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Design of Underground Drainage System For Kapuskhed Village

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Volume 6, Issue 6, June – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Design of Underground Drainage System for

Kapuskhed Village

Vinayak Hulwane1, Shivam Mali2, Yash Malvade3, Rugved Mane4, Dattatary Shirke5, Aditya Jadhav6
Students of, Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Rajaramnager,Sakharale,Maharashtra,India

Abstract:- The two basic essential amenities for a emerge in ordinary underground pipelines unexpectedly, and
healthy living are safe water supply and hygienic which may happen because of poor item quality.It is
sanitation facilities. The provision of safe drinking water strongly advice for structures where hygiene is an important
precceds when talking about providing basic aminities to requirement. This project discusses the development and
community. Although, the importance of hygienic implementation and an efficient underground drainage
sanitation facilities that are effective and low cost on-site system for Kapuskhed village in Maharashtra (India).
sanitation, cannot be allowed to lag behind. This can be
done through practicing and following the conventional Kapuskhed is a village with a population of 4861
sewerage and sewage treatment techniques. A proper peoples. economic zone, no. of temples so, providing an
knowledge about designing sewerage system is is underground drainage system. Kapuskhed village is an area
important for high percentage of domestic water of 600 hectares. Underground drainage is the general term
coming from village. If this huge quantity of water, that given to the systems of pipes and fittings that are installed
is already polluted and hazardous for human and animal below ground level to transport foul drainage or rainwater
health, is let into open streams without any prior flows to a sewage treatment facility or, in this case of
treatment can cause heavy damages to human heath as rainwater, a watercourse. . There are common three types of
well as to environment. Hence a proper network for sanitary sewage namely Domestic Sewage, Industrial
carrying this sewage from its source to a Sewer Sewage, Storm Sewage. This underground system is a
Treatment Plant where it can treated and then disposed system that carries Domestic Sewage to the treatment plant.
off safely, without harming the environment is very Talking about the systems of Sanitation the old conservancy
important to be designed. To achieve above objective, system is way too different from the modern water carrying
the study involving designing of a sewerage network for system.
the kapuskhed village.
a. Methodology:
I. INTRODUCTION We will adopt following steps:
 Literature Review.
The underground drainage system has been designed  Set an Objective.
for healthy envoirnment and proper disposal of sewage from  Difining Problem Statement.
the human society. Because of unfriendly nature of human  Action Plan.
waste, a drainage system should be “out of vision and out of  Actual Implementation.
sense”. Most of the drainage systems are concealed from the  Conclusion
eyes (underground). It is hence vital that it must be of  Report Preparation
superior quality and should be able to work a seemingly
 Publishing Paper
endless amount of time without leakage or deformities. It
becomes nasty and expensive to address such issues that

IJISRT21JUN414 www.ijisrt.com 378

Volume 6, Issue 6, June – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

II. OBJECTIVES,ADVANTAGES,DISADV-  The Stone packing should be done by skilled people in

ANTAGES AND PRECAUTION: order to avoid caving or collapse of recharge well.
 Provide required concrete / brick lining and make sure
a. Objectives of the study: that water is not entering into the recharge well from the
1)Design underground drainage system for kapuskhed sides as this may lead to collapse.
2)Design are economically,fast deployment. III. UTILIZATION OF DRAINAGE

b. Advantages a. Need for artificial drainage:

 Enhances the appearance of the property.  Additional water in the crop root zone soil is injurious to
 Less time of Labour Requirement. plant growth. Crop yields are considerably reduced on
 Reduce Soil Erosion. poorly drained soils, and, in cases of prolonged
 Removes Toxic Substances. waterlogging, plants eventually die due to a lack of
oxygen in the root zone.
c. Limitations  Origin of more soil water that result in high water tables
 Expensive. include: high precipitation in humid regions; surplus
 Regular maintenance is requied. irrigation water and canal seepage in the irrigated lands;
 Can contaminate bodies of water. and artesian pressure.

d. Precautions b. Secondary drainage treatments:

 Make sure that the soil is not too roomy while digging  Methodes of improving the internal drainage of low
the recharge well. permeability soils include: subsoiling, deep tillage, mole
 Make sure to cover the recharge well in right way while drainage, and biological practices, viz., cropping with
construction. deep rooted legumes (e.g., alfalfa) and crop rotations.
 Make sure to give overflow pipe for the recharge well to  Deep rooted trees are used to minimise the water table.
prevent water logging around the recharge well in case There are usually no water quality hazards associated
of overflow. with these increase drainage practices.
 Do not create a recharge well if the water table is within
five feet from the ground level.

