Middle Years Programme Semester 2 Report: Sekolah Ciputra Surabaya
Middle Years Programme Semester 2 Report: Sekolah Ciputra Surabaya
Middle Years Programme Semester 2 Report: Sekolah Ciputra Surabaya
Grade: 8
Dear Parents,
We wish to present to you our electronic version of your child's Semester 2 report card. For each subject we have
indicated the academic performance of your child in relation to the criteria set for that subject. In addition, your
child's teachers have provided comments as feedback to support continued growth. Please consider any
actionable advice in the comments as well as the achievement levels they attained for the MYP assessment
criteria. It is a wonderful opportunity to affirm your child’s improvement and achievements.
Should you have any concerns or need to meet with a teacher in regard to this report, we ask that you arrange an
online appointment slot to talk with your child's teachers from 7:30am-10:15am on Friday 18 June, 2021 and our
teachers will be happy to discuss your child's progress. Details of how to arrange your online appointment were
emailed to you on Monday 7 June, 2021.
Please be advised that we won’t be printing hard copies of report cards. If families need copies of report cards for
reasons such as school transfers or university applications, then hard copies can be obtained by contacting the
High School Administration Office.
Our end of (academic) year break runs from Friday 18 June, 2021 through to Monday 26 July, 2021. The first day,
for students, of the 2021-2022 academic year is Tuesday 27 July, 2021.
Inquirers We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and
with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.
Knowledgeable We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We
engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.
Thinkers We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We
exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.
Communicators We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate
effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.
Principled We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity
and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.
Open-minded We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others.
We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.
Caring We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a
positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.
Risk-takers We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to
(Courageous) explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and
Balanced We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives — intellectual, physical, (spiritual)
and emotional — to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognise our interdependence with
other people and with the world in which we live.
Reflective We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths
and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.
A: Analysing
i. provides perceptive identification and explanation of the content, context, language, structure,
technique and style, and explains the relationship among texts thoroughly
ii. provides perceptive identification and explanation of the effects of the creator’s choices on an 7 8
iii. gives detailed justification of opinions and ideas with a range of examples, and thorough
explanations; uses accurate terminology
iv. perceptively compares and contrasts features within and between genres and texts.
B: Organizing
i. makes competent use of organizational structures that serve the context and intention
ii. organizes opinions and ideas in a coherent and logical manner with ideas building on each 6 8
iii. makes competent use of referencing and formatting tools to create a presentation style
suitable to the context and intention.
C: Producing text
i. produces texts that demonstrate considerable personal engagement with the creative
process; demonstrates considerable thought, imagination and sensitivity and substantial 6 8
exploration and consideration of new perspectives and ideas
ii. makes thoughtful stylistic choices in terms of linguistic, literary and visual devices,
demonstrating good awareness of impact on an audience
iii. selects sufficient relevant details and examples to develop ideas.
D: Using language
i. effectively uses a varied range of appropriate vocabulary, sentence structures and forms of
ii. writes and speaks in a consistently appropriate register and style that serve the context and
intention 7 8
iii. uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with a high degree of accuracy; errors are minor and
communication is effective
iv. spells/writes and pronounces with a high degree of accuracy; errors are minor and
communication is effective
v. makes effective use of appropriate non-verbal communication techniques.
Totals: 26 32
Final Grade 6
In Semester 2, Grade 8 L&L students focused on the inquiry statements, “The relationships of the people around us
based on structure, purpose, fairness and development of the times” and “The characteristics of adolescents are
physically and psychologically changing and require the delivery of positive self-expression and that will determine
their identity in the future”. We explored research and communication skills through expressive speech and writing
exposition, explanation, persuasive and news texts.
