Boq No. Particulars Unit BOQ QTY Basic Rate Basic Amount

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Construction of four-lane Greenfield Delhi-Amritsar-Katra Expressway from Jussur Kheri on KMP Expressway to Junction with Rohtak-Panipat road (NH-709)

near Rukhi Paani village (Km 0+000 to Km 34+000) on Hybrid Annuity Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojna in the state of Haryana0 to 34





1.01 Cutting of trees icluding removal of stumps,dressing the ground,back filling with sand,transporting the
stumps and stacking properly complete as per tech. Spec. Cl.201

a) Girth from 300 mm to 600 mm Nos.

b) Girth beyond 600 mm to 900 mm Nos.
c) Girth beyond 900 mm to 1800 mm Nos.
d) Girth beyond 1800 mm Nos.
1.02 Clearing and grubbing Hect
1.03 Dismantling in foundation as per Technical Specifications Clause 202 -
a) Dismantling of reinforced cement concrete for culverts, bridges and other structures as per Cum
b) Dismantling of plain cement concrete (PCC) for culverts, bridges and other structures as per Cum
c) Dismantling stones pitching / dry stone spalls Cum
d) Dismantling brick masonry in cement morter Cum
e) Dismantling existing bitumen courses Cum
f) Non-Bituminous base/ Sub-base course Cum
g) Kilometre stone including foundation concrete if any Nos
h) 5th km stone including foundation concrete if any Nos
i) Hectometer/Boundary stones including foundation concrete if any Nos.
j) Pipe/ Guard rails/ Edging Kerbs/Masonry Parapet/ Gutters and Fencing/ Han railing R.M.
k) Sign Boards Nos
l) W type crash barrier R.M.
1.04 Removing hume pipes class NP2/NP3 complete as per Clause 202 m
ST Sub Total
2.01 Earth work in excavation as per Technical Specification Clause No.301.
a) Ordinary and soft Soils Cum
b) Soft Rock Cum
c) Hard Rock (Blasting Prohibited) Cum
d) Hard Rock (With Blasting) Cum
2.02 Construction of embankment with approved material from borrow pitsTechnical Specification Clause Cum
No. 301 & 305
2.03 Construction of embankment with suitable material obtained from roadway and drainage Cum
excavationTechnical Specification Clause Nos. 301 & 305
2.03(a) Construction of embankment with Flyash material obtained from thermal power plant complete as per Cum
technical specification clause 305
2.05a Construction of Sub grade & earthen / un paved shoulders as per Technical Specification Clause No Cum
305 from Borrow material
2.05b Construction of Sub grade & earthen / un paved shoulders as per Technical Specification Clause No Cum
305 from from Roadway excavated material
2.07 Turfing of Embankment slope, Verge and other location with rough grassing all complete as per Sqm
Technical Specification Cluase 307
2.08 Earthwork in filling of median as per Technical Specification Clause 407 with all leads and lifts. Cum

2.09 Loosening and recompacting of existing shoulder upto the depth of 150 mm Cum
2.10 Scarifying existing bituminous surface to a depth of 50 mm by mechanical means SQM
ST Sub Total
3.01 Constructing Grannular Sub-base complete as per Technical Specification Clause No 401. Grading-I, Cum
Table 400-2.
3.01(a) Constructing Grannular Sub-base from material obtained from Existing Road. Cum
3.02 Constructing Wet Mix Macadam base complete as per Technical specification Clause No 406. Cum

