Mambalam Times: The Neighbourhood Newspaper For T. Nagar & Mambalam
Mambalam Times: The Neighbourhood Newspaper For T. Nagar & Mambalam
Mambalam Times: The Neighbourhood Newspaper For T. Nagar & Mambalam
The Neighbourhood Newspaper for T. Nagar & Mambalam
Vol. 26, No. 19 1411th Issue: September 27 - October 3, 2020 FREE
Page 2 MAMBALAM TIMES Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2020
Prosperity Day Not many opt for metro trains Damaged barricades dumped
celebrations on
Thursday on Mahalakshmi Street
Sri Aravindhar Annai Arul
Maiyam (14, Bakthavat-chalam
Street, West Mam-balam) has
organized special programs on
Thursday, Oct. 1 (Prosperity day
and Pournami day) celebrations.
The following is the program:
6.30 a.m: Divine Mother bal-
cony darshan.
6 p.m: Candle light prayer and
reading of ‘The Adoration of Di-
vine Mother’.
Those interested in perform-
ing special pushpanjali to The
By Our Staff Reporter
Mother and Sri Aurobindo should
register their names. Traffic policemen have been dumping damaged barricades
Sri Annai Adigal (Founder) on Mahalakshmi Street, T. Nagar.
By Our Staff Reporter A traffic policeman said that the barricades have been
will offer counselling for all prob- Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) resumed operations on Sept. 9 but very few passengers declared scrap and will be removed once they receive orders.
lems and can be contacted in can be seen boarding trains. This photo was taken in Ashok Nagar station at 9 a.m on Sept.
98414 25456.
13 held for robberies in 24 hours
Encroachments in streets off ‘One Nation One Following a series of robberies
in the city on Sept. 22 and 23,
Nagar and seized nine two-
wheelers from him. Police said
Ration Card’ scheme
Venkatanarayana Road in Tamilnadu from
police apprehended 13 persons
on Sept. 25 and seized six bikes,
that Bhara-thiraja sold the stolen
two-wheelers at cheaper rates
Oct. 1 15 mobiles, three swords, gold in and around the locality.
jewellery and Rs. 10 lakhs from
By Our Staff Reporter
them. Police formed special
The Tamilnadu government teams after robberies were
has decided to implement the reported in Mylapore,
‘One Nation One Ration Card’ Teynampet, Nungam-bakkam,
scheme from Oct. 1 to enable Royapettah, Chinta-dripet,
ration card holders to get their Royapuram and Tondiar-pet.
entitled quota of subsidized Seven men — Surya, Dhan-
foodgrains from PDS outlets ush, Rahul, Rakesh, Karthik,
of their choice anywhere in the Mani and Sanjay — were arrested
in Tondiarpet. The Basin Bridge
police arrested six men — Sadam
The state will ensure
Hussain, Mohanasundaram,
biometric authentication for Gopalakrishnan, Arun-pandian,
all cardholders in the shops Prabu and Naveen — in
for getting their monthly connection with the robbery of
entitlement. Rs. 2 lakhs from a businessman.
The system will also enable Similarly, the Red Hills police
South West Boag Road arrested Sadiq Basha, 29, for
the cardholders anywhere in
the national cluster to access indulging in snatching.
their quota of foodgrains In yet another incident, an MTC
conductor was arrested for
through national portability.
stealing bikes.
The state has 2.09 crore The Thiruverkadu police
cardholders and has allocated arrested Bharathiraja of Anna
Rs. 6,500 crores towards food
subsidy and Rs. 400 crores 48-year-old security
towards cooperatives for
guard falls to death
implementing the PDS this
fiscal year. Even as the state from terrace
implements the National A 48-year-old man fell to his
death from the terrace of a two-
Food Security Act (NFSA), it
storied building in Aminjikarai
will continue to retain its on Sept. 22. On being informed,
universal PDS, as has been Anna Nagar police retrieved the
done in the past four decades body and sent it for post-mortem.
extending subsidized comm- The deceased, Suresh Babu of
odities to all sections, with no Railway Colony, was working as
income criteria or social status a security guard in the locality.
for monthly entitlement. He was living alone on the second
Only the cardholders of floor of the building. Around 9
a.m, Suresh fell from the terrace
Tamilnadu will be covered
of the building and died on the
under universal PDS.
Sadullah Street spot with severe head injuries.
