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Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning

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|| Volume 5 || Issue 9 || September 2020 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774




Rahul Powar, Rohan Dawkhar, Pratichi
BE Students, Computer Engineering, Dr D Y Patil School Of Engineering Academy, Pune, India
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract: - Due to rapid growth in the field of cashless transactions or digital transactions, credit cards are widely used
in almost every work and hence there are more chances of fraudulent transactions. These fraudulent transactions can
be identified by analyzing various behaviors of credit card customers from previous transaction history datasets. If any
deviation is noticed in the behavior from the available patterns, there is the possibility of fraudulent transaction. Machine
learning techniques are widely used to detect the frauds. In this paper, we have used KNN technique to detect the frauds
.The performance of this techniques is evaluated based on the accuracy, sensitivity, precision and recall.
Keywords: - Machine learning, Credit Card, KNN technique, T-SNE technique, removing outliers, fraudulent

I INTRODUCTION learning techniques, machine learning has been identified

as a successful measure for fraud detection. A large amount
These days, payments through the credit cards are common
of data is transferred during online transaction processes,
as it is easy and less time taking. But here a big problem
resulting in a binary result: genuine or fraudulent. Within
comes with it and that is fraudulent transactions and many
the sample fraudulent datasets, features are constructed.
surveys have shown how credit card frauds have been
These are data points namely the age and value of the
increased in past few years.
customer account, as well as the origin of the credit card.
Credit card fraud detection is a very popular but also a
There are hundreds of features and each contributes to
difficult problem to solve. Firstly, due to issue of having
varying extents towards the fraud probability. We have
only a limited amount of data, credit card makes it
used KNN algorithm of the machine learning on the dataset
challenging to match a pattern for dataset. Secondly, there
to detect the fraudulent transactions. Behavioural pattern
can be many entries in dataset with truncations of
of spending money depends on past history of transactions
fraudsters which also will fit a pattern of legitimate
and attributes such as location, daily expenses, transaction
behaviour. Also the problem has many constraints. Firstly,
time of cardholder can be compared with current
data sets are not easily accessible for public and the results
transaction details to detection credit card frauds.
of researches are often hidden and censored, making the
Deviation from such behaviour helps to detect fraud with
results inaccessible and due to this it is challenging to
more accuracy. With the deviation in behavioural data, we
benchmarking for the models built. Datasets in previous
used different data mining techniques to detect the fraud.
researches with real data in the literature is nowhere
The model can then be used to identify whether the new
mentioned. Secondly, the improvement of methods is more
transaction is fraud or not.
difficult by the fact that the security concern imposes
limitation to exchange of ideas and methods in fraud Problem Definition
detection, and especially in credit card fraud detection. Major problem is that online payment does not require
Lastly, the data sets are continuously evolving and physical card. Anyone who knows the details of the card
changing making the profiles of normal and fraudulent can make fraud transactions. Card holder comes to know
behaviours always different that is the legit transaction in only after the fraud transaction is carried out.
the past may be a fraud in present or vice versa. With the
advancement of machine

