Pm400 - 600 - 800 Guide: Powermods Supreme Industrial Parksteeledalejohannesburg 011-6134748 WWW - Powermods.Co - Za
Pm400 - 600 - 800 Guide: Powermods Supreme Industrial Parksteeledalejohannesburg 011-6134748 WWW - Powermods.Co - Za
Pm400 - 600 - 800 Guide: Powermods Supreme Industrial Parksteeledalejohannesburg 011-6134748 WWW - Powermods.Co - Za
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Wiring Diagrams
Electronic Throttle
Trigger Options
Fail Options
Direct Injection
Fan control
Gearbox Control
Nitrous Control
Data Logging
Traction Control
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Plug 1 Plug 2
No Description Wire Colour No Description Wire Colour No Description Wire Colour
1 GND Brown 42 OIL Temp Purple 82 GND Brown
2 GND Brown 43 Oil Pres Yellow 83 GND Brown
3 GND Brown 44 NC 84 GND Brown
4 12V+ 45 NC 85 GND Brown
5 12V+ 46 NC 86 GND Brown
6 DI1 Grey 47 NC 87 GND Brown
7 DI2 Grey/White 48 NC 88 GND Brown
8 DI3 Grey/Red 49 NC 89 GND Brown
9 DI4 Grey/Black 50 NC 90 12V Black
10 DI5 Purple/White 51 CAN L White 91 12V Black
11 FS Green/Red 52 CAN H Pink 92 12V Black
12 LC Green/White 53 TX Red(Screen) 93 12V Black
13 AN1 White/Green 54 RX Blue(Screen) 94 12V Red
14 AN2 Green/Brown 55 5V 95 12V Red
15 LAM Green/Black 56 5V 96 12V Red
16 AT Blue 57 5V 97 12V Red
17 WT Blue/Red 58 5V 98 FAN RELAY Purple/Black
18 FLEX/TDC2/SPD Red 59 5V Orange 99 F.P RELAY Pink/Black
19 TDC1 Red(Screen) 60 5V Orange 100 GPO2 Blue/Black
20 TRIG Red(Screen) 61 5V Orange 101 GPO1 Yellow/Black
21 TPS1 Blue/Yellow 62 5V Orange 102 INJECTOR4 Brown/Green
22 MAP1 White/Blue 63 SGND 103 INJECTOR3 Brown/Blue
23 MAP2 64 SGND 104 INJECTOR2 Brown/Yellow
24 Fuel Pres Green 65 SGND 105 INJECTOR1 Brown/Red
25 NC 66 SGND 106 TACHO OUT Red/Black
26 NC 67 SGND 107 GPO3 Green/Black
27 NC 68 SGND 108 COIL 6 Green/White
28 NC 69 SGND 109 COIL 5 Purple/White
29 NC 70 SGND 110 COIL 4 Yellow/White
30 NC 71 SGND 111 COIL 3 White/Green
31 NC 72 SGND 112 COIL 2 Red/White
32 NC 73 SGND Screen 113 COIL 1 Black/White
33 NC 74 SGND 114 GND Brown
34 NC 75 SGND 115 GND Brown
35 NC 76 SGND Blue +Screen 116 GND Brown
36 NC 77 SGND Blue + Screen 117 AUX1 White/Black
37 NC 78 SGND Brown 118 AUX2 White/Red
38 NC 79 SGND Brown 119 12V Black
39 NC 80 SGND Brown 120 AUX3 White/Blue
40 TPS2 Yellow/Blue 81 SGND Brown 121 AUX4 White/Yellow
41 AN3 Blue/Grey
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Plug 1 Plug 2
No Description Wire Colour No Description Wire Colour No Description Wire Colour
1 NC 42 TPS1 Blue/Yellow 82 GND Brown
2 NC 43 FUEL PRESS Green 83 GND Brown
3 NC 44 SGND Brown 84 GND Brown
