Nov 2014 - d2
Nov 2014 - d2
Nov 2014 - d2
PART – B (5 X 16 = 80 Marks)
Answer any FIVE Questions
11. a) With neat diagram discuss the architecture of 8086 microprocessor. [5]
b) With neat block diagrams, compare Microprocessor with Microcontroller and justify the [5]
use of microcontroller for embedded systems.
c) Show the 8051 stack and stack pointer for the each line of the following program. Does [6]
the sequence of POP instructions restore the original values of Registers R0, R3, and
R7? If not show the correct sequence of instructions.
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ORG 0000H
MOV R0, #66H
MOV R7, #5DH
12. a) A door sensor is connected to the P1.1 pin, and a buzzer is connected to P1.7. Write an [5]
8051 C program to monitor the door sensor, and when it opens, sound the buzzer. You
can sound the buzzer by sending a square wave of a few hundred Hz.
b) Write an 8051 assembly language program to do the following [6]
(i) Configure Port 1 as input port, store the input values in B register.
(ii) Configure Port 0 as output port, and send out the data in A register.
(iii) Configure bit 3 of port 2 as input and bit 4 of port 2 as output.
c) Develop an 8051 Assembly Language Program to perform the following: [5]
Assume that bit P2.2 is used to control an outdoor light and bit P2.5 a light
inside a building. Show how to turn on the outside light and turn off the inside one.
13. a) Write a 8051 Assembly Language Program to continuously get 8-bit data from P0 and [8]
sends it to P1 while simultaneously creating a square wave of 5KHz frequency on pin
P2.1. Use timer 0 to create the square wave.
Assume that XTAL = 11.0592 MHz.
b) Write an 8051 microcontroller assembly language program to implement a thermostat. [8]
The 8-bit digital value of the temperature is input to Port 0. An output signal to turn on a
heater is attached to Port P2.5. If the temperature is below a constant set point TLOW,
the program is to turn on the heater. If the temperature is above a constant set point
THIGH, the program is to turn the heater off. Assume TLOW=10°C and THIGH=35°C.
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14. Suppose a 8051 Microcontroller with XTAL = 12 MHz is used to generate a square [16]
wave of 200Hz on pin P1.3 by using timer 1 with mode 1 as time control.
a) What should be the values to be loaded to TL1 and TH1?
b) Write the assembly language program to generate a square wave.
c) Explain how to modify the above program to generate the waveform given below.
15. a) Write a 8051 assembly language program to transfer the following string only once at [5]
4800 baud rate which is stored in the ROM location 0100H.
b) Assume a 4×4 Key board is interfaced with MC-51.Develop an assembly language [6]
program for detecting the ASCII value of the Key pressed.
c) With neat diagram to explain the data flow between the ALU and the Barrel shifter in [5]
ARM processor.
16. a) Explain with neat diagram the three stage and five stage pipeline process that is [5]
incorporated in the ARM processors.
b) Write an Assembly Level Program in which the 8051 reads data from P1 and writes it to [6]
P2 continuously while giving a copy of it to the serial COM port to be transferred
serially. Assume that XTAL=11.0592 MHz. Set the baud rate at 9600.
c) Assume that a 1-Hz external clock is being fed into pin T1 (P3.5) of 8051 [5]
microcontroller. Write a C program for counter 1 in mode 2 (8-bit auto reload) to count
up and display the state of the TL1 count on P1. Start the count at 0H.
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