Case Study Depression - PDF 2
Case Study Depression - PDF 2
Case Study Depression - PDF 2
ISSN: 1946-2026
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Asociación de Psicología de Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico
Jiménez Chafey, María I.; Duarté Vélez, Yovanska M.; Bernal, Guillermo
Mother-daughter interactions among depressed Puerto Rican adolescents: Two case studies in CBT
Revista Puertorriqueña de Psicología, vol. 22, 2011, pp. 46-71
Asociación de Psicología de Puerto Rico
San Juan, Puerto Rico
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Vol. 22, 2011 Psicología de Puerto Rico
This article presents two case studies of adolescents receiving
cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for depression to illustrate how
family patterns, particularly mother-daughter interactions, contribute
to the perpetuation of depressive symptoms and to treatment response.
Participants were two adolescent girls selected for this case study from
a larger sample of adolescents participating in a randomized clinical
trial on therapy for depression. Both cases required additional therapy
sessions to reduce depressive symptoms. The first case presented no
depressive symptoms at therapy termination and the second continued
to present mild symptoms although neither met criteria for Major
Depressive Disorder (MDD). During the last follow up assessment one
case presented a relapse of MDD. However, when calculating the
reliable change index individually, both cases presented significant
clinical changes.
!ote: This article was submitted for evaluation on September 2010 and accepted
for publication on January 2011.
Send all correspondence to: UPRRP - DCODE P.O. Box 23137, San Juan, Puerto
Rico 00931-3137. Email: [email protected].
Este artículo presenta dos estudios de caso de adolescentes recibiendo
Terapia Cognitivo Conductual (TCC) para la depresión para ilustrar
cómo los patrones de interacción familiar, particularmente aquellos
entre madre e hijas, contribuyen al mantenimiento de la depresión y la
respuesta a terapia. Las adolescentes fueron seleccionadas de una
muestra mayor de un ensayo clínico de TCC para la depresión en
adolescentes. Ambos casos requirieron sesiones adicionales para
reducir la sintomatología depresiva. Un caso no presentó síntomas
depresivos al terminar la terapia, mientras que el otro continuó
presentando síntomas a nivel moderado, aunque ambas estaban en
remisión de acuerdo con los criterios diagnósticos del Trastorno de
Depresión Mayor (TDM). Durante la última evaluación de
seguimiento uno de los casos presentó un episodio recurrente de TDM.
Sin embargo, al calcular el índice de cambio confiable a nivel
individual, ambos casos presentaron cambios clínicos significativos.
Two patients were selected after obtaining informed consent
from a larger sample of adolescents participating in a randomized
clinical trial on therapy for clinical depression which included two
treatment conditions: 12 sessions of CBT and a CBT plus a group
psycho-educational parent intervention (PPI). As part of a
supplemental research project to the clinical trial, additional sessions
(up to a maximum of 12) were offered to adolescents whose depression
did not remit at post-treatment to examine the optimal dose needed for
complete remission as well as characteristics associated with partial or
limited response to therapy. The patients selected were chosen because
they presented partial or limited response to therapy and there were
significant mother-daughter issues that appeared to be contributing to
the adolescent’s depression and response to therapy. Both patients were
selected from the CBT only condition to examine parent participation
in treatment without the structured PPI component.
For the purposes of this study, partial or limited response was
defined as presenting elevated symptoms of depression after a standard
12 session dose of CBT according either to self-report instruments or
clinical interviews assessing depression. Elevated depressive
symptoms were defined as scores above 19 on the Children’s
Depression Inventory which reflect depressive symptoms of moderate
severity or greater and/or reporting five or more depressive symptoms
on the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children-VI. Therapists were
doctoral level students in clinical psychology supervised by licensed
clinical psychologists. Both quantitative data from self-report
assessments and qualitative data from videotaped sessions and
progress notes were analyzed to obtain data for this study.
All patients in the project were treated using a manual-based
CBT which has demonstrated efficacy in treating depression in Puerto
Rican adolescents (Rosselló & Bernal, 1996; Rosselló & Bernal, 1999,
2005). The CBT manual sessions are divided into three major modules:
how thoughts influence mood (sessions 1-4); how daily activities
influence mood (sessions 5-8); and how interactions with other people
influence mood (sessions 9-12) (see Rosselló & Bernal, 2005).
Additional continuation sessions for adolescents with partial or limited
response to therapy were planned according to each adolescent’s needs
Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC-IV) (Shaffer,
Fisher, Lucas, Dulcan, & Schwab-Stone, 2000). Diagnoses were
established using DISC-IV which is based on criteria from the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). It is
the most recent revision of a structured interview for youth developed
initially by NIMH for epidemiological studies involving children and
adolescents. The use of the Spanish version of the DISC-IV with
clinical samples establishes it is a reliable instrument for children and
parents (Canino et al., 2004). The DISC-IV was administered pre and
post treatment, and at 3, 6, 9 and 12 month follow up assessments.
Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI) (Kovacs, 1992). The
CDI is a 27 item self-report symptom-oriented scale suitable for
children and adolescents that has been translated and adapted for use
with Puerto Rican youth. The CDI is able to differentiate mild and
severe depression (cutoffs values of 12 and 19, respectively) and its use
in Puerto Rican samples suggests high internal consistency (alpha =
0.83) and acceptable concurrent validity (Rosselló, Guisasola, Ralat,
Martínez, & Nieves, 1992). The CDI was administered at the following
times: pre-treatment, at the 3rd, 5th and, 9th session, post treatment every
two sessions of the additional treatment sessions, and at all follow up
assessments (months 3, 6, 9 and 12).
The following measures were administered pre and post
treatment, and at six and 12 month follow up assessments:
Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (DAS) (Weissman, 1979). This
scale measures dysfunctional cognitions and thought patterns of
depressed persons, elevated scores indicate greater dysfunction.
Reliability indices have ranged form 0.71 to 0.84 in U.S. samples. It
was translated and adapted for use with Puerto Rican youth yielding
reliability indices ranging between 0.80 to 0.87 (Scharron del Río &
Rosselló, 1996). A short version of 14 items that has demonstrated
adequate psychometric properties was used in this study.
Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale (PHCSCS). The
PHCSC is a self-report instrument consisting of 80 items designed to
assess what children and adolescents think about themselves, higher
scores indicate better self-concept (Piers & Harris, 1984). The scale has
The two adolescent girls selected for this case study were both
14 years old, currently in the 9th grade and had been randomized into
the CBT only condition of the clinical trial.
Lisa (a pseudonym) attended a public school and lived with her
mother, a younger brother, her pregnant older sister and husband, and
their young child. Lisa had never met her father. She had no history of
previous mental health treatment and initially presented no medical
conditions. Her psycho-social history revealed that she had spent
several years in her early childhood living with her grandmother, but
for the past few years had been living with her mother. Her older sister,
who had been living with their grandmother, had recently moved back
in with the patient and their mother. During the screening and
assessment phase of the study she met criteria for Major Depressive
Disorder (MDD), Anxiety Disorder NOS, Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder and Conduct Disorder NOS.
Carmen (as pseudonym) attended a private school and lived with
her mother, her stepfather and a younger sibling. She spent two
weekends a month with her father. Carmen had a history of
psychological and psychiatric treatment; she had been diagnosed with
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and was being treated with
medication (amphetamine). Carmen had been on an anti-depressant for
depressive symptoms, but discontinued it several weeks prior to
entering the clinical trial. During the screening and assessment phase
of the study she met criteria for MDD, ADD, Separation Anxiety
Disorder and Specific phobia.
Case 1 – Lisa
Lisa was brought to therapy by her mother who reported that she
was irritable, cried often, frequently lied, slept and ate a lot, was
receiving failing grades and had been disrespectful to her teachers. Lisa
was very dependent on her and refused to do many things if she wasn’t
present (i.e., go to the bathroom outside their home, go into a store,
sleep at night). She admitted to often feeling “suffocated” by Lisa and
having difficulty maintaining relationships with men because Lisa was
jealous and often interfered. She also reported having had to quit a
nighttime job because Lisa’s grades dropped significantly and Lisa
called her often at work. The results of Lisa’s pre-treatment evaluation
revealed that she presented depressive symptoms in the severe range
(Figure 1), as well as high suicidal ideation, dysfunctional attitudes,
and low self-esteem (Table 1). In terms of family functioning, at pre-
treatment Lisa reported low family emotional involvement and high
scores on perceived family criticism.
During the initial session, Lisa complained of irritability which
was causing interpersonal difficulties with her friends and family, and
frequent bouts of crying for no apparent reason. She was cooperative
although very cautious before answering the therapist’s questions, and
from pre-
treatment to
*Note: Scores from the 3rd to the 12th session were obtained during
the standard 12 manual-based CBT sessions, scores from the 14th to
the 22nd session were obtained during additional CBT sessions, and
scores from 3-12 months represent follow-up assessments.
Pre, post and follow-up scores on psychological and family variables
Variable Pre Post Follow-up Follow-up
(6 mon.) (12 mon.)
