Process of Creation in DASA SAHITYA PDF
Process of Creation in DASA SAHITYA PDF
Process of Creation in DASA SAHITYA PDF
PubUshed by
Published by
By : V. Badarayana Murthy
Copies : 5000
Published by
Dr^I.V. SubbaRao, L
Executive Officer
T.T. Devasthanams
Printed at
Executive Officer,
T.T.Devasthanams, Tirupati.
(Devotional literature of Karnataka)
- I
I. The Need for Rl%ht Understanding:
Mother, father, earth, water, sky
As they are called, in these five fires,
The pervasive presence and activities of the thirty forms of
Sriman Narayana
Remember thou, and the days as sacrificial sticks,
Offer thou every day as oblation and
Solicit supreme happiness from the Lord of lords who is the
purifier of purity.
V. Basis of Faitli: ,
The votaries of Vedic Knowlecf^.^fe .jatft those
who are a prey to blind faith. Without sufficient
proof they do not believe anything. They always
- Vi-
proceed with four determining factors of belief
sual proof (Pratyalcsa), Logical conclusion (Anumana),
Vedic mandate (Agama) and words of Well-wishers
(Apta vakya).
Although they give credence to visual proof, they
do not readily believe all that comes as visual proof.
They stand by the maxim that one should test thor-
oughly before accepting visual proof. They believe only
what the faultless eye sees with the help of a clean,
unbiassed mind. The wise ones of the Vedic school
do believe what is visualised through modern scientific
instruments; but they are not prepared to accept all
theoretical guesses based on observation through such
The authors
(wellwishers) chosen for reference
- Sri Vadiraja
writing this treatise are the following
Purandara Dasarya, Sri Vijaya Dasarajra,
Svaroi, Sri
Sn Guru Purandara Vitthala, Sn Gopala Dasarpa, Sri
Jagannatha Dasaraya, Sri Venugopala vitthala, Sri Ab-
hinava Janardana Vitthala, Sri Vyasa Vitthala, Sri
Gokavi Anantacarya and others.
Vyasa Vitthalarya:
Sri Subbannacarya of Kallur, Raichur district, was
a great Pandit well- versed in disciplines like Grammer
and Logic. Being puffed up with the pride of learning
he ridiculed the great Vijaya Dasarya, at first. Later
on he understood the intrinsic worth of the saint and
got over his egotistic feelings by the grace of Vijaya
Dasarya. He became a pure devotee of God, fully de-
tached from earthly desires. He was initiated and came
to be known as a 'Vyasavitthala'.
30 The Process of Creation in Dasa, Sahitya
Anantadrisa Vltthalaaryas
He came from Gokak of Belgaura district and
bore the name Gokavi Anantacarya. A great Sanskrit
scholar, he was trained in the art of music too. He was
ail adept in the exhibition of artistic talents and in
etical composition. The following are the
products of
his fine literacy art- Venkatesa
Parijaia, Siva Panjata f
iscaHed 'Pradhana Vyoma Therefore the description
Extent of yaiJhmfjhaloJta;
height is really 11,11,00000 yojanas, not
11,12,00000, (may be printer's -devil) because half of
g d * he height of the Vaikunthaloka make
5in nSn
11,11,00000 yojanas. If we add half of the
gap towards
Vajkunthaloka, then, that loka will be 15,38,25000 vo>-
janas above the earth (nearly 15 i Crore
the mid-point of Brahmanda. yojanas)- from
ff we make a circle to
represenUhe Brahmanda and
cle at a
contemplate another cir-
height of 15fcrore yojanas (drawn to scale),
he diameter of that circle will
be 40 crore yojanas.
quare within the second circle measures
28 crore yo-
janas each way. This forms the base
of Vaikunthalokt
Chapter - II 39
East gate Surya and Dayus
South gate - Candra and Dik._
West gate - Vahni and Prthvi
North gate - Indra and Vidyut
fications are)
Perishable part of Ara lake - 1 crore = 2^crores
"The bestower of the food that washes away the sins of the
Padmanabha, lite the horse of the liberated ones,
Appears dancing before tie eye and gives pleasures readily."
How can one fully describe the glory of the spouse ofSridevi?"
(Vaikuntha Varnane ofSnV.R.)
Lite males and females on *painted canvas,
' '*"'" -
For none of the liberated souls, to another's partner /
Madiava, who bears the name Purandara Vitthalaraya,
Gives him hearty welcome, I Jcnow."
56 The Process of Creation in Dasa Sahitya
There is notiing transitory anywiere tiere."
The 'muktas'j who get rid of their causation bod-
ies by bathing in the Viraja river, will never again be
bothered by such stumbling blocks. Although they ex-
ist with bodies of pure consciousness,
they have fine
forms consisting of head, hands, legs and so on.
* * *
(Final Dissolution)
I What is Praiaya?
those bodies.
living beings too; the Supreme Lord Visnu
is called
When we givejhe meanings of the stanzas quoted
from Biagavadf Gita, we should refer to the days and
nights of Para Brahma only. It is because, during
of Caturmukha Brahma, the created things find
location within the Brahmanda itself; they do not get
back into the primeval matter by dissolution.
The very same ideas expressed by Gitacarya
we shall see more vividly in the words of the
With the wildest wjnd and the hottest fire and tremen-
dous down-pour, Sri Hari destroys everything in the
universe. At the time of the destructive dance (Pralaya
Tandava), He takes up the remnants of the bodies of
Brahma, Rudra and the like and wears them like orna-
ments. With His touch everything becomes beautiful,
phant's trunk,
The supporter of all things and souls, Guru Purandara
Thou art the bedrock truly supporting all; this is about Maha
they are lodged in the breast of Sri Hari under the su-
pervision of Sri Maya devi, with the name 'Avyakta'.
