Sustainability 11 00058
Sustainability 11 00058
Sustainability 11 00058
How Do Technological Skills Improve Reverse
Logistics? The Moderating Role of Top Management
Support in Information Technology Use
and Innovativeness
Encarnación García-Sánchez 1, * , Jaime Guerrero-Villegas 2 and Javier Aguilera-Caracuel 3
1 Department of Management, Faculty of Education, Economics and Technology, University of Granada,
51001 Ceuta, Spain
2 Department of Management and Marketing, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, 41013 Seville, Spain;
[email protected]
3 Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, University of Granada,
18071 Granada, Spain; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Received: 26 November 2018; Accepted: 19 December 2018; Published: 22 December 2018
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to explore the influence of human resource management on
reverse logistics (RL) in the context of high-tech firms. Using the resource-based view of the firm,
we analyzedthe effect of employees’ technological skills on RL. The study also investigated whether
top management support (TMS) for information technology (IT) and innovativeness moderate this
relationship. We collected data from European high-tech firms from May to September 2010, obtaining
160 responses representing a 17.7% response rate. Multivariate regressions were used to assess all
of the relations established. The results indicated that technological skills have direct and positive
effects on RL in high tech-firms. The authors also report that both TMS for IT and innovativeness act
as positive moderators in the relationship between technological skills and RL. This study suggests
the importance of considering two important organizational variables that enhance the effect of
technological skills on RL in high-tech firms. First, using TMS for IT not only provides tangible
resources but also strongly supports employees’ technological development in RL. Second, a high
level of firm innovativeness leads high-tech firms to create the right conditions to take advantage of
their technological skills to improve their RL. Moreover, theresults indicate the contingent role of
innovativeness and TMS for IT use in the relationship between technological skills and RL.
1. Introduction
The current global scenario, characterized by competitive and dynamic markets, has led firms to
focus their efforts on developing more sustainable strategies. In this context, supply chain management
(SCM) has become pivotal for sustainable development of firms, since it involves major business and
industrial activities such as raw materials extraction, procurement, manufacturing, packaging and
transportation, all of which can pose negative environmental and social impacts if not managed
appropriately [1].
Reverse logistics (RL) is a key element of SCM. RL can be defined as “the process of planning,
implementing, and controlling the efficient, cost effective flow of raw materials, in-process inventory,
finished goods, and related information from the point of consumption to the point of origin for the
purpose of creating or recapturing value, or proper disposal” [2] (pp. 271). A higher volume of returns
(e.g., product warranties, end-of-use, end-of-life) and recalls makes RL essential to firms’ success.
Within the Resource-Based View [3,4], RL can be understood as a strategic resource that can help the
firm obtain a competitive advantage through the efficient recovery of the value of products [5]. From
this perspective, human resources are considered as one of the crucial intangible resources for the
development and maintenance of efficient RL activities. Thus, effective RL can positively affect the
company’s economic, social and environmental sustainability by recapturing value remaining in the
returned product [6].
Studies have focused on describing and analyzing RL system planning, reverse channel activities
and problems that firms encounter in the RL process. Another line of research examines the ways
different elements in the RL process interact and share information [7,8]; development of and
relationships among members of the supply chain [9,10]; collaborative production models for planning
returns [11]; governance policies [12,13]; warehousing and environmental sustainability (green RL) [14],
among others. However, how human resources can contribute to the development of RL has received
little study.
Some authors indicatethe key role played by internal and external factors in facilitating
or inhibiting implementation of RL [15,16]. The majority of these studies analyze economic
issues, environmental issues, market issues andproduct quality, among other issues. Additionally,
the literature has shown that information technology (IT) resources are required for effective decision
making in RL [17]. All of these activities require advanced IT systems. While organizations have
developed sophisticated forward-logistics technology, IT that supports RL lags significantly, creating
serious challenges [6,18]. As both control throughout the supply chain and transparency depend on
IT [19], not developing appropriate IT systems hinders the efficiency of RL processes [20].