A: Listening
i.identifies some stated information (facts and/or opinions) in simple authentic texts 4 8
ii.identifies basic conventions in simple authentic texts
iii.identifies basic connections in simple authentic texts
B: Reading
i.identifies some stated information (facts, opinions, messages) in a variety of simple authentic 4 8
ii.identifies basic conventions in simple authentic texts
iii.identifies basic connections in simple authentic texts
C: Speaking
i.uses a basic range of vocabulary
ii.uses a basic range of grammatical structures with some errors which sometimes hinder 3 8
iii.uses pronunciation and intonation with some errors which sometimes hinder comprehension
iv.communicates some relevant information
D: Writing
i.uses a range of vocabulary
ii.uses a range of grammatical structures with a few errors which do not hinder communication 5 8
iii.organizes information in an appropriate format using simple and some complex cohesive
iv.communicates most relevant information with a sense of audience and purpose to suit the
Totals: 16 32
Final Grade 4
In semester 2 we focused on the global contexts 'Orientation in space and time’ and 'Personal and Cultural
Expression', with the key concepts of ‘Culture' and 'Communities' through the topics: School Subjects; School
Russell has made acceptable progress this academic year and demonstrated a good understanding of the topics
we have covered in this subject. He has been a very polite and hardworking student. Russell usually demonstrates
a good attitude towards learning. He offers ideas and insights but generally only when directed. He can understand
many simple questions and short sentences on familiar topics. Russell can understand the main points from a short
spoken passage and can ask and answer simple questions and talk about his interests. Target: Russell needs to be
able to say many words and phrases on familiar topics.
I am so proud of all you have accomplished. Keep up the wonderful things you are doing, Russell!
A: Listening
i.identifies explicit and implicit information (facts and/or opinions and supporting details) in 7 8
simple and some complex authentic texts
ii.analyses conventions in simple and some complex authentic texts
iii.analyses connections in simple and some complex authentic texts
B: Reading
i.identifies explicit and implicit information (facts, opinions, messages, and supporting details) in 7 8
simple and some complex authentic texts
ii.analyses conventions in simple and some complex authentic texts
iii.analyses connections in simple and some complex authentic texts
C: Speaking
i.uses a wide range of vocabulary 7 8
ii.uses a wide range of grammatical structures generally accurately
iii.uses clear pronunciation and intonation which makes the communication easy to comprehend
iv.communicates all or almost all the required information clearly and effectively
D: Writing
i.uses a range of vocabulary
ii.uses a range of grammatical structures with a few errors which do not hinder communication 6 8
iii.organizes information in an appropriate format using simple and some complex cohesive
iv.communicates most relevant information with a sense of audience and purpose to suit the
Totals: 27 32
Final Grade 6
In Semester 2, Grade 8 Phase 4 students focused on the inquiry statements, "Traditions are an important part of
any culture, but some can be harmful to certain groups of people. To promote fairness and development across the
globe, we must allow those without a voice to present an argument and spread their own message about the place
of such traditions in the modern world," and “Scientific and technical innovation has allowed us to understand how
our brain function enables us to learn through communication, to empathize with others, and to understand how
their way of seeing the world may differ from our own.”
In pursuing these, they applied research and thinking skills by comparing, contrasting and drawing connections
among texts or articles as the sources and making connections between subject groups and disciplines to write
the argumentative essay for the summative test. Russell is able to analyse the conventions and connections in a
wide variety of authentic texts. Russell is able to organise information quite effectively and coherently in an
appropriate format using a basic range and complex cohesive devices in written work. Russell has a solid
knowledge of common vocabulary and grammar in English but needs to expand his range of language to reach a
higher level of achievement. Working on reputable English language websites such as the British Council will help
with this.
This semester we have been learning online and it has presented challenges to overcome. Continue to strive to be
a risk-taking learner as you explore new roles, ideas, and strategies. Be brave and share your thoughts and ideas
for the next academic year.
B: Investigating
i. formulates/chooses a clear and focused research question and describes its relevance in
detail 5 8
ii. formulates and mostly follows a sufficiently developed action plan to investigate a research
iii. uses methods to collect and record appropriate relevant information
iv. with guidance, evaluates on the research process and results.
C: Communicating
i. communicates information and ideas in a way that is mostly appropriate to the audience and 5 8
ii. mostly structures information and ideas according to the task instructions
iii. creates an adequate reference list and usually cites sources.
D: Thinking critically
i. completes a simple analysis of concepts, issues, models, visual representation and/or theories 4 8
ii. summarizes information to make some adequate arguments
iii. analyses sources/data in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing some value and limitations
iv. recognizes different perspectives and suggests some of their implications.