Bringing back to the inactive state is knowji as pralaya.
Mixing them up and putting into the active state is cre-
ation. He who goes through the acts of creation and
annihilation is Guru Purandara Vit'thala.
'Sesa Marga*
'Garuda Marga 5
by Ahamkarika Prana ,
into Indra deva
Chapter - III 73
nicely described
^ n 3 u-mes wh ^ e Himself created
by Sri Jagannatha Dasarya.
"Sowing seeds into the earth,
Irrigating the field and growing crop
(H.K.S. 23-53)
Chapter - III 75
not said that all those who were killed by Sri R|ma
got the merit to enter the Happy Land. DanavanfaJca
(killer of the demons) is the well-known title ,by
Sri Hari is praised. It should therefore be understood
that whenever a demon is said to have been redeemed,
in the one and the same body there was a real demon
in the company of a good soul on account of the latter's
evil 'Karma'.
/ _
Those who entered Sri Hari's belly were not only
the released good souls; but there were also the souls
who had their courses still to run, those of the mid-
dling and the demoniac souls who had completed their
courses, and also those who had never come into cre-
ation yet. In what manner Sri Hari kept them in His
belly is described by the Haridasas.
entering the belly of Sri Hari, the next 12| years will
not go to his account.
The required data for determining the period of
rest during Maha Pralaya are given here below. Except
90 The Process of Creation in Dasa Sahitya
II Eternal Tilings;
-(Ch.. XV)
Dvavimau purusau loie IsarascaJcsara eva
Ksarah sarvani bhutani kutasthoksara
uchyate. -
Vttamah purusatvanyah
Yo Matrayam avisya bibiarfcyavyaya Jsvarai.'
Chapter - IV 95
Where is tie ability to do anything for the one who is simply
called 'Caitanya ?
To act with any of the organs, the jivas have no independence
at any time.
f ~~
_. r
The jiva's plight is to be as Sri Hari, Jceeps him Sri Hari being
in the form of the jiva's actorship
and binding him with this power, Himself
unaffected, knowing the ripe time,
He clears the jivas debt of Karma.
/ .
Hari, with the name and form of Hrisikesa,
It is Sri
that acts in the ten organs of the individuals through
the agency of other presiding deities.
At the lotus feet of Tradesa sits Mukhya Prana,
at whose feet sits the jiva enveloped by the Linga and
the Aniruddha bodies He is the eternal, unchangeable
Just like the deities. Kali and his retinue are also
lodged in bodies of all individuals. They have their
chance when evil karmas come up and they spoil the
individual's mind. If this is remembered one can avoid
their influence by good thoughts and good company.
abler deities -
India, Kama, Parvatidevi, Varunidevi,
Sauparnidevi, Sri Krsna's eight queens - Jambavati be-
ing superior to the rest of them; then, Rudra, Sesa
and Garuda. Still far better and Belonging to a spe-
cial cadre of their own are - Bharatidevi, Saras vatidevi,
Vayudeva and Brahmadeva.
Compared with the high qualities and abilities
possessed by Brahma and Vayu, Sri Ramadevi is supe-
rior to them by a crore counts. She also excels them by
another crore qualities not possessed by them. Hence
she holds the position of the mother of the Universes.
supreme Happiness;
With great ease he becomes the master of the worlds.
Sarve nityah sasvatasca dehastasya paratmanah,
Paramananda sandoha jnanamatras'ca sarvasah.
Paradhmavapti Srsti:
f .
Mahalaksmi, being subservient to Sri Hari,
to match the forms of her
ily takes different forms
Lord, by His grace and at His Will. This is known jas
forms Sri
'Paradhmavapti Srsti'. In each one of such
Hari dwells with a'smiliar female form, Hhe original,
or *BimbaV Sri Ramadevi's forms are like reflections
'assisted creation'.
(Pratibimbas'). Therefore it is
Misra Srsti:
Later on, wlien the eternal soul is brought^into
contact witi tie external matter, It is Misra
Srsti. (V-S.)
Kevala Srsti:
-"...* .Kevala Srsti is
Giving siapes to things to be destroyed later."
Using the modifications of Primeval matter anc
creating new things is called 'Kevala Srsti'. It is like
making a pot out of mud, drying and baking, anc
beautifying with colours. "To be destroyed later' sug-
gests that the things of this world are destroyed during
'Maha Pralaya'.
Mixing the three primordial elements, Sattva, Ra-
jas and Tamas and creating the basic materials sue!
as Mahat tattva and the like is called 'Vikrta Srsti'
Creating the 'Brahmanda and the worlds is
118 The Process of Creation in Dasa Sahitya
^ ^eir utterance.
make a total
hedn Kr
CC ^ *i
T etters ^e farrive S rts ~
at 14,700 letter
T1? ^u^ >
Chapter -V 119
** of the
star i?
day, the
^ e da tte week name of
^ ^ theday, the
of the day and the Parana' of
?nfn ,
C th
i^f t.?
Ve imP rta ^
^ems to be taken
consideration wble
observing religious duties,)
us ab
lime, bL
but ?K
S ng
the song
J annat t^ Dasarya also
of the c^ator in the
very meaningful-
form of
1aw your
am Original reads thus-
am your servant, "Dasoham tava
Dasoham tava
Chapter - V 123
I am your
servant, Dasoham tava
Always your servant. Dasoham tava
You are "without evil traits,
I am your servant,
I am your servant
You are in Time,
you control time,
You you know past, present, future
are above Time,
You motivate Time, you put a stop to Time,
You create Time, you are in tie form of Time.