Despite all of these advances, the literature has paid little attention to analyzing the role played
by human resource management in firms’ RL activities. Specifically, little research has explored the
influence of workers’ technological skills, which can be key intangible resources [21,22]. Yet, these
skills are highlyrelevant to RL processes within organizations in very dynamic, unstable high-tech
sectors. First, RL requires processes that incorporate a continuous flow of information among the agents
involved in the supply chain to coordinate and execute the return process efficiently [23–25]. Achieving
this goal takes effort and dedication from the firm’s workers in developing technological skills [26,27]
such that workers can access information simultaneously [28] and achieve greater collaborative support
among the agents involved. Human capital can affect RL, since human resources are the company’s
most valuable asset in providingcompetitive advantage [22,29].
Second, when analyzing the impact of workers’ technological skills on RL processes, one must
consider a series of organizational variables that help to strengthen this relationship. Specifically, we
analyzed the Top Management Support (TMS) for IT use and innovativeness. On the one hand,
diverse studies have indicated that TMS is a critical component to the success of any logistics
process [26,30]. The costs and risk involved in RL processes in the high-tech sector currently require
top managers who areoriented to these processes and support them, focusing intensely on the use and
implementation of new technologies to ensure good acceptance and implementation. This support
is necessary to committing sufficient funding through a suitable level of technological and human
resources—hiring, training and developing employeesand coordinating the different players involved
in the RL processes [31]. An effective increase of employees’ technological skills and professional
development depends on TMS, as top managers allocate resources and develop the plansthat guide
their companies in pursuit of their strategic goals [32]. Organizations can benefit from this knowledge
in RL processes if managers truly bid for technological training and improvement and train employees
to obtain complex, tacit technological skills that are difficult to copy.
Innovativeness, on the other hand, makes firms adopt new technologies earlier [31] and implies
seeking creative or novel solutions to problems [33]. Companies must innovate to succeed in RL,
which differs from forward logistics and outbound flows, requiring dedication of further resources
and special handling [34]. Organizational creativity and flexibility are two essential elements of
Sustainability 2019, 11, 58 3 of 17
innovativeness that help organizations to meet this need, as they enhanceemployees’ technological
skills, improving RL performance [31,35].
Bearing the foregoing in mind, this study aimedto analyze the following research questions in
high-tech firms: To what extent do employees’ technological skills affect the company’s RL activities?
What role do organizational variables such as TMS and innovativeness play in the relationship between
employees’ technological skills and the RL? In answering these questions, this study contributes to
the literature in several ways. First, it highlights the role played by human resource management in
the development of RL activities. Specifically, it provides support to demonstrate that firms whose
employees possess technological skills enhance RL. Second, the paper advances the literature on
the manager’s role, by going beyond previous work to study the importance of TMS in RL and by
suggesting that specific top managers’ support for IT is needed to develop RL. Third, this paper
enriches the RL literature by considering the contingent role of innovativeness in the relationship
between technological skills and RL.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. The next sectionestablishesthe theoretical framework
and develops the hypotheses. The third section explains the methodology, including description of
the sample and definition of the variables. Results are presented in the fourth section. The fifth and
final section provides discussion, conclusions andlimitations of the study and recommendations for
further research.
2. Hypotheses
skills are necessary in the application of software for storing and gathering data that enable one to
know at what moment packages are returned by the supplier, whether the products are defective or
unused, etc. [40].
Third, technological skills are needed to support collaborative communication with supply
chain members, that is, in the collaborative relationships among the agents of the supply chain,
through significant and opportune exchange of information [41]. RL succeeds when the different
members of the chain know and trust each other [39]. Meetings and frequent information exchange
foster and improve relationships to ground effective collaboration on RL operations [42]. Such
collaboration also depends on a shared vision that subordinates individual and short-term interests
to the long-term commitment [43,44]. Using technologies and developing technological skills that
encourage communication and mutual trust can be considered precursors to a stable, committed
relationship among supply chain agents [45]. Precisely due to the variability of RL processes,
commercial members should work together to ensure the punctuality and efficiency of the activity.
Following the resource-based view of firm rationality, human resources are key to developing
RL activities. They are even more crucial in the high-tech sector, which is characterized by constant
research and innovation, and thus requires that personnel be not only highly qualified but also
constantly up-to-date. Not only are continuous training and renewal essential to being technologically
competitive [46], employees must be able to change, adapt and coordinate in new processes as the
organization evolves. Such flexibility often necessitates acquiring new technological knowledge. Thus,
we conclude that workers with technological skills will be able to improve their RL processes by
developing and disseminating technological knowledge among all agents in the supply chain.
