Summer Projects - 2020-21: Jss International School, Dubai

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Summer Projects – 2020-21

Dear Students,
Please find below the Summer projects for the key subjects. They will be assessed by your
teachers. Please adhere to the Date of Submission. The projects of the remaining subjects will
be given to you once the School reopens.

Grade 7 - English

Project - Topic Project Assessment Rubrics

1.Raz Plus Reading Program- Rubric--
Students will read books as per level 1.Content (Understanding and development of the
assigned to them and complete story)-4 marks
activities. (Listening, reading and 2. Organization (Content is clear and organized)-
answering the quizzes). 4 marks
3.Conventions (Spelling, punctuation & grammar)-
2. Activity-20 marks 4 marks
To create a newspaper/ magazine 4.Presentation (Well laid out)-4 marks
based on any one of 5. Creativity (Own ideas & imagination)-4 marks
the novel/story read.
Create a virtual story tour.

Links to create digital story-

Make Beliefs

Submission date : 31st August’20

Grade 7 - Mathematics

Project Assessment Rubrics

L.O: Marks will be given on the basis of the following
1. To develop fun way of learning andpoints:
exhibiting the Mathematical knowledge with Parameter Observation Marks
the deeper understanding of the concepts
Excellen Very Good Fair
through Graphical Representation, interpretati t Goo
onal, and Geometrical skills. d
General instructions: Originality Collection of 4 3 2 1
• The project can be hand written or a Data and
soft copy. information
Presentation Creativity and 4 3 2 1
• Credit will be given to original and
creative use of materials / pictures / Demonstrate Organisation 4 3 2 1
drawings / methods of illustrating Knowledge and structure
• Use the resources easily available at Conclusion Inference, 4 3 2 1
home. Mathematics
• Format of the Project: involved.
Overall Neatness, 4 3 2 1
Objective Appearance Presentation
Pre-Requisite Knowledge Points for Excellent Very good Good Fair
Description of the assessment 4 marks 3 marks 2 marks 1 Mark
project Observation Originality All Most Most Some
Conclusion informatio information information informatio
Bibliography. n recorded recorded is recorded is n is
is accurate accurate somewhat accurate,
• General write-up of your experience in
to the best accurate; it is but most is
making the project will be an added of their questionable not.
advantage. knowledg
• Do mention your name, class and e.
sec. Also mention the name of the teacher, Planning/ New and Innovative Known uses Known
Creativity innovative ways are are shown in uses shown
the project is submitted to, on the cover for ideas have used to different appropriate
page. presenting been used show the ways. ly.
Submission date: 15th Sep 2020 in to present. uses.
Note: The project will be considered for Innovative The ideas
internal assessment. ways used are
Presentatio Project is Most of The project Some of
Choose any one of the below mentioned n of the logically project could be the project
project: whole correct, demonstrat logical, could be
project easily es logical spelling and logical,
Project 1: Data handling (Demonstr read, math understandi organization spelling
ate is correct ng, spelling are and
Knowledge as is is correct, confusing. organizatio
Co-vid 19 – Current scenario ) spelling organizatio Student can n are
and n is mostly explain, but confusing.
Draw a Bar Graph (Multiple) on organizati logical. can’t answer Student
the current scenario of Co-vid 19 on. Student can the stumbles
(Interpret the result and frame at least 5 Student explain questions. over words
questions of your own and answer the easily project, and has
same) explains reads some problems
project of it but can explaining
without answer project.
Compare the results and state which country reading a questions
has the best condition. script and easily.
Project 2: Properties of Triangle questions
Math Methods Methods Methods and Only
Make a chart (or) a PowerPoint presentation d concepts are clear are fairly examples are examples
escribing the angle properties of the triangle and enough elaborate given, but are given.
content and can be and can be not easily
accuracy understoo understood understandab
(Conclusio d with with some le.
n some efforts
/Inferences efforts and and exampl
) examples. es.