Case 1
Suicidal ideation (SIQ) 77 13 15 13
Self-concept (PHSCS) 6 20 24 22
Dysfunctional attitudes (DAS) 62 14 14 14
Family functioning (BFAM) 25 15 3 12
Perceived criticism (FEICS) 21 12 11 12
Emotional involvement (FEICS) 11 14 15 22
Case 2
Suicidal ideation (SIQ) 15 8 12 8
Self-concept (PHSCS) 17 15 17 16
Family functioning (BFAM) 10 14 12 10
Dysfunctional attitudes (DAS) 19 19 21 57
Perceived criticism (FEICS) 11 9 10 10
Emotional involvement (FEICS) 23 31 24 21
Case 2 – Carmen
Carmen was brought to therapy by her mother presenting the
following as chief complaints: a decrease in grades, feelings of
inadequacy and guilt, rejection by her peers and frequent fights with
mother. Carmen’s mother reported that she presented a lack of interest
in activities, negativism, hopelessness, isolation, sadness and anxiety.
The results of Carmen’s pre-treatment evaluation revealed that she
presented depressive symptoms in the severe range (Figure 1), yet
contrary to her clinical presentation in therapy, she didn’t report
dysfunctional attitudes or family dysfunction on self-report instruments
(Table 1).
example, after a heated argument with her mother over her schoolwork,
Carmen’s automatic thought was “My mother doesn’t understand me”,
which led her to feel “down” all day at school where she also had
problems with her classmates. With the therapist’s help she debated her
thoughts by telling herself that her mother was experiencing a lot of
tension at work and with the rest of the family and that her mother was
trying to understand her. She also told herself - “Even though I had an
argument with my mother, I’m not going to let it ruin the rest of my
The completion of the first module took seven sessions, instead
of the usual four, due to the severity of her negative thought patterns
and problems between Carmen and her mother. It became apparent that
a meeting with her mother was warranted at this point for Carmen to
be able to progress in therapy. During the meeting, Carmen’s mother
expressed worry over Carmen’s schoolwork and accepted that she put
a lot of pressure on Carmen to improve her grades. On a personal level,
Carmen’s mother recognized that she was experiencing a lot of tension
at her work, often felt depressed and unable to understand and manage
her daughter’s depression (Tarullo, DeMulder, Martínez, & Radke-
Yarrow, 1994). She reported having little patience to deal with Carmen
and had been aggressive verbally and on occasion, physically. The
therapist used this meeting to counsel Carmen’s mother on having
more realistic expectations of her daughter’s grades, on how to manage
her depression in a more sensitive manner, and be more accepting of
her strengths and weaknesses. In addition, the therapist identified some
of the mother’s behavior as abusive and worked on providing her
information on Carmen’s emotional needs and more appropriate
alternatives to disciplining Carmen. Also, the therapist recommended
that the mother seek professional help to manage her own depressive
During the following session Carmen reported having a heated
argument with her mother over schoolwork and on this occasion
managed her feelings by writing a letter in which marked feelings of
hopelessness and of wanting to die were apparent. Suicide risk was
assessed and determined to be minimal since she presented no
intention or plan to harm herself. A suicide prevention protocol was
activated and included establishing both a plan of action for times
when she felt very hopeless, and a prevention plan in which her mother
participated. Strategies for communicating Carmen’s need for personal
space to relax and distance herself from her mother were mutually
agreed upon. Nonetheless, writing a letter to express her feeling was a
significant accomplishment for Carmen, since she dealt with her
feelings without having an outburst or hurting herself.
In the following activities module, therapy focused on
increasing Carmen’s pleasant activities and helping her organize her
time better, as well as learning to set realistic goals. Carmen’s self-
concept began to improve which became apparent in her personal
grooming and verbalizations during therapy. She increased her
pleasant activities, even including a friend in several activities. In the
interpersonal module, Carmen acquired assertiveness skills that
helped her feel more confident and comfortable with herself,
particularly when interacting with her peers. However, her most
conflicted relationship continued to be with her mother.
Upon termination of the standard 12 sessions of the manual-
based CBT, Carmen continued to present symptoms of depression
(Figure 1) and still met criteria for MDD on post-treatment evaluations
using the DISC-IV so she was invited to participate in the
supplemental study to receive additional sessions. The additional
sessions focused on improving mother-daughter interactions using
skills acquired during therapy, particularly by focusing on Carmen’s
thoughts and behaviors during these interactions.
During negative interactions with her mother Carmen often
thought, “If I say something, it won’t make a difference”, and her
corresponding behavior would be to remain silent and feel sad which
in turn, would reinforce the cycle of negative interactions with her
mother (Sheeber et al., 2000). Role playing exercises using concrete
examples of interactions with her mother were used to increase
Carmen’s assertive communication skills. Some of the role playing
exercises included identifying pleasant activities Carmen could
participate in with her mother and practice asking her mother to do
them with her.
