PETER ATKINS, Professor of Chemistry, University of Oxford, and Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford and
JULIO DE PAULA, Professor and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Lewis and Clark College,
Portland, Oregon, USA
■ The first text to offer a fully integrated approach to the study of physical chemistry and biology.
■ Clearly demonstrates the biological relevance of the core concepts of physical chemistry.
■ Flexible text can be tailored to suit biochemistry or physical chemistry centred courses.
■ All applications and exercises relate directly to life sciences systems.
■ Only essential maths is presented and each mathematical step is carefully justified to build the students' confidence.
PETER ATKINS, Professor of Chemistry, University of Oxford and Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford, and
JULIO DE PAULA, Professor and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Lewis and Clark College,
Portland, Oregon, USA
■ Checklists of key ideas have been rationalised so that they 8. Quantum Theory: Introduction 21. Molecules in Motion
provide a concise and clear summary of the chapter, allowing and Principles 22. The Rates of Chemical Reactions
students to quickly comprehend the most important 9. Quantum Theory: Techniques and
concepts. 23. The Kinetics of Complex
Applications Reactions
■ ‘Impact on’ sections discuss modern applications of physical 10. Atomic Structure and Atomic
chemistry, showing students the fundamental importance of 24. Molecular Reaction Dynamics
the subject. 25. Processes at Solid Surfaces
11. Molecular Orbitals for
Atkins’ Physical Chemistry evolves with every edition to meet the Polyatomic Systems Data Section
changing needs of successive generations of students. Carefully
restructured and revised, the eighth edition has been streamlined 12. Molecular Symmetry Answers to Exercises
without sacrificing the depth, rigour and rich pedagogy that have 13. Spectroscopy 1: Rotational and Answers to Problems
made this the market leader in undergraduate physical chemistry Vibrational Spectra
texts. 14. Spectroscopy 2: Electronic
The mathematics intrinsic to physical chemistry continues to pose Transitions
the greatest barrier to students’ understanding. This new edition of
Physical Chemistry offers greater explanation and support to ensure
that students can master essential mathematical principles. A
strengthened pedagogical framework of self-tests, worked examples,
derivations, illustrations, justifications, notes on good practice and
commentaries guide students through the book helping to cultivate
a genuine understanding of the subject.
Physical Chemistry is complemented by a new edition of the
Explorations in Physical Chemistry CD (see p11), which contains
interactive worksheets and exercises that allow students to visualise,
actively explore and test their understanding.
“You might think that by its eighth edition a text will have settled down into a graceful old age. Those familiar with its history,
however, will know that every edition has undergone a substantial revision to keep it young, contemporary, and accessible to the
changing profile of generations of students. This edition follows that tradition: there are many changes that are aimed to match the
wishes and expectations of its ever evolving intended audience and to bring modern aspects of the subject into the arena of
We took three major decisions when planning the revision. One was to provide full-colour illustrations, a second was to change the
balance of the topics, and a third was to abbreviate the presentation without diminishing the pedagogical aids that have helped so
many generations of students.
The decision about the use of colour was a difficult one: we didn’t want to add costs by providing what some might think
inappropriate decoration. We have aimed to use colour meaningfully and systematically, not gratuitously, and consider that as
well as making the book look more attractive and inviting it enriches the learning experience.
The searchlight of physical chemistry shifts, and illuminates different aspects. When the text first appeared three decades ago,
thermodynamics was a cornerstone of presentation. Now, although a firm grounding in thermodynamics is essential for
understanding structures and reactions, it is emphasized less and structure and spectroscopy are emphasized more. We have
responded in earlier editions to this shift in emphasis, and have carried it further in this edition, combining chapters where
appropriate and cutting down the discussion here and there.
Bulk, we know, terrifies. However, a big book should not necessarily be equated with a burdensome subject. The bulk of earlier
editions has in large measure been due to the large amount of pedagogical support - worked examples, illustrations,
comprehensive data sections, etc. - that are designed to help the reader; it has not been due solely to the abundance of topics.
Nevertheless, we recognize the psychological impact of bulk, and have done our best to reduce it substantially without sacrificing
features that help. Design, succinctness, newly drawn diagrams, and various other devices have been used to reduce the length of
the text without compromising its authority, accessibility, and pedagogical sensitivity.
We have worked hard, yet again, to rejuvenate the text and provide an enjoyable, helpful, and authoritative account of a deeply
satisfying subject.”
■ Solutions Manual to Accompany Elements of Physical
Chemistry Fourth Edition
Contains full worked solutions to all end-of-chapter exercises featured in
the book.
Portland, Oregon, USA and PETER ATKINS, Professor of Chemistry and Fellow of Lincoln College, University of Oxford
The uses of computers in chemistry are many and varied, from the modelling
‘... learning and clarity abound in this book and it is hence of
of solid state systems to the design of complex molecules which can be used
as drugs. Computational Chemistry provides an introduction to the many excellent value.’
methods currently used by practising computational chemists and shows the Bulletin of Electrochemistry
value of computers in modern chemical research.
Electrochemistry provides a succinct coverage of modern electrochemistry
Contents: and its wide-ranging applications in sensors, industry, corrosion, and
1. Introduction; 2. Quantum Mechanics; 3. Molecular Mechanics; 4. bioelectrochemistry. The breadth of coverage ensures that this volume will be
Computational Chemistry; 5. Modelling Biomolecules; 6. Ligand Design; valuable not only to undergraduate and graduate students, but also to
Concluding Remarks; Further Reading; Index research workers.
‘… authoritative, illuminating and well-written.’ ‘... this is a timely, well-constructed book which should be seriously
Chemistry in Britain considered by every teacher of crystallography and can be
recommended to anyone who wants to get to grips with
From the author of the world's most widely used textbooks of physical
crystallography and diffraction. It is already the set text for my
chemistry, this accessible and fully cross-referenced pocket guide is an
essential summary of the key concepts that are likely to be met in an
undergraduate chemistry course. Journal of Microscopy