“ n summary, we encourage Infosys to compete for the customization, installation,
and maintenance of a JAVA-based Ariba® e-procurement system here at Prairie
Four Square (PFS) Insurance,” stated the Chief Information Officer (CIO), PFS,
Robert Peters. “As part of this project, you would work not only with our information
technology (IT) group on internal system tasks but also with our Purchasing De-
partment to select and certify vendors, standardize all product codes and order
processing procedures, and integrate certified vendors’ billing processes with our
accounts payable systems. Be aware that you will be competing head-to-head with
two leading IT consulting firms; so, you will have to demonstrate that you can handle
all aspects of the project in a superior manner. Furthermore, given our CEO’s drive
to cut costs significantly, I urge you to ‘sharpen your pencils’ before you quote a
price on the project. Let’s schedule your project proposal presentation for three weeks
from today.”
Thus concluded a one-hour briefing that the CIO, Peters, and his colleague, the
PFS Purchasing Vice President, Kay Bryan, had given to the Infosys Engagement
Manager, Rahul Dev, and the Account Manager, Jaspal Singh. During that briefing,
Peters and Bryan had outlined plans to move all company acquisitions of products
and services online and provided operational details on how they would like to see
the system function. As Rahul and Jaspal walked down the main corridor of PFS’
Dallas headquarters building and towards the street, they nodded to each other in
delight over the unexpected opportunity that had just presented itself. “Although
Infosys has successfully increased the number of major IT projects it conducts for
PFS to 65, we have only managed to capture around US $ 30 million (i.e., Rs. 1.38
billion Indian rupees) in annual business out of their annual IT total spend of $1
billion (Rs. 46 billion) even though we could ideally handle up to 45 per cent of that
total spend. Moreover, most of the projects that we have undertaken have been low
Infosys Business Model
value-added, price-sensitive business. This project requires an end-to-end solution.
Insurance If we win it and deliver a high quality solution, we will be in an advantageous position
Ariba e-Procurement to gain a greater share of their more profitable, high value-added business. We must
System put together a convincing case for employing Infosys,” Rahul insisted.
Account Management
Offshore Outsourcing With an annual sales of over Rs. 139 billion ($2979 million) and net profits exceeding
Exhibit 2: Average Performance Metrics on Maintenance Projects over Past Five Years
Performance Dimension PFS Target Infosys Results
• Requests delivered with zero defects (%) 90.0 97.1
• Delivered defects per 1,000 person hours 4.9 3.2
• Requests delivered on time (%) 91.0 99.6
• Effort estimation accuracy (%) 83.0 98.1
• Uptime on Infosys maintained systems (%) 94.0 99.9
• Abend* ratio across Infosys maintained systems (%) 1.8 0.2
*Abend is an abnormal ending of a programme.
James A Narus is a Professor at the Babcock Graduate DVR Seshadri teaches extensively in the various long-term
School of Management, Wake Forest University in Charlotte, programmes at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.
North Carolina. His teaching, research, and consulting as well as in various executive education programmes for
interests include value-based marketing, use of adaptive companies. He is also adjunct faculty at IIM Ahmedabad
channels, management of market offerings, and partnership where he teaches Strategy, B2B Marketing, and Corporate
between firms in business markets. His teaching portfolio Entrepreneurship. He has had over 15 years of industrial
includes such courses as marketing channel management, experience before joining academics in 2000. He has developed
strategic account management, sales management, marketing a number of case studies and papers in his areas of interest,
strategy and policy, brand management, and advertising viz., B2B marketing, strategy and corporate entrepreneurship
management. Over the years, he has also taught in executive He has authored over a dozen articles in refereed journals,
development programmes at Northwestern University, the developed over 70 case studies in his areas of interest, and
Pennsylvania State University, Texas A&M University, and recently co-authored a book, Innovation Management with
Twente University (The Netherlands). Narus has published Prof. Shlomo Maital of Technion Institute of Management,
numerous articles and research papers on business market Haifa, Israel, published by Sage (India).
management in Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management e-mail: [email protected]
Review, California Management Review, and Journal of Marketing,
among other journals. He is the co-author of a seminal book,
‘Business Market Management: Understanding, Creating and
Delivering Value.
e-mail: [email protected]