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Sl. ITEMS Statistics



i. Geographical Area (sq. km.) 1254

ii. Administrative Divisions (As on31-3-2009)

Number Of Blocks 04

Number Of Villages 286

iii. Population (As per 2011Census) 15,14,085

iv. Average Annual Rainfall (mm) 596


Major Physiographic Units Alluvial plain,

residual hills
and linear
Major Drainage (river) Sahibi


a. Forest Area 30

b. Net area sown 980

c. Cultivable area 1230

4. MAJOR SOIL TYPES Loamy sand


Jowar, Bajara
Gross irrigated area(sq. km) 1040

6 No. of M.I. units/ Ground water abstraction structures

Electric motor operated 22207
Diesel engine operated 736


OF CGWB (As on 31-3-2011)
No. of dug wells nil

No of Piezometers 16



Major Water bearing formation Sand, Gravel

Pre-monsoon depth to water level 3.3 - 79.70 mbgl

Post-monsoon depth to water level 3.05 - 77.5 mbgl

Long term water level trend in 10 yrs in m /year Decline in the

range of 0.10 -
1.07m / year



No. of wells drilled

Exploratory Wells (EW) 23
Piezometers (PZ) 16


Presence of Chemical constituents more than the

permissible limit

EC (micro mhos at 25oC) 805 to 3410

F (mg/l) 0.57 to 4.35

Type of water Na- mixed anion


Annual Replenishable Ground water Resources 23261 ham

Net Annual Ground water Draft 53927 ham

Stage of Ground Water Development 232%


decline and
Gurgaon district is situated on South eastern part of Haryana state has
an area of 1200 In the North, it is bordered by the Union Territory of
Delhi, in the east by Faridabad, in the North west by Jhajjar and Rewari districts
of Haryana and in the west by the Alwar district of Rajasthan state and south by
the Mewat district of Haryana state ( plate 1). The study area is largely
occupied by alluvial plains, traversed by elongated ridges of Delhi quartzites .
The area is well connected by roads and railways. National Highway No. 8
connecting Dehi with Jaipur passes through the district. Major state highways
are – No. 13, No 28, No 26 and No. 15A connecting Gurgaon – Alwar, Palwal –
Sohna, Gurgaon – Rewari – Narnaul – Singhana road and Jhajjar –
Farrukhnagar – Gurgaon respectively. Almost all the villages are connected by
metalled roads. Northern Railway Broad gauge main line Delhi – Gurgaon –
Rewari and branch line Garhi – Harsaru – Farrukhanagar meter gauge branch
line was constructed as far back as in 1883 for the salt traffic of that area.
Administratively, the district is divided in to four Blocks, namely, Gurgaon,
Pataudi, Farrukhanagar, Sohna, and one sub – divisions, Gurgaon.. Gurgaon
town is the headquarter of the district.

The climate of the district can be classified as tropical steppe,semi-arid
and hot which is mainly characterized by the extreme dryness of the Air except
during monsoon months, intensely hot summers and cold winters. During three
months of south west monsoon from last week of June to September, the moist
air of oceanic origin penetrate into the district and causes high humidity,
cloudiness and monsoon rainfall. The period from October to December
constitutes post monsoon season. The cold weather season prevails from
January to the beginning of March and followed by the hot weather or summer
season which prevails upto the last week of June.

The normal annual rainfall in Gurgaon district is about 596 mm spread

over 28 days. The south west monsoon sets in the last week of June and
withdraws towards the end of September and contributes about 85% of the
annual rainfall. July and August are the wettest months. 15% of the annual
rainfall occurs during the non-monsoon months in the wake of thunder storms
and western disturbances.

