic with the challenging the top of the tectonic pile.
temporary dominance of heavily sculpted Bairdiidae (e.g.
Kollmann, 1960, 1963; Bolz, 1971a, b; Kristan-Tollmann,
The Lycian Nappes are composed of the Bodrum,
1978) or residual occurrence of Palaeozoic taxa in deep Domuzdag, Dumanlıdag, Gülbahar, Marmaris and Tavas
waters up to the Carnian (Forel et al., 2019a). These features, nappes (Senel et al., 1994; Fig. 1). The Tavas Nappe is itself
together with the still poor understanding of their geographi-
composed of the Karadag and Teke Dere units (Fig. 2).
cal, environmental and taxonomic distribution, challenge our The Karadag Unit is of Middle Carboniferous to Late
understanding of their survival mechanisms and diversity Triassic age and is composed of bioclastic limestones with
structuration during the Triassic, prior to their Mesozoic re-
sandy and pelitic intercalations (de Graciansky, 1968, 1972;
diversification. see Moix et al., 2013 for further precisions). Thick outcrops of
Here we report on ostracods from the Cordevolian, early quartzites were attributed to the Early Triassic or late Ladinian
Carnian, Late Triassic, of the Lycian Nappes (Karadag Unit, (de Graciansky, 1972; Bernoulli et al., 1974). The Karada g
Karapınar Formation) in southwestern Turkey. Five species Unit is subdivided into six formations, in ascending order
are recognized, of which three are already known from the (Senel et al., 1994; Fig. 2): Sazak Fm. (possibly Late Devonian
Upper Triassic marine successions: Mirabairdia longispinosa shales and limestones, not shown in Fig. 2), Kiloluk Fm.
Kristan-Tollmann (1978), Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann
(Middle Carboniferous bioclastic limestones, dolomites and
(1963) and Polycope pumicosa schleiferae Kozur in Bunza and dolomitic limestones, not shown in Fig. 2), Akkavak Fm.
Kozur (1971). The taxonomy of the species is discussed and the (Early Permian crystalline limestones, dolomites and shales),
development of Nodobairdia mammilata is described for the
Sarıtas Fm. (possibly late Anisian to early Ladinian sand-
first time, with the identification of five ontogenetic stages. stones), Karapınar Fm. (black limestones with Middle Triassic
This faunule from the northern margin of the Neotethys adds foraminifers and early Carnian conodonts; Moix et al., 2013)
new data to the knowledge of the palaeobiogeographical and Belenkavak Fm. (Carnian-Norian sandstones, siltstones
distribution of ostracods during the Late Triassic. The and shales).
comparison of their updated distribution through time with The Teke Dere Unit is of Early and Late Permian age and is
the three main hypotheses of the origin of Tethyan ostracods, composed of white dolomites and massive limestones
here termed “western America”, “eastern Tethys” and followed by green arkosic sandstones and greywackes (de
“western Tethys” (e.g. Bate, 1977; Kristan-Tollmann and Graciansky, 1968, 1972). Pillow-lavas, black and russet folded
Tollmann, 1981, 1982; Kristan-Tollmann, 1986a, b, 1988a; radiolarites and Permian limestones locally intersperse the
Lord, 1988; Ketmuangmoon et al., 2018), documents a
green arkoses. This interval is capped by Late Permian
mixture of distribution pathways depending on the taxonom- dolomites and limestones, unconformably overlain by the red
ic level under scrutiny. The large distribution of Mirabairdia continental to shallow-marine Cenger Fm. of Late Triassic age
longispinosa and Nodobairdia mammilata in the Cordevo-
as shown by lungfish and reptile remains (Monod et al., 1983;
lian, early Carnian, implies that they might have radiated at Buffetaut et al., 1988). These red conglomerates, sandstones
the end of the Ladinian and that communication ways and siltstones are molassic deposits followed by a thick
between the Palaeotethys and Neotethys oceans were opened carbonate sequence ranging from the Triassic to the Late
earlier than generally proposed (Julian; e.g. Kozur, 2000; Cretaceous (Agaçli and Badadag formations), which is itself
Stampfli and Kozur, 2006; Moix et al., 2007, 2013). overlain by a Late Paleocene to Lutetian flysch (Senel, 1997).
The Teke Dere Unit is composed of the following formations in
2 Geological setting and stratigraphy ascending order (Senel et al., 1994; Fig. 2): Çatakdere Fm.
(crystalline limestones), Incirbeleni Fm. (shales, sandstones,
The studied area was described in details by Moix et al. limestone lenses, lydites and volcanics) and Nisangahtepe Fm.
(2013): only a short overview is provided here and the (dolomites and limestones). These three formations were
reader is referred to this key contribution and references considered as early to middle Wordian in age, but Kozur et al.
therein for all tectonostratigraphic details on the Lycian (1998) indicated a Mississippian age for the Incirbeleni Fm.
Nappes. and microfauna and microflora from the Nisangahtepe Fm.

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Fig. 1. Simplified structural map of southwestern Turkey showing the tectonic units of the Fethiye quadrangle (modified from Senel, 1997). The
pink square indicates the location shown in Figure 2.

rather point to a Kubergandian age (Tethyan equivalent of the the Late Carboniferous succession close to a 160-m
Roadian; Vachard and Moix, 2013). thick platform-like development of Early Permian to
Late Triassic age.
 ılıovası Yayla section
2.2 The Ag The Agılıovası Yayla autochthonous series start with grey
fusulinid-rich limestones. It is transitional to alternating thin-
The investigated area is located north of the Teke Peninsula bedded black limestones, massive grey to black limestones,
in southwestern Turkey, northeast of Fethiye Gulf and close to middle-bedded sandy limestones with pelitic horizons, thick-
the road between Fethiye and Çameli (Fig. 1). The Agılıovası bedded black laminated limestones and thin-bedded black
Yayla series are located between 1600 and 2000 m of altitude, limestones interspersed by argilites (Akkavak Fm.). All fossil
4 km south of Tascilar village, north of the Karada g (2233 m) assemblages indicate a Sakmarian age (Moix et al., 2013). It is
and about 1 km east of a pasture known as A gılıovası Yayla. followed by the Sarıtas Fm., which is a thick-bedded interval
The composite succession of the A gılıovası Yayla section of white quartzites. It is capped by the Karapınar Fm.,
permits the recognition of the Karada g and Teke Dere units composed of thick-bedded gray limestones and thin-bedded
(Fig. 2). All carbonate microfacies correspond to shallow bioclastic black nodular limestones, locally with cherts. The
inner-ramp deposits that have been little displaced to preserved limestones levels indicate a Middle-Late Triassic age (Moix
as in situ thanatocenoses or proximal tempestites (Moix et al., et al., 2013). The upper part of the section is marked by the
2013). siliciclastic Belenkavak Fm., corresponding to a wildflysch-
The oldest shallow marine sediments in the Agılıovası like sequence composed of shales, silstones, sandstones,
Yayla area belong to the Kiloluk Fm. The base of the sequence conglomerates, with various blocks of Permian age (de
is composed of dolomites, cherty limestones and bioclastic Graciansky, 1972; Vachard and Moix, 2011).
limestones that contain early Kasimovian fusulinids (Vachard The sample investigated in this work (labelled 328/07)
and Moix, 2011; Moix et al., 2013). Recent tectonics brought belongs to the Karadag Unit and was previously studied by

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gılıovası Yayla section (modified after Moix et al., 2013) and position of the
Fig. 2. Synthetic composite lithostratigraphic succession of the A
studied sample.

