Bibliography of Prof. Manar Abdel-Raouf
Bibliography of Prof. Manar Abdel-Raouf
Bibliography of Prof. Manar Abdel-Raouf
Email: [email protected]
Mob. 01000700960
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
Prof. Manar El-Sayed Abdel-Raouf
Professor of polymer chemistry at Petroleum Application
Department, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Nasr
city, Cairo.
Birth date: 07/07/1970
Nationality: Egyptian
Marital status: Married
M. 01000700960, 01156689977
W. 202-22745902, 202-22742917
Fax. 202-22474733
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
• Scopus ID: 7003968106
• Orcid ID:
• Researchgate:
• Web of Science Researcher ID: M-4803-2013
Current position:
Professor of polymer science at the Egyptian Petroleum research institute.
Carrier Development:
• Researcher assistance from Jan.1992-16/11/1995
• Assistant researcher from 17/11/1995-29/10/2000
• Researcher from 30/10/2000-26/12/2006.
• Associate Professor from 27/12/2006 -19/02/2012.
• Professor of polymer chemistry, petroleum application department, EPRI from
19/02/2012 to current.
Academic degrees:
• PH.D. in chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, 2000.
(Alleviation of the environmental pollution by recycling of Poly (Ethylene
terephthalate) into useful products)
• M.Sc. in chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, 1995.
(Ethylene Oxide-Propylene Oxide Block copolymers as Demulsifiers for Water-
in-oil emulsions)
• B.Sc. in Science, biochemistry/chemistry branch, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams
university, 1991, (very good).
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
Scientific Experience:
Theses Supervision:
• M.Sc. thesis entitled “Synthesis and Characterization of some vinyl ester resins”
• M.Sc. thesis entitled "Physico-chemical Studies on some synthesized degradable
• Ph. D. thesis entitled “Recycling of Poly (ethylene terephthalate) Waste into
Curable Resins”
• M.Sc. thesis entitled “Recycling of Scrap Tyres and Used Lubricating Oils into
Useful Products”
• M.Sc. Thesis entitled "Synthesis of Oil Spill Dispersants from Rosin Acid
• Ph.D. thesis entitled "The behavior of some acrylate copolymers as lubricating oil
• Ph.D. thesis of entitled "Polymeric sugar-based surfactants for different petroleum
• Ph.D. thesis entitled “Magnetic nano and microcomposites for industrial waste
water treatment”
• Ph.D thesis entitled “Comparative study between magnetic microcomposites and
cyclodextrin magnetic nanocomposites in removal of some heavy metals from
aqueous solutions”
• Ph.D thesis entitled “Preparation and characterization of cellulose based smart
interpenetrating polymer networks and their application as superabsorbent
• M.Sc thesis entitled "Solvation properties of some surfactants and their inhibition
efficiency for carbon steel corrosion".
• M.Sc thesis entitled "Electrochemical applications and Solvation thermodynamic
properties of some green surfactants".
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
Thesis Arbitration:
• M.Sc. Thesis: Synthesis of some Nitrogen Heterocyclic compounds, Benha University,
Faculty of science.
• M.Sc. Thesis: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of some Aromatic and
Hetero-aromatic polymers Nanocomposites, Port Said University, Faculty of science.
• M.Sc. Thesis: Synthesis and characterization of some novel core-shell nanoparticles
Port Said University, Faculty of science.
Scientific Collaboration
Scientific Projects:
• Board Member in the research team working in the project of (Recycling of Plastic
Waste), sponsored by Prof. Dr. El-Sayed Mohamed Abdel-Bary, El-Mansoura
• As senior researcher in the project “Reduction of Friction in Petroleum Crude
Oil Pipelines by Using Local Prepared Polymeric Compounds” by SAR and EGPC
during the period (2004-2006).
• Senior researcher in the project of (Synthesis of Some Recycled Dendritic
Curable Resins Based on PET for Coating Applications), Joint project between
University of North Texas (UNT) and EPRI.
• Principle investigator for a project entitled (Green Chemistry Approach for
Developing Hydrogels for Agriculture in Egyptian Deserts), Jessor 1031-2016
funded by academy of scientific research and technology (ASRT), Egypt.
International Conferences attendance and participation:
1- 9th Arab International Conference on Polymer Science and Technology, Held at 10 th
of Ramadan City-Hurghada, Egypt on 18-22 November, 2007.
Oral presentation: (Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Crude oil dispersants
based on Ethoxylated Schiff base).
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
5- Synthesis of some diol esters and their investigation as hydraulic brake fluid bases,
Hamed Mohamed and Manar El-sayed Abdel-raouf, Al-Azhar Bull. Sci., vol 15, No.1,
June, 2004.
6- Surface Activity and Light Scattering Investigation for Some Novel Aromatic
Amine Surfactants", Ahmed M. Al-sabagh, Manar El-sayed Abdel-raouf, Colloid and
Surface A,PhysicoChem. Eng.Aspects,251 (2004) 167-174.
7- Water Based Surfactants from Recycled Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Waste: their
use as beach cleaners and in Petroleum Sludge Recovery", A. M. Atta, Manar El-Sayed
Abdel-Raouf, A. M. Abdel-Raheim, A. A. Abdel-azim. Progress in Rubber, Plastics
and Recycling Technology, Vol.20, No.4, 2004.