Normal Annual Rainfall 596 mm

Normal monsoon Rainfall 508 mm
Mean Maximum (May&June) 40C

Mean Minimum (January) 5.1C

Normal Raindays 28


The area is conspicuously flat topography, however, in the north-eastern part

small isolated hillocks of Precambrian rocks are exposed. The alluvial plain is
formed by the sahibi river which is tributary of River Yamuna. Soils of the
Gurgaon district are classified as tropical and brown soils, existing in the north
western extreme, northern and north eastern parts of the district and water
logged and salt affected soils in the southern parts of the district. The soils are
medium textured loamy sand is the average texture in Gurgaon and Sohna
blocks. In Pataudi and Sohna blocks the organic content of soils is lowest, just
up to 0.20 per cent (very low category). In the rest of the district, organic
contents is 0.2 to 0.40 percent and falls in low category.


The Gurgaon district is occupied by Quaternary alluvium and Pre-Cambrian
meta- sediments of Delhi Super Group. The alluvium comprises of thick beds of
fine to coarse-grained sand with alternating layers of thin clays. The generalised
geological formation met within the area and their water bearing characteristics
are given below in table1:


Geological Age Stratigraphic Units Lithological characters
Recent Wind-blown sand Medium to fine grained
sand buff coloured over
the alluvium
Pleistocene Newer alluvium Stream laid sand , silt,
clay and gravel
Older alluvium Semi-consolidated,
poorly sorted fine to
medium grained sand,
silt and caly occasionally
mixed with kankar

Delhi Ajabgarh Slates,Phyllites,
Quartzites. Mica-schists,
with intrusive pagmatites
Alwar Quartzites,mica-schists
with intrusive pagmatites
-------------------------------------U n c o n f o r m i t y----------------------------------------
Archeans Aravalli Mica-schists, crystalline
limestone, Quartzites
and schistose
The major part of Gurgaon district is underlain by Quaternary alluvium
consisting of sand, clay and silt. The quartzite ridge trending NNE-SSW is
located about 7 km east of town in which ground water occurs in fractures,joints
and crevaces. Sandy layers at various depth form major water bearing horizons
above the crystalline basement.Ground water in the Gurgaon block occurs in
unconfined and semiconfined condition.The upper zone of saturation consists of
fine sand with silt varying from place to place .In Udyog vihar and city area the
depth of first aquifer varies from 34 to 43 mbgl.However in industrial area of
Manesar top most aquifer can be encountered at 20m . The thickness of sandy
layer is very limited.The drawdown are generally high indicating absence of
highly potential ground water bearing aquifers. Tubewells in the depth range of
45 to 90 m bgl have been installed by different agencies in the block. The yield
of these tubewells varies in different areas ranging within 129 to 606 lpm. The
hydrogeological details of some of the tubewells drilled by Central Ground
Water Board and state Govt. agencies are given in Table-2.


With the help hydrogeological data obtained from drilling operations, a fence
diagram was prepared on the basis of lithological log /Geophysical logging
result showing fresh/ saline water interface and thickness of unsaturated zone
(fig3) .It is evident from the fence diagram that northwest part of the area has
saline ground water and less thickness of unsaturated zone where as central
part and easteren part are having fresh ground water.In westeren part of the
block saline water occurs at a depth of about 70m below ground level..In sector
29 bore hole, fresh ground water has been found upto about around 85m only
below which quality of ground water deteriorates sharply.

S. Location Year Depth Aquifer SWL Drawdown Discharge

No. of Deciphered at time of (m) (lpm)
T/W (m) construction
(m) (m)