I am your servant, your servant."
/ _
SriHari exists in the divisions of Time and is Mas-
ter of it, but he is not bound by the Time factor. If He
so minds, He can make Time to retrace its pace; He caii
make the Sun visible at midnight. It is He who gives a
start to countable Time and it is He who subjects it to
dissolution. To those who accept His servitude there is
no fear to Time.
In the following Suladi Sri Vijaya Dasarya ac-
quaints us with the divisions of Time,
Two *anus' one *paramanu'; three such ones-
One *tryanu' its name;
This itself is catted by the name, trasarenu-
ConceivabJe by humans, in the sun-streat through the 'roof
The time taien by dust particle to pass
Three trasarenus a *trti'; three trtis
Go by the name one Vedha';
Three vedhas one lava'; three lavas
You count as a 'nimesa'; three nimesas
Mate a 'tsana'; five tsanas put together
They go by the name a 'tastha';
There is no reason to doubt, fifteen tasthas
You should consider as one 'laghu',
Fifteen laghus form one *nadi';
Eight such nadis go to mate one *yama';
If you count four such yamas
It is sun-set time-twelve hours are gone;
Twelve such hours-the four yamas of night;
124 Tie Process of Creation in Dasa Sahitya
See you that there is the first, the last and all others between,
Requiring separate time divisions to pass through-
It is because each of the thin ones occupies separate space
the four yugas and goes with them to see that the
conditions of His creatures are
befitting the changing
In the sum
total of the four yugas Sn Hari resides
with a different name-it is 'Mahayuga'. In the same
way He bears different names and forms in the Manu
Kalpas. He who is in the form and name of the Brah-
makalpa is 'Virat Purusa', He is called 'Mahakala'.
Total :
21,000 years
Explanatory :-
25 days, 17 hours, 21
31,85,71428 years, 6 months,
Ghatikas If these are multiplied by 14
we get
the period equal to Brahma's day- 432,0000000 years.
130 The Process of Creation in Dasa Sahitya
Contemplate upon Sri JHari's froms in all the divisions and earn
At all times, when prescribed duties are performed,
This, kind of visualisation must be practised;
/ _ ,
In Sri Ezinka.tha.mrta.sara.
5 Ksanas \ Trti
50 Trtis i Lava
2 Lavas i Nimesa
Chapter - V 135
fimesas Matra
latras Guru
Gurus Prana
'ran as Pala
Palas Ghatika
Ghatikas Day*
man Count For the Pitrs
- 1 Taksa'
1 Day or 1 Night
,s'~l Month 1 Whole day
man Count For Divine Beings
is-1 Season (Rtu)
(Rtus)-l 'Ayana' 1 Day or night
(half year)
as'-l Year 1 Whole day
1 Month
rs 1 Year
Maha Padma=100,000,000,00,00,000;
* * *
Chapter- VI
I. Sport with the Released Souls:
In the 'Pralaya'
waters, Sri Padmanabha,
Where the 'Siibhaga'ofVaikuntha
There He stretched Himself and
slept soon
With His wife; when it dawned,
The time, let the wise ones
understand as before;
His consort, Ambhranl
devi, pleasing Him,
When she offered
prayers, He was joyful-
With ease He swallowed darkness
The banyan leaf became Shude viand the water* became Sri
He was inclined now
^^te, like
bmlding a den of sand
As was explained
*Mahapralaya', Sri Hari
and went to
sleep, as it
ganidra' for 1QI hours of
Brahma's 8?A years. When
mght still remained, He was'
of Ambhranidevi. This is
stand as before". He
Chapter - VI 139
rounded, when
Bhudevi. who was in the form of the
banyan leaf, became herself; and Sridevi, who was in
the form of the Tralaya' waters, took her own form.
[In this context it may be profitable
to compare the
Biblical statement- "At first, there was only dark-
ness, and the spirit of God floated upon the waters.]
AmbhranldevI, the controller of the principle of dark-
ness, praised the Lord and requested Him to begin a
new creation. Sri Hari, gladly assented. Creation for
Him is like children's play of building sand holes as
houses-so easy it is!.
the Time factor, now we are told what Sri Hari, who
was pretending yoganidra, did at the beginning of cre-
ation of the universe.
TraJa^a* waters, Srf Padmauabha,
As was in the
^plained chapter describing
Mahapralaya Sri Hari took
e nt everything into Himself
to see P' as He pretended
!L:A ?
f 1A
i4 were -
years. When
^^ which is eual
1| or 12| years of the
^ Hc^was
wakened the prayer
what is meant by "under-
iills is
" e:ore ' He ^wallowed the darkness^ tiiat sur-
Chapter - VI 139
Sri Hari took out the released souls from His belly,
and to give them Supreme joy, He sported with them.
Four, twenty four, ten forms,
Hiindred thousand forms Sripati tooJq Sri LaJcsmidevi also as-
sumed gladly forms befitting the forms of Sri Hari; when Her
Lord took the form of a horse, she too became a horse.
In conformity with Sri JETari's will, the gods and other muktas
Took different forms; then, with pure Sattva,
Rivers, hills, trees, precious stones, gold, silver,
Sporting ground, different heavens, oceans-all
He created; in the waters, He Himself along with Sridevi,
Forms of aqcuatic creatures cheerfully
The kindly Master took; Brahma and other
Muktas too took such forms. Then structural skills to
His devotees He taught. Immediately, the forms of domestic
and wild animals.
And forms of the ruler and the ruled He assumed.
