The Teeny Tiny Ghost
The Teeny Tiny Ghost
The Teeny Tiny Ghost
by Kay Winters
illustrated by Lynn Munsinger
The Teeny Tiny
by Kay Winters
illustrated by Lynn Munsinger
New York Toronto London Auckland Sydney
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ISBN 0-590-96698-7
Text copyright C 1997 by Kay Winters. Illustrations copyright O 1997 by Lynn Munsinger. All rights reserved.
Published by Scholastic Inc.. 555 Broadway, New York. NY 10012. by arrangement with HarperCollins Publishers.
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First Scholastic printing. September 1998
Typography by Elynn Cohen
>w/nce there was a timid
First he 6oooooed,
then he whooooocd,
Then he howwwwwkd
and he yeowwwwwkd
till the echoes came a-calling
and he had to hide his teenv tinv head.
beat bumpety-bump.
looked around.
Could he hide?
He slipped inside the
grandfather clock.
BING . . . BONG . .
We have to be
He hufffcd
and he pufffed
He howwwwwkd,
then he yeowwwwwlcd,
and he sounded very loud.
Then he heard hands clapping,
They tapped on teeny windows,
they rapped on tiny doors,