3.03 Constructing grannular shoulder Cum

3.04 Cement Treated Base Cum
New Cement Treated Sub Base Cum
3.05 Aggregate Interlayer Cum
ST Sub Total
4.01 Providing and laying bituminous primer coat as per Technical Specifications Clause No 502.(Table Sqm
4.02 Providing and laying Tack coat as per Technical Specifications Clause 503.(Table 500-2) @ 2.5 kg Sqm
/10 sq.m.
4.03 Providing and laying Tack coat as per Technical Specifications Clause 503.(Table 500-2) @ 2.0 Sqm
kg/10 sq.m.
4.04 Providing and laying Dense Bituminous Macadam course as per Technical Specification Clause Cum
No.507. VG-40
4.05 Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete as per Technical Specifications Caluse 509 & 521. VG- Cum
New Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) Cum
4.06 Providing and laying Bituminous Macadam course (including profile correction) as per Technical Cum
Specification Clause No.504 VG-30
4.04 a Providing and laying Dense Bituminous Macadam course as per Technical Specification Clause Cum
No.507. VG-30
4.04 b Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete as per Technical Specifications Caluse 509 & 521. VG- Cum
4.07 Providing and laying Semi Dense Bituminous concrete course as per Technical Specification Clause Cum
No.508 VG-30
4.08 Providing150 mm thick DLC (M15) for CW as per Technical Specification Clause 601. Cum
4.09 Providing 300mm thick PQC for CW as per Technical Specification Clause 602. Cum
ST Sub Total
8.01 Carrying out repairs to pot holes and patching to existing Bituminous carriageway surfacing using Sqm
semi dense bituminous concrete as per MoRT&H technical specification clause 3004 and as per the
direction of engineer.
8.02 Providing and applying tack coat with bituminous emulsion at the rate of 0.2 kg per sqm as per Sqm
MoRT&H technical specification clause 503.
8.03 Providing and laying renewal coat with semi dense bituminous concrete of 25mm thick as per Cum
MoRT&H technical specification 508 clause.
8.04 Earthen Shoulder Cum
ST Sub Total
9.01 Earthwork in excavation for all types of soil for road side drains and retaining walls to the requied
line and grade complete as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 309

a) Ordinary and soft Soils Cum

b) Ordinary and soft Soils from unlined drains Cum
New Providing and Laying PCC M-10 I Shoulder Drain Cum

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Construction of four-lane Greenfield Delhi-Amritsar-Katra Expressway from Jussur Kheri on KMP Expressway to Junction with Rohtak-Panipat road (NH-709)
near Rukhi Paani village (Km 0+000 to Km 34+000) on Hybrid Annuity Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojna in the state of Haryana0 to 34




9.02 Providing PCC M15 in foundation, of drain,brest wall and retainingwall as per Technical Cum
Specification Sections 1400, 1700
9.03 Providing RCC M25 in foundation,top and sides of drain and retainingwall as per Technical Cum
Specification Sections 1500, 1700
a) RCC M 20 grade (Drain) Cum
b RCC M 25 grade (Return/Toe Wall) Cum
c) HYSD bar reinforcement complete as per drawing and Technical Specification clause no 1600. for M.T
9,03a (Drain)
D) HYSD bar reinforcement complete as per drawing and Technical Specification clause no 1600. for M.T
9,03a (Return/Toe Wall)
e) CRM 1:3 in Breast Wall hill side as per Standards and Specification Cum
9.04 Supplying and fixing of cast iron grating of size 400mm x 150mm @20m c/c in covered drain and for Nos
entry of water as per Technical Specification Clause 309.
9.05 Providing and fixing weep holes as per drawing and Technical Specifications Clause 2706 Nos

9.06 Construction of reinforced cement concrete M-15 graded inlet Chamber / catch Pit / Gully Pit with GI Nos
bar grating including reinforcement etc. complete as per drawing and Technical Specification Sections
1500, 1600, 1700 & 1900.
9.07 Providing Man holes in median in super elevated zones (including inlet arrangements, 600mm dia. Nos.
Pipe connecting to out let with bedding and outfall protection works, head walls etc.) as per drawing

9.11 Providing and laying stone pitching on embankment slopes for earth protection complete as per Cum
Technical Specification Clause 2504.
9.12 Providing and laying filter media underneath stone pitching complete as per drawings and Technical Cum
Specification Clause 2504.
9.13 Providing and laying Coir Mat on embankment slopes for earth protection complete as per Technical Cum
9.16 Drain in superelevated section
a) PCC M-15 Cum
b) PCC M-20 Cum
9.17 Construction of chute lined drain as per Technical Specification Clauses 309, 1000, 1500 & 1600. L.M.