Sri Hari made Brahma Prime Minister
And he made the other merited muktas to be the subjects;
The evil souls rotting in the Eternal Hells
He made to be the rogues in
society; to these and the good
filling, ::>":' .
and the
They go through the activities of the movmg
Sri Hari had come out with His four forms like
Vasudeva to have sport with the muktas. At the end
of the sport, He assumed His original form. Again, He
came out with the Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna
and Aniruddha forms to engage Himself in the four
kinds of activities-Liberation, Creation, Maintenance
and Annihilation. These four forms fill the entire world
144 The Process of Creation in Dasa Sahitya
* '
To Brahma with the name 'Purusa' and Vayu with the name
And the pthers in proper order;
inown and 'Sraddha-
Sarasvati as TraJcrti'
These two maidens she bore as Krti;
It i& really- wonderfuJ-ceJebrating their marriages
Yo.ii yourselves acted as parties of brides and parties of bride-
Garuda was born- these two form Bralima and Vayu respec-
When she was with three forms fin eluding the form of Gayatri),
She mated with purusa Brahma,
And putting the three forms into one, she
Begat Brahma and Vayu as her sons;
In tliis manner, of his own wife
He was born as son and showed his distinction,
You must know the secret of father becoming son
By Jus own wife-Gayatri.
When Brahma was born of Vasudeva, he ac-
quired the covering body of unmanifest original matter
(Avyakta tattva), wherein the three material modes
showed themselves in their unmixed states. And when
he was born as the son of Pradyumna, there was a slight
mixture of the three modes and Brahjna_now had his
Mahat tattva body around his Linga Sarira.
as the son of his own
he next takes birth
wife, getshe
the next covering of Ahamkara tattva.
The secret involved in thjs_case is this. Brahma as
father is secondary and Sri Hari in him is primary;
similarly, Sri Ramadevi in Gayatri is
Born of Prana, Jlva In serpent form, and Rudra of
H aiJcariJca' mode
All the three forms are of the same person; but the
second and the third are fractional parts of the first.
However, these are not like material fractions. The ex-
periences of all fractions belong to the original, finally
or immediately. In the case of Brahma, Vayu and their
partners, the experiences of all fractional parts go to
the originals immediately; in the cases of others, it is
at the final stage. Spirit souls are not broken into parts
like matter; yet they can come out as fractional parts in
smaller or larger numbers according to their abilities.
This, indeed, is mysterious.
"Siva bore three forms as Visnu, Brahma and Isa
L Sunya
(Supreme Being called Sunya as He is void (Sunya)
of all activity relating to Creation)
Vasudeva I
in the
(This manifestation causes disturbance
souls and niakes them feel the pinch of hunger, thirst
and other bodily needs. They become prone to external
5S 3 O
C 5
II Further details about the second round of creation.
154 Tie Process of Creation in Dasa Sahitya
St.30 Aniruddha,Prana-Apana-Vyana-Udana-Samana
and the other Maruts, forty nine in all, ten Rudras,
eight Vasus, Ganapati, Visvaksena, Kubera and
few others are in charge of the Vaisya caste. Lord
Pradyumna guides them.
St. 31 Nasatya and Basra (the Asvins), Nirrti, Yamad-
harma, the servants of Yaina, Bhudevi, the goddess of
timely death, Sanideva and other deities look after the
Sudra caste and safeguard their interests. They also
protect them from sins natural for their occupations.
Lord Aniruddha is their chief warden. Knowing thus,
the Sudras must be treated with respect.
JMixing ocii>tv<3., *.if*j
Understand twelve, ten and _
eate d by
This is the first covering
disturbing the three
155 Tie Process of Creation in Dasa Sahitya
Sattva-Sattva, Sattva-Rajas etc.
Sattva-Sattva-Sattva, Sattva-Rajas-
Sattva etc. 27
Linga Sarira.
To the Lotus- born, from tie Liriga Sarira of three modes,
The bodies that were given, count
Know you, the first is Avyaita tattva
With three divisions, Mahat, Ahamiara- threefold,
Manas and the ten Indriyas,
The five Tanmatras (faculties), Sky, Air,
Fire, Water, Earth-Iiie this separately,
The bodies are formed like envelopes.
In addition,
There are subsidiary bodies of
'Vynana', 'Citta', 'Buddhi',
<Asraddha\ 'Vairagya\ 'Bala\ 'Virya', <Loia', 'Mantra'
'Nama\ 'Anna\ 'Tapas', 'Karma 'Kala>-
7. Review:
Brahma Vayu - Sesa 1 Year,
15 Years
166 The Process of Creation in Dasa Sahitya
* * *
Chapter- VII
I Creation of Five Elemental Units:
Sattva-Sattva-Tamas Rajas-Sattva-Tamas Tamas- Sattva-Taiwi
Sattva-Rajas-Sattva Rajas-Rajas-Sattva Ikmas-Raja-s-Satln
Sattva-Rajas-Rajas Rajas-Rajas-Rajas lamas-Rajaus-lUJB
Sattva-Rajas-Tamas Rajas-Raja^-Tamas Tamas-Raj^^ainas
Sattva-Tamas-Sattva Rajas-Tainas-Sattva Tamas-Tain^vSattn
Sattva-Tamas-Rajas Rajas-Tamas-Rajas Tamas-TaniO-vRajas
Sattva-Tamas-Tamas Rajas-Tamas-Tamas Tamas-Tani^v
tie UP the Changeless Jiva
obstruction. It
provides the materials
form of
Chapter -VII 173
tie Brahmanda:
of Prakrti,
And then, from Brahma, Vayu and Sesa
Named Jlva, Rudra, Garuda and Sesa
Were born with bodies of VailcariJca, Ikijasa
Sri Ban
put together ten parts of Sattva taker
from the envelope, one part of Tamas from its
Taijasa Ahamkara five elemental Principles,
grosser than the abilities of organs but subtler thaja the
five gross were created. They are connected
with sensory organs and are called Tanmatras.
t e fiv element
i , l gross s are
only further modifications
of the Tanmatras,
Him is damnable;
Literature that does not praise
w *** W
t0 devel P Devotional attitude. It
ete nial
We should always rememberhappiness in
is only
God's Abode.
