Future Generation Computer Systems: Mohammad F. Al-Sa'd Abdulla Al-Ali Amr Mohamed Tamer Khattab Aiman Erbad
Future Generation Computer Systems: Mohammad F. Al-Sa'd Abdulla Al-Ali Amr Mohamed Tamer Khattab Aiman Erbad
Future Generation Computer Systems: Mohammad F. Al-Sa'd Abdulla Al-Ali Amr Mohamed Tamer Khattab Aiman Erbad
• RF-based drone detection is one of the most effective methods for drone detection.
• Collect, analyze, and record RF signals of different drones under different flight statuses.
• Design of three deep learning networks to detect and identify intruding drones.
• The developed RF database along with our implementations are publicly available.
article info a b s t r a c t
Article history: The omnipresence of unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, among civilians can lead to technical,
Received 10 December 2018 security, and public safety issues that need to be addressed, regulated and prevented. Security
Received in revised form 12 April 2019 agencies are in continuous search for technologies and intelligent systems that are capable of detecting
Accepted 1 May 2019
drones. Unfortunately, breakthroughs in relevant technologies are hindered by the lack of open source
Available online 9 May 2019
databases for drone’s Radio Frequency (RF) signals, which are remotely sensed and stored to enable
Keywords: developing the most effective way for detecting and identifying these drones. This paper presents
UAV detection a stepping stone initiative towards the goal of building a database for the RF signals of various
Drone identification drones under different flight modes. We systematically collect, analyze, and record raw RF signals
Deep learning of different drones under different flight modes such as: off, on and connected, hovering, flying, and
Neural networks video recording. In addition, we design intelligent algorithms to detect and identify intruding drones
Machine learning using the developed RF database. Three deep neural networks (DNN) are used to detect the presence
of a drone, the presence of a drone and its type, and lastly, the presence of a drone, its type, and flight
mode. Performance of each DNN is validated through a 10-fold cross-validation process and evaluated
using various metrics. Classification results show a general decline in performance when increasing
the number of classes. Averaged accuracy has decreased from 99.7% for the first DNN (2-classes), to
84.5% for the second DNN (4-classes), and lastly, to 46.8% for the third DNN (10-classes). Nevertheless,
results of the designed methods confirm the feasibility of the developed drone RF database to be used
for detection and identification. The developed drone RF database along with our implementations are
made publicly available for students and researchers alike.
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0167-739X/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.F. Al-Sa’d, A. Al-Ali, A. Mohamed et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 100 (2019) 86–97 87
and identifying drones without prior assumption on their type or Moreover, an energy efficient system capable of detecting and
flight mode. disabling video feeds of WiFi-based drones was presented in [33].
Conventional methods for detecting and identifying intruding In [16], a passive cost-effective RF sensing drone detection system
drones, e.g. radars, vision and acoustics, are not solely reliable as was designed. In addition, drone detection based on RF sensing
they can be easily restrained [9,10]. Radio frequency (RF) sensing was proposed in [34]. Preliminary investigation of active/passive
combined with deep learning approaches promised a solution; RF approaches for the detection of drones was presented in [35].
however, it was hindered by the lack of databases for the RF sig- Furthermore, in [36,37], RF-based drone localization methods
nals of drones [11]. In this paper, we (1) build a novel open source were developed by DOA estimation and surveillance drones.
database for the RF signals of various drones under different flight Applicability of drone detection and identification methods
modes, and (2) test the developed database in a drone detection depends on requirements mandated by real-life scenarios. That
and identification system designed using deep neural networks. being said, we observed that methods other than RF sensing,
This work is a stepping stone towards a larger database built by cannot be solely reliable to detect or identify intruding drones.
a community of researchers to encompass the RF signals of many On one hand, radar, vision, and acoustic based methods can be
other drones. restrained in various ways such as: using stealth technology,
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 is an changing the drone physical shape and rotors, using low noise
overview of related work. We present in Section 3 the system rotors, and by emitting natural sounds, e.g. bird chirps, or white
model and describe our methodologies to build and test the noise [9]. In addition, such methods require expensive equipment,
database. In Section 4, we present and discuss results of the drone e.g. high quality video cameras, that is not designed to detect
detection and identification system, and finally, we conclude in drones [9]. Moreover, WiFi-based methods are inherently limited
Section 5. as they cannot detect drones operated by other wireless tech-
nologies e.g. 4G, and they require knowledge of the drone’s WiFi
2. Related work parameters, e.g. protocol and channel number. On the other hand,
we found that RF sensing based methods for drone detection and
In this Section, we review current anti-drone systems and identification are adequate to be used in real-life scenarios [37].
discuss the need for open source drone databases. Moreover, Such methods are independent of the wireless technology uti-
we review state-of-the-art methods used to detect and identify lized by the drone, e.g. Bluetooth, 4G or WiFi, and are immune
intruding drones and discuss their applicability in real-life sce- to physical alterations and differences among drones. However,
narios. Finally, we review the role of deep learning techniques current methods are still not fully automated nor robust due to
the lack of large labeled databases for the drones RF signals. This
in anti-drone systems and discuss their feasibility to test the
has motivated us to build an open source database for the RF
developed RF database.
signals of various drones under different flight modes.