1. Sector-40 1995 73.5 34.8037.8,43.9- 21.60 11.17 473

2. Sector-29 1996 79.6 34.8-37.8,56.1- 22.2 13.90 473
3. Sector-23 1996 89.00 28.7-31.7, 22.00 6.80 265
4. Sector-15 1995 84.1 50.3-86.9 27.7 7.2 606
5. Sector-39 1995 79.9 36.6-67.1,73.2- 21.80 10.6 606
6. Sector-40 1995 57.6 34.80-57.90 20.90 12.1 455
7. Sector-55, 1995 67.1 27.4-37.8,48.8- 19.1 7.0 436
56 56.1,59.8-64.0
8. Jharsa 1994 68.9 31.1-68.3 23.9 10.3 227
9. 1994 66.5 25.6-64.0 27.9 6.8 360
10. Civil Lines 1994 68.9 22.6-45.1,54.6- 27.7 8.8 340
11. Sector-34 1994 72.6 42.1-79.3 15.6 5.4 379
12. Sector-5 1994 43.0 24.4-30.5,36.6- 21.0 7.2 152
13. Sector-32 1993 65.9 28.7-65.2 25.0 10.3 227
14. GWC Office 1998 60.0 44-47,49-56 31.06 - 129
15. Samaspur 1957 224.0 20.7-31.1 N.A. N.A. 732
4.4 Water level behavior

Depth to Water Table

The pre-monsoon depth to water level in the district ranges from 3.30
mbgl to 79.70 m bgl . The water level is deep in the northeastern, central and
southeastern parst of the district .
Pre-monsoon -
During the pre-monsoon the water levels of 40 key observation wells
are monitored and the water level ranges between 3.30 to 79.70 m.bgl. The
deeper water level is observed at Dundahera, Gurgaon. . Water level is less
than 10 m in small patches in northwestern and southeastern parts adjacent to
Jhajjar and Faridabad district and between 10 and 20 m in northwestern and
southeastern parts of the district. The water level ranges between 20 and 30 m
in major parts viz. central southern and eastern parts of the district.. Deepar
water level has been observed in Gurgaon and northern parts of Sohana blocks
which is due to Infrastructural development and industrialization in these areas.
The Depth to water level map is prepared by considering the Ground water
observation wells of CGWB and state govt. wells which has been presented in
Plate no. 3

Post monsoon -
During the post-monsoon, the water levels range between 3.05 to 77.55
m.bgl. The deeper water level is recorded at Dundahera, Gurgaon. The Depth
to water level map is prepared by considering the Ground water observation
well of CGWB and state govt. wells and is given in Plate no. 4

4.5 Seasonal Fluctuation

The seasonal fluctuation is between –3.0 m to +4.10 m. Maximum
decline is seen at villages Bhorakalan and Gudana of Pataudi block. The areas
which comes under purview of groundwater regulation (Gurgaon and northern
parts of Sohana blocks) show general rise in water level while rest of the areas
of the district show fall in water level which is possibly due to reckless
construction of groundwater abstraction structures.
4.6 Ground water flow
In general, the water table contours follow the surface topography. The altitude
of water table ranges between 176.78 to 274.85 m amsl. In north and western
parts of the district, the water table slopes north and north-west of the area
whereas in southern part water table slopes toward southeastern direction with
an average hydraulic gradient of 1.5 m/km.
Ground Water Resources estimation of the district was done in 2009 for
Gurgaon district. Perusal of the Estimates reveals overall stage of ground water
development in the block is of the order of 232% which has exceeded the
replenishable recharge and thus the district has been categorized as over
exploited. Net annual ground water availability of the district is 23261 ham and
existing gross ground water draft for all users is 53927 ham Table 3.

District Assessment Net Existing Existing Existing Allocation Net Ground Stage of
Name Unit/Block Ground Gross gross Gross for Water ground
Water Ground Ground Ground domestic Availability water
Availability Water Draft Water Draft Water and for future develop
for for domestic Draft for industrial irrigation ment
irrigation and all uses requireme developme
industrial nt supply nt
water supply upto next
25 years

