International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 28, No. 0 (2018) 1850022 (23 pages)
c World Scientific Publishing Company
DOI: 10.1142/S0129065718500223
Xiaoyi Jiang∗
Department of Computer Science, University of Munster, Germany
[email protected]
Antonio Carrillo
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Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease (AD); multi-class classification; feature selection; multi-objective genetic
optimization; relevant regions in the brain.
Corresponding author.
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June 14, 2018 18:31 1850022
O. Valenzuela et al.
people with dementia to prevent the cognitive dam- is frontotemporal dementia (FTD), since both have
age for years, enhancing their quality of life.1 proven to develop a striking atrophy in the poste-
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the leading cause of rior cortex and temporal lobe. In order to avoid the
dementia, and diagnosis of AD is made nowadays confusion, some studies have proposed visual scales
by using clinical criteria.2–4 The American Academy to help in a differential diagnosis.13 Regarding this
of Neurology (AAN) recommends the use of an issue, the fact that the symmetric atrophy of the
image test, a Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) hippocampus is a useful biomarker to differentiate
or a cranial Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) when between AD and FTD is also known (and helpful).
studying dementia. Despite the fact of a CAT being The paper presented by Romero-Garcia et al.14
quick and cheap, MRI provides far better resolu- propose the realization of a structural analysis and
tion and contrast between tissues and does not metabolic cortical networks derived from correlations
use ionizing radiations.5 In recent years, the use of cortical thickness and regional glucose utilization
of Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomogra- in healthy old adults, amnestic MCI subjects and
phy (FDG-PET) and the beta-amyloid protein depo- mild AD patients.
sitions in the brain have proven to be very rel- Early diagnosis is a key factor in those patients
evant techniques in helping neuroimaging-assisted who will suffer from dementia. Given the fact that
diagnosis.6–8 shrinking of brain matter in MCI patients is halfway
MCI is defined as an intermediate stage between between AD and healthy patients15 and that atrophy
normal cognition and dementia. Subjective cognitive of the hippocampus and Amygdala are well-known
complaints, verified by a reliable observer (family, biomarkers of AD in healthy and MCI patients,16,17
friends, etc.) and posterior demonstration by objec- further investigating the impact of Alzheimer’s in the
tive neuropsychological tests, are the standard means brain and trying to reach a deeper understanding of
to diagnose this condition. Yet, many disorders can the mechanisms that differentiate those MCI patients
cause MCI, including systemic or psychiatric disor- who will convert to AD and those who will not is
ders, neurological diseases, or others.9 Since between essential to address the issue.
10% and 15% of all patients with MCI have shown to For the stated reasons, this study has two main
develop dementia within a year in several epidemi- goals. The first one is to develop a classifier able
ological studies, it is key to discern whether a par- to distinguish between AD, MCI converter (MCIc),
ticular patient exhibiting signs of MCI will develop MCI nonconverter MCInc, and normal subjects.
dementia or not.10 The second one is to find out which regions of
Each dementia has its own characteristics and the brain are the most relevant ones in terms of
atrophy distribution. Particularly for AD, atrophy accuracy in order to classify patients belonging to
of the brain is strong in the medial temporal lobe these four classes. In order to do so, the procedure
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implements three-dimensional discrete wavelet trans- Discriminant Ratio31,48 or Fisher Criterion,37 Princi-
form (3D-DWT) as a tool to extract 3D features pal Component Analysis (PCA),33,37,43,44 minimum
from the brain, and an optimization algorithm to Redundancy Maximum Relevance (mRMR),31,49
find which regions are the most relevant ones. and others, are available.
Regarding the classification or machine learning
method, many methods and algorithms are available
2. State-of-the-Art
and we are not listing them here, but refer the reader
Diagnosis and research tools can be developed to to the reference section. The choice of using Sup-
better understand dementia and other conditions port Vector Machine (SVM) comes from its robust-
using both information from medical signals (such ness, high performance, and capability to deal with
as EEG,18–25 Magnetoencephalography (MEG)26,27 ) high-dimensional data, as can be seen in comparison
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and medical images (such MRI,28 FDG-PET,6 etc). tables from different papers,32–34,43,44 and others.
