Application Package Masters
Application Package Masters
Application Package Masters
The qualification for the admission includes at least one of the followings:
(1) 4-year College Degree Holder.
(2) Persons who have completed 16 years of school education outside Japan.
(3) Persons who have been qualified through our admission screening and was judged to have
accomplished equivalent to 4-year College degree. The applicant must be 22 years or older before
enrollment to the program.*
* The degree qualification will be examined individually.
To apply for Dual Master’s Degree Program, the applicant must be enrolled in: The University of Medicine and Pharmacy
at Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), University of Science at Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) or National Taiwan University.
It is necessary for applicant to demonstrate an adequate command of the English language to benefit from
studies at this University. All applicants, if their first language is not English or if their studies at university have
not been conducted solely in English, must demonstrate English language proficiency by taking the Test of
English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and
having their score reported directly to University of Tsukuba, Graduate School of Medical Sciences (TOFEL
center code: 7902). TOEFL and IELTS score reports must be dated within two years of enrollment in this
University. Photocopies are accepted.
1 Application Form Fill out the attached application form designated by University of Tsukuba.
Please select which program and term you wish to apply.
2 Reference Form Applications will be considered with academic references. Reference form
should be accompanied with at least one letter of recommendation.
3 Picture Attach a picture of yourself taken within three months, facing forward without
hat on the Application Form Size: 4 cm x 3cm (h x w).
4 Application Fee 30,000 yen (will not be charged to the applicants with Japanese Government
Monbukagakusho Scholarship or if applied for Dual Master’s Degree
Program). Payment by credit card is available at:
Due by application deadline. Payment in Japan is available through post
office, banks, convenience stores and various banking institutions.
Please contact for the instruction by e-mail: [email protected].
7 English Language If English is not your first language, request your TOEFL or IELTS score
Proficiency sent directly to this University (TOFEL code: 7902).
Photocopies are accepted.
8 Photocopy of ※ If you do not have a passport yet, you are required to submit Family Register
your passport or Certificate of Citizenship issued by your home country.
Please verify all the documents carefully and submit the documents to:
Academic Service Office for the Medical Sciences Area
University of Tsukuba
1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8575, Japan
Please use the attached recommendation letter form. The letter may be sent from the referee as an e-mail
attachment or with the application forms in a sealed envelope.
Information about Exam will be issued by e-mail when the application documents are accepted.
Applicants must contact their prospective supervisor about the specialized research field in advance.
<Click here for the contact information (of the program) about the research fields.>
Application Period: Please refer to our web page for the application deadline.
Selection will be based on (a) Academic records (b) Oral examination (c) English proficiency during the
interview. Prospective applicant will be contacted by e-mail after the preliminary screening based on the
submitted documents. Date and location of an interview will be arranged. The applicant will be able to select
the venue where the oral examination will be offered.
Succeed applicants will receive an instruction on the admission procedure by e-mail. An official letter from
the University of Tsukuba will be sent by mail.
*Applicants are advised to make a sufficient financial plan for their tuition fee and living expenses in Japan.
Both tuition and fee are waived for (a) Dual Master’s Degree candidate (b) applicants with
Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship.
List the 2nd and 3rd choices in case the 1st choice is not selected.
1st choice :
2nd choice :
3rd choice :
Degree Conferred or
Course Dates
University / College (AA, BA, Major expected date
MSc, etc.) (month/year) (month/year)
Official copy of English language proficiency test must be sent to the Registrar office when the results are available.
If you have research experience in academic institutions during the past 5 years, you are required to obtain letters of
recommendation from faculty who is familiar with your study. If you have any work experience, the second recommender should
be from your employer. If you have no record of employment, the second recommender should be from another academic.
You should send your reference letter in a sealed envelope with your application forms or ask the recommender to send it
directly to the International Office at the University of Tsukuba, Medical Branch.
8. FINANCIAL PLAN (Applicant for Dual Master’s Program do not need to complete this section)
I certify that the statements made by me on this form are correct and complete. I certify that I will not be concurrently
registered for another Degree of the University of Tsukuba. I understand that, if admitted to the University, the University
will not be able to provide any financial assistance. To be signed and date by applicant.