Under the NFSA, the A case has been registered and
Scrap items packed in bags have been dumped on South West Boag Road off cardholders are entitled to get further investigation is on to find
Venkatanarayana Road in T. Nagar. Another encroachment is an eatery on the pavement near rice at Rs. 3/kg and wheat at out whether it was a suicide or an
Sadullah Street at its junction with Venkatanarayana Road. Rs. 2/kg. accident.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Damaged drain cover replaced after report
Garbage bin in pieces
in Mambalam Times
Sir, The garbage bin on Moorthy Street West Mambalam is Before Now
By Our Staff Reporter
in pieces with rubbish strewn all around it. I appeal to
After the report ‘Damaged drain cover a hindrance to road users’ published in Mambalam Times (August 15-21 issue), the
Corporation officials to replace the damaged bin and ensure
drain cover, which had broken and sunk partially into the storm water drain, was replaced with a concrete slab last week.
that garbage is removed daily by conservancy workers.
Viswanthan, West Mambalam
Mother, son make, repair cane furniture Parrots back
Garbage not being cleared
By Our Staff Reporter
in T. Nagar area
40-year-old Nandakumar (a By Our Staff Reporter
resident of Porur) makes and The closure of parks and the
repairs cane furniture for a lockdown has seen the return
living. of many common birds
He started learning the craft including sparrows and
from his father when he was parrots, even in commercial
11. hubs like T. Nagar.
After his father passed The common Indian parrot
away, he continued the legacy is now a common sight on the
and is now helped by his mother tall trees that line Pondy
Girija (67). Bazaar, Venkatanarayana
They specialize in both Road, G. N. Chetty Road and
repairing old furniture and Usman Road.
making new ones. But bird watchers fear that,
The service includes with the increase in traffic and
painting and varnishing to give noise pollution, they might
the old furniture a new look. move back to safer havens.
Sir, The garbage bin in Vaidyarama Street is always
Their specialty is doorstep With the breeding season
overflowing with rubbish scattered all over the area as garbage
service for repairing furniture. on, pairs of parrots can be
is not being cleared daily. The foul smell from the huge heap
He ran a shop in ECR Road sighted building their homes
of garbage poses a health hazard for nearby residents. The
BJP office is located on the street. for around 5 years, but had to in hollows created by birds like
Repeated appeals to Corporation officials have fallen on close it due to dwindling woodpeckers or even in high
deaf ears. Madhusudan, Ph. 97909 19528 business and the impact of assists him. from the corporate sector, the rise locations on tall buildings.
COVID-19. He said, “From December, credit period is more than 6 Beauty has been a bane for
Pit in street “In our line of work, labour 2019 to mid March, 2020, we months forcing them to restrict these rose-ringed parakeets
has now become a big issue both were in Andaman on a orders. which, as the most sought-
due to falling business. So I contract job and luckily made Anyone wishing to avail the after birds in pet trade in the
have been forced to reduce the it home just before the service of Nandakumar and country, end up in cages.
workforce which has further lockdown.” Girija, may call 99403 27359 Capturing and selling them
been impacted by COVID-19”, He said that they have or send a WhatsApp message. are prohibited under Schedule
he said. customers from all over The photo taken on Sept. 24 IV of the Wildlife Protection
He has a son studying in 5th Chennai including corporate shows the mother and son Act, 1972, but they have been
standard. His wife manages like hotels and guest houses. repairing cane furniture in a sold in markets, especially in
the home while his mother Though they get bulk orders house in V Block, Anna Nagar. Pallavaram and Broadway.
Damaged cover of water inlet Woman advocate felicitated Builders
Association urges
poses danger govt to reduce
stamp duty,
registration fee
By Our Staff Reporter
The Builders Association of
India has urged the Tamil-
nadu government to revise
stamp duty and registration
fee from the existing combined
11% to 4% in view of the crisis
faced by the construction sector
after the outbreak of COVID-
According to a press release,
Maharashtra and Karnataka
By Our Staff Reporter
governments have reduced
K. Pavithra (resident of 9/17, 4th Street, Pudur, Ashok Nagar), who was recently enrolled
stamp duty and registration
By Our Staff Reporter as a member of Tamilnadu and Puducherry Bar Council, was felicitated by neighbours and
charges drastically to boost the
The damaged cover of a water inlet in the storm drain in well-wishers. Residents said that they were proud that a woman in their neighbourhood had realty sector.
Brindavan Street, West Mambalam (near Lakshmi Narayana chosen this career. The Tamilnadu government
Street) is posing a danger for motorists. Pavithra said that she will appear for the All India Bar Council examination in December.
should also decrease the stamp
duty and registration fee to
New COVID-19
cases top 1,000 in
Duct cover rebuilt following report maximum of 4%, it added.
Also, the Builders Associa-
city again in Mambalam Times tion of India urged the state
government to launch a single
By Our Staff Reporter window clearance for building
Fresh cases of COVID-19 in approval and permission as
the city crossed the 1000- done in Telangana.
mark again on Sept. 24 as
Tamilnadu reported 5,692 Egmore museum to
new cases and 66 deaths.