8- Compressive Properties and Curing Behavior of Unsaturated Polyester Resins In
The Presence Of Vinyl Ester Resins Derived From Recycled Poly(Ethylene
Terephthalate)", Ayman M. Atta, Sayed I. Elnagdy, Manar E. Abdel-Raouf, Shimaa
M. Elsaeed and Abdel-Azim A. Abdel-Azim Journal Of Polymer Research, 12,373-
383, 2005.
9- Surfactants from Recycled Poly (ethylene terephthalate) Waste as Water Based on
Oil Spill Dispersants", Ayman M. Atta, Manar E. Abdel-Raouf, Nermine E. Maysour,
A. M. Abdul-Rahiem and Abdel-Azim A. Abdel-Azim Journal of Polymer Research,
Vol.13:39-52, 2006.
10-Curable Resins Based On From Recycled Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) For Coating
Applications, Atta, Ayman, Manar El-Sayed Abdel-Raouf & Elsaeed, Shimaa &
Abdel-Azim, Abdel-Azim. Progress in organic coatings,55:50-59,2006.
11-Synthesis and Characterization of Some Degradable Polyesters". Manar El-Sayed
Abdel-Raouf Material Research Innovation,10-2:1433-075, 2006.
12-Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Crude oil dispersants based on
Ethoxylated Schiff base", Shimaa M. El-Saeed, Reem K. Farag, Manar E. Abdul-
Raouf, Abdel-Azim A. Abdel-Azim. International J. of Polymeric Materials, 57:860-
877, 2008.
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
28- A new experimental method to prevent paraffin - wax formation on the crude oil
wells: A field case study in Libya. Elnori E. Elhaddad, Alireza Bahadori, Manar El-
Sayed Abdel-Raouf, and Salaheldin Elkatatny. Hemijska industrija· Jan. 2014 DOI:
29- The Rheological Properties of Lube Oil With Terpolymeric Additives, N. S.
Ahmed, A. M. Nassar, R. M. Nasser, M. E. Abdel Raouf & A. F. El-Kafrawy,
Petroleum Science and Technology 32 (17), 2115-2122(2014)
30- Novel Terpolymers as Pour Point Depressants and Viscosity Modifiers for Lube
Oil, N. S. Ahmed, A. M. Nassar, R. M. Nasser, M. E. Abdel Raouf & A. F. El-Kafrawy,
Petroleum Science and Technology 32 (6), 680-687(2014)
31- Synthesis and investigation of hydrogel nanoparticles based on natural polymer for
removal of lead and copper(II) ions, Reem K. Farag, Shimaa M. EL-Saeed, Manar E.
Abdel-Raouf, Desalination and Water treatment, 57 (2016) 16150–16160, July.
32- Low cost biosorbents based on Modified Starch Iron Oxide Nanocomposites for
Selective Removal of Some Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solutions, Reem K. Farag,
Shimaa M. EL-Saeed, Manar E. Abdel-Raouf, Adv. Mater. Lett. 2016, 7(5), 402-409.
33- Adsorbents based on natural polymers for removal of some heavy metals from
aqueous solution, Ahmed Fawzy El-Kafrawy, Shimaa Mohamed El-Saeed, Reem
Kamel Farag Hend Al-Aidy El-Saied, Manar El-Sayed Abdel-Raouf, Egyptian
Journal of Petroleum (2017) 26, 23–32.
34- Green chemistry approach for preparation of hydrogels for agriculture
applications through modification of natural polymers and investigating their
swelling properties. Manar Elsayed Abdel-Raouf, Shimaa Mohmaed El-Saeed,
Elsayed Gamal Zaki, Ahmed Mohamed Al-Sabagh. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum
27 (2018) 1345–1355.
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
Under publication:
• A research paper entitled: Polystyrene- based hydrogel magnetic nanocomposites from
removal of divalent metal ions from aqueous solutions, submitted for publication in
Environmental chemistry letters.
• A research paper entitled: Swelling properties of Green Interpenetrating polymer
network based on CMC/ Poly Dimethylaminoethyl Methacrylate, submitted for
publication in Carbohydrate polymers.
• Emulsion system and their stabilization and application, 26-28 April, 2016, at
Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute.
• Next generation of polymer nanocomposites for sustainable development in Egypt,
7-8 December 2016, at Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute.
Attending Training courses:
• The theoretical science and the new designs regarding the new technologies and the
techniques of the following systems: (Automated reactors and insitu analysis, Flash
DSC, UV/VIS spectrophotometer, Speed extractor).
• “Mass spectroscopy” course which was held at Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute,
on 2-14 April, 2018.
• Flex- Axiom basic, Dynamic modes, Spectroscopy which was held at Egyptian
Petroleum Research Institute, on 22-24 October, 2018.
Online webinars:
• Online training course from the World Intellectual Property Organization (Wipo)
and the Academy of scientific research and technology on the intellectual property,
author rights and other topics, June 2019.
• Online training course from the World Intellectual Property Organization (Wipo)
and the Academy of scientific research and technology on introduction to patent
treaty, Sep. 2019.
• Elsevier Research Academy (12 modules), 2018, 2019.
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
1- ICDL Certificate:
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
7- Reviewer certificates:
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf
Prof. Dr. Manar Elsayed Abdel-raouf