Distal Extension Mandibular Removable Partial Dent
Distal Extension Mandibular Removable Partial Dent
Distal Extension Mandibular Removable Partial Dent
Case Report
Distal extension mandibular removable partial
denture with implant support
Canan Bural1, Begum Buzbas1, Sebnem Ozatik1, Gulsen Bayraktar1, Yusuf Emes2
Department of Prosthodontics, Istanbul University
Faculty of Dentistry, Istanbul, Turkiye,
Correspondence: Dr. Canan Bural 2
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Istanbul
Email: [email protected] University Faculty of Dentistry, Istanbul, Turkiye
This case report describes the fabrication of a distal extension removable partial denture (RPD) of a 65‑year‑old man with
implant support. Loss of fibroelasticity of the peripheral tissues and reduced mandibular vestibular sulcular depth due to a
previous surgical resection and radiotherapy at the right side were the main clinical factors that created difficulty for denture
retention and stability. The fabrication of a mandibular RPD supported by anterior teeth and two bilaterally placed implants
in the molar area to convert from Kennedy Class 1 design to Kennedy Class 3 implant‑bounded RPD is reported. Retention
and stability of the denture were improved with implant support on the distal extension site of the RPD. The common clinical
problems about distally extended RPDs are lack of retention and stability due to the movement around the rotational axis. Dental
implant placement to the distal edentulous site minimizes the potential dislodgement of the RPD is popular. Implant‑supported
RPD can be suggested as an advantageous and cost‑effective treatment option for the partially edentulous patients.
Key words: Dental implant, distal-extension removable partial denture, implant‑supported removable partial denture,
Kennedy Class I partial edentulous, locator attachment
Placing bilateral single dental implants in the molar There are different types of connection between the
area of the residual alveolar ridges is becoming a implants and the acrylic base of the RPD, such as
popular treatment choice while implants would implant cover screws, stress‑breaking attachments,
effectively change the Kennedy Class 1 situation to a and healing caps.[1‑9,12] Ball, locator or ERA attachments
more favorable implant‑supported Kennedy Class 3 are the different types of stress-breaking attachments
configuration.[2,4,5,7‑9] The retention and stability of that have been applied to the implants in previous
the dentures are being improved with placing the studies and some case reports.[1-6,8-14] In addition,
implants bilaterally.[1,2,4] Moreover, implant support
decreases the resorption of the alveolar ridges and This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the
Access this article online author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
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DOI: 10.4103/1305-7456.195180
a b c
A 65‑year‑old, both maxillary and mandibular partially Figure 1: Extraoral view before prosthetic treatment (a). Scar tissue and
loss of fibroelasticity at the right buccal shelf area due to the surgical
edentulous, male was referred to the Department of tumor resection and radiotherapy (b). No indication of abnormality
Prosthetic Dentistry, Istanbul University, Faculty on the left sight (c)
of Dentistry. The patient’s chief complaints were
reduced function and unaesthetic appearance because
of missing teeth and the lack of retention and stability
with his previous RPD.
on the right and left sides [Figure 4]. Primary closure made using a zinc oxide eugenol material (SS White,
was obtained in both operation sites. Prophylactic C/O Prima Dental Group, Gloucester, England). For the
antibiotics and nonsteroidal anti‑inflammatory mandible, the locator abutments (H 3 mm, coated Ti alloy,
drugs were prescribed. Sutures were removed on Straumann AG, Basel, Switzerland) were torqued to the
the 7th postoperative day. At the end of 3 months, implants with a 25 N/cm [Figure 7]. For the mandibular
the osseointegration of the implants was checked on impression, impression copings were attached to the
the panoramic radiograph [Figure 5]. The healing of locator abutments. Cingulum rest seats were prepared
the mandibular distal edentulous sites seemed to be on the mesial site of the mandibular right canine and
normal and gingival formers were placed [Figure 6]. between the mandibular first and second lateral incisors.
At this stage, two maxillary teeth were also extracted After that, the final impression of the mandible was made
before the initiation of the prosthodontic therapy. using an addition silicone impression material (Dentasil
A, DENTAC, Senden, Germany). Locator analogs were
Preliminary impressions were made using an alginate attached to the impression copings [Figure 8] and the
impression material (Italgin Chromatic Alginate, BMS impression was poured [Figure 9].
Dental, Capannoli, Italy) and individual impression
trays for both maxilla and mandible were fabricated RPD framework was designed on the mandibular cast
using autopolymerizing acrylic resin. After border with T‑bar clasps on the terminal abutment teeth and
molding on the maxillary tray, the final impression was
a b
Figure 4: Implant surgery on the right (a) and left (b) first molar area Figure 5: Panoramic X-ray view. Osseointegration of the implants at
the postoperative 3rd month
a b
Figure 6: Intraoral view of implant site at the postoperative 3rd month. a b
(a) right side (b) left side Figure 7: Locator abutments connected to the implants (a) right side
(b) left side
a lingual plate as a major connector. The cingulum and simplicity of the RPD system, with reducing
rests were fabricated on the rest seats [Figure 10]. the drawbacks of invasive attempt and cost of the
The framework at the implant abutment region was implants more than two.[3] In this case report, Kennedy
designed circular around the abutment, and the Class 1 partial edentulousness was changed to an
distance between the abutment and the framework implant‑bounded Kennedy Class 3 configuration.
was approximately 2 mm so as to support the denture
base acrylic resin [Figure 11]. The RPD was cast using The clinical factors (reduced fibroelasticity of the
a chromium‑cobalt casting alloy (DFS, Ländenstrabe, peripheral soft tissues, buccal scar tissue with a
Riedenburg, Germany). reduced sulcus depth of the right buccal area) that
may negatively affect the denture’s retention and
Artificial teeth (NT Optima, Toros Dental, Antalya, stability are the indication of an implant‑bounded
Turkey) setup was completed and tried in the mouth. RPD. These problems can be clinically resolved
The maxillary complete denture and mandibular RPDs with a single implant on the distal edentulous
were delivered to the patient Locator abutment matrix sites that also improve the biomechanics of the
and black processing nylon insert were connected to prosthesis. [1,3,4] Previous results suggest that by
the mandibular RPD using autopolymerizing acrylic placing an implant to the distal extension site of the
resin (Self‑cure acrylic, IMICRYL, Istanbul, Turkey). RPD, enhancement of distribution of the occlusal
After polymerization, the denture was removed and forces, movement of the posterior rotational axis to
the pink locator attachments were fitted [Figure 12]. a distal position, shortening of the distal extension
After delivery, the patient was recalled weekly for of the RPD, and reducing potential rotational
4 weeks [Figure 13]. The patient was satisfied with movement of the RPD can be improved.[3,15] The
the function of his dentures as well as the improved tissueward and the opposite movement of the RPD
esthetics [Figure 14].
Bounding of the RPD with implants is a treatment
option which combines the advantages of the implants
a b
Figure 12: Maxillary complete denture (a) and mandibular implant-
supported removable partial denture with locator attachments in the
intaglio surface (b) Figure 13: Intraoral view 4 weeks after delivery
a b c
Figure 14: Extraoral view after prosthetic treatment (a). Right (b) and left side (c)