2.2. The Moderating Role of TMS for IT Use in the Relationship between Technological Skills and RL
Once the relation between technological skills and RL has been analyzed, we must identify other
factors that can affect the firm’s RL activities [47]. TMS for IT is one factor that influences firms’
tendency to develop RL processes [31].
Various studies have noted that logistics processes depend on TMS [24,30,48]. Firms should
take into account human intangible resources to develop their RL strategies. Thus, the promotion
and support of employee technological skills becomes crucial [21,22,49]. From this point of view, top
managers usually plan carefully to allocate sufficient resources (monetary and human), training and
implementation of RL. Only thenwill their firms be prepared to succeed despite the risk and expense
involved [31].
First, the TMS is shown in investment in IT and in the acquisition of tools and applications,
among other items, that permit development of RL processes and thus create a competitive advantage
through the development of resources that are sustainable and inimitable over time [27,50]. IT can
enhance the firm’s competitive ability to create and capture value through positioning advantages in
its industry and/or coordination advantages in its value chain [51,52]. According to [26], one strategic
concern for top managers is the deployment of IT in the supply chain. TMS “reflects, in many ways,
the importance that top management executives place on technology” [53] (pp. 246). The CEO and the
Chief Information Officer (CIO) typically determine firms’ IT strategy and investment [54]. Unless
CEOs understand the magnitude of the investment required, they are unlikely to approve major
projectsor the resources required for successful implementation. In the absence of such understanding,
projects of great importance to the firm’s position in its sector may not receive sufficient funding [48,54].
Second, TMS can be reflected in good personnel selection and training policies. On the one hand,
selection policies help the company to strengthen its personnel’s technological skills by incorporating
people who already possess these skills when they join the company [37]. For example, manufacturing
firm managers’ decision to invest in technology specific to RL could lead to including personnel with
specific technological abilities in automated materials handling, equipment monitoring, computerized
Sustainability 2019, 11, 58 5 of 17
entry of returns and exchange of electronic data [8] that permit rapid response to customers. Such
technological support would help to recover value that would otherwise be lost, improving the
relationship among supply chain agents through customer service and satisfaction [24].
On the other hand, TMS can influence the increase and perfecting of continuous and intensive
training programs on RL processes [29]. Managers’ concern for the professional development of their
employees largely determines the resources dedicated to training as a significant element of the firm’s
strategic plan [32].
In sum, we propose that the positive effect of technological skills on RL is more evident for
firms with a high level of TMS for IT. In other words, TMS for IT has a positive effect on the
relationship between technological skills and RL in high-technology firms, as formulated in the
following hypothesis:
Hypothesis 2. TMS for IT use is likely to strengthen the positive relationship between technological skills and
RL in high-technologyfirms.
2.3. The Moderating Role of Organizational Innovativeness in the Relationship between Technological Skills
and RL
In today’s volatile, competitive markets, competition pushes organizations to change rapidly and
innovate [55]. Various studies stress the specific importance of innovation in RL programs [30].
We can define innovativeness as the organization’s adoption of new technologies earlier than
peers [56] or the discovery oforiginal solutions to problems [33]. RL depends more intensely on
innovation than other processes because reverse flows are so different from forward, requiring different
treatment and greater investment in resources [34]. Organizations that dedicate attention to RL
processes and remain current with changes in technology will be better able to adopt new technologies
to excel in RL and, in turn, in market performance [31].
Several studies highlight that certain organizational factors enhance innovativeness. According to
Fundación COTEC for innovation, an environment inclined to innovation is one that bids for and values
innovation possesses the processes and tools needed and allocates resources to managing them. One
of the most striking issues in establishing such an environment is creativity. Following the theoretical
framework, firms that promote employees’ creative capacities, tolerate risks and support personal
development improve product innovation outputs [35]. In such situations, firms are more likely to
develop and renew their products and processes, abandoning obsolete ones and encouraging the firm’s
growth and profitability in the long term [57]. Failure to adopt emerging technologies and remain
current will, in contrast, prevent the company from competing with more innovative competitors.