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Moix et al. (2013). It is issued from dark limestones at the top

of the Karapınar Fm. (Fig. 2) that yielded Pseudofurnishius
murcianus murcianus van den Boogaard (1966), a conodont
indicative of the Cordevolian, early Carnian, Late Triassic
(based on the three-folded Carnian subdivision of Kozur and
Mostler, 1994, 1996; Kozur, 2003). This conodont is also a
typical indicator for the Neotethyan domain, showing that the
Karada g Unit belongs to the Cimmerian Taurus terrane and
was part of the northern passive margin of the Neotethys (Moix
et al., 2013). Ostracods have been mentioned in this sample by
Moix et al. (2013) with two specimens illustrated and
identified as “Sculptured Bairdiidae” and “Polycopsis n. sp.
ex gr. cincinnata (Apostolescu)”. The occurrence of other
sculptured bairdiids was mentioned and discussed in terms of
palaeoenvironmental implication in Moix et al. (2013) but no
taxonomic list was provided.

3 Material and methods

The sample 328/07 was processed using acetic acid for

conodont extraction (Moix et al., 2013) and also yielded an
ostracod faunule of eight specimens representing five species
distributed into four genera (Plate 1). Although not abundant,
their preservation is good enough to identify three species
already known from the Late Triassic, viz. Mirabairdia
longispinosa Kristan-Tollmann (1978), Nodobairdia mammi-
lata Kollmann (1963) and Polycope pumicosa schleiferae
Kozur in Bunza and Kozur (1971). The other two species are
kept in open nomenclature because of the lack of material and Plate 1. Ostracods from the sample 328/07, Karapınar Formation,
of distinctive characters. Lycian Nappes, southwestern Turkey, Cordevolian, Early Carnian,
In this contribution, we follow the general classification of Late Triassic (MNHN: Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Pairs).
Moore (1961) and Horne et al. (2002). For the three species A: Mirabairdia longispinosa Kristan-Tollmann (1978), lateral view
already known during the Triassic, we provide and discuss the of a left valve, MNHN.F.F63332; B: Mirabairdia sp., lateral view of a
complete list of synonyms and kresonyms in order to build a left valve, MNHN.F.F63333; C–E: Nodobairdia mammilata
suitable basis for the palaeobiogeographical investigation Kollmann (1963); C: lateral view of a left valve, MNHN.F.F63334;
performed here. The height/length diagram of Nodobairdia D: lateral view of a right valve, MNHN.F.F63335; E: lateral view of a
mammilata Kollmann (1963) gathers the dimensions of all right valve, MNHN.F.F63336; F: Hungarella sp.: lateral view of a left
specimens from the literature and this work (Fig. 3). In this valve, MNHN.F.F63337; G, H: Polycope pumicosa schleiferae Kozur
diagram, right and left valves are distinguished for isolated in Bunza and Kozur (1971); G: lateral view of a right valve, MNHN.F.
valves and complete carapaces, following the method of F63338; D: lateral view of a left valve, MNHN.F.F63339. All scale
Urlichs (1971), Harloff (1993) and Forel et al. (2019b) for bars are 100 mm.
instance. For each of the species scrutinized in this work, we
follow the updated stratigraphic framework available on the
Paleobiology Database (accessed on the 01/10/2019) and their 4 Systematic palaeontology
original and revised stratigraphic information are summarized
in Table 1. (by Marie-Béatrice Forel)
An important point in the discussion of the palaeobiogeo-
graphical implications of the ostracods from the Lycian Class Ostracoda Latreille (1806)
Nappes is which is the adopted definition of the Carnian. The Subclass Podocopa Müller (1894)
subdivisions of the Carnian stage have been a matter of Superfamily Bairdioidea Sars (1887)
debate, between a two-fold and a three-fold Carnian (see Family Bairdiidae Sars (1887)
Chen et al., 2016 and Rigo et al., 2018 for recent summaries). Subfamily Bairdiinae Sars (1923)
The three-fold Carnian subdivision is here followed and the Genus Mirabairdia Kollmann (1963)
recovered species are of Cordevolian age, early Carnian, as 1973a Vavilovella Kozur: 21-24, pl. 3, figs. 4, 5.
shown by the occurrence of the conodont Pseudofurnishius Type species. Mirabairdia pernodosa Kollmann (1963) by
murcianus murcianus (Moix et al., 2013). All figured original designation.
specimens are deposited in the micropalaeontology collec- Preliminary remarks. Vavilovella Kozur (1973a) (type
tions of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (Paris), species: Vavilovella psychrosphaerica Kozur (1973a); Seva-
under catalogue numbers MNHN.F.F63332–MNHN.F. tian, late Norian, Austria) was erected to accommodate
F63339. bairdiids with “dorsal outline clearly divided into three parts;

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Fig. 3. Height/Length scatter plot of Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann (1963) for the Carnian (A) and Rhaetian (with “Norian-Rhaetian”; B).
The dimensions of right and left valves of the complete carapace are linked. Right valves and left valves are represented respectively by circles
and stars.

Table 1. Updated stratigraphic information of studied and cited species, following the Palaeobiology Database, accessed on the 01/10/2019.

Species and reference considered Occurrence in original reference PBDB update This work

Mirabairdia pernodosa Kollmann (1963) Ladinian-lower Carnian Julian-Tuvalian, Carnian Cordevolian-Tuvalian, Carnian
Mirabairdia longispinosa “Niveau mit Trachyceras aon”, – Cordevolian, early Carnian
Kristan-Tollmann (1978) Julian, middle Carnian
in Liebermann (1979)
Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann (1963) Ladinian aon subzone, Julian, Cordevolian, early Carnian
middle Carnian
Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann (1963) Julian, middle Carnian aon subzone, Julian, Cordevolian, early Carnian
in Liebermann (1979) middle Carnian
Triebelina (Nodobairdia) Norian-Rhaetian Rhaetian Rhaetian
triassica Bolz (1971a)
Triebelina sp. G in Bolz (1971a) Norian-Rhaetian Rhaetian Rhaetian

anterior end terminated by long thorns; surface occupied by pedunculated nodes or spines, should only be used for specific
long, forked thorns, with small nodules between them” (Kozur, separation. Kristan-Tollmann (1978) therefore considered
1973a; translated from german). Kozur (1973a) distinguished Vavilovella as a junior synonym of Mirabairdia. This opinion
Vavilovella from Mirabairdia Kollmann (1963) by the extreme has been followed in all publications since the work of
sculpture of Vavilovella, all lateral elements being transformed Kristan-Tollmann (1978) and is followed here.
into thorns while they are only single spines in Mirabairdia. Mirabairdia longispinosa Kristan-Tollmann (1978)
Kristan-Tollmann (1978) underlined that the general arrange- (Plate 1A)
ment of the ornaments in the two genera is strictly similar 1978 Mirabairdia longispinosa Kristan-Tollmann: 94–96,
and that their morphology, varying from short lobes to pl. 3, figs. 1–3; pl. 7, fig. 5.