After reporting cases
start digitisation
between 949 and 996 since drive in October
Sept. 3, Chennai reported By Our Staff Reporter
1,089 cases and 15 deaths. The Government Museum in
The state had 46,405 people Egmore will kickstart a major
still under treatment for the digitisation drive next month,
viral infection. Before By Our Staff Reporter Now aimed at creating an online
The case tally in Tamilnadu database of pictures and de-
Following the report ‘Cover on duct for cables damaged’ published in Mambalam Times (Sept.12-18 issue), the damaged
touched 5,63,691 and the cover on the duct for cables was reconstructed. tails of about one lakh
cumulative toll 9,076. artefacts. The move is a bid to
88,784 persons were
screened, the highest so far in
Trunk of axed tree blocks Hanging bridge, Special trains to secure artefacts and allow glo-
bal art enthusiasts a glimpse
one day. carriageway bowling alley, Thiruvananthapuram, at the rare pieces on display in
boating soon at Mangaluru from the museum.
Corporation Villivakkam Lake Sept. 27 The move will also help
removes all The Corporation is deve-loping The Southern Railway will India’s second oldest museum
a tourist attraction/weekend run daily specials to in updating its official portal
containment zones Thiruvananthapuram and with pictures of its rich collec-
Chennai Corporation has getaway on the island in
Villivakkam Lake. It will include Mangaluru from Chennai tion. The digitisation drive will
removed all COVID-19 Central station from Sunday, cover the accession register, a
a suspension bridge, bowling
containment zones in its 15 Sept. 27. The return services record that contains details of
alley, amphitheater, rides,
zones, although there was a eateries, boating and other from Thiruvananthapuram each artefact.
spike in the number of new entertainment features. and Mangaluru will start from According to museum
COVID-19 cases on Sept. 24. The water spread is 72,000 sq. Sept. 28. The special train no. sources, the project will take
City Health Officer meters and he Corporation plans 02623/02624 to Thiruvanan- about six months.
Jagadeesan said that the city to use 27.5 acres around it to thapuram will leave Chennai The pictures available
did not have any street with provide these recreational Central at 7.45 p.m. The train online will also have details
more than three index cases. facilities under a Rs. 26-crore no. 02601 to Mangalore will such as age, height, weight,
By Our Staff Reporter leave Chennai Central at 8.10 history of the artefact and
“So, we have not earmarked project planned in 2016 after the
A more than 5-decade old banyan tree on P. T. Rajan Salai, whole area was inundated in the p.m. where it was discovered.
containment zones. A street K. K. Nagar got uprooted last week. No one was injured in the 2015 floods. Cons-truction of the
is barricaded in the event of incident. Corporation workers cut and removed portions of the
three index cases and if tree the same day but left behind the huge trunk which is
basic infra-structure is apace.
Encroach-ments have been
Water seeps through wall
officials are unable to trace
contacts that caused the
blocking 1/3rd of the carriageway. removed, except on a small of 2-wheeler subway
infection,” he said. Trench to lay heavy duty cables The civic body has started
At least 30% of the COVID- laying pathways, constructed the
19 cases in the city had been administrative blocks, 38 of the
index cases in the past few 43 pillars for the 650-meter
months. During the initial suspension bridge, and installed
stages of the pandemic, the solar powered pollution
civic body created containment monitoring sensors. They have
zones covering hundreds of also desilted the lake, which is
now 4.5 meters deep. The ground
households and many streets.
water table in the area has also
Restrictions were not
risen as a result.
relaxed during the initial days Unlike Chetpet Eco park,
affecting thousands of where boating and fishing
residents. stopped when the lake dried up,
After a few months, the area civic officials said that they have
under containment zones was tied up with Metrowater to set up
reduced, covering only one a sewage treatment plant on an
street. adjoining 11 acres to provide
At one point of time, there water for the lake all-year round.
Whenever there are showers, water stagnating in the storm
were more than 1,000 Soon tenders will be floated to water drain adjoining the Rangarajapuram Subway for 2-
design, build, operate and wheelers in West Mambalam seeps from cracks in the wall of
containment zones in the city.
By Our Staff Reporter maintain the Villivakkam tank the subway.
The number fell to less than
Contractor workers of EB are digging a trench in South Boag complex through private- public The water which seeps through stagnates on the road and
10 last week. partnership for 25 years.
Road in T. Nagar to lay heavy duty cables. makes it slushy. This hinders movement of 2-wheelers.
