Read Me
Read Me
Read Me
* Windows/ PC:
Windows 98 or higher
266 MHz Intel Pentium processor or greater
Browser: Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher; Netscape 7.2 or higher*
Plug-Ins: Flash Player 7, Acrobat Reader 7
64MB minimum RAM
1024x768 screen resolution, millions of colors
Internet connection: 56K modem minimum for website
* Macintosh (Mac):
OS 9.2.2, OS 10.2.6, OS 10.2.8, OS 10.3.5, OS 10.3.6, OS 10.3.7
266 MHz Minimum CPU
Browser - OS 9: Internet Explorer 5.1.7 or higher;
Browser - OS X (10): Safari 1.x, Netscape 7.2 or higher, Internet Explorer
Plug-Ins: Flash Player 7, Acrobat Reader 7
64MB minimum RAM
1024x768 screen resolution, millions of colors
Internet connection: 56K modem minimum for website
*Note: Use of Netscape 6.0 and 6.1 are not recommended due to a known
compatibility issue between Netscape 6.0 and 6.1 and the Flash plug-in.
PRINTING: Check your printer settings and make sure the printer is set to print
in either greyscale or color. These are the default settings for most printers.
2) Although you do not need a live Internet connection to run the program, you
do need to have a browser installed on your computer. If you do not have a
browser installed:
Note: on some computers, the installer may attempt to connect to the Internet
after installation is complete. If you see any error messages appear regarding
an inability to establish an Internet connection, ignore the message and close
the message window.
3) You also need to have the Macromedia Flash 7 plug-in. If you do not have this
plug-in, or if you have an older version of Flash, click on the "click here"
link from the opening screen (that appears after loading the PhysioEx CD) to
download the latest version of Flash from the Macromedia web site. If you do not
have Internet access, you may install the Flash 7 plug-in directly from the CD
by following the instructions found on the CD liner notes.
Note: on some computers, the installer may attempt to connect to the Internet
after installation is complete. If you see any error messages appear regarding
an inability to establish an Internet connection, ignore the message and close
the message window.
2) Although you do not need a live Internet connection to run the program, you
do need to have a browser installed on your computer. If you do not have a
browser installed:
Note: on some computers, the installer may attempt to connect to the Internet
after installation is complete. If you see any error messages appear regarding
an inability to establish an Internet connection, ignore the message and close
the message window.
3) You also need to have the Macromedia Flash 7 plug-in. If you do not have this
plug-in, or if you have an older version of Flash, click on the "click here"
link from the opening screen (that appears after loading the PhysioEx CD) to
download the latest version of Flash from the Macromedia web site. If you do not
have Internet access, you may install the Flash 7 plug-in directly from the CD
by following the instructions found on the CD liner notes.
Note: on some computers, the installer may attempt to connect to the Internet
after installation is complete. If you see any error messages appear regarding
an inability to establish an Internet connection, ignore the message and close
the message window.
1) You must agree to the terms of the License Agreement included on the CD.
Click "Agree" at the opening License Agreement screen, then click "License
Agreement" on the following screen and read the agreement. By using the CD, you
are agreeing to be bound by the terms of the agreement.
2) Click on Main Menu and then click on the desired lab in order to enter that
3) Follow the instructions in your written lab manual.
This product contains Netscape Navigator. End users are not entitled to any
support, warranty or documentation associated with Netscape unless they have
paid for such support, warranty, or documentation. For more information about
Netscape support, visit
ISBN 0-8053-7256-3