|| Volume 5 || Issue 9 || September 2020 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774
the profile analyser are next passed on to a deviation
Problem Solution
analyser (DA) for possible alignment with past fraudulent
Unfortunately, it contains only numerical input variables behaviour. The final decision about the nature of a
which are the result of a PCA transformation. transaction is taken on the basis of the observations by
Unfortunately, due to confidentiality issues original these two analysers. In order to achieve online response
features are not provided and more background time for both PA and DA, we suggest a new approach for
information about the data is also not present. Features V1, combining two sequence alignment algorithms BLAST
V2,...,V28 are the principal components obtained with and SSAHA.
PCA, the only features which have not been transformed
3. Research on Credit Card Fraud Detection Model
with PCA are 'Time' and 'Amount'. Feature 'Time' contains
Based on Distance Sum.
the seconds elapsed between each transaction and the first
transaction in the dataset. The feature 'Amount' is the Author:- “Wen-Fang YU, Na Wang”.
transaction Amount, this feature can be used for example- Along with increasing credit cards and growing trade
dependent cost-sensitive learning. Feature 'Class' is the volume in China, credit card fraud rises sharply. How to
response variable and it takes value 1 in case of fraud and enhance the detection and prevention of credit card fraud
0 otherwise. becomes the focus of risk control of banks. It proposes a
Objectives: credit card fraud detection model using outlier detection
based on distance sum according to the infrequency and
The objective of proposed system is to build Credit Card
unconventionality of fraud in credit card transaction data,
Fraud Detection System Using Machine Learning .This
applying outlier mining into credit card fraud detection.
proposed system uses KNN Technique to detect the frauds.
Experiments show that this model is feasible and accurate
II LITERATURE REVIEW in detecting credit card fraud. All the sub topics should be
1. The Use of Predictive Analytics Technology to numbered as shown above. Numbering should be made
Detect Credit Card Fraud in Canada. correctly.
Author:- “Kosemani Temitayo Hafiz, Dr.Shaun Aghili, 4. Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine
Dr. Pavol Zavarsky.” Learning Models and Collating Machine Learning
This research paper focuses on the creation of a scorecard Models.
from relevant evaluation criteria, features, and capabilities Author:- “Navanshu Khare and Saad Yunus Sait”
of predictive analytics vendor solutions currently being This paper investigates and checks the performance of
used to detect credit card fraud. The scorecard provides a Decision tree, Random Forest, SVM and logistic
side by side comparison of five credit card predictive regression on highly skewed credit card fraud data. Dataset
analytics vendor solutions adopted in Canada. From the of credit card transactions is sourced from European
ensuing research findings, a list of credit card fraud PAT cardholders containing 284,786 transactions. These
vendor solution challenges, risks, and limitations was techniques are applied on the raw and pre- processed data.
outlined. All the sub topics should be numbered as shown
5. Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Bayesian and
above. Numbering should be made correctly.
Neural Networks
2. BLAST-SSAHA Hybridization for Credit Card
Author:-“Sam Maes , karl tuyls , Bram
Fraud Detection.
vanschoenwinkel and Bernard Manderick”
Author:- “Amlan Kundu, Suvasini Panigrahi, Shamik
This paper discuss automated credit card fraud
Sural, Senior Member, IEEE, and Arun K. Majumdar”
detection by means of machine learning. We apply two
This paper propose to use two-stage sequence alignment in techniques suited for reasoning under uncertainity :
which a profile Analyser (PA) first determines the artificial neural networks and Bayesian belief networks
similarity of an incoming sequence of transactions on a to the problem and show their significant results on real
given credit card with the genuine cardholder’s past world financial data.
spending sequences. The unusual transactions traced by

|| Volume 5 || Issue 9 || September 2020 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774
numerical input variables which are the result of a PCA
Machine learning and its algorithms:
Unfortunately, due to confidentiality issues, we cannot
Machine learning is a collection of methods that can provide the original features and more background
automatically identify patterns in data, and then use information about the data. Features V1, V2, V28 are
those patterns to predict future outcomes, or to perform the principal components obtained with PCA, the only
other types of decision making below certain features which have not been transformed with PCA are
conditions. Machine learning introduces various 'Time' and 'Amount'. Feature 'Time' contains the
algorithms, those enable machines to understand the seconds elapsed between each transaction and the first
current situations and on the basis of that machines can transaction in the dataset. The feature 'Amount' is the
take appropriate decisions. Machine learning works transaction Amount, this feature can be used for
independently and takes decision at its own. The main example dependent cost-sensitive learning. Feature
two types of machine learning are, supervised learning 'Class' is the response variable and it takes value 1 in
and unsupervised learning. case of fraud and 0 otherwise."
Supervised Learning: In supervised learning, the input Selected algorithm for implementing:
and its corresponding output is already known. This is
On the Literature review, many algorithms are applied
called supervised learning because it learns from
on Fraud detection. Here we have used K – nearest
training data set and creates model from it and when this
neighbour which is having better accuracy than other
model applies on new data set it gives predicted results.
algorithms for fraud detection.
Decision Tree, naive Bayes etc. are the examples of
supervised learning. K-Nearest Neighbour Algorithm:
Unsupervised Learning: Unsupervised learning is The concept of K-nearest neighbour analysis has been
where we have only input data and no corresponding used in several anomaly detection techniques. One of
output variable. The main job of unsupervised learning the best classifier algorithms that have been used in the
is to build up class labels automatically. credit card fraud detection is k- nearest neighbour
algorithm that is a supervised learning algorithm where
The relationship between the data can be found using
the result of new instance query is classified based on
unsupervised learning algorithms to discover whether
majority of K-Nearest Neighbour category.
the data can characterize to form a group. This group is
known as clusters. Unsupervised learning can be also The performance of KNN algorithm is influenced by
described as cluster analyses. K Means Clustering, three main factors:
KNN etc. are the examples of unsupervised learning. • The distance metric used to locate the nearest
Selected online dataset: neighbours.
In this project, we have used a Kaggle provided dataset • The distance rule used to derive a classification from
of simulated mobile based payment transactions. We k-nearest neighbour.
analyze this data by categorizing it with respect to • The number of neighbours used to classify the new
different types of transactions it contains. We also sample.
perform PCA - Principal Component Analysis - to
Among the various credit card fraud detection methods
visualize the variability of data in two dimensional
of supervised statistical pattern recognition, the K
spaces. The datasets contain transactions made by credit
Nearest Neighbour rule achieves consistently high
cards in September 2013 by European cardholders.
performance, without a priori assumptions about the
These dataset present transactions that occurred in two
distributions from which the training examples are
days, where we have 492 frauds out of 284,807
drawn. K- Nearest neighbour based credit card fraud
transactions. The dataset is highly unbalanced, the
detection techniques require a distance or similar the
positive class (frauds) account for 0.172% of all
measure defined between two data instances.
transactions. It contains only

