Walter Benjamin's Theory of Allegory
Walter Benjamin's Theory of Allegory
Walter Benjamin's Theory of Allegory
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16. DisciplesofAdomrno,
mostnotablyRolfTiedemann inStudien zurPhilosophieWalter
Benjamins(Frankfurt am Main, 1965),pp. 3-53,have tendedeitherto misrepresent his
thought accordingto theHegelian-Marxistdialecticor to faultit forlackingthisdialectic.
LiselotteWiesenthalin Zur Wissenschaftstheorie
WalterBenjamins(Frankfurt am Main,
1973),pp. 179-206,has attempted to correctan overbalanced Hegelianapproachby de-
velopingBenjamin'sreferencesto Leibnizandotherphilosophers intheWestern tradition.
18. Walter Benjamin, Charles Baudelaire: A Lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism,
trans. Harry Zohn (London, 1973), p. 100 (hereaftercited as CB).