9.18 Energy dissipation basin (500 X500X 1000) Nos.

9.19 Construction of Reinforced Earth Wall
a) PCC For RE Wall Foundation Cum
b) Providing RCC Facia Panel for Reinforced earth retaining wall / Reinforced Earth Structures (RES) Sqm
for approaches and ramps as per Techincal specification 3100 and additional specifications

c) Filter media behind RE wall Cum

Geocomposit Drain Sqm
d) Construction of embankment (Selected Fill) with Reinforced Earth Cum
e) Providing and constructing RCC crash barrier with friction slab M 40 grade over RE wall including L.M
cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement as per approved Drawings and Technical
9.2 Downtake pipes (150 mm) for RE wall drainage L.M.
9.21 Catch pits to collect the water from RE wall (600X600X1000) Nos.
9.22 Hume pipe 300 mm dia to take the water from RE walls from catch pits at location of SR and Utility L.M.
Duct mon 300mm dia shall be provided along the drain in Built up Section.

9.23 PCC M15 in opening of median at bus bay and truc lay bye locations and Utility Pipe Encasing Cum

9.24 Opening/channel in the median in Super Elevated Section L.M.

ST Sub Total
10.01 Providing Plain Cement Concrete of M20 grade for Kerbsas per drawing and Technical Specification
Sections 408 1500, 1700
a) For Kerbs (I type) L.M
b) For Kerbs (L type) L.M
10.02 Retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign
i) 120 cm high octagon Nos.
ii) 120 cm circular Nos.
iii) 120 cm equilateral triangle Nos.
iv) 210cm x 150cm rectangular Nos.
v) 400cm x 210cm rectangular Nos.
vi) 60 cm equilateral triangle Nos.
vii) Route marker signs 450mm x 600mm Nos.
10.03 Providing , fixing and erection of direction & place identification sign boards made out of 2.0 mm
thick aluminum sheet, complete as per IRC-67-2012 and Technical Specificationss Clause 801.

i) Rectangle 900 x 1500 mm (Advance Direction) Nos.

ii) Rectangle 600 x 800 mm (Direction Sign) Nos.
iii) Rectangle 1500 x 950 mm (Place) Nos.
iv) Facility Information signs (800 mm x 600 mm) Nos
v) Bus Stop Sign, truck lay bye (450 mm x 600 mm) Nos
10.03 Supply and fixing overhead sign complete as shown in drawings, as per Technical Specification
Clause 802,
a) Cantilever type overhead sign Nos
b) Full Width overhead sign Nos
10.04 Pavement marking with hot applied thermoplastic compound materials for road markings with surface
application of glass beads at specified rate complete as per drawing or directed by the Engineer and
Technical Specification Clause 803 for 2.5 mm thickness of marking and consisting of:

a) Lane, Centre line, Edge and other marking along strips Sqm
b) Diagonal and Chevron marking Sqm
c) STOP, Stop Lines, Pedestrian marking, etc. Sqm
d) Directional arrows Nos
e) Lettering on pavement Sqm
10.05 Providing and fixing Reinforced Cement Concrete M15- Grade Stones including excavation,
foundation concrete and reinfrocement , inscriptions etc., all complete as per drawing and Technical
Specification Clause No.804.
a) Boundary Stones Nos
b) 5th km. Stones Nos
c) Km.stones Nos
d) Hectometer stones Nos
10.06 Providing and fixing guard posts as per drawing and directed by the engineer Nos
10.07 Providing and fixing retro-reflectorised road indicators complete as per drawing and Technical
Specification Clause 805
a) Cluster of Red Reflector Nos
b) One way hazard marker Nos
c) Two way hazard marker Nos
d) Object hazard marker Nos
e) Road way delineator Nos