According to Frohman (1998) [58], organizations that sustain a climate of innovation: (1) foster
ongoing horizontal communication, (2) reward employees for innovative ideas, (3) promote employee
feedback, (4) establish methods to measure learning and (5) celebrate rather than punish mistakes,
which are viewed as learning opportunities.
Creative, flexible development over time throughout the organization nurtures RL process
innovation, giving rise to strategic initiatives [38]. Organizations with these characteristics can better
(1) predict customer demand, preference, and dissatisfaction with products and services; (2) establish
new return policies, collection points or customer services that make the process more efficient; and
(3) use information from the entire supply chain network to develop products and services that better
satisfy customers’ needs, optimizing asset recovery [59].
In sum, we propose that organizational innovativeness can strengthen the positive relationship
between technological skills and RL in high-tech firms. Specifically, a high level of innovativeness
can facilitate access to information, the search for creativity and provision of unusual solutions to
problems, and the ability of employees to develop their technological skills, positively impacting RL.
In sum, we propose that organizational innovativeness can strengthen the positive
relationship between technological skills and RL in high-tech firms. Specifically, a high level of
innovativeness can facilitate access to information, the search for creativity and provision of
unusual solutions to problems, and the ability of employees to develop their technological
skills, positively impacting RL.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 58 6 of 17
Technological H1
skill Reverse logistics
Top management
support for IT
3. Methodology
3.1. Sample
The study population was composed of high-technology firms within the territory of the European
3.1. Sample
Union due to the importance of RL in the technology sector. The sample of 900 firms was drawn
The study(2009)
from Amadeus population was composed
[60], acomplement of high-technology
to Thomson firms within
Reuters’ Datastream, the compiles
which territory thorough
of the
European Union due to the importance of RL in the technology sector. The
information on the financial and business assetsof some19 million companies in 43 countries sample of 900 firms in
was drawn
Europe. from Amadeus
We prepared (2009)questionnaire
a structured [60], acomplement
to study to how
Thomson Reuters’ tackle
organizations Datastream, which on
RL, drawing
our thorough
knowledge information
of the literature, on scholarly
expert the financial and business
and managerial assetsof
contacts, some19 interviews
and additional million
with in 43 countries
other scholars in Europe.
and managers. We
The list of prepared a structured
these organizations’ CEOsquestionnaire
was obtained to in
study how
funding from the tackle RL, drawing
Regional Ministry on our knowledge
of Economy, of theand
Innovation literature, expert
Science of scholarly
Andalusia’s and
managerial and
Government contacts, and additional
the Spanish Ministry interviews withResearch.
of Science and other scholars and managers. The list of
these organizations’
CEOs, CEOs was obtained
our main respondents, provided insignificant
partthrough funding
input from the Regional
for constructing Ministry
and refining of
the study
variables. Innovation
were theand main Science of Andalusia’s
respondents because ofRegional Government
their responsibility and theand
to evaluate Spanish
Ministry of Science and Research.
in-depth information throughout the organizationand to establish norms for employee behavior [61].
CEOs, our
Additionally, CEOsmain respondents,
outline provided significant
the organization’s goalsandinput plan for
andconstructing and refining the
oversee implementation of its
study variables.
initiatives CEOstoward
and progress were thethemmain
[62].respondents because of their responsibility to evaluate
monitor stratified
in-depth random
information throughout
sampling the organizationand
by country, we divided the to establish
study norms(10
population forEU
countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, The Netherlands,
the United Kingdom) into strata, with random sampling within strata through systematic sampling.
We then selected 16 companies from each of the 10 countries. The CEOs were assured that their
responses would be confidential and reported only in aggregate form. CEOs were offered the
opportunity to receive the study results, with a comparative analysis of their firm’s variables.
This procedure yielded a 17.7% response rate (Table 1).
Sustainability 2019, 11, 58 7 of 17
The EU context was suitable for this study because of the significant role of its RL and technologies
in promoting green supply management practices internationally [63]. We compared responding and
non-responding businesses’ to reduce likelihood of non-response bias. The results for return on
assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and return on sales (ROS) showed no significant difference
between respondents and non-respondents [64]. The use of a single survey instrument required testing
for common method bias, in this case with Harman’s one-factor test (see [65]). From the principal
components analysis of the questionnaire, eight factors with Eigen-values over 1.0 explained 64% of
the variance. Thus, method variance did not seem to be a concern. We identified several factors, rather
than merelyone, and no single factor explained the majority of the variance [66].