Signature Date:
Field of Study & Study Program
(2) Describe your study and research you plan to pursue (use additional pages if necessary) :
Reference Form for Graduate Program in Medical Sciences
Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
(Applicant should complete this part and submit this form to the recommender)
Family Name Middle Name
First (Given) Name Title (Mr./Ms./Dr., etc.)
Date of Birth (day/month/year)
Program applied for:
The above student is applying to the Graduate Program in Medical Sciences at the University of
Tsukuba. To help us in the selection process, please fill out the required information.
How long have you known the applicant?
What is your relationship with the applicant? (e.g. student/employee)
E-mail Telephone
Please assess the applicant on a scale of Excellent (highest) to Poor (lowest) in relation to the
following criteria. Please check the appropriate criteria.
Very Unable to
Excellent Good Good Fair Poor comment
Intellectual ability □ □ □ □ □ □
Written communication skills □ □ □ □ □ □
Oral communication skills □ □ □ □ □ □
Ability to meet deadlines □ □ □ □ □ □
Ability to organize workload □ □ □ □ □ □
Ability to work independently □ □ □ □ □ □
Numerical/mathematical ability □ □ □ □ □ □
English language ability □ □ □ □ □ □
Motivation □ □ □ □ □ □
We would appreciate your comments on the applicant’s qualifications for graduate study in the
space below. If you prefer writing with a separate recommendation letter, or need additional space,
please use official letterhead stationery and mark a cross this part.
Signature Date
Thank you for completing this form. Please sign above and enclose this form in an envelope,
seal it and return it to the applicant or send directly to the address below. You may also e-mail
the signed form to [email protected].
Choose your prospective research fields from the list below and write the names in the “Prospective research fields
(supervisors)” section on the application form. You can choose up to two research fields. As a general rule, you will be
assigned to a research group during the process of selecting students for admission, so please choose carefully. It is hard to
determine the exact details of your prospective group’s research solely from the research themes listed below. In order to
avoid having to write your Master’s thesis on a research theme different from what you had in mind, please contact the
supervisor of your preferred fields or ask the contact person below for guidance about your choice.
Phone: 029-853-3007
FAX: 029-853-3483
E-mail: [email protected]
in axonal guidance
⑤Analyses of neurodegenerative diseases at a molecular
Biochemistry , 久武 幸司 ①Molecular mechanisms of iPS cell induction
Gene Regulation HISATAKE Koji ②Mechanisms of adipocyte differentiation
③Molecular basis of epigenetics
④Chromatin modifications and transcriptional regulation
Cellular and 大林 典彦 ①Physiological functions of the small G proteins: Rab and Arf
Physiological Biology OHBAYASHI ②Membrane dynamics research aiming at
Norihiko invasion/metastasis, vascularization and pigmentation
Stem Cell Biology and 西村 健 ①Functional analysis of transcription factors during cell
Biotechnology NISHIMURA Ken reprogramming
②Epigenetic regulation during cell reprogramming
③Safe and efficient production of differentiated tissue cells
Environmetal Biology 熊谷 嘉人 ①Adaptive response to electrophilic stress
KUMAGAI Yoshito ②Reactive sulfur species as a regulator molecule for
electrophilic stress
Systems LAZARUS Michael ① Understanding the control of sleep and wake by motivation
Pharmacology ② Sleep circuits as potential therapeutic targets for insomnia
③ Link between REM sleep loss and the desire for junk food
④ Elucidation of neural mechanisms of short-sleep
⑤ Analysis of the effects of short-sleep on physiological functions
Hematology 千葉 滋 ①Mechanism of leukemo/lymphomagenesis
CHIBA Shigeru ②Mechanism of bone marrow failure
③Translational research on stem cell therapy
④Laboratory hematology for hematopoietic disorders
pathophysiology of various organs
⑥Molecular visualization at organella level and synthetic
⑦Inhibition of cholesterol synthesis, myopathy, and brain
⑧Fatty acid metabolism in stem cell
Neurosurgery 松丸 祐司 1) Neurooncology
MATSUMARU 1)-1 Neurooncology(Advanced Therapeutics): Boron neutron
Yuji capture therapy(BNCT), Proton therapy, Tumor
vaccination, Gene thrapy, Photodynamic diagnosis and
treatment (PDD, PDT)
1)-2 Neurooncology(Diagnostics): Molecular maker and gene
analysis of brain tumor(glioma, pediatric brain tumor,
craniopharyngioma), Intraoperative neurophysiological
monitoring (MEP, SEP, EEG), Imaging
study(Intraoperative MRI, Tractography, PET)
2) Cerebrovascular disease: Neuroprotection using
nanoparticle and stem cell therapy for ischemic stroke.
