Mobile Orchestra Perfect
Mobile Orchestra Perfect
Mobile Orchestra Perfect
Murugesan 1
To My daughter Contents
who is my first reader and critic influencing me in a Building........... .......................................................................5
different way Echoes.....................................................................................5
A book from Enquiries..................................................................................5
Briefs.................................................................................... 6
Haiku............................................................ 7
Power shutdown............................................................ 7
Money................................................................................... 8
English Titles Sand...................................................................................... 9
© 2010 by M.S.P.Murugesan How tall you are?.................................................................9
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any Mother................................................................................... 9
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including Calculations ............................................................ 10
photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and Fingering Language....................................................... 11
retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher Am I born?....................................................... ..... 11
Violaters warned that they has to face rigid legal actions My name is not London....................................................12
Bibliographical Data Match box Symphony........................................................13
Title : Mobile Orchestra A cargo of worries....................................................... 14
The flame of a lamp........................................................ 16
Author : M.S.P.Murugesan
Copyright : Author Intermission for enlightenment.............................. 19
Subject : Poetry collection Freedom’s end......................................................................20
Size : Demy Where the wind has gone?..............................................21
Teeth problem........................................................... 22
Pages : 48
Wise will rise.......................................................................22
Print Point :12 Point
Where the wind has gone?..............................................23
Type set : Ozone Multimedia Facts........................................................................................24
Edition : First Edition September2010 Fidelity Check post............................................................24
Wrapper : Sai Ads, Chennai-21 They view the same mirror..............................................25
Questions and answers.....................................................25
Printers : K.V.S.Offset Printers , Chennai-600014 A wick left on a Candle ..................................................26
Bind : Ordinary The brief happy notes on beauty......... ...........26
Publishers : English Titles, Chennai-92 What it is to be a so and so?.............................. 27
8 Mobile orchestra M.S.P.Murugesan 5
Said. Follows.
“Caste?” Ends.
Replied. Longing
“Language?” begins
Answered. for more
Interrogator turned briefs.
The gunners Haiku
“Shoot him down No.No.
He is Limitation
Tamil, Suffocates
Don’t worry Final
none will Knot
question; Fabricates.
A dog too Art
wouldn’t Suffers.
bark Opinion
Not those Power shutdown
you imagine No problem
But those for
Lips which weaver bird;
make sounds. which fixes
very brief fireflies
when close for
A silence indoor
occurs lighting.
Eyes meet
Silence ends.
12 Mobile orchestra M.S.P.Murugesan 9
Smiles ignite
A wick left on a Candle Poses workout
The black sigh left out Beds wait
by the charred wick Curtains fall
remembering the last flame Fights result.
of the candle gone liquid; Doesn’t matter.
like a smoke image The result is good
merges in atmosphere. the brief happiness nods.
So what?
The grave pit of
the liquid wax What it is to be a so and so?
rejoices over The mystery of a dog
the space where found always lying behind
light lived the haystack
and the sleepless
Billionaires found lying
After a wave’s onrush behind the iron safe make
As dresses got wet A laughable show,
anklets glisten in private and public
over water mirror by those who don’t
All egos go flat earn a penny or
and women’s eyes raise up dog
reflect the shrunken delight or a haystack;
A sea shore evening If they do,
becomes a joyful woman; they would realize
it adds some more glow What it is to be
when moon rises up a so and so
Success entice
It Advertisements
smiles; Shout
When Media
She Overloads
finishes Surrounding
painting hustles
her bustle
little Love
tow nags
finger, Enemies
with aim
nail polish Universe
by biting Expect
her tongue Focus?
prettily. Pity
And Man
gleam Spotlight
when Teaches.
someone How to
noticing darken
it all sides
admiringly. To
Success Brighten
has Only one
Mobile Orchestra
In DecemberWeather,
goes mobile;
46 Mobile orchestra M.S.P.Murugesan 47