The Enterprise Guide To Migrating To The Cloud
The Enterprise Guide To Migrating To The Cloud
The Enterprise Guide To Migrating To The Cloud
Guide to Migrating
to the Cloud
The fast, simple, secure way to leverage
the public cloud
01 Overview 3
05 A Simple Solution 27
01 Overview
Enterprises worldwide are Despite the benefits the cloud can bring,
many enterprises can face challenges
competing to develop the during the migration process. From
most innovative and reliable infrastructure incompatibilities to
moving workloads without disrupting
applications to meet growing
tightly bound networks of dependent
customer needs and decrease applications, successful cloud migration
time to market. requires careful planning.
02 It Begins with
The evolution of applications Application needs
Applications execute a function, perform drive strategy
a task or range of tasks, and often require
Increasingly, applications are
user interactivity to do so. An application
can be self-contained or designed around deployed and operated across a
a group of programs that consist of a set diverse infrastructure landscape.
of operations that runs the application for
With the pressure to deliver goods
an end user.1
and services quicker, the increased
dependence on applications is
accelerating. In fact, more applications
Now many retail transactions
are expected to be deployed in the
take place between a self- next 5 years than in the last 40 years.3
checkout kiosk or even an
Organizations must decide how to deploy,
application on a customers’ optimize, manage and support their
mobile device. ever-evolving application portfolio, which
drives a set of infrastructure decisions.
Organizations are spending $1 million and
Applications have evolved to a point countless resource hours to migrate 1,000
where they can now provide customers virtual machines (VMs) to the cloud.4
with a service experience on par with or
superior to interacting with a human. This is a significant investment to simply
This was a major turning point for rewrite an application for another
enterprises worldwide. environment without driving true value
and innovation. As a result, organizations
Consider self-checkout retail stores.
need to avoid the creation of infrastructure
Previously, shopping was an interaction
silos and take an approach that ensures
between a customer and a store clerk, but consistent infrastructure and operations
now many retail transactions take place regardless of the platform. And that is
between a self-checkout kiosk or even an where the cloud comes in.
application on a customers’ mobile device.2
TechTarget. “Application.” Margaret Rouse. September 2018.
Forbes. “Will No-Checkout Stores Like Amazon Go Be Commonplace
By 2025?” Quora. February 10, 2017.
IDC. “Worldwide Quarterly Converged Systems Tracker Q4 2018.” April 2019.
Forrester Consulting and VMware. “The Total Economic Impact of
VMware Cloud on AWS.” August 2019.
Silver linings: The benefits of This approach has revolutionized
IT and business in a number of ways.
cloud migration
The overarching benefit of
migrating to the public cloud is the Greater agility
transition from an in-house, capital
expenditure model (CapEx) to an
Last century, the average life span for a
outsourced operational expenditure company was more than 50 years. Today,
model (OpEx). most S&P 500 companies survive just over
20, with predictions that the life span will
In the past, businesses made large CapEx
shrink to just 12 years by 2027.6
investments in the form of physical
data centers, placing these in offices or
Companies need to be able to quickly
co-location facilities to support compute,
change tactics, adapt to new environments
storage and networking needs of
and develop new ways of thinking to
their applications.
remain relevant. Those that lay down
more permanent structures and processes
Rather than rely on in-house data centers,
find their investments quickly become
enterprises can now leverage the public
obsolete, leaving them lost, confused and
cloud as an operational, subscription-
unable to keep up.
based service. The cloud allows them
to take advantage of economies of
That’s why today, investing in CapEx
scale, outsource a range of operations
is considered a risky strategy. It’s
and connect to a global network of
always possible for a new technological
servers with access to innovative new
advancement to make an enterprise’s fixed
development services.5
asset investment redundant overnight.
McKinsey. “The progressive cloud: A new approach to migration.”
Mark Gu, Krish Krishnakanthan, Anand Mohanrangan and Brent
Smolinski. August 2018.
Innosight. “2018 Corporate Longevity Forecast: Creative Destruction
is Accelerating.” Scott D. Anthony, S. Patrick Viguerie, Evan I.
Schwartz and John Van Landeghem. 2018.
$ $
Reduced maintenance
and upkeep costs
refresh savings
Companies often fail to look beyond the Over time, increased load and decreased
upfront investment costs of a physical data efficiency take their toll on data centers
center to the costs that will accrue over just as they do with any machine.
the years. Traditionally, an enterprise would have to
refresh their infrastructure—a costly, time-
These costs for ongoing support, consuming and ongoing process
maintenance, power, cooling and staffing of keeping data center software and
can be significant. According to Forrester, hardware up to scratch.
organizations can reduce their average
data center costs by $1.4 million by Today, enterprises can instead migrate
leveraging the public cloud.4 applications to the cloud at the end of
a hardware refresh cycle. Studies by
IDC have shown that organizations can
reduce their IT infrastructure costs by
26 percent on average by leveraging a
The cloud can eliminate these cloud infrastructure.7
financial pressures due to
economies of scale. Public
cloud providers are able to
reduce their maintenance,
upkeep, power, cooling and
staffing costs per server unit,
compared to a data center run
by a private organization.