4 NC 45 NC 85 GND Brown
5 NC 46 SGND Brown 86 GND Brown
6 SGND Brown 47 NC 87 GND Brown
7 SGND Brown 48 NC 88 GND Brown
8 NC 49 NC 89 GND Brown
9 NC 50 NC 90 12V Black
10 NC 51 SGND Brown 91 12V Black
11 NC 52 TDC 92 12V Black
12 NC 53 5V Orange 93 12V Black
13 NC 54 TRIG 94 12V Red
14 LAMBDA NB Green/Black 55 5V Orange 95 12V Red
15 MAP OUT Blue/White 56 NC 96 12V Red
16 TDC 57 CANL White 97 12V Red
17 TRIG 58 CANH Pink 98 FAN RELAY Purple/Black
18 AN3 INPUT Blue/Grey 59 5V Orange 99 F.P RELAY Pink/Black
19 AN2 INPUT Yellow/Green 60 5V Orange 100 GPO2 Blue/Black
20 AN1 INPUT Yellow/Red 61 5V Orange 101 GPO1 Yellow/Black
21 TPS2/AN4 Yellow/Blue 62 5V Orange 102 INJECTOR4 Brown/Green
22 L.C Green/White 63 SGND Brown 103 INJECTOR3 Brown/Blue
23 AIR TEMP Blue 64 NC 104 INJECTOR2 Brown/Yellow
24 WATER TEMP Blue/Red 65 SGND Brown 105 INJECTOR1 Brown/Red
25 SGND Brown 66 D INPUT 1 Grey 106 TACHO OUT Red/Black
26 NC 67 D INPUT 2 Grey/White 107 GPO3 Green/Black
27 NC 68 D INPUT 3 Grey/Red 108 COIL 6 Green/White
28 NC 69 D INPUT 4 Grey/Black 109 COIL 5 Purple/White
29 NC 70 SGND Blue(Screen) 110 COIL 4 Yellow/White
30 NC 71 TDC Red(Screen) 111 COIL 3 White/Green
31 NC 72 SGND Blue(Screen) 112 COIL 2 Red/White
32 NC 73 TRIG Red(Screen) 113 COIL 1 Black/White
33 NC 74 SGND Brown 114 GND Brown
34 F.S Green/Red 75 SGND Brown 115 GND Brown
35 TDC 76 CANL 116 GND Brown
36 TRIG 77 CANH 117 AUX1 White/Black
37 AN3 INPUT 78 SGND Brown 118 AUX2 White/Red
38 AN2 INPUT 79 SGND Brown 119 12V Black
39 AN1 INPUT 80 SGND Brown 120 AUX3 White/Blue
40 OIL TEMP Purple 0.5 81 SGND Brown 121 AUX4 White/Yellow
41 OIL PRESS Yellow 0.5
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Plug 1 Plug 2
No Description Wire Colour o Description Wire Colour No Description Wire Colour
1 GND Brown 42 AN6/MAP White/Blue 82 AN7 Orange/Blue
2 GND Brown 43 LAMBDA HTR Black/Green 83 KNOCK SEN 2 Yellow/Red
3 Lambda HTR 12V Red 44 D INPUT 1 Grey 84 KNOCK SEN GND Brown
4 NC 45 D INPUT 2 Grey/White 85 KNOCK SEN1 Yellow/Black
5 NC 46 D INPUT 5 Purple/White 86 VR2- Blue(Screen)
6 GPO5 Black/Red 47 L.C Green/White 87 VR2+ Red(Screen)
7 GPO6 Black/Brown 48 AN4/TPS2 Yellow/Blue 88 VR1- Blue(Screen)
8 GPO3 Green/Black 49 LAMBDA IA Green 89 VR1+ Red(Screen)
9 GPO1 Yellow/Black 50 CANL White 90 INJ 8 Grey/Yellow
10 GPO2 Blue/Black 51 CANH Pink 91 INJ 7 Brown/Black
11 F.P RELAY Pink/Black 52 D INPUT 3 Grey/Red 92 INJ 6 Blue/Brown
12 FAN RELAY Purple/Black 53 D INPUT 4 Grey/Black 93 INJ 5 Green/Brown
13 VVT2 CON Green/Red 54 AN2 Green/Brown 94 INJ 4 Brown/Green
14 GPO4 Black/Orange 55 F.S Green/Red 95 INJ 3 Brown/Blue