Page 6 MAMBALAM TIMES Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2020
2-wheelers parked in Branches removed following report in
‘tow away’ area Mambalam Times
ASTROLOGY OLD AGE HOME T. NAGAR, Arulambal Street, behing WEST MAMBALAM, 10/55, Raju T. NAGAR, Flat No. 14, Shanthinath
JATHAGA, Vaasthu, Jeeva Park on GN Chetty Road, 1100 Street, 1st floor, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, Apartment, 3/7, Rajamannar Street, opp.
Nameology expert sq.ft carpet area,, spacious 2 bedrooms, 3 phase EB, 2-wheeler parking, Jeeva Park, rear entrance, 2 bedrooms
“Jyothisha Rathna” Srimathi flat, 2nd floor, A/c, study room, 2 vegetarians only, rent Rs. 13000, advance flat, hall, kitchen, for small family/IT
V. Akilandeswari, M.A. bathrooms, dining cum pooja room, all Rs. 50000. Ph: 97910 45576, 98409 professionals, available from 1st October,
M.Phil. D.I.A. Specialist in lights & fans fittings, no brokers. Ph: 72618. rent Rs. 22000, no brokers. Ph: 97909
Palmistry, Astrology, Name- 99400 93225, 97910 32177. WEST MAMBALAM, 10/55, Raju 90163.
ology, Numerology, Marri- WEST MAMBALAM, 83, Arya Gowda Street, 1st floor, 1 bedroom, hall, kitchen,
age matching, vaasthu. Sri WEST SAIDAPET, Vatsalyam, 7,
Road, 1 bedroom flat, hall, kitchen, 600 separate EB, 2-wheeler parking, Reddykuppam Road, near Aranganathan
Raja Rajeswari Jathagalaya, sq.ft, rent Rs. 13000 or lease. Ph: 73583 vegetarians only, rent Rs. 7000, advance
132/138, Lake View Road, Subway, 750 sq.ft, 2 bedrooms, hall,
57499. Rs. 30000. Ph: 97910 45576, 98409
Coral Glade Apartment, 72618. kitchen, 3rd floor, lift, car & 2-wheeler
West Mambalam, Ph: 94441 WEST MAMBALAM, S2, Ananth parking, rent Rs.18000 + maintenance,
51597, 94449 97942, 94449 Apartment, 16, Velu Street, 2 bedrooms, WEST MAMBALAM, 32, Srinivasa ready to occupy. Ph: 99941 04399.
97946. hall, kitchen, rent Rs. 13500, Brahmins Iyengar Main Street, single bedroom,
only. Ph: 98849 94099, 94440 71075. hall, kitchen, pooja room, all amenities, T. NAGAR, 12, Yogambal Street, near
CATERING 24 hours water, rent Rs. 12000. Contact: Bazullah Road, 1st floor, 1150 sq.ft, 2
Apartment, Aziz Nagar 1st Street, 850 Raja, Ph: 93828 20311, 87787 25151. bedrooms, hall, kitchen, balcony, fully
undertaken for marriage (A WEST MAMBALAM, near Srinivasa furnished, covered car park, 24 hours
to Z), small functions, PACKERS & MOVERS theatre, Kothandaramar Koil Street, 1 sq.ft, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, , 3rd WEST MAMBALAM, 4,
water. Sekhar, Ph: 98401 18780.
nitchayathartham, seeman- MAMBALAM Sri Annamalaiyar year old, customizable apartment, 2 floor, vegetarians only, rent Rs. 20000, Ramakrishnapuram 3rd Street, 2nd floor,
tham, ayushahomam, Packers & Movers for shifting of bedrooms, and 1 small bedroom, hall, vegetarians only. Ph: 98409 39408, 2814 no lift, only 3 units in premises, 2 WEST MAMBALAM, Bushan Flat,
upanayanam, shashtia- household, office, industrial articles, kitchen, balcony, 1st floor, 1030 sq.ft, lift, 0901. bedrooms, attached bath/western toilets, Kodambakka, Road West Street, 975
pthapurthi, sathabishekam, Chennai city and other districts. covered car park, price Rs. 89 lakhs WEST MAMBALAM, S/10, spacious kitchen with counter, big store sq.ft, 1st floor, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen,
grahapravesam and Anywhere in India. 24 hours service. negotiable. Ph: 87545 69205. Mahalakshmi Flat, Stage II, 3/28, room, hall, dining, balcony, large service no brokers. Ph: 75501 80837, 98401
birthday functions. Contact: Safe, 0% damage. Ph: 91765 85154, Lakshmi Street, near Postal Colony, 2nd area for washing/drying, covered garage, 80210.