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1979 Mirabairdia longispinosa Kristan-Tollmann; murcianus conodont), early Carnian, Late Triassic (Moix et al.,
Liebermann: 106. 2013; this work).
2018 Mirabairdia longispinosa Kristan-Tollmann; Forel Remarks. The present specimen was illustrated in Moix
et al.: 10, figs. 4.20, 4.21. et al. (2013; pl. 5, fig. 6) with the following description:
Material. One left valve. “Sculptured Bairdiidae, left valve, former ventral rib and
Dimensions. L = 518 mm, H = 327 mm, H/L = 0.63 (this former elongated oblique anterodorsal and posterordorsal ribs
material). disintegrated in lines of short hollow spines, such a feature
Occurrences. South Tyrol, Italy, Cordevolian, early occurs only in such sculptured Bairdiidae which lived below
Carnian, Late Triassic (Kristan-Tollmann (1978)); Cave del the storm wave base” (p. 433). It was only identified at the
Predil (Raibl), Italy, Julian Alps, Cordevolian, early Carnian, familial level, without discussion on possible generic
Late Triassic (Liebermann, 1979; see stratigraphic update in attribution. It is here attributed to Mirabairdia.
Tab. 1); Tavusçayiri Block, Sorgun Ophiolitic Mélange, Huglu Mirabairdia sp. is a thin and delicate LV. The DB bears a
Tuffite, southern Turkey, Spongotortilispinus moixi radiolarian series of straight spines that apparently do not extend to the
Zone, lower Tuvalian, late Carnian, Late Triassic (Forel et al., PDB and only slightly to the ADB. The lateral surface is
2018); sample 328/07, Karapınar Formation, Karadag Unit, characterized by:
Agılıovası Yayla section, Lycian Nappes, southwestern – A series of small hollow spines in the ventro-lateral area,
Turkey, Cordevolian (Pseudofurnishius murcianus murcianus parallel to the ventral margin, extending from the AVB to
conodont), early Carnian, Late Triassic (this work). the PVB;
Remarks. In the studied sample, Mirabairdia longispinosa – Two straight rows of four larger hollow spines below the
occurs as a single LV, the dimensions of which indicate that it antero-dorsal and postero-dorsal angles, respectively bent
is a relatively young juvenile (see below for further anteriorly and posteriorly.
discussion). Despite these abundance and size limitations,
the lateral outline, absence of nodes and morphology of the
horns exclude this species from Mirabairdia pernodosa This lateral ornamentation relates Mirabairdia sp. to
Kollmann (1963) (Carnian, Late Triassic, Austria), Mira- Mirabairdia pernodosa Kollmann (1963) from the Carnian of
bairdia plurinodosa Mette et al. (2014) and Mirabairdia the Alps (Kollmann (1963); see stratigraphic update in Tab. 1).
praepsychrosphaerica Mette et al. (2014) (the latter two However, Mirabairdia sp. lacks the horizontal and vertical
species being from Pelsonian, middle Anisian, Middle rows of spines in the median and dorsal areas developed on
Triassic, Austria). Mirabairdia pernodosa. The morphology of this species from
The specimen from the Lycian Nappes displays: the Lycian Nappes mainly differs from all other Mirabairdia
– Two dorsal thorns; species from the literature by its more delicate and thinner
– A subdorsal row of three thorns, the posterior one being lateral ornaments, which could relate to the fact that the
thicker, and a relatively large pedunculated anterior wart; obtained LV may be a relatively young instar. This hypothesis
– An anterior bifurcated spine; is reinforced by the comparison of its dimensions with that of
– Three poorly preserved sub-ventral warts. species from the literature:
– Mirabairdia pernodosa Kollmann (1963):
This species is therefore attributed without doubt to the Adult: L = 810–820 mm, H = 440–460 mm;
typically Carnian Mirabairdia longispinosa Kristan-Tollmann Juveniles: L = 670–700 mm, H = 370–410 mm;
(1978) that is diagnosed by a lateral ornamentation made of
thorns and warts, while it is exclusively composed of thorns in – Mirabairdia longispinosa Kristan-Tollmann (1978):
Adult: L = 1130 mm, H = 580 mm;
Mirabairdia psychrosphaerica (Kozur, 1973a) known from the
Rhaetian, Late Triassic, of Austria. The present specimen is – Mirabairdia plurinodosa Mette et al. (2014):
much smaller than the holotype (L = 1130 mm, H = 580 mm; RV: L = 920–1130 mm, H = 460–560 mm;
Kristan-Tollmann (1978)) and corresponds to a relatively LV: L = 950–1070 mm, H = 460–570 mm;
young instar. Only few specimens of this species are known so
that its ontogenetic development is complex to assess. – Mirabairdia praepsychrosphaerica Mette et al. (2014):
However, the difference in H/L ratio between the holotype RV: L = 1120–1270 mm, H = 490–530 mm;
(0.51) and the present specimen (0.63) indicates that one LV: L = 1120–1270 mm, H = 520–640 mm.
feature of the ontogeny of Mirabairdia longispinosa is an
overall elongation of the carapace. Furthermore, the occur- This species is new to science but its diagnostic characters
rence of already well-developed diagnostic ornamental cannot be reliably described until more material is found.
features on the juvenile from the Lycian Nappes indicates Until now, the ontogeny of Mirabairdia species stays
that they appear relatively early in the ontogeny of this species. poorly described. Kozur (1973a) indicated that juveniles of
Mirabairdia sp. Mirabairdia psychrosphaerica (Kozur, 1973a) from the
(Plate 1B) Rhaetian of Austria slightly differ from adults in being squat,
2013 Sculptured Bairdiidae; Moix et al.: pl. 5, fig. 6. with anterior extremity longer, more weakly rounded and
Material. One left valve. ventral margin straighter, with short dorso-median, ventro-
Dimensions. L = 750 mm, H = 437 mm, H/L = 0.58. median and antero-ventral spines. Juveniles of Mirabairdia
Occurrences. Sample 328/07, Karapınar Formation, pernodosa illustrated in Kollmann (1963) show that large
Karada g Unit, A gılıovası Yayla section, Lycian Nappes, nodules bearing smaller nodules are already present in the
southwestern Turkey, Cordevolian (Pseudofurnishius murcianus earliest juvenile recovered. Mirabairdia sp. is devoid of large

