Report On Smart Bot Using Python

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A Mini Project report on

Smart Bot using Python

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering

Shaikh Ainiya (120CP3225B)
Nikam Somesh 120CP3124A
Khan Anas (120CP3190A)

Prof. Chandrashekhar Badgujar

Department of Computer Engineering

Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s College of Engineering &
Technology Kamothe, Navi Mumbai–400 209.

University of Mumbai Academic Year: 2020-2021


This is to certify that the project entitled “Smart Bot using Python”
is a bonafide work of Shaikh Ainiya (120CP3225B), Nikam Somesh
(120CP3124A), Khan Anas (120CP3190A) Submitted to the
University of Mumbai in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the
award of the degree of Undergraduate in Computer Engineering.

Prof. Chandrashekar Badgujar


Prof. Vijay R. Bhosale Dr. Geeta S. Latkar

(HOD) (Director)
Mini Project Report Approval for B.E.

Mini project report entitled “Smart Bot using Python” by Shaikh

Ainiya (120CP3225B), Nikam Somesh (120CP3124A), Khan Anas
(120CP3190A) is approved for the degree of B.E. (Computer





Place: MGMCET, Kamothe.


We declare that this written submission represents our ideas in our own words
and where other’s ideas or words have been included, we have adequately cited
and referenced the original sources. We also declare that we have adhered to all
principles of academic honesty and integrity and have not misrepresented or
fabricated or falsified any idea/data/fact/source in my submission. We
understand that any violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action
by the Institute and can also evoke penal action from the sources which have
thus not been properly cited or from whom proper permission has not been
taken when needed.

Shaikh Ainiya (120CP3225B)

Nikam Somesh (120CP3124A)

Khan Anas (120CP3190A)

Place: MGMCET, Kamothe.

Voice control is a major growing feature that change the way people can live.
The voice assistant is commonly being used in smartphones and laptops. AI-
based Voice assistants are the operating systems that can recognize human
voice and respond via integrated voices. This voice assistant will gather the
audio from the microphone and then convert that into text, later it is sent
through GTTS (Google text to speech). GTTS engine will convert text into
audio file in English language, then that audio is played using play sound
package of python programming Language.

MGMCET, Kamothe
Smart Bot using Python

Table of Content

Sr. No. Content Page No.

Table of Content
1. Introduction 1

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Problem Statement 2

1.3 Objectives 3

2 Literature Survey 4

2.1 Survey of Existing System 4

2.2 6
Limitation Existing system or research gap

3 Proposed System (e.g., New Approach of Data 7

3.1 Introduction 7

3.2 Architecture/ Framework 7

3.3 Details of Hardware &Software 9

4. 10

5. Conclusion 11

6. References 12

Acknowledgment 13

1.1. Introduction

“Hey Google. What’s the weather like today?”

This will sound familiar to anyone who has owned a smartphone in

the last decade. I can’t remember the last time I took the time to type
out the entire query on Google Search. I simply ask the question – and
Google lays out the entire weather pattern for me. It saves me a ton of
time and I can quickly glance at my screen and get back to work. A
win-win for everyone! But how does Google understand what I’m
saying? And how does Google’s system convert my query into text on
my phone’s screen?

This is where the beauty of speech-to-text models comes in. Google

uses a mix of deep learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP)
techniques to parse through our query, retrieve the answer and present
it in the form of both audio and text.
The same speech-to-text concept is used in all the other popular
speech recognition technologies out there, such as Amazon’s Alexa,
Apple’s Siri, and so on.
The semantics might vary from company to company, but the overall
idea remains the same. I have personally researched quite a bit on this
topic as I wanted to understand how I could build my own speech-to-
text model using my Python and deep learning skills. It’s a fascinating
concept and one I wanted to share with all of you.

So, in this article, I will walk you through the basics of speech
recognition systems (AKA an introduction to signal processing). We
will then use this as the core when we implement our own speech-to-
text model from scratch in Python.

MGMCET, Kamothe Page 1

Smart Bot using Python

1.2. Problem statement

o Developing a high-quality speech recognition system is

really a difficult problem. The difficulty of speech
recognition technology can be broadly characterized along
a number of dimensions.

o Some consumers have expressed privacy concerns about

Smart Bots, such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home,
because these Smart Bots require large amounts of
personal data and are always "listening" in order to
respond to voice commands. Smart Bots then retain voice
interactions and personal information to improve the user

o Cortana, for example, works best by using data from a

user's device, including emails and other communications,
a user's contacts, location data, search history, and data
from other Microsoft services and skills -- third-party
applications -- that users choose to connect with. Users
can choose not to sign in and share this data with Cortana,
and adjust permissions to prevent certain data from being
collected, though these actions limit the Smart Bot's

o Smart Bot providers also maintain privacy policies, which

define how each company uses and shares personal
information. In most cases, companies do not share
customer-identifiable information without a customer's

MGMCET, Kamothe Page 2

1.3. Objectives

One of the main goals of a Smart bot is performing tasks delegated by

a client to the best of their ability.
It aims to make the best use of available resources to achieve the
desired results and maximize productivity.
It also aims to maintain honest and open communication with the
client to understand their requirements and deliver superior work
Literature Survey

2.1. Survey of existing system

You must be quite familiar with speech recognition systems. They are
ubiquitous these days – from Apple’s Siri to Google Assistant. These are all
new advents though brought about by rapid advancements in technology.