His sake, but for our own sakes. Him, not for
Knowing that He is
the conqueror of
daityas and knowing that He is always
with us as He is
everywhere, will make us peaceful and
Ciapter i$3
W S de re fo * Mahalaksmi.
T, l
her TLord for the However, she serves
uphftment of the souls out of her im-
She Praised and
ESKS3 for
husband f ?T
one full year ^rshipped her
entreating Him to create the
Chapter 135
Panciiarana, Paffca Vrtti and Trivrtkaxana:
J? V e
20 parts of each of the
8 f the same
subtle Principle
other four mix with 100
matter is form< In
gross ele ^^ts are also
Chapter VII 187
Pancavrtti: The elements sky and air, fire and air, wa-
ter and 'earth axe separately mixed to endow individu-
als Twith gross bodies to help them to go through the
process of realization. This kind of mixing is known as
Paficavrtti. Details are hereunder-
- 99 + Air - 1 = Sky (Akasa)
(2)Air -99 + Sky - 1 = Air (Vayu)
The Process of Creation in Dasa Sahitya
- 99 + Air - 1 = Fire
II (l)Fire (Tejasj
-99 + Fire - 1
= Air (Vayu)
= Water
III(l)Water 99 +
- 'Earth - 1 (Udaka)
Water - 1 = Earth
(2)Earth -99 + (Prthvi)
TiivrtJcarana :
With one coin we can buy Indra and the other gods
Along with their wealthy abodes;
We can put an end to the poverty of
One hundred generations of our kins, old and new;
If one suffers with penury of^head
Itcan be dispelled instantaneously,
No doubt about it, Vijayavitthala, called 'Sama 7
.mighty who knows all about the soul and its needs.
is only at the fag end of the course of realization
to bewashed away in the Viraja waters, nibbing
washing are necessary.
The sprouts of the Linga Sarira-
the twenty four material principles must come to rub
with the twenty four external material principles,
which the universe is created. must get into We
and cleanse ourselves by the soapnut powder
of wisdom.
It is expedient that the AU-knower
adopted in bringing souls into the
arena of the universe.
The role played by the twenty four material principles
in this drama of life is very great. Look at the exquisite
fire, water and earth; and, the sky contains all the other
four. Conversely the
sky is found in all the other four
elements. Similarly the other three exist in their lower
Finally he says-
Why do yon throw mud upon others?
This body is like a water bubble;
Using bad words, earned merit is lost,
And drowned in tie ocean of sin, there is no way out;
&e wio_praises Sri Jffari even for a while,
Him Sri Vyayavitthala truly blesses.
A glaring human weakness
is to find fault with
others and to speak of them. This, our saint says,
doubly harmful. Merit is lost; sins accrue. And it is
very hard to get out of the whirlpool of sin. One who
spends even a few seconds in praising the glory of Sri
Harl will be considered holy.
Sri Vijaya
Dasarya described the glory of the five
gross elements and drew our attention to the necessity
remembering the lotus feet of the Almighty Lord.
1 tie
^activities of the five elements involve also the ac~
^/^dtles of the nineteen higher elements pervading them.
Sri Vadirajasvami describes the
good and evil of all the
elements in his Vaikuntha Varnane. (111-33-35)
The Mahat tattva brings prestige,
Aiamiara males one proud,
Buddhi enables true perception
And theMind goes after this or that. 33
and still saying, "I did this; I did that" is'Rajasic ego
Forgetting the spiritual back-ground and proudly say-
ing, "I am the doer, I am happy? I am enjoying luxuries
all this is mine" is Taniasic ego. This is what is reall]
called ''Pride'.
Vadirajasvami now tells about the benefit
yielded by the tattvas.
Tie very same tattvas that give rise to illusory wants,
When in the company of good souls
Always lead to the righteous path
And help to see the God in all 4,
They help us to
worship Him;
- VII 201
of material causes),
Bore all t his in her womb by tie agency of Sri Hari
Along with His wife, the all-pervading Visnu (Vasudeva.)
Sportively entered into the Brahmanda.
* I" I- I
, _
Sesadeva (Jiva) I
1 I Tamasa Rudra
/aikarika Rudra Taijasa Rudra (Ahamkarika
(Visnu) (Brahma) Rudra
204 The Process of Creation in Dasa Sahitya
Vijaya Dasarya says, "This is truth visualised,
surely." Sri Hari showed the process of creation to
Sri Vijaya Dasarya even as He showed His 'Visvarupa'
to Arjuna. Hence, what he has described is not with
the material gathered from varius texts as is done by
research scholars.
iped by
ourselves. They develop when the grow-
child lies in the mother's womb. Such processes
the outcome of the Lord's Will. Urges are seen
aaterial factors ("Prakrti"); but they proceed
Q the Will of the Omniscient Lord
('Purusa'). In
way, the whole world is activated by the conjunc-
of Trakrti' and The fully independent
or who is
all-knowing sows the seeds of urges into
individual souls who have the ability to know and
isthem to use those urges in the world of experi-
Seed-sowing in relation to urges takes place in
For this reason, He lodges everything in Sifdevi's
ib and, entering the Brahmanda, He rests there
n with His wife in the waters. The happy conver-
m, based on Vedic contents, going on between the
reme Lovers, forms the seeds of urges.