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nodules, which would imply that small nodules may appear 1991 Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann; Kristan-Toll-
earlier than larger ones during the ontogenetic development mann et al.: 201, pl. 1, figs. 1–3.
and/or may be diagnostic features of the new species. Only 1992 Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann; Dépêche and
additional material allowing for the characterization of the Crasquin: 2, figs. 1–4.
ontogenetic development of this species will clarify this issue. 1993 Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann; Crasquin and
Genus Nodobairdia Kollmann (1963) Dépêche: pl. 1, fig. 12.
Type species. Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann (1963) 1993 Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann; Mirăuță et al.:
by original designation. 95, pl. 3, figs. 22a, b.
Preliminary remarks. The taxonomic history of Triassic 1994 Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann; Monostori: 316,
sculptured Bairdiidae is complex with a strong volatility of 318, fig. 4/3.
opinions on the significance of characters used for their 2010 Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann; Zorn: 271, pl. 7,
classification. Nodobairdia Kollmann (1963) was erected to figs. 8–11.
accommodate bairdiids with four large sub-dorsal warts and a 2014 Triebelina (Nodobairdia) mammilata (Kollmann);
longitudinal latero-ventral ridge undivided or divided into Monostori and Tóth: 28, pl. 2, figs. 9, 10.
three parts (Kollmann (1963)). Contrary to the generic scheme 2015 Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann; Hausmann and
established by Kollmann (1963) that was later followed by Nützel: 241.
diverse authors, Bolz (1971a, b) considered that the presence/ 2016 Nodobairdia triassica (Bolz); Urlichs and Krystyn:
absence of marginal ornamentations is more significant than 21.
their morphology (e.g. nodular, annular, spinose). In Bolz 2018 Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann; Crasquin et al.:
generic scheme, Nodobairdia is considered as a subgenus of 137, fig. 7G.
the extant genus Triebelina van den Bold (1946). Kristan- Material. Two left valves, one right valve (this material).
Tollmann (1978), more recently followed by Mette et al. Dimensions. Fig. 3.
(2014), suggested that the ornamentation of Nodobairdia and Occurrences. South Tyrol, Italy, Cordevolian, early
Mirabairdia shows a gradual pattern so that these genera may Carnian, Late Triassic (Kollmann (1963); Kristan-Tollmann,
be synonyms. It is beyond the scope of the intention of this 1971; Zorn, 2010; see stratigraphic update in Tab. 1); Northern
paper and its material to attempt a revision of the Bairdiidae at Calcareous Alps, Rhaetian, Late Triassic (Bolz, 1971a, b;
the generic level. The important variations of the opinions of Urlichs and Krystyn, 2016; see stratigraphic update in Tab. 1);
the diverse authors on the generic classification of Bairdiidae South Tyrol, Italy, Cordevolian, early Carnian, Late Triassic
resulted in an intricate situation, with the alternative use of (Kristan-Tollmann (1978)); Cave del Predil (Raibl), Italy,
Kollmann and Bolz schemes by the same authors, for instance Julian Alps, Cordevolian, early Carnian, Late Triassic
in Urlichs (1972), Hillebrandt et al. (2007, 2013) and Urlichs (Liebermann, 1979; see stratigraphic update in Tab. 1); Iran,
and Krystyn (2016). To avoid adding noise factor to the already Rhaetian, Late Triassic (Kristan-Tollmann et al., 1980;
confuse classification of Triassic ornate Bairdiidae and until Kristan-Tollmann, 1988a); Australia, early Norian, Late
their systematic and phylogeny are clarified, the generic Triassic (Kristan-Tollmann, 1986b); Hungary, upper Julian-
scheme of Kollmann (1963) is followed in considering primary Tuvalian, middle-late Carnian, Late Triassic (Kristan-
ornamentation as relevant generic character, owing that Tollmann et al., 1991; Monostori, 1994); Australia, late
ornamentation is widely used as generic marker for other Norian-mid-Rhaetian, Late Triassic (Dépêche and Crasquin,
families (e.g. Trachyleberididae; Moore (1961); more recently 1992; Crasquin and Dépêche, 1993); Hungary, Carnian-
Warne and Whatley, 2016). Rhaetian, Late Triassic (Monostori and Tóth, 2014); Stuores
Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann (1963) Wiesen, Italy, Carnian, Late Triassic (Hausmann and Nützel,
(Plates 1C–E) 2015); Sicily, Tropites dilleri zone, Tuvalian, late Carnian,
1963 Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann: 174, 175, pl. 7, Late Triassic (Crasquin et al., 2018); sample 328/07, Karapınar
figs. 6–15. Formation, Karadag Unit, Agılıovası Yayla section, Lycian
1971a Triebelina sp. G; Bolz: pl. 2, fig. 9. Nappes, southwestern Turkey, Cordevolian (Pseudofurnishius
1971b Triebelina (Nodobairdia) triassica Bolz: 216–218, murcianus murcianus conodont), early Carnian, Late Triassic
pl. 16, figs. 229–232. (this work).
1971 Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann; Kristan-Toll- Remarks. We follow Kristan-Tollmann (1978) in consid-
mann: 61, pl. 1, fig. 1. ering Triebelina (Nodobairdia) triassica Bolz (1971b), later
non 1973 Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann; Kristan- identified as Nodobairdia triassica (Bolz) in Urlichs and
Tollmann and Hamedani: pl. 12, fig. 9, pl. 13, fig. 1. Krystyn (2016), as a junior synonym of Nodobairdia
1978 Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann; Kristan-Toll- mammilata Kollmann (1963). Similarly, we follow Kristan-
mann: 84, pl. 8, figs. 1–6. Tollmann et al. (1980) in re-attributing Triebelina sp. G in
1979 Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann; Liebermann: Bolz (1971a) to Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann (1963).
105, 106. Specimens from the Norian-Rhaetian of Romania (Mirăuță
1980 Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann; Kristan-Toll- et al., 1993) are poorly illustrated and their lateral characters
mann et al.: 185, pl. 7, figs. 11–13. are not observable: here we questionably attribute them to
1986b Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann; Kristan-Toll- Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann (1963). Kristan-Tollmann
mann: 209, 210, fig. 4. and Hamedani (1973) identified two valves from the late
1988a Nodobairdia mammilata Kollmann: Kristan-Toll- Carnian of Austria as Nodobairdia mammilata without
mann: fig. 6/6. providing the reasons for their doubt on the specific attribution.