In the last decades, a wide variety of relevant Finally, on the subject of optimization, there are
papers and research papers have focused on devel- many optimization algorithms available. The contri-
oping a procedure that could systematically analyze bution presented by Tekin et al.50 uses an enhanced
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MRI images (or different sources of information for version of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) called
that matter) to determine the given condition of a Improved ACO (IACO). The papers presented by
patient.29,30 Most of the references are studies that Nachimuthu et al.40 and Raja et al.41 propose Parti-
aim to build a classifier that could help in the diag- cle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Sharma et al.42
nosis of AD, classifying AD patients and healthy suggests a modification of Gravitational Search
patients.31–33 Algorithm (GSA) called Hybrid Refined GSA.
Regarding the normalization of MRI images and Nonetheless, our choice of a Multi-Objective Genetic
sources utilized for feature extraction, a relevant con- Algorithm (precisely, NSGA-II algorithm51,52 ) comes
tribution was presented by Cuingnet et al.34 in which from the fact that two different functions will need
different DARTEL35 and standard SPM normaliza- to be optimized in order to obtain a Pareto front and
tions36 are tested in terms of the accuracy achieved find the best combination of ROIs or VOIs to aid in
by the classifiers. Despite the fact that both DAR- the early diagnosis of AD, MCIc, and MCInc, with
TEL and SPM standard pipeline were tested, the a sound and solid background of research. In multi-
later was finally chosen to be implemented in the objective optimization, in which even several objec-
procedure. tives can be opposed or complex to be reached simul-
For the extraction of features, several approaches taneously, a set of solutions is defined that form the
have given good results: plain voxel values,6,37 Prob- Pareto front when these solutions are nondominated
ability Density Function (PDF) of volumes of inter- optimal solutions (if no objective can be improved
est (VOIs),32 one approach inspired by FT called without sacrificing at least another objective).52
Fractional Fourier Entropy,38 Co-occurrence Matri- It is noteworthy to remark the results obtained
ces,39,40 Hyper Analytic Wavelet Transform,41 3D by Dukart et al.7 In this contribution, the authors
volumetric Square Centroid Lines Gray Level Dis- presented relevant findings. The first one is that the
tribution Method (SCLGM),42 region of interest differential age-related glucose hypometabolism and
(ROI) variance–covariance vector,43 Displacement atrophy patterns between clinical groups (AD, MCIc,
Field (DF),33 Eigenbrain,44 and others. DWT was MCInc, and control patients) have relevant conse-
chosen for this study because of its ease of implemen- quences in the use of neuroimaging biomarkers for
tation, its power both in information preservation obtaining accuracy diagnostic and forecast conver-
and in computational resources reduction and the sion to AD. Also, relevant is the relationship between
results yielded in several research papers.31,33,45–47 symptom severities (measured by FDG-PET and/or
Feature selection is commonly performed by sta- MRI). The authors confirmed for MCIc and AD
tistical algorithms, though there is some research patients a strong association between symptom seri-
using wrapped methods which carries out the selec- ousness and the quantity of atrophy, which is not
tion by classifying the images and then selecting evident in MCInc. Relevant to remark, that no such
the best performing features. In this area, Fisher’s pattern was presented in glucose metabolism with
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O. Valenzuela et al.
any of the patient cohorts. Authors suggest that 3. Materials and Methodology
FDG-PET could be more closely linked to future
The block scheme for the proposed methodology,
cognitive deterioration despite the fact that MRI is with the aim to discover and optimize which are the
more strongly related to the present-day cognitive most relevant VOIs for the multi-class classification,
state. is shown in Fig. 1(a). The main functional blocks
Most papers in the references run traditional are described in the following sections. Figure 1(b)
binary or two-class classifications, for AD versus shows the test phase and the results are described in
Normal6,31,32,53 or AD versus MCI/MCI versus Nor- Sec. 4.