* * *
Vijaya Qasarya says,
"This is truth visualised,
surely." Sri Hari showed the process of creation to
Sri Vijaya Dasarya even as He showed His 'Visvarupa'
to Arjuna. Hence, what he has described is not with
the material gathered from variu's texts as is done by
research scholars.
206 The Process of Creation in Dasa Sahitya
* * *
Chapter - VIII
The fourth hand held the sacred pot. Brahma wore the
yajnopavita too. The significance of the thread is de-
scribed in the puranas. Brahma looked at the sacred
thread he wore and contemplated. Instantly he visu-
alised Omkara (the shape of the letter AUM). Vedas
emanated from it. They took the shape of bright loose
cotton. Nine threads formed out of it and in them the
presiding deities showed themselves. The meaning was
clear that Yajnopavita furnishes one with purity and
knowledge while performing the prescribed sacrifices.
Simultaneously the spirit of the Jot us,
Durgadevi, created a wild storm-
Wi'ti drops of water; Brahma's body,
She wetted by besprinkling
Vidhi (Brahma), amazed in the darkness,
Shivering much on account of the biting wind,
Tormented by the waves of water,
Got frightened awhile his father,
Brahma recalled he to mind.
Listen; to.Brahma,
Wanton ignorance and fear, four times and twice
Occurred, you see, for different reasons
Wiat happened to Brahma in this context
Say not that it is the truth, Flawless ever,
How can such weakness arise? This, you know,
21 The Process of Creation in Dasa Saiitya
deities and ^
deitts ?l >rld
along with the controlling
he provided the materials
with which to
make sacred offerings. The deities
praised the Supreme
.Chapter- VIH 219
I. Sveta Varaha Kalpa:
Bible gives just a few details about creation,
gleaned through the notes made by the Arabs and the
Egyptians during their contacts with India. That was
the period of religious renaissance after the catastro-
phes of Dvapara Yuga. Perhaps, Adam of the Chris-
tians and Adam of the Muslims is the same as Adi
Manu or 'Adima'. Svayambhuva Manu's wife was
Satarupadevi, one who could take a hundred forms
with a. hundred names. One of her names, Yuvadevi
must have been the one differently called as 'Eve' (Yu)
Chapter - IX 227
and 'Hawai 5
. For the Christians and the Muslims,
Adam, is the first of the human race, his name pro-
nounced differently.
This dilation is purposeful. Such comparisons
drawn and studied will, perhaps, pave the way for uni-
versal brotherhood.
Total 84 lakhs.
in this world. The Original of all originals
Sri Hari.
The immediate Pratibimbas (images) are
'ahma and Vayu, the masters of Mahat tattva and
jfiana tattva, respectively. Brahma is responsible for
The origin of Patala, its support
and yet different from
Understand properly that ft is ffis PataJa arises from the
tom of His foot;
The famous Vasuii, San&ha, Kalilce, Prabala,
Sveta, Dhrtarastra, Maha Sankha, Dhananjaya,
Dhata, Sariihacuda and such great serpents
Along with their brood fill that world,
of the rarest variety and other
enjoying opulence, diamond
furious they are;
Displaying their lustres; quite
With JBTis luminous form Vjj'ayavitthalaraya
Supports the Patala loJca thus
The back
of the feet means the upper part not the
bottom, which gave rise to patalaloka. The Rasatala
loka was created from the tip of the toe-nail and is
supported (maintained) by it. The demons of that loka
are afraid of Sri Hari's name uttered by the devotees
there. Hence, they hide .in caves and spend their time
in gross pleasures.
From Atala down to Patala there are not only de-
moniac creatures, but there are also many many devo-
1 1
Jus palace gates. This status, Balickravarti gained by
the charitable tendency he displayed when Sri Hari
came to beg him like a bachelor boy, Vamana. He
offered his own head to Vamana who had assumed
the "Trivikrama' form filling the entire Brahman da and
measuring the whole earth by one foot, and the entire
firmament by the other. According to promise, Bali-
cakravarti had to give land measured by the three steps
of Vamana - a boy of tender age. But to Trivikrama,
Vamana's changed form, Balicakravarti had to show
his head as the ground for measuring the third foot.
While thinking of Sutalaloka, we must think of Sri
Hari's kindness to Balicakravarti.
earn blessings.
Fifth Canto -
Days and nights are made for tiis loia tie sages affirm
* .
"Tie producer of Suraloka, its sustainer, yet different,
(The most charming Person, always
In the embrance of Indira) is His
Breast bedecked with jewels and garland of Tulasi leaves
Indradeva worships Vamanamurti;
He enjoys whatever pleasures he chooses,
His elephant Airavata, Ucchalssrava the horse, his
Chapter - X 247
it protection. Here it isimportant to note that
Sri Hari Himself is different from that loka as in the
case of every other creation. The proper interpretation
of the text is this. The qualities and abilities of the
breast show themselves in Svargaloka; it is ruled by
tke emotions natural for the breast.
There are innumerable deities behind the physical
aspects of our world. They care for our world as the
deputies of Indra, the king of the gods. His position is
so exalted that he is permitted by the Supreme Being
to enjoy all sorts of pleasures; yet, he is not unmind-
ful of the master of the whole universe. He worships
Upendra, who came as Vamana before Balicakravarti.
One who meditates upon the glories of Svargaloka,
naturally longs to be there. Sri Hari takes him to that
loka if he is sincere and dutiful.