WEST MAMBALAM, Subba Reddy 3 a/c points, 4 ceiling fans and exhaust,
Mahalakshmi Catering 98418 88585. Street, 600 sq.ft, 2 bedrooms, hall, floor, 1 bedroom, hall, kitchen, rent Rs. WEST MAMBALAM, 3, Raju Street
Services (West Mambalam), 11000, vegetarians only. Contact: mosquito nets, separate MES meter,
MAMBALAM Ajjay Packers & Movers kitchen, ground floor. Contact owner: UPS provision, 2 bore wells and one Extension, office space, available for
Ph: 95516 15465. for shifting in local within Chennai Ramamurthy, Ph: 99412 27085. Shanthi, Ph: 97102 37102, 94449 49516. rent Rs. 20000. Ph: 98840 96334, 2489
sump, big overhead tanks, low
LUNCH: Sambar, rasam, curry & minimum Rs. 3300, insurance free. T. NAGAR, prime location, 2 WEST MAMBALAM, 2, Station Road, maintenance, centre place, new 9583.
koottu. Dinner: Chappathi with side dish. Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Pune, bedrooms, hall, kitchen, pristine 850 sq.ft, 2 bedrooms flat, hall, kitchen, construction, Brahmins only, no brokers,
All varieties of appalam, vadam, pickles Mumbai, New Delhi, all over India. 0% furnished, 1st floor, rent Rs. 25000, ANNA NAGAR WEST, 1329, 20th
condition, 3 balconies, 2 washrooms, rent/advance on inspection. Ph: 94440 Main Road, between Vasantham Colony
and powders are homemade/ hygiene. damage. Ph: 73581 70399, 98409 good ventilation, well lit, 2 individual negotiable), 2-wheeler parking only. Ph: 81705, 94440 66704.
Companies’ orders are also considered, 47503,729904 47508. Email: 99402 93681. & 6th Avenue, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen,
entrances, open to sell together or RANGARAJAPURAM, 1/B1,
delivery starts from 7.30 a.m. Ph: 91502 [email protected] independent ground floor, pooja, sitout,
separately. Ph: 94446 60145, 93601 WEST MAMBALAM, Block B, Kannadasan Street, 1000 sq.ft,
76089, 89254 06679. 70554. covered car park, 24 hours water metro/
MAMBALAM RAINBOW Packers & Manohar Apartment, 1, Easwaran Koil commercial space, road facing, ground
SR Foods provide daily fresh pure & Movers, local shifting, minimum cost well, semi furnished, rent Rs. 21000 plus
ASHOK NAGAR, F3, Kala Flat, 94, Street, 2nd floor, 1000 sq.ft, 3 bedrooms, floor, independent house. Ph: 99404
hygienic vegetarian Brahmin homemade Rs. 4000, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, hall, kitchen, balcony, open 2 and 4 maintenance, pure vegetarians only. Ph:
food at your doorsteps with hot pack, 10th Avenue, close to T. Nagar, 1st floor, 88730. 80727 81262, 91768 64897.
Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mumbai, & all 650 sq.ft, lift, car/2-wheeler parking, wheeler parking, rent Rs. 25000
Lunch at Rs.110 (two persons) for senior over India, car transport, 100% safe, (negotiable), Brahmins preferred/ ASHOK NAGAR, 89, 21st Avenue, EKKADUTHANGAL, 16, Kalaimagal
citizens / bachelor’s, hostels, corporate price Rs. 50 lakhs (negotiable), for Duraisamy Main Raod, near Vadapalani
door to door. Ph: 96002 96873, 98400 immediate sale, well maintained. Ph: vegetarians. Ph: 98413 08780, 99413 Nagar 1st Main, G-1, Trents Appasamy
officers, students, no delivery charges, 20526. Email: info@rainbow Post Office, 3 bedrooms flat, 4th floor,
99897 45233. 62268. Apartment, back to Jaya TV, 3 bedrooms,
we undertake all kinds of party orders, 1500 sq.ft, lift, covered car park, power
(marriage & all auspicious functions). WEST MAMBALAM, 2/74, Moorthy hall, kitchen, private terrace, 5 A/c, lift,
WEST MAMBALAM, Jubilee Road, back-up, gas line, semi-furnished,
Ph: 63800 66968, 99943 38338. KVT packers & movers, household 3rd floor, 2 bedrooms, hall, modular Street, 1st floor, 1 bedroom, hall, kitchen, vegetarians only, rent Rs. 40000, 2 covered car park, semi furnished, 2000
SHYAMALA Catering Service). We items, office things shifting, machineries kitchen, wood work, balcony, lift, 658 independent house. Ph: 98408 48892, including maintenance, 100% vaasthu. sq.ft apartement, rent Rs. 34000. Ph:
undertake catering for marriage, moving, door to door, all over India. Ph: sq.ft, UDS 350 sq.ft, no water problem, 2489 3047. Ph: 98410 13369. 99406 14514.