3.2. Variables
Technological skills. Scales from Ray et al. (2005) [67] and Byrd and Davidson (2003) [53] were
used to measure technological skills on a four-item 7-point Likert scale (1 “completely disagree”,
7 “completely agree”) (Appendix A). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) (χ2 2 = 1.26, NFI= 0.99,
NNFI = 0.99, GFI = 0.99, CFI = 0.99) demonstrated the scales’ one-dimensionality, high validity and
reliability (α = 0.849).
Organizational innovativeness. We measured organizational innovativeness using four-item,
7-point Likert-type scales (1 “completely disagree”, 7 “completely agree”) from Zahra (1993) [68]
[Appendix A]. CFA was used to validate this scale (χ2 2 = 4.30, NFI = 0.98, NNFI = 0.97, GFI = 0.99,
CFI = 0.99). The results showed its one-dimensionality and satisfactory validity and reliability
(α = 0.792).
Top management support. Byrd and Davidson (2003) [53] and Ray et al. (2005) [67] provided
the four items to measure TMS [Appendix A]. CFA (χ2 2 = 1.19, NFI = 0.99, NNFI = 0.99, GFI = 0.99,
CFI = 0.99) was used to validate the scales and confirm their one-dimensionality, high validity and
reliability (α = 0.80).
Reverse logistics. RL was measured using six items from Mihi-Ramirez (2012) [63] and an
adaptation from [2] [Appendix A]. CFA (χ2 2 = 1.21, NFI = 0.99, NNFI = 0.97, GFI = 0.98, CFI = 0.99)
was used to validate the scales and confirm their one-dimensionality, high validity and reliability
(α = 0.812).
Organizational performance. A six-item, 7-point Likert-type scale (1 “Much worse than my
competitors” to 7 “Much better than my competitors”) by Murray and Kotabe (1999) [69] was used to
assess organizational performance relative to direct competitors. Scales have been used extensively
in recent research to evaluate performance relative to main competitors [70,71]. In many studies,
the managers’ subjective perceptions have been the basis for determining the success of the firms’
outcomes. In others, researchers have used objective data, such as ROA. Research has confirmed the
high correlation and concurrent validity of objective and subjective data on performance. Both are
Sustainability 2019, 11, 58 8 of 17
considered valid to calculate organizational performance [72,73]. Although the interview questions
were also formulated to obtain both subjective and objective information, CEOs preferred to give
general opinions rather than numerical data (Appendix A). We confirmed the correlation between
subjective and objective data and found that they were high and significant. The scales were validated
using CFA (χ2 2 = 24.60, NFI = 0.94, NNFI = 0.94, GFI = 0.98, CFI = 0.96) and were demonstrated to be
one-dimensional with high reliability (α = 0.816).
Table 2 summarizes variables and their operationalization.
4. Results
A multiple moderated regression analysis [74] was used to test the hypotheses, with the
moderating effect servingas multiplicative variable. Then, we assessed the probability of common
method variance, whether the data followed the distribution expected fromour analytic tools, and the
independent variables’ degree of multicollinearity. We developed the multiplicative terms by fixing
both independent and moderating variables on their means to prevent multicollinearity [75]. According
to the results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the variable distributions generally conformed to the
normality assumption of regression analysis. The condition indices and variance inflation factors
(VIF) enabled us to discount the possibility that multicollinearity skews the results, as the VIF values
were below the maximum of five recommended in the literature [76]. Additionally, we tested for
heteroscedasticity using the Breusch-Pagan test. The result indicated that there were no problems of
heteroscedasticity in our model. The descriptive statistics and correlations are shown in Table 3.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 58 9 of 17
Standard Reverse Technological
Mean Firm Size Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Performance Management
Deviation Logistics Skills
Support for IT
Reverse logistics 0.00 1.00 1.00
Firm size 3.81 1.76 0.27 *** 1.00
Sector 1 0.26 0.57 0.19 ** 0.01 1.00
Sector 2 0.23 0.55 −0.10 † −0.25 ** 0.32 *** 1.00
Sector 3 0.32 0.59 −0.07 0.04 0.22 0.26 1.00
Performance 0.00 1.00 0.18 ** 0.22 ** 0.03 0.09 0.06 1.00
Technological skills 0.00 1.00 0.27 *** 0.11 † 0.02 0.14 * 0.11 * 0.28 *** 1.00
Top management
0.00 1.00 0.35 *** 0.18 ** 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.41 *** 0.65 *** 1.00
support for IT
Innovativeness 0.00 1.00 0.35 *** 0.18 ** 0.17 * 0.11 † 0.15 * 0.32 *** 0.42 *** 0.57 ***
† p < 0.10; * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001. N = 160.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 58 10 of 17
Table 4 shows the results of the regression analyses testing the hypotheses.