IDC and VMware. “The Business Value of Hybrid Cloud with
VMware.” Richard L. Villars and Matthew Marden. August 2019.
$ Efficient and
flexible resourcing Learn more about flexible
capacity in the cloud in
Organizations often have to predict how our Enterprise Guide to
much infrastructure they will use in the Scaling on Demand.
future to accurately allot budget and
resource requirements. If they invest
too little, the business risks providing a
slow and unreliable service to customers.
$ Additional
The trend has become to purchase too
much, with businesses collectively wasting
growth capital
$62 billion on unused data center capacity
every year.8
There is a lot of capital tied up in
When migrating to the cloud, redundant data centers, maintenance
organizations can take advantage of a and upkeep, and unused capacity. When
flexible pricing model, only paying for the organizations move to the cloud, they
computing resources being used by the can eliminate the costs associated with
applications they have living in the cloud managing on-premises infrastructure
at any given time. while only paying for the capacity they
need, which presents a significant
If their product or service takes off, they opportunity for cost saving. These funds
can simply purchase additional capacity could instead be used for revenue-
to meet customer demand. If demand generating activities such as new product
subsides, they can then scale their usage development or marketing that could
down to minimize waste. make all the difference to a company
striving to stay ahead in today’s fiercely
competitive marketplace.
Businesses waste
billion on unused
data center capacity every year8
Business Insider. “Companies waste $62 billion on the cloud by
paying for capacity they don’t need, according to a report.” Becky
Peterson. December 2, 2017.
Time savings Access to cloud services
business-critical workloads in the
cloud, and by 2030, it’s predicted
90 percent of all applications will
of all applications will live in the cloud.
live in the cloud.
Gartner, Inc. “Gartner Says a Massive Shift to Hybrid Infrastructure
Services Is Underway.” April 5, 2017.
However, relying solely on the public
cloud for all workloads isn’t the
ideal solution for some enterprises.
It’s sometimes cheaper to maintain
applications with specific dependencies
on premises, and many enterprises
require specific workloads remain in-
house to adhere to compliance and data
sovereignty regulations.
Taneja Group. “VMware Survey: App Refactoring and Migration to
the Cloud Topline Findings.” January 2019.
03 Challenges of
Migrating to
the Cloud
Deloitte. “Mastering the Migration.” January 2017.
The following outlines the most common
pain points enterprises face when
migrating, and the approaches they
should take to overcome them.
built on premises directly to their cloud
environment. However, this strategy is
unrealistically simple.
The Wall Street Journal. “Hybrid Cloud to the Rescue.” Kurt Scherer
Compatibility challenges
Cybersecurity Insiders. “2018 Cloud Security Report.” 2018.
Each provider brings its own unique
security policies, and these may not align
with the policies an organization has
established on premises. This can make
migrating challenging, as the security
architecture on premises may not agree
Migrating applications
with what is running in the cloud.
with dependencies
Security challenges Infrastructure, operations and
• Increased security risk when moving applications form the three key
data from one environment to another layers organizations must consider
• Increased costs and complexity of
when migrating, and dependencies
data encryptions and ownership over between these layers can cause
encryption keys a range of complications if
• Cloud provider security frameworks left unresolved.
that are inadequate for highly
For example, migrating an application
regulated industries (e.g., financial
that relies on operational management
services, healthcare)
by an on-premises system can cause
serious performance issues if not
planned properly.
Gartner, Inc. “Is the Cloud Secure?” Kasey Panetta. October 10, 2019.
Virtustream. “New Study: General Purpose Cloud Migration
Application dependency challenges According to Tom Nolle of CIMI
Corporation, it’s all about mapping
• Lack of clear visibility over data flows
apps appropriately:
between applications
The other commonly used method is to
• Resource-intensive requirements
One method is refactoring—applying
for updating legacy applications to
a series of small behavior-preserving
prepare for migration
transformations to the code that modifies
the application over time to make it • Compounded resource usage
suitable for the new environment. depending on the number of
However, many engineers experienced incompatible workloads to be migrated
in on-premises environments aren’t
proficient with refactoring for the cloud,
leaving organizations unable to utilize their
in-house talent.
Ideally, enterprises require an
infrastructure that allows their
existing applications to be migrated
without modification. With consistent
infrastructure and operations from on
premises to the cloud, enterprises would
of organizations be able to move existing applications
face challenges without any need for refactoring
associated with or rewriting—with the destination
cost when migrating to environment already set up to support
the cloud.16 the migrating workloads.
Strategic planning challenges
Organizations that do not have a
Developing a comprehensive migration
high-level cloud strategy driven strategy is the best assurance an
by their business strategy will organization has to ensure their migration
significantly increase their risk of will be successful. Businesses should
consider everything from desired business
failure and wasted investment.
outcomes, to investment priorities,
deployment models, service providers,
talent sourcing and cloud policies.