15 VVT1 CON Green/Yellow 56 FBW1 PEDAL Yellow/Green 96 INJ 2 Brown/Yellow
16 FBW1+ Red/Green 57 FBW2 PEDAL Yellow/Red 97 INJ 1 Brown/Red
17 FBW2+ Red/Blue 58 AN5 Blue/Orange 98 COIL 8
18 FBW+ 59 5V Orange 99 COIL 7
19 FBW+ 60 5V Orange 100 COIL 6
20 AUX1 White/Black 61 5V Orange 101 COIL 5
21 AUX2 White/Red 62 5V Orange 102 COIL 4
22 AUX3 Blue/White 63 AIR TEMP Blue 103 COIL 3
23 AUX4 White/Yellow 64 LAMBDA UN Blue 104 COIL 2
24 TACHO OUT Red/Black 65 WATER TEMP Blue/Red 105 COIL 1
25 GPO5 66 LAMBDA IP Red/Black 106 COIL 8 White/Black
26 GPO6 67 OIL PRESSURE Yellow 107 COIL 7 Blue/White
27 GPO3 68 LAMBDA VM Yellow 108 COIL 6 Green/White
28 GPO1 69 NC 109 COIL 5 Purple/White
29 GPO2 70 NC 110 COIL 4 Yellow/White
30 F.P RELAY 71 AN1 White/Green 111 COIL 3 White/Green
31 FAN RELAY 72 AN3 Blue/Grey 112 COIL 2 Red/White
32 VVT2 CON 73 TPS Blue/Yellow 113 COIL 1 Black/White
33 GPO4 74 TRIG Red/White 114 12V Black
34 VVT1 CON 75 FUEL PRES Green 115 12V Black
35 FBW- 76 TDC/Flex Red 116 GND Brown
36 FBW- 77 OIL TEMP Purple 117 12V Red
37 FBW1- Black/White 78 SGND Brown 118 GND Brown 1
38 FBW2- Brown/Black 79 SGND Brown 119 NC
39 AUX1 80 SGND Brown 120 NC
40 AUX2 81 SGND Brown 121 NC
41 AUX3
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SoftwareUser Guide
Figure 1
Follow navigation icons when using the F5 option for user guide.
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4. Select the Primary input you want to use, Tps or Map/Tps% - for ITB's, MAP for Turbo or std
5. Set (Load Inc) to cover as many of the 32 load sites as possible, NA = 3, 1Bar boost = 6...etc.
6. If in TPS input mode Set (Alt Enrich) = 14% and (Alt Ret) = 3deg.
7. Set (Coil Charge) = 3mS for 4 Cyl and 2.4mS for 6 Cyl, 1.8mS for 8 Cyl.
8. Set (Accell Trig) and (Cold Accell Trig) = 15%, cold accell trigger is active below 50deg cel.
9. Set (Accell Lrpm Decay) and (Accell Hrpm Decay) = 800mS and 600mS respectivly.
10. Press the (D) key to download these settings.
1. Return to the home mapping screen by pressing the (F) or (0) key
2. The home mapping screen with fuel and ignition maps should now appear else press the (F) key
3. Now press the (F6) key and the (correction maps) screen will appear. These are compensation
4. Set Water Temp Map to 25% on bar 32 ramping down to 0% around (50deg cel) bar 16. Stay 0%
to Bar 1
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5. Set Air Temp Map to 10% on bar 32 ramping down to 0% around (25deg cel) bar 22. Down to
-5% at Bar 1
6. Set Battery Voltage Map to 2mS From bar 1 to bar 16. Ramp down to 0mS at 12Volts or check
with injector manufacturer for injector dead time tables.
