BHCS34337A Sugar Refinery Brochure R6
BHCS34337A Sugar Refinery Brochure R6
BHCS34337A Sugar Refinery Brochure R6
Industry challenges
Sugar is virtually in everything we consume, including alternative fuels in many parts of the world. Table sugar is extracted
from the roots of sugar beets and the stalks of sugarcane. It’s a big business: The world produces more than 78 million tons
(71 metric tons) of sugarcane annually [source: The Sugar Bureau]. It can take up to 18 months for new cane stalks to be ready
for harvest, and harvesting is often done now by machines on large plantations. Processing and packaging often occurs very
close to the harvest location to prevent the harvested cane or beets from rotting.
Harvesting also typically occurs September to February, requiring the factories to be extremely reliable during this critical
season. Consequently, a sugar refinery’s production reliance upon its machinery has never been more important. Downtime
is more expensive. Uptime is more valuable. Operators need to know if they can push machinery to its design capacity and
beyond while remaining safe and maximizing the balance between useful life and capacity. And, as always, operators need to
remain safe—for their families, for their communities, and for the environment.
Reliability: the key to a successful future for unsurpassed quality in machinery condition monitoring.
Everything needed to address the assets in sugar refinery
Unreliable assets have enormous consequences. What if your
plants is available, from sensors to continuous monitoring
assets could consistently operate at or above their rated
systems to portable data collectors and analyzers. And,
capacities, for a greater percentage of total hours each
it’s all brought together in a unified platform for asset
year, all while spending less money on maintenance? That’s
condition monitoring and diagnostics –System 1® software.
exactly what today’s best companies have discovered how
We also assist customers in integrating and using their
to do. Industry studies show that the average facility spends
already installed tools, such as computerized maintenance
approximately 5% of its Replacement Asset Value (RAV) on
management systems (CMMS) and reliability software.
maintenance each year. In comparison, best performers
spend 60% less—just 2% of RAV—while enjoying better uptime, • P
eople: Reliability is about more than just technologies and
efficiency, and profitability. It’s not about simply spending processes. Armed with even the most sophisticated tools
less on maintenance, it’s about working differently—working and effective strategies, companies can fail to reach their
smarter—to achieve more reliable production operations. reliability goals unless they are able to successfully change
the way they work. Reliability is a company-wide effort that
Benefits with Bently Nevada touches operations, maintenance, planning and scheduling,
Closing the gap between your reliability “goals” and what purchasing, management, and engineering. Bently Nevada
you are actually obtaining from your efforts typically involves is able to help customers change the way they work by
the following three categories:: addressing the organizational culture issues that keep
companies mired in ineffective processes, helping them
• P
rocesses: Bently Nevada can help customers assess their transform their businesses and balance sheets.
goals, identify the reliability gaps in their current operations,
and then implement the appropriate corrective actions. Because Bently Nevada is able to fully address each one of
these, we are able to help you solve the whole problem—
• Tools: Our Bently Nevada product line is world-renowned not just bits and pieces. Our tailored condition monitoring
solution can help you close the gap.
Condition monitoring
While condition monitoring may not be the only element in a environment or production, with only maintenance costs as
successful reliability program, it is nonetheless an essential the primary consideration. As such, a variety of condition
element. For years, we’ve been taught that the older an monitoring products and approaches are required.
asset is, the more likely it will fail. As such, many plants have Today we understand that the probability of an asset failure
evolved elaborate and finely tuned maintenance schedules is often highest just after it has been placed in service (or
based on calendar intervals or running hours. undergone maintenance). Following this “infant mortality”
There’s just one problem with that approach: time- or period, its probability of failure becomes constant and does
usage-based maintenance strategies alone are only valid not rise linearly over time. This means that running hours and
for 10 to 15% of the assets in a typical industrial facility. calendars are poor “predictors” of failure. How do you know
when such assets will fail if the timebased intervals can’t be
In other words, if you have applied a time or usage
trusted? By measuring the mechanical condition of the asset –
based only maintenance strategy to the majority of your
vibration, temperature, efficiency, oil chemistry/particulates, and
equipment, most are getting “maintained” when they don’t
other physical parameters. In other words, condition monitoring.
need to be. That’s wasteful, and it’s one of the major reasons
that many companies are overspending on maintenance. This approach results in maintenance only when the condition
In other cases, the asset may fail before it reaches indicates the asset is failing. Further, failure progression can
its scheduled maintenance interval. Frustrated, plant often be trended quite accurately, allowing maintenance
maintenance staffs are left to wonder “what went wrong.”. intervention at exactly the right time—not too soon, not
too late. And, condition data can be remarkably precise,
Different assets, different approaches indicating not just that the asset is failing, but exactly what is
Not all assets are created equal. Some, such as mills and wrong, providing vital input to a root cause investigation that
ventillation fans, are highly critical to operations. Other assets can help to prevent a similar failure in the future.
are less critical. And still others have little impact on safety,
On line, On line
Process Data Wireless,
Portables continuous CM continuous CM
Analysis scanning
Higher or Protection and Protection
High Critical
Consequence of failure
Medium to
Low Critical
Bently Nevada service menu
Key benefits
Get it right the 1st time Up to
• Ensure your assets are protected and $1M/day 100%
Implementation monitored when you’re ready to startup Avoided cost Service work
services • Avoid costly delays and rework from lost
• One source to design, plan, manage, 1 year warranty
and execute the installation standard on
process &
• Avoid startup trips due to improper equipment all service work
installation and configuration damage
You can
rely on us
For more than 50 years, we’ve been
supplying condition monitoring
solutions to machinery-intensive
industries. We also bring two decades
of experience conducting reliability
improvement projects. Customers
turn to us for a simple reason: lasting
value. Our solutions demonstrate
their worth, day in and day out. We
combine the highest quality products
and responsive customer support with
a service team that takes the time to
understand the uniqueness of your
plant, your personnel, and your goals.
Sugar production
Process can vary depending on
facility and feed stock used
Preparation –
Crushing & Milling
Receiving & Unloading Mill Stands
Conveyors (Tandem, typically 6)
Process Pumps
Cane Juice
Cane Juice
Filter Cake
Cane Juice
Holding Tank
Sugar Boiling
Process Pumps
Sugar Boiling
Process Pumps
System 1 – One Platform, Endless Possibilities
Improve Equipment Reliability, Uptime and Efficiency
System 1 represents Bently Nevada’s flagship condition monitoring solution that seamlessly
integrates with our industry leading products including online and portable devices. System
1 provides scalability by adapting to the condition monitoring requirements at your facility,
as well as flexibility by connecting to any Bently Nevada’s field devices.
Cain Juice
Vacuum Pan
Centrifuge Raw Sugar
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