(ham) (ham) (ham) (ham) (ham) (ham) %

Gurgaon Farukhnagar 3649 8053 177 8230 177 -4581 276

Gurgaon 7585 6254 17128 23382 17128 -15797 308

Pataudi 7495 11455 438 11893 438 -4398 159
Sohna 4532 10015 407 10422 407 -5890 230
Total 23261 35777 18150 53927 18150 -30666 232
The water supply to the Gurgaon district is mainly based on groundwater
through tubewells. 100 % of the urban population is covered under drinking
water supply scheme. The water supply to the villages is meet out with the
installation of hand pumps by the villager as spot and convenient source of
water .
The shallow tubewells for irrigation purpose in the district range from 45 to
70m. deep, tapping the aquifer from 31m to 50 m. with a discharge of 400 to
1000 lpm. Most of the shallow tube wells are either run by diesel engines or
electric motors. As on February 2009 there are 22207 electric motors and 736
diesel operated tubewells are working. The major part of the district is being
irrigated through ground water. The unit draft calculated for irrigation is 1.65
ham .

5.0 Ground Water Quality for drinking and irrigation purpose:

The shallow ground water of the district is alkaline in nature (pH 7.25 to 8.13)
and is moderately to highly saline (EC 805 to 3410µS/cm). Among cations,
sodium is the dominant cation in 63% samples and in the remaining mixed
cationic character is observed whereas among anions, mostly mixed anionic
character dominates. However, bicarbonate is found to be the dominant anion
in 25% samples.

On comparing the concentration values of major ions with the recommended

desirable and permissible concentration limits for drinking water (Bureau of
Indian Standards) it is found that ground waters is mostly unsuitable for drinking
purposes in 88% of wells mainly due to high nitrate and fluoride contents that
exceed the maximum permissible limits of these parameters which are 45 mg/l
and 1.5mg/l respectively.

Salinity (EC), Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) and Residual Sodium Carbonate
(RSC) are generally the parameters for ascertaining the suitability of ground
water for irrigational uses. These parameters range from 805 to 3410 µS/cm at
250C, 1.57 to 15.27 and –17.15 to 5.30 milli-equivalents respectively. Plot of
USSL diagram used for the classification of irrigation waters indicated that
ground water samples mostly fall under class C3S1 & C3S2 (56%). Such waters
are likely to cause medium to high salinity hazards but they may not cause
sodium hazards because of low SAR. The remaining 44% of water samples fall
under C3S3, C3S4, C4S1, C4S2 C4S3 and C4S4 classes of irrigation water. Waters
having C4, C3 and S3 and S4 may lead to both salinity and sodium hazards when
used for irrigation under normal practices. Such waters, nevertheless, can be
used for semi-salt tolerant to salt tolerant crops along with appropriate amount
of gypsum on well drained soils.

District at a Glance
Presence of chemical constituents more than the permissible limits

Chemical Total BIS Limit Above Location

Constituent Wells 1991 (revised limits with value
in 2007)
EC 16 3000µS/cm. 1 Ghangola (3410)
F 16 1.5 mg/l 6 Chandu (4.35),
Hailymandi (3.65),
Ghangola (2.18), Bilaspur
(3.80), Bhondsi (4.86),
Fe 6 1.0 mg/l 0 -
As 7 0.01 mg/l 0 -

Type of water: Mainly Na –Mixed Anion type

6.1 Ground Water Development

The stage of ground water development for the district is 232% and all the
four blocks fall in over-exploited categories. That means that the ground
water is under stress and the ground water level is declining. There is no
scope for further ground water development. Only measures should be
taken to reduce on the dependence on ground water, and to augment the
ground water resources and provision of water supply through canal water.

6.2 Water Conservation & Artificial Recharge

The stage of ground water development for the district is 232% that
means the net annual withdrawal is more than the net annual recharge.
During the last 20 years the ground water level has declined in whole of
the area of the district and the decline is in the range of 0.77 to 1.07 m/yr.
So there is an urgent need to take measures to arrest the decline of
ground water level and artificial recharge to ground water is one of such
measures. Whole of the district is suitable for artificial recharge to ground
water. Excess rain water in agricultural field, surplus canal water and
rooftop rain water can be recharged to ground water system. Recharging
shafts and injection wells are the most viable recharging structures
suitable for the district.