7. Select correct Gpo2 PWM map for your application, idle valve, boost control.
8. Set Staged Map mS if you are using 2nd stage injectors, ramp up from 0mS at Bar13 to 7mS at
9. Set Launch Retard to Reduce Power (Normal Aspirated) or Increase Boost(Turbo).
10. Launch timer sets the decay rate from bar1 to bar32 to gradually increase power or maintain
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6. Set Launch Fuel Enrichment to compensate for Ignition Launch retard which makes the
mixture lean. Use AFR meter to set this, load bar will indicate position of boost on launch
7. Set all Individual Injector trim phases to 0. EGT in each cylinder is requires to set this up.
8. Set Gpo1 PWM map according to application, Cold Idle up control valve is typical
application here.
1. Return to the home mapping screen by pressing the (F) followed by (0) to get to the 0-
500 Rpm Map
2. The home mapping screen with fuel and ignition maps should now appear else press the
(F) key again.
3. Now you are ready to start Mapping, Map mS vary depending on injector size. Use
typical values here.
a. Start with 2mS at bar1 ramping to 8mS at bar 32, To get a linear graph use auto ramp
b. Set bar1 to 2ms and press (spacebar).Set bar 32 to 10mS and press (spacebar).
c. Press (3) to Autoramp.
d. Press (A)once for (4 ranges up) and (A) key again for (all ranges up). Press (A) again
to disable ranges.
e. With All ranges on press up arrow once on every bar(1-32) to copy the maps to all
rpm sites
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f. Use (PgUp and PgDwn) keys to scroll all the rpm sites
g. Now Ignition Maps. Press (I) Key or mouse click on screen to toggle between Fuel
and Ignition Maps.
h. Set Ignition Maps 10deg from bar1 - bar32 and from 0rpm to 1000 rpm.
i. Ramp Ignition Maps from 10deg at 1000 rpm to around 30deg at 3500rpm, bar(1-32)
all the same.
j. From 3500 rpm to Max rpm the Maps will increase gradually at bar1 ramping down
to 30deg at bar 32.
k. The engine should now be ready to start, adapt Ignition degrees for Turbo and high
performance engines.
l. This guide is for Injectors that are sized correctlly for engines reving to 8000rpm,
adapt if required.
m. If engine wont start, check for spark, new spark plugs and start up timing using a
timing light.
n. If it still wont start,check fuel pulse, check fuel pressure, clean injectors
o. If it still wont start, contact agent or dealer
1. Engine running press (F) followed by (0) to get to the 0-500 Rpm Map
2. The home mapping screen with fuel and ignition maps should now appear else press the (F) key
3. You will now need AFR meters and a Timing light to continue,
4. Match engine ignition degrees by turning dizzy or by adjusting (Trigger Tooth) setting to what
you see on the screen.
5. Now start adjusting Fuel maps to 12-13 AFR by following load and rpm bars.
6. Gearbox Maps accessed by pressing (F8) and setting the Rpm and Load shift points for each gear.
7. (Load-Rpm) indicator dot above upshift map value generates an upshift command
8. (Load-Rpm) indicator dot below downshift map value generates a downshift command.
9. Shift times are set in the (Aux Config) via (Pre Shift) and (Post Shift) timers
10. There are two sets of maps for the gearbox, normal and sport, Sport mode map more aggressive.
11. Manual Shift mode is monitored by (Rpm force Upshift) and (Rpm block Downshift) Settings.
12. Auto Shift mode is monitored by (Min Gear Rpm) Setting. Any Rpm below this value blocks all
shifts. This is a safty feature in case a rpm signal is lost to prevent Down shifting for rpm/speed
signal failure.
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Setup Trigger
Lambda Control
1. Return to the home config screen by pressing the (F) followed by (9) keys
2. Set (Lambda Target) = required AFR/mV you want to control to on Map 52 AFR Target
3. Use Lamda mV/AFR Table for specific lambda sensor you are using.
4. Set (Lambda Responds) = required control speed.
5. Set (Lambda mS Limit) = Maximum mS the lamda control is allowed to add/subtract from map
6. Set (Lambda Load Limit) = % of map screen you want it to control. Eg....50% will control from
bar 1 upto bar 16
7. Set (Lambda Rpm) = select rpm from which you want lambda active. Typical 2000rpm+
1. Return to the home config screen by pressing the (F) followed by (9) keys
2. Set (Map/Tps mode) = required accel input mode. eg Map-Tps for accel
3. Set (Cold Accel Trig) = required % you want to trigger accel pumps at 1% is very sensitive and
+20% is virtually off
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11 Cold Accel active below 50 deg cel and is temp based, adds % to accel mS.
