Flow Simulation and Efficiency Hill Chart Prediction For A Propeller Turbine
Flow Simulation and Efficiency Hill Chart Prediction For A Propeller Turbine
Flow Simulation and Efficiency Hill Chart Prediction For A Propeller Turbine
Flow simulation and efficiency hill chart prediction for a Propeller turbine
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Abstract. In the present paper, we focus on the flow computation of a low head Propeller turbine
at a wide range of design and off-design operating conditions. First, we will present the results on
the efficiency hill chart prediction of the Propeller turbine and discuss the consequences of using
non-homologous blade geometries for the CFD simulation. The flow characteristics of the entire
turbine will be also investigated and compared with experimental data at different measurement
planes. Two operating conditions are selected, the first one at the best efficiency point and the
second one at part load condition. At the same time, for the same selected operating points, the
numerical results for the entire turbine simulation will be compared with flow simulation with our
standard stage calculation approach which includes only guide vane, runner and draft tube
1. Introduction
Due to the growing demand for hydro-electric energy production, the requirements on low-head hydraulic
turbines are changing. The need for increased power output and annual energy production of modernized and new
power plants often involve the extension of the operating region of the turbines towards both full load and part load
conditions. In these off-design operating regions, the flow in the turbine is characterized most of the time by time-
dependent hydraulic phenomena, which are difficult to be simulated accurately by steady state flow computation. In a
low head water turbine, the draft tube has to convert a high amount of kinetic energy of the flow leaving the runner
which leads to a high energy loss in comparison with others turbine components. The highly swirling and
decelerating flow in the draft tube makes the flow simulation of this component very difficult. Therefore performing
flow simulation and predicting the efficiency of a low head water turbine for the whole range of operating conditions
is a challenging task.
Andritz Hydro participates in the Consortium of Hydraulic Machines at the ‘Laboratoire de Machines
Hydrauliques (LAMH)’ of Laval University in Québec, Canada. This research consortium aims at the creation of a
comprehensive database of flow measurements in low-head water turbines for a wide range of operating conditions.
In the first research project of the consortium, CRD AxialT, the flow in a propeller turbine model has been
investigated in detail by model measurements on the university test rig [1]. Figure 1 and Figure 2 show various
locations of flow measurement in different operating points using different measurement techniques. These state-of-
the-art techniques for measuring the flow in a hydraulic turbine have been developed and applied by the university
[2], [3], [4], [5]. For the project partners, the huge set of steady and unsteady flow measurements in a low-head
turbine model is a very valuable database to increase their knowledge of the flow phenomena in this type of turbines
and to validate and improve their numerical flow simulation tools.
The AxialT turbine has a semi-spiral casing with two intake channels, 24 stay vanes, 24 guide vanes and a 6-
bladed Propeller runner. The draft tube has a short cone, an unsymmetrical elbow and one pier. Special attention has
been paid to the blade geometries of the old runner model. All 6 blades of the model were individually measured. As
described by Nicolle et al. [6], the blade shapes of the AxialT model runner slightly differ from each other. The
influence of these small differences in runner blade geometry could have an impact on the result of the numerical
flow analysis. As the experimental results are obtained with a runner model with 6 different blade geometries, we
should perform the CFD simulation with a set of meshes representing the runner with all six different blade
c 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd 1
25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 12 (2010) 012040 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/12/1/012040
geometries. A simple approach which allows us to take into account all the 6 different blade geometries is to average
them all and create new average blade geometry.
In the present paper we focus on the steady state flow computation. First, we will present the results on the
efficiency hill chart prediction of the entire AxialT turbine using the average blade geometry and a discussion on the
consequence of using different blade geometries for the CFD simulation. Secondly, the flow characteristics of the
entire turbine will be investigated and compared with experimental data at different measurement planes. Two
operating conditions are selected, OP3 near the best efficiency point and OP1 at part load condition. At the same time,
for the same selected operating points, OP1 and OP3, the numerical results for the entire turbine simulation will be
compared with flow simulation with our standard stage approach which includes only guide vane, runner and draft
tube geometries.