mal.54–57 There are also contributions presented in
the references for three multi-class classification33,58
or four multi-class classification59–61 3.1. Subjects cohort
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A useful procedure developed in this proposed Data used in the preparation of this study were
methodology is adding an optimization phase to obtained from the AD Neuroimaging Initiative
the traditional procedure of classification (or, more (ADNI) database ( The ADNI was
specifically, wrapping an optimization algorithm launched in 2003 as a public–private partnership,
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around the classification) so that the most relevant led by Principal Investigator Michael W. Weiner,
regions of the brain related to AD could be found. In MD. The primary goal of ADNI has been to test
this study, a SVM performing four multi-class classi- whether serial MRI, PET, other biological markers,
fication is presented, obtaining a global accuracy of and clinical and neuropsychological assessment can
about 94.4%. be combined to measure the progression of MCI and
Fig. 1. Pipeline of proposed method to find the most relevant VOIs of the brain for multi-classification purpose, using
Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms: (a) training phase and (b) classification phase with test samples.
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Fig. 1. (Continued)
early AD. For up-to-date information, see www.adni- 74. Details of the demographics and clinical char- acteristics of the subjects used in this research are
More than 400 different brain images in Neu- presented in Tables 1 and 2. These images are
roimaging Informatics Technology Initiative (NIfTI) around 15 GB of information (40 GB after images
format were downloaded. After deleting corrupt or were segmented and separately stored). Finally, we
duplicated images, the database consisted of 296 want to highlight the error that can be induced
MRI images, T1-weighted, from different types of in the system, if a patient has been initially erro-
patients. The AD group contained 87 subjects rang- neously labeled (especially in the case of MCIc and
ing in age from 62 to 88 (75.2 ± 7.6) years. The MCInc).
Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Clin- The database of 296 patients is divided into two
ical Dementia Ratio (CDR) and Global Deterio- parts: 206 patients from the whole database are used
ration Scale (GDS) scores are mean 23.18 ± 2.59 to optimize the VOI selection using the novel opti-
and mean 0.73 ± 0.31, respectively (it is impor- mization procedure presented in this paper, and 90
tant to remember that a CDR of zero represents patients are later used for testing the accuracy of the
no dementia). The healthy patients has a total of solutions obtained by the optimization methodology
59 subjects, MCIc patients 76 and finallyMCInc proposed.
Table 1. Characteristics of the cohort of Alzheimer’s patient and normal patient used in this contribution.
Measures AD (87) Normal (59)
Sex (male–
42 45 30 29
71.1 17.3 83.5 14.1
Age 75.2 7.6 88 62 76.5 3.8 83 61
MMSE 23.18 2.59 26 13 29.45 0.98 31 25
GDS 1.75 1.42 5 0 1.25 1.25 5 0
CDR 0.73 0.31 2 0.5 0.009 0.07 0.5 0
Mean Std Max Min Mean Std Max Min
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O. Valenzuela et al.
Table 2. Characteristics of the cohort of MCIc and MCInc used in this contribution.
Measures MCInc (74) MCIc (76)
Sex (male–
38 36 37 39
75.8 13.9 77.3 13.3
Age 75.2 7.9 86 61 74.6 7.54 88 62
MMSE 26.35 2.47 31 18 27.2 1.89 30 21
GDS 1.94 1.82 9 0 1.82 1.47 5 0
CDR 0.50 0.12 1 0 0.48 0.08 0.52 0
Mean Std Max Min Mean Std Max Min
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3.2. Segmentation and normalization artifact or noise that modifies the intensity of the
image (bias). Although the noise is not usually a
The pre-processing of the information from the sam-
problem for visual inspection of a human expert, it
ple data, which requires segmentation, bias correc-
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Fig. 2. Block diagram of 2D wavelet decomposition (2D- mater images and gray matter images are divided in
DWT) with application to images. 1170 VOIs). Using 3D volumes could mean a signif-
icant reduction of the number of features extracted,
since it allows the researcher to extract features just
High–High, and High–Low or LL, LH, HH, HL).