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You can now proceed and switch the Map selector switch between the two maps
Switch Ignition off between selections, leave off until Map screen goes blank, then on again
If laptop not connected you may switch on and off immediatly, it is only required to refresh the screen.
The top corner on the home screen will indicate which map is currently active.
Remapping Instructions
Remember to repeat the process as above whenever you remap a certain Map.
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NB: Once the Map selector is toggled the changes will be lost if it is not Saved."
1. Goto Home Config Screen (7) followed by (9) and select (Gpo3 mode/Al Deg) to Anti Lag
2. Value of 3 or above selects anti lag, the higher the value the more anti lag degrees applied.
3. On the same setting Select the Anti Lag retard Dedgees required
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4. On the (Gpo3 Trigger) Set the Tps%, Anti Lag will activate if TPS value is below this setting.
5. Select the (Gpo3 Rpm) to the rpm at which you want the anti lag to activate"
6. Select the (Alt/Anti mS) to the amount of fuel you want to dump when the Anti Lag is active.
7. When active Gpo3 will switch a -ve (PMods unit only) if you need to switch a bypass valve.
8. Your Anti Lag is now set up and ready for use.
1. Goto Home Config Screen (7) followed by (9) and select (Gpo1 mode). Note MFI unit does not
have Gpo1 output std, specify Gpo1 required when ordering.
2. On/Off. Will switch the Gpo1 output using the (Gpo1 Rpm On) and (Gpo1 Rpm Off) values.
Application: Will switch -ve to any device required.
3. Temp. Will switch the Gpo1 output using the (F7)(Gpo1 PWM Map)values, 16 Temperature
sites. Application: Cold Idle Up valve, Pwm fan or water pump control.
4. Rpm. Will switch the Gpo1 output using the (F7)(Gpo1 PWM Map)values, 16 Rpm Sites 0-
9000rpm. Application: Progressive switch on and off to Cam VVT.
5. Idle Rpm. Will switch the Gpo1 output using the (F7)(Gpo1 PWM Map)values, 16 Rpm Sites 0-
2000rpm. Application: Idle control valve.
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6. VVT Cam1. Will switch the Gpo1 output using the (Gpo1 Rpm On) and (Gpo1 Rpm Off) values.
Application: Cam 1 Control.
7. VVT Cam2. Will switch the Gpo1 output using the (Gpo1 Rpm On) and (Gpo1 Rpm Off) values.
Application: Cam 2 Control.
8. VVT Lift. Will switch the Gpo1 output using the (Gpo1 Rpm On) and (Gpo1 Rpm Off) values.
Application: Cam Lift Control.
9. Flap. Will switch the Gpo1 output using the (Gpo1 Rpm On) and (Gpo1 Rpm Off) values.
Application: Intake manifold flap control.
10. Shift Light. Will switch the Gpo1 output using the (Gpo1 Rpm On) and (Gpo1 Rpm Off)
values .
Goto Home Config Screen (7) followed by (9) and select (Gpo2 mode).
1. Map/Temp. Will switch the Gpo2 output using the (Gpo1 PWM Temp Map) & (Gpo2 PWM
2. Application: Cold Idle Up (Gpo1 PWM Temp Map)and Anti Stall Valve(Gpo2 PWM Map)."
3. On/Off. Will switch the Gpo2 output using the (Gpo2 Rpm On) and (Gpo2 Rpm Off) values
4. Map. Will switch the Gpo2 output using the (Gpo2 PWM Map)values. Application: Idle/Anti
Stall Valve(Gpo2 PWM Map), Map Preset Boost Control.
5. Pot AN2. Will switch the Gpo2 output using the (AN2 Input) Vs (Gpo2 PWM Map)values.
Application: AN2 Pot User/Map Boost Control.
