CBSE NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Science Chapter 4: Back of Chapter Questions
CBSE NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Science Chapter 4: Back of Chapter Questions
CBSE NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Science Chapter 4: Back of Chapter Questions
There has been a tremendous improvement in the reproductive health of India in
the past 50 years. The areas where the development has occurred include:
• The government has introduced programs such as family planning to
introduce the concept of a small family.
• Programs regarding mother and child care were introduced.
• Hospitals have been equipped with machines and facilities which were
required in childbirth and newborn care.
• Improved version of contraception has been introduced.
5. What are the suggested reasons for the population explosion?
The population is increasing at a rapid pace because there has been an improvement
in the medical facilities and supply of food, awareness about well-being and
hygiene, which has led to an increase in birth rate and a decrease in the death rate.
6. Is the use of contraceptives justified? Give reasons.
Contraceptives are beneficial in several ways. Following are the reasons:
Mechanical contraceptive devices have a significant role in preventing sexually
transmitted disease.
Intrauterine contraceptive devices help a couple in keeping space between two
They prevent females from unwanted pregnancies and abortions.
They help the couple to keep the family size in control.
7. Removal of gonads cannot be considered as a contraceptive option. Why?
Contraception is a method of avoiding fertilisation for a certain period or to control
the no. of progenies. It can be temporary or permanent. However, the gonads
continue to produce gametes and hormones. Whereas, removal of gonads cannot be
considered as a contraceptive.
Gonads refer to ovaries and testes. Ovaries produce female gamete “ovum” and
female sex hormones such as “estrogen” and “progesterone”. Testes produce male
gamete “sperm” and male hormone “testosterone”. Hence, if gonads are removed
the secretion of sex hormones from them will get affected, causing several other
health problems.
8. Amniocentesis for sex determination is banned in our country. Is this ban
necessary? Comment.
Amniocentesis is a technique in which amniotic fluid of the developing fetus is
taken, and the cells of the fetus are analysed. Use of amniocentesis for fetal sex
determination is banned to keep a check on the female foeticide, which would
happen after the fetal sex determination. Detection of genetic disorders in the foetus
such as Haemophilia, Sickle cell anaemia, Down syndrome is done using this
9. Suggest some methods to assist infertile couples to have children.
Methods that can help infertile couples to have children are:
• The couple can undergo diagnosis after finding the problem they can
undergo treatment in specialised health care units known as infertility
• The couple can take the help of specialised techniques known as “Assisted
reproductive technologies”(ART). These techniques carry out the
fertilisation artificially hence known as In-vitro fertilisation. The in-vitro
fertilisation techniques are of two types
1. IFT-Zygote intrafallopian transfer: In this method, mature ova are fertilised
with the sperms in artificial condition. The zygote that is formed is placed
into the fallopian tube for further development.
2. GIFT -Gamete intrafallopian transfer: In this method, the ovum from a donor
female is placed into the fallopian tube of a female who cannot produce ovum
but can undergo fertilisation and support fetal development.
ICSI-Intra cytoplasmic injections: In this method, the sperm nucleus is directly
injected into the ovum.
IUI- Intrauterine insemination: In this method, the sperm is injected into the uterus.
This method is performed when males have low sperm count.
10. What are the measures one has to take to prevent from contracting STDs?
The measures taken by the individual to prevent sexually transmitted disease are:
• Avoid sex with unknown partners or multiple partners.
• Use a barrier method to prevent fluid contact.
• In case any symptoms of infections are suspected one should go to the
doctor and get the necessary tests done.
11. State True/False with explanation
(A) Abortions could happen spontaneously too. (True/False)