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Fig. 3. Block diagram of 3D DWT wavelet methodology used in this contribution for each of the VOI in which the brain
is divided.
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executing a decomposition along the rows (y-axis), y, MI is calculated as shown in Eqs. (1) and (2),
obtaining four sub-volumes: LL, LH, HL, and HH. where summations and integrals are used according
Again, the number of data in these volumes are to if x and y are discrete or continuous, respectively.
reduced (in this case Nx /2 ∗ Ny /2 ∗ Nz ). Finally, a In these equations, term p(x, y) is the join proba-
decomposition along the slices is carried out (z-axis), bility of x and y, and terms p(x) and p(y) are the
obtaining eight sub-volumes or sub-band: LLL, LLH, marginal probabilities:
LHL, LHH, HLL, HLH, HHL, and HHH, being in
the case the number of data: Nx /2 ∗ Ny /2 ∗ Nz /2.
p(x, y)
In this contribution, 3D-DWT was performed using I(x, y) = p(x, y) log , (1)
x y
biorthogonal 3.3 wavelet up to level 2 on each of the
VOIs and approximation coefficients were stored. For
p(x, y)
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further details, one can refer to Ref. 66. I(x, y) = p(x, y) log dy dx. (2)
x y p(x)p(y)
Fig. 4. Feature selection for each of the VOIs of each patients. After the application of the 3D-DWT in each VOI,
M -features are obtained. Due to this big number, mRMR feature selection is applied to each VOI in order to select the
most relevant one (n-features, being n < M ).
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marized as performing the following steps: Unlike single objective optimization techniques,
NSGA-II simultaneously optimizes several objectives
(1) Random population initialization based on the so that the yielded solutions are nondominated by
problem ranges and constraints. In the simula- other solutions. In this contribution, the fitness func-
tion carried out in this contribution, the popu- tion has two objectives that are simultaneously opti-
lation size of the genetic algorithm is 100. mized: one related to the number of regions used to
(2) Nondominated sorting of the population. perform a classification between AD, MCIc, MCInc,
(3) Crowding distance computation and assignment, and normal subjects, and another one related to the
so that individuals in the population are selected accuracy achieved using certain regions (this accu-
based on their rank. racy score is carried out by one-versus-all SVM clas-
(4) Selection of individuals using a binary tourna- sifier approach). In this way, the algorithm finds a set
ment. of solutions that represent a trade-off between the
(5) Genetic operators are applied, simulating binary number of VOIs and the accuracy achieved. Thus,
crossover and polynomial mutation. several choices are available to the researcher.
(6) Recombination and selection, so that the next Once a set of VOIs has been selected for a given
generation is a combination of the offspring and solution of the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
the current population. NSGA-II, a feature matrix is obtained, in which each
(7) Fitness functions evaluation. In the proposed row is each individual of the training set and the
methodology, the fitness functions have two columns contain the features of the selected VOIs.
objectives: (a) complexity (number of VOIs) (b) Figure 6 shows a diagram of the matrix obtained by
accuracy of the classifier (one-versus-all SVM the algorithm NSGA-II. Due to the high number of
classifier is used). features, before performing the classification of the
fitness function of the genetic algorithm, a feature
In the NSGA-II algorithm used in this contribu- reduction is performed using PCA (in the following
tion, a binary coding has been carried out, being subsection, more detail is presented).
