2011 Imtc
2011 Imtc
2011 Imtc
Conference Paper in Conference Record - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference · June 2011
DOI: 10.1109/IMTC.2011.5944221 · Source: IEEE Xplore
22 4,408
4 authors, including:
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Abstract— An automated system for measuring plant leaf colour, autonomous wheeled robot has been developed to pick
as an indicator of plant health status, has been developed for kiwifruit from orchard growing vines [7]. Robotic techniques
plantlets growing in a modified micropropagation system. Using for production of seedlings have been developed, identifying a
a custom built robotic arm, sensors located on a pan and tilt need to add a machine vision system to detect irregularities in
system at the end of the arm monitor plant growth and the seed trays and to provide supplementary sowing using a 5-arm
ambient growing environment. Sensors include a compact colour robot [8].
zoom camera, RGB (red, green and blue) colour sensors, and
environmental sensors. Leaf colour sensors provide information, Automation of micropropagation for the rapid
in a non-destructive manner, on the health status of tissue by multiplication of plants has been described for the
comparing the sensor outputs to pre-determined optimum values. micropropagation of a grass species that replaces the costly and
These low cost colour sensors can be incorporated into a tedious manual process [9]. A system has also been developed
continuous automated system for monitoring leaf colour of that combines plant recognition and chemical micro-dosing
growing plants. Subtle colour changes can be an early indication using autonomous robotics [10].
of stress from less than optimum nutrient concentrations. When
combined with automated image sensing for growth analysis, and Colour as a means of assessing quality is also gaining
environmental sensing (RH, CO2 and temperature) in a popularity amongst researchers. These include evaluating
controlled environment, optimised rapid growth with minimal bakery products using colour-based machine vision [11],
human input can be achieved using a modified micropropagation monitoring tea during fermentation [12], grading specific fruits
system. In this paper we detail the calibration technique for a and vegetables [13, 14, 15] and in the health sector to
RGB sensor and compare it with a high end spectrophotometer. determine blood glucose concentrations [16]. Near infrared
(NIR) sensors are also gaining popularity as non-destructive
Keywords - plant growth monitoring, colour sensor calibration, means of assessing fruit and plant material, including use as a
RGB colour sensor measure of plant nutrient status [17] as well as testing of fruit
quality [18, 19, 20].
Investigation into non-destructive methods to measure the
Robotic and automated systems are becoming increasingly health status of plants is a relatively new area of research.
common in all economic sectors. In the past decade there has Subtle leaf colour changes can be used as a measure of plant
been a push towards more automation in the horticulture health. Although limited work has been carried out in real time,
industry, and it is only now, as robots become more a recent micropropagation-based system used potato tissue
sophisticated and reliable, that we are beginning to see them images captured via a digital camera then scanned to identify
used to undertake routine, often repetitive tasks, which are the colour of selected pixels [21]. Spectral reflectance, using a
expensive to do using a highly paid labour force. With rapid range of spectral bands, has been used as a non-destructive
strides in technological advancement, more and more measure of leaf chlorophyll content in a range of species [22].
applications have become possible. These include the Alternative methods make use of spectroscopic systems using a
development of a robotic system for weed control [1], a system fixed light source to record colour reflectance of multiple
for automatic harvesting of numerous agri-science products samples [23].
such as cutting flowers grown in greenhouses [2] and
automating cucumber harvesting in greenhouses [3]. Advances This paper focuses on the use of low cost colour sensors for
in electronics have empowered engineers to build robots that monitoring leaf colour of plant tissues growing in a modified
are capable of operating in unstructured environments [4]. micropropagation system. The calibration method of these
Camera-in-hand robotic systems are becoming increasingly sensors is described and its accuracy evaluated.
popular, wherein a camera is mounted on the robot, usually at
the hand, to provide an image of the objects located in the II. OVERVIEW OF SYSTEM HARDWARE
robot’s workspace [5]. Increasingly, robots are being used to The reported system uses an autonomous robotic arm
sort, grade, pack and even pick fruits. Fruits can be identified containing RGB (red, green and blue) colour, environmental
and classified on a continuously moving conveyer belt [6]. An and proximity sensors as well as a compact colour camera.