Fig. 3 Contour of geometry deviation of individual blade compared to the main average blade geometry
2. Problem setup
2.1 AxialT runner blade geometry
The geometry of the propeller model runner was measured by IREQ-Hydro Quebec. For more detailed
information, please see [6]. Using our own runner blade geometry design tool, we have created new blade
geometry by averaging the 6 individual blade geometries. Figure 3 shows the geometry deviation of each
individual blade compared to the main averaged blade. The scale varies from -0.5% to +0.5% of the throat
diameter. The average deviation of all blades is about 0.3%. The most deviated one is the blade #1 with a
maximum value of -0.5% at the blade leading edge. For the model throat diameter of 380mm, this deviation
25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 12 (2010) 012040 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/12/1/012040
corresponds to -1.9mm. The blades #3 and #4 have the least deviation of about 0.15 % which takes place at the
leading and trailing edge regions. According to IEC code which allows a maximum of ±0.1% deviation [8], we
could not use any geometry among the six blades to simulate accurately the AxialT turbine flow behavior. Beside
the variation on the blade geometry, the six blades have different tip clearances with the shroud. The tip
clearance varies from 0.03% to 0.12% of the throat diameter. We keep an average blade tip clearance of 0.07%
for all flow simulations in this paper.
2.2 CFD setting for coupled steady-state simulations of entire AxialT propeller turbine model
The computational flow domain for CFD simulation in the entire AxialT turbine model, as shown in Fig. 4,
comprises the semi-spiral casing, the stay vanes, one guide vane, one runner blade and the draft tube. Grid
generation for the spiral casing and stay vanes was made with the commercial grid generator ANSYS ICEM-
CFD providing tetrahedral elements with prism layers resolving the boundary layer near the walls. For other
components of the turbine, guide vane, runner and draft tube, the grid generation was made with in-house
automatic mesh generators providing H- and O-type hexahedral meshes. The guide vane is over-hanging from 20
degree opening to the maximum opening at full load. The gap configurations due to over-hanging guide vane
and the runner tip clearance are taken care of by the mesh generator. Only one guide vane and one runner blade
channel are generated for the computation. The complete computational grid of the entire propeller turbine
simulations contains about 4×106 nodes. The generated meshes are intended to be used with k-epsilon turbulence
model which requires a y+ value varying from 30 to 100 for the first node near solid wall. Meshes for the casing
and draft tube have a minimum angle about 10 degrees while meshes for the guide vane and runner have a
minimum angle about 5 degrees and a high grid aspect ratio due to the presence of gap of the runner and of the
overhang guide vane. The CFD simulation for efficiency hill chart prediction uses our standard stage approach
which includes only guide vane, runner and draft tube geometries (Fig. 5). In such case, the inlet region of the guide
vane channel is not at the usual stay vane – guide vane interface, but it is placed further upstream allowing a uniform
incoming flow from the inlet to fully develop. For the sake of simplicity, we call this standard set up Stage2 because
there are 2 stage interfaces, Guide vane – Runner and Runner – Draft tube, used in this computation.
The commercial flow solver ANSYS CFX v12.1 is used for performing the flow analysis. Steady-state time-
discretization with a constant pseudo-time step and the so called ‘high-resolution’ space-discretization (mostly
2nd-order-accurate) has been applied. Turbulence is modeled by the standard k-ε model. The connections
between different sub-domains – from casing to guide vanes, from guide vane to runner and from runner to draft
tube – have been modeled by circumferential-averaging stage-interfaces. Two operating points at rated net head
have been analyzed with these entire turbine simulations: OP 1 in part load and OP3 near best-efficiency point,
see Fig. 2. The flow rate measured in the model test has been specified at the inlet normal to the boundary
surface. Averaged static pressure has been set at the outlet boundary at the end of the draft tube extension box. In
this setting, the head, the hydraulic power at the rotating runner and so the calculated hydraulic efficiency result
from the simulation
Fig. 4 Computational flow domain Fig. 5 Computational flow domain Fig. 6 Measurement plane
for full turbine simulation for Stage 2 simulation locations near the runner
25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 12 (2010) 012040 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/12/1/012040
Fig. 7 AxialT turbine efficiency with different blade Fig. 8 Head losses of individual components with
runner geometries different blade runner geometries
25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 12 (2010) 012040 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/12/1/012040
The head loss of the entire turbine can be broken into head losses of individual components as shown in Fig.