the number of genes equal to the number of VOIs The final solution of the NSGA-II is the so-called
that a patient has. Figure 5 shows a codification Pareto front. A Pareto front is a set of nondominated
example for one individual, in which the number “1” solutions, being chosen as optimal, if no objective
means that the VOI is taken into account, while zero can be improved without sacrificing at least another
that is not selected. The coding of the entire popu- objective, being in our case, the two objectives: the
lation is represented in the right side of Fig. 5, tak- numbers of VOIs and the accuracy of the classifier. In
ing into account that 100 individuals (the size of the the following section, more detail about the classifier
population) are simultaneously optimized, being the used is presented. Each solution of the Pareto front
maximum number of generations 300. represents a possible solution, with a given set of
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Fig. 6. Matrix of features for the i-solution obtained by NSGA-II. It is important to mention that this i-solution comes
from Pareto front. Therefore, set of selected VOIs (represented by value “1”) and an SVM trained classifier.
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Fig. 8. Block diagram of using PCA for the reduction of the number of features that will be used for the SVM classifier
for obtaining the fitness function of the NSGA-II.
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O. Valenzuela et al.
optimization algorithm to find the most relevant defined for a two-class classification problem as
regions (NSGA-II). Each individual in the popu- TP TN
lation of the algorithm (potential solutions) has a SEN = ; SPE = , (3)
genetic binary code (with a length of 2340 genes, where TP, TN, FP, and FN are true positives, true
the same as the number of VOIs) that states which negatives, false positives, and false negatives, respec-
regions of the brain ought to be used to perform the tively. Because of the nature of the proposed method,
classification. which is a multi-class classifier, these definitions do
The next stage is the unification of all the coeffi- not hold, and instead, confusion matrices are used.
cients of the different selected VOIs (by the NSGA- A confusion matrix is a graphic representation of the
II) to obtain global information of the patient. performance of a multi-class problem where rows rep-
The number of coefficients obtained is very high
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4. Results
4.1. Performance comparison
Fig. 9. Bar figure for a graphical representation of
Some important measures of the performance of a Table 7, note that the amount of subjects per class is
classifier are the sensitivity and specificity, which are related to their percentage, not absolute numbers.
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solution Accuracy Total VOIs W VOIs C1 VOIs
Source Features PC Accuracy Std. matrix
Fig. 10. Whole populations of solutions (including the C1 15,400 175 92.2% 4.96% Fig. 12(c)
solution from the Pareto front) during the execution of
W + C1 27,200 175 93.3% 4.64% Fig. 12(e)
the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II).
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extracting biorthogonal 3.3 approximation coeffi- around 95% of the features variance. Each classi-
cients using 3D-DWT up to level 2 in the group fication was run five times and averaged in order
of 90 independent subjects, and selecting the most to reduce noise (because subjects belonging to the
relevant features with the mRMR methodology (the training set and testing set are randomly selected to
threshold was 100, which means a maximum of 100 ensure unbias).
features per VOI). Once all the information of the The confusion matrix for each configuration is
selected VOIs is unified, PCA was applied to keep shown in Figs. 12(a), 12(c), and 12(e) (W , C1, and
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(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Fig. 12. Results of the testing phase for first Pareto solution (left) and third Pareto solution (right). For the third Pareto
solution, only VOIs belonging to gray matter images (67 regions) are used. (a) Confusion matrix for W sources from first
Pareto individual. (b) Confusion matrix for third Pareto solution. 80 selected features per VOI. (c) Confusion matrix for
C1 sources from first Pareto individual. (d) Confusion matrix for third Pareto solution. 100 selected features per VOI.
(e) Confusion matrix for W + C1 sources from first Pareto individual. (f) Confusion matrix for third Pareto solution. 130
selected features per VOI.