That whici gives rise to MaharJpia and supports it
Being different from it, shining like the conch shell,
Weanling the Ivaustubia jewel, reciting tie Vedas always, it
is tlie neck.
Rudra's origin, Sri Earis forehead, for Tapoloka;
Brahma is the overlord there;
Rudra dwells in that loka with all the rsis,
Worshipping the awe-inspiring form of Narasimha,
With minds very will cleansed;
Brahma's Satyaloka was created from the head,
There, the Fourfaced worships in different ways,
All the incarnations of Sri JEfari,
Himself adored by all the other gods;
Sri Maruti dwells in that loka
Then the
river divides itself into four branches
flowing in the four principal directions. The south-
ern branch, Alakananda, reaches Bharata Varsa to
flow down from the Himalayas and to sanctify this
Chapter - X 251
any fear!
If this practice is continued steadily without breai,
He takes you across the dark abysmal ocean of life;
In order to reach the lotus feet of
Who is dear to the Vijayavitthaia, sweet heart ofDraupadi,
This and this only is the means
In each and every visiWe form adore
The MatchJess Master, Vijayavittala with ffispervasive form.
(Visvarupa or Viradrupa.)
/ _
In describing every stage of creation, Sri Vi-
jayadasarya has been impressing upon us the need of
understanding the aim of life and the way to achieve
it. How this can be done is explained very clearly in
the suladi section quoted above.
said that the pervasive form of Sri Hari
He has
should be understood in two ways and that it should
be contemplated in three ways. The Almighty Lord
is in the material objects like them. He is in the pre-
254 The Process of Creation in Dasa Sahitya
is another name of
Bharati, who played
the main role in the individual body of Draupadi, in-
deed there were other souls also in the same body
'Syamaladevi' - wife_qf Yamadharma, Sacidevi - wife
of Indra and Usadevi wife of the
Asvins; also Parvati
Chapter - X 255
* * *
Chapter - XI
1. The Meru Mountain:
The hub of the wheel of the Sun 's chariot is in fuIJ contact with
the Meru,
And tie chariot makes its daily rounds about it;
Twelve deitiesof the Sun's cadre, month after month
Hold office in the orb; Observer of Kaunas
Sriman Narayana, Himself to the Meru
Gives stability in the form of 'Simsumara';
That mighty Lord stands to a height of thirty six lakh yojanas
There are six other islands around Jambudvipa
it different distances. In the last of them; Puskara
Ivipa, there is the Manasottara mountain like a vast
ing around the Meru. Just above it, is the time wheel
ipon which the sun's chariot makes its daily rounds.
Phis chariot has but one wheel. Its hub is in con-
act with the top of the Meru mountain, as it were;
ictually its control line starts from the mouth of the
icorpion form of Sriman Narayana stationed above the
head down and tail up. Another control line
260 The Process of Creation in Dasa Sahitya
pable in the sun' s orb. Yet there are others who get
the credit, they are eleven of them, the twelfth
Sri Visnu Himself. Thus there are .twelve
Adityas. The
Sun not only gives us light to work; but he elso watches
our deeds. Therefore he is called 'Karma Saksi!
The very high meru mountain, quite broad at the
top and thin at the bottom, stands steady because, of
the support it receives from Simsumara Murti in the
form of magnetic attraction, we
may say.
It is like this,
At the foot of the Meru mountain
To the east and in other
Twenty Glamental mountains there are,
Each has a different name;
Kuranga, Kuravaka, Vaikanka, Kubumbhakadri,
- all these to the east.
Chapter -XI 261
Each one is ten thousand Yojanas high;
beasts and other creatures are there,
get ting hostilities and playing together;
*o garden trees look like decorated festival cars,
is beyond words to describe them.
East -
Jatara, Devakuta;
South -
Karavira, Kailasa;
West -
Pavana, Pariyatra;
North -
Trisrnga, Makara.
3. Jaznbudvipa;
Six by six, Jess two thousand yojanas,
Is the extent of the middle frhanda,
It goes by the name
All that is said is from authoritative texts.
East -
Jatara, Devakuta;
South -
Karavira, Kailasa;
West -
Pavana, Pariyatra;
North -
Trisrnga, Makara.
Six by six, less two
thousand yojanas,
Is the extent of the middle
It goes by the name
All that is said is from authoritative texts.
While describing
Jambudvipa, a description of
Ilavrta taken up because it is the mid
is^first point of
Jambudvipa. Its measurement is given as 6 x6-2 = 34
thousand Yojanas. It is almost a square as described
in the previous section. Its
bounding mountains bend
to some extent towards the Meru.
Meritorious deeds,
Men get opportunity to make themselves eligible for divine
Or even to reach the Abode of Eternal Happiness;
They may go to hell or to heaven;
Even for gods to get rid of the load of Jcarmas,
This is the right place
Sri jffari appears with His incarnations and shows
Bis merciful ways;
Bharata Khanda is the veritable karma Bhumi;
Divine Ganga and other rivers, holy places,
Prayaga inown as the holiest place of pilgrimage,
Are here; to carry out all Jcinds of vows, for charity,
for religious purity and for seeking knowledge,
And thus gain purity of mind, one should
This is the surest land to see Sri Hari face to face;
One can develop knowledge, detachment and devotion
By the grace of a spiritual master.
thus described
mighty task achieved by Priyavrata is
in Snmad-Bhagavatam-
"Priyavratakrtam karma konu kuryadvinesvaram,
Yo nemi nimnai rakarot cayam ghnan sapta varidhin"
"Bhu samsthanam krtam yena saridgiri vanadibhih
Simaca bhutanirvrityai dvipe dvipe vibhagasah.
