Design of Underground Drainage System For Kapuskhed Village
Design of Underground Drainage System For Kapuskhed Village
Design of Underground Drainage System For Kapuskhed Village
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Vinayak Hulwane1, Shivam Mali2, Yash Malvade3, Rugved Mane4, Dattatary Shirke5, Aditya Jadhav6
Students of, Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnager,Sakharale,Maharashtra,India
Abstract:- The two basic essential amenities for a emerge in ordinary underground pipelines unexpectedly, and
healthy living are safe water supply and hygienic which may happen because of poor item quality.It is
sanitation facilities. The provision of safe drinking water strongly advice for structures where hygiene is an important
precceds when talking about providing basic aminities to requirement. This project discusses the development and
community. Although, the importance of hygienic implementation and an efficient underground drainage
sanitation facilities that are effective and low cost on-site system for Kapuskhed village in Maharashtra (India).
sanitation, cannot be allowed to lag behind. This can be
done through practicing and following the conventional Kapuskhed is a village with a population of 4861
sewerage and sewage treatment techniques. A proper peoples. economic zone, no. of temples so, providing an
knowledge about designing sewerage system is is underground drainage system. Kapuskhed village is an area
important for high percentage of domestic water of 600 hectares. Underground drainage is the general term
coming from village. If this huge quantity of water, that given to the systems of pipes and fittings that are installed
is already polluted and hazardous for human and animal below ground level to transport foul drainage or rainwater
health, is let into open streams without any prior flows to a sewage treatment facility or, in this case of
treatment can cause heavy damages to human heath as rainwater, a watercourse. . There are common three types of
well as to environment. Hence a proper network for sanitary sewage namely Domestic Sewage, Industrial
carrying this sewage from its source to a Sewer Sewage, Storm Sewage. This underground system is a
Treatment Plant where it can treated and then disposed system that carries Domestic Sewage to the treatment plant.
off safely, without harming the environment is very Talking about the systems of Sanitation the old conservancy
important to be designed. To achieve above objective, system is way too different from the modern water carrying
the study involving designing of a sewerage network for system.
the kapuskhed village.
a. Methodology:
I. INTRODUCTION We will adopt following steps:
Literature Review.
The underground drainage system has been designed Set an Objective.
for healthy envoirnment and proper disposal of sewage from Difining Problem Statement.
the human society. Because of unfriendly nature of human Action Plan.
waste, a drainage system should be “out of vision and out of Actual Implementation.
sense”. Most of the drainage systems are concealed from the Conclusion
eyes (underground). It is hence vital that it must be of Report Preparation
superior quality and should be able to work a seemingly
Publishing Paper
endless amount of time without leakage or deformities. It
becomes nasty and expensive to address such issues that
21)Then find Maximum area, Maximum Velocity and Below is a secure QR code
Maximum Depth respectively by,
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Amax=D2*( ) ; Vmax= ; Depth= ∗ (1 −
8 Amax 2
𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 )
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Channel Name-: Jitendra Choubisa.
Name of youtuber-: Jitendra Choubisa.
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Channel Name-:Marcos Luna.
Name of youtuber-:Marcos Luna.
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