Anti-drone systems: several commercial and military anti-
Drone detection techniques: intelligent detection and iden-
drone systems have been discussed in the literature. A compre-
tification techniques have emerged vastly by the rise of data
hensive overview of various systems and their deployed tech-
driven algorithms, such as neural networks. Deep neural net-
nologies is presented in [8]. Challenges and open research issues
works (DNN) have shown surpassing results in various cognitive
have been discussed in which ‘‘Database Build-Up"; the need to
tasks such as speech recognition [38,39], object detection and
build up an increasing database of drone signatures, was empha-
identification [40], signal compression [41], and others in all fields
sized upon. In [10], state-of-the-art studies on drone surveillance
of science [42]. In [18], a deep belief network was utilized to clas-
have been surveyed and several anti-drone systems have been
sify the spectral correlation functions of three drones. Moreover,
discussed. Moreover, various ways to detect, track, and interdict
a convolutional neural network (CNN) was used to detect the
intruding drones have been reviewed in [11]. The authors have
presence of drones from CCTV videos in [43], from surveillance
concluded that accurate detection and tracking requires a com-
images in [44], from Doppler signatures in [45], and from audio
prehensive database of drone’s signatures, hence our work comes
Spectrograms in [46]. In addition, the utility of CNNs as object
as a stepping stone towards this goal. detectors for reconnaissance and surveillance using drones was
Drone detection methods: various methods to detect and proposed in [47]. Furthermore, reinforcement learning was used
identify intruding drones have been discussed in the literature in [48] to detect temperature anomalies in drone’s motors. DNNs
such as: radars [12], video surveillance [13], acoustic sensors [14], versatility in solving optimization problems was demonstrated in
WiFi sniffing [15] and RF sensing [16]. In [17], a light weight, other fields. For instance, in [49], it was used to detect known and
X-Band radar system was designed to detect drones using their unknown DDoS attacks; in [50], to detect and identify supply side
Doppler signatures. Furthermore, a radar sensor was proposed fraud in programmatic exchanges; in [51] to control the water
in [18] to automatically detect and classify three distinct drones level in a four-tank system; in [52,53] to solve various numerical
in a laboratory setting. Moreover, in [19], a drone detection problems; and finally, in [54], to solve person search and re-
method was introduced by exploiting 5G millimeter-wave de- identification problems. This has motivated us to utilize DNNs for
ployments as radars. In [20,21], computer vision object detection the design of a drone detection and identification system using
methods were used to detect drones in the vicinity of birds. In the developed RF database.
addition, a system to detect and identify drones from surveil-
lance videos was developed in [9,22]. In [23], acoustic drone 3. Methodology
detection and identification was performed using support vec-
tor machines. In addition, the same methodology was deployed In this Section, we present the system model that is used to
in [24] to classify drones by their emitted sounds. Furthermore, build up the drone RF database and to test its feasibility in a
in [25,26], drone detection and tracking was performed using drone detection and identification system. First, we discuss the
acoustic cameras and by direction of arrival (DOA) estimation subsystems and components of the model and summarize their
in [27]. Moreover, in [28,29], drone sound identification was requirements and roles. After that, we elaborate on the discussion
performed using correlation analysis. In [15,30], WiFi sniffing for each component and present the experimental setup to build
based drone detection was performed by statistically analyzing the drone RF database. Finally, we design a drone detection and
WiFi traffic for drone signatures. In addition, WiFi-based drone identification system using DNNs to test the feasibility of the
detection and disarming was conducted successfully in [31,32]. developed RF database in real-life applications.
88 M.F. Al-Sa’d, A. Al-Ali, A. Mohamed et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 100 (2019) 86–97
Table 1
3.2. RF Database development Specifications of the drones under analysis. For more details, one can read the
full specifications in [57–59].
