Elektra Beckum PT260 Manualgreen
Elektra Beckum PT260 Manualgreen
Elektra Beckum PT260 Manualgreen
Operating Instructions
Planer/Thicknesser HC 260
- _
Serial-No. 11.004 M ) •
Before taking your machine into operation
please read the operating instructions carefully and adhere to strictly.
Elektra Beckum reserves the right to discontinue models, accessories or options at any time or change specifications and
materials, equipment and design without notice and without incurring obligation of any kind. Equipment referred to as
02/95 - GB available or optional may be at extra cost. Art.-Nr. 115 104 71
U.K. Supplement to Operating Instructions for Eiektra Beckum HC 260 M
Combination Surfacing and Thicknessing Machine
Please note the following supplementary information associated with this machine:
We strongly recommend the use of a Dust Collector with this machine. Our Sales Department will be happy to offer you
advice on the correct collector.
1.0 Technical Data 11.0 Planing
2.0 Final Assembly 12.0 Thicknessing
3.0 Setting of Fence 13.0 Replacing/Setting of Disposable Blades
4.0 Connections to Power Mains 14.0 Fitting/Setting of Resharpenable Blades
5.0 Switch 15.0 Belt Tension
6.0 Motor Protection 16.0 Care and Maintenance
7.0 Chip Removal 17.0 Safety Instructions
8.0 Chip Removal when Planing 18.0 User Responsibility
9.0 Chip Removal when Thicknessing 19.0 Wiring Diagrams
10.0 Setting of VARIO Guard 20.0 Spare Part List
2.7 Slide carriage bolts into the fence extrusion and bolt to fence segment, using the two M6 self-locking nuts. Fix
cover plate to fence bracket with two cyl. bolts M4x8 and washers A4.2.
For machines with a single phase motor (220-240 volt or 110 volt) the mains lead is to be connected in accordance
with the following colour code.
Green and Yellow - Earth ^
Blue - Neutral
Brown - Live
3-Phase Motors
Machines fitted with 3-phase motors are connected to the mains using a 5-pin industrial appliance-inlet/connector
to BS 4343 (IEC 309)
Ensure it is wired and connected only by a qualified electrician.
11.0 Planing
Place stock flush onto infeed table, with your left hand set the cutter guard to the required hight (stock should just
run clear of the guard. Start machine and push stock slowly and steady against the cutterblock.
Hands slide over the blade cover.
11.1 Jointing
For planing the narrow sides of a workpiece release the blade cover's lock lever and set blade cover to width of
stock. The plastic spring on the end of the blade cover should exert a slight pressure against the stock. Lock blade
cover in place and start machine. Push stock slowly and steady against the cutter block.
Be sure that fence is set at true 90° (or ony other angle required) and stock is kept flush against fence.
12.0 Thicknessing
Prepare machine for thicknessing as described
under para. 9.0. Set thicknessing bed to required
thickness of stock (but max. 5 mm more than
actual thickness of stock). Start machine and
place stock with planed side facing down onto
thicknessing bed and slowly push forward until
feed roller engages. With wedge-shaped stock
feed thicker side first. Wet stock can be slightly
coated with kerosene to improve sliding
For working long stock use of the Elektra Beckum
roller stand (stock-no. 091 101 2367) is re-
13.0 Replacing/Setting of Disposable
Disconnect machine from power before
Remove fence. Loosen hex. bolts of lock bar with
tool set's spanner SW 10 mm by turning the bolts
clockwise (into the lock bar). Remove lockbar
complete with blade from cutterblock. Clean lock
bar, lock bar seat and blade from chips and dust
with oily rag. Reverse blade or fit fresh one onto
lock bar. Place assembly into cutterblock and
secure in place by turning hex. bolts-counter-
clockwise, at this stage only tighten bolts lightly.
Check projection of blade against outfeed table
with dial indicator or straight edge placed onto
outfeed table. Max. blade projection over
outfeed table 0.1 mm/0.004 inch.
Use the tool set's Allen key SW 3 mm to correct projection by turning the three setting screws of the lock bar in
or out, as required. When correct setting is reached fully tighten the hex. bolts. Start with the centre bolts, then
the outer ones.
Do not use spanner SW 10 with longer handle than supplied with machine to prevent excessive torque and
possible stripping of threads. For your own safety replace lock bars or bolts with damaged thread at once. Use
only genuine Elektra Beckum replacements.