Totals: 19 32
Final Grade 5
In Semester Two, Grade 8 Humanities students focused on the key concepts: Systems, Change and Global
Interactions by looking at factors that contribute to the fairness and development of societies, how societies are
governed, and how they experience revolution. This was completed through class discussions, presentations and
inquiry led student investigations. Russell has consistently and logically structured information and ideas according
to the task instructions. He needs to focus on consistently demonstrating knowledge and understanding of
humanities content and concepts, through accurate descriptions and explanations using appropriate examples.
Russell’s target for next year is to be more attentive in online learning and to complete all set tasks as entered in
Managebac. Overall he has struggled to meet our online learning expectations this semester and should look to
address this and improve in the next academic year.
Totals: 10 23 32
Final Grade 3
In semester 2, grade 8 students focused on the inquiry statements, “Various models can be used to represent and
communicate awareness of consequences of globalization”, “Technical innovation in electronic devices can help to
understand the pattern and the form of various processes in the world” and “Scientific innovation may produce
more evidence of interaction between objects in time, place and space to understand the relationship between
them”. In pursuing these, they applied creative skills by constructing an essay to provide some solutions to address
the issues related to the limited space of planting in urban areas. The students also applied data processing skills
to find the correlation between the CO2 level and the annual loss of the forest from secondary data. The students
also applied their thinking skills by processing, analysing and evaluating the data. The students further applied their
research skills by investigating problems dealing with sound and light, presenting a solution and reflecting on how
the solution affected human life. The students continued further by applying their knowledge skills to improve their
understanding of the natural system in the unit Earth and Beyond.
Russell is a dedicated student who always tries his best to complete all tasks. There are some areas of
improvement in his written works. Too often, Russell presents his written works with too few details. Russell needs
to gain his confidence to seek clarification when unsure about something. He could benefit from using the tutorial
time for support from the teacher when doing a task. You have had a terrific year, and I am confident the next one
will be even better!
B: Investigating patterns
Russell is able to: 47 8
i. apply mathematical problem-solving techniques to discover simple patterns
ii. suggest relationships and/or general rules consistent with findings.
C: Communicating
Russell is able to:
i. use limited mathematical language 26 8
ii. use limited forms of mathematical representation to present information
iii. communicate through lines of reasoning that are difficult to interpret.
Totals: 1324 32
Final Grade 3
In semester 2, Grade 8 students focused on the inquiry statement ”representing relationship with a model can
promote and support social entrepreneurship”. We studied four units: 3D shapes; Bivariate data; Geometric
transformations; and Linear system. We covered the following topics: volume and surface area of 3D shapes;
manage, organize and analyze bivariate data; Introduce geometric transformations: translation, reflection, rotation
and dilations; and solving linear systems.
Russell's work on Criteria B: Investigating Patterns: Investigating pattern of 3D-shape volume meets expectations.
He can show improvement in Criteria A: Knowing and Understanding by solving problems in familiar and unfamiliar
situations with varying degrees of difficulty. He generally displays good time management skills both inside and
outside of class, however his target is to spend greater time organizing work so that it can be easily accessed for
revision purposes. Russell is a positive contributor to online discussions and is encouraged to continue with the
good attitude displayed this semester during online learning.
D: Responding N/A 8
Totals: N/A 32
B: Developing skills
i. demonstrates substantial acquisition and development of the skills and techniques of the art 5 8
form studied
ii. demonstrates substantial application of skills and techniques to create, perform and/or
present art.
C: Thinking creatively
i. presents a substantial outline of a clear and feasible artistic intention 5 8
ii. presents a substantial outline of alternatives, perspectives, and imaginative solutions
iii. demonstrates substantial exploration of ideas through the developmental process to a point
of realization.
D: Responding
i. presents a substantial outline of connections and regularly transfers learning to new settings 6 8
ii. creates a substantial artistic response that is considerably inspired by the world around him or
iii. presents a substantial evaluation of the artwork of self and others.
Totals: 21 32
Final Grade 5
In semester 2, 8D students focused on the inquiry statement, "Systems provide a framework for creative
expression and exploring the dimensions of roles.” In pursuing this, they applied creative thinking by performing a
monologue. Russel puts evident effort into his work as he completes assignments with quality in mind. He writes
detailed appraisals by weighing up the strengths and limitations of his own performance and has also successfully
discovered relevant ideas to explain his artistic purpose through the developmental process up to the final
performance (a monologue). In addition, Russel has beneficially applied the acting methods to portray his character
in various performances. His target for the next Drama class is to use his knowledge of the unit studied to explore
the cause and meaning of an artwork. Overall, Russel has had a terrific term, and I am confident the next Drama
class will be even better.