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W + C1 sources, respectively). It is noteworthy that more features selected per VOI led to lower accu-
W and C1 sources involve different VOIs. racy. Confusion matrices are shown in Figs. 12(b),
For the sake of curiosity, the same testing phase 12(d), and 12(f), and the results are summarized in
was performed using the regions belonging to gray Table 5.
matter-segmented images from the third Pareto solu-
tion, which comprises fewer VOIs (the third Pareto
solution has a total of 115 VOIs, being 48 W VOIs 4.3. Regions examination
and 67 C1 VOIs). This time, it was also tested how After obtaining these promising results in the inde-
the number of mRMR features affected the accuracy pendent cohort (93.3% accuracy for W + C1 sources
achieved. from the first Pareto solution and 94.4% accuracy for
The procedure was the same as the one already C1 regions from the third Pareto solution), an inter-
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described (using the independent cohort of 90 sub- esting goal was to label the regions used in order to
jects, extracting bior3.3 level 2 approximation coef- find a link to Alzheimer pathology. It is noteworthy
ficients, etc.), except for the fact that just the VOIs that W and C1 sources involve different VOIs, cen-
belonging to gray matter images were used, this is, ters of the boxes of 15 × 15 × 15 voxels are listed in
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Table 6. Location of the W and C1 VOIs centers for first Pareto solution obtained with the multi-objective genetic
Source VOI centers (x × y × z, separated by semicolons)
10 38 82;10 66 26;10 80 96;10 94 82;10 136 68;25 66 82;25 94 96;25 150 54;25 164 82;25 178 12;25 178 40;40
24 40;40 136 82;40 136 110;40 150 68;55 38 124;55 66 110;55 94 26;55 136 54;55 150 26;55 150 110;55 164
54;55 164 96;55 178 26;70 24 82;70 52 54;70 66 12;70 80 54;70 94 26;70 150 68;70 164 110;70 178 124;85 94
124;85 122 54;85 136 26;85 150 40;100 38 40;100 52 12;100 80 68;100 150 82;100 164 124;115 24 54;115 52
54;115 66 96;115 94 68;115 94 124;115 150 40;130 24 68;130 80 110;130 122 54;130 122 82;130 164 82;145 24
40;145 52 110;145 66 12;145 66 68;145 122 96;145 164 12;145 178 110
10 38 82;10 66 82;10 80 12;10 80 40;10 122 12;10 136 12;25 10 40;25 10 96;25 24 124;25 164 26;40 52 54;40
52 96;40 66 12;40 66 54;40 66 68;40 94 68;40 136 96;40 150 26;40 178 68;55 52 110;55 108 110;55 122 12;55
122 124;55 164 40;70 38 68;70 52 110;70 80 40;70 80 110;70 94 82;70 94 110;70 108 40;70 108 110;70 108
124;70 122 54;70 150 68;70 164 68;70 178 96;85 10 26;85 10 54;85 10 96;85 24 54;85 38 26;85 52 68;85 66
54;85 80 26;85 80 96;85 94 110;85 108 82;85 122 40;85 164 96;85 178 40;85 178 54;100 10 26;100 24 82;100
24 96;100 66 82;100 94 12;100 94 110;100 108 82;115 38 40;115 38 82;115 66 26;115 66 96;115 66 110;115
122 12;115 164 40;130 24 96;130 38 54;130 52 54;130 52 68;130 66 68;130 136 68;130 164 40;130 178 68;145
38 12;145 66 54;145 164 12
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Table 7. Comparison results of different classifiers presented in the references. If different configurations were carried out for the
experiment, the most similar ones to the presented methodology or those that achieved best accuracies are shown.