Vice President and Gartner Fellow
Many elements of a sound migration
strategy depend on organizational
structure and culture. Those migrating
to the cloud can also put themselves in
With the pressure to innovate, it’s not the best possible position by choosing an
surprising that many enterprises rush to experienced cloud provider, and using
migrate without taking the time to look best-in-class tools to comprehensively
before they leap. The result is that many map their application data flows and
of these attempts backfire, causing estimate ongoing costs of network egress.
projects to stall or requiring applications
to be moved back to their original
on-premises environments.
Gartner, Inc. “Cloud Strategy Leadership.” 2017.
Learn more about how to
develop an effective cloud
migration strategy in our one-
Skills shortages page guide, 5 Simple Steps
With the boom in cloud migration, to Cloud Migration.
difficulty finding experienced
infrastructure and operations staff will
cause business disruptions for as many as
75 percent of organizations. Attempting
to manage the complexities of cloud
migration without the right teams in Want to get started today?
place can also open organizations up to
additional costs and risks.19
Test drive VMware
Cloud on AWS with
Skills shortage challenges a Hands-on Lab
• Migrations being undertaken without
appropriate strategies in place
The ideal solution eliminates the need for
upskilling or hiring new staff to complete
a migration. It is preferential for all
organizations to leverage their existing
tools and skillsets, allowing their IT team
to lend their expertise to the migration
process in a cost-effective and
efficient manner.
Gartner, Inc. “Gartner Says I&O Skills Gaps Will Cause 75 Percent of
04 Migrating with
VMware Cloud
VMware Cloud Foundation
VMware Cloud enables VMware Cloud Foundation™
consistent infrastructure provides organizations with the
and consistent operations, simplest path to the hybrid cloud by
employing the same VMware bringing together VMware vSphere®,
tools and skillsets organizations VMware vSAN™ and VMware NSX®
already use on premises in into a natively integrated stack,
the cloud—allowing them to connecting on- and off-premises
migrate quickly and with data centers with consistent
zero downtime. infrastructure and operations.
With integrated cloud infrastructure and
cloud management services, VMware
Cloud Foundation makes it easy to deploy
and run a hybrid cloud, increasing admin
This approach provides a best-in-class productivity and reducing overall TCO.
solution to a range of use cases.
Application migration
Accelerate cloud migration without the
cost, complexity and risk of refactoring
applications by leveraging a consistent,
enterprise cloud service.
Cloud-to-cloud migration
Achieve seamless portability between
public clouds, while retaining
application integrity.
Natively integrated
End-to-end security
software-defined stack
high performance
VMware Cloud Foundation automatically
deploys all of the building blocks of the
VMware Cloud Foundation is built on SDDC—compute, storage, networking and
the leading hyperconverged architecture cloud management—as a ready-to-run
from VMware (vSAN) with all-flash workload domain.
performance and enterprise-class
storage services, including deduplication,
compression and erasure coding. vSAN
delivers elastic storage and drastically
simplifies storage management.
Integrated lifecycle Migrate without
management modification
Comprehensive support
Access cloud-native
VMware HCX
Flexible consumption
VMware HCX enables organizations
to move applications seamlessly
Using this service, organizations can align between environments at scale,
costs to their business needs with flexible accelerating workload migration
consumption options and investment by as much as 10x and reducing
protection. They can consume on demand
downtime by 90 percent.
hourly, or take advantage of one-year
and three-year reserved models for Organizations can leverage the service
deeper discounts. to maintain business continuity while
migrating, and lower TCO by conducting
VMware Cloud on AWS also includes rapid large-scale migrations across a seamless
provisioning, enabling users to spin up hybrid cloud infrastructure.
entire VMware SDDC environments in two
hours and add or remove hosts in minutes,
or let Elastic DRS do the job automatically
based on optimal utilization. application mobility
VMware Cloud
Disaster recovery Provider Program
Partnering with one of the more
than 4,600 VMware Cloud Providers
In the event of a disaster, organizations
can use VMware HCX to recover their worldwide helps organizations drive
networking layer, while maintaining their their digital transformation with
traffic routes, allowing for high-speed cloud services based on trusted
disaster recovery with low downtime.
VMware technology, designed to
Organizations can also use HCX to avoid
anticipated disasters, migrating SDDCs reduce the complexity of migration.
from disaster zones to safe locations when VMware Cloud Providers enable
disaster warnings are received. organizations to run, manage, connect and
secure their entire application portfolio on
Organizations can protect workloads any cloud, to any device. Migrating to the
by replicating data to a VMware Cloud cloud with a VMware Cloud Provider holds
Provider™, enabling partial or full-site a number of benefits for organizations.
recovery. If disaster recovery is invoked,
there is no reconfiguration of IPs,
reducing complexity and allowing for
faster recovery. Seamless hybrid cloud
Plan application
Data sovereignty
security and migration
Jump-start VMware
Cloud on AWS with
a single host
05 A Simple Solution
AWS. “Always Be Reinventing & The Cloud of Youth.”
Stephen Orban. January 25, 2017.
Try our hands-on lab today to experience
how a VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC
environment works by practicing basic tasks.
VMware, Inc. 3401 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto CA 94304 USA Tel 877-486-9273 Fax 650-427-5001
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