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Construction of four-lane Greenfield Delhi-Amritsar-Katra Expressway from Jussur Kheri on KMP Expressway to Junction with Rohtak-Panipat road (NH-709)
near Rukhi Paani village (Km 0+000 to Km 34+000) on Hybrid Annuity Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojna in the state of Haryana0 to 34




f) Raised pavement marker ( Road studs / cat eyes) Nos

g) Raised pavement marker (Solar) Nos
h) Chevron 600 x 750 mm Nos
10.08 Blinkers signal Nos
10.09 speed breakers with rumble strips Sqm
10.10 Painting median and footpath Kerbs in alternate bands of 500 mm wide in white and Black as per Sqm
drawing and Technical Specification
10.11 New Jersey Type Crassh barrier in Meadian L.M
10.12 Providing and erecting " W " metal beam crash barrier complete as per drawing and as approved by
Engineer and Technical Specification Clause 810
i) Single face including Pasting of Sticker at Vertical Post L.M
ii) Double face L.M
ii) Single face Thrie Beam Metal crash barrier L.M
10.13 Providing pedestrian guard rails and safety barriers L.M
10.13 a Providing RCC Crash Barrier M-40 L.M
10.14 Fencing/Chen Link Fencing L.M
10.15 Providing Lighted Bollard Nos
10.16 Anti - Glare Screen with Rectangular Vane of MS sheet (Providing and erecting anti - glare screen
with rectangular vanes of size 750 x 500 mm made from MS sheet, 3 mm thick and fixed on MS angle
50 x 50 x 6 mm at an angle of 450 to the direction of flow of traffic, 1.5 m center to center, top edge of
the screen 1.75 m above ground level, vertical post firmly embedded in cement concrete foundation Nos
0.60 m below ground level, applying 2 coats of paint on exposed faces, all complete as per approved
design and drawings)

10.17 Providing the Speed Breaker on main highway shall enable a speed of 35 to 50kmph comfortably over
the hump, hence a chord length of 5m to 9.5m may be adopted
ST Sub Total
11.01 Roof over toll plaza / Canopy Sqm
11.02 Operation & Office building at toll plaza Sqm
11.03 Pavement marking Sqm
11.04 Toll plaza sign boards
a) Cantilever gantry signs-T1&T8 Nos
b) Cantilever gantry signs-T2,1.0km Nos
c) Kerb sign for toll gate 500m, T3 Nos
d) Kerb sign for exempt vehicles, T4 Nos
e) Kerb sign-T5 Nos
f) Kerb sign-T6 Nos
g) Kerb sign-T7 Nos
11.05 Providing PCC of M20 grade for Kerbs as per drawing and Technical Specification Sections 408 L.M
1500, 1700
11.06 Painting of Road Kerbs in alternate bands of 500 mm wide in white and Black as per drawing and Sqm
Technical Specification
11.07 Providing 150 mm thick DLC (M15) for toll plaza as per Technical Specification Clause 601. Cum

11.08 Providing 300 mm thick PQC for toll plaza as per Technical Specification Clause 602. Cum
11.09 Providing generator room as shown on drawings including arrangement for electric supply, all electric Sqm
items with necessary earthing as per additional Technical Specification and as directed by the
11.1 Providing and laying 38 mm thick precast cement concrete chequered tiles of grade M-20 in cement Sqm
mortar 1:3 over 25 mm thick cement concrete M-15 grade and 150 mm thick granular sub-base for
constructing footpath / paved seperator / passenger platform / paved part of islands / medians etc. in
junction as well as in other areas as per drawing and Tech. Specificaitons Clause 409.