seemantham, nichayathartham, 98402 60307. 27 years, common car park, price Rs. 52 WEST MAMBALAM, 23/43, Gandhi WEST MAMBALAM, 9/5, Veersami T,NAGAR, 8, A-2, Pery’s Vieul
ayushyahomam, upanayanam, graha- REAL ESTATE lakhs, no brokers. Ph: 94441 15409. Street, 650 sq.ft, double bedroom, ground Street, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, office/ Apartment, Madley 1st Street, 800 sq.ft,
pravesam, sashtiapthapoorthi, (BUYING) floor, rent Rs. 11000. Ph: 98401 45939.
sathabishegam & birthday functions, RENTAL godown. Ph: 99402 11510. ground floor, 1 bedroom attached,
WANTED land in Madipakkam, WEST MAMBALAM, 36, Brindavan T. NAGAR, 16, Neelakanta Metha WEST MAMBALAM, Navin’s Ishwarya bathroom, 1 room, modular kitchen, hall,
quality maintained. Ph: 93805 36735,
Nanganallur, Keelkattalai, Kovilam- Street Extension, near KS Academy, Street, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 2- Apartment, 84, Brindavan Street, semi furnished, car park, rent Rs. 17000.
89391 36735.
bakkam, joint venture/outright purchase, 900 sq.ft, ground floor apartment, 2 wheeler parking, rent Rs. 18000, landmark: near SRM Hospital at the Ph: 98427 13700, 98427 58384.
EDUCATIONAL no brokers. The Chennai Foundation, bedrooms, hall, kitchen, wood work, lift, negotiable, vegetarians only, no brokers.
HINDI Tuitions undertaken Ph: 99416 76000.
junction of Brindavan Street/ Thambiah SITUATION VACANT
car park, CCTV, 24 hours security, 2- Ph: 92834 63901.
from Std. 1 to 12, classes for
Road Extension, 250 sq.ft, commercial, (EDUCATIONAL)
REAL ESTATE wheeler parking, vegetarians only, rent WEST MAMBALAM, Anjali Apartment, for office or clinic purpose, rent Rs. 8000. WANTED Tamil and Science graduate
Sabha exams /spoken Hindi Rs. 19000 (negotiable). Contact: A.C.
also undertaken. For fees (SELLING) 150, Lake View Road, walkable to Ph: 98404 59881. teachers for a Matriculation school West
T.NAGAR, Venkatanarayana Road, Saarathy, Ph: 81489 59362. Railway Station, spacious, 2nd floor, 2
and more details, contact: WEST MAMBALAM, 9/15, Ram Mambalam Ph: 9444325842.
brand new deluxe flat, 2000 sq.ft, 3 T. NAGAR, 45, Nathamuni Street, bedrooms flat, hall, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, Colony, Near Hindu Vidyalaya School in
Kalaiselvi, Ph: 97890 18896.
bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1st floor, lift, car 750 sq.ft, space in basement floor, for recently painted, 2/4 wheeler parking, Postal Colony 4th Street, 655 sq ft, 2 SITUATION VACANT
ELECTRICAL WORKS park, vasthu, UDS 1050 sq.ft, price Rs. office/godown, rent Rs. 18000. Ph: 70100 rent Rs. 18000 + maintenance. Ph: bedrooms, hall, kitchen, balcony, 1st (GENERAL)
2.75 crores. Contact: Ravi Chandran 21532. 96770 66636. floor, 3 phase connection, provision for WANTED lady tele-caller, salary +
Ph: 82201 52965, 98410 89791. WEST MAMBALAM, 7, Rajagopalan T. NAGAR, Murugan Apartment, 12, inverter, South facing, rent Rs.15000 incentives, bank sector. Ph: 96000 06150.
Street, near Sathyanarayana Temple & Motilal Street, 850 sq.ft, 1st floor, 2 (negotiable), Brahmins only, inspection WANTED female tele-caller for a Water
T.NAGAR, Bharathy Nagar, 1000 time 8 a.m to 12 noon and 5 p.m to 8 pm,
sq.ft, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1st floor, Ayodhya Mandapam, 2 bedrooms bedrooms (one with A/c), hall, kitchen, Purifier Company, West Mambalam,
apartment, hall, kitchen, balcony, bath wood work, 24 hours water, 2-wheeler no brokers. Ph: 94440 09235, 9444
lift, covered car park, 6 years old, price 44277, 80729 69972. qualification +2 & above, with or without
Rs. 1.25 crores fixed, vegetarians only. attached, 1st floor, wood work, car park, parking only, rent Rs. 18000 including experience. Ph: 97899 81815, 98417
Contact: Ravi Chandran Ph: 82201 rent Rs. 16000, 5 months advance. Ph: maintenance (negotiable), inspection on WEST MAMBALAM, B4, Subhiksha 29100.