D: Responding N/A 8
Totals: N/A 32
B: Developing skills
i. demonstrates substantial acquisition and development of the skills and techniques of the art 6 8
form studied
ii. demonstrates substantial application of skills and techniques to create, perform and/or
present art.
C: Thinking creatively
i. presents an excellent outline of a clear and feasible artistic intention 7 8
ii. presents an excellent outline of alternatives, perspectives, and imaginative solutions
iii. demonstrates excellent exploration of ideas through the developmental process to a point of
D: Responding
i. presents a substantial outline of connections and regularly transfers learning to new settings 5 8
ii. creates a substantial artistic response that is considerably inspired by the world around him or
iii. presents a substantial evaluation of the artwork of self and others.
Totals: 24 32
Final Grade 6
In semester 2, 8D students focused on the statement of inquiry, "Artists are forever learning and growing in their
skills by experimenting with new media and techniques in how to use different media in novel and unique ways.” In
pursuing this, they applied both creative and critical thinking through their artistic responses in the areas of
research and investigation, skills development, creative application, and reflection.
Russell has done well through the unit to complete his creative work and submit the required tasks on time. He is
present in classes - listening and participating, but being a more active member of the class would be good to see.
It would help him to be asking questions, asking for feedback on his work. The work he has submitted has been of
a very high standard so very well done. skills development, creative application, and reflection. Best of luck in your
studies for Grade 9.
Totals: N/A 32
Totals: 19 32
Final Grade 5
In Semester 2, we focused our learning on the essential understanding of “Development of scientific and technical
innovations must be supported by a good system” and “The Choice is influenced by change and development of
scientific and technical innovation” through our Aerobic project. We also ran a virtual run challenge over 4 weeks in
Term 4. Students were tasked with applying self-management skills during this time. Russell enthusiastically
participated in online learning during PHE activities. He has developed a positive attitude towards the completion
of work. Russell could benefit from always submitting tasks early. He is a role model for our class with his good
behaviour. His homework is completed on time and is well done. You have had a terrific semester, and I am
confident the next one will be even better!
B: Developing ideas
i. constructs a list of the success criteria for the design of a solution
ii. presents a few feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) or explains key features, 4 8
which can be interpreted by others
iii. outlines the main reasons for choosing the design with reference to the design specification
iv. creates planning drawings/diagrams or lists requirements for the chosen solution.
D: Evaluating
i. describes a relevant testing method, which generates data, to measure the success of the
solution 4 8
ii. outlines the success of the solution against the design specification based on relevant
product testing
iii. lists the ways in which the solution could be improved
iv. outlines the impact of the solution on the client/target audience.
Totals: 19
12 32
Final Grade 43
This semester we worked on two projects. The first is to design a souvenir, following the statement of inquiry “A
souvenir may represent the community in an aesthetic form”. Next is to design a 3D model of an eco-friendly
house, following the statement of inquiry “An eco-friendly house is a system, which comprises different parts of the
house to save resources and implement the sustainable architecture.”
Russell has presented his ideas more clearly than previous attempts; using visualisation as a technique will help
him further with this, however, he needs to use visualization more to convey those ideas. He should concentrate on
constructing a firmer research plan that will help him to make his intended product. He can do this by finding and
prioritizing various relevant resources that help to direct his inquiry. I know it has been a difficult year and I hope to
see the hard work I know you are capable of doing next year.
(96.3%) 96 %
Pada semester kedua, Siswa kelas 8 mempelajari beberapa topik, yaitu “Kebangkitan Nasional dalam Perjuangan
Kemerdekaan”, “Sumpah Pemuda dalam bingkai Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”, dan “Semangat dan Komitmen
Kebangsaan untuk Memperkuat Keutuhan NKRI”, melalui aktivitas-aktivitas yang bervariasi, diantaranya membuat
video presentasi, diskusi kelompok, tes tulis, dan menjawab pertanyaan.