11.11 a) Providing electronic weigh bridge 60 Tonne capacity Nos

11.11 b) Bull Nose Nos
11.12 High mast lighting complete Nos
11.13 Providing , installing and commisioning electrically operated barrier gates complete as per drawing
and Technical Specifications shown on drawing.
a) For 3.2 m wide toll lane Nos
b) For 3.5 m wide toll lane ETC Nos
c) For 4.5 m wide toll lane Nos
11.14 1.8 m high GI Barbed wire fencing complete L.M
11.16a Clearing and grubbing of road land Hect.
11.16b Earthwork in excavation Cum
11.16c Embankment Filling Cum
11.16d Median/ Island Filling Cum
11.17 Construction of Sub grade as per Technical Specification Clause No 305. Cum
11.18 Constructing GSB as per Technical Specification Clause No 401. Grading-I, Table 400-2. Cum

11.25 Box Tunnel of 3.0 m x 2.5m size at toll plaza L.M

11.26 Providing lighting including excavation, pipes, cables (double arm) Nos
11.28 Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised informatory sign as per IRC :67 made of high intensity Nos
grade sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting, as per approved drawing and and all
complete as per Technical specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (Size - 4.9 x 1.9
m): (Lane control signs)
11.3 Providing and erecting gantry mounted variable message sign board electronically operated capable of Nos
flashing the desired message over a designed support system of aluminium alloy or galvanised steel,
erected as per approved design and drawings and with lateral clearance, all complete as per Technical
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

11.31 Single toll booths (4m X 1.70m) Nos

11.32 Double toll booths (5.1m X 1.70m) Nos
11.33 Boundary wall L.M
11.34 Construction of drain cum foot path L.M
11.35 Bore well at plaza and necessary arrangements Nos
11.36 Medical Aid Post
a) Bulding Area for Medical Aid post.(6m x 4m) Sqm
b) Ambulance Nos
11.37 Traffic Aid Posts
a) Bulding Area for Traffic Aid Post Sqm
b) Vehicle Rescue Posts Nos
11.38 For this purpose, it shall maintain and operate a round-the-clock vehicle rescue post with one mobile
crane having the capacity to lift a truck with a Gross Vehicle Weight of 20,000 (twenty thousand)
kilograms and such posts shall be located at the Toll Plaza.

a) Highway Patrolling Vehicle Nos

b) Cranes ( 15 Tonne) Nos
11.39 Toll Management System Lane
11.4 Electronic Toll Collection Lane
11.41 Advance Trafic management System (ATMS)/AdvanceTraffic Management System (ATMS) K.M

NEW Weigh in Motion Lane

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Construction of four-lane Greenfield Delhi-Amritsar-Katra Expressway from Jussur Kheri on KMP Expressway to Junction with Rohtak-Panipat road (NH-709)
near Rukhi Paani village (Km 0+000 to Km 34+000) on Hybrid Annuity Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojna in the state of Haryana0 to 34




NEW DG Set Nos

NEW Operation and Maintenance Centre Nos
NEW Providing and Fixing Solar Panel over the Toll Plaza Canopy to Generate the Green energy. Sqm

ST Sub Total
12.01 Construction of way Side Amenities including parking facility, drinking water facility, toilet, cafeteria, Nos
grocery shops and vehicle repair shop electrification, plumbing, water supply, sewerage disposal
system and street illumination complete as per Technical Specification.

1 Shop /Sapre Part Shop Sqm

2 Cafeteria/Snacks Block Sqm
3 Toilet & Toilet Block Sqm
4 Petrol pump Sqm
5 Service Stattion & Office Sqm
6 First Aid Center Sqm
7 Children Playing Area Sqm
8 Future Expansion Area Sqm
9 Food Plaza , Restaurant etc Sqm
10 Travel Information & Passeger Facilities Sqm
11 Dormatory Sqm
12 Truma Hospital center Sqm
13 Vehicle Oriented Facilities Petrol Pump office Block Sqm
14 Highway Petrol Building/ Admin Block Sqm
15 Helipaid Area Sqm
16 Picnic Area Land Scap Area Sqm
17 Security Room Sqm
18 MEP (pump room step ect) Sqm
19 Cooking area (Dhawa) with toilet Sqm
20 Parking Area all vehicle Sqm
36 Car, Truck & Bus Parking & Passage Area
i) C&G Hect.
ii) Subgrade Cum
iii) GSB Cum
iv) WMM Cum
v) DBM (VG-30) Cum
vi) BC (VG-30) Cum
vi) DLC Cum
vii) PQC Cum
vi) Paver Block 80mm thick Sqm
vii) Sand Filling Below Paver Block Cum
vii) Pavement Marking Sqm
Viii) Concrete Kerb L.M
ix) Plantation Nos
12.02 Construction of toilet block at truck lay-bye or any other place as per drawing and additional Nos
Technical Specification and as directed by the Engineer.
12.03 Digging and construction of bore well as per Technical Specification complete Nos