Authors Imaging Cohort Classification Method Acc (%) Sen (%) Spe (%)
Aggarwal et al., MRI OASIS 99 AD versus 99 Normal 3DWT, FDR, mRMR, SVM 68.94 81.13 75.02
Beheshti et al., MRI ADNI 130 AD versus 130 Normal VBM,DARTEL,PDF,SVM 90.76 90 91.53
201532 68 AD versus 68 Normal VBM,DARTEL,PCA,SVM 78.23 77.34 79.11
Dukart et al., MRI PET ADNI 28 AD versus 28 Normal VOIs,SVM 85.7 89.3 82.1
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Zhang et al., MRI OASIS 28 AD versus 98 Normal ICV,Eigenbrain,WTT,SVM 91.47 90.17 91.84
201544 28 AD versus 98 Normal DF,PCA,TSVM 92.36 90.56 93.37
Olfa Ben MRI ADNI 45 AD versus 52 Normal MKL (MD,SMR, CSF) 90.2 82.98 97.2
Ahmend et al., 58 MCI versus 52 Normal 79.42 71.58 86.05
201756 45 AD versus 58 MCI 76.63 65.62 81.33
Ahmend et al., MRI ADNI 137 AD versus 162 Normal SVM-RBF, 83.77 79.09 88.2
201555 210 MCI versus 162 Normal Hipp-PCC 69.45 74.8 62.52
137 AD versus 210 MCI features 62.07 49.02 75.15
Ahmend et al., MRI Bordeaux-3City 16 AD versus 21 Normal SVM-RBF, Hipp-PCC 78 74.7 80.04
201555 dataset features
Liu et al.59 MRI ADNI 180 AD versus 204 Normal SVM, SAE 82.59 86.83 77.78
374 MCI versus 204 Normal 71.98 49.52 84.3
Liu et al. MRI ADNI 180 AD versus 204 Normal versus SVM, SAE 46.3 66.14 77.78
201559 160 MCIc versus 214 MCInc
Liu et al. MRI and ADNI 85 AD versus 77 Normal versus SAE-ZEROMASK 53.79 52.14 86.98
201559 PET ADNI 102 MCIc versus 67 MCInc
Martinez-Murcia MRI ADNI 180 AD versus 180 Normal HMM,DARTEL,SVM 82.8 79.4 86.1
et al. 201653
Ortiz et al. MRI and PET ADNI 70 AD versus 68 Normal Ensemble Deep Learning 90 86 94
201657 111 MCI versus 70 AD (FEDBN-SVM) 84 79 89
68 Normal versus 111 MCI 83 67 95
Tong et al. MRI and PET ADNI 37 AD versus 35 Normal Nonlinear graph fusion 91.8 88.9 94.7
201758 75 MCI versus 35 Normal 79.5 85.1 67.1
37 AD versus 75 MCI
versus 35 Normal 60.2 — —
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Table 8. Temporal lobe, VOIs for first Pareto individual, being each VOIs represented by its
centers (x × y × z).
Whole matter Gray matter
Temporal lobe Left hemisphere Right hemisphere Left hemisphere Right hemisphere
(130 38 54)
(10 80 40)
(130 52 54)
(145 66 68) (40 52 54)
Medial/Inferior (10 80 96) (130 52 68)
(145 66 12) (40 66 54)
(130 66 68)
(40 66 68)
(145 66 54)
Superolateral (145 66 68)
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Table 9. Frontal lobe, VOIs for first Pareto individual, being each VOIs represented by its centers (x × y × z). Pt = Pars
triangularis; Pop = Pars opercularis; Pg = Precentral gyrus; Mg = Medial gyrus; Stg = Straight gyrus; R = Rectus;
Or = Orbital.
Int. J. Neur. Syst. Downloaded from
Table 10. Parietal lobe, VOIs for first Pareto individual, being each VOIs represented by its centers (x × y × z).
Pr = Precuneus; Po = Postcentral; Pa = Paracentral; Sg = Supramarginal gyrus; Ag = Angular gyrus; Pl=Paracentral
Whole matter Gray matter
Parietal lobe Left hemisphere Right hemisphere Left hemisphere Right hemisphere
(10 94 82) (115 66 96)
(115 66 96)
(25 66 82) (70 52 110 ) (Pr) (100 94 110) (Po)
Medial/Inferior (130 80 110) (Po)
(25 94 96) (70 80 40) (Pr) (85 66 54 ) (Pr)
(85 94 124) (Pa)
(55 38 124) (Pr) (100 66 82) (Pr)
(10 66 82) (Sg)
(40 94 68) (Sg)
(115 66 96) (Ag)
(40 52 96) (Ag)
Superolateral (115 66 110)
(55 52 110)
(85 94 110) (Pl)
(70 80 110) (Pl)
(70 94 110) (Pl)
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June 14, 2018 18:31 1850022
Table 11. Occipital lobe, VOIs for first Pareto individual, being each VOIs represented by its centers (x × y × z).