(Overall The Work Work is Work is Work is a

appearanc is attractive in organized minimally
e) exceptiona terms of and neat. organized
Neatness lly layout and neat.
and attractive design and
organizatio in terms of neatness.
n. layout,
design and
Grade 7 - Science

Project - Topic Project Assessment Rubrics

Criteria Outstanding Satisfactory Needs improve
Topic: To build an atomic model (5) (4) ment (3)
Total Marks: 20 PowerPoint present Introduction of the Introduction Project appears
Objective: To Build models of any 5 atoms of ation topic given to
elements from atomic number 1- 10. (screenshots of the with Clear pictures of but Pictures are be forced. man
activity) all the 5 atoms of not clear and not y pointers in it
elements properly title properly are incomplete
• Click on the link given below and d and labelled. labelled, not without proper
work on the virtual lab simulation. titled and one or information
• Build atoms of your choice and two
attach the screen shots in the PPT. atoms presentati
• Analyse the ion formed by the on is missing.
respective elements and comment on it. Comparison of Atom is accurate with Atom is Atoms is not
(acid radical or basic radicals) subatomic particles all three sub-atomic accurate but accurate in
of different particles lacks some terms
• Compare the number of number of elements. information of number of
electrons, protons and neutrons in (not all the sub-atomic
different elements. subatomic particles.
Eleme Proto electro Neutron At Mass Ion particles are
nt ns ns s numbe numb forme included)
r er d Uses of elements 2 elaborate uses of the Uses are, Not organized a
(Research) chosen 5 elements (no mentioned but nd clearly
one liners) not elaborate mentioned
and miss some
• The PPt of the project is to be sent Completion of All the mentioned Three Levels of Not all the
different levels of three level of activities are three levels of
that would include the above points.
activities. activities is completed completed but activities are
Resources: (atom, symbol along with the table without proper completed and and game) (given use of all the lacks required
an-atom/latest/build-an-atom_en.html in procedure) with the resources (table information.
Periodic Table 5 chosen elements is missing)

Success criteria:
I am able to identify the element.
I am able to predict the number of protons and
neutrons of each element from the periodic
table chart and the model.
I am able to analyse the arrangement of the
electrons in different shells. (formation
of ions
I am able research the uses of the elements. (5
selected elements)
Submission date: 20th August, 2020
Grade 7 – UAE SST

Project - Topic Project Assessment Rubrics

Choose any one topic for the Project Work.
1. Chapter 5 Umm an-Nar Culture:2500-2000 BCE RUBRIC for ‘PROJECT’ [20marks]
Choose any 3 key features of the Umm an-Nar Culture, read/research and
present your information in a precise order. (key features – Copper and Trade, Descriptors Total
Food, Forts and Areesh Huts, Death and Afterlife, the Boats of Magan) Marks (20M)
OR Knowledge and 10MARKS
2. Chapter 6 A Time Of Change:2000-1000 BCE Content
Write briefly on the Metalwork, Craft Traditions and New Burials and Beliefs
of the Wadi Suq period.
Word Limit 3MARKS
Success Criteria:
1.Word limit is 500-600 words. Creativity 3MARKS
2. Include visuals (minimum 5) that are relevant and illustrative of the work. and Visuals
3. Presentation and Critical Skills: Student accurately presents and explains
different perspectives, that are well supported, logically consistent and Organization and 4MARKS
complete. Presentation

LINKS: (Links are provided here to aid you in the research)
In the Land of the Ichthyophagi : The Archaeology of Abu Dhabi's Coast and
Priceless discoveries reveal hidden story of the UAE and humanity

Some ideas on how you can make the project

• Work Should be written
• Booklet
• Collage work with writeup
• Brochure
• Journal Entry
• Chart
Submission Date: 2nd September 2020
Grade 7 - Arabic

Project - Topic Project Assessment Rubrics

10 ‫ﺳﻼﻣﺔ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ‬
Write 6 ‫اﻟﺘﺮاﻛﯿﺐ‬
an essay about types of clothes. Worn on different 4 ‫اﻟﻨﺤﻮ‬
Mention the types of clothes used
in different sessions and occasions, Can in
cloud depends contras of clothes.
Write a conversation that took place between you
and shop keeper
Submission Date: 7th September 2020

Grade 7 – Islamic Studies

Project - Topic Project Assessment Rubrics

S.No Contents Excellent (5) V.Good (4) Good (3) Fair( 2)
Project-Topic 1 Content (5)
“Glad tiding for those who pray” 2 Reference
from Qurán
i.Purpose of Project: To explore (5)
the student’s knowledge about 3 Reference from
Islam and their research skills. Hadith
ii.Outcome: They would be able (5)
to speak debate and write about 4 Finding (5)
different Islamic topic and
implement in their life.
iii.Give references from the holy
Quran and Hadeeth and from
the life of the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH), Sahaba
and from your daily life.
Links is given to get more
Learn Surat ul Ghashiya by heart

Submission Date: 20th August 2020


Dr Siddalinga Swamy
Middle School Supervisor

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