Assessment 2 Immersion Experience Report

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Assessment 2 Immersion Experience Report


Assessment 2: Immersion Experience Report.

Wiluna Remote Community School, Leonara District High; Utju Areyonga. Western


Wiluna is a culturally and historically significant location surrounded by desert, wetlands,

and cultural sites. We are 1000 kilometres north of Perth and 550 kilometres north of Kalgoorlie.

The Wiluna Remote Community School (RCS) has a student population of 85 to 115 students

and caters for children aged four to twelve.

The Wiluna Remote Community School provides education facilities for four year olds

through to year 12 with an on site kindy Pre-Primary Centre, three Primary classes. and two

single sex older classes of year 8-12 boys and 8-12 girls. The teaching staff consists of nine

teachers two AIEOs, one Pre-Primary Aide and Principal.

More details can be found on the Wiluna Remote Community website on the following link:

Two-way science school connect Martu knowledge with western science and the

Australian Curriculum. Contextual learning through the Martu calendar. What is happening,

Wiluna, right now. Through contextual learning, students' objects to achieve standard Australian

and Wiluna science are two-way western science and Martu calendar. Key is a sustainable

science for the Wiluna community. On country learning. The school's philosophy is two way.

Connection to culture and country; linking Martu culture with Western science. Video 1 is

looking at a Malleefowl nest. Senior Ranger Rita Cutter, School Board Member, example of

two-way science where the school students participate what make up a Mallefowl nest sticks and

spinifex. Interactive contextual learning, an important teaching and learning practice.

Three elements for the connection of two-way science; connection between Martu

knowledge and Western science, condition for this to happen learning on country, getting kids

out of the classroom with elders learning traditional knowledge and science on country.

Illustrations of practice video.

Wiluan Remote Community School

Science of kids walking in the bush looking at tracks with an aboriginal elder looking for

emu eggs and came aceoss a malifaowl nest and that make scientific research occur down (David

Broun) two way science with the local ranger group, and rita had knowledge of mali fowl and

share it with the studeLena long senior ranger brings in an emu eggs and tell the students that the

mali fowl egg is a smaller size and that it does not have a shell like emu eggs. Whit soft

spongey. Wiluna is a two way teaching school that combines and connects Munu knowledge

with Western science and the Australian Curriculum. Principles helps teachers to understand the

knowledge tht these students need and their community want in educational outcome vis

threougtht the Mardu calender and it shows what is happening in the environment right now in

Wilnua. It shows the teachers into the language and into the culture ans show teachers what is

imprtant to the community right now and how to contextualise the learning, the learning real and

relevant to the students soi they can be successful in learning standard australian english and

learning dcience. Science is the focus and centre point of what the educators do at the school.

Understand that two way a Mahu perspective and a Western perspective is not only ijmportant

for the students by for identiy and acedamic developments as students but also for the

development of Wulna as citizens and beyound. Two way science science is a sustainable and

strong future. The teacher in class is taking and has the Aboriginal ranger with her they are

doung part one preperations. The mali fowl story originate from anthia and rita after they had

learn’t about it. They were so interested they created interest and the teacher created a scientif

project linking Matu culture with western science and through this enquiry we go through the

2,3,4 curriculum using physical science, biological science. (Lauren Richards class 2-4 teacher)

enquiries and have a focus and chemical sciences, life cycle, habits heat production and transfer

all different things materials are so rich in material that these enquires this on country learning

link together for teacher, rangers and students so well. Teacher is aslomg what they think the nest

of the mali fowl are made of the kids answer leaves and twigs and then the teacher asks where do

they get them from. The kids say from the bush floor and underneath the ground, They are

planning and preparing.

Three elements for the connection of two-way science; connection between Martu

knowledge and Western science, condition for this to happen learning on country, getting kids

out of the classroom with elders learning traditional knowledge and science on country. The

country is really important Rita says that she learnt oncountry on the very country she played on

she loves teaching the students, shows the kids goanna tracks. Telling stories of itw working ans

shows them ahow the Maili fowl is moving leaves and twigs to its nest. Still building the nest the

student asks does the bird look after the nest Rita say no they look after themselves and the child

looks said Rita says you do not want to be by yourself without your parents. You love MUmand

dad beside you like me when I was little. Theya re holding hands around the nest. Then the

teacher gives them an activity to make their own mali fowl nes tnad to problem solve and look

for what need. Back in the classroom the teacher assks them what the studens now know about

mali fowl. One student says they make little tracks and asks the stidents to draw the tracks on the

white boards. So, with the sciene pathway program Lauren says it really provides the link

between matu science and western science. See activities and resources that link two way scinec.

Dave from CSIRO has created recourses for the teacher to use ion classrom they are looking at

the Mali fowl nest on a video so give a miluna Context. They are in the school grounds creating a

Mali fowl nest. Rita show them that they sit up their eggs tip up very carefull and the gently

springle the sticks and shrubs on top . Then David from CSIRo is doung and experienment in the

classeoom show them the a microscop and sciements with scientif ic enqiry skill that will help

them be employed. Rita is in the classroom and on country . Rita is very prould if they twould

say that the kids loved learning from her.



ABC. (2019, April 7). To save the bilby, these traditional owners and scientists have to work



Deslandes, S., Broun, D., Hugh, C., Walsh, F., Bradshaw, F., & Griffith, J. (2019). Two-Way

Science. CSIRO Publishing.

Shire of Wiluna. (2021). Community Education

The Australian Curriculum. Learning Together Through Two-Way Science At Wiluna Remote

Community School. (2021, March 17).



Western Australian Government. Department of Education. Contact Details Wiluna Remote

Community School. (2021).

Western Australian Government. Department of Education. School Overview, Wiluna Remote

Community School. (2021).

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