Ground water decline and salinity
Ground water decline and salinity is the major problem in the district.
Ground water is declining at a rate with the range of0.77m/yr to (Bilaspur) to
1.07 m/yr ( Haily Mandi) .All the blocks are Over exploited, the stage of
ground water development is 232 %.


Gurgaon block and adjoining industrial area was notified by the Central Ground
Water Authority on 26th December, 2002 for ground water regulation and for
registration purpose Farukhnagar and Pataudi blocks were notified in 13 th
march and 20th November 2006 respectively. CGWA notified whole of Gurgaon
block vide public notice no. 1/2006 dated 13.3.2006. Now CGWA has notified
whole of Gurgaon district vide public notice no. 2/2011 dated 13.8.2011.

The ground water availability in Gurgaon is limited and presently being

over exploited results in decline of ground water levels. The Gurgaon town is
situated in semi-arid area and rain is the main source of recharge to ground
water. Due to heavy urbanization and industrialization, most of the storm runoff
goes to the sewer or storm drains and reduce the recharge contribution from
rainfall. The over exploitation of this vital resource along with the ground water
pollution may lead to adverse environmental impact. Thus there is an urgent
need for protection of this vital resource by adopting the following measures.

1. In order to arrest the declining trend of water levels in the district, the
rooftop rainwater harvesting technology should be adopted and recharge
structures may also be constructed in depression areas where water gets
accumulated during rainy season. This will help in enhancing the
recharge to ground water reservoir.
2. The crops consuming less quantity of water may be grown in place of
crops requiring more water in the over exploited block
3. The abandoned dug wells may be cleaned and should be used for
recharging the ground water by utilising the surface monsoon runoff.
4. The water level monitoring network needs to be increased in the block.
5. The contribution of surface water to irrigation in the district is very less.
Measures should be made to increase the canal water supply for
irrigation and also for drinking purposes.
6. Local populaces to be educate regarding consequences of mining of
ground water and need for its effective and economic use.
7. Roof top rain water harvesting for factories institutional buildings, housing
complexes and other big buildings has been made mandatory to
augment the ground water recharge and may be included in building
laws. The law should be strictly implemented.
8. Water harvesting and artificial recharge structures should be constructed
in Delhi ridge area, which is one of the major recharge zones for
Gurgaon. The run off should be diverted to abandoned mining pits. Small
check dams can be constructed in hilly areas to recharge/ utilize surplus
run off.
9. The industrial effluents causing ground water pollution should be treated
before discharge so as to curb ground water pollution.
10. Strict regulatory measures are required for ground water pumpage,
particularly for industrial use. Water meter should be fitted on every
tubewell and be allowed to withdraw fixed quantity of ground water.
11. Industries should be persuaded to recycle the effluents to minimize
consumption of water.
12. Construction of new tubewells by individuals for domestic purpose should
be regulated.
13. The municipal sewage should be treated properly to avoid ground water
contamination. The same may be utilized for horticulture and other
industrial uses, thus reducing the pressure on ground water.
14. Periodic monitoring of chemical quality should be carried out, particularly
with reference to heavy metals, fertilizers, nitrates etc,
15. Some areas of north- western portions of Gurgaon block is underlain by
shallow ground water level where quality is also poor ie saline. Such
areas should be de- notified.
16. Strict regulatory measures are required for ground water pumpage,
particularly for construction and infrastructural development purposes.
17. As per state govt. record, In and around Gurgaon city, there are 47 no. of
ponds whose area ranges from 2 acre to 8 acre. These ponds which are
either dried up or filled with municipal waste and garbage needs repair,
renovation and restoration which will help to augument ground water
resources by natural recharge.
18. There are 7 no. of natural drain along the foothill of Aravalli range in
Gurgaon town which can be utilized for rain water harvesting and artificial
recharge to ground water.
19. More artificial recharge structures should be constructed in Udyog Vihar
area and peripheral areas by factories, NGO and state government
department where water level is declining at fast rate.

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