8 for the whole range of the turbine operating conditions. It indicates clearly that the shape of the efficiency hill
chart of a low head turbine is governed by the performance curve of the draft tube. While the runner loss varies
smoothly over the wide range of operating condition, the head loss of the draft tube varies sharply near the BEP.
We can find that the position of the lowest energy loss in the draft tube corresponds with the location of the BEP
of the turbine as shown in Fig. 7. The location of the lowest draft tube loss associated with the Blade #1 runner is
also shifted 4% to the left compared to the lowest draft tube loss associated with the average blade runner. The
head loss of the blade #1 runner is overall slightly smaller then the one of the average blade runner. This explains
the higher efficiency of the blade #1 runner. The loss of the casing-stay vane assembly, which is similar for all
blade runner geometries, increases with the flow rate Q11. On the contrary, the guide vane head loss decreases
with flow rate Q11 due to a small flow passage between the guide vanes at part load condition. The guide vane
loss is quite similar for all blade runner geometries and it is shown here only for the average blade computation.
4.1 Results and discussion for operating point OP1 at part load (α = 25°)
At the STV-GV interface (Fig. 9), the velocity profiles from the two flow simulations are plotted in order to
verify if the imposed uniform flow at the inlet for the Stage2 calculation is valid. A good correlation is obtained
for the radial component distribution suggesting that the position of guide vane inlet of the Stage2 simulation is
Fig. 9 Axial and tangential velocity profiles at Fig. 10 Axial and tangential velocity profiles at the
the STV-GV interface – OP1 GV-RN interface Plane 3 – OP1
25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 12 (2010) 012040 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/12/1/012040
Fig. 11 Axial and tangential velocity profiles at Fig. 12 Axial and tangential velocity profiles under
the DT inlet Plane 5a – OP1 the hub Plane 5b – OP1
25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 12 (2010) 012040 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/12/1/012040
5c plane. Figure 14 shows the distribution of the turbulence intensity at the plane 5c. The numerical results from
both flow simulations are about 40% of the experimental data.
Finally, the velocity contours at the draft tube outlet obtained with both simulations are very similar and compare
well with the experimental velocity contour (Fig. 15 and 16). The measured mass flow distribution for the two
draft tube channels is 23.1% and 79%. We obtain a distribution of about 22% - 78% for the full turbine and
21.5% - 78.5 % for the Stage2 simulation.
4.2 Results and discussion for operating point OP3 near BEP (α = 33°)
At the STV-GV interface for the operating point OP3 (Fig. 17), we find the same similarity as observed for
the operating point OP1. Figure 18 shows the predicted axial and tangential velocity profiles at the GV-RN
interface. While both simulations are very close to the measured axial velocity profile, neither simulation
predicts with precision the measured tangential velocity profile. The full turbine solution under-predicts while
the Stage2 over-predicts.
The velocity profiles at the 5a plane (Fig. 19) show that the full turbine simulation is a better predictor of
both the axial and tangential measured velocity profiles than the Stage2 simulation. The Stage2 solution under
predicts the tangential velocity profile near the draft tube wall. The same tangential velocity defect is observed
for the planes 5b and 5c as shown in Fig. 20 and 21. At the same planes 5b and 5c, the full turbine velocity
profiles match up well with the measured velocity profiles near the draft tube wall while it is rather the Stage2
simulation that seems to be better at predicting the velocity profiles near the hub region. One noteworthy
difference between the two simulations is the inability for the full turbine simulation to predict the “surge” in
tangential velocity near the center (at about r=0.02-0.03 m), which the Stage2 simulation has no trouble catching.
Also, the full turbine simulation predicts a large area of flow recirculation directly under the hub (Fig. 20), which
we found surprising because of the measurement plane’s proximity to the hub. Figure 22 shows the distribution
of the turbulence intensity at the plane 5c for the OP3 condition near the BEP. It is surprising to see that the
turbulence intensity profile obtained from the full turbine computation is several times smaller compared to the
experimental data and the result from Stage2 simulation. This could explain the different results from the two
simulations at the hub region.