IV. Plaksa and the other Islands and the Seven Seas:
Here is a description of Plaksadvipa which engir-
dles 'Lavana Samudra' (Salt-sea ocean).
"The second island is called Plaksa,
It is twice the size ofJambudvipa in breadth;
There is in it a tree of the same name,
Eleven hundred yojanas it spreads, its height the same;
The and mountains are seven in each case
Varsas, rivers
Siva, Isa, Subhadra, San tan u, Ivsazna, Amrta and
Abhaya are the seven varsas there;
Manikuta, Pavikuta, Indrasayana,
Jyotirbhanu, Dhumravarna, ffiranyagriva,
- are the mountains;
Aruna, VimaJa, Angirasa and Savitri,
Suprabha, R tambhara as well as
- these are seven rivers;
In this island, ruling over tie divisions,
Sovereigns are seven of the same names of Varsas;
Always, Sri Suryanarayana murti
They worship, being in their respective tracts,
And they pray to Vij'ayavitthaJaraya
To takie them into His Abode by maJcing them eligible through
The Plaksadvipa is two lakh yojanas in width.
In it there is a plaksa tree 1100 yojanas high and its
branches spread 1100 yojanas. The tree gives its name
to the island. Plaksadvipa has seven mountains divid-
lord of
ing the island into seven varsas. Idhmajihva,
of the seven varsas to his
Plaksadvipa, gave mlership
274 Tie Process of Creation in Dasa Sahitya
A column of Kusa grass is there, shining like gold,
Eleven hundred yojanas in height;
The island containing it is Kusadvipa,
Eight lakh yojanas in width;
It has seven varsas in it-
Sudiama, fisi
CBAra/istaj, Loiitarnata
And Vanaspati are the seven varsas;
SuiJagiri, Vardnamana, Upabarnana, t7pabnoja
Chapter - XI 277
The word 4
Puskaradvipa :
And then, with the same breadth, the sweet water ocean,
Is like a very huge wristlet, quite profound;
It is sixty four lakh yojanas wide
The limits of earth include the seven islands and seven seas;
Imagining always their shapes and extents; praise;
Sri Hari, who is in
every one of them, takes care of you,
In every one of the whorls, think of the forms of God,
It is not a wasteful
pursuit; you earn merit
The enemy of Mura, Lord of three worlds, Vijaya
Vitthala raya,
Has put all these into our bodies, look!
* * *
Chapter - XII
Introductory Remarks:
/ _
and the 'Bhugola Varnanam' in Samskrt by
* *
The Moon:
Om bhuhj Om
bhuvah, suvah,Om
Tatsavituh varenyam bhargah
School children of these days tell us that Lunar
Eclipse occurs when the earth comes between the Sun
and the moon, and Solar Eclipse takes place when the
moon comes between the earth and the sun. They even
make figures as found in their books and place before
us. Similarly the Indian Almanac framers follow the
Helio Centric Theory of modern astronomers to say
that the sun is the centre of the planetary system. They
say that the earth is a planet and do not include Rahu
Ciapter - XII 309
sun's orb or the moon's orb observed during
an may sometimes look blackish and some times
brownish. This may be varified. When the eclipsed
part looks black, it is the eclipse caused by Rihu; when
it isbrown, it is caused by Ketu. These shadows do not
affect the sun or the moon actually. Because the black
or the brown jets intercept the rays coming towards
us, it looks as though shadows have fallen on the Sun
or the Moon. Therefore it is said that Rahu or Ketu
swallows the sun or the moon. But the shadows do fall
on the earth.
The rays of the sun and the moon enter into our
nervous systems through our skins ( direct rays or their
pervasive eifects) and healthy influences on the func-
tions of our organs. At the time of an eclipse this
healthy influence is cut off; also, the evil effects caused
by Rahu or Ketu are there. Therefore, during the pe-
riod of an eclipse, if we bathe and chant mantras and
do such other things to please the gods, they will save
us from the evil effects of the eclipse. To free the sun
or the moon from the clutches of Rahu or Ketu only
means freeing ourselves from the evil effects. It is like
saying, 'Let the Lord be victorious', which means, /Let
him help us to be victorious'.
/ _
(This lotus
- form of the worlds has come up
like a lotus from the water frozen at the bottom in
Therefore, when we want to get a picture of the
worlds, we should think of a lotus or a cluster of lotus
flowers, variously arranged.
We may say that the shape of Jambudvipa is some-
what a shallow basin because, the rim of the basin,
called Jambudvipa, is high enough to prevent the light
coming from the sun, the moon and the low-lying stars
from reaching the middle parts of the island.
(ch. 113)
With judicious interpretation we can solve the
riddle created by the above descriptions. The entire
stretch of Bharata Varsa is nine thousand yojanas from
the salt-water ocean to the Himalayas forming the bor-
der between Bharata Vaxsa and Kimpurusa Varsa. The
<land area of Bharata Khanda on our side is one thou-
sand yojanas or 6000 miles from Cape Comerin to the
Arctic ocean. The most important part of Bharata
Varsa, tie BJiarata Desa, spreads, only from Cape
Comerin to the Himalayas with which we are familiar.
It is only Bharatadesa
(India) which is meant for
washing off sins and earning merit by means of sacri-
fices and penances, and to acquire spiritual
habit of detachment and devotion to god. For this
reason Srimad Bhagavatam gives a description of the
hills, rivers and holy places of only Bharata Desa and
that persons who have earned great merit get the
chance of being born in this country.
* * *
r.T.D. Religious Publications Series No S71
Printed and Published by Dr. I.V. Subba Rao. I.A.S., Executive Officer,
T.T. Devasthanams and Printed at TTD Press, Tirupati