12.04 Construction of passenger shelter at pick-up bus stop as per drawing and additional Technical Nos
Specification and as directed by the Engineer.
ST Sub Total
13.01 Planting of low height flowering plants and shrubs in one rows in central median as per Technical Nos
13.02 Planting tree sapling by roadside with plants Kaner/ Thija/ Chandini/ Baugainvilla/ Gurhal/ Duranta as Nos
directed by the Engineer including maintenance for one year complete as per Technical Specification.

13.03 Providing and fixing tree guard 0.6m square, 2m high fabricated with MS angle iron 30 x 30 x 3 mm, Nos
MS iron 25 x 3 mm and steel wire 3 mm dia welded and fabricated as per design in two halves bolted
together as per drawing and Technical Specification.

13.04 Providing and fixing litter bins made out of MS sheet having 30 liter capacity with MS support and Nos
swivel arrangement complete as per Technical Specification
13.05 Providing rain water harvesting arrangement as shown in drawing with all materials etc., with all lifts Nos
and leads complete as directed by the engineer
13.06 Providing of Ground Water Recharge Pit as Per EMP Plane Nos
13.07 Drip Irrigation System for median plantation on expressway by gravity/Pressure source with all Rmt
necessary components / Systems and emitting devices at plants.
13.07 Noise Barrier As Per Schedule- C Rmt
ST Sub Total
14.01 Providing and laying chequered tiles 25mm thick precast cement concrete chequered tiles of grade Sqm
M20 in ordinary grey cement with out chips in CM 1:3 over 50 mm thick cement concrete M10 grade
and 150 mm thick Grannular Sub base including pointing of tiles with neat cement as per drawing and
Technical Specification Clause 409.

14.02 Paver block on main carriageway and over seperator between MCW and SR as shown in different Sqm
cross sections
14.03 Providing min 1200 mm dia NP4 pipes across the road(excluding catchpits on both sides) at every 500 L.M
m interval in urban section & 1000m interval in rural section for crossing of Utilities as per Drawing
and Technical specification Section. 2900
14.04 Inspection chamber in utility ducts as per drawing and Technical Specification Section 2900 Nos

14.05 Construction of temporary diversion and providing traffic safety and control where necessary and as L.M
per direction of the Engineer including maintenance thereof complete as per drawing and Technical
Specification Clause 112
14.06 Providing lighting including excavation, pipes, cables for Service Roads, Bus Bays, Truck Laybyes Nos
(Single Arm Post)
14.07 Providing lighting including excavation, pipes, cables for Service Roads, Bus Bays, Truck Laybyes Nos
(Double Arm Post)
14.08 High Mast lighting (with a high of xxx metres), with an arm of 20 metres, and to comply with xxx lux, Nos
for Intersections, Flyovers

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Construction of four-lane Greenfield Delhi-Amritsar-Katra Expressway from Jussur Kheri on KMP Expressway to Junction with Rohtak-Panipat road (NH-709)
near Rukhi Paani village (Km 0+000 to Km 34+000) on Hybrid Annuity Mode under Bharatmala Pariyojna in the state of Haryana0 to 34




