Joint Arrangements: Quiz 1
Joint Arrangements: Quiz 1
Joint Arrangements: Quiz 1
Chapter 6
Joint Arrangements
3. A joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement
have rights to the net assets of the arrangement.
a. joint operation c. joint arrangement
b. joint venture d. elbow joint
4. A joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement
have rights to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities, relating to the
a. joint operation c. joint arrangement
b. joint venture d. elbow joint
5. A party to a joint operation that has joint control of that joint operation.
a. joint operationist c. joint arranger
b. joint venturer d. joint operator
6. A party to a joint venture that has joint control of that joint venture.
a. joint venturist c. joint arrangementor
b. joint operationer d. joint venturer
9. In a joint arrangement, which of the following establishes joint control by the parties?
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10. A joint arrangement in which the assets and liabilities relating to the arrangement are
held in a separate vehicle.
a. joint operation c. joint arrangement
b. joint venture d. can be either a or b
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1. How much is the profit or loss after salaries but before bonus of the joint operation?
a. 192 b. 240 c. 360 d. 420
The joint operation was completed at the end of the year. Each joint operator is entitled
to a 10% commission on its purchases and a 20% commission on its sales. Any
remaining profit or loss is divided equally.
A and B formed a joint operation. The following were the transactions during the year:
Total purchases 400 320
Total sales 480 240
Expenses paid 800
Other income 40
The joint operation was completed at the end of the year. Each joint operator is entitled
to a 10% commission on its purchases and a 20% commission on its sales. Any
remaining profit or loss is divided equally.
7. A, B, and C formed a joint operation which was completed during the year. A is the
appointed manager who will be entitled to a 10% bonus of profit before bonus. Profit
or loss after bonus to A is divided equally among the joint operators. The accounts of
B and C show the following balances:
Books of
B Books of C
Account with A 16 Cr. 16 Cr.
Account with B 48 Cr.
Account with C 56 Dr.
8. A, B, and C formed a joint operation which was completed during the year. The
accounts of the joint operators show the following balances:
9. A, B, and C formed a joint operation. Profit or loss shall be divided equally. The
following were taken from the joint operation’s books:
Debit t
JO – Cash 80
Joint operation 20
B, Capital 60
C, Capital 40
A’s share in the joint operation’s profit is ₱16. A agreed to be charged for the unsold
merchandise as of year-end. How much is the cost of unsold merchandise charged to
a. 56 b. 62 c. 68 d. 72
10. A, B, and C formed a joint operation. The following were taken from the joint
operation’s books:
Debit Credit
JO – Cash 80
B, Capital 60
C, Capital 88
The cost of unsold inventory is ₱72. The joint operation’s profit is ₱44. How much is the
balance of the joint operation account before distribution of profit?
a. 28 b. 116 c. 56 d. 0
“Repay no evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is
possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved do not
avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I
will repay,” says the Lord. Therefore, “If your enemy hungers, feed him; if he thirsts, give
him a drink; for in doing so you will heap coals of fire on his head.” Do not be overcome
by evil, but overcome evil with good.” – (Romans 12:17- 21)
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