52965, 98410 89791. 89394 99735, 98403 60785. 27th September, between 9 a.m & 2 p.m. Apartment, 28, Naickammar Street,
Ph: 89391 28140, 98847 57813. single bedroom flat, rent Rs. 11000. Ph: WANTED 2 to 3 years experienced
T.NAGAR, Arulambal Street, 2.5 T. NAGAR, 26, Damodharan Street, 73584 09351. CAD draftsman (Steel Structural Detailing
ground(60x96), with old house, price Rs. near Burkit Raod, 1 bedroom apartment, WEST MAMBALAM, 1, Baroda 1st
WEST MAMBALAM, T-4, SPL preferred) & Engineering graduate with
13.75 crores. Contact: Ravi Chandran hall, kitchen, ground floor, bath attached, Cross Street, single bedroom, rent Rs.
11000, small family or batchelor (1 Subiksha Flat, Bharathi Street, behind experience in ‘Staad Pro’ needed for an
Ph: 82201 52965, 98410 89791. EB card, rent Rs. 10000, 6 months
advance. Ph: 98403 60785. person), no brokers, Brahmins only. Ph: Ayodhya Mandapam, 3rd floor, 1000 s architect & consultancy firm at T. Nagar.
q.ft, 2 bedrooms, hall, kitchen, exclusive Email: [email protected].
HOME SERVICE WEST MAMBALAM, 38A/46, Raju 93835 43427, 90031 10392.
car park, lift access, rent Rs. 20000. Ph: Ph: 2814 1454, 2814 2750.
KL AGENCY (Regd.) West Mambalam Street, ground floor, independent house, JAFFERKHANPET, 44/29, Kasi 98409 27419, 98400 23478.
- 100% reliable, we arrange vegetarian/ 1200 sq.ft, spacious hall, 2 bedrooms, 2 Estate 5th Street, near Kasi Talkies, 900
non-vegetarian cooks, Brahmin cooks, ASHOK NAGAR, 82, 11th Avenue,
baths (one attached), dining, kitchen, 2- sq.ft, ground floor, 2 bedrooms, hall, near SBI, 3 bedrooms flat, hall, modular
housemaids, patient/baby caretakers, wheeler parking, Brahmins only. Ph: kitchen, 24 hours water, 3 phase supply,
drivers, watchman. Ph: 98407 82048. kitchen, fully wood work, covered car
98400 13493, 99406 52328. vegetarians, residential, rent Rs. 15000. park, security, CCTV, genset, balcony,
SREE Ganapathi Home Contact: Poornachandran, Ph: 99400 lift, 24 hours water, 2nd floor, East facing.
Service: We arrange reliable T. NAGAR, 5, Vaidhyaraman Street, Ph: 95661 79922, 90439 40898.
independent upstairs, 1100 sq.ft, 2.5 58373.
vegetarians / non-vege-
tarian cooks (male / female) bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 2 verandah, 2 T. NAGAR, 131, 131, Habibullah Road, T. NAGAR, 45/48, Sadullah Street,
live-in also domestic help, bathrooms, no water problem, small near Karnataka Sangha, 870 sq.ft, 2 1550 sq.ft, 2nd floor, only 4 floors in the
patient attender / child care bedrooms, 1st floor, open car park, apartment, each floor has only one
vegetarian family, no brokers, suitable apartment, ground floor with 2 car parking
takers, drivers, watchmen, for software and office purpose also, rent available from 1st October, vegetarians
nurse, gardener, hostel slots, security, lift, 1 master bedroom
Rs. 30000 (negotiable). Ph: 98842 55389. only, rent Rs. 22000, Sunday, 10 a.m to and 2 other bedrooms, 2 attached and
arrange etc., local & 1 p.m. Ph: 95660 72447, 94442 09545.
outstation. Vennila. Ph: WEST MAMBALAM, 11/6, Rajaji one common toilet cum bath, dining,
99628 74936, 93445 64451. Street, Deveshwa House, 1 bedroom, ASHOK NAGAR, Flat No. 3, 41/3, 10th pooja room, balcony in all 3 bedrooms in
hall, kitchen, 24 hours water, EB as per Avenue, opp. Adyar Bakery, 3 bedrooms dining and hall, only pure vegetarians,
not even eggs permitted, family
MAMBALAM TIMES card rate, 2nd floor, rent Rs. 8000, 3
months advance. Ph: 92831 80834, 90427
flat, ground floor, immediate occupation.
Ph: 94443 85850, 94449 18000.
accommodation. Ph: 99405 79369, 2433
Advertisement Rates 3381, Whatsapp, Ph: +65 91595444.