Fig. 17 Axial and tangential velocity profiles at the Fig. 18 Axial and tangential velocity profiles at
STV-GV interface – OP3 the GV-RN interface Plane 3 – OP3
25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 12 (2010) 012040 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/12/1/012040
Fig. 19 Axial and tangential velocity profiles at the Fig. 20 Axial and tangential velocity profiles –
DT Inlet Plane 5a – OP3 Plane 5b – OP3
Figures 23 and 24 show a comparison of the velocity contours at the draft tube outlet. The measured mass
flow distribution for the two draft tube channels is 38.1% and 52.8%. The values are the percentage of mass flow
in one channel (measured and integrated from LDV data) compared to total mass flow measured on test rig.
Since LDV measurements did not cover the full cross-section, the sum of both values is not 100%. While the two
types of simulation are moderately close in terms of mass flow distribution, about 36% - 64% for the full turbine
and 32% - 68 % for the Stage2, the flow pattern show little similitude between the 2 flow simulations and the
experimental data.
25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 12 (2010) 012040 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/12/1/012040
4. Conclusion
In the present paper, we have presented flow simulations of a low head Propeller turbine at various design
and off-design conditions. We have demonstrated that creating an average blade runner to represent a model
runner with different geometry variation is a valid and simple approach allowing us to predict correctly the
efficiency hill chart of this particular runner and we have shown the consequence of geometry deviation on the
efficiency hill chart prediction. It is crucial to model the correct geometry, even small deviations in runner blade
geometry could lead to inaccurate results (e.g. when taking blade 1 instead of the averaged blade). Obviously, we
will perform comparative CFD simulations with a computational domain including 6 different blade geometries
for further validation. Also, we have performed comparative simulations with the full turbine and Stage2 flow
domains. Both computations give relatively similar results, but the difference found in the draft tube flow prediction
in OP3 has to be investigated. One of the possible reasons is the difference in the turbulence intensity level developed
at the runner outlet which leads to different results in the velocity profile below the hub.
The steady state CFD analysis shows reliable results for the analysis of global turbine characteristics for a range of -
25% to +15% of the flow rate from the BEP, as demonstrated in our efficiency hill chart prediction, given that the
appropriate geometry is used. However, details of flow patterns (e.g. swirl and backflow in hub wake) are not exactly
predicted. In such case, an unsteady simulation is necessary, especially in the draft tube, where time-dependent flow
phenomena with different timescales exist, which has major impact on the performance of low head water turbines.
However, results of these investigations will be presented in a subsequent publication.
The authors would like to thank the participants on the Consortium on Hydraulic Machines for their support
and contribution to this research project: Alstom Hydro Canada Inc., Andritz Hydro, Edelca, Hydro-Quebec,
Laval University, NRCan, Voith Hydro Inc. Our gratitude goes as well to the Canadian Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council who provided funding for this research. A special thanks to IREQ – Hydro
Quebec having provided us the AxialT geometry in a requested specific format. The in-house automatic mesh
generators for distributor, runner and draft tube are from the project Gmath, a collaborative R&D project
between École Polytechnique de Montréal and Andritz Hydro Ltd.
25th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 12 (2010) 012040 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/12/1/012040
Aref Area of draft tube outlet section [m ] Q Flow rate [m3/s]
BEP Best efficiency point Q11 Unit flow rate Q11 = Q/D2H0.5
cx Horizontal velocity component in direction of Ox r Radius [m]
[m/s] RN Runner
cref Reference velocity at DT outlet cref = Q/Aref [m/s] STV Stay vanes
CS Spiral casing vr Radial velocity component [m/s]
D Throat diameter of the turbine [m] va Axial velocity component [m/s]
DT Draft tube vt Circumferential velocity component [m/s]
GV Guide vanes w Axial velocity component [m/s]
n11 Unit speed n11 = nD/H0.5 α Guide vane opening angle [°]
OP Operating point η Hydraulic efficiency
Ox Horizontal reference axis pointing towards tail ref Index referring to the operating point near
water best-efficiency point
Oz Vertical reference axis, turbine axis
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