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GATE - Dept

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26-09-2010 GATE - Dept.


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Department Home
Head of the Department GATE
The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an
all-India examination administered and conducted in eight
Electronic Devices and
zonesacross the country by the GATE Committee comprising
Circuits Lab
faculty from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and seven
Electronic Circuit Analysis
Indian Institutes of Technology on behalf of the National
Coordinating Board - GATE, Department of Education,
Pulse and Digital Circuits Lab Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD),
Linear IC Applications Lab Government of India.
Electronics Computer Aided
Design Lab Its objective is to identify meritorious and motivated
Analog Communications Lab candidates for admission to Post Graduate Programmes in
Digital Communications Lab Engineering, Technology, Architecture and Pharmacy at the
Microprocessor and National level.To serve as benchmark for normalisation of
Microcontroller Lab the Undergraduate Engineering Education in the country.
Digital Signal Processing Lab
Microw ave and Optical
Why shoul d we tak e GATE:
Communications Lab
M.Tech degree leads to specialization and furthering
Department Library of interest in a certain area which may lead to Ph.D
IEEE Student Branch M.Tech degree is best for those wishing to apply for
Go Greener Campaign Faculty/Research positions in educational
Activities Institutes/R&D centers.
Advitiiya 2009 Important Dates :
Advitiiya 2010
Resources Availability of GATE forms: September
Last Date for filling up
forms: November
Lab Manuals
Exam Date: First Sunday
Previous Question Papers of February
E-Books Results: March
Lecture Notes
Placement Papers
Results Exami nati on Detai l s:
Competitive Exams The examination is a
Latest Updates single paper of 3 hours
Contact Us duration and consists of
65 Questions with
Maximum of 100 Marks.
Notice Boards Inauguration You have to opt for your
Photos subject and study as per
click here the syllabus mentioned in
the GATE brochure.
The subjects of our
interest are Computer
Science and Engineering,
Electronics &
Engineering., Electrical
Engineering and
www.advitiiya.in Engineering. Other
subjects are also available
such as Mathematics,

days until
Physics, etc.
Results of qualified
candidates in GATE will
give All India Rank and
Advitiiya 2010
indicate percentile score.
For example, a percentile
score of 99 means you are
in the top 1% category of
the candidates who
appeared for GATE.
Candidates who get less
than 70 percentile get no score card.
GATE scores are valid for 2 years. You may reappear
Y ou are Visitor Number
the GATE exam if you are not satisfied with the earlier
score and the new score (if better than the old one)
will be used for admission purposes.

After the Exam, what next:

After publication of GATE results, students must apply

Preparing for to individual Institutes to get their application forms.
GATE 2011? Institutes advertise M.Tech admissions in leading
GATE 2011
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26-09-2010 GATE - Dept.of ECE, RRSCET
GATE 2011 newspapers from 1st April till end July. However some
Classroom Institutes do not advertise and therefore students have
Coaching Faculty- to get the forms themselves.
IIT & IISc alumni, In the application forms, you have to mention your
Toppers GATE score alongwith other details.
The concerned Institute may conduct written test
and/or interview for the purpose of admission.
MBA: For Best General thumb rules: If your GATE score in Computer
Placements Science is 96 percentile or more then you can try for
Start 6 Months IITs, if between 85 - 96 percentile, then apply for top
before others in RECs, JADAVPUR, SHIBPUR, ROORKEE, etc. If less than
JAN And join the 85, you have to look for appropriate institutes.
Winter Batch at
www.iipm.info Sc holars hip:

VPM Classes for During the pursuit of M.Tech, you are paid a
GATE 2011 scholarship of Rs. 8000.00 per month by the
Best Coaching for Government of India. This amount is enough for living
GATE LifeScience, expenses including purchase of books, etc. The
BioTech, scholarship is paid for the entire 18 months M.Tech
Chemistry, period.
Physics, Maths
GATE El igi bi li ty

WLC College The candidates with following academic background

Management are eligible to appear in GATE 2009 Examination:
Courses in
Mktg/Fin/HR/ Prjct Bachelor's degree holders Engineering/
Fin/Contract Technology/Architecture/Pharmacy (4 years after
Mgmt/Talent Mgmt 10+2) and those who are in the final or pre-final year
www.wlci.in/ of such programmes.
Master degree holders in any branch of Science/
Mathematics/ Statistics/ Computer Applications or
equivalent and those who are in the final or pre-final
year of such programmes.
Candidates in the second or higher year of the Four-
year Integrated Master's degree programme (Post-
B.Sc.) in Engineering/Technology or in the third or
higher year of Five-year Integrated Master's degree
programme and Dual Degree programme in
Candidates with qualifications obtained through
examinations conducted by professional societies
recognised by UPSC/AICTE (e.g. AMIE) as equivalent to
B.E./B.Tech. Those who have completed Section A or
equivalent of such professional courses are also

Struc ture of GATE

The GATE examination consists of a single paper of 3

hours duration, which contains 60 questions carrying
a maximum of 100 marks. The question paper will
consist of only multiple choice objective questions.
Each question will have four choices for the answer.
Only one choice will be correct. Candidates have to
mark the correct choice on an Optical Response Sheet
(ORS) by darkening the appropriate bubble against
each question. There will be negative marking for
wrong answers, as given in question paper pattern.