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6. Boost AN1. Will switch the Gpo2 output using the (AN1 Input) Vs ((MAP)+(Gpo2 PWM
Map))values. Application: AN1 Sets the Boost Control(0.4 - 1.6 Bar) and (Gpo2 PWM Map)
sets overboost protection.
7. Boost/Gear. Will switch the Gpo2 output using the (AN2 Input) Vs (Gpo2 PWM Map)values.
Application: AN2 Input reads the Gear position and (Gpo2 PWM Map) Presets PWM to
Boost Valve per Gear.
8. VVT Rpm/Load. Will switch the Gpo2 output using the (Gpo2 Rpm On/Off) & (Gpo2 PWM
Map)values. Application: Cam Lift activation only at a preset rpm and load.
9. VVT Cam2. Will switch the Gpo2 output using the (Gpo2 Rpm On) and (Gpo2 Rpm Off)
values. Application: Cam 2 Control.
10. Flap. Will switch the Gpo2 output using the (Gpo2 Rpm On) and (Gpo2 Rpm Off) values.
Application: Intake manifold flap control.
11. Shift Light. Will switch the Gpo2 output using the (Gpo2 Rpm On) and (Gpo2 Rpm Off)
1. Goto Home Config Screen (7) followed by (9) and select (Gpo3 mode). Note MFI unit does
not have Gpo3 output std, specify Gpo3 required when ordering.
2. Shift Light. Will switch the Gpo3 output using the (Gpo3 Rpm On) value. Application: Will
switch LED for shift indication.
3. Press switch. Will switch the Gpo3 output using (Gpo3 Trig) & (Gpo3 Rpm On) values.
Application: PMods Unit only: Overboost Indication and limit, Switch on Methonol
Injection... etc.
4. Tps switch. Will switch the Gpo3 output using (Gpo3 Trig) & (Gpo3 Rpm On) values.
Application: PMods Unit only: Nitrous Injection, Supercharger Switch... etc.
5. Anti Lag. Will switch the Gpo3 output using (Gpo3 Trig) & (Gpo3 Rpm On) values.
Application: Explained in Anti Lag Setup page.
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Select Fuel/Ignition Setup and select Fail safe mode for Throttle control systems. RPM fail at a safe RPM for
full throttle braking. And measuring mode to match TPS1/TPS2 and PED1/PED2 pattern.
If you do not understand these safety issues stop now and take more advice via email correspondence with
PowerMods. Book a training session if required.
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10. FBW -CAL maps this is used for idle down function and to calibrate the throttle curve require.
Manipulates the PED1 input to user interface.
11. FBW RPM Lim maps this is used Rpm limiter via throttle if required, 32 Maps every 250 RPM eg for
RPM limit at 5000RPM start at Load site 16 and ramp from 0 to 100 by Load site 20, this generates a
smooth limiter.
12. FBW Temperature Map – used for cold start idle up until temperature is reached.
13. FBW Hold = Torque required to hold throttle at Requested PED1 command, typical 50%
14. FBW Deccel = Torque required to close throttle to the PED1 requested position – Typical 25% -
Don’t go below 15%
15. FBW Accel = Torque required to open Throttle to the PED1 requested Position – Typical 65-85%
depending on motor size.
Electronic throttle setup requires attention to throttle shudder and adjusting the FBW Hold/Decell/Accel Map
by 5-10% for every PED1 position is required. The more you set the beter it gets.
Throttle Limiters
1. Tps2
2. Temperature maps
3. Tps
4. Oil Pressure
5. Oil Temperature
6. MAP Sensor – overboost control
Example Temperature will be on Temperature Map, hot value will be load site 1-5 and start setting
a. Bar 5 = 60%
b. Bar 4 = 50%
c. Bar 3 = 40%
d. Bar 2 = 30%
e. Bar 1 = 20%
Over Boost select MAP Sensor MAP and for 1 Bar goto the 1 Bar LS and depending on MAP Sensor Range
Std would be around Bar 24.
a. Bar 24 = 80%
b. Bar 25 = 70%
c. Continue decreasing max throttle until 20% – 30%
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1. If CAN ABS speeds are available we will use these as an ongoing development.