In Model 1, the control variables were entered: firm size, type of industry and performance.
In Model 2, we added the independent variables: technological skills, TMS for IT use and innovativeness.
Model 3 included the moderating effect of TMS on IT use in the relationship between technological
skills and RL. Finally, Model 4 considered the moderating effect of innovativeness on the relationship
between technological skills and RL. Our models showed good fit, with an adjusted R2 value greater
than 0.20 for all four. We now highlight our main results.
First, the results showed that technological skills werepositively and significantly related to RL,
supporting H1. Second, since the greater the TMS for IT use, the stronger the relationship between
technological skills and RL, TMS for IT use strengthened the positive effect of technological skills
on the development of green RL. Figure 2 illustrates this relationship. Consequently, Hypothesis 2
is supported. Sustainability2018, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 20
Figure 2. Moderating effect of TMS for IT use on the relationship between reverse logistics (RL) and
Figure 2. Moderating effect of TMS for IT use on the relationship between reverse logistics (RL) and
technological skills.
technological skills.
Finally, since the greater the level of firm innovativeness, the stronger the relationship
between technological skills and RL, innovativeness strengthened the positive effect of
technological skills on the implementation of RL processes. Figure 3 illustrates our findings.
Hence, Hypothesis 3 is also supported by our data.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 58 11 of 17
Finally, since the greater the level of firm innovativeness, the stronger the relationship between
technological skills and RL, innovativeness strengthened the positive effect of technological skills on
the implementation of RL processes. Figure 3 illustrates our findings. Hence, Hypothesis 3 is also
by our data. 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 20
thus, develop the flexibility to adjust to rapid changes in the business environment [83]. Creating and
establishing entrepreneurial initiatives contributes to generating innovation, renewing the productive
fabric and creating new jobs through the dissemination and exploitation of knowledge [84].
that play a stronger role in conditioning RL processes. Second, we stress the importance of studying
the influence of stakeholders on the performance of RL practices and processes. In fact, we should
not forget that multiple agents outside the firm are involved in a firm’s RL process. Finally, future
studies could deepen understanding of the use of a contingent model that permits establishment of
whether the antecedents that explain RL performance can be conditioned by such issues as the firm’s
innovation capacity, innovative culture, activity sector (especially sectors that require high investment
in technology) and internationalization process.
Author Contributions: The authors contributed equally in designing and development of the paper. Furthermore,
the corresponding author did lead the review response process and resubmission tasks to the journal.
Funding: This research was funded by Andalusian Regional Government [Research Project P11.SEJ.7988],
the Ministry of Economy and Competence of Spain through Project [ECO2016-75909-P; ECO2017-88222], project
of the University of Granada [PPJI2017-01], and the program of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of
the University of Granada for the revision of scientific texts.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
• Top Management Support for IT.
Indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements about top
management support.
• Technological Skills.
Indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements in relation to the
units’ technical skills. Answers may refer to a department or the person in charge of technology.
1. Unit skills in the object-oriented languages and systems for customer-server application
development are excellent.
2. Item measures for IT department technical skills in business application software
performance are very superior to those of the closest competitors.
3. Item measures for IT department technical skills in communication services efficiency are
very superior to those of the closest competitors.
4. Information systems unit skills in fourth-generation programming languages areas
are excellent.
• Organizational Innovativeness.
Where applicable, indicate the extent of changes that have taken place in your company over the
past three years.
• Reverse Logistics.
Please indicate your degree of agreement or disagreement with the following statements related
to the characteristics of your company. Reverse logistics processes are important or might be
important for my company because:
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