Did you know that the exploration of speech recognition goes way back to the
1950s? That’s right – these systems have been around for over 50 years! We
have prepared a neat illustrated timeline for you to quickly understand how
Speech Recognition systems have evolved over the decades:

The first speech recognition system, Audrey, was developed back in 1952 by
three Bell Labs researchers. Audrey was designed to recognize only digits Just
after 10 years, IBM introduced its first speech recognition system IBM Shoebox,
which was capable of recognizing 16 words including digits. It could identify
commands like “Five plus three plus eight plus six plus four minus nine, total,”
and would print out the correct answer i.e., 17.

The Défense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) contributed a lot

to speech recognition technology during the 1970s. DARPA funded for around,
5 years from 1971-76 to a program called Speech Understanding Research and
finally, Harpy was developed which was able to recognize 1011 words. It was
quite a big achievement at that time.

In the 1980s, the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) was applied to the speech
recognition system. HMM is a statistical model which is used to model the
problems that involve sequential information. It has a pretty good track record
in many real-world applications including speech recognition.

In 2001, Google introduced the Voice Search application that allowed users to
search for queries by speaking to the machine. This was the first voice-enabled
application which was very popular among the people. It made the conversation
between the people and machines a lot easier.

By 2011, Apple launched Siri that offered a real-time, faster, and easier way to
interact with the Apple devices by just using your voice. As of now, Amazon’s
Alexa and Google’s Home are the most popular voice command based Smart
Bots that are being widely used by consumers across the globe.
2.2. Limitation Existing system or research gap

Siri can’t work without an active internet connection, This is one of the biggest
drawbacks of this voice assistant, Siri depends on cloud computing, So, you
can’t use it when you are offline, because all voice commands are relayed
through Apple’s servers before returning to the phone, Siri can’t work very well
if you end up in an area with weak cellular service.

The maps were only translated in English so, you have to speak in English else
it will not find maps, voice commands may not be interpreted by iPhone as you
speak, It doesn’t understand many languages such as Scottish, looking up other
information sometimes defaults to restaurants & locations, Search is based on
the words used, if the word is not in the description then Siri can’t find it.

Siri works well, but you should speak clearly in order for Siri to understand you
& do what you want, If you speak too fast, or with a strong accent, Siri won’t
understand you, There are listening problems with Siri’s ability to understand
your queries, Siri has trouble with background noise and low-quality audio from
some headsets, Siri needs Wi-Fi If you’re on a patchy connection or
your 3G goes down.
All iPhones have a special silent mode that disables common sounds like
ringtones, text alerts and notification pings, Siri ignores silent mode, It will
always be audible, If you need your phone to be absolutely silent, you can’t use
Siri until your phone makes noise again, Siri features built-in support for several
languages, The AI speaks English, French, and German fluently, However,
Siri’s navigational capabilities are limited to English, It can only find directions
in English.

There are several surprising functions that Alexa still doesn't have.
 Takes several days to update the new version of Software into device.
 The major pros and cons is related to home privacy.
 People can identify who is present on the home based on echo private
 Others can also access echo conversations.
 People can use your location using different techniques and deliver their
location-based services
 It’s a cloud-based device so it can create problems if any trouble in cloud.
 Echo must be plugged in to use since it has no internal battery.
Proposed System (e.g., New Approach of Data

3.1. Introduction

An AI personal assistant is a piece of software that understands verbal or written

commands and completes task assigned by the client. It is an example of weak
AI that is it can only execute and perform quest designed by the user.

3.1. Architecture/ Framework

Command Module

Voice input STT Engine Python Bases Application Internet

TTS Engine

Voice output

Fig. architecture of Smart Bot using python

Above shows the architecture of the proposed system. The work initially
seemed difficult as a whole. So, to make it simpler it was divided into
modules to make the work easier and also for debugging.

The three modules are as follows:

 Speech to Text Module

 Command module

 Text to Speech Module

Thus, by using above three modules first we take the voice input by using
any hardware device such as microphone and then proceed this to speech to
text module. In that the voice input is converted in text format and can be
proceed further for its solution.

This text then proceeds to python-based applications such as Wikipedia,

Wolfram alpha, web browser etc. for their functionality deeds and get the
results related to submitted queries.

This queries again is in text format which is converted to speech by using

text to speech module, and user will get the voice-based result.
3.3. Details of Hardware & Software

Hardware Requirements

 Processor: Core 2Duo

 Hard Disk: 500 GB.

 RAM: 4gb

Software Requirements

 Operating System: Windows 10

 Front End: Python

 IDE: PyCharm

Result of this project is python based smart bot. The microphone

will capture the voice and begin the process of speech recognizing.
User simply needs to use voice commands to access their
requirement such as sending email, playing music, different web
searches, different type of calculation and many more. If system
fail to recognize the voice, we have provided the keyboard input as

An excellent Smart Bot will save time and money by doing the small tasks for
you and doing them accurately and with high quality. If you handle the Smart
Bot correctly, it will be a boom in your day-to-day life / business.





We would like to express our gratitude to all those who helped us to reach our
goal, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many
individuals and organizations. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all
of them.
We are highly indebted to Prof. Chandrashekhar Badgujar, for his guidance and
constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding
the project and also for the support in completing the project.
We are thankful to Prof. Vijay R. Bhosale, H.O.D, Computer engineering
department, Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s College of Engineering and
Technology, Navi Mumbai, for the guidance during the project.
We are thankful to The Director Dr. G.S. Lathkar, Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s
College of Engineering and Technology, Navi Mumbai, for his encouragement
and for providing an outstanding academic environment.
Special thanks to our colleagues and friends for providing suggestions and
continuous encouragement. Finally, we would like to then our family, our
parents for supporting us and endurance during this work.

Shaikh Ainiya (120CP3225B)

Nikam Somesh (120CP3124A)

Khan Anas (120CP3190A

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