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Later, Kristan-Tollmann et al. (1980), followed by Kristan- literature are distributed into five scatter plots (Figs. 3A and
Tollmann et al. (1991) and Monostori and Tóth (2014), 3B), in line with Bolz (1971b) observation of five ontogenetic
re-attributed these specimens to Nodobairdia mammilata and stages for Triebelina (Nodobairdia) triassica. Bolz (1971b)
considered them as very early juveniles with diagnostic ventral added that the ventral ridge is only apparent at the adult stage in
longitudinal ridge only suggested by anterior and posterior tiny Triebelina (Nodobairdia) triassica. The present observations
nodules and two small dorsal nodes hardly visible due to of the entire range of specimens of Nodobairdia mammilata
preservation. Here we do not follow this re-attribution for the rather indicate that the ventral ridge appears quite early in the
reasons detailed hereafter. In the smallest specimens attributed ontogeny as it is already clearly expressed on specimens
to Nodobairdia mammilata (Fig. 3A), those from Sicily attributed to the A-4 stage (e.g. Crasquin et al., 2018).
(Crasquin et al., 2018) and Hungary (Kristan-Tollmann et al., Suborder Metacopina Sylvester-Bradley (1961)
1991) already have well-developed dorsal and sub-dorsal Superfamily Healdioidea Harlton (1933)
nodes. Those from the Northern Calcareous Alps (Kristan- Family Healdiidae Harlton (1933)
Tollmann and Hamedani, 1973) are of similar dimensions but Genus Hungarella Méhes (1911)
have a much weaker lateral ornamentation for which elements Type species. Hungarella problematica Méhes (1911) by
are hardly distinguished, a fact that can not only be attributed to original designation.
their preservation state. We consider that the Alpine specimens Hungarella sp.
have been wrongly re-attributed to Nodobairdia mammilata (Plate 1F)
because of their very common juvenile bairdiid contour that is Material. One left valve.
hardly attributable to any precise species. The comparison of Dimensions. L = 232 mm, H = 164 mm, H/L = 0.7.
their morphology and size with those that may belong to the Occurrences. Sample 328/07, Karapınar Formation,
same ontogenetic stage leads us to formally exclude them from Karadag Unit, Agılıovası Yayla section, Lycian Nappes,
Nodobairdia mammilata. southwestern Turkey, Cordevolian (Pseudofurnishius murcianus
Nodobairdia mammilata has been documented from the murcianus conodont), early Carnian, Late Triassic (this work).
Carnian to the Rhaetian and the dimensions of all specimens Remarks. The specimen is very small compared to
from the literature are plotted in Figures 3A and 3B. The contemporaneous species (e.g. Urlichs, 1971; Forel et al.,
dimensions of Carnian and Rhaetian (with “Norian-Rhaetian”) 2019b), which leads us to conclude that it is a rather young
specimens are plotted separately in Figure 3A and Figure 3B juvenile.
respectively. The carapace shown in Kristan-Tollmann (1986b) Order Myodocopida Sars (1866)
lacks information on magnification or size and is therefore not Suborder Myodocopina Sars (1866)
included. Similarly, Liebermann (1979), Hausmann and Nützel Superfamily Polycopoidea Sars (1866)
(2015) and Urlichs and Krystyn (2016) did not illustrate any Family Polycopidae Sars (1866)
specimen and Kristan-Tollmann (1971) only illustrated the Genus Polycope Sars (1866)
dorsal area of a right valve. The smallest known specimen of Type species. Polycope orbicularis Sars (1866) by original
Nodobairdia mammilata is a left valve from the middle Carnian designation.
of Hungary (Kristan-Tollmann et al., 1991) while the largest Polycope pumicosa schleiferae Kozur in Bunza and
ones are LV from the Rhaetian of Iran (Kristan-Tollmann et al., Kozur (1971)
1980; Kristan-Tollmann, 1988a). Only one complete carapace (Plates 1G and 1H)
has been illustrated to date, from the late Carnian of Sicily 1971 Polycope pumicosa schleiferae Kozur in Bunza and
(Crasquin et al., 2018). Another complete carapace was shown Kozur: 14, pl. 2, fig. 17.
by Kollmann (1963) but it is covered with sediment and the 2013 Polycopsis n. sp. ex gr. cincinnata (Apostolescu);
contour of RVis hardly visible so that it is treated as a LV. The size Moix et al.: pl. 5, fig. 7.
range of Carnian and Rhaetian material indicates the presence of Non 2013 Polycope pumicosa schleferae [sic] Kozur;
several ontogenetic stages (Figs. 3A and 3B). Monostori and Tóth: 308, pl. 1, fig. 2.
During the Carnian (Fig. 3A), LV are more abundant than 2019a Polycope pumicosa schleiferae Kozur; Forel et al.:
RV and a unique complete carapace has been illustrated to date 36, fig. 24D.
(Crasquin et al., 2018). This carapace shows that the overlap of Material. Two valves.
LV on RV is only developed along the dorsal and ventral Dimensions. L = 234–251 mm, H = 215–220 mm,
margins and we postulate that LV and RV may roughly plot H/L = 0.88–0.9 (this material).
together in the H/L diagrams throughout the ontogeny. With Occurrences. Hungary, Cordevolian, early Carnian, Late
the additional hypothesis that the largest specimens may be Triassic (Bunza and Kozur 1971); Tavusçayiri Block, Sorgun
adults, all Carnian specimens of Nodobairdia mammilata are Ophiolitic Mélange, Huglu Tuffite, southern Turkey, Tetra-
distributed into five scatter plots corresponding to five stages porobrachia haeckeli radiolarian Zone, Julian, middle
(A-4 to Adult; Fig. 3A). During the Carnian, adults are only Carnian, Late Triassic (Forel et al., 2019a); sample 328/07,
known from the Cordevolian of Tyrol (Kristan-Tollmann Karapınar Formation, Karadag Unit, Agılıovası Yayla section,
1978). Stage A-3 is only represented by a RV from Hungary Lycian Nappes, southwestern Turkey, Cordevolian (Pseudo-
(Kristan-Tollmann et al., 1991) and the available carapace furnishius murcianus murcianus conodont), early Carnian,
(Crasquin et al., 2018) corresponds to a stage A-4. The LV Late Triassic (Moix et al., 2013; this work).
from the Lycian Nappes (Plates 1C and 1D) are both A-1 stages Rejected occurrence. Hungary, Ladinian, Middle Triassic
and the RV (Plate 1E) may be an A-2 juvenile. (Monostori and Tóth, 2013).
LV are also more abundant than RV during the Rhaetian Remarks. The present specimens have first been discussed
(Fig. 3B). All dimensions of Nodobairdia mammilata from the by Moix et al. (2013), who attributed them to Polycopsis

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Müller (1894). Polycopsis was erected based on modern palaeoenvironmental interpretations because of the scarceness
material mainly using soft body characters, which led several of the material and of its possible allochthonous origin but
authors to point out the impossibility to distinguish between some elements are nevertheless significant.
Polycope and Polycopsis in the absence of soft parts Nodobairdia mammilata and Mirabairdia longispinosa are
(e.g. Urlichs, 1972; Neale, 1983). For this reason, Urlichs subtidal species that have been previously recorded from
(1972) chose to re-assign Triassic species to Polycope Sars lagoonal/restricted shallow subtidal (Liebermann, 1979) to
(1866), and was later followed for instance by Kolar-Jurkovsek basinal settings during the Carnian (Nodobairdia mammilata:
(1990) or implicitly by Monostori and Tóth (2013), Sebe et al. Hausmann and Nützel (2015); Mirabairdia longispinosa:
(2013) and Forel et al. (2019a). We are in line with Urlichs Kristan-Tollmann (1978)). Bunza and Kozur (1971) did not
(1972) and subsequent authors in considering that records of provide information on the environmental preferences of
Polycopsis in the Triassic are unreliable and that Polycopsis Polycope pumicosa schleiferae, but it has been reported from
species in Kozur (1970), Bunza and Kozur (1971), Kozur et al. contemporaneous offshore areas (Forel et al., 2019a). This
(2000) should be re-assigned to Polycope. species, previously identified as Polycopsis n. sp. ex gr.
Specimens attributed to Polycope pumicosa schleiferae cincinnata (Apostolescu) [referring to Apostolescu (1959)] in
from the Ladinian, Middle Triassic, of Hungary (Monostori and Moix et al. (2013), has been reported as occurring in “moderately
Tóth, 2013) are here excluded from this species because the deep water below the storm wave base and in deep water” (p. 419
illustrated specimen (Pl. 1, fig. 2 in Monostori and Tóth, 2013) is in Moix et al., 2013). However, it is not clear on which data or
rostrate anteriorly and lacks the diagnostic narrow ridge along the references this assertion relies. Nevertheless, the absence of
free margin. The dimension range of this material is also larger typical deep-water taxa such as those from the Julian of the
than that of the type material (a diameter ranging from 800 to Mersin Mélange (Turkey; Forel et al., 2019a) and the
860 mm; type material ranging from 274 to 297 mm in length and characteristics of the three species detailed above, point to a
from 250 to 270 mm in height, Bunza and Kozur (1971)) but this relatively offshore subtidal palaeoenvironment under moderate
feature is not discriminant enough as it may relate to ontogeny. water depth. Moix et al. (2013, p. 419) add that “the presence of
Monostori and Tóth (2013) also re-attributed Polycope cf. several typical sculptured Bairdiidae without disintegration of
pumicosa schleiferae from the early Anisian, Middle Triassic, of the nodes and ribs indicates that the water depth was around
Romania (Crasquin and Grădinaru, 1996, later reported from the 100 m, estimating warm water in a water depth at 70 to 100 m or
same area by Sebe et al., 2013) to Polycope pumicosa schleiferae. not much deeper”. This sentence is problematic because:
However, this taxonomic choice was not discussed. Here we do – No details of the occurring Bairdiidae are provided;
not subscribe to this re-attribution as the material from the – The only specimen figured in Moix et al. (2013, here
Dobrogea has smaller reticulations dominated ventrally by a re-identified as Mirabairdia sp.) lacks nodes or ribs;
series of concentric ridges parallel to the ventral margin and lacks – These explanations are themselves problematic as ribs and
the narrow ridge along free margin. Consequently, Polycope nodes are most of the time relatively low-lying ornamental
pumicosa schleiferae is here considered as restricted to the features so that this deduction should be used for spines
Carnian and has been reported from Hungary (Bunza and Kozur rather than ribs and nodes.
(1971)) and Turkey (Forel et al., 2019a; this work). The precise
age of the type material of Polycope pumicosa schleiferae is
problematic as it is only attributed to the early Carnian 5.2 On the palaeobiogeographical distribution
(Unterkarn) from Bakonyszücs in Hungary (p. 14 in Bunza and of ostracods during the Carnian
Kozur (1971)), with no further information. Bunza and Kozur 5.2.1 Mesozoic Neotethys
(1971) subscribe to the three-fold subdivision of the Carnian but
in the absence of precise elements or information to discuss this The conodont Pseudofurnishius murcianus murcianus van
age attribution, the Hungarian occurrence of Polycope pumicosa den Boogaard (1966), retrieved from the studied sample, is a
schleiferae is questionably attributed to the Cordevolian. typical indicator for the Neotethyan domain and shows that the
Morphologically, it is worth noting that the valve shown in Karadag Unit belongs to the Cimmerian Taurus terrane and
Plate 1H displays rows of small pores arranged parallel to each was part of the northern passive margin of the Neotethys
reticula wall, which were never observed previously. (Fig. 4; Moix et al., 2013).
The Palaeotethys existed between Eurasia and Gondwana
in the Late Palaeozoic and was subducted northwards during
5 Results and discussion the Middle-Late Triassic (e.g. Robertson and Dixon, 1984,
5.1 Diversity and palaeoenvironment Dercourt et al., 1986, 1993, 2000; Moix et al., 2008). Its
closure triggered the opening of the Neotethys by the rifting of
All specimens obtained from the Cordevolian, early continental fragments (Taurides, Cimmerian blocks) from the
Carnian of the Karapınar Formation in the Lycian Nappes northern margin of the Gondwana. In parallel, the northward
(southwestern Turkey), are isolated valves, implying that they subduction of the Palaeotethys beneath Eurasia opened up a
may not be autochthonous (e.g. Oertli, 1971; Boomer et al., series of back-arc basins along the southern area of Eurasia
2003). The small dimensions of the material seem to reinforce (Fig. 4). The closure of the Palaeotethys was terminated by the
this hypothesis, as detailed in the systematic palaeontology collision of the Taurides and Eurasia in the latest Triassic,
chapter of this contribution: Hungarella sp. and all Bairdiidae known as the Cimmerian orogenic event. In the mean time, the
of this study are interpreted as juveniles and Polycope Neotethys was opening to the south.
pumicosa schleiferae is only slightly smaller than the type The geodynamic evolution of the Neotethys during the
material. It is therefore quite difficult to build strong Mesozoic is currently described by two main models. The first