Allen key SW 3 mm
Dial indicator
EG-Konformitatserklarung - EC conformity declaration - Declaration de conformite GEE
EG-verklaring van overeenstemming - EF-overensstemmelsesattest - EG-konformitetsdeklaration
EF-konformitetserklasring - Selvitys ey-standardinmukaisuudesta - Dichiarazione di conformita CE
Declaracion de conformidad-UE - Declaragao de conformidade CE
Wir erklaren, daB die Bauart der Maschine/des Cerates - We declare that the design of the machine/appliance
Nous certifions que le type de la machine/de I'appareil - Wij verklaren dat de constructie van de machine/het apparaat
Vi erklaerer, at konstruktionen af maskinen/apparatet - Harmed forsakrar vi aft maskin/apparat - Vi erklaerer at konstruksjonsmaten til maskin/apparat
Taten selvitamme, etta alia mainittu kone/laite - Dichiariamo che il modello della macchina/dell'apparecchio
Declaramos, que el modelo de la maquina/aparato - Declaramos que o tipo de construgao da maquina/do aparelho
Abricht- und Dickenhobelmaschine
HC 260 M/2200 WNB - HC 260 K/3100 WNB - HC 260 M/2800 DNB - HC 260 K/4200 DNB
Art.-Nr. - Stock-no. - N° d' article - art.-nr. - art.-nr. - Art.-nr. - Art.-Nr. - tuotenumero - N° Art. - Art.N* - artigo n°:
011 3026081 - 011 2026053 - 011 3026090 - 011 2026061
folgenden einschlagigen Bestimmungen entspricht - corresponds with the following relevant regulations
est conforme aux reglements applicables suivants - aan de volgende terzake geldende voorschriften voldoet - opfylder falgende gaeldende bestemmelser
enligt sin byggsatt motsvarar foljande gal/ande foreskrifter - oppfyller de folgende gjeldende bestemmelser
vastaa seuraavia asiaa koskevia maarayksia - corrisponde alle seguenti norme in materia
se a/usta a las siguientes directrices correspondientes - se enquadra com as seguintes disposicoes pertinentes:
EG-Maschinenrichtlinie - EC machine directive - directive GEE pour les machines - EG-machinerichtliln - EF maskindirektiv - EG-maskindirektiv
EF maskindirektiv - Koneita koskeva EY-direktiivi - Direttiva CE per macchinari - Directriz de maquinas-UE - Directiva CE para maquinas
EG-Richtlinie Elektromagnetische Vertraglichkeit - EC-directive electro-magnetic compatibility - directive GEE sur la conformite electromagnetique
EG-richtlijn elektromagnetische compatibiliteit - EF-direktiv vedr. elektromagmetisk fordragelighed - EG-direktiv for elektromagnetisk tolerans
EF-direktiv om elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet - Sahkomagneettista toleranssitasoa koskeva EY-direktiivi - Direttiva CE compatibility elettromagnetica
Directriz-UE Compatibilidad electromagnetica - Directiva CE sobre compatibilidade electromagnetica
Angewendete harmonisierte Normen - Applied harmonized standards - normes harmonisees appliquees - Toegepaste geharmoniseerde normen
Anvendte harmoniserede standarder - Tillampade harmoniserande direktiv - Anvendte tilpassede normer - Sovelletut harmonisoidut normit
Norme armonizzate applicate - Normas armonizantes aplicadas - Normas harmonizadas aplicadas:
DIN-EN 294; EN 60204-1
Angewendete nationale Normen - Applied national standards - normes Rationales apppliquees - Toegepaste nationals normen
Anvendte tyske standarder - Tillampade nationella direktiv - Anvendte nasjonale normer - Sovelletut kansalliset normit - Norme nazionali applicate
Normas nacionales aplicadas - Normas nacionais aplicadas
VBG 7j; ZH 1/3.8; DIN 45635 Teil 1650
Die Baumusterprufung wurde von folgender gemeldeter Stelle durchgefuhrt - The type test was carried out by the following registered location
L'homologation a ete effectuee par I'office suivant - De constructiemodel-keuring werd door de volgende officiele instantie uitgevoerd
Typem0nsterpr0ven er gennemfart af folgende registrerede institut - Monsterprovet utfordes pa fo/jande auktoriserad institution
Prototypen ble testet av felgende registrerte institusjon - Mallikappaleen tarkastuksen on suorittanut seuraava rekisteroity laitos
L'omologazione e stata effettuata dal seguente ufficio - El ensayo de la muestra constructiva ha sido realizada por la siguiente institution autorizada
A inspeccao do modelo de construcao foi realizada pela seguinte autoridade:
TUV-Rheinland, Postfach 910351, D-51101 Koln
Nummer der EG-Baumusterprufbescheinigung - Number of the EC type test certificate - Nummero d'homogolation GEE
Nummer van het EG-constructiemodel-certificaat - EF-typem0nsterpr0veattestens nummer - EG-provintygets nummer
Nummeret pa EF-prototyptestsertifikatet - EY-mallikappaletarkastustodistuksen numero - Numero del certificate di omologazione CE
Numero de la Certificacion-UE de la muestra constructiva - Numero do certificado de inspeccao CE para o modelo:
Technischer Leiter - Technical Manager - Le responsable technique - Cheftechniek - Teknisk leder - Produktledare
Teknisk leder - Tekninen johtaja - Direttore tecnico - Director tecnico - 0 director tecnico 1000615