HIRA No. 08 Rev 04 - Adverse Weather
HIRA No. 08 Rev 04 - Adverse Weather
HIRA No. 08 Rev 04 - Adverse Weather
Item Activity Hazards Identified Risk Rating Control Measures Residual Risk Responsibility Monitoring
S L RR S L RR Responsibility
01 All Dust 3 4 12 Safety shoes, reflective vest, gloves and safety glass 3 1 3 Supervisor/ Construction
Sand storm shall be worn at all times as a minimum requirement. Engineer Manager
Inhalation of Exhaust Dust mask shall be provided for operators /workers.
fumes, dust, etc. Stops the activity during heavy sand storm period as
instructed by Project Manager.
Item Activity Hazards Identified Risk Rating Control Measures Residual Risk Monitoring
03 All Adverse weather 3 4 12 Monitor weather condition prior to the start of activity. 3 1 3 Supervisor/ Construction
condition. Sand storm, Wind conditions will be monitored and work stopped if Engineer Manager
fog, high wind, high and the stability of the load is affected. Operator
low temperature and rain Lifting operations shall be ceased when the recorded
fall wind speed reaches or gusts in excess of 38KM/HR
Stop all equipment and plant activities if the visibility is
not clear, pending on the clear visibility before
commencement of activities.
Check PPE (goggle, cover all, high visibility reflective
jacket, dust mask, safety shoes, hand gloves ear plug) if
it appropriate for the prevailing condition before rippled
Possible curtail of all activity if appropriate.
Stop all activity during heavy rain fall.
RR = Risk Rating
S = L = Likelihood of Occurrence
1. Negligible 1. Improbable 5 5 10 15 20 25 R (15-25) Unacceptable risk, plan out or add further controls
2. Minor Injury / Minor Spill / Leak 2. Remote 1 – 10% (8-12) Acceptable if no other method viable & high level controls in
4 4 8 12 16 20 O
3. Major Injury / Major Spill / Contamination 3. Possible 11 – 49% 3 3 6 9 12 15 Y (4-6) Acceptable with suitable controls
4. Fatality / Serious Hazardous Release 4. Probable 50 – 89% 2 2 4 6 8 10 G (1-3) Acceptable, no further action required
5. Multiple Fatality / Multiple Catastrophe 5. Almost certain 90%+ 1 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5