|| Volume 5 || Issue 9 || September 2020 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774
representing the spending habits of the customers along
In process of KNN, we classify any incoming
with days of the month, hours of the day, geographical
transaction by calculating of nearest point to new
locations, or type of the merchant where the transaction
incoming transaction. Then if the nearest neighbour be
takes place. Afterwards these variables are used to create a
fraudulent, then the transaction indicates as a fraud. The
model which distinguish fraudulent activities. The details
value of K is used as, a small and odd to break the ties
and background information of the features cannot be
(typically 1, 3 or 5). Larger K values can help to reduce
presented due to confidentiality issues. The time feature
the effect of noisy data set. In this algorithm, distance
stores the seconds that has elapsed between each
between two data instances can be calculated in
transaction along with first transaction in the dataset. The
different ways.
'amount' feature is the transaction amount. Feature 'class' is
For continuous attributes, Euclidean distance is a good the target class for the binary classification.
choice. For categorical attributes, a simple matching
Four basic metrics are used in evaluating the experiments,
coefficient is often used. For multivariate data, distance
namely True positive (TPR), True Negative (TNR), False
is usually calculated for each attribute and then
Positive (FPR) and False Negative (FNR) rates metric
combined. The performance of KNN algorithm can be
improved by optimizing the distance metric. This
technique required legitimate as well as fraudulent
samples of data for training. It is fast technique along
with high false alert.
Flow of Project:
We have done Exploratory Data Analysis on full data
then we have removed outliers using "Local Outlier
Factor", then finally we have used KNN technique to
predict to train the data and to predict whether the where FN , FP ,TP,TN, and are the number of false
transaction is Fraud or not. We have also applied T-SNE negative false positive ,true positive and true negative test
to visualize the Fraud and genuine transactions in 2-D. cases classified while total number of positive and negative
IV SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE class cases under test are represented by P and
N. Cases classified rightly as negate are termed with true
negative and cases classified as positive which are actually
positive are termed with True positive .Cases classified as
positive but are negative cases are termed as false positive
and cases classified as negative but are truly positive are
termed as false negative. The performance of Classifiers is
evaluated based on accuracy, precision, specificity and
Figure 1 : Credit card fraud detection using machine sensitivity.
First of all, we obtained our dataset from Kaggle, a data
analysis website which provides datasets. Inside this
dataset, there are 31 columns out of which 28 are named as
v1-v28 to protect sensitive data. The other columns
represent Time, Amount and Class. Class 0 represents a
valid transaction and 1 represents a fraudulent one. It
contains only numerical (continuous) input variables
which are as a result of a Principal Component Analysis
Sensitivity (Recall) gives the accuracy on positive (fraud)
(PCA) feature selection transformation resulting to 28
cases classification. Specificity gives the accuracy on
principal components. Behavioural characteristic of the
card is shown by a variable of each profile usage

|| Volume 5 || Issue 9 || September 2020 || ISSN (Online) 2456-0774
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Guide : Prof Amol Jadav
Name: Rahul Powar
Email : [email protected]
Name: Rohan Dawkhar
Email : [email protected]
Name: Pratichi
Email : [email protected]


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