WCC Colmonoy 200 Series - TDS
WCC Colmonoy 200 Series - TDS
WCC Colmonoy 200 Series - TDS
Colmonoy® 200-Series:
(225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 234)
Nickel-Based Hard-Surfacing
Alloys For the Repair
and Protection of Castings
& Mould Parts For the
A Glass Container Mould being repaired with Colmonoy 225.
Glass Container Industry
Alloy Specific Gravity Melting Point The coatings can be machined with difficulty by
Colmonoy 225 8.45 1805°F (985°C) carbide-tipped tools, such as Kennametal K6,
Carboloy 883 or equivalent. For roughing, grind the
Colmonoy 226 8.43 1787°F (975°C)
tool with a slight lead and rake angle, and a slight
Colmonoy 227 8.40 1742°F (950°C) radius (approx. 1/32”). Use a fine feed, about 0.003“
Colmonoy 228 8.40 1724°F (940°C) per revolution, with a depth of cut about 0.015”
Colmonoy 229 8.40 1710°F (932°C) at 15 SFPM. Set tool about 1/32” below center.
Colmonoy 234 8.50 1724°F (940°C)
For finishing, grind the tool with the same slight
lead and rake angles and with about a 1/16” radius.
Application Methods: Use a fine feed, about 0.003” per revolution, with a
Colmonoy 200-Series are easily applied to all maximum cut of 0.005” at approximately 45 SFPM.
steels having less than .25% carbon, gray cast iron;
Meehanite, malleable, ingot and wrought iron; nickel, Grinding is used after machining to remove the
Monela alloy 400, Inconela alloy 600, Nichrome, last 0.005-0.006” of material. Actually, the entire
Chromelb. Most high-temperature alloys can be finishing is most commonly done by grinding, which
overlaid without special precautions. eliminates machining. Grinding produces a near-
Steel having more than .25% carbon can also be
overlaid, but requires controlled slow cooling after frictionless mirror finish. Such smooth surfaces
fusion, in suitable insulation such as Sil-O-Cel, usually wear better, because they generate less heat
mica, etc. Do not apply to ferrous metals that require and friction. Whereas a diamond wheel is preferred,
subsequent hardening and tempering, because the green silicon carbide wheels (hardness H to K) can
When handling powders do so in such a way to avoid
creating a dust cloud; avoid inhalation or contact with
skin or eyes. Conduct coating operations in a properly
ventilated area. For more information, consult 11.8
(Ventilation), AWS Thermal Spraying: Practice, Theory,
and Application available from American Welding
Society, OSHA Safety and Health Standards available
from U.S. Government Printing Office, and the
manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
Storage Requirements:
Keep thermal spray powders in a closed container
and protect against moisture pick-up. The containers
should be tumbled before using the powder. If moisture
is absorbed from the atmosphere, it can be removed
and flowability can be restored by drying the powder,
with the seal removed and lid loosened, at 150-200°F
(66-93°C) for two hours prior to use.