Russell dapat mengingat, mengetahui, menerapkan, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi semua kompetensi dasar
yang dipersyaratkan. Dia juga mulai terampil memimpin rekannya dalam kelompok kecil dan besar. Semester
berikutnya, dia perlu meningkatkan kemampuan presentasi dan keterampilan komunikasi lisan saat
mempresentasikan hasil tugasnya. Russell selalu berusaha untuk masuk pembelajaran online dan selalu disiplin
dalam mengumpulkan tugas yang diberikan. Pertahankan prestasimu di tahun ajaran depan!
7 (93.0%) 93 %
Pada Semester 2 ini siswa kelas 8 mempelajari tentang Keteladanan Tuhan Yesus dan Hidup Bersyukur. Topik
disampaikan dalam beberapa kegiatan selama pelajaran seperti, tanya jawab, diskusi, presentasi dan Bible study.
Russell mampu menjelaskan makna hidup beriman sesuai dengan teladan Yesus. Russell juga mampu dengan baik
menerapkan kesetiaan dalam beribadah, berdoa dan membaca Alkitab sebagai wujud hidup orang beriman,
mampu merangkumi pelbagai contoh cara hidup orang beriman yang dipimpin oleh Roh Kudus serta
mencontohkan karya yang berkaitan dengan sikap hidup sebagai orang beriman sesuai dengan teladan Yesus.
Russell memiliki sikap yang baik, sopan dan ramah selama mengikuti pembelajaran online, Russell dapat menjadi
teladan yang baik bagi teman temannya karena memiliki semangat belajar yang tinggi.
All MYP candidates in year 5 complete an externally moderated personal project, but other IB assessments are
optional for schools teaching the Middle Years Programme. Students must take a prescribed set of subjects to
achieve the MYP certificate. Achievement in the overall MYP certificate is described by a point score whose
maximum is 56. The core subjects of inter-disciplinary and personal project contribute equally with the other
subject disciplines. Community service does not contribute to the total. For the IB designed summative
assessments, each subject has only one component, and subjects are assessed either by e-portfolio or on-screen
In order to achieve the IB MYP certificate, the student must have participated in the final year of the programme,
with a recommended period of participation of two years, and:
• complete either an on-screen assessment or ePortfolio in six subjects consisting of: language and literature,
language acquisition (or a second language and literature), individuals and societies, mathematics, sciences and
one subject from arts, physical and health education or design
• achieve at least a grade 3 in each of the six subjects above
• complete the on-screen examination in interdisciplinary assessment and achieve at least a grade 3
• complete the personal project with at least a grade 3
• obtain a total of 28 points overall
• meet the school’s expectations for community service.
The MYP bilingual certificate additionally requires successful results from on-screen examinations for one of the
Grade Descriptors
Final Grade Descriptor
Produces high-quality, occasionally innovative work. Communicates extensive understanding of concepts and
6 contexts. Demonstrates critical and creative thinking, frequently with sophistication. Uses knowledge and skills in
familiar and unfamiliar classroom and realworld situations, often with independence.
Produces generally high-quality work. Communicates secure understanding of concepts and contexts.
5 Demonstrates critical and creative thinking, sometimes with sophistication. Uses knowledge and skills in familiar
classroom and real-world situations and, with support, some unfamiliar real-world situations.
Produces good-quality work. Communicates basic understanding of most concepts and contexts with few
4 misunderstandings and minor gaps. Often demonstrates basic critical and creative thinking. Uses knowledge and
skills with some flexibility in familiar classroom situations, but requires support in unfamiliar situations.
3 Produces work of an acceptable quality. Communicates basic understanding of many concepts and contexts, with
occasionally significant misunderstandings or gaps. Begins to demonstrate some basic critical and creative
thinking. Is often inflexible in the use of knowledge and skills, requiring support even in familiar classroom
Produces work of limited quality. Expresses misunderstandings or significant gaps in understanding for many
2 concepts and contexts. Infrequently demonstrates critical or creative thinking. Generally inflexible in the use of
knowledge and skills, infrequently applying knowledge and skills.
Produces work of very limited quality. Conveys many significant misunderstandings or lacks understanding of
1 most concepts and contexts. Very rarely demonstrates critical or creative thinking. Very inflexible, rarely using
knowledge or skills.