Argyle Sweater - Knit: Together Through Back Loops
Argyle Sweater - Knit: Together Through Back Loops
Argyle Sweater - Knit: Together Through Back Loops
Approx = Approximately P2togtbl = Purl next 2 stitches
Beg = Begin(ning) together through back loops
Cont = Continue(ity) Rem =Remain(ing)
Dec = Decrease(ing) Rep = Repeat
Inc = Increase(ing) RS = Right side
K = Knit Ssk = Slip next 2 stitches knitwise
K2tog = Knit next 2 stitches one at a time. Pass them back
together onto left-hand needle, then knit
P = Purl through back loops together
P2tog = Purl next 2 stitches St(s) = Stitch(es)
together WS = Wrong side
To fit bust measurement 17 sts and 24 rows = 4" [10 cm]
XS/S 28-34" [71-86.5 cm] with larger needles in stocking st.
M 36-38" [91.5-96.5 cm]
L 40-42" [101.5-106.5 cm] INSTRUCTIONS
XL 44-46" [112-117 cm] The instructions are written for
2/3XL 48-54" [122-137 cm] smallest size. If changes are
4/5XL 56-62" [142-157.5 cm] necessary for larger sizes the
instructions will be written thus().
Bernat® Super Value™ (7 oz/197 g; 426 yds/389 m) Finished bust When only one number is given,
Sizes XS/S M L XL 2/3XL 4/5XL XS/S 37" [94 cm] it applies to all sizes. For ease
Main Color (MC) M 41" [104 cm] in working, circle all numbers
Dark Gray (53042) 2 2 2 3 3 3 balls L 44½" [113 cm] pertaining to your size.
Contrast A Baby Pink (07438) 1 1 1 1 1 1 ball XL 49½" [125.5 cm]
Contrast B White (07391) 1 1 1 1 1 1 ball 2/3XL 58" [147.5 cm] Note: When working from chart,
Sizes U.S. 8 (5 mm) and U.S. 9 (5.5 mm) knitting needles or size needed 4/5XL 66" [167.5 cm] wind small balls of colors to be
to obtain gauge. 4 st holders. used, one for each separate area
of color in the design. Start new Shape raglans: Cast off 6 (8-9- Cont in Chart to end of chart as Dec 1 st at raglan edge only on
colors at appropriate points. 11-16-18) sts beg of next 2 rows. follows: next and every following alt row
To change colors, twist the two 67 (71-77-83-91-105) sts. to 2 sts.
Shape raglans: Cast off 6 (8-9-
colors around each other where Work 2 rows even. Next row: P2tog. Fasten off.
Next row: (RS). K2. K2tog. Knit to 11-16-18) sts beg of next 2 rows.
they meet on WS to avoid a hole.
last 4 sts. ssk. K2. 67 (71-77-83-91-105) sts. With RS of work facing, slip next
BACK Work 3 rows even. Pat 2 rows even. 11 (11-13-17-17-25) sts onto a
**With smaller needles and B, cast Rep last 4 rows 3 (3-2-3-2-0) times Next row: (RS). K2. K2tog. Pat to st holder. Join MC to rem sts and
on 73 (83-88-103-118‑138) sts. more. 59 (63-71-75-85‑103) sts. last 4 sts. ssk. K2. knit to last 4 sts. ssk. K2.
Break B. Pat 3 rows even. 2nd row: Purl to last 2 sts.
Next row: (RS). K2. K2tog. Knit to Rep last 4 rows 3 (3-2-3-2-0) times P2togtbl.
1st row: (RS). With MC, K3. *P2.
last 4 sts. ssk. K2. more. 59 (63-71-75-85‑103) sts. 3rd row: ssk. Knit to last 4 sts. ssk.
K3. Rep from * to end of row. Next row: Purl.
2nd row: P3. *K2. P3. Rep from * K2.
Rep last 2 rows 13 (15-18-18- Next row: (RS). K2. K2tog. Pat to
to end of row. 4th row: As 2nd row.
23‑30) times more. 31 (31-33- last 4 sts. ssk. K2.
Rep last 2 rows of (K3. P2) 5th row: As 3rd row.
37-37-41) sts. Next row: Purl.
ribbing for 5" [12.5 cm], ending 6th row: Purl.
Leave rem sts on a st holder. Rep last 2 rows 3 (5-8-7-12-
with a 2nd row and 0 (dec 2- Rep last 2 rows 4 times more.
17) times more. 51 (51-33-59-
inc 1-dec 2-inc 1-dec 1) st(s) FRONT 5 (5-5-6-6-6) sts.