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Volume 6, Issue 6, June – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
c. On-farm source control:  Maximum permissible diameter may differ with different
 The most suitable method of minimizing environmental materials and hence it should be suited for different parts
problems is to implement source control practices at the of water distribution.
farm level. In irrigated parts, this can be achieved by 5. Handling and jointing:
improved irrigation water management.  It is quite often found that the pipe materials are suitable
 Big irrigation efficiencies and lined irrigation in handling and jointing.
conveyance structures will reduce the amount of
drainage water which needs to be removed. e. Pipe details:
 Diameters from 150mm to1220mm
d. Re-use of drainage water:  Lengths of 2.5 meters
 In many parts where irrigation water is short, drainage  Joint will be Flexible joint.
water is used to meet crop water requirements. Re-use is
only durable if the drainage water is of sufficiently good Dia. Of Mean thickness Wt. per
quality. pipe 60 kg
 The water quality concerns about drainage water re-use 100 12 14
with plants of growing salt tolerance are that: the effluent 150 16 22
may be high in salt content (in irrigated lands) 200 17 33
250 20 52
e. Re-use for crop irrigation: Pipe Details
 The major shame factor of re-used waters is the high
concentration of ions. f. Cost of pipe:
 Waters with less ionic applications provide plants with i. Concrete RCC Jacking Pipe:
an adequate supply of many of the essential nutriets,  Rs.225/Square Meter
needed. ii. Hume Concrete Pipes:
 Rs.100/Unit
IV. REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE PIPE iii. Boom Concrete Flowing Pipe:
DETAILS  Rs.75,000/Ton
a. Purpose of pipe: V. PROCEDURE FOR DESIGEN OF
 A drainage pipe is any pipe used to facilitate the transfer UNDERGROUND DRAINAGE SYSTEM FOR
of water from one place to another. 50 YEARS
 The main purpose is to dispose of wastewater from
homes, office buildings. Procedure :
1) Fix map for required drainage system.
b. Advantages of pipe: 2) Draw the map of drainage pipe line with manholes.
 The maintenance cost is low. 3) find the length and slope of ground.
 The inside surface of pipes can be made smooth. 4) Find the length and slope of the pipes in between two
 The pipes are durable with useful life of about 75 years. manholes.
 The pipes can be cast at site work and thus there is 5) While designing of Excel sheet first column is line
reduction in transport charges. number second column is location and third column is for
from -> to.
c. Limitations of pipe: 6)After that find length in kilometres of all pipes.
 Affected by acids. 7)Then find the commulative by addition of length of pipe
 Repairs are very difficult. coming in same manhole.
 Transportation and laying cost is high. 8)Find the commulative length in kilometres.
 Difficult to make connections. 9)Find the commulative area.
10)Excel will be made same as it is infiltration rate in
d. Technical factor affecting the choice of pipe material: m^3/d*km means in 1km per day per discharge in one day
1.Strength: of infiltration.
 Since the water flows through the pipes under pressure, 11)Then convert d*km in m^3/s so multiple kilometres by
hence material should be strong enough to resist the high commulative length. After that convert day to sec.
internal pressure. 12)Then find Qaverage which is 320L/d*ha
2.Resistant to corrosion: 13) Convert liter in m^3/s.
 Material of pipe should resist the corrosion internally as 14)To find Qmax multiply Qavg*infiltration. In this way we
well as externally. will get discharge.
3.Hydraulic properties: 15)Now for minimum flow Qavg will remain same.
 The pipe material should be smooth to avoid frictional (Average discharge).And infiltration in m^3/s.
losses and to produce higher hydraulic efficiency. 16)Then for minimum discharge multiply minimum factor.
4.Maximum permissible diameters: (0.5) to average disharge to commulative area.

IJISRT21JUN414 www.ijisrt.com 380

Volume 6, Issue 6, June – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
17)Then do total of Minimum Discharge and Infiltration VI. PLAN DETAILLING OF KAPUSKHED
18)Fix the diameter of pipe. VILLAGE
19)Find slope of ground and place the pipes.
20)To find the maximum angle use formula a. Design under ground drainage system in excel sheet:

−20.16n ∗ Qmax (θ − sinθ)^1.6 https://drive.google.com/file/d/13LAH4JB-T-

+ =0 ckVg4wTv28WUninPlrQHAk/view?usp=drivesdk
D2.6 ∗ S0.5 θ ∗ 0.6

21)Then find Maximum area, Maximum Velocity and Below is a secure QR code
Maximum Depth respectively by,
𝜃𝑚−𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃𝑚 Qmin 𝐷
Amax=D2*( ) ; Vmax= ; Depth= ∗ (1 −
8 Amax 2
𝑐𝑜𝑠 2 )

22)To find minimum discharge repeat the above process

from maximum angle. Replace Qmin by Qmax,

−20.16𝑛 ∗ 𝑄𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝜃 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃)^1.6

+ =0
𝐷2.6 ∗ 𝑆 0.5 𝜃 ∗ 0.6

23)In this way we designed underground drainage system.

24)Find the fall in sewer by Slope*Length
25)Find upper and Lower end by-:
Upper end =Upper end*Ground-2-Thickness-D
Lower end=Upper end-Fall in sewer

Plan Detailling Of Kapuskhed Village

IJISRT21JUN414 www.ijisrt.com 381

Volume 6, Issue 6, June – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

For kapuskhed village we designed underground

drainage system and conclude as follows:
1) Kapuskhed is the slow developing village.
2) Design and underground system is for 50 years
3) Underground drainage system reduce soil erosion.
4) Enhance the appearance of the village.


 We collected at to all general information from google of

Kapuskhed village.
 Then we drawn the map of village. In that map we also
drawn pipe laying map,by fixing the manhole.
 And then we started further calculation for underground
drainage system.
Design in excel sheet  In future we can also design sewage treatment plant by
taking reference of this project.
 And we can design next for water collected by under
ground drainage system for agricultural use.


 International Research Journal of Engineering and

Technology (IRJET)
 International Journal for Research in Applied Science &
Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
 https://www.irjet.net/archives/V7/i6/IRJET-V7I626.pdf
 https://truborepipes.com/foamcore-pipes-advantages-
 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321060142_A_

Determineing of slope Reference from youtube video-:

1. Link-:https://youtu.be/qrNhpCKs-To
Channel Name-:All about civil engineering course.
Name of youtuber-:Mohammed Faiz.

2. Link-: https://youtu.be/76qHY0N270U
Channel Name-: Jitendra Choubisa.
Name of youtuber-: Jitendra Choubisa.

3. Link-: https://youtu.be/PqiNyGq6b3U
Channel Name-:Marcos Luna.
Name of youtuber-:Marcos Luna.

Determineing of length

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