Drone Parrot Bebop Parrot AR Drone DJI Phantom 3
3.2.1. Drones under analysis
Different drones can manifest in different RF signals; which in Dimensions (cm) 38×33×3.6 61×61×12.7 52×49×29
Weight (g) 400 420 1216
return, can be exploited by intelligent systems for detection and
Battery capacity 1200 1000 4480
identification. The following is an initial list of the drones used to (mAh)
build our database: Max. range (m) 250 50 1000
Connectivity WiFi (2.4 GHz WiFi (2.4 GHz) WiFi (2.4 GHz
• Parrot Bebop, shown in Fig. 2(a). and 5 GHz) −2.483 GHz)
• Parrot AR Drone, demonstrated in Fig. 2(b). +RF (5.725 GHz
• DJI Phantom 3, illustrated in Fig. 2(c). −5.825 GHz)
Table 2
Specifications of the USRP-2943 40 MHz RF receivers [61].
Number of channels 2
Frequency range 1.2 GHz – 6 GHz
Frequency step < 1 KHz
Grain range 0 dB to 37.5 dB
Maximum instantaneous bandwidth 40 MHz
Maximum I/Q sample rate 200 MS/s
ADC resolution 14 bit
Fig. 5. Front panel of the LabVIEW programs installed on the laptops to capture
the drones RF communications. The ‘‘Band" option is selected as ‘‘Low" for the
first laptop and ‘‘High" for the second laptop. This can be used to recreate the
developed LabVIEW programs from scratch; however, one can simply download
(b) Parrot AR 2.0 elite edition drone [58]. them from our database website in [64].
3.2.4. RF database
Fig. 3. Various drone radio controllers. RF-based drone detection and identification applications re-
quire a comprehensive database of RF signals to be used for
training and testing. The database must contain RF background
activities; when drones are absent, and RF drone activities; when
drones are present, to be used for drone detection. In addition,
it must encompass the RF signals of different drones operating
under different flight modes to be used for drone identification
purposes and to determine the flight mode of intruding drones.
2 The true bandwidth of 2.4 GHz WiFi is 94 MHz plus 3 MHz as guard
bands at the beginning and end. However for simplicity, we will not capture
(a) NI USRP-2943R RF receiver [61]. (b) PCIe interface kit [62]. the last channel, channel 14, and the first and last 1 MHz of the remaining
spectrum as they contain negligible information. Note that to acquire the entire
WiFi spectrum using a single receiver, different USRP with a larger bandwidth
Fig. 4. Elements of the RF module to intercept the drones RF signals.
is needed.
90 M.F. Al-Sa’d, A. Al-Ali, A. Mohamed et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 100 (2019) 86–97
as testing data for the DNNs while the rest of the RF database
is used for training. This process is repeated K times such that
the DNNs are tested using the entire RF database [69]. Finally,
performance of the system is estimated by the average perfor-
mance of all iterations resulting from the K -fold cross-validation
procedure [69].
Fig. 10. Snippets from the developed drone RF database. x(L) and x(H) are plotted in blue and red respectively with normalized amplitudes from −1 to 1. Fig. 10(a)
shows segment number 5 of the acquired RF background activities, Fig. 10(b) shows segment number 10 of the acquired Bebop RF signals when flying and video
recording, and lastly, Fig. 10(c) shows segment number 7 of the acquired Phantom RF signals when on and connected. (For interpretation of the references to color
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 11. Spectral and statistical analysis of the acquired RF signals to be supplied for three drone detection and identification DNNs. Figs. (a–c) show the average
power spectra of the acquired RF signals while Figs. (d–f) show the boxplot of the computed spectra. Note that amplitudes of the average spectra are normalized
to discard biases in the analysis and that they are smoothed using a 10-point moving average filter to ease visual interpretations. In Fig. 11(a), class 1 is for RF
background activities and class 2 is for the drones RF communications (to be supplied to the first DNN). In Fig. 11(b), class 1 is for RF background activities and
classes 2–4 are for the Bebop, AR and Phantom drones (to be supplied to the second DNN). In Fig. 11(c), class 1 is for RF background activities, classes 2–5 are for
the Bebop 4 different flight modes, classes 6–9 are for the AR 4 different flight modes, and lastly, class 10 is for the Phantom single flight mode (to be supplied to
the third DNN).
database is open source and can be found in [64] along with and network architectures to systematically converge to the best
all the implementations required to reproduce the results of this detection and identification system. Furthermore, fusing the de-
work. veloped database with other drone detection modalities such as
In the future, one can extract features from the developed camera images and videos, radar echoes, and acoustic recordings,
drone RF database to be used for detection and compare their can ameliorate the performance of the detection and identi-
results with the outcomes of our system. In addition, the devel- fication system by exploiting the strengths of each modality.
oped database can be used to train and test different detectors The developed database can be extended by researchers and
M.F. Al-Sa’d, A. Al-Ali, A. Mohamed et al. / Future Generation Computer Systems 100 (2019) 86–97 95
Fig. 12. Average classification performance for the three designed DNNs using confusion matrices. In Fig. 12(a), class 1 is for RF background activities and class 2
is for the drones RF communications. In Fig. 12(b), class 1 is for RF background activities and classes 2–4 are for the Bebop, AR and Phantom drones. In Fig. 12(c),
class 1 is for RF background activities, classes 2–5 are for the Bebop 4 different flight modes, classes 6–9 are for the AR 4 different flight modes, and lastly, class 10
is for the Phantom single flight mode.