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Fig. 4. Palaeogeographic map of the western Tethyan area for the Late Triassic (230 Ma). In black are the dispersed parts of Turkey (modified
from Moix et al., 2013). The pink circle indicates the position of the studied area.

model, termed “one-ocean thesis”, was introduced by Columbia, with a subsequent westward trans-panthalassic
Bernoulli and Laubscher (1972) and later reworked by dispersion (Kristan-Tollmann and Tollmann, 1981, 1982;
Neubauer and von Raumer (1993), Schmid et al. (2008) Kristan-Tollmann, 1986a, b, 1988a);
and Bortolotti et al. (2013). The second one proposes multiple – The “western Tethys” hypothesis that has for instance been
oceanic basins and microcontinents (e.g. Sengör, 1984; proposed for Polycope cincinnata Apostolescu (1959) that
Robertson and Dixon, 1984; Stampfli and Borel, 2004; occurs in the western Tethys during the Middle and Late
Stampfli and Kozur, 2006; Moix et al., 2008; Robertson et al., Triassic and became cosmopolitan, reaching Timor, in the
2009, 2013). A relatively simple one-ocean model has been Early Jurassic (Lord, 1988). Bate (1977) considered that
proposed for the Alpine-Dinaric-Hellenic belt, but compari- the European Province may have been the radiation place
sons with Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East led to more of the majority of important Mesozoic families;
complicated scenarios (e.g. Robertson et al., 2009). The close – The “eastern Tethys” hypothesis that has been proposed for
similarity of the upper Julian-lower Tuvalian radiolarian several taxa such as the vallate healdiid Hermiella
faunas from the Northern Calcareous Alps through the (Kristan-Tollmann, 1993), cytheroids (Bate, 1977; Lord,
Lagonegro Basin, Sicily, Greece and farther east in the 1988 based on Kristan-Tollmann, 1983) or ornate bairdiids
Antalya nappes, in the Mersin Mélange and in Elbistan (Ketmuangmoon et al., 2018; discussed below). Lord
(Turkey) may confirm the idea of a single oceanic basin (1988) hypothesized that typical Jurassic taxa might have
(Ozsvárt et al., 2017). originated on the eastern side of the Tethys, migrated to the
western Tethys during the Late Triassic transgression and
5.2.2 Origin and palaeobiogeography of ostracods during diversified there up to the known Jurassic record. Recently,
the Triassic: state of the art it has been proposed that Carinobairdia and Schulerideidae
The area of origin of Mesozoic tethyan ostracods has been may have radiated on the Chinese coasts during the
considered by three main schools of thoughts: Tuvalian, late Carnian, and migrated westward later during
– The “western America” hypothesis, which considers that the Late Triassic (Forel et al., 2019b). At the generic level,
they radiated in western America, particularly in British this Chinese record also represents the oldest known