Custom software created in Microsoft® Visual Studio (VB.net) Optoelectronic Solutions) light-to-voltage chip. When light is
allows for a completely automated operation that requires reflected, the voltage, which is proportional to the light
minimal human input. reflected, is used to determine the sample’s R, G and B colour
contents. The ColorPAL requires the sample to be illuminated
A. Robotic Arm using each of the red, green and blue LEDs, with a ‘snorkel’ to
The robotic arm, shown in Figure 1, uses five stepper shield possible interference from external light sources. This
motors that are controlled through a motor controller and requires the ColorPAL to be in direct contact with the object
micro-step driver [24]. To allow the robotic arm to move for an optimum reading without interference.
vertically, a ball screw and shaft assembly is incorporated,
converting rotational motion into vertical movement. The arm
contains a pan and tilt system at its distal end, which houses a
camera [25], colour and proximity sensors [26]. The operation
of the arm is completely automated, continually gathering
information from the sensors and capturing images for
assessment and analysis.
The arm uses bipolar, high torque stepper motors, which
provide a maximum torque of 12.3 kg/cm. and have a step
angle of 1.8o. The use of a micro step driver allows the user to
select an even finer resolution (i.e. more steps per revolution).
The motors are controlled through a motor driver board that Figure 3. Parallax TCS3200 colour sensor.
allows commands to be sent from the PC via a USB port to the
controller to control the movement. The TCS3200 Colour sensor (Figure 3) makes use of a
TAOS TCS3200 RGB light-to-frequency chip. The TCS3200
colour sensor operates by illuminating the object with two
white LEDs, while an array of photo detectors (each with a red,
green, blue and clear filter) interpret the colour being reflected
by means of a square wave output whose frequency is
proportional to the light reflected. The TSC3200 Colour sensor
has a 5.6-mm lens, which is positioned to allow an area of 3.5
mm2 to be viewed.
Figure 1. SolidWorks rendered photo of the robotic Arm.
A USB4000 spectrometer (Ocean Optics Inc., FL, USA)
was used to find the height at which the greatest intensity of
B. Colour Sensors light occurred when the RGB sensor was placed above a
Currently there are a number of colour sensors on the sample. As the two white LEDs are directed down at an angle,
market, with prices ranging from low cost light-to-frequency there is a point where the light intensity is the greatest. This
chips to sophisticated and very expensive spectrophotometers. position was 20 mm above the surface of the sample, as shown
in Figure 4.
Parallax (Parallax Inc, CA, USA) has two colour sensors
that integrate seamlessly with their Basic Stamp
microcontroller. Both the ColorPAL and TCS 3200 colour
sensors are provided with some source code, making them
amenable to integrating into our customised system.
Figure 4. Light absorbed from TCS3200 across the white LED light
spectrum when the sensor is positioned at 6 different heights.
TCS3200 (uncalibrated) TCS3200 (calibrated) RGB = 94,127,59 RGB = 106,184,94 RGB = 14,197,76
Colour R G B R G B
Error 40.339 40.304 21.128 38.951 8.663 10.571
Error % 15.819 15.805 8.286 15.275 3.397 4.145
σ 26.285 20.329 13.055 29.668 8.081 2.852
As the colour sensor is intended to measure the colour of
plant leaves, there is no requirement to calibrate it across the
full range of colours. The sensor was therefore calibrated for a
range of green - yellow colours only. Fifteen RHS (Royal
Horticulture Society, London, UK) colour charts, designed for
growers to classify colours, were used, with the measured data
shown in Table V. Two hundred colour readings were again
taken (and averaged) by the TCS3200 colour sensor, followed
by 20 readings (averaged) by the CM-700D for each colour
The gamma calibration factors calculated are-
(Red) γR = 0.50, (Green) γG = 0.38, (Blue) γB = 0.59
Table VI summarises the average error, error percentage
and the standard deviation for un-calibrated and calibrated
RGB sensor data compared with CM-700D spectrophotometer
outputs for the 15 colours. There was a vast improvement
across the 3-colour components (RGB), with the average red
error improving to 5.69%, green 3.19% and blue 3.92%.