A candidate can choose any one of the papers listed


Aerospace Engineering AE
Engineering IN
Agricultural Engineering
Mathematics MA
Architecture and Planning
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering CE
Mining Engineering MN
Chemical Engineering CH
Metallurgical Engineering
Computer Science and
Information Technology
Physics PH
Chemistry CY
Production and Industrial
Engineering PI
Electronics and
Engineering EC
Pharmaceutical Sciences

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26-09-2010 GATE - Dept.of ECE, RRSCET
Electrical Engineering EE
Textile Engineering and
Fibre Science TF
#Geology and Geophysics
Engineering Sciences XE*
Life Sciences XL*

#GG (Geology &

Geophysics) paper will
consist of two parts: Part
A and Part B. Part A will be common to both Geology
and Geophysics candidates. Part B will contain two
sections: Section 1 (Geology) and Section 2
(Geophysics). Geology candidates will attempt
questions in Section 1 only. Geophysics candidates
will attempt questions in Section 2 only.
*Papers XE and XL are of general nature and will
comprise the following sections:

XE paper sections (Engineering Sciences)

XL paper sections (Life Sciences)

A candidate appearing in XE or XL paper will be

required to answer three sections. Sections (A) and (H)
are compulsory in XE and XL papers, respectively. The
candidate can choose any two out of the remaining
sections listed against the respective papers.

The choice of the appropriate paper is the

responsibility of the candidate. Some guidelines in
this respect are suggested below:

Candidate is expected to appear in one of the papers,

listed above appropriate to the discipline of his/her
qualifying degree.
Candidate is, however, free to choose any paper
according to his/her admission plan, keeping in mind
the eligibility criteria of the institutions in which
he/she wishes to seek admission.

GATE Sc orec ard

The GATE scorecard will consist of actual marks

obtained by the candidate, the GATE Score, Percentile
Score and All India Rank (AIR). Scorecard will be sent
only to the qualified candidates. No information will
be sent to candidateswho are not qualified.GATE
scorecard is valid for ONE YEAR ONLY. Additional
scorecards (up to a maximum of two) will be issued
only once on request and on payment of Rs 300 per
scorecard. Such requests should reach the Organizing
Chairman, GATE. These scorecards will be labeled as
AdditionalScorecard -1 and Additional Scorecard - 2.
The GATE score, awarded in the range of 0 to 1000
reflects the candidates academic ability and will be
based on his/her performance in GATE 2009 and the
performances of allcandidates who appeared in GATE
in the last four years. Candidates with the same GATE
score from different GATE papers and/or years can be
considered to have the same performance level.
Scorecard will be sent only to the qualified candidates.
Noinformation will be sent to candidates who are not
The GATE Scorecard is a valuable document.
The Scorecard cannot be treated as a proof of date of
birth, category and disability status.
The Scorecard will indicate GATE Score and Rank of the
Qualified Candidates.

GATE Sc ore

The GATE Score of a candidate is in the range 0 to

1000. It reflects the performance of a candidate,
irrespective of the GATE paper or year in which he/she
has qualified.Candidates with same GATE Score from
different GATE papers and/or years can be considered
to have the same performance level.

The marks obtained by the candidate is normalized on

the basis of the average and standard deviation of
marks of allcandidates who appeared in the paper
mentioned on thescorecard in GATE. Subsequently,
this is scaled with respect to the global average and
global standard deviation so as to facilitate
performance comparison across GATE papers and over
a block of years since GATE 2004.

Formula For GATE Score is as given

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26-09-2010 GATE - Dept.of ECE, RRSCET


m = marks obtained by the candidate.

a = average of marks of all candidates who
appeared in the paper mentioned on this
scorecard in GATE for that year
s = standard deviation of marks of all
candidates who appeared in the paper
mentioned on this scorecard in GATE for that

= global average of marks of all candidates

who appeared across all papers and years

= global standard deviation of marks of all

candidates who appeared across all papers and
years (2005-2008)

GATE Percenti le Sc ore

The percentile score of a candidate indicates the

percentage of candidates who appeared in the same
paper and scored less marks than him/her. It is
calculated as follows: If N is the total number of
candidates appearing in a paper, then the percentile
score P is given as,

P = (number of candidates who have scored less

marks thanthe candidate / N) x 100

The Maximum Score can be 1000.

GATE Score Range Ability Level

800 to 1000 Outstanding
675 to 800 Excellent
550 to 675 Very good
425 to 550 Good
300 to 425 Above average
100 to 300 Average
Below 100 Below average

The evaluation of the ORS is carried out by a

computerized process using scanning machines, with
utmost care. Requests for revaluation of the answer
script and re-totaling of marks will not be entertained.

The GATE result and particulars of the qualified

candidateswill be made available to interested
organizations (educational institutions, R & D
laboratories, industries, etc.) in India and abroad
based on written request by the organization and on
payment. Details can be obtained from GATE Chairmen
of IITs/IISc.

For Further Details on GATE refer the

site: www.onestopgate.com

RRS College of Engineering and Technology

Muthangi(V), Patancheru(M), Medak(D), A.P-502300
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