Synapse Strengtheners
Synapse Strengtheners
Synapse Strengtheners
2.To what do you compare motivation to make its facilitating function in learning
concrete? Come up with metaphors. (An example of a metaphor is “Teaching is lighting a
torch…) Show this by completing this: Motivation is…… -
3.Surf the internet on telic and paratelic modes of Michael Apter. How
do these relate to extrinsic and intrinsic motivation?
ANSWER: Paratelic and Telic motivational modes of Michael Apter is somehow
similar to extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. When we say telic, it means the goal
wherein any person is motivated because s/he has a goal to achieve which is
congruent to extrinsic motivation wherein it has an external force. While paratelic
mode, a person is motivated by the activity itself which is like an intrinsic motivation
where there is no external incentive present.
4.Read on biographies of great men and women. Find out how they became great.
Report on one biography in class. Narrate that part of the biography that you like
the most.
Answer: Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic nun and missionary who devoted her
life to serving the poor and destitute around the world. She spent many years in
Calcutta, India where she founded the Missionaries of Charity, a religious
congregation devoted to helping those in great need. In 1979, Mother Teresa was
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and became a symbol of charitable, selfless work. In
2016, Mother Teresa was canonised by the Roman Catholic Church as Saint Teresa.
And from the biography that I read about her the part that I like the most is,
“Mother Teresa never sought to convert those of another faith. Those in her
hospices were given the religious rites appropriate to their faith. However, she had a
very firm Catholic faith and took a strict line on abortion, the death penalty and
divorce – even if her position was unpopular. Her whole life was influenced by her
faith and religion, even though at times she confessed she didn’t feel the presence of
God.” and “Over the last two decades of her life, Mother Teresa suffered various
health problems, but nothing could dissuade her from fulfilling her mission of serving
the poor and needy. Until her very last illness she was active in travelling around the
world to the different branches of The Missionaries of Charity.” Because I really find
it inspirational, because despite of the pain and circumstance she have, she still has
the courage to go on and help the people around her.