14.09 High Mast lighting (with a high of xxx metres), with an arm of 15metres, and to comply with xxx lux, Nos
for minor intersections and ROB
14.10 Paver Block 80 mm thick for Bus lay by & Truck lay by/Paved Shoulder Sqm
14.11 Sand Bed below Paver Block 55 mm thick for Bus lay by & Truck lay by Cum
14.12 Construction of Irrigation Canal
a Earth work in excavation as per Technical Specification Clause No.301. Cum
b Construction of embankment with approved material from borrow pitsTechnical Specification Clause Cum
No. 301 & 305
c Constructing GSB as per Technical Specification Clause No 401. Grading-I, Table 400-2. Cum

d Providing PCC M15 in foundation,Irrigation Canal as per Technical Specification Sections 1400, Cum
e Providing and Laying Polithene Sheet Under PCC As per Technical Specification Sqm
14.13 Construction of Boundary Wall RMT
14.14 Providing Helipad adhere to the DGCA guidelines Nos.
14.15 Shifting of Utilities Ls.
ST Sub Total

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Crust 0.580
Design Chainage Top
Sn Length TCS Description NC/Recon Side Slope
From To Width

1 196.870 197.520 0.650 TCS-02 Typical Cross Section for Grade Seprated Structure with RE wall including slip road NC 32 Vertical
2 197.520 199.630 2.110 TCS-01 Typical Cross Section for 4-Lane New Construction/Realignment/Bypass NC 26 Slope
3 199.630 201.250 1.620 TCS-03 Typical Cross Section for ROB with RE Wall NC 35 Vertical
4 201.250 203.680 2.430 TCS-01 Typical Cross Section for 4-Lane New Construction/Realignment/Bypass NC 26 Slope
5 203.680 204.240 0.560 TCS-02 Typical Cross Section for Grade Seprated Structure with RE wall including slip road NC 32 Vertical
6 204.240 208.900 4.660 TCS-01 Typical Cross Section for 4-Lane New Construction/Realignment/Bypass NC 26 Slope
7 208.900 209.300 0.400 TCS-02 Typical Cross Section for Grade Seprated Structure with RE wall including slip road NC 32 Vertical
8 209.300 210.830 1.530 TCS-01 Typical Cross Section for 4-Lane New Construction/Realignment/Bypass NC 26 Slope
9 210.830 211.790 0.960 TCS-02 Typical Cross Section for Grade Seprated Structure with RE wall including slip road NC 32 Vertical
10 211.790 214.070 2.280 TCS-01 Typical Cross Section for 4-Lane New Construction/Realignment/Bypass NC 26 Slope
11 214.070 215.400 1.330 TCS-02 Typical Cross Section for Grade Seprated Structure with RE wall including slip road NC 32 Vertical
12 215.400 218.800 3.400 TCS-01 Typical Cross Section for 4-Lane New Construction/Realignment/Bypass NC 26 Slope
13 218.800 219.600 0.800 TCS-02 Typical Cross Section for Grade Seprated Structure with RE wall including slip road NC 32 Vertical

Total Length of Project 22.730 22.730

Type Length Description

1 TCS-01 16.410 TCS-01 Typical Cross Section for 4-Lane New Construction/Realignment/Bypass Slope NC 26.00
2 TCS-02 4.700 TCS-02 Typical Cross Section for Grade Seprated Structure with RE wall including slip road Vertical NC 32.00
3 TCS-03 1.620 TCS-03 Typical Cross Section for ROB with RE Wall Vertical NC 35.00

Typical Cross Section for 4-Lane New Construction/Realignment/Bypass

Carriageway Discription Unit Width LHS Width RHS Total Width Lengh

Carriageway (2-Lane) m 7.000 7.000 14.00 16410

Paved shoulder m 1.500 1.500 3.00 16410
Edge strip m 0.500 0.500 1.00 16410
Median width m 2.000 2.000 4.00 16410
Earthen Shoulder m 2.000 2.000 4.00 16410
0.00 16410