Lg = Lingual gyrus; C = Cuneus; Cs = Calcarine sulcus.
Whole matter Gray matter
Occipital lobe Left hemisphere Right hemisphere Left hemisphere Right hemisphere
(85 66 54) (Lg)
(100 10 26) (Lg)
(115 38 40) (Lg)
(100 24 82) (C)
(100 38 40) (Lg)
(40 24 40) (70 38 68) (C) (85 10 26) (Cs)
Medial/Inferior (115 52 54) (Lg)
(70 52 54) (Lg) (70 38 68) (Cs) (85 10 54) (Cs)
(115 24 54)
(85 24 54) (Cs)
(85 52 68) (Cs)
by THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES LIBRARY on 06/23/18. For personal use only.
Table 12. Limbic lobe, VOIs for first Pareto individual, being each VOIs represented by its centers (x × y × z).
AC = Anterior cingulum; MC = Medial cingulum; Pc = Posterior cingulum.
Whole matter Gray matter
Limbic lobe Left hemisphere Right hemisphere Left hemisphere Right hemisphere
(100 94 12)
(55 94 26) (55 122 12)
Hippocampus (100 80 68) (115 66 26)
(70 80 54) (70 80 40)
(115 122 12)
(85 80 96) (Mc)
(85 108 82) (Mc)
(85 150 40) (Ac) (70 150 68) (Ac) (100 66 82) (Mc)
Cingulate gyrus
(100 150 82) (Mc) (70 80 110) (Mc) (100 108 82) (Mc)
(85 66 54) (Pc)
(100 66 82) (Pc)
Table 13. Other regions, VOIs for first Pareto individual, being each VOIs represented by its centers (x × y × z).
Whole matter Gray matter
Other regions Left hemisphere Right hemisphere Left hemisphere Right hemisphere
(55 136 54)
Caudate (Basal ganglia) (70 122 54) (85 122 40)
(70 150 68)
Ventral Pallidum (Basal ganglia) (70 108 40)
(85 38 26)
(85 80 26)
Cerebellum (Hindbrain) (70 66 12) (100 52 12) (40 66 12)
(85 66 54) (Vermis)
(85 80 26) (Vermis)
Thalamus (Diencephalon) (85 122 54) (70 108 40)
(115 94 68)
Insular cortex
(115 150 40)
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June 14, 2018 18:31 1850022
O. Valenzuela et al.
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(a) (b)
Int. J. Neur. Syst. Downloaded from
Fig. 15. Analysis of ROIs in Caudate, Pars triangularis, and Precuneus. (a) Caudate: The caudate nucleus is deeply
related to goal-directed action, memory, learning, emotion, and language. In recent years, it has been strongly related to
AD.74,75 (b) Pars triangularis: Also known as Brodmann area 45 and part of the frontal cortex. Together with Brodmann
area 44, it comprises the Broca’s area, strongly related to semantic tasks. (c) Precuneus: Part of the superior parietal
lobule. Involving memory tasks, the precuneus plays a key role in attention, episodic memory retrieval, working memory,
and conscious perception (like self-awareness). Regarding visuospatial abilities, it has been suggested to be involved in
directing attention in space, motor imagery, visuospatial mental operations, and even to modeling other people’s views
(thus related to empathy and judging). It has also been suggested that together with the posterior cingulate, the precuneus
is pivotal for conscious information processing. Finally, it has been proposed that it works as a hub between parietal and
prefrontal regions.76
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