59‑67) sts.
across last row. 73 (81-89-101- Work from ** to ** as given for
Dec 1 st at raglan edge only on
119-137) sts. Back. Shape neck: 1st row: With MC,
Cont even until work from beg next and every following alt row
K2. K2tog. K16 (16-16-17-17-17).
Change to larger needles and measures 2 rows less than Back to 2 sts.
Turn. Leave rem sts on a spare
proceed in stocking st, inc 1 st before raglan shaping, ending on Next row: P2togtbl. Fasten off.
each end of needle on next and a purl row. 2nd row: P2tog. Purl to end of SLEEVES
every following 10th row 2 (2-2- row. With smaller needles and B, cast
Chart placement: Next row: (RS).
1-1-1) time(s) more. 79 (87-95- 3rd row: K2. K2tog. Knit to last on 43 (43-43-48-48-53) sts.
K19 (23-27-32-41-50). Knit 1st row
105-123-141) sts. of Chart, reading row from right to 2 sts. K2tog. Break B.
Cont even until work from beg left. K19 (23-27-32-41‑50). 4th row: As 2nd row. 1st row: (RS). With MC, K3. *P2.
measures 11½ (11½-12½-14½- Next row: P19 (23-27-32-41-50). 5th row: As 3rd row. K3. Rep from * to end of row.
16½-18)" [29 (29-32-37-42- Purl 2nd row of Chart, reading 6th row: Purl. 2nd row: P3. *K2. P3. Rep from *
45.5) cm] ending on a purl row. row from left to right. P19 (23-27- Rep last 2 rows 4 times more. to end of row.
32-41-50). 5 (5-5-6-6-6) sts.
See chart on page 4.
Rep last 2 rows of (K3. P2) ribbing Next row: Purl. Beg with a 2nd row, work in (K3.
for 7" [18 cm], ending on a 2nd Rep last 2 rows 14 (14-15-11- P2) ribbing as given for Back for
row and inc 2 (2-2-3-3-2) sts 8‑7) times more. 7 (7-7-9-9-9) sts. 3" [7.5 cm]. With B, work 1 row.
evenly across last row. 45 (45-45- Leave rem sts on a st holder. Cast off in ribbing.
51-51-55) sts.
FINISHING Sew left back raglan and collar
Change to larger needles and Pin garment pieces to seam. Sew side and sleeve seams.
proceed in stocking st, inc 1 st measurements. Cover with a
each end of needle on next and damp cloth, leaving cloth to dry.
every following 10th (6th-6th- Duplicate st on Front as shown
6th-4th-2nd) row to 53 (57- on Chart.
65-71-81-61) sts, then every
following 12th (10th-6th-0-
0‑4th) row to 57 (63-67-71-
81‑87) sts.
Cont even until work from beg
measures 17½ (18-18-17½- Collar: Sew raglan seams, leaving
17‑16½)" [44.5 (45.5-45.5-44.5- back left raglan open.
43‑42) cm], ending on a purl row.
With RS of work facing, smaller
Shape raglans: Cast off 6 (8-9- needles and MC, K7 (7-7-9-9‑9)
11-16-18) sts beg of next 2 rows. from left sleeve st holder. Pick up
45 (47-49-49-49-51) sts. and knit 15 (15-15-15-17‑19) sts
Work 2 rows even. down left front neck edge.
Next row: (RS). K2. K2tog. Knit to K11 (11-13-17-17-25) from front
last 4 sts. ssk. K2. st holder, inc 1 (1-1-1-1-0) st(s) at
Work 3 rows even. center. Pick up and knit 15 (15-15-
Rep last 4 rows 3 (4-4-7-10‑12) 15-17-19) sts up right front neck
times more 37 (37-39-33- edge. K7 (7-7-9-9‑9) from right
27‑25) sts. sleeve st holder. K31 (31-33-37-
Next row: (RS). K2. K2tog. Knit to 37-41) from back st holder, inc 1
last 4 sts. ssk. K2. (1-2-0-1-1) st(s) evenly across. 88
(88-93-103-108-123) sts.
1½ - 1½ - 1½ 7¼ - 7¼ - 7¾
2-2-2 8¾ - 8¾ - 9½ 3½ 25
8 3½ 8 23
8½ 3½ 8½ 21
9 3¾ 9
9½ 19
3¾ 9½
10½ 4 17
11½ 19½ 15
25½ 11½
20 6½
26½ 13½ - 14¾ - 15¾ 10½ 18½ - 20½ - 22¼ - 23¾ - 29 - 33 13
21½ 6½
27 16¾ - 19 - 20½ 11 11
24 7½
27 11
27 9½ 9
27½ 10½
29½ 11½ 7
28 10
13 5
5 3
17 - 19 - 21 - 23¾ - 28 - 32½ Start Here
= Dublicate st with A
= Dublicate st with B