Pavement Composition 0.00 16410

BC 0.040 m 8.500 8.500 17.00 16410

DBM 0.100 m 8.54 8.54 17.08 16410

WMM 0.250 m 8.86 8.86 17.71 16410

GSB 0.200 m 13.98 13.98 27.96 16410

Subgrade(Selected Earth) 0.500 m 14.68 14.68 29.36 16410

Selected Earth Shoulder 0.39 m 2.78 2.78 5.56 16410

Granular Shoulder m 0.00 16410

Median Filling 0.610 1.835 1.835 3.67 16410


11159 Cum
28028 Cum
72655 Cum
91765 Cum
240899 Cum
35583 Cum
0 Cum
36737 Cum

Typical Cross Section of 2 Lane + PS Carriageway ( Bypass & Re Alignment)

Carriageway Discription Unit Width LHS Width RHS Total Width Lengh

Carriageway (2-Lane) m 0.00

Paved shoulder m 0.00
Edge strip m 0.00
Median width m 0.00
Earthen Shoulder m 0.00

Pavement Composition
BC 0.040 m 0.00

DBM 0.120 m 0.00

WMM 0.250 m 0.00

GSB 0.200 m 0.00

Subgrade(Selected Earth) 0.500 m 0.00

Selected Earth Shoulder 0.30 m 0.00

Granular Shoulder 0.15 m 0.00
Median Filling


Typical Cross Section of 2 Lane + PS Carriageway ( Bypass & Re Alignment)

Carriageway Discription Unit Width LHS Width RHS Total Width Lengh

Carriageway (2-Lane) m 0.00

Paved shoulder m 0.00
Edge strip m 0.00
Median width m 0.00
Earthen Shoulder m 0.00

Pavement Composition
BC 0.040 m 0.00

DBM 0.120 m 0.00

WMM 0.250 m 0.00

GSB 0.200 m 0.00

Subgrade(Selected Earth) 0.500 m 0.00

Selected Earth Shoulder 0.30 m 0.00

Granular Shoulder 0.15 m 0.00
Median Filling


Typical Cross Section of 2 Lane + PS Carriageway ( Bypass & Re Alignment)

Carriageway Discription Unit Width LHS Width RHS Total Width Lengh

Carriageway (2-Lane) m 0.00

Paved shoulder m 0.00
Edge strip m 0.00
Median width m 0.00
Earthen Shoulder m 0.00

Pavement Composition
BC 0.040 m 0.00

DBM 0.120 m 0.00

WMM 0.250 m 0.00

GSB 0.200 m 0.00

Subgrade(Selected Earth) 0.500 m 0.00

Selected Earth Shoulder 0.30 m 0.00

Granular Shoulder 0.15 m 0.00
Median Filling


Typical Cross Section of 2 Lane + PS Carriageway ( Bypass & Re Alignment)

Carriageway Discription Unit Width LHS Width RHS Total Width Lengh

Carriageway (2-Lane) m 0.00

Paved shoulder m 0.00
Edge strip m 0.00
Median width m 0.00
Earthen Shoulder m 0.00

Pavement Composition
BC 0.040 m 0.00

DBM 0.120 m 0.00

WMM 0.250 m 0.00

GSB 0.200 m 0.00

Subgrade(Selected Earth) 0.500 m 0.00

Selected Earth Shoulder 0.30 m 0.00

Granular Shoulder 0.15 m 0.00
Median Filling


Typical Cross Section of 2 Lane + PS Carriageway ( Bypass & Re Alignment)

Carriageway Discription Unit Width LHS Width RHS Total Width Lengh

Carriageway (2-Lane) m 0.00

Paved shoulder m 0.00
Edge strip m 0.00
Median width m 0.00
Earthen Shoulder m 0.00

Pavement Composition
BC 0.040 m 0.00

DBM 0.120 m 0.00

WMM 0.250 m 0.00

GSB 0.200 m 0.00

Subgrade(Selected Earth) 0.500 m 0.00

Selected Earth Shoulder 0.30 m 0.00

Granular Shoulder 0.15 m 0.00
Median Filling


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