63415. T. NAGAR, Rams Apartment, 18,
BLACK & WHITE: COLOUR: K.K. NAGAR, Harmony Pearl Rameswaram Street, behind Mambalam
Apartment, Rajamannar Road, near PSBB Railway Station, 2 bedrooms, hall,
Full Page :Rs. 21000 Full Page :Rs. 40,000 kitchen, rent Rs. 12000. Ph: 94433
School, posh, 1150 sq.ft, 3 bedrooms
Half Page :Rs. 21,000 flat, covered car park, gym, vegetarians 02037.
Half Page :Rs. 12,500
only. Vasu, Ph: 72990 94545. WEST MAMBALAM, 40/G, Guru-
Per Column Centimeter: Rs. 180 Ear Panel on Page 1 Rs. 1600 WEST MAMBALAM, G1, Shree Vidya vayurappan Apartment, Kripasankari
Apartment, 14, Balakrishnan Mudali Street, near Sringeri Sharadha Mutt, 2
Classified Display: Per Column cm Rs. 220 Street, ground floor, 1 bedroom, hall, bedrooms, hall, kitchen, 1st floor, 2
kitchen, 800 sq.ft, gated community. balcony, rent Rs. 14000, negotiable,
Rs. 270 per cm First Page : Rs. 270 Brahmins only. Ph: 99624 58309.
Ph: 99655 60561.
Third Page: Rs. 220 Last Page : Rs. 230 WEST MAMBALAM, 3, Kama- WEST MAMBALAM, 32/81, Arya
kshipuram 1st Street (Postal Colony 1st Gowda Road, near Shobana Kalyana
Street Extension), 1st floor house, semi- Mandapam, 855 sq.ft, 2 bedrooms flat,
7/3, Madley Road, T. Nagar. hall, kitchen, open car & 2-wheeler
furnished, 4 bedrooms, hall, kitchen,
Ph: 2434 9236, 2431 3937, 2435 6475 pooja room, study room, covered car parking, 2nd floor, no lift, rent Rs. 20000
[email protected] park, 3 phase, provision for inverter, + maintenance (negotiable). Contact: S.
Web: vegetarian family only, no pets, rent Rs. Ramadurai, Brahmins only. Ph: 95009
35000, no brokers. Ph: 99520 96047. 81833.
Page 8 Mambalam edition of Anna Nagar Times - RNI No. 67462/94 MAMBALAM TIMES Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2020
Rs. 10 lakhs donated to Single Teacher Schools Daily recoveries cross new
By Our Staff Reporter COVID-19 cases
Shriram Capital Limited By Our Staff Reporter
(Chennai) donated Rs.10 Even as Tamilnadu recorded 5,337 new COVID-19 cases,
lakhs to Single Teacher 5,406 patients recovered from the infection on Sept. 22.
Schools (West Mambalam) for This is the 1st time since May that the number of recoveries
has exceeded new cases.
buying 108 sewing machines
Chennai continued to see a downward trend with 989 cases
and 435 bags of groceries con- reported.
sisting of rice, oil, sugar, dal The total COVID-19 number of infections in the state has
and other essentials for dis- touched 5,52,674.
tribution among parents of 76 people succumbed to COVID-19 on Sept. 22, pushing the
students. death toll in the state to 8,947.
S. Murali (Executive Direc-
tor and CEO, Shriram Capi-
tal Limited) distributed the
aid in a small function. Dr.
Akhila Srinivasan (Director),
Vedantham Ji (Founder, Single Teacher Schools), R. P. Krishnanammachari (Honorary Secretary) and others were present.
Rs. 10 lakhs donated to Single Teacher Schools Daily recoveries cross new
By Our Staff Reporter COVID-19 cases
Shriram Capital Limited By Our Staff Reporter
(Chennai) donated Rs.10 Even as Tamilnadu recorded 5,337 new COVID-19 cases,
lakhs to Single Teacher 5,406 patients recovered from the infection on Sept. 22.
Schools (West Mambalam) for This is the 1st time since May that the number of recoveries
has exceeded new cases.
buying 108 sewing machines
Chennai continued to see a downward trend with 989 cases
and 435 bags of groceries con- reported.
sisting of rice, oil, sugar, dal The total COVID-19 number of infections in the state has
and other essentials for dis- touched 5,52,674.
tribution among parents of 76 people succumbed to COVID-19 on Sept. 22, pushing the
students. death toll in the state to 8,947.
S. Murali (Executive Direc-
tor and CEO, Shriram Capi-
tal Limited) distributed the
aid in a small function. Dr.
Akhila Srinivasan (Director),
Vedantham Ji (Founder, Single Teacher Schools), R. P. Krishnanammachari (Honorary Secretary) and others were present.