2. Select auxillary setup (8)(9)
3. WS is the un-driven input on the TDC input if available
4. DS is the Driven input on DI 4 input.
5. Speed sense = 0 OFF
6. Speed sense = Drive Speed = Launch Mode, if Speed vs Time > Launch Speed time Load site then
throttle will shut to 25%.
7. Speed sense = Drive + Wheel speed then if Drive Speed > WS + Slip then throttle will close to 25%.
Slip speed is calibrated by the WS and DC calibration difference. Eg WS Calibration = 20 and DS
Calibration = 15 gives a 25% Slip.
Failsafe Conditions
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High pressure sensor must be connected to the FP input for control pressure.
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Boost Maps
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All gain settings get added together and are the minimum PWM% to valve
10. Boost vs TIME map selects the boost target and launch timer selects step speed.
Set these Maps to target if launch not used.
Same as closed loop but in the auxillary setup screen set the following
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2. Select GPO2 = Nos +TPS trigger% puts NOS controller on and sets the TPS trigger point for the NOS
to activate
3. Set NOS RPM On and Off Parameters to value that is safe for the engine.
4. Select Staged Fuel Map (F6) and Map value of fuel to be added to the injection time for dry nitrous
setup, set all these maps to Zero for wet nitrous control
GPO2 output will only be activated with the Flat Shift input active and all above conditions met. Eg Flat shift
input is now the nitrous on button.
1. ECU has 3 or 4 CANBUS controllers and outputs data on ID 100 200 300 400 at a bit rate of 500kbps
with CAN BRP at value 4. BRP value 7 = 250kbps
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2. Contact us via email for Channel ID Data and future applications, this is an ongoing development
application dependant.
3. Direct Dash connection available for a variety of manufacturers and as database grows we will update
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Closed Loop Cam1 Control – Cam sensors required on TDC input to ECU
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5. Start engine and make sure you get Cam1 Sync and Trigger wheel sync as expected. Eg 60 – 2 wheel
will show Trigger sync of 58 and TDC sync will show number of cam teeth per engine rotation, TDC
sync will fluctuate between two numbers. Rotation 1 and Rotation 2 usually have different number of
cam counts.
6. Select Auxillary setup screen and pick Rpm up until the RPM(H) value starts reading (2000RPM) with
the Cam1 Solenoid unplugged then take reading of CAM1 ACTUAL This is the higher limit of Cam1
request for the Cam1 Map.
7. With Rpm up and Rpm (H) reading activate CAM1 Manually with jumper wires and reapeat the
process. This is the lower limit of the Cam1 request for Cam1 maps. If these reading are out of Cam map
range or erratic go back to Trigger setup and Shift reference point as per point 4 above.
8. Select F8 and click on Cam1 Maps. There are 8 maps for TPS position and 32 Maps for RPM in the
matrix to tune. Keep these values in the range as found above as the control cannot control beyond the
mechanical limits of the cam gears.
9. Output will now be available on VVTi 1/Aux1 output pin
Closed Loop Cam2 Control – Cam sensors required on DI4 input to ECU
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9. Select post shift timer to block second shift intimer duration. Typical setting = 10. 1
10. Select (F8) Gear maps and map for every gear up and gear down shift points. May
need slight Adjustments to prevent shift up and down stuck modes.
11. Indicator below the map is a shift down condition
12. Indicator above the map is a shift up condition
13. Indicator in the shades map area is a hold gear condition
14. Kick down conditions must be mapped in these maps for required conditions
15. Shift is limited to one shift per time.
16. No downhill gear down sensing available.
17. Manual inputs are on DI1-4 and cover most electronic shifters.
18. Maps available for Sport Mode if requires, Select (F8) and select Sport Mode
On gearboxes with electronic pressure control select GPO2 in MAP PWM mode in the fuel setup screen (7)(9)
and in the (F6) screen MAP the required load site to the Shift PWM for comfortable shift pressure.
Shift Solenoids
a. Aux 1 = Solenoid1
b. Aux2 = Solenoid2
c. Aux3=Solenoid3
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