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occurrence of Carinobairdia that may thus have colonized Since these early works, this major issue has not been
western tethyan areas through the Carinobairdia cabralae- further discussed in details. The present work, following Forel
Carinobairdia alpina lineage. et al. (2019b), aims at characterizing migration patterns
underlying the observed Late Triassic tethyan homogeneity.
The knowledge of the origin of Mesozoic marine ostracods
and their diffusion ways is still heterogeneous. For Early
Jurassic ostracods, five provinces have been recognized 5.2.3 The Lycian Nappes record
(European, Tethyan, North African, American, East African; Of the five species we document from the Lycian Nappes,
Bate, 1977) as well as important changes in their provincialism three are known from other Triassic marine successions:
(Arias, 2007). The Early Jurassic provincialism has been Mirabairdia longispinosa Kristan-Tollmann, Nodobairdia
related to the spread of cosmopolitan species, extinction of mammilata Kollmann and Polycope pumicosa schleiferae
endemic species, disappearance of geographical barriers, Kozur. Their Cordovelian occurrences in the Lycian Nappes
warmer climate conditions and rising sea level (Arias and revive the discussion on palaeogeographical distribution
Whatley, 2009). during the Late Triassic, homogeneity of tethyan communities,
The palaeobiogeographical distribution of ostracods during dispersal routes as well as radiation areas. In this discussion,
the Triassic has been discussed mainly during the 70’s and 80’s, we considered as a necessary condition to be able to verify and
but was never really reconsidered since this relatively prolific confirm the conspecificity of all specimens attributed to the
period. In 1973, Kozur (1973b) distinguished three distinct studied species. For this reason, articles that record but not
conodonts and ostracods provinces during the Triassic: southern illustrate the species are here excluded as they may introduce
boreal, tethyan (subdivided into nevadian, asiatic, dinarian, artificial occurrences. Therefore, the following references are
austroalpine, westmediterranean and german subprovinces) and omitted from this discussion:
northern boreal provinces. Kozur (1973b) also proposed – Liebermann (1979; Cordevolian, early Carnian, Italy):
successive faunal connexions within the tethyan province, Mirabairdia longispinosa;
which might have been connected to the northern boreal – Liebermann (1979; Cordevolian, early Carnian, Italy) and
province through the german subprovince during the Early Hausmann and Nützel (2015; Carnian, Italy): Nodobairdia
Triassic. Awestward migration of brackish water and euryhaline mammilata.
ostracods in the Middle Triassic (upper Illyrian-Ladinian) is
finally proposed from the asiatic subprovince through the eastern The updated palaeogeographical distribution of the three
Carpathians and northern margin of the Black Sea. Later, species through time is summarized in Table 2. Polycope
Kristan-Tollmann and Tollmann (1981, 1982) and Kristan- pumicosa schleiferae and Mirabairdia longispinosa are both
Tollmann (1986a, 1988a, b, 1991) analysed the distribution of restricted to the Carnian of the western Tethys sensu lato. In the
diverse fossil groups (algae, crinoids, foraminifers, holothurians, present state of our knowledge, Polycope pumicosa schleiferae
anomuran coprolites, halobiids, brachiopods, ammonoids and is known from the early and middle Carnian and does not
ostracods) concluded that it was homogeneous within the Tethys extend in the late Carnian. During the Cordevolian, it occurs on
during the Late Triassic. On the opposite, six provinces have the northern portion of the Neotethys (Moix et al., 2013; this
been identified for foraminifer species in the Late Triassic work) and possibly on the northern margin of the Hu glu Basin
(Chablais et al., 2011): the peri-Tethys, eastern Gondwana, (Hungary; Bunza and Kozur (1971)). During the middle
eastern Laurasia, central Pacific, Sambosan and other sea- Carnian, it is only known from the southern margin of the
mounts. However, no evident palaeobiogeographic restrictions Huglu Basin (Turkey; Forel et al., 2019a). Mirabairdia
is observed at the generic level. More recently, Chen et al. (2016) longispinosa is known from the early and late Carnian (Tab. 2),
proposed the existence of two distinct provinces for conodonts possibly illustrating the lack of data for the middle Carnian.
during the Middle and Late Triassic, viz. tethyan and During the Cordevolian, Mirabairdia longispinosa occurs on
panthalassan domains. These diverse views are relatively the northern margin of the Huglu Basin (Kollmann (1963);
challenged by recent works that rather document an increasing Kristan-Tollmann, 1971, 1978; Zorn, 2010) and in the
differentiation occurred between the Neotethyan and the Neotethys (this work). It is last documented in the late
Palaeotethyan faunas, with a maximum in the Cordevolian Carnian on the southern margin of the Huglu Basin (Forel
(e.g. Moix et al., 2007). During this interval, the conodont, et al., 2018).
ostracod, holothurian sclerite and sponge spicule faunas show Nodobairdia mammilata has a longer history, ranging from
that the Apulian-Tauride High clearly separated (e.g. Kozur, the early Carnian to the Rhaetian (Tab. 2). Until the present
2000; Stampfli and Kozur, 2006; Moix et al., 2007, 2013; Fig. 4): record, this species was restricted to the Alpine area during its
– The Neotethyan fauna to the south, for instance marked by entire Carnian history (Kristan-Tollmann, 1971, 1978;
Pseudofurnishius murcianus van den Boogaard (1966) and Kollmann (1963); Zorn, 2010; Kristan-Tollmann et al.,
Theelia tubercula Kristan-Tollmann (1963); 1991; Monostori, 1994; Kristan-Tollmann and Hamedani,
– The northern Tethyan fauna in the Hu glu-Pindos Ocean and 1973). Occurrences in Sicily during the late Carnian (Crasquin
its shelves (including the Antalya Nappes), to the north. et al., 2018) and in Australia later during the Norian (Kristan-
Tollmann, 1986b) and upper Norian-Rhaetian (Dépêche and
After the breakup of the Apulian-Tauride High that may Crasquin, 1992; Crasquin and Dépêche, 1993) could have
have occurred in the Julian, the faunas of the Neotethys witnessed a large diffusion of Nodobairdia mammilata in the
and these of the Tethyan areas (Palaeotethyan back-arcs) Neotethys after the Carnian. However, the present report
immediately north of the Tauric Autochthon became almost indicates that Nodobairdia mammilata was already present in
identical (Kozur, 2000; Moix et al., 2007). the Huglu Basin and on the northern area of the Neotethys

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Table 2. Stratigraphical and palaeogeographical ranges of ostracod species recorded outside the Lycian Nappes during the Triassic; stages
durations not to scale. Light grey squares: literature-based distribution; dark grey squares: new distribution from the Lycian Nappes.

M. longispinosa N. mammilata P. pumicosa schleiferae

Northern Calcareous Alps
RHAETIAN Australia
NORIAN Australia
Tuvalian Turkey (Hu
glu) Sicily
CARNIAN Julian Hungary Turkey (Hu
Italy Italy Hungary?
Cordevolian Turkey (Lycian Nappes) Turkey (Lycian Nappes) Turkey (Lycian Nappes)

Abbreviations: A: Austria; C: China; G: Germany; H: Hungary; I: Iran; R: Romania; S: Slovakia; T: Turkey; Ti: Tibet.

Ocean in the Cordevolian, at the base of the Carnian.

Consequently, Polycope pumicosa schleiferae, Mirabairdia
longispinosa and Nodobairdia mammilata were already
largely distributed during the Cordevolian, early Carnian,
implying that they may have radiated earlier, possibly at the
end of the Ladinian. Although data are still lacking to propose a
robust hypothesis on the radiation areas of these species, it is
reasonable to consider their early evolutive history as purely
western-tethyan. Only a larger geographical coverage of the
Middle-Late Triassic transition will clarify whether they
radiated in neotethyan or palaeotethyan waters. As described
earlier, the disaggregation of the Apulian-Tauride High that
separated neotethyan and palaeotethyan faunas is traditionally
placed in the Julian, Middle Carnian (e.g. Kozur, 2000;
Stampfli and Kozur, 2006; Moix et al., 2007, 2008, 2013). Yet,
the ostracod record indicates that communication ways were
already present and provided stable palaeoenvironmental
conditions for these benthic organisms to spread from one
ocean to the other at the base of the Cordevolian.
During the Late Triassic, the Cimmerian continent, the
width of which is still unknown, was crossed by major faults
(Fig. 4) that could have served for faunal exchanges between
the Palaeotethys and Neotethys during the collision phase. The Fig. 5. Sketch illustrating the successive pre-Cordevolian (bottom)
migrating flexural bulge and development of a foreland basin and Cordevolian (top) position of the Cimmerian block allowing for
demonstrate that the Tauric-Anatolian and Beyda gları-Apulian faunal exchanges only from the Cordevolian onwards. CIM:
domains were separated at least by a few hundred kilometers, Cimmerian block. EUR: Europe.
this separation being placed in the Julian (e.g. Kozur, 2000;
Moix et al., 2008). These flexural structures may have been
relatively deep corridors allowing faunal relations as early as in ostracods during the Late Triassic (e.g. Kristan-Tollmann and
the Cordevolian as shown by the ostracods reported here. At Tollmann, 1981, 1982; Kristan-Tollmann, 1986a, 1988a, b,
some places and before it was completly overlapped by the 1991) with that of the opening of Neotethys and Palaeotethys
accretionary prism, the Cimmerian block may have been communication during the Cordevolian. These two concep-
brought at already important depth to allow faunal exchanges tions of Late Triassic ostracod faunas may seem antithetical
before the closure of the Palaeotethys (Fig. 5). We propose here but they need to be replaced in a stratigraphical context to get
that the opening of the communication between the Palaeo- insight into the temporal dynamism of ostracods distribution.
tethys and the Neotethys may have initiated already during the The synthesis on the homogeneity of tethyan marine
Cordevolian, and became more widely established during the communities of Kristan-Tollmann (1988a) offered a static
Julian for more intense, and therefore more visible, faunal summary of the large-scale distribution of diverse algae,
exchanges (pers. comm. Prof. Dr. Gérard Stampfli, Université crinoid, holothurian, ostracod and anomouran coprolite species
de Lausanne). from the Middle Triassic (Late Ladinian, down to Late Anisian
Following these observations and interpretations, it is for ostracods) to the end of the Late Triassic (Rhaetian).
necessary to confront the idea of homogeneity of tethyan Nodobairdia mammilata is part of the typical tethyan taxa that