Prevention of carotid artery restenosis. Evaluation of
oxidative stress in brain. Regenerative Medicine using
dental pulp stem cells
3) Analysis of cerebral function, perfusion and metabolism
using neuroimaging (functional -MRI, MR spectroscopy,
diffusion tensor imaging, PET)
4) Neurorehabilitation using Robot Suit HAL, Brain
machine interface
5) Functional neurosurgery for epilepsy, involuntary
movement, central pain and Headache
6) Gene therapy and regeneration therapy using DDS
(Angiogenesis, bone regeneration)
7)Pediatric Neurosurgery: Epigenetic biomarkers from
woman with neural tube defect affected pregnancies
8)Development of advanced medical equipment and device
(laser endoscope, new device of endoscopic surgery)
9) Neuroendovascular Therapy: Development of new devices,
functional neurovascular anatomy, Outcome research of
neuroendovascular therapy
biochemical research in otology and
cochleoneural path way.
Oral and 武川 寛樹 ①New development of biological marker for oral cancer (p63
Maxillofacial Surgery BUKAWA Hiroki and GNT-V)
②Research for clinical diagnosis and treatment of oral cancer
using microRNA (miR203, miR155, miR205 and let-7)
③Regenerated research using dental pulp stem cell
④Research for oral bacterial flora involved internal medical
disease (NASH, NAFLD and diabetes mellitus)
Obstetrics and 濱田 洋実 Basic and clinical researches about diagnosis, treatment, and
Gynecology HAMADA Hiromi prevention of diseases/disorders in the field of obstetrics and
gynecology are conducted. Major subjects are gynecological
malignancy, infertility, reproductive endocrinologic disorder,
fetal genetic disease/malformation, fetomaternal infection,
maternal, natal, and puerperal complications, etc.
Anesthesiology 田中 誠 ①Effects of anesthetics and anesthetic techniques on arterial
TANAKA Makoto baroreflex function
②Genetic polymorphism of opioid receptor in humans
③Research on basic mechanisms of pain perception
④Effects of anesthetics and age on Bispectral Index
Master’s Program in Public Health
Research Area Faculty Research
Occupational 松崎 一葉 ①A study of the strong qualities unexpectedly in space
psychiatry/Space MATSUZAKI ②Salutogenesis and Sense of coherence
psychiatry Ichiyo ③Nature based Rehabilitation
Health Services 田宮 菜奈子 ①Health Services Research (clinical medicine, long-term care,
Research TAMIYA Nanako prevention services)
②Cooperation of medical care and welfare in the local
③Policy evaluation of the long-term care insurance system
④Study for the improvement of the quality of in-home care
and facility care for older people and people with disability
⑤Public Health based on legal medicine (older people, child
abuse, solitary death, actual state of service-related death,
Social Psychiatry & 斎藤 環 ①Asocial problem behaviors in childhood and adolescence
Mental Health SAITO Tamaki ②Development disorder and maladaptation
③Rehabilitation of people with mental disorder
④Dialogical practice (Open Dialogue)
森田 展彰 ①Mental health of victims, Psychotherapy
MORITA Nobuaki ②Intervention and treatment for family violence
(Child abuse, Domestic violence, alder abuse and parent
abuse by children)
③Recovery of addiction (Substance use disorder, gambling
disorder and internet dependence)
④Forensic psychiatry, Criminology
水野 智美 ①Barrier-free
MIZUNO Tomomi ②Child care and guardians’ support
③Understanding persons with special needs