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of selected construction projects, AIP Conf. Proc. 1863 (1) (2017) 230013,
Innovation and Engineering Education (TIEE) at the
College of Engineering in Qatar University.
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[59] DJI, Online (2018) URL: https://www.dji.com/phantom-3-standard. of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, in 2001, and
[60] ETech, FS-TH9X 24 GHz 9CH Transmitter, Online (2018) URL: https://www. 2006 respectively. His research interests include wire-
etechpk.net/shop/multicopter-accesories/fs-th9x-2-4ghz-9ch-transmitter/. less networking, edge computing, and security for IoT
[61] N. Instruments, USRP Software Defined Radio Reconfigurable Device, applications. Dr. Amr Mohamed has co-authored over
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html. textbook, and book chapters in reputed international
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of the organizing committee of many international
[63] N. Instruments, LabVIEW Communications System Design Suite,
conferences as a symposia co-chair e.g. IEEE Globecom’16.
Online (2018) URL: https://www.ni.com/en-lb/shop/select/labview-
[64] M.F. Al-Sa’d, Mhd Saria; Mohamed, A. Al-Ali, A. Mohamed, T. Khattab, Tamer Khattab received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees
A. Erbad, DroneRF dataset: A dataset of drones for RF-based detection, from Cairo University, Giza, Egypt, and the Ph.D. degree
classification, and identification, 2019, Online URL: http://dx.doi.org/10. from The University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
17632/f4c2b4n755.1. BC, Canada, in 2007. From 1994 to 1999, he was with
[65] X. He, S. Xu, Artificial Neural Networks, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010, IBM wtc, Giza, Egypt. From 2000 to 2003, he was with
pp. 20–42, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-73762-9_2, (Chapter 2). Nokia Networks, Burnaby, BC, Canada. He joined Qatar
[66] M. Dorofki, A.H. Elshafie, O. Jaafar, O.A. Karim, S. Mastura, Comparison of University in 2007, where he is currently an Associate
artificial neural network transfer functions abilities to simulate extreme Professor of Electrical Engineering. He is also a senior
runoff data, Int. Proc. Chem. Biol. Environ. Eng. 33 (2012) 39–44, URL: member of the technical staff with Qatar Mobility
http://www.ipcbee.com/vol33/008-ICEEB2012-B021.pdf. Innovation Center. His research interests cover physical
[67] L. Bottou, Large-scale machine learning with stochastic gradient descent, layer security techniques, information theoretic aspects
in: Y. Lechevallier, G. Saporta (Eds.), Proceedings of COMPSTAT’2010, of communication systems, and radar and RF sensing techniques.
Physica-Verlag HD, Heidelberg, 2010, pp. 177–186, http://dx.doi.org/10.
1007/978-3-7908-2604-3_16. Aiman Erbad is an Associate Professor at the Computer
[68] X. Zeng, T.R. Martinez, Distribution-balanced stratified cross-validation Science and Engineering (CSE) Department and the
for accuracy estimation, J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 12 (1) (2000) 1–12, Director of Research Planning and Development at
http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/095281300146272. Qatar University. Dr. Erbad obtained a Ph.D. in Com-
[69] T.-T. Wong, Performance evaluation of classification algorithms by k- puter Science from the University of British Columbia
fold and leave-one-out cross validation, Pattern Recognit. 48 (9) (2015) (Canada), and a Master of Computer Science in Em-
2839–2846, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2015.03.009. bedded Systems and Robotics from the University of
Essex (UK). Dr. Erbad received the Platinum award from
H.H. The Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani at
the Education Excellence Day 2013 (Ph.D. category).
Mohammad Fathi Al-Sa’d received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. Dr. Erbad research interests span cloud computing,
degrees in Electrical Engineering from Qatar University, multimedia systems and networking, and his research is published in reputed
Qatar, in 2012 and 2016 respectively. He specialized international conferences and journals.
in signal processing and graduated with honors under
professor Boualem Boashash supervision. He worked as
a Research Assistant at Qatar University, and currently
he is a Researcher and a Doctoral student at Laboratory
of Signal Processing, Tampere University of Technology,
Finland. He has served as a technical reviewer for
several journals, including Biomedical Signal Processing
and Control, and IEEE Access. His research interests in-
clude EEG analysis and processing, time–frequency array processing, information
flow and theory, modeling, optimization and machine learning.