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led Kristan-Tollmann (1988a) to conclude to the relative Chen, 1987, 2002; Hao, 1994, 1996; Yi, 2004; Yuan et al.,
homogeneity of the tethyan communities during the Late 2009; Crasquin et al., 2010). During the Triassic, a westward
Triassic. The present record is in line with this observation in trend similar to that reported for Nodobairdia is documented
showing a large distribution of this species during the for Mirabairdia, with records in South China during the
Cordevolian. As detailed above, several hypotheses were Anisian (Kristan-Tollmann, 1983) and all around the Hu glu
brought for the geographical trend of tethyan colonization but Basin during the Middle and Late Triassic: Turkey (Julian,
none was replaced in a temporal context. It is only later that middle Carnian, Forel et al., 2019a; Tuvalian, late Carnian,
temporalization was brought with the proposal of uniformiza- Forel et al., 2018), Italy (Julian, middle Carnian, Kollmann
tion of palaeotethyan and neotethyan faunas during the Julian (1963); Liebermann, 1979; Cordevolian, early Carnian,
(e.g. Kozur, 2000; Stampfli and Kozur, 2006; Moix et al., Kristan-Tollmann (1978)), Hungary (Anisian, Middle Triassic,
2007, 2008, 2013). Here, the initiation of this uniformity is Kozur, 1971), Austria (Julian, middle Carnian, Kollmann
placed in the Cordevolian. The homogeneization of the (1963); Rhaetian, Kozur, 1973a; Anisian, Middle Triassic,
ostracod faunas reported by several authors during the Late Mette et al., 2014). This record may imply a westward
Triassic (e.g. Kristan-Tollmann and Tollmann, 1981, 1982; migration along the northern margin of the Palaeotethys up to
Kristan-Tollmann, 1986a, 1988a, b, 1991) might therefore the Anisian. It may have been followed by the colonization of
relate to the opening of communications between the the Huglu Basin during the Carnian with an extension to the
Neotethys and the Palaeotethys oceans during the Cordevolian, north of the Neotethys at the very beginning of the Carnian as
early Carnian. However, Kristan-Tollmann (1988a) states that shown by the present record of the Cordevolian of the Lycian
the uniformity was already recognizable at the end of the Nappes. The history of the genus Mirabairdia therefore
Ladinian, and even at the end of the Anisian for ostracods. This implies much older roots than for Carinobairdia and
early uniformity needs to be carefully re-considered as it Nodobairdia and survival to the end-Permian extinction.
cannot be explained by the same tectonic event and may However, the present contribution provides the first known
correspond to different diversity dynamics. record of Mirabairdia in the Neotethys.
This mixture of endemism between generic and specific
5.2.4 Generic versus specific palaeogeographical levels has also been reported during the Late Triassic for
patterns foraminifers (Chablais et al., 2011). These distinct generic and
specific patterns show that these problematics need to be studied
The purely western-tethyan history of Polycope pumicosa in their full complexity. It is interesting to note that generic
schleiferae, Mirabairdia longispinosa and Nodobairdia patterns rather show a westward trend for all these taxa.
mammilata and the opening of the oceanic communication
reactivate the discussion on the origin of tethyan ostracods and
on their palaeogeographical homogeneity during the Late
6 Conclusions
Triassic (e.g. Kristan-Tollmann and Tollmann, 1981, 1982;
Kristan-Tollmann, 1986a, 1988a; Lord, 1988; Forel et al., Ostracods of Cordevolian, early Carnian, Late Triassic, age
2019b). The distribution pathways are also important to have been retrieved from the Karapınar Formation cropping
discuss as they may provide insights into the history of out at the Agılıovası Yayla section, located in the Lycian
radiation, colonization events and associated environmental Nappes in southwestern Turkey. Five species are found,
conditions. including three typical Late Triassic species: Mirabairdia
The oldest occurrences of Nodobairdia are from the longispinosa Kristan-Tollmann (1978), Nodobairdia mammi-
Anisian lato sensu of the Suhkothai terrane (Ketmuangmoon lata Kollmann (1963) and Polycope pumicosa schleiferae
et al., 2018) and late Anisian of South China (Kristan- Kozur in Bunza and Kozur (1971). We discuss the taxonomy of
Tollmann, 1983). It is known up to the Rhaetian (Bolz, 1971a, the species recovered, describe the ontogeny of Nodobairdia
b; Kristan-Tollmann et al., 1979, 1980, Kristan-Tollmann, mammilata and observe five stages for the Carnian and
1988a; Dépêche and Crasquin, 1992; Crasquin and Dépêche, Rhaetian material. We discuss the palaeoenvironmental
1993; Mette et al., 2012; Monostori and Tóth, 2014). implications of the assemblage, pointing toward a deposition
These palaeogeographical and stratigraphical ranges led in the relatively offshore subtidal zone under moderate water
Ketmuangmoon et al. (2018) to propose that Southeast Asia depth. We finally discuss the palaeobiogeographical distribu-
may have been an important area of generic origination during tion of marine ostracods during the Late Triassic: it implies that
the Middle Triassic, with Nodobairdia later spreading to the communications between the Neotethys and the Hu glu Basin
entire tethyan areas. This observation was recently extended to might have been already open during the Cordevolian.
Carinobairdia (Forel et al., 2019b). When considering the
species distribution, Nodobairdia mammilata colonized most Abbreviations
of the western Tethys to Iran but it apparently did not extend to
the easternmost areas. RV Right valve
The history of Mirabairdia drastically differs from that of LV Left valve
Carinobairdia and Nodobairdia. Its first attested occurrence is DB Dorsal border
of Capitanian age, Middle Permian, in South China (Zazzali AD Bantero-dorsal border
et al., 2015). During its entire Permian history, Mirabairdia PDB Postero-dorsal border
has been restricted to South China, with a maximum of H Height
diversity during the Changhsingian, Late Permian (e.g. Shi and L Length

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Cite this article as: Forel M-B, Moix P. 2020. Late Triassic ostracods from the Lycian Nappes, southwestern Turkey: implications on
taxonomy and palaeobiogeographical distribution, BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin 191: 30.

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