Carmen had the opportunity to practice assertiveness with her
mother during a joint session. She told her mother how she felt during
their fights and when her mother put her down. Carmen also expressed
her desire to spend more time with her mother and improve their
relationship. These were significant accomplishments for Carmen
given her previous difficulty in expressing her needs and her tendency
to adopt a passive communication style. During the final sessions,
The case studies of two girls in early adolescence receiving
treatment for depression illustrates how mother-daughter interactions
can contribute to the maintenance of depressive symptoms and to
response to therapy. Both cases required additional therapy sessions to
reduce depressive symptoms. The first case presented no depressive
symptoms at therapy termination and the second continued to present
mild symptoms although neither met criteria for MDD according to the
DISC-IV. During the third follow-up assessment (nine months) both
presented an increase in depressive symptoms into the moderate range.
Even though at the final 12 month follow up assessment Carmen’s
depressive symptoms decreased slightly, she still met diagnostic
criteria for MDD. Alternatively, Lisa presented no depressive
symptoms and did not meet criteria for MDD. Further analyses of the
response in both cases was conducted calculating the clinically
significant changes using the mean of the total sample of the clinical
trial from which both adolescents participated and a community
sample of female adolescents; a score of 16 or greater on the CDI was
revealed to represent symptoms in the clinical range (Rivera-Medina &
Bernal, 2008). Thus, Lisa’s scores on the CDI at the last two follow ups
were in the non-clinical range and Carmen’s scores were at the clinical
range. However, when calculating the reliable change index
individually, both cases presented significant clinical changes when
their last CDI scores were compared with their pre-treatment scores
(Rivera-Medina & Bernal, 2008). These results suggest that although
Carmen presented depressive symptoms which put her at risk of an
MDD relapse, her symptoms at the end of treatment were markedly
reduced when compared to those at pre-treatment. Overall, the results
suggest that CBT provided the adolescents with strategies to manage
their moods and improve interactions with their mothers. However, it
appears that mother-daughter interactions could have continued to
exert a significant influence on their mood even after therapy which
suggests that additional or alternate interventions should be
Booster sessions have been found to accelerate the recovery of
non-responders to CBT (Clarke, Rohde, Lewinsohn, Hops, & Seeley,
1999) and might have helped improve response in these cases after
therapy termination. Also, the use of antidepressants for adolescent
depression is being extensively researched during the last decade and
appears to be an effective alternative for improving treatment
outcomes (TADS Team, 2004). Studies have found that the
combination of antidepressant medication and CBT has been shown to
have greater effect sizes on treatment outcome than therapy alone
(Hollon, Stewart, & Strunk, 2006; TADS Team, 2004). However, there
are mixed results regarding the efficacy of antidepressants versus CBT
on treatment outcome for depression (Butler, Chapman, Forman, &
Beck, 2006; Melvin, Tonge, King, Heyne, Gordon, & Klimkeit, 2006)
but most studies suggest that for moderate to severe depression usually
a combination of both is the best treatment to prevent relapses (Hollon
et al, 2006; Hollon et al., 2005).
In Lisa’s case, it appears that her difficulty in managing the
central developmental task of adolescence of individuation contributed
to the development of depressive symptoms possibly by way of low
self-esteem and dysfunctional thoughts (Allen et al., 2006). In turn, her
mother’s reaction to her depression (distancing herself, decreasing
emotional support), reinforced Lisa’s negative thoughts. Her
depressive symptoms would then worsened causing her to display even
more dependent and attention seeking behaviors which made her
mother further distance herself, thus, creating a negative interaction
very important for therapists who work with ethnic minority youth in
order to respect cultural family values and foster healthy child
development without compromising one or the other (Bernal et al.,
2006; Cardemil & Battle, 2003; Domenech-Rodríguez & Weiling,
In light of the higher prevalence of depression in Latina
adolescents (Eaton et al., 2006) it is important to further examine
variables related to treatment response, as well as risk and protective
factors of depression, particularly family factors which the literature
has suggested are particularly relevant with this population. In both
cases in this study, the interaction between the adolescent’s thoughts,
behaviors and feelings is clearly illustrated and improvements in
mood were observed with CBT. Prior to therapy initiation, both cases
presented negative family interactions, particularly with in the mother-
daughter relationship. For both adolescents, CBT appeared to help
achieve substantial therapeutic gains on an individual level. However
in terms of the family system, in Lisa’s case the family was more able
to make and maintain changes than that of Carmen. Assessing family
functioning and values is essential when designing treatment plans
with adolescents, particularly for Latino/a adolescents. Interventions
that target the family system can improve outcomes and prevent
relapses with this population.
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